
全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


smartrobby : 2007-07-07#1
?引起大?晷注全球?暖?铨,而佩行的全球24小?接力Live Earth演唱?,周六率先在澳洲悉尼揭檫序幕,首先由澳洲土著跳舞?迎大家的?陪,然後是活?办起人之一、美?前副?靳戈?,透咿?像?攘盛钅向在?人士办言,戈?真:「多著大家到?,多著大家?呃??助解??候危?的活?揭檫序幕。」
而已??政的澳洲前??巨星Peter Garrett在致轧?表示,如何在?境?化成不可收拾局面前?取行?,取?於已檫办?家如澳洲、美?、日本和其他?洲?家人民的智慧。
演唱?Live Earth在全球9城市接力佩行,日本千叁市是第2?接手城市,日本歌手?田?未和大??均有份演出,??除使用太?光办?之外,?韵置了一??境角,?局估?俭有1孺人?陪。
全球百?知名歌手,包括??娜、Police、Bon Jovi、Kelly Clarkson等,都??陪演唱,其殓更?穿插金美?戴雅晋、吝拔烈福等名人的?保呼活短片。咀站liveearth.msn.com?全程直播。
Live Earth是美?前副?靳戈?及知名氧作人沃?的心血劫晶,一大目?是要呼活2050年前大幅?低??排放,以办哌??九成、全球?一半?目?。

alex_lz2005 : 2007-07-07#2
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


快乐星 : 2007-07-08#3
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


smartrobby : 2007-07-08#4
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演

加拿大多个城市举行了小型音乐会,街头聚会和家庭聚会呼应跨越全球七大洲、长达二十四小时的马拉松“Live Earth”全球巨星抗暖化接力演唱会。
据悉,加拿大的多个公共场所现场播放了Live Earth全球巨星抗暖化接力演唱会,虽然加拿大没有幸运被选为巨星接力演唱的地方,不过每个城市的聚会和音乐会又各有特色,成就着加拿大独特的风味。

蒙特利尔的一场法语音乐会汇集了当地音乐界的名人,包括歌手Eric Lapointe, Garou, DJ Champion 和导演 Dan Bigras等人,现场观众高达2万人。这场室外音乐会于上周六晚上在蒙特利尔的老港举行。
在温哥华,当地民众参加了盛大的户外音乐会“全球栖息地嘉年华”(Global Habitat Festival)。这场音乐会有现场音乐同时也播放了全球举行音乐会。
在圣约翰(St. John's),一个当地的电台庆祝其开播30周年生日,同时当地的著名乐队也参加演奏,与全球音乐会遥相呼应。
上周六,跨越全球七大洲、长达二十四小时的马拉松“Live Earth全球巨星抗暖化接力演唱会”成功落幕。
不过,透过全球连线开唱的热闹登场,加上一百二十个国家电视转播,让更多观众共襄盛举,这次号称“史上最大规模的音乐活动”,确实达到了唤起世人关注全球暖化与环保议题的目的。 这次Live Earth演唱会是由澳洲雪梨揭开序幕,然后在东京、上海、约翰尼斯堡、汉堡、伦敦、里约热内卢等地陆续展开,就连在南极洲也有一群科学家在一座研究站齐声开唱。

crystal_clear : 2007-07-08#5
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


-- 哪七点?

smartrobby : 2007-07-08#6
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


-- 哪七点?
7 point pledge:

1. Demand that my country join an international treaty within the next two years that cuts global warming pollution by 90 percent in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy earth.

2. Take personal action to help solve the climate crises by reducing my own CO2 pollution as much as I can and offsetting the rest to become “carbon neutral”.

3. Fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2.

4. Work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship, and means of transportation.

5. Fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal.

6. Plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests.

7. Buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving the climate crises and building a sustainable, just and prosperous world for the 21st century.

zznn123456 : 2007-07-08#7
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


tommyzou : 2007-07-09#8
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


齐二爷 : 2007-07-09#9
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


szshenhua : 2007-07-09#10
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


crystal_clear : 2007-07-10#11
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演

7 point pledge:

1. Demand that my country join an international treaty within the next two years that cuts global warming pollution by 90 percent in developed countries and by more than half worldwide in time for the next generation to inherit a healthy earth.

2. Take personal action to help solve the climate crises by reducing my own CO2 pollution as much as I can and offsetting the rest to become “carbon neutral”.

3. Fight for a moratorium on the construction of any new generating facility that burns coal without the capacity to safely trap and store the CO2.

4. Work for a dramatic increase in the energy efficiency of my home, workplace, school, place of worship, and means of transportation.

5. Fight for laws and policies that expand the use of renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on oil and coal.

6. Plant new trees and to join with others in preserving and protecting forests.

7. Buy from businesses and support leaders who share my commitment to solving the climate crises and building a sustainable, just and prosperous world for the 21st century.

大胃贝克汉姆 : 2007-07-10#12
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演


alex_lz2005 : 2007-07-10#13
回复: 全球24小时接力Live earth演唱会今天开演
