


千里马 : 2008-09-06#1
1 需要参加什么学习班或者考试之类的获得药剂师助理资格么?
2 哪些学院或者大学能够提供此类学习?学制和费用?

jemma : 2008-09-07#2
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

找找ALEX的帖子,有pharmacy technician 的介绍.
公立和私立学院很多都有这个专业. 公立两年学费大概$6000, 但是每年书费要1000多.私立的费用不一样.

Alexander2008 : 2008-09-07#3
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


alexwei : 2008-09-07#4
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


千里马 : 2008-09-08#5
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


alexwei : 2008-09-08#6
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

1 需要参加什么学习班或者考试之类的获得助理药剂师资格么?
2 哪些学院或者大学能够提供此类学习?学制和费用?

Many colleges offer Pharmacy Technician course.Community college offer 2 years PT Diploma Course. Private Career College offer 8-10 months Intensive Diploma Course. Before October, 2008, you must pass the Certified PT exam held by Ontario College of Pharmacists to be a Cerfified PT. However, this exam will no longer exit after October and there is no schedule for new exam. The total expense is around $7000.

Go to below websites to learn more info in Pharmacy field
Ontario College of Pharmacists.(安省药剂师协会) www. ocpinfo.com
The Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada:www.pebc.ca

千里马 : 2008-09-09#7
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


LINI : 2008-09-09#8
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

1 需要参加什么学习班或者考试之类的获得助理药剂师资格么?
2 哪些学院或者大学能够提供此类学习?学制和费用?


jonesno1 : 2008-09-09#9
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


千里马 : 2008-09-09#10
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


千里马 : 2008-09-09#11
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


LINI : 2008-09-10#12
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


迫切想知道这个消息是否可靠?可以在哪看到?或是知道有人已经这样办过了? 如果可靠就太好了,可以省不少钱.去了马上可以一边打工提高外语(还可算加国经验呢),一边自已看书,直接准备考药剂师.再难准备5年总可以了吧.反正只要一边工作就不怕没钱.就是辛苦些.

alexwei : 2008-09-10#13
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

听说现在有认证海外资质的考试,一些学校还有相关课程,但是不清楚具体情况,不过一个医生朋友讲,即使通过了考试,也找不到专业工作,具体原因, 可以根据我摘录的一个短文来说明:


其二,无所不在的“本地经验”。在餐馆洗碗招人都要求有本地经验的情况下,就不难理解为什么一个在中国有着七、八年软件开发经验的工程师,连小小的一个电脑公司都进不去,而只能到工厂当包装工了。作为雇主来讲,为什么如此看重求职者本地经验的有无,这恐怕和节省企业成本有关,谁也不愿意化太多的时间和钱来Training 生手。另外,如你有过“本地工作经验”,那么对雇主来说,又多了一条了解你的渠道,少了一些文化上的隔阂。这些,似乎又是可以理解的。但怎样才能得到第一次本地经验呢?“义工”的职位,就这样应运而生了。

我也只是道听途说,来了之后可以了解一下再决定走哪个方向. 如果你准备花5年时间准备,我觉得还是读当地大学出来比较好。

yeriver : 2008-09-10#14
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

jonesno1,请问你的documentation evaluation通过了吗?

jonesno1 : 2008-09-10#15
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

迫切想知道这个消息是否可靠?可以在哪看到?或是知道有人已经这样办过了? 如果可靠就太好了,可以省不少钱.去了马上可以一边打工提高外语(还可算加国经验呢),一边自已看书,直接准备考药剂师.再难准备5年总可以了吧.反正只要一边工作就不怕没钱.就是辛苦些.

It used to be true. But now I don't know since some changes are just done to the regulatory of pharm techs.

Even you are qualified to be a pharm tech does not mean you will get a job. It all depends on your ability and personality. What do you think you have and why they will hire you over the normal pharm tech students from Canada? Think about it. BTW, cantonse and mandarin is not an asset anymore since lots of people could speak both here. Good luck

jonesno1 : 2008-09-10#16
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

jonesno1,请问你的documentation evaluation通过了吗?

