


木尘子 : 2009-03-18#1
我读的是ECE,可能是全女人,感觉白人同学,特别是有点年纪的对我们新移民有歧视,还有的就是说粤语的香港人,以为自己跟白人一样这出生长大,很是歧视新移民。有个白人跟我一样读英语写作课程,语法考试和写essay,成绩就70左右,我拿80,90,她就老讽刺我。有个课程都是group assignment,有个香港女孩,根本不愿合作,不搭理,“easy,i can manage everything。”以前老抱怨中国人不懂尊重和合作,好像白人也不全是吧?

mstiger : 2009-04-07#2
回复: 你们班上有没discrimination?


never_talk : 2009-04-07#3
回复: 你们班上有没discrimination?

There are bad apples everywhere...

I found that you are very unlucky in Canada...maybe because you only complain online but never say anything good about your life?

david1971 : 2009-04-08#4
回复: 你们班上有没discrimination?

I have opposite feeling about this. Lots of elder local person are nice, but the foreigners who came from other countries are mean to new immigrant even if they were immigrants too.

bryan bai : 2009-04-08#5
回复: 你们班上有没discrimination?

discrimination for excellent ---- anywhere in the world