
6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#1
A friend asked for my opinion, I prefer the latter. how do you think about it? thanks.

yang91 : 2008-01-16#2
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


留老根 : 2008-01-16#3
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

well, in my opinion
finally, the higher is better:wdb6:

绿茶女人 : 2008-01-16#4
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


chopstick : 2008-01-16#5
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

A friend asked for my opinion, I prefer the latter. how do you think about it? thanks.

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#6
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


permanent has medical, dental and three weeks vacation.

contractor has nothing.

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#7
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?



游客 : 2008-01-16#8
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


yang91 : 2008-01-16#9
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


bluebean : 2008-01-16#10
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

permanent has medical, dental and three weeks vacation.

contractor has nothing.

The other important benifit is Pension Plan.

yayaxueyu : 2008-01-16#11
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

不是很缺钱当然选前者, 这点差别扣完税能差多少, 特别是摊到每个月后, 别忘了还有3个星期VACTION, 这也是钱哪!

游客 : 2008-01-16#12
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#13
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


Pension Plan.

canada Pension Plan. that's CPP , it's the same for permanent or contractor, for everybody who works

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#14
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?



that's what I thought

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#15
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

不是很缺钱当然选前者, 这点差别扣完税能差多少, 特别是摊到每个月后, 别忘了还有3个星期VACTION, 这也是钱哪!

as a contractor, you can control your payroll and save some money for tax

AMY LU : 2008-01-16#16
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


别太当真 : 2008-01-16#17
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

as a contractor, you can control your payroll and save some money for tax
must be corporate

hunterintoronto : 2008-01-16#18
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

most of persons would choose the latter.

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#19
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

must be corporate

yes, my friend is incorporated.

bluebean : 2008-01-16#20
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

Pension Plan.

canada Pension Plan. that's CPP , it's the same for permanent or contractor, for everybody who works

Pension Plan have three types and all of them is your income after after 65 age , the first one is company pension plan, the second is the CPP, and three is some goverment benfit for senior person.

Normally you can get 70 percent of salary every month after 65 age.So it is most important benfit for all of permanent .

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#21
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

Pension Plan have three types and all of them is your income after after 65 age , the first one is company pension plan, the second is the CPP, and three is some goverment benfit for senior person.

Normally you can get 70 percent of salary every month after 65 age.So it is most important benfit for all of permanent .

really? that's a great benefit. is it paid by the company? if so, how can you ensure the company exists when you retired?

自由云飞 : 2008-01-16#22
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

The Higher The Better.

姗姗来迟 : 2008-01-16#23
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

really? that's a great benefit. is it paid by the company? if so, how can you ensure the company exists when you retired?
没人能保证。一般公司的PENSION是自己出一部分公司出一部分,如果离职的话这部分钱会给你的。我看公司里的好多人工作一辈子了,现在退休了就有公司额外的PENSION,公司的医疗保险接着有。其实PERM还有别的福利,比如意外伤害,大病等等。 像我们公司:女士生孩子的话给17个周的全PAY,全年带薪3周休假,2周病假。如果有病超过2周就会转入大病保险,工龄低于两年的可以再拿4周的全PAY(由保险公司承担),另外还有带薪丧假5天。可以买公司的股票,自己PAY一部份,公司PAY一部份同时。

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-16#24
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

没人能保证。一般公司的PENSION是自己出一部分公司出一部分,如果离职的话这部分钱会给你的。我看公司里的好多人工作一辈子了,现在退休了就有公司额外的PENSION,公司的医疗保险接着有。其实PERM还有别的福利,比如意外伤害,大病等等。 像我们公司:女士生孩子的话给17个周的全PAY,全年带薪3周休假,2周病假。如果有病超过2周就会转入大病保险,工龄低于两年的可以再拿4周的全PAY(由保险公司承担),另外还有带薪丧假5天。可以买公司的股票,自己PAY一部份,公司PAY一部份同时。


zzz : 2008-01-16#25
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


秋枫 : 2008-01-16#26
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

the first one

yang91 : 2008-01-16#27
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

the first one

chopstick : 2008-01-16#28
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


pandaj : 2008-01-16#29
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

如果家里就一个人赚钱,要permanent。可以包全家的保险,另外不容易被lay off,就算有也会有package可拿。


jurly_lz : 2008-01-16#30
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

看前者的benifit好不好。有很多公司有很好的 Pension Plan,还有比如RRSP,我知道很多公司可以你买工资的4%,公司MATCH 4%.

