
who can help me to translate this sentence?


crespolily : 2007-04-16#1
A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language paris, in certaincases(technical manauls for example)it plays a greater role.

annieyu : 2007-04-16#2
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


crespolily : 2007-04-16#3
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

thanks a lot.SW has been presented

借个马甲 : 2007-04-16#4
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


zznn123456 : 2007-04-16#5
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


Paris 首字母大写是巴黎

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#6
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language paris, in certaincases(technical manauls for example)it plays a greater role.

A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language pairs, in certain cases (technical manuals for example) it plays a greater role. An ability to write well is also important. Proofreading and editing is a good way to break into the industry and the skills gained will help you later on; Although a degree may not be absolutely necessary, a qualification in translation is important; Practice the language! Take a language course or work towards a degree or whatever you feel is appropriate. Read newspapers in that language and keep abreast of the culture, listen to music and news from that country ff able to. Travel to the country as often as you are able to; No course of study will ever be 100% perfect. Only you can judge whether it is the right one to meet your needs; Those basic qualifications will help one get started but after that it is one's experience on the job and performance as a translator that counts; There are more opportunities for freelance translators than In-House; Attend local translation events and seminars. It will not only help one learn more about different subjects, it will also help one make contacts in the translation and interpreting field.

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#7
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


language pairs请高手找个合适的中文字
The language pairs we currently cater for are Welsh/English, Irish/English, Basque/French, Catalan/Spanish and Frisian/Dutch. We shall present a brief description of the Fabula software...

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#8
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


IBT : 2007-04-16#9
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#10
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?



Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#11
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


IBT : 2007-04-16#12
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

language pairs(千万别写成paris:),到底强调什么呢

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#13
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

language pairs(千万别写成paris:),到底强调什么呢


Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#14
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

主要指翻译,有个翻译软件好象就叫language pairs

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#15
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


Exocell : 2007-04-16#16
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language paris, in certaincases(technical manauls for example)it plays a greater role.

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-16#17
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

language pairs(千万别写成paris:),到底强调什么呢

language pairs是一个专用词汇

IBT : 2007-04-16#18
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


IBT : 2007-04-16#19
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

language pairs是一个专用词汇
:wdb1: language pairs的重要性,在对它本身的翻译中得到了充分体现

zznn123456 : 2007-04-16#20
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


:wdb17: :wdb17: :wdb17: :wdb25: :wdb5:

借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#21
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


language pairs(千万别写成paris:),到底强调什么呢
对,写成PARIS就是"巴黎"了.没别的意思了. 我在仔细考虑你的问题,我觉得我有一点儿不成熟的想法.打算写出来大家参考下.
:wdb1: language pairs的重要性,在对它本身的翻译中得到了充分体现

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-17#22
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?



matsya : 2007-04-17#23
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language paris, in certaincases(technical manauls for example)it plays a greater role.


借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#24
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

具有相关主题的具体知识的和具有原语与目的语这一语对儿的学术知识同等重要. 在某些情况下(比如在技术手册中)它甚至起着更为重要的作用.


A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language pairs, in certain cases (technical manuals for example) it plays a greater role. An ability to write well is also important. Proofreading and editing is a good way to break into the industry and the skills gained will help you later on; Although a degree may not be absolutely necessary, a qualification in translation is important; Practice the language! Take a language course or work towards a degree or whatever you feel is appropriate. Read newspapers in that language and keep abreast of the culture, listen to music and news from that country ff able to. Travel to the country as often as you are able to; No course of study will ever be 100% perfect. Only you can judge whether it is the right one to meet your needs; Those basic qualifications will help one get started but after that it is one's experience on the job and performance as a translator that counts; There are more opportunities for freelance translators than In-House; Attend local translation events and seminars. It will not only help one learn more about different subjects, it will also help one make contacts in the translation and interpreting field.

matsya : 2007-04-17#25
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

作者: crespolily
A detailed knowledge of the subject matter is equally as important as academic knowledge of the language paris, in certaincases(technical manauls for example)it plays a greater role.




注:pair是一对的意思,language pairs是翻译中涉及到的两种语言,因为是特指,所以不能用泛指的languages。不过这种说法放在汉语里等于废话。

借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#26
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

我只是上次来读的时候发现了楼主的一个笔误,但是不知道要怎么改. 而你居然把原文找来了.我是真的佩服.

matsya : 2007-04-17#27
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

具有相关主题的具体知识的和具有原语与目的语这一语对儿的学术知识同等重要. 在某些情况下(比如在技术手册中)它甚至起着更为重要的作用.


