


david-qd : 2008-04-26#1

I watched an English program in CCTV 6 from April,2007 to Oct.,2007, and taken some slang language notes . Here I would like to share with my classmates in Jiayuan.

1. Keep sharp.

I have to keep sharp for a few hours,the deadline is coming.

This is a very important game., I want everyone to keep sharp in the whole time.

2. Beat around the bush 兜圈子

Don't beat around the bush, tell me the news!
If you have something to tell me,don't beat around the bush, I 'm very busy.

3. You snooze, you loose

Ticket bought advance, you can get 30% cheaper, you snooze,you loose.
If you snooze, you loose, this is a high demand opportunity.

4. Jump at the chance to do sth. 非常渴望
I would jump at the chance to work there.

5. Change of pace 换换胃口
I usually go to gym in the morning, but for a change of pace, I'm trying to go after work.

6. Smash 特别棒
That movie was a smash.
Hey,come on, come to the party with me, it would be smash.

7.On the clock. (the time to work)
I'm sorry, I'm on the clock, I will call you back later.

8. Kick loose ( make yourself comfortable, relax)
When I get home from work, I like kick loose.

9. Do one's thing
Feel free to do your thing when you stay in my home.
I like working for myself because it's important for me to be able to do my thing.

10. Standing by
We have a doctor standing by, just in case that something trrible happens.

11. Saint (great more than nice, very very nice)
You would need to be a saint to put up with her children.

to be continued...

朱三雀 : 2008-04-26#2
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Thank you for sharing that with us! Quit helpful ,I think. And I feel flattered by your post title ,hehe~.

david-qd : 2008-04-27#3
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Thank you for sharing that with us! Quit helpful ,I think. And I feel flattered by your post title ,hehe~.
To be honestly, I'm not flattering you, but to find a role model to come after. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can not lasting. Thank you.

Wish you right as rain soon.

david-qd : 2008-04-27#4
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Thanks Lynne1216 shared a cool website www.speak2me.cn,which is very helpful for listening and speaking practice.
Here jot down some new words with sample sentences. Slang language will be continued later.

Today's New Words from speak2me:

1).asset (n): advantage;special skill.
One of Terry's assets is her ability to lead.

2).contingency (n): sth. may happen that could problems and alter your plans.

We have to prepare for any unforeseen continggency.

3). from scratch (phr): from the beginning,without using pre-existing materials.
My mother makes her bread from scratch, making her own flour.

4). nervous breakdown (n,phr): sudden and extreme feeling of depression and anxiety.
Stress and work proved too much for Harold, and he had a nervous breakdown.

5). On a scale of (phr)
On a scale of one to ten, how do you rank Bill's look?

6).Personality clash 人格冲突
Easy-going Larry had a personality clash with hardworking James.

7).Proficiency (n): level of skill at a specific task.
We hired Mandy because of her proficiency in several software programs.

8). wear many hats (v.phr): to play many roles or be responsible for several different jobs.
Jason wears many hats at his company:trainer,manager,programmer and even salesperson.

david-qd : 2008-04-27#5
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

9). nanny (n): sb. who takes care of children in their home.
Chinese-speaking nannies are making big bucks in America.

10).Pile up (v.phr.): increasing in number.
The dirty clothes on my floor are piling up.

11).Surge (n): large and often unexpected increase.
The government was not prepared for the surge of new immigrants.

david-qd : 2008-04-28#6
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Continue the slang language notes.

12. Out of your league. 不是一个层面的
Bill is way out of your league.

13. Stand a chance 成功的可能
You are better than her, she doesn't stand a chance.

14. pop the question 求婚
They'd been going out for five yours before he popped the question.

15. Face the music : accept the responsibility for your actions.
Sooner or later, he has to face the music.

16. put sb. out of one's misery. 解脱
It would be better to kill him, it will put him out of his misery.

