
安省Bridge Training Programs,帮助你获得专业过渡,从而获得加拿大专业执照


andylzq : 2008-10-08#1

About Ontario’s Bridge Training Programs
The Ontario government supports programs that can help newcomers get their license or certificate in their profession or trade so that they can work in Ontario.
These programs have been put together by employers, colleges and universities, occupational regulatory bodies, and community organizations. They are called 'Bridging Programs.' Each Bridging program is different and may provide you with:
  • An assessment of your education and skills
  • A clinical or workplace experience
  • Skills training or targeted academic training programs
  • Preparation for a license or certification examination
  • Language training for your profession or trade
  • Individual learning plans to identify any added training you may need
Bridge Training Projects By Sector

dahsing : 2011-09-13#2
回复: 安省Bridge Training Programs,帮助你获得专业过渡,从而获得加拿大专业执照