annie : 2008-01-16#31
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


sbswang : 2008-01-16#32
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


luhui : 2008-01-16#33
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


raymond03 : 2008-01-17#34
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


bluebean : 2008-01-17#35
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?



farshine : 2008-01-17#36
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

没人能保证。一般公司的PENSION是自己出一部分公司出一部分,如果离职的话这部分钱会给你的。我看公司里的好多人工作一辈子了,现在退休了就有公司额外的PENSION,公司的医疗保险接着有。其实PERM还有别的福利,比如意外伤害,大病等等。 像我们公司:女士生孩子的话给17个周的全PAY,全年带薪3周休假,2周病假。如果有病超过2周就会转入大病保险,工龄低于两年的可以再拿4周的全PAY(由保险公司承担),另外还有带薪丧假5天。可以买公司的股票,自己PAY一部份,公司PAY一部份同时。
我们也是这样. 如果6万工资的permanent, benifit加一块,远远超过8万.

momoz : 2008-01-17#37
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-17#38
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


kiwi : 2008-01-17#39
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-17#40
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?



bluebean : 2008-01-17#41
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


You can ask HR person in interview session or find some information from your friend woring in the company.

zznn123456 : 2008-01-17#42
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

A friend asked for my opinion, I prefer the latter. how do you think about it? thanks.

I prefer the former.:wdb6:

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-17#43
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

thanks everyone. my friend chose latter one and signed a one year contract.

sbswang : 2008-01-17#44
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


cgd007 : 2008-01-17#45
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


cgd007 : 2008-01-17#46
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


靓之凉粉 : 2008-01-17#47
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


法号若智 : 2008-01-17#48
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?



bluebean : 2008-01-17#49
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?



男:3-4-1-2 or 4-3-1-2 根据Pay
年青:3-4-1-2 or 4-3-1-2 根据Pay

cgd007 : 2008-01-17#50
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-17#51
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?




游客 : 2008-01-17#52
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

Pension Plan have three types and all of them is your income after after 65 age , the first one is company pension plan, the second is the CPP, and three is some goverment benfit for senior person.

Normally you can get 70 percent of salary every month after 65 age.So it is most important benfit for all of permanent .

这个福利只有政府有。前提是在政府干满35年(超过35年按35年算),退休后按你退休前5年的平均工资的70%继续发工资直到你死。如果没有干满35年,按每年2%算,比如你在政府干了20年,然后退休,无论你多大(可以小于退休年龄65岁),政府就发给你40%的前5年工资的平均数,直到你死。有个同事,24岁进政府,去年59岁退休,单身,卖了房子买了个cottage, 过神仙日子了。不过直到65岁前,他只拿现在工资的70%,等65岁后,才有养老金。

靓之凉粉 : 2008-01-17#53
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


solomon : 2008-01-17#54
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


jurly_lz : 2008-01-18#55
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


游客 : 2008-01-18#56
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

但是你能保证在一个公司干20-35年?在政府没问题。而且做IT的在政府的工作不但稳定而且轻松,政府化大钱请contractor工作,正式的工作轻松的无法相信。而且我说的只是工资,除了70%的工资还有全部的福利,包括家属。我的同事退休前的工资是9万,他可以拿6万3一直到死。根据他的身体活到80 应该没问题,所以,光是工资就6.3X21=132.3万,还有完全的福利。即使你的公司答应给你终身福利,公司就不会关闭或破产,或经济情况糟糕时,最少会消减福利。但是政府没有,而且也不敢,因为强大的工会存在。我认为没有任何公司的员工比政府员工的工作稳定,清闲和福利好。但是要想挣钱就要做政府的contractor, 收入高而且稳定。我以前的manager, 政府contractor, PM-4, per diem $700-1080, 在这个职位工作了15年, 只有3周没合同。信不信由你。

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-18#57
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