17. Tines are tight. 手头不宽裕
Lately, times are tight, I could not afford anything.

18. Cut to the chase. 直入主题
Okey, Let's cut to the chase, tell me what you want, I will do my best to help you.

19. Uproar 沸腾,轩然大波
He caused uproar at the office.

20.Follow your nose.
If you doubt, just follow your nose.

21. Bring down: destroy
You are trying to bring me down, you are so critical of all my work.

22. Eye-opener. 开眼的事
Her behavior last night was an eye-opener.

23. So be it.
The boss has made the decision, so be it. 就这么着了。

24. In vain 徒劳
All that study was in vain, I failed the exam.

25. How did it come to this? 怎么会搞成这样呢

26. diddly squat (not at all)
I don't know diddly squat about art. 一无所知

27. a million to one
The odds of our soccer team winning the world cup are a million to one. 几乎不可能

28. to give away 揭发
Don't give away the ending, I want to watch it for myself.

29. make cutbacks 削减
We'll have to make cutbacks on how much we spend, or else we will have no money to spend on our child.

30. Kiddo 老兄,老姐,老弟
Don't get smart with me, Kiddo.
I'm here for you, Kiddo.

31. right as rain 身体康复
I: Are you feeling better?
San Sparrow: I'm right as rain.

A: how is it going?
B: It is right as rain.

So much thsi time, to be continued.

熏衣草11 : 2008-04-28#7
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

why i do not want to study englisn?

david-qd : 2008-04-29#8
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

why i do not want to study englisn?
Who knows?
To find a role model to follow after.

david-qd : 2008-04-29#9
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words from speak2me:

13). memory fails
I will write down what I need to do in case my memory fails.

14).run out (v.phr): to not have sth. anymore.
We've run out of coffee, so please buy some at store.

15). slippery (adj): have a wet, smooth or oily surface that caused sth. to slid.
The road was so slippery that the car slid off the road.

15). nasty (adj): rude, terrible.
She has a nasty habit of making fun of people.

16). spontaneous (adj): without planning or thinking beforehand.
She's such a spontaneous, lively woman.

17). take it as it comes . to plan or react according to what happens to you.
At my age, you take every day as it comes.

18). boost (v): to improve or increase.
His compliment boosted Michaelle's self-easteem.

19). place the ad.
My comany placed the ad in the paper looking for editors.

greensleeves : 2008-04-29#10
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。


greensleeves : 2008-04-29#11
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

抱歉,漏了一点,应该是an English program吧?不是a.

david-qd : 2008-04-29#12
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Thank you Greensleeves!
that CCTV 6 English program stopped in last year. "had" or "have" ?

david-qd : 2008-04-29#13
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

抱歉,漏了一点,应该是an English program吧?不是a.

Changed. thanks!
any more?

david-qd : 2008-04-30#14
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Continue the slang language notes:

32. Let on 泄密
Don't let on what you know.

33. Fiasco 惨败
Their attempt to make public disorder ended in a fiasco.

34. what's eating someone : to let someone angry.
A: Leaving me alone!
B:What's eating you! I just asked how you were doing.

35. Catchy 朗朗上口
I love songs from 70's, they are so simple and catchy.

36. Get sth. straight 搞明白
Let me get it straight.

37. hack. 水平差的,不职业
Don't take these classes, all the teachers are hacks.

38. I know it like the back of my hand.

39.to make sb. pay for sth.
Gornvernment should make somebody pay for the nasty train accident happend recently.

40. narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的
It's important to listen openly to all idears instead of narrow-minded judging everything.

41. It's very becoming for a person to be confident. 有魅力

42. account for . to explain
How do you account for your score.

43. to a tee. exactly alike.
You made this dress to the tee, it is perfect.
You really like my cousin, almost to a tee.

44.dead ahead 正前方
Their is a gas station dead ahead.

45. I'm killing time by watching TV.
I have enough time to kill. 打发时间

46. a well-oiled machine
Under your leadship,the company operates like a well-oiled machine.

47. Don't wash your dirty clothes on public 家丑不可外扬

48. I can't believe my eyes! You have grow so much.

49. have a half mind to do sth. 三心二意,犹豫不决
I had a half mind to buy it.

