
美国俚语--piss off!


故乡的云 : 2009-06-03#1
piss off!
[FONT=楷体_GB2312,楷体]piss off:生气[/FONT]
[FONT=楷体_GB2312,楷体]pissed off:生气的[/FONT]
For instance:Cut it out,Crazy--You're pissing me off!
1.You'd better stop that!You're pissing me off.

2.Don't make a lot of noise when Mark is trying to study;it pissed him off.

3.Man,it really pisses me off when people interrupt me like that.

4.Don't piss me off.You wouldn't like me when I am angry.

5.I was so pissed off I could have screamed.

6.You shouldn't get so pissed off about trivial shit.
[FONT=楷体_GB2312,楷体]7.You have every reason to be pissed off,but it's still better to forgive and forget.[/FONT]

8.We pissed our teacher off again today,horsing around and acting up.

9.His face got all red whenever he was pissed off.

10.Don was really pissed off when he found out what they were saying about him!

移民在线 : 2009-06-04#2
回复: 美国俚语--piss off!


深圳老虎先生 : 2009-06-04#3
回复: 美国俚语--piss off!


tinyhuhu : 2009-06-04#4
回复: 美国俚语--piss off!


doudou8008 : 2009-06-04#5
回复: 美国俚语--piss off!


生命的狂想 : 2009-06-09#6
回复: 美国俚语--piss off!