但是你能保证在一个公司干20-35年?在政府没问题。而且做IT的在政府的工作不但稳定而且轻松,政府化大钱请contractor工作,正式的工作轻松的无法相信。而且我说的只是工资,除了70%的工资还有全部的福利,包括家属。我的同事退休前的工资是9万,他可以拿6万3一直到死。根据他的身体活到80 应该没问题,所以,光是工资就6.3X21=132.3万,还有完全的福利。即使你的公司答应给你终身福利,公司就不会关闭或破产,或经济情况糟糕时,最少会消减福利。但是政府没有,而且也不敢,因为强大的工会存在。我认为没有任何公司的员工比政府员工的工作稳定,清闲和福利好。但是要想挣钱就要做政府的contractor, 收入高而且稳定。我以前的manager, 政府contractor, PM-4, per diem $700-1080, 在这个职位工作了15年, 只有3周没合同。信不信由你。


游客 : 2008-01-18#58
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

Contractor or PERM?

solomon : 2008-01-18#59
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

:wdb17: 2

怎摸找政府工?contractor/ perm, whatever

adder : 2008-01-18#60
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


1)Old age security,条件是年满65周岁,外加居住满10年
3)公司的Pension计划(非RRSP,大公司基本都有),一般是defined benefit plan(DBP),或者是defined contribution plan(DCP),或者两者混合。如果是DCP(似乎越来越多的公司是DCP),那么公司只管定期的Contribution,之后投资增长的收益或损失都归员工自己,所以你退休后公司的经营好坏与你拿钱的多少无关,只要你在职期间,公司有钱make regular contribution就行。这个适用于Permanent员工

法号若智 : 2008-01-18#61
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


靓之凉粉 : 2008-01-18#62
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

我们公司以前也是提供和政府类似的退休金,现在已经改为DSP了。自己算一下,20年后DSP+ RRSP,拿到手不比70%的年薪低,而且可以灵活支取,可以作为遗产留给子女。更不会限制个人职业发展,也不会因公司倒闭而血本无归。


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-18#63
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


1)Old age security,条件是年满65周岁,外加居住满10年
3)公司的Pension计划(非RRSP,大公司基本都有),一般是defined benefit plan(DBP),或者是defined contribution plan(DCP),或者两者混合。如果是DCP(似乎越来越多的公司是DCP),那么公司只管定期的Contribution,之后投资增长的收益或损失都归员工自己,所以你退休后公司的经营好坏与你拿钱的多少无关,只要你在职期间,公司有钱make regular contribution就行。这个适用于Permanent员工


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-18#64
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

我们公司以前也是提供和政府类似的退休金,现在已经改为DSP了。自己算一下,20年后DSP+ RRSP,拿到手不比70%的年薪低,而且可以灵活支取,可以作为遗产留给子女。更不会限制个人职业发展,也不会因公司倒闭而血本无归。


有道理, 给政府打工一辈子,要是一退休就呜呼了,岂不是亏大了? 在公司打工,好歹还能留点给家人.

政府就是这点不好,把人绑得太死,我原来在国内做公务员,不离开单位,啥都好,房子几乎免费的,车随便开,退休更是没问题. 但人离开就啥也没有了,:wdb5:别人从企业出来的,好歹有点辞职费和养老保险

靓之凉粉 : 2008-01-18#65
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

有道理, 给政府打工一辈子,要是一退休就呜呼了,岂不是亏大了? 在公司打工,好歹还能留点给家人.


游客 : 2008-01-18#66
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

我们公司以前也是提供和政府类似的退休金,现在已经改为DSP了。自己算一下,20年后DSP+ RRSP,拿到手不比70%的年薪低,而且可以灵活支取,可以作为遗产留给子女。更不会限制个人职业发展,也不会因公司倒闭而血本无归。

谁说政府的工资低30%, 下面是一个IT CS-03的工资,一般经验5年都可以申请。不知道你的公司给多高的工资?
Canada Revenue Agency
Notice of Job Opportunity

Selection Process Number
2006-5431-HQ -2423-1197

Advertisement Number

CS--03, Information Technology Project Officer, Headquarters (HQ), Bilingual imperative, BBB/BBB
CS--03, Information Technology Project Officer, Headquarters (HQ), English

Permanent lateral move

Salary range:
$ 64,569 to $ 83,266 annually

Who can apply:
Persons employed in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

Final date for receipt of applications:
August 31, 2008
4:30 PM EST - Eastern Standard Time

General Information:

-The closing date has been changed to August 31, 2008
-Applications will be kept on file until October 31, 2008

As this selection process is on going until August 31, 2008, applications will be considered on a monthly basis. By registering through this process, candidates who meet the education, experience and other requirements are submitting their candidacy for consideration when vacancies arise within the Information Technology Branch of the Canada Revenue Agency. When positions become available placement criteria will be applied for qualified candidates in the pool. Applications will be kept on file until October 31, 2008.

