


osaka : 2008-07-15#1

caddie_sky : 2008-08-06#2
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

sorry i don't know. but i can help to up your question!

游客 : 2008-08-06#3
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

Normally, the alien do not chat with each other online. so...

volkswagen : 2008-08-19#4
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

skype broadcast. Skype runs many online broadcast stations. and every station has a master to host the chatting room. It's really interesting if you can keep talking in the room.

落日微风 : 2008-08-19#5
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天


connie9846 : 2008-11-21#6
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

http://www.orkut.com i hope it is useful for you.

cold88 : 2008-11-22#7
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天


ALICE.WZ : 2008-12-05#8
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天


cold88 : 2008-12-05#9
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天


温哥华的小平 : 2008-12-12#10
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

Hello, I am peter, living in Vancouver. I am just looking for someone who want to practice English speaking. or I want an English talking partner who can and want to talk to me in English any spare time. I need practice oral English desperately.
My English level is above intermediate. I am working as well as a part time student in Douglas.
After years in Vancouver, I recognize that local people judge your English only by your English speaking and will like to hire you or talk to you if you can speak fleuntly. they are not English test institute, right? they need not to test your English reading and writting skill. But how come, a fluent English? We Chinese people have to speak English in the routine life and ant time not just classroom, and with any topics. Canadian people, average people, judge your English with your fluency.
please email me to xiaoping26268@yahoo.com, if you want to an English talking partner severely. we will arrange the time then.

温哥华的小平 : 2008-12-12#11
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

of course you can leave your message here as you want

温哥华的小平 : 2008-12-12#12
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

I ask anyone want to practice English speaking come to connect with me here. show up your English ability, I will like to talk to you and both of us can get benefit from our talking. why not. We will talk through phone. no writing word and no private issues.

精灵儿 : 2008-12-30#13
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

skype broadcast 怎么用呢?

volkswagen : 2008-12-30#14
回复: 如何进行英语口语在线聊天

skype broadcast 怎么用呢?


Sorry that Skype had closed that service for some purpose.