
到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Stacy23485 : 2008-05-15#1
我看了网上的老外发帖子说, 说中国向加拿大要1000万的资金援助, 被HARPER拒绝了. 而事实上, 星期二, 加拿大正式向中国提出对中国援助的意向. 目前中方没有表态. 加外交部长Bernier没有提到中国是否要求任何的援助. 中国驻加拿大使馆也没有回他的电话.

到目前为止, 中国已经接受了来自美国, 英国, 俄罗斯, 澳大利亚, 法国, 日本, 意大利等国的援助. 但对加拿大的提议不表态. 另外, 中央电视台每天都会发布外国领导人的慰问信. 到现在, 连非洲的小国都提到了, 加拿大却连个影子都没见. 而HARPER是发布过新闻慰问信的. 看来,中国和加拿大的积怨不是一星半点.

linker : 2008-05-15#2
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


游客 : 2008-05-15#3
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


agnes97 : 2008-05-15#4
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

why not?

lgy : 2008-05-15#5
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Cakka : 2008-05-15#6
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Montana : 2008-05-15#7
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

我看了网上的老外发帖子说, 说中国向加拿大要1000万的资金援助, 被HARPER拒绝了. 而事实上, 星期二, 加拿大正式向中国提出对中国援助的意向. 目前中方没有表态. 加外交部长Bernier没有提到中国是否要求任何的援助. 中国驻加拿大使馆也没有回他的电话.

到目前为止, 中国已经接受了来自美国, 英国, 俄罗斯, 澳大利亚, 法国, 日本, 意大利等国的援助. 但对加拿大的提议不表态. 另外, 中央电视台每天都会发布外国领导人的慰问信. 到现在, 连非洲的小国都提到了, 加拿大却连个影子都没见. 而HARPER是发布过新闻慰问信的. 看来,中国和加拿大的积怨不是一星半点.

alex_lz2005 : 2008-05-15#8
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

Small fish...

lin730616 : 2008-05-15#9
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


大江东区 : 2008-05-15#10
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


zqq : 2008-05-15#11
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


李大嘴 : 2008-05-15#12
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


garfield2007 : 2008-05-15#13
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


A-YING : 2008-05-15#14
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Montana : 2008-05-15#15
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


linker : 2008-05-15#16
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

为什么我们总是会被这样的画面,被这样的声音感动,为什么我们总是看着看着就会眼含热泪(....)因为我们爱这片土地,这片土地上的人们懂得相互关怀 (中央电视台主持人,赵谱 语)

garfield2007 : 2008-05-15#17
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


jamesdai : 2008-05-15#18
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Stacy23485 : 2008-05-15#19
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


我只在CTV上找到如下描述, 具体内容无法确认.
Karygiannis called on Canada's Conservative government to take immediate action. "I'm really sort of saddened and ashamed that the only thing Harper was able to do is send out a press release saying he's sorry it happened," he said.

前些天, 我看到加外长Bernier和国际合作部长小田(ODA)发表联合声明: "We are greatly saddened by the news that thousands lost their lives and that hundreds of children who were at school at the time are trapped in the debris," Bernier said. (http://winnipegsun.com/News/World/2008/05/13/5547191-sun.html)
(中国外交部网站: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/zxxx/t433946.htm)


lin730616 : 2008-05-15#20
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


debbie tsai : 2008-05-15#21
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


iris08 : 2008-05-15#22
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Stacy23485 : 2008-05-15#23
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

相反, 加拿大政府对缅甸灾情的支援就显得"相当"积极.

据环球华网报道, 保守党众议院领袖范龙(Peter Van Loan)说加拿大支持缅甸╋已处于领先位置。加拿大已承诺派遣军方灾难援助反应队到灾区╋并提供200万元援助。 灾难援助反应队约有200名军人╋成员包括提供基本医疗服务的医务人员╋重建基本设施的工程师╋也能运行净水系统╋每天可提供多达5万升饮用水。 多伦多1个快速反应小组计划到缅甸赈灾╋但遇上签证问题。GlobalMedic的救援组周三离开多伦多╋他们装备有500万片净水药片、21套净水设备、价值100万元的预防水传播疾病的药物。 (http://gcpnews.com/articles/2008-05-10/C1013_22904.html)

加拿大政府还敦促UN的各国应该用「保护责任」原则╋催促缅甸军政权接受援助. 这个由加拿大驱策UN采用的「保护责任」原则号召国际社会有必要入侵一国的领土如果该国政府不保护其人民. "The move comes as the Conservative government faces mounting pressure to back the UN's "responsibility to protect" doctrine - one that Canada pushed the world body to adopt - which calls on the international community to essentially invade the sovereign territory of a country if its government is not protecting its people. " (http://www.dose.ca/news/story.html?id=bf5ef778-c955-4b63-9631-7c1a08908466)

