


winnipegstar : 2008-04-03#1
Should Prime Minister Stephen Harper himself attend the opening ceremony at the Beijing Olympics?


zzz : 2008-04-03#2
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


游客 : 2008-04-03#3
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


winnipegstar : 2008-04-03#4
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

现在又换成了,Harper says talk of Olympic boycott 'premature'



大江东区 : 2008-04-03#5
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


shadow : 2008-04-03#6
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

何必去理它, 每一只小狗都会叫的, 你不可能去堵住每一只小狗的嘴, 它们叫得累了, 自然就不叫了.

更重要的是它们是小狗, 叫了等于白叫, 勿需理会.

大胃贝克汉姆 : 2008-04-03#7
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


书生 : 2008-04-03#8
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

何必去理它, 每一只小狗都会叫的, 你不可能去堵住每一只小狗的嘴, 它们叫得累了, 自然就不叫了.

更重要的是它们是小狗, 叫了等于白叫, 勿需理会.

zzz : 2008-04-03#9
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


大江东区 : 2008-04-03#10
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



garfieldcai : 2008-04-03#11
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


luhui : 2008-04-03#12
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


法号若智 : 2008-04-03#13
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


alex_lz2005 : 2008-04-03#14
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


shadow : 2008-04-03#15
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

说的是媒体, 看不懂就别瞎扯

战斗在加国 : 2008-04-03#16
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



Wonder : 2008-04-03#17
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


战斗在加国 : 2008-04-03#18
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,




popoko : 2008-04-03#19
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


猫狐狸 : 2008-04-03#20
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


中隐 : 2008-04-03#21
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


frank127 : 2008-04-03#22
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


这话不能同意,我还骂过 李 朋 鸟 是猪呢

中隐 : 2008-04-03#23
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


wisdom : 2008-04-03#24
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


wisdom : 2008-04-03#25
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


onestory : 2008-04-03#26
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


中隐 : 2008-04-03#27
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


飞天小混混 : 2008-04-03#28
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


老于师傅 : 2008-04-03#29
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


jygl : 2008-04-03#30
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


sher : 2008-04-03#31
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


中隐 : 2008-04-03#32
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


sher : 2008-04-03#33
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


游客 : 2008-04-03#34
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


中隐 : 2008-04-03#35
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


大江东区 : 2008-04-03#36
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


zznn123456 : 2008-04-03#37
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,




中隐 : 2008-04-03#38
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



jedi : 2008-04-03#39
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


VIP = Very Important Pig :wdb4::wdb4:

通常拿VIP卡的都需要交很多的钱,然后很有气派的表现一下,结果,咱乡下就称其为 V.I.P

中隐 : 2008-04-03#40
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


Natural Resources CanadaPrevious Table of Contents Next
Section I – Overview

Minister's Message

I am pleased to present the Departmental Performance Report for Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) for the period ending March 31, 2006.
Natural resources are at the heart of Canada's economy, society and place in the world.
In the past year, the natural resources sectors continued to be an engine of Canada's economy, contributing no less than 13 percent to our gross domestic product, a record $93.4 billion to our trade surplus, and were responsible for 40 percent of our total exports. Canada's energy, forest, minerals and metals sectors had the highest average productivity growth of all industries, and continue to be an important source of employment.
Canada is emerging as an Energy Superpower and our government intends to build upon this success by focusing on science and technology. Our government has demonstrated outstanding leadership both nationally and internationally. We have developed innovative technologies and put many of them to work worldwide to address issues such as energy supply, energy security, clean energy and natural hazards. NRCan is an established leader in science and technology in the fields of energy, forests, minerals and metals, and geomatics.
We contribute to Canada's strong competitive advantage by encouraging the sustainable and responsible development of our natural resources. We continue to promote clean energy options for Canadians to conserve energy and invest in energy-efficient solutions.
Our government succeeds by using taxpayer dollars wisely, making sound investments in science and technology, and delivering programs that matter to Canadians.
I am proud of our achievements and look forward to a productive year ahead.

