


布什他哥 : 2008-10-09#1
Research Center:
Canada » Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer » Salary
Salary Survey Report for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

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Median Salary by Years Experience - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/7/2008 | Individuals reporting: 2,473 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Years Experience Ranges: Less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-19 years, 20 years or more (More)

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Job Description - Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

People with the job title Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer typically fall into one of the following PayScale standard occupations.
  • Software Developers, Client Applications - Write, modify, and debug software for client applications. Use source debuggers and visual development environments. Write code to create single-threaded or user interface event driven applications, either stand-alone and those which access servers or services. Test and document software for client applications.
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PayScale Advice - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

Find common leisure activities with your interviewer for smalltalk. - Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer - (City withheld for privacy), Alberta, Canada.
Posted in Interviewing Tips on 10/12/2006.
Find common leisure activities with your interviewer for smalltalk. Being able to connect with the interviewer on a personal level is important.
See all advice for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer.
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Median Salary by Employer Type - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/7/2008 | Individuals reporting: 2,472 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Employer Types: Company, Private Practice/Firm, Other Organization, College / University, Government - State & Local, Government - Federal, Contract, Foundation / Trust, Non-Profit Organization, Self-Employed, Hospital, School / School District, Team, Franchise (More)

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Median Salary by City - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/7/2008 | Individuals reporting: 2,473 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Cities: Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Montreal, Montréal, Waterloo (More)

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More Salary Charts for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

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Median Salary by Years Experience Median Salary by Skill/Specialty Median Salary by Employer Type Median Salary by Industry Median Salary by City Median Salary by Gender Median Salary by State or Province Median Salary by Degree/Major Subject Median Salary by Company Size Median Salary by School Name Median Salary by Certification Median Salary by Age
More Survey Reports for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

Salary Popular Tallies Hourly Rate Vacation Weeks Bonus Commute Time Profit Sharing Advice

布什他哥 : 2008-10-10#2
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)


布什他哥 : 2008-10-10#3
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

根据他们提供的MY SALARY REPORTS功能,输入相应数据,你就可知道你的薪水在本地区属于什么水平,很有意思的.

dingqiang0519 : 2008-10-13#4
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

very nice

SPIKE : 2008-10-13#5
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

我K, 月薪都这么多,都快赶上别的专业工的年薪了,难怪大家都说IT好了。

布什他哥 : 2008-10-13#6
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

我K, 月薪都这么多,都快赶上别的专业工的年薪了,难怪大家都说IT好了。

布什他哥 : 2008-10-13#7
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

这里给出的是中间数。Median Salary。读英文仔细了,Salary就是指年薪。月薪和时薪都是指不稳定工作,比如contract或labour.

布什他哥 : 2008-10-13#8
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)


zhongxiaolao : 2008-10-13#9
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

这里给出的是中间数。Median Salary。


布什他哥 : 2008-10-13#10
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

我K, 月薪都这么多,都快赶上别的专业工的年薪了,难怪大家都说IT好了。


Research Center: Canada » Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer » Salary
Salary Survey Report for Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

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Median Salary by Years Experience - Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/2/2008 | Individuals reporting: 1,930 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Years Experience Ranges: 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-19 years, 20 years or more (More)

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Job Description - Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

People with the job title Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer typically fall into one of the following PayScale standard occupations.
  • Software Developers, Client Applications - Write, modify, and debug software for client applications. Use source debuggers and visual development environments. Write code to create single-threaded or user interface event driven applications, either stand-alone and those which access servers or services. Test and document software for client applications.
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PayScale Advice - Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

Get background information - Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer - (City withheld for privacy), British Columbia, Canada.
Posted in Discussing Compensation on 11/5/2006.
Ensure you know the local salary expectation, both for the specific job and the local area
See all advice for Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer.
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Median Salary by Employer Type - Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/2/2008 | Individuals reporting: 1,928 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Employer Types: Company, Private Practice/Firm, Other Organization, Government - State & Local, Non-Profit Organization, Contract, Foundation / Trust, College / University, Government - Federal, Hospital, Self-Employed, Team, Franchise (More)