50. old flame 老情人
My girlfriend doesn't like to meet any of my old flame. (确实是)

51. not someone's cup of tea 不感兴趣
That is not my cup of tea, i like to stay home.

52. look hard at 用心观察
I think you ought to take a long hard look at who should be trusted.

53. there is nothing to it 那没什么

54. In the nick of time 恰好
you do it in the nick of time.
The doctor came just in the nick of time.

55. If the truth be told. To be honestly.

david-qd : 2008-04-30#15
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words from speak2me.

20). coincidence (n).occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, often in a surprising or unlike way.
What a coincidence! Both Sally and Deborach wore the same red dress to the party.

21). hydrate (v). to put water or moisture into sth.
You need to hydrate your skin, or it will become too dry.

22). face wash (n). skin care product used to cleanse the face. 洗面奶
Face mask 面膜

23). crow's feet 鱼尾纹
when you get older, crow's feet often form around your eyes.

24). I swear by. to be very loyal to a certain product.
I sear by Dell computers, they are reliable and easy to use.

25). supple (adj). bending easily; not stiff
I do yoga several times a week, so I'm quite supple.

26). soothe (v): to make sb. or sth. more comfortable.
When I'm worried, I soothe myself with a cup of tea.

27).Wrinkle. 皱纹
My grandfather has many wrinkles on his face.

28). acquaintance (n). sb. you know but are not good friends with.
I have many acquaintances , but only a few good friends.

29). stump (v). to caused sb. to be unable to find answer to sth.
The bonus question on our math exam stumped half of the class.

30). public eye. available for all to watch or know.
The news helps keep important issues in the public eye.

31) brilliant. extremely smart.
Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist.

32). be devastated. very upset.
I was devastated when I hear that big train accident news.

33). go ballistic. to become extremely angry.
James went ballistic when he saw his doughter's drunk driving.

34). choose one's battles. to carefully decide which problems you will try to solve.
It's important to choose your battles, and only fight over important issues.

35). revoke. to officially cancel on agreement or law.
Her driver's license was revoked because of drunk driving.

36). flea market 跳蚤市场

37). give sb a lift. to let sb. ride in your car or motorcyle. 载一程。

xue888 : 2008-04-30#16
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

bon courrage!

david-qd : 2008-05-02#17
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words from speak2me:

38).Pay through the nose (v,phr). to pay a lot of money.
You have to pay through the nose for first class tickets.

39). fortune. a lot of money.
That fancy sports car cost me a fortune.

40). take a whiff. to smell sth.
The dog took a whiff of the air and knew where the cat was hiding.

41). aroma. smell;scent 香味
Lisa could smell the aroma of freshly baked apple pie.

42). swirl (v). to spin sth. around.
Using a spoon, James swirled the cream into the coffee.

43). impair (v). to make sb.'s ability to do sth. more difficult.
The thick clouds impaired the pilot's ability to land the plane.

44). savor (v). to really enjoyed a taste.
Billy savored the delicious ice cream.

david-qd : 2008-05-03#18
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words from speak2me:

45). bring sb. up to speed. update sb. on latest news or development.
Let me bring you up to speed as to what has happened since you were last here.

46). build a buzz. to create excitement around a product or event.炒作
47). capitalize on sth. 利用
James really capitalized on Steve's hospitalization, he hang up steve's girlfriend and asked her for out on date.

48).compromise. to alter your expectations or demands in order to reach an agreement.
Can we increase the production without compromising the quality.

49).drained. to feel very tired or exhausted.

50). frantically. with little control, desperately. 疯狂的

51).pooped. very tired or exhausted.

52). scale sth. up : to increase the size, amount or importance of sth.
Olympic is coming, the police are scaling up their presence on the street, in anticipation of trouble.

angelonduty : 2008-05-03#19
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

oh GOD, I am left so far behind you guys.
start learning...

angelonduty : 2008-05-03#20
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words from speak2me.