Gary Lunn


中隐 : 2008-04-03#41
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

Our government succeeds by using taxpayer dollars wisely, making sound investments in science and technology, and delivering programs that matter to Canadians.

shelleywx : 2008-04-03#42
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


中隐 : 2008-04-03#43
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


中隐 : 2008-04-03#44
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

Nature ...
Many people use the word biodiversity when referring to nature. Biodiversity is shorthand for biological diversity and refers to the variety of genes, species and ecosystems which are part of nature. Ecosystems have the capacity to keep our environment balanced and healthy by contributing to: a stable climate; soil generation; nutrient recycling; water renewal and absorption; the resilience of renewable resources. Canada is steward of a significant share of the earth's natural ecosystems, including: 20% of remaining natural areas; 25% of wetlands ecosystems; 9% of renewable fresh water; 15% of forests; 16% of Arctic ecosystems ... more.

Natural Regions ...
Canada is divided in 39 natural regions, each with distinctive characteristics such as physiography, vegetation, wildlife and environmental conditions. These natural regions provide the basis for selection and establishment of new national parks. National parks protect samples of major natural environments that represent Canada’s natural heritage. Canada’s goal is to create a national park to represent each of the 39 regions. Twenty-three are currently represented by national parks or reserves, and work is under way to establish new parks to represent the remaining 16 natural regions ...more.

Land Area and Resources ...
Canada is the world's second-largest country, surpassed only by the Russian Federation. Canada extends over almost 10 million km2, occupying two-fifths of North America and 7 percent of the world's land mass. Forests and other wooded areas cover almost 50 percent of Canada's land area. In fact, Canada has 10 percent of the world's forests and significant reserves of water, natural gas, oil, gold, coal, copper, iron ore, nickel, potash, uranium and zinc. Vast natural areas, especially in the tundra region and the mountains, cover 70 percent of Canada and represent 20 percent of the world's remaining wilderness areas (Antarctica excepted)... more.

Water ...
Whether contained by the shores of a northern lake, rushing in torrents down the slopes of the continental divide, moving majestically toward the sea, or crashing with fury on rock-bound coasts, the awe and creativity inspired by water are a global response. Canada, with an abundance of water, spawns a culture particularly rich in water imagery. Canadian water systems are a valuable resource, sustaining our industry, vegetation, and health. But upon careful reflection a deeper relationship can be revealed: water sustains our Canadian spirit. It forms a link between citizens from every region across the land ...more.

Fish and Oceans ...
Surrounded by the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and home to the Great Lakes, Canada is one of the foremost maritime nations on the planet. Canada boasts the world's: longest coastline (243,792 km) ? stretched out as a continuous line, it would circle the equator more than 6 times (25% of world's coastline); largest offshore economic zone (200 nautical miles) ? 3.7 million square kilometres, equivalent to 37% of Canada's total landmass; largest freshwater system ? Canada's 2 million lakes and rivers cover 7.6% of our landmass or 755,000 square km; longest inland waterway (3,700 km) ? from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Lake Superior; largest archipelago ? Canada's Arctic islands, including 6 of the world's 30 largest islands, cover 1.4 million square km; and world’s greatest tidal range ? 16 metres in the Bay of Fundy ...more.

Forests ...
Canada's forests are the product of millennia of evolution―ecosystems of diverse complexes of plants, animals, soil, water and air. While they host the same basic life forms as forests throughout the world, Canada's forests bring together species and ecosystems distinct to our country. The life these forests support has an intrinsic value that underpins its social, cultural and economic importance. With 10% of the world's temperate and boreal forests (an estimated 30% of the world's boreal forest), Canada is one of the few developed nations still richly endowed with large areas of natural forest ...more.

Wildlife ...
The management of wildlife in Canada is shared by the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. The Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada handles wildlife matters that are the responsibility of the federal government. These include protection and management of migratory birds as well as nationally significant wildlife habitat. Other responsibilities are endangered species, control of international trade in endangered species, research on wildlife issues of national importance, and international wildlife treaties and issues. By and large, provincial and territorial wildlife agencies are responsible for all other wildlife matters. These include conservation and management of wildlife populations and habitat within their borders, issuing licenses and permits for fishing, game athting, and trapping, guidelines for safe angling and trapping ,and outfitting policies ... more.

中隐 : 2008-04-03#45
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


HEAO2100 : 2008-04-03#46
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


jedi : 2008-04-03#47
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


zznn123456 : 2008-04-03#48
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

Nature ...
Many people use the word biodiversity when referring to nature. Biodiversity is shorthand for biological diversity and refers to the variety of genes, species and ecosystems which are part of nature. Ecosystems have the capacity to keep our environment balanced and healthy by contributing to: a stable climate; soil generation; nutrient recycling; water renewal and absorption; the resilience of renewable resources. Canada is steward of a significant share of the earth's natural ecosystems, including: 20% of remaining natural areas; 25% of wetlands ecosystems; 9% of renewable fresh water; 15% of forests; 16% of Arctic ecosystems ... more.