Yes, i did. Answered your email as well. No goodstanding statement(?) needed for me. But I don't know if they will ask u for it as different casses have different accessment-I haven't been graduated for more than 3 years when I submitted the documents. Email them and ask!!!

syxtmem : 2008-09-10#17
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

听说现在有认证海外资质的考试,一些学校还有相关课程,但是不清楚具体情况,不过一个医生朋友讲,即使通过了考试,也找不到专业工作,具体原因, 可以根据我摘录的一个短文来说明:


其二,无所不在的“本地经验”。在餐馆洗碗招人都要求有本地经验的情况下,就不难理解为什么一个在中国有着七、八年软件开发经验的工程师,连小小的一个电脑公司都进不去,而只能到工厂当包装工了。作为雇主来讲,为什么如此看重求职者本地经验的有无,这恐怕和节省企业成本有关,谁也不愿意化太多的时间和钱来Training 生手。另外,如你有过“本地工作经验”,那么对雇主来说,又多了一条了解你的渠道,少了一些文化上的隔阂。这些,似乎又是可以理解的。但怎样才能得到第一次本地经验呢?“义工”的职位,就这样应运而生了。

我也只是道听途说,来了之后可以了解一下再决定走哪个方向. 如果你准备花5年时间准备,我觉得还是读当地大学出来比较好。

LINI : 2008-09-11#18
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

It used to be true. But now I don't know since some changes are just done to the regulatory of pharm techs.

Even you are qualified to be a pharm tech does not mean you will get a job. It all depends on your ability and personality. What do you think you have and why they will hire you over the normal pharm tech students from Canada? Think about it. BTW, cantonse and mandarin is not an asset anymore since lots of people could speak both here. Good luck

作者: yeriver
jonesno1,请问你的documentation evaluation通过了吗?

Yes, i did. Answered your email as well. No goodstanding statement(?) needed for me. But I don't know if they will ask u for it as different casses have different accessment-I haven't been graduated for more than 3 years when I submitted the documents. Email them and ask!!!


jonesno1 : 2008-09-11#19
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

did I mention anywhere I 还认证?认完后再读书?

pharm tech=pharmacy technician, who USED TO BE trained on site only (but no more that easy now). This means that they did not need school diploma or certificate to be qualified and they did not have to take those license exams to keep their jobs. Lots of internationally trained pharmacists came as new immigrants who did not qualify being a licensed pharmacist would take a pharm tech job and at the same time pursued the license to be a real pharmacist.

What I was trying to say with the above thread is, even though you could work as a pharm tech right away, you might not necessary get a job as a pharm tech. why the manager would hire you rather than the pharm tech students with a certificate from Canadian schools? Don't mention that you are new here, no local working experiences,English is poor, may have bad habits ... I am not trying to depress you, but there must be a reason that not all professional could eventually practice their own field after they come to Canada. But on the other hand, in Canada (North America), you will always have a chance. As I said, it all depends on the ability and personality of the person.

If you have a pharmcy background, try your best to be a license pharmacist, not a pharm tech. By the way, please make sure you understand before you give out an answer, especially when you are a pharmacist. Whatever you say may japardize a patient's life.

jonesno1 : 2008-09-11#20
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


Now I get it!!! I evaluated to became a license pharmacist, NOT a pharm tech. Pharmacists earn way more than pharm techs, ok? And takes more responsibilities too.

千里马 : 2008-09-12#21
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


LINI : 2008-09-12#22
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

Now I get it!!! I evaluated to became a license pharmacist, NOT a pharm tech. Pharmacists earn way more than pharm techs, ok? And takes more responsibilities too.

Congratulated you for having passed the evaluation. And this's what i want to konw. ----I want you tell me what about to evaluate to became a license pharmacist. NOT a pharm tech. I don't konw why you think I an a pharm tech? NO. In China, i graduated from a medical university . I am a clinical pharmacist of hospital, not a pharm tech. And I hear about some words, 加XX协会(sorry, i forget the name.) would evaluate your subjects of univercity, if the 协会 regconize your sujects, you must pass the examination of PEBC too, then, you can be a pharmacist in Canada. But now, I can't make it sure. Thirst for your help. Thank you very much.

jonesno1 : 2008-09-13#23
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

Congratulated you for having passed the evaluation. And this's what i want to konw. ----I want you tell me what about to evaluate to became a license pharmacist. NOT a pharm tech. I don't konw why you think I an a pharm tech? NO. In China, i graduated from a medical university . I am a clinical pharmacist of hospital, not a pharm tech. And I hear about some words, 加XX协会(sorry, i forget the name.) would evaluate your subjects of univercity, if the 协会 regconize your sujects, you must pass the examination of PEBC too, then, you can be a pharmacist in Canada. But now, I can't make it sure. Thirst for your help. Thank you very much.