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Median Salary by City - Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/2/2008 | Individuals reporting: 1,930 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Cities: Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Montreal, Montréal, Waterloo (More)

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More Salary Charts for Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

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Median Salary by Years Experience Median Salary by Skill/Specialty Median Salary by Employer Type Median Salary by Industry Median Salary by City Median Salary by Gender Median Salary by Company Size Median Salary by Employer Name Median Salary by State or Province Median Salary by Degree/Major Subject Median Salary by Certification Median Salary by School Name
More Survey Reports for Job: Sr. Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

Salary Popular Tallies Hourly Rate Vacation Weeks Bonus Commute Time Commission Advice Profit Sharing

maple leaf : 2008-10-15#11
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

Research Center:
Canada » Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer » Salary
Salary Survey Report for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

(See more jobs)
More reports for this job: Hourly Rate, Bonus, Profit Sharing, Popular Tallies, more...

Median Salary by Years Experience - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/7/2008 | Individuals reporting: 2,473 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Years Experience Ranges: Less than 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, 10-19 years, 20 years or more (More)

FREE! Custom Salary Comparison
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Job Description - Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

People with the job title Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer typically fall into one of the following PayScale standard occupations.
  • Software Developers, Client Applications - Write, modify, and debug software for client applications. Use source debuggers and visual development environments. Write code to create single-threaded or user interface event driven applications, either stand-alone and those which access servers or services. Test and document software for client applications.
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PayScale Advice - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

Find common leisure activities with your interviewer for smalltalk. - Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer - (City withheld for privacy), Alberta, Canada.
Posted in Interviewing Tips on 10/12/2006.
Find common leisure activities with your interviewer for smalltalk. Being able to connect with the interviewer on a personal level is important.
See all advice for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer.
Share YOUR advice for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer.

FREE! Custom Salary Comparison
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Median Salary by Employer Type - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/7/2008 | Individuals reporting: 2,472 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Employer Types: Company, Private Practice/Firm, Other Organization, College / University, Government - State & Local, Government - Federal, Contract, Foundation / Trust, Non-Profit Organization, Self-Employed, Hospital, School / School District, Team, Franchise (More)

FREE! Custom Salary Comparison
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Median Salary by City - Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer (Canada)

Add to Your Site Currency: CAD | Updated: 10/7/2008 | Individuals reporting: 2,473 Narrow in by: Company Size, City, Experience, Skills, Degree and more.
Find Salary Reports for these Cities: Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, Montreal, Montréal, Waterloo (More)

FREE! Custom Salary Comparison
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More Salary Charts for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

(view all charts)
Median Salary by Years Experience Median Salary by Skill/Specialty Median Salary by Employer Type Median Salary by Industry Median Salary by City Median Salary by Gender Median Salary by State or Province Median Salary by Degree/Major Subject Median Salary by Company Size Median Salary by School Name Median Salary by Certification Median Salary by Age
More Survey Reports for Job: Software Engineer / Developer / Programmer

Salary Popular Tallies Hourly Rate Vacation Weeks Bonus Commute Time Profit Sharing Advice [/quot]


姗姗来迟 : 2008-10-15#12
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)


布什他哥 : 2008-10-15#13
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)


冬季蝴蝶 : 2008-10-21#14
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)



冬季蝴蝶 : 2008-10-21#15
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

我K, 月薪都这么多,都快赶上别的专业工的年薪了,难怪大家都说IT好了。


ppl1992 : 2008-10-23#16
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)


excelwhite : 2009-07-17#17
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)

这里给出的是中间数。Median Salary。读英文仔细了,Salary就是指年薪。月薪和时薪都是指不稳定工作,比如contract或labour.

医疗工作大部分都是时薪。 护士平均接近8万也是pay的时薪。 药剂师平均10万也是pay的时薪。 ER经常招不到医生每小时开200的FT positions都有,也都是时薪。

heartinfall : 2009-08-04#18
回复: 加拿大软件工程师薪水一览表(2008)