借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#28
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?




注:pair是一对的意思,language pairs是翻译中涉及到的两种语言,因为是特指,所以不能用泛指的languages。不过这种说法放在汉语里等于废话。
我觉得在翻译的时候是不是不要这么随意地给加东东呢? 呵呵, 而且这也不是直译,是意译.不过意译也不能这么加哦. 我的个人看法. 建议想想.

借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#29
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

hmmmmmmmm,俺觉得language pairs本身就是个术语,而且后面也提到学术知识的问题. 我还是建议翻译得更学术性一点点. 呵呵,欢迎讨论. 给matsya加SW.

matsya : 2007-04-17#30
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?


我觉得在翻译的时候是不是不要这么随意地给加东东呢? 呵呵, 而且这也不是直译,是意译.不过意译也不能这么加哦. 我的个人看法. 建议想想.

1. 对(翻译)主题的深入掌握和对两种语言的掌握一样重要,某些情况下,例如技术手册(的翻译),前者起到更大的作用。

2. 对主题的深入掌握和对两种语言的掌握一样重要,某些情况下,例如技术手册,前者起到更大的作用。

2 没有context的直译,但单凭这个,汉语可以看出是说什么事吗?

matsya : 2007-04-17#31
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

hmmmmmmmm,俺觉得language pairs本身就是个术语,而且后面也提到学术知识的问题. 我还是建议翻译得更学术性一点点. 呵呵,欢迎讨论. 给matsya加SW.

Many many thanks! 怎么加声望?:wdb4:

借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#32
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

1. 对(翻译)主题的深入掌握和对两种语言的掌握一样重要,某些情况下,例如技术手册(的翻译),前者起到更大的作用。

2. 对主题的深入掌握和对两种语言的掌握一样重要,某些情况下,例如技术手册,前者起到更大的作用。

2 没有context的直译,但单凭这个,汉语可以看出是说什么事吗?
加了括号就OK.:wdb10: :wdb10: :wdb10:

借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#33
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

Many many thanks! 怎么加声望?:wdb4:
我发现08把"it"翻译成"后者".matsya翻译成"前者". 我是直译成了"它". 我心中是倾向于同意matsya的. 之所以不敢说绝对同意,是因为上下文还是不足以让我下判断. 不知道08是否愿意给个连接,我想去读读完整的原文.

matsya : 2007-04-17#34
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

我发现08把"it"翻译成"后者".matsya翻译成"前者". 我是直译成了"它". 我心中是倾向于同意matsya的. 之所以不敢说绝对同意,是因为上下文还是不足以让我下判断. 不知道08是否愿意给个连接,我想去读读完整的原文.


借个马甲 : 2007-04-17#35
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

谢谢matsya. 我读到了原文的标号,更加坚定地认为此处的it是指的前者.

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-17#36
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

我发现08把"it"翻译成"后者".matsya翻译成"前者". 我是直译成了"它". 我心中是倾向于同意matsya的. 之所以不敢说绝对同意,是因为上下文还是不足以让我下判断. 不知道08是否愿意给个连接,我想去读读完整的原文.
没仔细看,应该是前者.因为后面一直在讨论LANGUAGE PAIR,就自然而然在原译的中文上加上了后者了.你不要光发现,很多东西GOOGLE一下就有了.

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-17#37
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

2. 对主题的深入掌握和对两种语言的掌握一样重要,某些情况下,例如技术手册,前者起到更大的作用。


借个马甲 : 2007-04-18#38
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

2. 对主题的深入掌握和对两种语言的掌握一样重要,某些情况下,例如技术手册,前者起到更大的作用。

good but not great. "深入"找不回原文.academic没翻译出来."例如技术手册"不合翻译格式.

借个马甲 : 2007-04-18#39
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

没仔细看,应该是前者.因为后面一直在讨论LANGUAGE PAIR,就自然而然在原译的中文上加上了后者了.你不要光发现,很多东西GOOGLE一下就有了.
我GOOGLE过了, 没找到,才来问你要连接的. 我是要学着更好的用GOOGLE,可我从不武断.

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-18#40
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

not great. "深入"找不回原文.academic没翻译出来.

Beijing2008 : 2007-04-18#41
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?

我GOOGLE过了, 没找到,才来问你要连接的. 我是要学着更好的用GOOGLE,可我从不武断.


借个马甲 : 2007-04-18#42
回复: who can help me to translate this sentence?
