


winsa : 2007-08-13#1

游客 : 2007-08-13#2
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?

不好找。 加拿大读博,一般用本科申请。

winsa : 2007-08-13#3
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


英大俊 : 2007-09-22#4
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?




不好找。 加拿大读博,一般用本科申请。

ludek : 2007-09-22#5
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


我是游客 : 2007-09-22#6
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


游客 : 2007-09-23#7
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?




一般来说北美的教授喜欢从本科毕业选研究生,并且希望带到博士 也就是国内的直博, 因为这样5年下来学生导师才熟悉, 课题项目等也都熟悉, 才能深入的做些研究, 哪像国内的博士生, 2-3年就能研究出什么? 硕士只是个中间学位, 是给那些未完成博士学位的人.

SPIKE : 2007-09-23#8
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


bluefirer25 : 2007-09-23#9
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


alex_lz2005 : 2007-09-23#10
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


alex_lz2005 : 2007-09-23#11
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


游客 : 2007-09-23#12
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


博士当然不好找, 高精尖的人员的需要少. 不像国内, 都快人人一个硕士或博士的头衔. 北美只有需要才会念博士, 不会只弄个好听的头衔带上.

远离都市 : 2007-09-23#13
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


lily2004 : 2007-09-23#14
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


英大俊 : 2007-09-24#15
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


这里申请博士的最起码的资格是,必须要拥有master degree!!

一般来说北美的教授喜欢从本科毕业选研究生,并且希望带到博士 也就是国内的直博, 因为这样5年下来学生导师才熟悉, 课题项目等也都熟悉, 才能深入的做些研究, 哪像国内的博士生, 2-3年就能研究出什么? 硕士只是个中间学位, 是给那些未完成博士学位的人.

游客 : 2007-09-24#16
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


这里申请博士的最起码的资格是,必须要拥有master degree!!

我认识都是美国的博士, 麻省理工, 伯克力的, 都是本科申请的.

张打油 : 2007-09-24#17
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


远离都市 : 2007-09-24#18
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


英大俊 : 2007-09-24#19
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?




远离都市 : 2007-09-24#20
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?




远离都市 : 2007-09-24#21
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?

McGill University offers graduate Master's and doctoral degrees, graduate diploma and certificate programs, and graduate courses to students who have already obtained a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent, and who have maintained a high academic standing.

Graduate admissions are processed in two stages:

The academic unit (department, school or institute) reviews and ranks each application, taking into account the value of the application and the resources available (supervision, funding, laboratory space, class size, etc.). Selected applicants for admission are then recommended by the academic unit to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office;
The GPSO verifies the credentials of the applicant and, if admissible, will issue an official letter of acceptance.
Admission requirements
Applicants should be graduates of an accredited university and hold a Bachelor's degree equivalent to a McGill degree in a subject closely related to the one selected for graduate work. This implies that about one-third of all undergraduate courses should have been devoted to the subject itself and another third to cognate subjects. The following list mentions minimum requirements for all graduate-level admissions.

High academic achievement: The minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is 3.0 out of a possible 4, or a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.2 out of 4 in the last two years of full-time studies. In many academic units, however, a higher CGPA is required for admission. High grades are expected in courses considered by the academic unit to be preparatory to the graduate program.

Proficiency in English : Applicants to graduate studies whose mother tongue is not English and who have not completed an undergraduate or graduate degree from a recognized foreign institution where English is the language of instruction or from a recognized Canadian institution (anglophone or francophone), must submit documented proof of competency in oral and written English. Before acceptance, appropriate exam results must be submitted directly from the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems) Office. An institutional version of the TOEFL is not acceptable. Applications will not be considered if a TOEFL or IELTS test result is not available.

the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL):
Paper-Based Test (PBT): a minimum score of 550
Computer-Based Test (CBT): a minimum score of 213
Internet-Based Test (iBT): a minimum overall score of 86 with each component score not less than 20.
The TOEFL Institution Code for McGill University is 0935.
the International English Language Testing System (IELTS):
a minimum overall band score of 6.5.
Several individual academic units impose higher or additional requirements. Some academic units will allow international students whose TOEFL or IELTS score falls below the program's minimum requirement to participate in the Parallel Admission Program.

Other requirements: Several units also require that applicants submit test scores (GMAT, GRE, etc.), essays to demonstrate writing abilities, or other documents. Please verify the academic unit's application instructions (further) to obtain a list of requirements.

Important note: Please note that meeting the minimum admissions requirements for a program does not guarantee admission, due to the availability of resources in the academic unit (supervision, funding, laboratory space, class size, etc.). For the complete text of graduate admission policies, please refer to the "Admission" section of our General Information, Faculty Regulations and Research Guidelines.

Special Students
Students who meet the minimum entrance requirements of the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office and who wish to take one, or at most two, graduate-level courses per term (6 credits) without intention of proceeding to a degree or diploma are termed Special Students. After completion of a maximum of 12 credits, an applicant may not continue as a Special Student. Candidates for Special Student status must apply and pay the application fee every year.

If graduate Special Students subsequently become candidates for higher degrees, they may receive academic credit for relevant graduate courses taken as special students.

The deadline to apply as a special student varies depending on the semester. Please contact the department concerned to inquire about the exact deadline.

Students who wish to apply to take undergraduate courses only, must apply as Special Students in the undergraduate faculty concerned, even if they already hold degrees.