我想如果缅甸继续拒绝加拿大人道主义援助, 接下来到缅甸的可能是加拿大维和部队了. :)

在其他国家为占领中国市场而分秒必争的时候, 我们的保守党政府还在自以为是地扮演世界警察的角色, 并为其获得的"成就"而沾沾自喜. 不知道这个政府要把我们领向何方... :wdb2:

side : 2008-05-15#24
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



纤纤手 : 2008-05-15#25
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


tony3000 : 2008-05-15#26
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



side : 2008-05-15#27
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


乐乐妈妈 : 2008-05-15#28
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


老姜 : 2008-05-15#29
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Montana : 2008-05-15#30
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


flyover : 2008-05-15#31
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


我看了网上的老外发帖子说, 说中国向加拿大要1000万的资金援助, 被HARPER拒绝了.

舔蜜蜜 : 2008-05-15#32
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


因为哈伯 老伯是美国狗啦,这个大家都知道,有时候美国对中国还算投鼠忌器,至少还致力于维护表面的友谊,但美国的一些小兄弟比如哈伯老伯反而更愿意替大哥出头。和和。。。说美国老谋深算,说加拿大政府傻,没有远见也可以!

舔蜜蜜 : 2008-05-15#33
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

我看了网上的老外发帖子说, 说中国向加拿大要1000万的资金援助, 被HARPER拒绝了. 而事实上, 星期二, 加拿大正式向中国提出对中国援助的意向. 目前中方没有表态. 加外交部长Bernier没有提到中国是否要求任何的援助. 中国驻加拿大使馆也没有回他的电话.

到目前为止, 中国已经接受了来自美国, 英国, 俄罗斯, 澳大利亚, 法国, 日本, 意大利等国的援助. 但对加拿大的提议不表态. 另外, 中央电视台每天都会发布外国领导人的慰问信. 到现在, 连非洲的小国都提到了, 加拿大却连个影子都没见. 而HARPER是发布过新闻慰问信的. 看来,中国和加拿大的积怨不是一星半点.

和和。。。绝不可能,才1000w 中国自己拿不出来吗,印尼海啸的时候中国国内从政府到企业到民间里里外外筹了4亿多美元捐给印尼呢。1000w还用伸手跟加拿大要,中国人就为这1000w还落人口实?这个发帖的鬼子不是自己躲被窝里意淫出来的news,就是加拿大政府为不捐助胡编接口呢。反正我看到的是加拿大政府连起码的慰问电都没有!

游客大转移 : 2008-05-15#34
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


shanghai_qq : 2008-05-15#35
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



7474 : 2008-05-15#36
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

楼上,脑子进水了。这是人道主义援助,不是对哪个政党好。在人命关天的时候,还玩儿政治。 没有人性的政客。

cdegt : 2008-05-15#37
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

我只在CTV上找到如下描述, 具体内容无法确认.
Karygiannis called on Canada's Conservative government to take immediate action. "I'm really sort of saddened and ashamed that the only thing Harper was able to do is send out a press release saying he's sorry it happened," he said.

前些天, 我看到加外长Bernier和国际合作部长小田(ODA)发表联合声明: "We are greatly saddened by the news that thousands lost their lives and that hundreds of children who were at school at the time are trapped in the debris," Bernier said. (http://winnipegsun.com/News/World/2008/05/13/5547191-sun.html)
(中国外交部网站: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/zxxx/t433946.htm)


harper这孙子确实还没说什么,这是Jim Karygiannis的网站原文,批的就是他的无动于衷


Press Conference - Humanitarian Crisis in China following the Earthquake

Tuesday 13th May 2008.

Statement by The Honourable Jim Karygiannis, M.P. Scarborough-Agincourt

with respect to the Humanitarian Crisis in China following the Earthquake on May 12, 2008