Natural Regions ...
Canada is divided in 39 natural regions, each with distinctive characteristics such as physiography, vegetation, wildlife and environmental conditions. These natural regions provide the basis for selection and establishment of new national parks. National parks protect samples of major natural environments that represent Canada’s natural heritage. Canada’s goal is to create a national park to represent each of the 39 regions. Twenty-three are currently represented by national parks or reserves, and work is under way to establish new parks to represent the remaining 16 natural regions ...more.

Land Area and Resources ...
Canada is the world's second-largest country, surpassed only by the Russian Federation. Canada extends over almost 10 million km2, occupying two-fifths of North America and 7 percent of the world's land mass. Forests and other wooded areas cover almost 50 percent of Canada's land area. In fact, Canada has 10 percent of the world's forests and significant reserves of water, natural gas, oil, gold, coal, copper, iron ore, nickel, potash, uranium and zinc. Vast natural areas, especially in the tundra region and the mountains, cover 70 percent of Canada and represent 20 percent of the world's remaining wilderness areas (Antarctica excepted)... more.

Water ...
Whether contained by the shores of a northern lake, rushing in torrents down the slopes of the continental divide, moving majestically toward the sea, or crashing with fury on rock-bound coasts, the awe and creativity inspired by water are a global response. Canada, with an abundance of water, spawns a culture particularly rich in water imagery. Canadian water systems are a valuable resource, sustaining our industry, vegetation, and health. But upon careful reflection a deeper relationship can be revealed: water sustains our Canadian spirit. It forms a link between citizens from every region across the land ...more.

Fish and Oceans ...
Surrounded by the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and home to the Great Lakes, Canada is one of the foremost maritime nations on the planet. Canada boasts the world's: longest coastline (243,792 km) ? stretched out as a continuous line, it would circle the equator more than 6 times (25% of world's coastline); largest offshore economic zone (200 nautical miles) ? 3.7 million square kilometres, equivalent to 37% of Canada's total landmass; largest freshwater system ? Canada's 2 million lakes and rivers cover 7.6% of our landmass or 755,000 square km; longest inland waterway (3,700 km) ? from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Lake Superior; largest archipelago ? Canada's Arctic islands, including 6 of the world's 30 largest islands, cover 1.4 million square km; and world’s greatest tidal range ? 16 metres in the Bay of Fundy ...more.

Forests ...
Canada's forests are the product of millennia of evolution―ecosystems of diverse complexes of plants, animals, soil, water and air. While they host the same basic life forms as forests throughout the world, Canada's forests bring together species and ecosystems distinct to our country. The life these forests support has an intrinsic value that underpins its social, cultural and economic importance. With 10% of the world's temperate and boreal forests (an estimated 30% of the world's boreal forest), Canada is one of the few developed nations still richly endowed with large areas of natural forest ...more.

Wildlife ...
The management of wildlife in Canada is shared by the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. The Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada handles wildlife matters that are the responsibility of the federal government. These include protection and management of migratory birds as well as nationally significant wildlife habitat. Other responsibilities are endangered species, control of international trade in endangered species, research on wildlife issues of national importance, and international wildlife treaties and issues. By and large, provincial and territorial wildlife agencies are responsible for all other wildlife matters. These include conservation and management of wildlife populations and habitat within their borders, issuing licenses and permits for fishing, game athting, and trapping, guidelines for safe angling and trapping ,and outfitting policies ... more.


中隐 : 2008-04-03#49
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

PM won't attend Beijing Olympic curtain raiser

From Friday's Globe and Mail

April 3, 2008 at 9:24 PM EDT

BUCHAREST and OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he won't attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, although he insists it is not a reaction to public pressure to skip the event in protest against China's crackdown on Tibet.

But speaking in Romania yesterday, the Prime Minister criticized China's human-rights record, saying the country must realize that its growing might – combined with playing host to the Olympics – has prompted greater scrutiny of its domestic policies.

“I would continue to urge China to respect human rights and peaceful protests not just in Tibet but everywhere,” Mr. Harper said at a NATO summit.