20). coincidence (n).occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, often in a surprising or unlike way.
What a coincidence! Both Sally and Deborach wore the same red dress to the party.
What a coincidence out of all people, we share the same birthday.
21). hydrate (v). to put water or moisture into sth.
You need to hydrate your skin, or it will become too dry.
She 's got a sevious case of diarrhea and now is being hydrated in the sickroom.
22). face wash (n). skin care product used to cleanse the face. 洗面奶
Face mask 面膜
Oh, I don't do facial at all, no comments.:wdb6:

23). crow's feet 鱼尾纹
when you get older, crow's feet often form around your eyes.
I can't even imagine one day I became a wrinkled lady.:wdb13:

24). I swear by. to be very loyal to a certain product.
I sear by Dell computers, they are reliable and easy to use.
Speaking of something I am frantically fond of, I am a fan of Dell too.

25). supple (adj). bending easily; not stiff
I do yoga several times a week, so I'm quite supple.
Guess it truncated the word suppleness.:wdb6:
26). soothe (v): to make sb. or sth. more comfortable.
When I'm worried, I soothe myself with a cup of tea.
I got some body lotion which says on the bottle that it magically soothes your skin.

27).Wrinkle. 皱纹
My grandfather has many wrinkles on his face.
Yeah, typical configuration of old people.

28). acquaintance (n). sb. you know but are not good friends with.
I have many acquaintances , but only a few good friends.
Exactly, acquaintances can be everywhere, but confidants are just hard to be found.

29). stump (v). to caused sb. to be unable to find answer to sth.
The bonus question on our math exam stumped half of the class.
I came across such situations almost on daily bases when I first took my English lesson a few years back.

30). public eye. available for all to watch or know.
The news helps keep important issues in the public eye.
Surely, media does permeate every corner of the world.

31) brilliant. extremely smart.
Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist.
Einstein was more than briliant than we can imagine. If only I had my brain volume the size of a tenth of his.:wdb17:

32). be devastated. very upset.
I was devastated when I hear that big train accident news.
Definitely, no one could stand to such a train wreck, massive casualties.

33). go ballistic. to become extremely angry.
James went ballistic when he saw his doughter's drunk driving.
My GOD, I only knew ballistic test before this lecture.

34). choose one's battles. to carefully decide which problems you will try to solve.
It's important to choose your battles, and only fight over important issues.
Well, a nicer way to say focusing on major issues.

35). revoke. to officially cancel on agreement or law.
Her driver's license was revoked because of drunk driving.
Like a lawyer got disbarred or something, right?

36). flea market 跳蚤市场
Well, quite phenotypic in meanings.

37). give sb a lift. to let sb. ride in your car or motorcyle. 载一程。
free ride or hitchhike

See, I am a good student, like always.:wdb6:

fredjudy : 2008-05-03#21
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Continue the slang language notes.

12. Out of your league. 不是一个层面的
Bill is way out of your league.

13. Stand a chance 成功的可能
You are better than her, she doesn't stand a chance.

14. pop the question 求婚
They'd been going out for five yours before he popped the question.

15. Face the music : accept the responsibility for your actions.
Sooner or later, he has to face the music.

16. put sb. out of one's misery. 解脱
It would be better to kill him, it will put him out of his misery.

17. Tines are tight. 手头不宽裕
Lately, times are tight, I could not afford anything.

18. Cut to the chase. 直入主题
Okey, Let's cut to the chase, tell me what you want, I will do my best to help you.

19. Uproar 沸腾,轩然大波
He caused uproar at the office.

20.Follow your nose.
If you doubt, just follow your nose.

21. Bring down: destroy
You are trying to bring me down, you are so critical of all my work.

22. Eye-opener. 开眼的事
Her behavior last night was an eye-opener.

23. So be it.
The boss has made the decision, so be it. 就这么着了。

24. In vain 徒劳
All that study was in vain, I failed the exam.

25. How did it come to this? 怎么会搞成这样呢

26. diddly squat (not at all)
I don't know diddly squat about art. 一无所知

27. a million to one
The odds of our soccer team winning the world cup are a million to one. 几乎不可能

28. to give away 揭发
Don't give away the ending, I want to watch it for myself.

