
要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么


jemma : 2009-05-19#1
有经验的大侠提些建议? 比如着装, 常规问题的回答等?是去一家律师事务所.
哦,加一条,本人female. 不可能是西服领带. 穿衬衫西裤可以吗?

andylzy9 : 2009-05-19#2
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么

有经验的大侠提些建议? 比如着装, 常规问题的回答等?是去一家律师事务所.
哦,加一条,本人female. 不可能是西服领带. 穿衬衫西裤可以吗?


Candace Gao : 2009-05-19#3
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么

如果是Law Firm,那最好穿套装,如果应聘一般文职的话,衬衫西裤也可以了。

第一个问题多半是Tell me something about yourself,记得多说说自己过去的工作业绩。


jemma : 2009-05-19#4
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么

多谢Andy, Candace!

东方蚊子西方血 : 2009-05-19#5
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么

15 Interview Tips:
1. Plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled interview time
and remember the interview begins the moment you step into reception. If
the party you are meeting is unavailable simply wait. Do not make
calls; ensure your cell phone is turned off.
2. Visit the company's website, research and familiarize with their
offering and industry.
3. Expect some small talk on current events. Be informed by
reading the daily newspaper.
4. Review the job description and prepare to sell your capabilities
based on how you can leverage your skills towards the role you are
applying for.
5. Dress professionally in a suit and tie.
6. Greet your interviewer with a firm handshake while maintaining
eye contact.
7. Prepare intelligent, in-depth questions to demonstrate your
depth, scope and industry experience. These can include inquiring about
the companies overall goals.
8. While following the interviewers leads, try to get them to
describe the responsibilities to you as early as possible, allowing you
to match your skills and accomplishments accordingly.
9. Consider your body language. Maintain comfortable eye contact
(but don't stare) with the interviewer and nod your head in agreement
showing you're engaged; slouching in your chair indicates you're bored.
Keep your hands and feet still, do not lean on, touch or read anything
on the interviewer's desk.
10. Listen closely to the questions asked. If you do not clearly
understand the question don't hesitate to request clarification or
rephrase it in your own words.
11. Wait until the interviewer asks you to describe yourself before
you present any of your information, listen attentively when the
interviewer talks.
12. Keep your responses concise, positive and articulate. Respond
directly to the questions asked. Do not ramble on about yourself or
lead the interviewer off track.
13. When the interviewer asks you to "tell me about yourself", limit
your response to 2-3 minutes. Focus on your background and transferable
skills - think highlights.
14. Have the right attitude. Be confident during the interview but
not arrogant. Project you voice, conveying confidence and enthusiasm.
They need to see that you not only have the skills to perform the job
but also the personality to thrive within their corporate culture.
15. Never criticize your past employer or colleagues. Focus on the
positive aspects of the experience.
Common Questions to Prepare For:

You will likely be asked a host of standard questions such as those
listed below. Practice your responses to these queries with a friend at
home so you can provide clear and concise answers.
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Tell me about your background and accomplishments
3. Why are you looking to move from you current position?
4. What do you know about the company you are applying for?
5. Why do you think you're a good fit for this company?
6. How does your experience match what we're looking for? Review
the job description carefully.
7. Some accomplishments/challenges/difficult situations you have
faced in the past and how you resolved them.
8. What would you do in your first 6 months with the company?
9. How would you describe your performance in your most recent
role? What would your previous supervisor and peers say about you?
10. When asked about your weaknesses, don't get carried away, always
identify the action steps you are taking to improve in that area.
11. Never bring up salary or state that you "need the job".
Closing Comments:
1. Don't overstay your welcome - don't stick around when the
interview is over.
2. If you're interested in the role, let the interviewer know.
Indicate your level of interest with enthusiasm. State your confidence
in their company and your fit for the position.
3. If you feel the interview did not go well, don't let your
discouragement show - they may be genuinely interested but testing you
to see your reaction.
4. Thank the interviewer for their time and consideration.

xhe : 2009-05-20#6
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么

1. smile and eye contact
2. be calm and keep calm
3. they're "paper tiger" and don't give a shit!

jemma : 2009-05-20#7
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么

15 Interview Tips:
1. Plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled interview time
and remember the interview begins the moment you step into reception. If
the party you are meeting is unavailable simply wait. Do not make
calls; ensure your cell phone is turned off.
2. Visit the company's website, research and familiarize with their
offering and industry.
3. Expect some small talk on current events. Be informed by
reading the daily newspaper.
4. Review the job description and prepare to sell your capabilities
based on how you can leverage your skills towards the role you are
applying for.
5. Dress professionally in a suit and tie.
6. Greet your interviewer with a firm handshake while maintaining
eye contact.
7. Prepare intelligent, in-depth questions to demonstrate your
depth, scope and industry experience. These can include inquiring about
the companies overall goals.
8. While following the interviewers leads, try to get them to
describe the responsibilities to you as early as possible, allowing you
to match your skills and accomplishments accordingly.
9. Consider your body language. Maintain comfortable eye contact
(but don't stare) with the interviewer and nod your head in agreement
showing you're engaged; slouching in your chair indicates you're bored.
Keep your hands and feet still, do not lean on, touch or read anything
on the interviewer's desk.
10. Listen closely to the questions asked. If you do not clearly
understand the question don't hesitate to request clarification or
rephrase it in your own words.
11. Wait until the interviewer asks you to describe yourself before
you present any of your information, listen attentively when the
interviewer talks.
12. Keep your responses concise, positive and articulate. Respond
directly to the questions asked. Do not ramble on about yourself or
lead the interviewer off track.
13. When the interviewer asks you to "tell me about yourself", limit
your response to 2-3 minutes. Focus on your background and transferable
skills - think highlights.
14. Have the right attitude. Be confident during the interview but
not arrogant. Project you voice, conveying confidence and enthusiasm.
They need to see that you not only have the skills to perform the job
but also the personality to thrive within their corporate culture.
15. Never criticize your past employer or colleagues. Focus on the
positive aspects of the experience.
Common Questions to Prepare For:

You will likely be asked a host of standard questions such as those
listed below. Practice your responses to these queries with a friend at
home so you can provide clear and concise answers.
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Tell me about your background and accomplishments
3. Why are you looking to move from you current position?
4. What do you know about the company you are applying for?
5. Why do you think you're a good fit for this company?
6. How does your experience match what we're looking for? Review
the job description carefully.
7. Some accomplishments/challenges/difficult situations you have
faced in the past and how you resolved them.
8. What would you do in your first 6 months with the company?
9. How would you describe your performance in your most recent
role? What would your previous supervisor and peers say about you?
10. When asked about your weaknesses, don't get carried away, always
identify the action steps you are taking to improve in that area.
11. Never bring up salary or state that you "need the job".
Closing Comments:
1. Don't overstay your welcome - don't stick around when the
interview is over.
2. If you're interested in the role, let the interviewer know.
Indicate your level of interest with enthusiasm. State your confidence
in their company and your fit for the position.
3. If you feel the interview did not go well, don't let your
discouragement show - they may be genuinely interested but testing you
to see your reaction.
4. Thank the interviewer for their time and consideration.

Useful information!

jemma : 2009-05-20#8
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么

1. smile and eye contact
2. be calm and keep calm
3. they're "paper tiger" and don't give a shit!


jemma : 2009-05-20#9
回复: 要去面试了, 第一次在加拿大的工作面试, 不知道要注意些什么