Press Conference May 13, 2008
Slide Show Chinese Earthquake Press Conference May 12, 2008
Good Morning.
First, I want to say that my thoughts and prayers are with the people of China as they cope with devastating loss and struggle to survive, in the wake of yesterday’s earthquake in Sichuan Province. I hope they find strength they need now and in the weeks and months to come.
My thoughts and prayers are also with members of the Canadian Chinese community in this time of great need.
I have been in contact with to the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto and the Charges D’Affairs at the Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in Ottawa to express my condolences.
I am ashamed of the Harper government. While they have offered their condolences, they have not offered any concrete aid or assistance.
Canadians are a generous people and, in times of international disaster, we open our hearts and our wallets to assist people in dire need. Canadians are answering the appeals from aid agencies for the victims of this earthquake. Where is their government?
I am calling on the Harper government to immediately:
Commit $10 million immediately, for rescue, recovery and relief efforts; Match dollar for dollar money raised by Canadian non-governmental organizations for the victims of this earthquake; Expedite Family Class Sponsorship cases from south-western China that are in process; and, Issue Visitor Visas to immediate family members of the Canadian Chinese community from south-western China, so they can join their relatives in Canada during this ordeal.
I have been working with members of the Canadian Chinese community in order that they can receive a one-time charitable tax number through Canada Revenue Agency for the community to be able to issue tax receipts for the relief funds collected.
The former Liberal government instituted similar initiatives following the Tsunami. Stephen Harper and his Conservative government must do no less.
Unfortunately, once again, Harper is ignoring China and her people. The rest of the world has responded to this disaster. Canada is conspicuous by its absence.

我呼吁哈珀政府要立即: l 提供1000万元用于救援 、恢复及救济行动; l 对非政府组织为地震受害人募集的金额提供对等资金; l 快速办理已经进入程序的来自中国西南地区的家庭类担保申请; l 为加拿大华人社区的直系家庭成员签发旅行签证,以便他们在此艰难时刻与亲人团聚。

cdegt : 2008-05-15#38
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Chinese communities working together to maximize push for earthquake relief

May 14, 2008 04:30 AM
Jim Wilkes
Staff Reporter

The Greater Toronto Area's Chinese community is rallying to send aid to parts of their homeland devastated by this week's earthquake and continuing aftershocks.

"We were very, very emotional," said Bang Gu Jiang, president of Toronto's Sichuan Association of Canada, named for the province rocked by Monday's earthquake.

"We had to accept the shocking news and we were trying to find out if our families, relatives and friends were sound and safe."

Her organization and others across Greater Toronto have joined forces to create the China Sichuan Earthquake Relief fund to funnel money to the Chinese Red Cross for relief efforts.

Donations can be made to Account 04009072 at Bank of China branches across Canada.

"There is a sense of urgency," Jiang said yesterday after a media conference in Scarborough. "We have to do something now.

"Alone we are not strong enough. We want to help as a community. We join you, or you join us, it doesn't matter. We must work together to maximize the result."

Jiang, who has been in Canada for 20 years, still has family in Sichuan. away from the quake zone. They all escaped injury, she said.

Charles Jiang, a financial adviser in Toronto for 12 years after coming to Canada from Sichuan, said he has been unable to reach his sister in the capital, Chengdu, about 90 kilometres from the quake's centre, since aftershocks rumbled through the area.

"My parents are safe there, but many people here are worried about their families," he said. "We know the death toll keeps climbing up and so many thousands of people are missing."

Ping Pan, executive co-chair of the Toronto-based National Congress of Chinese Canadians, said his homeland "needs the support and sympathy" of the world community.

"When disaster happens, it affects everyone," he said.

Pan said money collected would be designated only to help victims of the earthquake.

Although China is a wealthy nation, the areas damaged are among the poorest in the country.

Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis (Scarborough-Agincourt) said despite China's wealth, countries like Canada must still pitch in.

"At times like this, like in the United States when Katrina struck, the rest of the world community has to come to their aid," he said. "We also have to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with China to show that you're not alone, this is a world issue and we're there to help.

"We need the international community to come together."

Karygiannis urged Prime Minister Stephen Harper to offer immediate relief to the earthquake-ravaged nation. He said messages of sympathy alone wouldn't help relief efforts as China continues to dig out from the devastating quake.

He said he was "saddened, ashamed that the only thing Mr. Harper was able to do was put out a press release and say, 'Sorry that this happened.'

"Canadians are a generous people and, in times of international disaster, we open our hearts and our wallets to assist people in dire need," Karygiannis said at the Ruby Chinese Restaurant at Woodside Square in Scarborough.

"Canadians are answering the appeals from aid agencies for the victims of this earthquake. Where is our government?"

Karygiannis urged the federal government to:

Commit $10 million immediately for rescue, recovery and relief effort.
Match dollar-for-dollar money raised by Canadian non-governmental organizations for victims of the earthquake.
Expedite family-class sponsorship cases from southwest China already being processed.
Issue visitor visas to immediate family members of Chinese Canadians from the quake zone, so they can join their relatives in Canada.

Karygiannis said the federal government must step up to help.

"Unfortunately, once again, our government is ignoring the people of China," he said. "The rest of the world has responded to this disaster. Canada should do the same."