29. make cutbacks 削减
We'll have to make cutbacks on how much we spend, or else we will have no money to spend on our child.

30. Kiddo 老兄,老姐,老弟
Don't get smart with me, Kiddo.
I'm here for you, Kiddo.

31. right as rain 身体康复
I: Are you feeling better?
San Sparrow: I'm right as rain.

A: how is it going?
B: It is right as rain.

So much thsi time, to be continued.
thanks a lot:wdb11::wdb11:

david-qd : 2008-05-03#22
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Thanks for the great comments from webmaster!
It's very helpful to enhance my English skills.
You are a knowledgeable master. worth to be admired!

david-qd : 2008-05-04#23
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words and sample sentences.
1. demanding (adj). requiring a lot of effort or energy to accomplish.
Swimming is a demanding form of exercise/

2. (be) in disquise (phr). to be dressed or made to appear as someone other than who a person really is. 伪装
I didn't want anyone to know who I was, so I went to the party in disquise.

3. prince. son of a king.
The prince said that when he is king, the country will be very different.

4. ask much. to require or ask for help, work or care.
Feed your dog while you're away? That is not asking too much, I'd be happy to do it.

angelonduty : 2008-05-04#24
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words and sample sentences.
1. demanding (adj). requiring a lot of effort or energy to accomplish.
Swimming is a demanding form of exercise/
I can never play table tennis well, because it's fast and physically demanding.

2. (be) in disquise (phr). to be dressed or made to appear as someone other than who a person really is. 伪装
I didn't want anyone to know who I was, so I went to the party in disquise.
I often use the word "disquise" this way: "You are an angel in disguise."

3. prince. son of a king.
The prince said that when he is king, the country will be very different.
So, you certainly have known the meaning of a Crown prince?:wdb6:

4. ask much. to require or ask for help, work or care.
Feed your dog while you're away? That is not asking too much, I'd be happy to do it.
Hope I am not asking too much, but could you please write a little more sample sentences tomorrow?

Thank you so much for making here absorbing and audience friendly.

angelonduty : 2008-05-04#25
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。


I watched an English program in CCTV 6 from April,2007 to Oct.,2007, and taken some slang language notes . Here I would like to share with my classmates in Jiayuan.

1. Keep sharp.

I have to keep sharp for a few hours,the deadline is coming.

This is a very important game., I want everyone to keep sharp in the whole time.

Well, that's quite an impostion. How could I possibly keep sharp in the whole time if you keep making that noise?
2. Beat around the bush 兜圈子

Don't beat around the bush, tell me the news!
If you have something to tell me,don't beat around the bush, I 'm very busy.
Valuable expression. But some people are just not capable of hitting the right spot.

3. You snooze, you loose

Ticket bought advance, you can get 30% cheaper, you snooze,you loose.
If you snooze, you loose, this is a high demand opportunity.
Feel like it's now or never.

4. Jump at the chance to do sth. 非常渴望
I would jump at the chance to work there.
You mean like be dying to do somthing right?

5. Change of pace 换换胃口
I usually go to gym in the morning, but for a change of pace, I'm trying to go after work.
Well, for a change as I always say.

6. Smash 特别棒
That movie was a smash.
Hey,come on, come to the party with me, it would be smash.
Have you ever seen the movie series, Shrek the third? it was a smash in America, probably in the world, last summer.

7.On the clock. (the time to work)
I'm sorry, I'm on the clock, I will call you back later.
let's extend this phrase : around the clock----we were around the clock the last whole week, but still we didn't get this pitch done in time.

8. Kick loose ( make yourself comfortable, relax)
When I get home from work, I like kick loose.
Took me quite a while to figure this one out.

9. Do one's thing
Feel free to do your thing when you stay in my home.
I like working for myself because it's important for me to be able to do my thing.
Ok, suit yourself.

