
Frequently used phrases in oral English for today


angelonduty : 2008-01-29#1
1. might as well.
Someone is going to get that reward money, might as well be me.
(有人要得到那些赏金, 还不如是我呢.)

2. I'm flattered.
-the feeling I have for you, it's real.
-I am flattered, but it's hard for me to start dating you, my life is complicated now.
-我很荣幸, 但我现在还不能跟你约会,我的生活现在很复杂)

3. all of a sudden
you couldn't even pay your monthly bills, why all of a sudden you could afford a brand-new BMW?
(你连月开销都付不起, 怎么突然间买得起BMW了?)

4. get the picture?
You either bring something to the team or don't even get unwrapped. Get the picture?
(你要么能给我们带来些什么, 要不干脆卷铺盖走人. 明白了吗?)

5. juice
Make it quick, my cell phone is running out of juice.
(快点说, 我的手机要没电了)

6. no offense
No offense, but I don't think you are capable of understanding our relationship.
(无意冒犯, 不过我们的关系你不懂)

7. with all due respect
With all due respect, if you'd ever worked in prison, you'd know why some inmates were bound to drag their feet.
恕我直言, 如果你们曾经在监狱干过, 你就会知道为什么那些犯人要磨洋工了.

8. you are positively beaming
-You are positively beaming, miss.
-A big promotion is under way.
(-小姐, 你气色红润神采飞扬的啊

9. say no more
-I am afraid I'm gonna have to take my laptop back, my baby boy insisted in doing homework online.
-Say no more, say no more. Schoolwork is more important than anything.
(我怕是要把笔记本拿走了, 宝贝儿子坚持要在网上做作业.
啥都不用说, 学校的事情比什么都重要.)

10. it's no big deal
We just ate dinner together, it's no big deal, don't act like I'd cheated on you.
(我们就一起吃了个晚饭, 没什么大不了的. 别弄得好象我对不起你似的.)

朱三雀 : 2008-01-29#2
回复: Frequently used phrases in oral English for today

helpful ,learning

angelonduty : 2008-01-30#3
回复: Frequently used phrases in oral English for today

1. be into.
You are cute and sexy, I mean guys are clearly into that.
(你可爱又性感, 很显然男人们都喜欢那样的)

2. throw
I am gonna throw my sister a farewell party tomorrow night, she is moving overseas.
(我明晚要给妹妹办个送别party, 她要移居国外了)

3. back on feet.
Glad to see you back on your feet.

4. pry into
I don’t wanna pry into your personal business, but If you are having problems in that area, you don’t have to be resigned to it.
(我不想多管闲事, 不过,如果你那方面确实有问题的话, 也不必自认倒霉)

5. be big with
I am not big with snacks.

6. sugarcoat
Could you sugarcoat it a little? She is not gonna take this well.

7. not in a thousand years.
-Let’s split this money and go part ways.
-Not in a thousand years.

8. be short on
I am afraid I am a little short on trust at the moment.

9. what happened to.
What happened to we share everything?

10. bigger fish to fry
He wouldn’t be so interested in this job, I guess, he’s got bigger fish to fry.
(他对这份工作不会太感兴趣, 更好的机会在等着他呢)

朱三雀 : 2008-01-30#4
回复: Frequently used phrases in oral English for today

I have one ,look,:
We are throwing the most depressing baby shower ever .

angelonduty : 2008-01-30#5
回复: Frequently used phrases in oral English for today

I have one ,look,:
We are throwing the most depressing baby shower ever .

Some old friends of mine will drop by the day after tomorrow, so I'm ganna throw them a welcome dinner party. I will be serving steamed fish, braised duck and after dinner, we will be chatting the time away over the aroma of hot coffee and fruit juice.:wdb6:

IBT : 2008-02-04#6
回复: Frequently used phrases in oral English for today

angel 你的生活好幸福啊

angelonduty : 2008-02-04#7
回复: Frequently used phrases in oral English for today

angel 你的生活好幸福啊
if you say so.:wdb6: