
【分享】canadian stories


我爱枫叶 : 2005-05-09#1
A Mother's Son in Trouble

Marie and Wellie were married in 1909.They lived in Quebec.Marie had 19 children but only nine lived.Marie wanted her children to be good students,go to college and get good jobs.In her village most people worked in the mill.It cost lots of money to go to college.But marie worked hard to save money.She planted a big garden to feed her family. The
children wore used clothes.Wellie worked full_time in the mill and did other jobs to save money.
What did marie's children become?A doctor,a medical researcher,a druggist,a social worker,two businessmen and two nurses. But marie was worried about one child.His name was jean,he was the 18thchild,he didn't like school and got into trouble.Instead of being a good student,he was good in fights!Marie didn't want him to become bad,so she paid more attention to him.It worked!at the age of 20,he went to college and studied law.
Jean became a lawyer but he wanted to be a politicion.In 1963,at the age of 29,he was elected to the government.He moved to ottawa.In ottawa most people spoke English.Jean spoke French but he wanted to learn English.He read English magazines,used his dictionary and asked his wife to help him.He made English friends.he made mistakes but he kept learning.later he found an English teacher to help him.
in 1993,marie's son ,jean chretien,became the prime minister of canada.now when he gets into trouble,the whole country knows!


我爱枫叶 : 2005-05-10#2


admin : 2005-05-14#3
My God, jean chretien's mom has given birth to 19 children even .
Thanks, I love this story and information!

星语心愿 : 2005-05-14#4
thank you

pjs : 2005-05-14#5

anna : 2005-05-14#6
楼主帖出的这篇文章,让人看了回味无穷.是的,每一个人的成功都是通过努力才得来的:wdb10: :wdb10:

anna : 2005-05-14#7
只去回味了,忘记给你加声望了:wdb23: :wdb23:

ClarenceChih : 2005-05-14#8
Don't expect to luck through without an effort.