10. Standing by
We have a doctor standing by, just in case that something trrible happens.
Yeah, doctors on call is a common knowledge in hospitals.

11. Saint (great more than nice, very very nice)
You would need to be a saint to put up with her children.
Hehe, if you browse websites related to VATICAN CITY, you will come across this word frequently.
to be continued...

Good job David.

david-qd : 2008-05-05#26
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

May 5,2008.
1. sit on your laurels. to do nothing of after an earlier success.
After his first book,the writer just sat on his laurels and wrote nothing else.

2. strike a chord. to create a strong response.
I struck a chord with San Que's English studying and start my studying either.

3. far-sighted. possessing good judgement about the future.
Tony was really far-sighted when he bought those shares in China Petroleum, He made a fortue.

4. K.I.S.S Principle. "Keep It Simple, Stupid" ; design principle that suggests simplicity should be a key goal of any design.
The computer game I designed was too complicated for players to enjoy, I guess I forgot the K.I.S.S Pricinciple.

5. mentor. experienced person who gives help and advise.
Angelouduty proved to be a great mentor when I first started studying English here.

6. Underrate. to undervalue; not recognise for sb. or sth's worth.
Robert felt his boss often underrate him and didn't give him any challenging work.

david-qd : 2008-05-07#27
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

May 7,2008.
1.campy (adj). amusing or funny because of strange or shocking qualities.
That 150-kilogram man looked really campy in a dress and high heels.

2. panel (n.) small group of people who give advise or make a decision.
The panel of five judges asked each person a series of personal questions.

3. episode (n.) one TV show in a series of related shows.
Sanque wrote down the important notes for each episode he watched and studied. It's very helpful for other people to study.

4. showdown (n) important competition to finally determine who is the best.
This year's final game in the world cup was a showdown between France and Italy.

5. face off to compete directly witheach other.
Larry and Michael faced off in a one-on-one basketball game.

6. cult (adj). extremely interesting to a specific group of people.
English world forum here is a cult with people who love studying English.

7. showmanship (n). ability to entertain and make sth. exciting.

Fred is good at creating excitement with his showmanship.

8. intimidate (v). to make sb. feel scared or stupid. 威胁
The gangster intimidate the poor clerk whith a knife.

9. slave away. to work extremely hard.
I know most of new immigrants need to slave away in labor work at the begainning stage in Canada.

10. ingredient (n) sth. you need to prepare a recipe, such as sugar,meat, vegetables etc.
I hit slaving away in the kitchen to prepare ingredients for cooking.

朱三雀 : 2008-05-07#28
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

I'm so glad you have such an enthusiasm to learn english ,and you're also giving me great support indeed. Way to go! Man.

david-qd : 2008-05-09#29
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

Today's new words from speak2me.
1. call off: cancel.
I called off my English studying yesterday because I'd been slaving away at the office all day.

2. set sb. back. to cost sb. money.
The new car set me back one year's salary.

3. be put out. annoyed;bothered.
When I realized there were still no MEs today, I was put out.

4. catty . spiteful;malicious. 恶毒的
Those girls' catty remarks made Sally cry.

5. set for life. finacially prepared for life

6. good catch. sb worth having for a relationship; attractive marriage partner.
I don't know why you broke up with Michael. He was such a good catch.

7. in the market. interested in buying or getting sth.
I'm in the market for a new house. Have you seen any nice house for sale.

8. bustle and hustle. busy activity. 熙熙攘攘
I don't like shopping, the streets are full of bustle and hustle.

9. cosmopolitan (adj). sophisticated;highly cultured.
London is a very cosmopolitan city, home to hundreds of people of different nationalities and cultures.

10. scallion 青葱,韭葱
My favorite kind of onion is the scallion

11. revitalize (v). to give new life or energy to sb. or sth.
I felt revitalized when I saw many applicants received DM and PL recently.

12. fusion (n). combination of two or more things.

13. expatriate (n). sb. who lives in a country other than the one they were born in.
Canada is home to many expatriates from China, Korea, India etc.

