
新人 报道.


LeGenD-JuniOR : 2007-07-09#1
新人一名, 来此报道.

刚从 Montreal 的 math camp回来... 照片发累了, 开始 发数学题.. OTL

几何: If equilateral triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle and a point P is on arc BC, Prove that PA = PB + PC.

Problem Solving: At a party attended by 2000 people, various handshakes took place between the guests. Just for fun, everyone made a tally of the number of people that they shook hands with. Show that there must have been two people who shook the same number of hands.

Number Theory: Find all paris of positive integers (s,y) such that y^2 - 2^x = 1
嗯, 先这样, 慢慢来.. lol

zzz : 2007-07-09#2
回复: 新人 报道.


cgd007 : 2007-07-09#3
回复: 新人 报道.


游客 : 2007-07-09#4
回复: 新人 报道.

看!LZ 都累成这样,满嘴都跑数学题了。抓紧休息,以后路还长呢。