AMENDMENT - additional information
Pre-requisite criteria for a Permanent Lateral Move require that the candidate be substantively at an equivalent or higher group and level for what is indicated on the poster. Candidates who are acting are not considered to be substantively on that acting's group and level.

Please note that a Permanent Lateral Move does not indicate a tenure change from term to indeterminate.</B>

This selection process is not a PQP process and the results of the competencies assessed will not be portable. However, the results of this selection process may also be used to staff similar positions. Candidates must apply 'on-line'. Candidates must clearly and fully demonstrate on their application that they meet the pre-requisites. Failure to do so will result in your application being rejected without further consideration. Please retain your confirmation number. Note that an email is NOT considered an 'on-line' application for the purposes of this selection process. If you encounter technical difficulties in submitting your on-line application, please notify the contact person for this particular selection process on or before the final date for receipt of applications. A complete application must be received online by the final date and time.

You must indicate which linguistic profile or profiles you are applying for. Various pools will be established based on the language requirements of the positions being staffed. The onus is on the candidate to have valid Second Language Evaluation (SLE) results at the time of placement.

All communication methods, including email, are at some risk to access by unauthorized parties. However, the security risk when using email is slight, and it is an efficient way to communicate (low cost and high speed). For this selection process, we may find that email is the most efficient way to communicate with you. Candidates who apply to selection processes should include an email address that accepts email from unknown users (some email systems block these types of email). If you do NOT wish to receive results by email it is your responsibility to inform us.

The Canada Revenue Agency is committed to the values and principles of employment equity. If you require any accommodations (i.e., an alternative method of assessment, a technical aid, accessibility requirements, etc.) at any stage of the assessment process, please contact us so that we can take the appropriate measures to facilitate your full participation.

The onus is on the candidate to be informed regarding recourse rights and procedures.

For detailed information on the new selection process and candidates' recourse rights, please click on this site:

Info Sheet on the New Selection Process

Job description and duties:

Plans and coordinates the regional implementation of national projects.

Provides advice and guidance to IT management and staff on IT services and requirements that must be met by the regional and national organizations to comply with national priorities and strategies for service delivery.

Monitors IT operations and activities to assess regional adherence to ITB policies and procedures and recommends appropriate corrective action when necessary.

Researches and provides to IT Management information and analysis regarding program integrity and processes, program expenditures, resource utilizations, etc.

Represents national and regional IT Management on national and regional committees and projects.


The experience requirements outlined in this Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Recent experience in the following:

**Recent and significant experience in the distributed computing environment (DCE) in the delivery of IT support services, technical and user support .


**Recent and significant experience in the planning or coordination of national or regional projects.


B) *Recent participation in the planning or coordination of infrastructure initiatives.

** Recent and significant experience means at least two years within the last five years.

* Recent participation means within the last three years.


University Degree or College Diploma in computer science, information technology, information management or another specialty relevant to the position to be staffed. (**Individuals who presently occupy or previously occupied a CS position at CRA are deemed to meet this minimum CS Education Standard.)

Contact: Holly Woo
Phone: 613-948-7037
Fax: 613-948-7072
Email: Holly.Woo@cra-arc.gc.ca

Conditions of employment:

The following may be required for some positions: availability for overtime, travelling, shift work, standby, call-back.

Reliability/Security: Reliability Status

For a list of prerequisites, assessment standards, conditions of employment and placement criteria, please see Statement of staffing requirements.

Apply Online

Date posted: 2006-09-08

Canada Revenue Agency
Statement of Staffing Requirements

Selection Process Number
2006-5431-HQ -2423-1197

Advertisement Number

CS--03, Information Technology Project Officer, Headquarters (HQ), Bilingual imperative, BBB/BBB
CS--03, Information Technology Project Officer, Headquarters (HQ), English

Permanent lateral move



University Degree or College Diploma in computer science, information technology, information management or another specialty relevant to the position to be staffed. (**Individuals who presently occupy or previously occupied a CS position at CRA are deemed to meet this minimum CS Education Standard.)


The experience requirements outlined in this Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Recent experience in the following:

**Recent and significant experience in the distributed computing environment (DCE) in the delivery of IT support services, technical and user support .