14. picturesque (adj)图画般的
Tourists love to visit Old Town's picturesque buildings.

15. dcor (n). color and style of a room or interior of a buliding. 装饰;室内装潢。

By the way, I do hope to continue get advises from angelonduty, Sanque and all other classmates.

david-qd : 2008-05-11#30
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

1. antibiotics (n) medicine that fights bacterial infection. 抗生素
The doctor gave her antibiotics for her illness.

2. fluid (n), liquid.
If you have a cold, you should drink lots of fluid.

3.in deadful shape. (phr). in very bad health.
The woman was in dreadful shape and couldn't even run a mile.

4. kidney. organ that clearns blood.
The kidneys are responsible for clearning our blood.

5. My tooth is killing me. My tooth hurts a lot.

6. pulse. heartbeat. 脉搏

7. run a temperature ,: have a fever
The mother is worried because her baby is running a temperature.

8. take a temperature. to measure your body temperature.

我是游客 : 2008-05-11#31
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。



avondhm : 2008-05-11#32
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

:wdb11::wdb10:please explain this problem

david-qd : 2008-05-11#33
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

step1: access the website: www.speak2me.com
step2: apply a register code by email. after received the register code from webmaster, then,
step3: following the web guide to start the dialoge, you may need to test your level first so that appropriate courses for you.

avondhm : 2008-05-12#34
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

:wdb11:very clean, thanks so much!:wdb6:

david-qd : 2008-05-12#35
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

WWW.speak2me.cn, not.com. Sorry for my mistake.

david-qd : 2008-05-14#36
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

I'm waiting too long a time for ME, I guess it's high time VO release ME.
Anyway, I will contine killing my spare time by learning English.

Today's new words regarding physical events:
1.rugby (n). full-contact ball game. 英式橄榄球
Rugby is a popular but very rough sport.

2. track and field. Group of sports that include running, jumping and throwing.
The long jump and the 200-meter race are part of the track and field competition.

3.gymnastics 体操
In this gymnastics routine, the athlete must lift himself on the ropes and raise his legs.

4. hurdle. 跨栏用栏
The runner tripped over the hurdle and crashed to the ground.

5. vault 跳马
The gymnast jumped off the vault and landed perfectly.

6. floor exercise 自由体操
She won the gold medal for the floor exercise with her graceful, powerful moves.

7.discus throw :sport where athletes throw a flat,round object as far as they can 掷铁饼比赛

8. equestrian (adj) involving horses. 马的
The equestrian events include show jumping and polo (马球).

9. high jump 跳高

10.archery :sport with a bow and arrow 射箭

11.synchronized swimming 花样滑冰
Also know as "water ballet" ,synchronized swimming requires excellent flexibility and breath control.

12. parrallel bars 双杠;high bar 单杠

13. stiff competition : difficult and challenging opponents. 强劲对手
We're facing some stiff competition in the tournament, so we need to keep sharp in the whole time.

david-qd : 2008-05-15#37
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

tragic: very sad.
The earthquake in China on May 12th were tragic, the hot tears welled up in my eyes when I head that more than 14,000 people died.

1. quick buck. easily earn money.
In China, some people often earn a quick buck using relationships.

2. freak accident. totally unexpected event causing injury or death.

3. bound to. going to happen eventually.
You are bound to get a bad score on a test if you never study.

4. provoke (v). to do sth. that excites or angers sb. or sth.
I provoke my brother into doing crazy things by calling him a chicken.