How to become a pharm tech is the title of the thread, right? Anyways, go pebc.ca there is a checklist on the documents for evaluation. I have never heard of 加XX协会. Go for the official websites for government information. That is the only correct resource.Good luck.

jonesno1 : 2008-09-13#24
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


英文是一个很大很大的问题,不要小看了它。如果你说你哥35岁了,那我当你28岁好了,要知道很多留学生16,18岁就过来,在加拿大有学位了到了28岁的时候都很难避免说了第一句话时人家的回答是pardon me这种情况。口音是很难改的,当你重复再重复的跟一个老婆婆说明用药,但是她一点都不明白,还骂你不会说英文的时候,你还是这么有自信吗?当医生或病人用电话或conference call来咨询用药,你不能再用身体语言的时候,你还是这么有自信吗?当你走上讲台,给一课室的人传授医药知识的时候(这边的药房,有很多会隔一段时间要药剂师做一些讲座),你还是这么有自信吗?


千里马 : 2008-09-13#25
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


LINI : 2008-09-16#26
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

How to become a pharm tech is the title of the thread, right? Anyways, go pebc.ca there is a checklist on the documents for evaluation. I have never heard of 加XX协会. Go for the official websites for government information. That is the only correct resource.Good luck.

Thank you very much. You are so warmhearted. Would you tell me how long have you been in Canada? And where you are? Toroto? Now , are you a pharmacist? You already graduated from university? Which one?

jonesno1 : 2009-01-11#27
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

you are very welcome. For your questions:1 I have been in Canada for 3 years already.2 yes, I am now in Toronto. 3 No, I am not yet a pharmacist. I kinda wasted 2 years not touching anything pharmacy (personal issue). But I am now back on track.4 Of course I graduated from university. How could I pass the evaluation if I am not?

游客大转移 : 2009-02-01#28
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

请知道的前辈指点, 多谢了。

alexwei : 2009-02-01#29
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

To be a Pharmacy Technician is not that hard. In community college you need at least two years(fours semester) study and in private college you need nearly 1 years study(usually private college elimate some basic course which you may not need)

Jasonz158 : 2009-02-01#30
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

I am a licensed pharmacist in China and now I am work as a pharmacy technician in Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada. I passed the PEBC's document evaluation and try to write the evaluation test in 2010.

Anyone in Toronto and have the same interest can connect me. Might we can review together.

By the way, any one have the background as a licensed pharmacist in China. It is NOT necessary to go to any college in Canada to get a diploma for working in a retail pharmacy as a pharmacy technician.

After 2010, if you want to be a pharmacy technician, you have to pass an exam to get a licensed pharmacy technician. That is a special exam just for pharmacy technician and NOT for pharmacist, that is simple and easy test (in my opinion).
Compare 2 web site list below:
for licensed pharmacist: http://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/General/HomePage.html
for pharmacy technician: http://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/PharmacyTechnicians/PTHomePage.html

狐狸姨 : 2009-02-01#31
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


千里马 : 2009-02-02#32
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


litkitty : 2009-04-09#33
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


jonesno1 : 2009-04-09#34
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

I am a licensed pharmacist in China and now I am work as a pharmacy technician in Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada. I passed the PEBC's document evaluation and try to write the evaluation test in 2010.

Anyone in Toronto and have the same interest can connect me. Might we can review together.

By the way, any one have the background as a licensed pharmacist in China. It is NOT necessary to go to any college in Canada to get a diploma for working in a retail pharmacy as a pharmacy technician.