**Recent and significant experience in the planning or coordination of national or regional projects.


B) *Recent participation in the planning or coordination of infrastructure initiatives.

** Recent and significant experience means at least two years within the last five years.

* Recent participation means within the last three years.


You may be assessed using one or more of the following tools:
  • standardized test(s)
  • written examination(s)
  • interview(s)
  • reference/performance check(s)
  • Employee Performance Management Report
  • Questionnaire(s)
  • Other tools

Must meet the minimum requirements of 60% in each the following:

  • Clients Service Orientation;
  • Analytical Thinking;
  • Effective Interative Communication;
  • Dependability;
  • Information Technology.

Conditions of employment:

The following may be required for some positions: availability for overtime, travelling, shift work, standby, call-back.

Reliability/Security: Reliability Status

Placement decisions will be based on one or more of the following criteria:
  • Availability
  • Employment Equity may be used as a placement criteria in areas where there is a demonstrated under-representation. Qualified candidates will be contacted prior to the placement stage and invited to self-identify if they wish to be considered as members of any of the EE designated groups.
  • Geographic Location
  • Budgetary Considerations
  • Organizational Criteria
  • Depth, Breadth, Type and/or Quality of Work-specific Experience
  • More-in-depth Assessment of a Qualification/ Competency Already Assessed Linked to Work-specific Requirements
  • Additional Qualification/Competency linked to Work-specific Requirements
  • Level of One or More Qualifications/Competencies
Notwithstanding the results of this selection process, the hiring manager will consider affected employees or preferred status employees prior to any permanent appointments being made from this pool.

游客 : 2008-01-18#67
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

Canada Revenue Agency
Notice of Job Opportunity
Selection Process Number
2007-6965-HQ -2427-6965

Advertisement Number

CS--04, IT Senior Specialist, NCR and Summerside PEI, English
CS--04, IT Senior Specialist, NCR and Summerside PEI, Bilingual imperative, BBB/BBB

Lateral move / Permanent / Acting / Term / Temporary lateral move / Permanent lateral move

Salary range:
$ 77113 to $ 99070

Who can apply:
Employees of the Canada Revenue Agency

Final date for receipt of applications:
January 25, 2008
11:30 PM EST - Eastern Standard Time

General Information:

Positions to be staffed are in the CRA IT Branch, Solutions, in the NCR including Summerside PEI.

Two pools will be established with this process. Should you wish to be considered for both English essential positions AND bilingual imperative BBB/BBB positions, please ensure you apply for both positions by selecting both boxes at the beginning of this application form.

This process may be used to staff similar positions.

All communication methods, including email, are at some risk to access by unauthorized parties. However, the security risk when using email is slight, and it is an efficient way to communicate (low cost and high speed). For this selection process, we may find that email is the most efficient way to communicate with you. Candidates who apply to selection processes should include an email address that accepts email from unknown users (some email systems block these types of email). If you do not wish to receive results by email it is your responsibility to inform us.

Application of Competency Results from Other Processes

Please note that this is not a Pre-Qualification Process. Candidates who already have valid results from other standardized tests will not be able to use these results in this process. Only the results of the Writing Skills Test will be portable to this process. Candidates, who have written this test and obtained the minimum required score, may submit proof of mark in lieu of re-writing by faxing your results, by February 1, 2008, to Naomi Purdy at (613) 948-1067. If, after your application has been submitted, you obtain the threshold level for the Writing Skills Test through voluntary or subsequent assessment, it is your responsibility to inform Naomi Purdy, per above contact information.

Applicants MUST use the CRA ONLINE application form. Failure to do so will result in the application being rejected without further consideration. Please retain the confirmation number.

Only fully completed on-line applications, including the résumé and proof of education (**see education in SOSR), submitted at the time of application will be accepted. Failure to do so will result in the application being screened out without further consideration. It is the candidate's responsibility to fully demonstrate, providing sufficient detail, how they meet the prerequisite criteria i.e. education and experience. Applications will not be retained if insufficient/incomplete information is provided.

The Solutions area of Information Technology Branch (ITB) has recently approved the creation of CS04 IT Senior Specialist positions for the application areas. These newly created positions will allow us to position ourselves for the future by securing a resource within a division with both expert knowledge of the application business and expert technical knowledge. Candidates must have leadership and presentation skills.