East Gwillimbury resident Sherry Yang said her family in Chengdu reported only minor damage, such as broken dishes, after the earthquake.

Yang, 54, said her 92-year-old mother was on the 15th floor of the local hospital when the earthquake began.

"There are still more tremors," Yang said yesterday. "It has started to rain and so the local government has brought buses in for older people and children to stay in."

家有儿女 : 2008-05-15#39
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Arthurjiang : 2008-05-15#40
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


shanghai_qq : 2008-05-15#41
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

楼上,脑子进水了。这是人道主义援助,不是对哪个政党好。在人命关天的时候,还玩儿政治。 没有人性的政客。


menbi : 2008-05-15#42
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



扬帆之都 : 2008-05-15#43
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

我看了网上的老外发帖子说, 说中国向加拿大要1000万的资金援助, 被HARPER拒绝了. 而事实上, 星期二, 加拿大正式向中国提出对中国援助的意向. 目前中方没有表态. 加外交部长Bernier没有提到中国是否要求任何的援助. 中国驻加拿大使馆也没有回他的电话.

到目前为止, 中国已经接受了来自美国, 英国, 俄罗斯, 澳大利亚, 法国, 日本, 意大利等国的援助. 但对加拿大的提议不表态. 另外, 中央电视台每天都会发布外国领导人的慰问信. 到现在, 连非洲的小国都提到了, 加拿大却连个影子都没见. 而HARPER是发布过新闻慰问信的. 看来,中国和加拿大的积怨不是一星半点.

Stacy23485 : 2008-05-15#44
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


这位看官的思想有点狭隘. 咱们来做个假设, 比如你的邻居家房子塌了. 你对他们家的父母有意见, 但他们的小孩是无辜的. 你难道能见死不救吗? 在目前灾区人民有难的时候, 你作为华人, 能不能抛开个人成见, 尽你的所能来帮助我们的同胞呢? 一方有难八方支援, 做人但求将心比心.

大胃贝克汉姆 : 2008-05-15#45
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


Exocell : 2008-05-15#46
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


大江东区 : 2008-05-15#47
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



Stacy23485 : 2008-05-15#48
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



数码猪头 : 2008-05-15#49
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



心已飞翔 : 2008-05-15#50
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


osaka : 2008-05-15#51
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


舔蜜蜜 : 2008-05-15#52
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



Stacy23485 : 2008-05-16#53
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


我也同样痛恨中国的贪官污吏, 中国政府也在此方面努力.

就四川灾情而言, 加拿大政府是没有义务向中国提供人道援助. 作为一个国家领导人,HARPER个人至少应该向中国表示SPIRITUAL SUPPORT. 但至今我没有看到. 我觉得他对外交的理解不很透彻. 也许他可以当个好的内政部部长, 但作为国家元首, 道行还不深.

连WAR LORD BUSH都发表声明: "I extend my condolences to those injured and to the families of the victims of today's earthquake in China's Sichuan Province. I am particularly saddened by the number of students and children affected by this tragedy. The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with the Chinese people, especially those directly affected. The United States stands ready to help in any way possible."

斯巴达克斯 : 2008-05-16#54
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


扬帆之都 : 2008-05-16#55
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

这位看官的思想有点狭隘. 咱们来做个假设, 比如你的邻居家房子塌了. 你对他们家的父母有意见, 但他们的小孩是无辜的. 你难道能见死不救吗? 在目前灾区人民有难的时候, 你作为华人, 能不能抛开个人成见, 尽你的所能来帮助我们的同胞呢? 一方有难八方支援, 做人但求将心比心.

扬帆之都 : 2008-05-16#56
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


garfieldcai : 2008-05-16#57
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



扬帆之都 : 2008-05-16#58
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.



舔蜜蜜 : 2008-05-16#59
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.

我也同样痛恨中国的贪官污吏, 中国政府也在此方面努力.

就四川灾情而言, 加拿大政府是没有义务向中国提供人道援助. 作为一个国家领导人,HARPER个人至少应该向中国表示SPIRITUAL SUPPORT. 但至今我没有看到. 我觉得他对外交的理解不很透彻. 也许他可以当个好的内政部部长, 但作为国家元首, 道行还不深.

连WAR LORD BUSH都发表声明: "I extend my condolences to those injured and to the families of the victims of today's earthquake in China's Sichuan Province. I am particularly saddened by the number of students and children affected by this tragedy. The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with the Chinese people, especially those directly affected. The United States stands ready to help in any way possible."


osaka : 2008-05-16#60
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.


aussiok : 2008-05-16#61
回复: 到目前为止, 对加拿大提出的援助意向, 中国政府没有表态.