“I would also encourage the government of China to understand that its growing wealth, its growing importance in the world and of course the profile of the Olympics will put a greater and greater spotlight on its record in this regard.”


Canada in Afghanistan till 2011

After much soul searching, Canada agreed Thursday to continue the fight in Kandahar until 2011

NATO update

After months of often bitter debate and finger-pointing, NATO allies agreed late Wednesday night to send reinforcements to Kandahar

Harper speaks from Bucharest

PM takes part in panel discussion during NATO summit in Romania

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Canada will play host to the Winter Olympics in 2010 and at least one expert said Mr. Harper's decision may prompt a retaliation from the Chinese.

Others said the Prime Minister's decision not to go appears to be a protest.

Mr. Harper took pains to distance himself from calls for a boycott of the ceremony being contemplated by other countries, saying he had never planned to go and that he doesn't think there's a widespread global sentiment in favour of skipping the August event.

He did not elaborate on why he doesn't plan to go.

The Prime Minister says his government plans to send a high-level delegation instead to represent Canada at the opening ceremony.

He said China must pay greater attention to world concerns over Tibet or risk drawing even more criticism.

“My advice – I know the government of China is not typically taking my advice – my strong advice would be to take these concerns seriously because I think they are likely to grow rather than diminish if we see a repetition of the current pattern.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she will not attend the ceremony, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy has not ruled out following the example.
U.S. President George W. Bush has said he will attend, as has British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.An expert on foreign affairs said Mr. Harper's decision could prompt the Chinese to retaliate by not sending prime-ministerial-level officials to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

“That's the great danger,” said Fen Hampson, director of the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa. “Any action you take or any gestures you make will be reciprocated, and they usually are.”

Mr. Harper has probably already decided that a reciprocal gesture doesn't bother him.

“He's sending – like other leaders – a strong message to the Chinese that they've got to start cleaning up their act on Tibet and the treatment of their minorities,” Prof. Hampson said. “To say this [the Olympics] is just sport, that's always been nonsense.”

Mr. Harper has been consistent in vocally pressing the Chinese on human-rights issues. The government has, in past weeks, moved to try to repair relations, although there is a strong faction within government that wants to take a hard line.

The Canada Tibet Committee said Mr. Harper's move is significant in that it comes from the leader of a country that is holding the next Olympic Games after those in Beijing.

“It's a good thing because it's a step away from words,” said Dermod Travis, the organization's executive director.

“This is a political decision from a political leader who does not want to offer the regime in Beijing the credibility of his presence. … China has to understand that this is not a decision just of Canada, but this is a decision that many world leaders are either in the process of making or have already made.”

Deputy Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff would not say whether not attending the opening ceremony was appropriate, but he did say Canadians are deeply concerned about China's human-rights record.

“We don't at the moment – unless things get a lot worse – want to sabotage the Games. But the Chinese have to understand that they'll be in the spotlight and they've got to conduct themselves accordingly.”

人如云 : 2008-04-03#50
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


法号若智 : 2008-04-03#51
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,




kkk123 : 2008-04-04#52
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


wolfyzj : 2008-04-04#53
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



cgd007 : 2008-04-04#54
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


天涯 : 2008-04-04#55
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


lin730616 : 2008-04-04#56
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

VIP = Very Important Pig :wdb4::wdb4:

通常拿VIP卡的都需要交很多的钱,然后很有气派的表现一下,结果,咱乡下就称其为 V.I.P


philinux : 2008-04-04#57
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


望望望 : 2008-04-04#58
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


若然2007 : 2008-04-04#59
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

To say this [the Olympics] is NOT just sport, that's always been nonsense.

peterduan : 2008-04-04#60
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,

Should Prime Minister Stephen Harper himself attend the opening ceremony at the Beijing Olympics?


中隐 : 2008-04-04#61
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



zzz : 2008-04-04#62
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


传说中的鸟人 : 2008-04-04#63
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


委员长 : 2008-04-04#64
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


chenjg00 : 2008-04-04#65
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



chenjg00 : 2008-04-04#66
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,


独臂机器人是什么? 知道的同志给解释一下? 是指航天飞机上用的那个机械臂,还是有什么典故阿?

战斗在加国 : 2008-04-04#67
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,




3com : 2008-04-04#68
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,




中隐 : 2008-04-04#69
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



3com : 2008-04-04#70
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,



中国人民很行 : 2008-04-05#71
回复: 哈伯将不参加北京奥运会开幕式,