For more information, please visit the 2007 CS-04 IT Senior Specialist Information page

If you have any questions regarding the selection process, please email: IT/TI-CS04-2007

For detailed information on the new selection process and candidates' recourse rights, please click on this site:

Info Sheet on the New Selection Process

Job description and duties:
The CS-04 IT Senior Specialist will work under the direction of an IT Director for the benefit of the whole division. The individual(s) may perform some or all of the following duties:

Directing, mentoring, coaching and training of IT staff. Serve as a primary source of knowledge for others

Leading application performance and quality improvements

Analyzing complex high-level and detailed business requirements to provide estimates and guidance to clients and ITB senior management

Leading and coaching in the resolution of highly complex problems

Liaising with Architecture, Dev Center and Quality Assurance for validation/deployment/dissemination of standards, guidelines and processes

Partnering with Quality Assurance to promote application alignment with the recommended Quality standards and processes

Taking the lead in the event of a major crisis

Representing the Agency
For more information, please visit the 2007 CS-04 IT Senior Specialist Information page.


The experience requirements outlined in this Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Important Note: Four sets of experience factor fields have been provided to capture your experience. You MUST meet experience factor one (1) AND at least one of experience factors two (2) to four (4). You are required to type ‘NONE’ in mandatory fields if you do not use one or two of sets of experience factor fields.

The experience requirements outlined in the Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise.

*Recent and **significant technical experience in at least two of the following areas:

1) Experience in the complete lifecycle of enterprise class IT applications including planning, analyzing, designing, developing, testing, implementing, evaluating and maintaining.


2) Experience translating business needs into artefacts related to an IT discipline


3) Experience identifying, developing, establishing and implementing policies, standards, guidelines or methodologies related to an IT discipline


4) Experience in the management of significant incidents and problems in the context of an IT discipline

IT Disciplines may include but are not limited to: Application Development, Database Development, Quality, Security, Infrastructure Management, Architecture (Enterprise, Business, Application, Data, Technology, Security)

*Recent experience is defined as within the last eight (8) years

**Significant technical experience is defined as performing duties comparable to CS-03 group and level or higher for a minimum of 5 years. At least 4 of the 5 years experience must have been acquired performing duties comparable to an IT Specialist or an IT Senior Specialist including acting assignments.

Candidates must ALSO e-mail a résumé and a list of the positions(s) held over the past eight (8) years with dates, group and level and job description title(s) to: IT/TI-CS04-2007.


A University Degree or College Diploma in Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Management or another speciality relevant to the position to be staffed;


Any other University Degree with a minimum of 3 years relevant IT experience.

**Individuals who presently occupy or previously occupied a CS position at CRA are deemed to meet this minimum CS Education Standard.

Contact: Naomi Purdy
Phone: (613) 948-7054
Fax: (63) 948-1067
Email: naomi.purdy@cra-arc.gc.ca

Conditions of employment:



Call back


Reliability/Security: Reliability Status

For a list of prerequisites, assessment standards, conditions of employment and placement criteria, please see Statement of staffing requirements.


Apply Online

Date posted: 2007-12-21


Canada Revenue Agency
Statement of Staffing Requirements
Selection Process Number
2007-6965-HQ -2427-6965

Advertisement Number

CS--04, IT Senior Specialist, NCR and Summerside PEI, English
CS--04, IT Senior Specialist, NCR and Summerside PEI, Bilingual imperative, BBB/BBB

Lateral move / Permanent / Acting / Term / Temporary lateral move / Permanent lateral move



A University Degree or College Diploma in Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Management or another speciality relevant to the position to be staffed;

Any other University Degree with a minimum of 3 years relevant IT experience.

**Individuals who presently occupy or previously occupied a CS position at CRA are deemed to meet this minimum CS Education Standard.


The experience requirements outlined in this Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Important Note: Four sets of experience factor fields have been provided to capture your experience. You MUST meet experience factor one (1) AND at least one of experience factors two (2) to four (4). You are required to type ‘NONE’ in mandatory fields if you do not use one or two of sets of experience factor fields.

The experience requirements outlined in the Job Notice relate to all jobs advertised on this Job Notice unless specifically indicated otherwise.

*Recent and **significant technical experience in at least two of the following areas:

1) Experience in the complete lifecycle of enterprise class IT applications including planning, analyzing, designing, developing, testing, implementing, evaluating and maintaining.