After 2010, if you want to be a pharmacy technician, you have to pass an exam to get a licensed pharmacy technician. That is a special exam just for pharmacy technician and NOT for pharmacist, that is simple and easy test (in my opinion).
Compare 2 web site list below:
for licensed pharmacist: http://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/General/HomePage.html
for pharmacy technician: http://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/PharmacyTechnicians/PTHomePage.html
Why write the evalution exam in 2010? that is too late. Since you are a licensed pharmacist back in China, you must be knowledgeble. Spend half a year on preparation is good enough. Read the CPR. I have some exercise here if you need them.

cindy汤包 : 2009-04-12#35
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

I am a licensed pharmacist in China and now I am work as a pharmacy technician in Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada. I passed the PEBC's document evaluation and try to write the evaluation test in 2010.

Anyone in Toronto and have the same interest can connect me. Might we can review together.

By the way, any one have the background as a licensed pharmacist in China. It is NOT necessary to go to any college in Canada to get a diploma for working in a retail pharmacy as a pharmacy technician.

After 2010, if you want to be a pharmacy technician, you have to pass an exam to get a licensed pharmacy technician. That is a special exam just for pharmacy technician and NOT for pharmacist, that is simple and easy test (in my opinion).
Compare 2 web site list below:
for licensed pharmacist: http://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/General/HomePage.html
for pharmacy technician: http://www.pebc.ca/EnglishPages/PharmacyTechnicians/PTHomePage.html


benjamin80 : 2009-04-22#36
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


it55168 : 2009-04-22#37
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


tinyhuhu : 2009-05-13#38
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


litkitty : 2009-05-13#39
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


失败的羔羊 : 2009-05-13#40
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?





excelwhite : 2009-06-07#41
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

助理药师的意思就是你是药师,但只是在助理更资深的药师来工作罢了。 药师助理则不同了,你不是药师,只是助理。

如果你用assistant pharmacist来称呼自己的话别人是可以举报你的,因为你已经违法了。 这边对title protection是相当严格的。

excelwhite : 2009-06-07#42
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


薪水上是不会因为这个而提升的。 除非你这个工种可以advance practice了。

cindy汤包 : 2009-06-07#43
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

薪水上是不会因为这个而提升的。 除非你这个工种可以advance practice了。



jxh7897923 : 2009-09-19#44
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

请问各位,我现在是中药的专科(自考),而且没有执业药师证。我是否需要先在国内参加执业药师考试,或者需要去北医读个在职硕士?我看了 PEBC,上面要求 bachelor of pharmarcy,而且说要提供 Licensing Statement。我英语尚可,学了个英语本科。请大家帮忙分析分析。

奔向加拿大 : 2009-09-19#45
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

奔向加拿大 : 2009-09-19#46
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

jasmine mimi : 2009-11-10#47
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


excelwhite : 2009-11-24#48
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?



咖啡宝宝 : 2009-12-09#49
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


litkitty : 2009-12-15#50
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


千里马 : 2009-12-15#51
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


polarisdu : 2010-03-21#52
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

我本科是在医学院校的药学,bachelor of Medicine, major in Pharmacy,


excelwhite : 2010-04-12#53
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?



excelwhite : 2010-04-12#54
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


gaoshouzaina : 2010-04-30#55
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

I hold a bachelor degree of medicine and not major in pharmacy, but I am a licensed pharmacist in china, how should I study for? pharmacist or PT?

fengyelr : 2011-03-25#56
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


jonesno1 : 2011-04-26#57
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


raincui_mars : 2011-04-29#58
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


wangyu2004888 : 2011-11-12#59
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


lovelife%%% : 2012-07-28#60
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

找找ALEX的帖子,有pharmacy technician 的介绍.
公立和私立学院很多都有这个专业. 公立两年学费大概$6000, 但是每年书费要1000多.私立的费用不一样.


Elinor : 2012-08-09#61
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


huluzhu : 2013-04-02#62
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


whlzhjwh : 2013-06-06#63
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


千里马 : 2013-06-06#64
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?


pharmacy tiger : 2013-11-26#65
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?

你好,在大陆我是学位理学博士(药剂学),在三甲医院从事药师的工作五年,现已通过体检,从PEBC(PHARMACIST EXAMINATION BOARD IN CANADA)上得知要通过其3个STEP的考试。我的问题是,想到CANADA继续从事医院药师工作,我可以通过参加PEBC考试这种方法取得LICENCE,从事PHARMACIST工作吗?我没有PHARM.D,而且就像你说的,今后也不会有。

江小米 : 2014-01-16#66
回复: 如何成为助理药剂师?