Parallel Admission
This program is designed to assist academically qualified applicants lacking the minimum English language requirement for graduate studies at McGill to adjust to the learning, research and teaching environment of a major research-based North American university where the usual language of operation is English. The program will ensure that otherwise suitably qualified applicants for admission into graduate studies programs will develop the appropriate level of English-language competency and adjust to the learning and living environment to be encountered in graduate studies at McGill within one calendar year of their admission to the program. Those students who fail to meet these requirements will be asked to withdraw. Students admissible to the program will have been screened by the staff of the graduate program into which they wish to be admitted, and recommended to the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office. If the applicant is deemed by the GPSO to be admissible on purely academic grounds but has a TOEFL score below the entrance requirement of the graduate program, by no more than 27 points (paper-based scale), 20 points (computer-based scale), or 6 points (Internet based scale), he/she will be admitted to the Parallel Admission Program for a period not to exceed twelve (12) calendar months. In order to start his/her studies in the graduate program into which he/she had been admitted he/she would have to obtain the McGill Certificate of Proficiency in English according to the rules and regulations in force in the Department of Languages and Translation within the twelve-month period, or pass the TOEFL with a score meeting the admission requirement of the graduate program for which the student has applied. The cost of this program is $16,000 CDN, to be paid at the time of confirming acceptance to the program.

Entrance fellowships
There are two types of entrance fellowships:

Major recruitment fellowships are allocated by a committee of the GPSO, upon nomination by the academic units. These are worth between $10,000 and $25,000 and are renewable. The Richard H. Tomlinson Fellowships constitute the flagship of our recruitment fellowships program.
For information please see GPSO Recruitment Fellowships

Recruitment fellowships administered by academic units, where available. These are allocated in $5,000 units, and can be combined.
To be considered for Recruitment fellowships, if these are available in your proposed program, your complete application for admission must be received by the academic unit no later than the department's application deadline.

Teaching and research assistantships
Inquiries about assistantships should be directed to the individual departments.

Funding information
Full information concerning postgraduate awards is contained in the Graduate Fellowships and Awards Calendar, which may be accessed on the GPSO web site.

Inquiries about fellowships open to graduates of other universities, as well as Canadian universities, and all other questions should be addressed to:

Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office (Fellowships Section)
James Administration Building, Room 400
845 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T5

Tel.: 514-398-3990
Fax: 514-398-2626
Web site

远离都市 : 2007-09-24#22
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


远离都市 : 2007-09-24#23
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


georgek : 2007-09-25#24
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?

Thank you for the great sharing !

chenping58 : 2007-09-28#25
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?



2. 在北美,博士绝对没有硕士好找工作.我在找工网上看的大制药厂都招本科或硕士.一旦有招博士的,一般条件都极其高,我们这种刚毕业的博士是不够资格的.

3. 北美的博士被认为应该在学术界做研究,工业界不养那么多博士.这就是为什么博士没有硕士好找工作.

4.那么学术界如何呢?理工类的:博士毕业后要先做平均6年博士后,然后竞争进入"终身教授通道",6年.然后竞争当终身教授, N年.能真当上终身教授可以说百里挑一了.其他的人要不一辈子博士后,运气好的还是能在工业界找工作(此时薪水极高).

5. 很多PhD program规定,不想读博士了就拿硕士学位.但也有独立的硕士学位.

6. 建议楼主读硕士.原因: 中国的硕士没有北美经验,不容易找工.
专业选择: 制药合成(和你原来的专业有关).
方法: 有Master program的直接申请master.也可以申请PhD.program,然后退学拿master degree找工.

Good luck!

chenping58 : 2007-09-28#26
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


我是游客 : 2007-09-28#27
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?


小鹌鹑 : 2007-09-28#28
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?

认识的博士没有一个4年按时毕业的, 5年,6年多毕业的大有人在. 加拿大的PHD钱很少, 给的钱除掉tuition fee,到手1000多点,日子过得紧巴巴的.每周要做tutor.觉得就是给导师打工换生活费,另外给你点设备玩玩,发几个paper.这样清贫的生活状态要持续5,6年呢,遇到变态的导师,就更倒霉了.都不知道啥时候毕业.希望早点混个degree找工作的还是读个master,顺利的话2年就好了. 当然一门心思要在学术里钻研的人读PHD是要的,然后博士后......很多PHD毕业出来不容易进入工业界, 找工作的时候你会发现原来很多公司要你有的你都没有.所以如果想毕业后工业界找到工作,平时一定要用心去学那些实用的东西,争取做点工业界有兴趣的项目,paper只要够数就好.学问多经验少很致命的.一家之言,仅供参考. 至于申请research的master或者phd关键是要和导师联系,人家给你钱当然是人家说了算.

aficionado_78 : 2007-09-30#29
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?

在美国加拿大,读PHD看重本科。MASTER随你读几个。 真的吗??

小鹌鹑 : 2007-09-30#30
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?

在美国加拿大,读PHD看重本科。MASTER随你读几个。 真的吗??
也未必, 有的公司要人要求起码是master, 看专业的。土木,机械电子工程不了解。明白的同志来回答好了。不过PHD时间太长,想尽快毕业找工作的同志就不用考虑了,毕竟PHD学校钱给的少,如果拖家带口的,更辛苦。

alberto : 2010-07-28#31
回复: 请问在加拿大读个博士出来好找工作吗?