2) Experience translating business needs into artefacts related to an IT discipline


3) Experience identifying, developing, establishing and implementing policies, standards, guidelines or methodologies related to an IT discipline


4) Experience in the management of significant incidents and problems in the context of an IT discipline

IT Disciplines may include but are not limited to: Application Development, Database Development, Quality, Security, Infrastructure Management, Architecture (Enterprise, Business, Application, Data, Technology, Security)

*Recent experience is defined as within the last eight (8) years

**Significant technical experience is defined as performing duties comparable to CS-03 group and level or higher for a minimum of 5 years. At least 4 of the 5 years experience must have been acquired performing duties comparable to an IT Specialist or an IT Senior Specialist including acting assignments.

Candidates must ALSO e-mail a résumé and a list of the positions(s) held over the past eight (8) years with dates, group and level and job description title(s) to: IT/TI-CS04-2007.


You may be assessed using one or more of the following tools:

standardized test(s)
written examination(s)
reference/performance check(s)
Employee Performance Management Report

Writing Skills (level 3) – Standardized Test – CRA Competency

Candidates must meet the minimum requirement of 70% in each the following:

Conflict Management

Client Service Orientation

Effective Interactive Communication

Teamwork and Cooperation

Impact and Influence

Information Technology

Conditions of employment:



Call back


Reliability/Security: Reliability Status


Placement decisions will be based on one or more of the following criteria:

Depth, breadth, type, and/or performance quality of work-specific experience
Level/degree of one or more competencies/qualifications

Further assessment of a qualification already assessed linked to work-specific requirements

New additional qualification/competency linked to work-specific requirements

Employment Equity (EE) may be used as placement criteria. In such cases, qualified candidates will be contacted prior to the placement stage and invited to self-identify if they wish to be considered as members of any EE designated groups

Geographic Location

Availability of candidate

Organizational criteria

游客 : 2008-01-18#68
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

市长和MP都有自己的BUSINESS, 否则这点工资够干什么。OTTAWA的市长是CALIAN公司的老板,是亿万富翁,还在乎几万工资。前总理PAUL MATIN更有钱,查查PAUL MATIN的船运公司就知道他的身价了,不少于十亿美元。去年萨省有一个200英亩的麦田被火烧毁,损失几百万,这个农场的主人是TORY的MP,他还有1000英亩的土地。查查资料就知道了。

游客 : 2008-01-18#69
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

政府计对CONTRACTOR和PERM是按1.5:1计算工资的。比如PERM 6W, CON- 一般9-10W, 包括中介费。合同长的,比如3年+3年OPTIONAL的,可能会稍微低一些。而且每次新项目会安市场价从新竞标。有一个例子,他的级别相当于CS-04的高级,合同从2001到2009 年底 (不是一个合同,多个,但没有中断),算算他的总收入多少?

靓之凉粉 : 2008-01-18#70
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


adder : 2008-01-18#71
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?




What is a CPP retirement pension?
A CPP retirement pension is a monthly benefit paid to people who have contributed to the Canada Pension Plan.

The pension is designed to replace about 25 percent of the earnings on which a person's contributions were based.

How do I qualify?
You qualify for a CPP retirement pension if you have made at least one valid contribution (payment) to the Plan and if:
  • you are at least 65; or
  • you are between 60 and 64, and meet the earning requirements set out in the legislation.
Your retirement pension does not start automatically. You must apply for it (unless you already receive a CPP disability benefit and turn 65, at which point your disability benefit automatically changes to a retirement pension).

How does the CPP calculate my retirement pension?
Your CPP retirement pension is based on how much, and for how long, you contributed to the Plan (or to both the CPP and the Quebec Pension Plan). The age at which you choose to retire also affects the amount you receive.

The CPP protects your pension by making certain adjustments before calculating 25 percent of the earnings on which you contributed over your working life. For example, some low-earning periods during your career are "dropped out", so they do not reduce the amount of your pension.

The CPP retirement pension is indexed to the Consumer Price Index annually. The average monthly retirement pension in 2004 was $457.99.

战斗在加国 : 2008-01-18#72
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?



What is a CPP retirement pension?
A CPP retirement pension is a monthly benefit paid to people who have contributed to the Canada Pension Plan.

The pension is designed to replace about 25 percent of the earnings on which a person's contributions were based.