5. have it coming. to be deserving of what happens. 活该
I'm sorry that you lost your job, but you had it coming after you taking so many holidays.

moneybull : 2008-05-24#38
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

如果你想练习地道的加拿大听力,你可以尝试没天听2个小时的theshoppingchannel 应该是17频道,和网站配合学习,www.theshoppingchannel.com
4个主持2男2女的发音都很不错,而且你也可以听到很地道的口语,外加了解这里的衣食住行,该节目主要是做电视直销,暂且不在乎他们推销产品的好坏,虽然总是说blockbuster.或者shopper stopper,但是你真能了解到社会所涵盖的方方面面,每30分钟主持人就换一种要调砍的商品,而且是快速流利,幽默的和商家代表一起吹捧他们的商品,哈哈,有电子产品,服装衣帽,珠宝首饰,家具时尚,园艺花鸟,饮食美容,健康保健,等,所有的所有,你都能学习到,我特意为这个栏目做了时间表来学习,我有个专门的本子纪录所有他们说的生单词,个别专用的词汇都会打在电视上的,如果还有不懂的词汇,他们可有网站啊,也会在商品介绍的地方提到很多相关的词汇的, 我这是来加拿大生活学习英文听力和口语的独家解决方案,收效甚高,坚持听3个月不换台,你的英文会比其他新移民牛X20倍, 我这样坚持了小1年了,我现在听那个节目的感觉就是英文信息如行云流水一般灌入我的脑海,所以我现在听那个台的节目感觉是在学习那些商品而不是在听英文, the way to go I am serious,所以向大家推广,相信我!我可不是那个栏目的rats,另外,切记一点,学习英文是要和这个社会结合,为了你的日常生活,工作而学习,而不是为了学习英语而学习!!!!!!!!纸上谈兵啊!!!!!!!!

david-qd : 2008-05-26#39
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

thanks a lot.

david-qd : 2008-06-01#40
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

1. Beauty is the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施
2. sweat and sour pork. 糖醋里脊
3. suvenir.
4. dessert
5. vegetarian 素食者
6. main course主菜
7curfew 宵禁时间

qdwangpu : 2008-06-02#41
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

如果你想练习地道的加拿大听力,你可以尝试没天听2个小时的theshoppingchannel 应该是17频道,和网站配合学习,www.theshoppingchannel.com
4个主持2男2女的发音都很不错,而且你也可以听到很地道的口语,外加了解这里的衣食住行,该节目主要是做电视直销,暂且不在乎他们推销产品的好坏,虽然总是说blockbuster.或者shopper stopper,但是你真能了解到社会所涵盖的方方面面,每30分钟主持人就换一种要调砍的商品,而且是快速流利,幽默的和商家代表一起吹捧他们的商品,哈哈,有电子产品,服装衣帽,珠宝首饰,家具时尚,园艺花鸟,饮食美容,健康保健,等,所有的所有,你都能学习到,我特意为这个栏目做了时间表来学习,我有个专门的本子纪录所有他们说的生单词,个别专用的词汇都会打在电视上的,如果还有不懂的词汇,他们可有网站啊,也会在商品介绍的地方提到很多相关的词汇的, 我这是来加拿大生活学习英文听力和口语的独家解决方案,收效甚高,坚持听3个月不换台,你的英文会比其他新移民牛X20倍, 我这样坚持了小1年了,我现在听那个节目的感觉就是英文信息如行云流水一般灌入我的脑海,所以我现在听那个台的节目感觉是在学习那些商品而不是在听英文, the way to go I am serious,所以向大家推广,相信我!我可不是那个栏目的rats,另外,切记一点,学习英文是要和这个社会结合,为了你的日常生活,工作而学习,而不是为了学习英语而学习!!!!!!!!纸上谈兵啊!!!!!!!!


david-qd : 2008-06-02#42
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

This website is good for practice listening.

david-qd : 2008-06-18#43
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

1. Pay through the nose. to pay a lot of money.
You have to pay through the nose for first class airline tickets.

2. impair (v). to make sb's ability to do sth. more difficults.

3. Consecutive. immediately followimg sb. or sth.
It rained for ten consecutive days before the sun finally came out.

4.Beauty is the eye of the beholder. 情人眼里出西施。

sarahfox : 2011-04-18#44
回复: 向三雀学习,每天坚持学英语2小时。

追寻天使的足迹,呵呵。。。。。。。高山仰止,看了大半天,眼睛好累,会回宿舍了。。。back to my dormitory。。。