How do I qualify?
You qualify for a CPP retirement pension if you have made at least one valid contribution (payment) to the Plan and if:
  • you are at least 65; or
  • you are between 60 and 64, and meet the earning requirements set out in the legislation.
Your retirement pension does not start automatically. You must apply for it (unless you already receive a CPP disability benefit and turn 65, at which point your disability benefit automatically changes to a retirement pension).

How does the CPP calculate my retirement pension?
Your CPP retirement pension is based on how much, and for how long, you contributed to the Plan (or to both the CPP and the Quebec Pension Plan). The age at which you choose to retire also affects the amount you receive.

The CPP protects your pension by making certain adjustments before calculating 25 percent of the earnings on which you contributed over your working life. For example, some low-earning periods during your career are "dropped out", so they do not reduce the amount of your pension.

The CPP retirement pension is indexed to the Consumer Price Index annually. The average monthly retirement pension in 2004 was $457.99.


战斗在加国 : 2008-01-18#73
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


adder : 2008-01-18#74
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?




Mayor $160,000.00
Councillor $95,000.00


游客 : 2008-01-18#75
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


任你随便说,我给出的信息都有可靠的来源, 再给一个CONTRACTOR的, 这个是政府的, 你们可以申请.这个职位不高,只是中级报告CS-02到CS-03,干IT一看就知道, 看看收入就知道了.(每年按245 天算). 别看时间短, 那是因为政府的财政年度是到三月底, 到时候要RENEW, 所以只给到三月底. 如果干的好,中间不会断,最少RENEW半年.算是试用期吧.猜猜CS-04拿多少?


Date Posted: 15-January-2008 Opportunity ID: 17462Branch: Ottawa Status: OpenSpecialization:Software Development
Consultant Required: Consultant - PL/SQL DeveloperJob/Duties/Deliverables: On behalf of our client, Si Systems is searching for an experience PL/SQL developer. The sucessful candidate will be tasked with the following:

-Packages, Procedures, Functions, Database Triggers using PL/SQL for an Oracle database
-Assist Oracle DBA with setting up Oracle Discoverer in the test and production environments;
-Extract data from Oracle databases using Oracle Discoverer

Job Requirements:

-Enhanced Reliability or higher
-5+ years experience development with PL/SQL
-Experience with Oracle Discoverer
Must Have:Enhanced Reliability or higher (Mandatory)
5+ years experience development with PL/SQL (Mandatory)
Experience with Oracle Discoverer (Mandatory)
Work Environment:Start Date:01-February-2008End Date:31-March-2008 Hourly Rate: $480 - $516Date Posted: 15-January-2008 Opportunity ID: 17462Branch: Ottawa Status: OpenSpecialization:Software Development
Consultant Required: Consultant - PL/SQL DeveloperJob/Duties/Deliverables: On behalf of our client, Si Systems is searching for an experience PL/SQL developer. The sucessful candidate will be tasked with the following:

-Packages, Procedures, Functions, Database Triggers using PL/SQL for an Oracle database
-Assist Oracle DBA with setting up Oracle Discoverer in the test and production environments;
-Extract data from Oracle databases using Oracle Discoverer

Job Requirements:

-Enhanced Reliability or higher
-5+ years experience development with PL/SQL
-Experience with Oracle Discoverer
Must Have:Enhanced Reliability or higher (Mandatory)
5+ years experience development with PL/SQL (Mandatory)
Experience with Oracle Discoverer (Mandatory)
Work Environment:Start Date:01-February-2008End Date:31-March-2008 Hourly Rate: $480 - $516

游客 : 2008-01-18#76
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?




Mayor $160,000.00
Councillor $95,000.00

提示, 不是500强,也不是私企.

newcomertokw : 2011-04-09#77
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


小蚂蚁2010 : 2011-04-09#78
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


stonegump : 2014-01-31#79
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?


前面说是1.5倍合理,就是contractor 年薪9万相当于permenant年薪6万。但是contractor大多是按小时算薪水,换算成年薪大概可以按每年1700-1800小时乘过去。也就是说$50ph相当于6万,$60ph相当于7万...差不多1.2的系数。

markbaba : 2014-02-07#80
回复: 6w permanent or 8W contractor , which is better?

前面说是1.5倍合理,就是contractor 年薪9万相当于permenant年薪6万。但是contractor大多是按小时算薪水,换算成年薪大概可以按每年1700-1800小时乘过去。也就是说$50ph相当于6万,$60ph相当于7万...差不多1.2的系数。


