
Aim移民step by step(二) ――面试写作题目


Aim : 2005-10-13#1

10. [FONT=宋体]如果你遇到了一位名人,你要问一个问题,那么你要问什么问题?你要问谁问题呢?[/FONT]
11. [FONT=宋体]你的邻居[/FONT]
12. [FONT=宋体]一个好邻居应该具备什么品质?[/FONT]
13. [FONT=宋体]如果你找一个朋友,你希望他具备什么品质?[/FONT]
14. [FONT=宋体]飞机、汽车、自行车对人类生活的影响[/FONT]
15. [FONT=宋体]你同意不同意这样的观点,电视已经破坏了你和家人以及朋友之间的交流[/FONT]
16. [FONT=宋体]家长能否替[/FONT]15[FONT=宋体]-[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]岁的孩子作重要决定[/FONT]
17. [FONT=宋体]你同不同意以下看法:工作的最重要的方面就是赚钱。[/FONT]
18. [FONT=宋体]如果有两个工作机会,一个薪水高,一个薪水低但很有发展,你选择哪一个,为什么?[/FONT]
19. [FONT=宋体]如果给你一百万,你要做什么?[/FONT]
20. [FONT=宋体]如果有一位外国友人到你们国家呆一天,你建议他去什么地方?[/FONT]
21. [FONT=宋体]你认为父母是最好的老师吗?[/FONT]
22. [FONT=宋体]你认识的人来到你所在的城市,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]你自己认为他喜欢这个城市[/FONT][FONT=宋体]吗?[/FONT]
23. [FONT=宋体]你支不支持男女分校。[/FONT]
24. [FONT=宋体]在你家附近盖一个超市,你有什么看法?[/FONT]
25. [FONT=宋体]你对城市的历史性老建筑有什么看法?[/FONT]

Aim : 2005-10-13#2

下雨天 : 2005-10-13#3
:wdb10: :wdb10: 等明天恢复体力加sw

luckyluo : 2005-10-13#4

偏偏 : 2005-10-13#5
顶!!JJ写的就是这个--20. 如果有一位外国友人到你们国家呆一天,你建议他去什么地方?

Aim : 2005-10-13#6
偏偏 说:
顶!!JJ写的就是这个--20. 如果有一位外国友人到你们国家呆一天,你建议他去什么地方?
[FONT=宋体]抱歉斑竹,俺又越权置顶了本贴。等俺骗到的有效声望大于无效加分的时候,我会撤消置顶。让真正的好帖子在版块顶上熠熠发光——是熠熠生辉吧。看这菜鸟英语学的把中文都挤走了。:wdb25: [/FONT]

偏偏 : 2005-10-13#7

Aim : 2005-10-13#8

偏偏 说:


首先我得承认自己的英语的确不好,被叫去面试也是意料之中。其实,考试前,我一直希望自己可以不考试,直接跟vo面谈,我感觉face to face的交流一定比我在纸上鬼画符地写错字要更有助于表现自己最优秀的一面。






偏偏 : 2005-10-13#9

Aim : 2005-10-13#10
偏偏 说:
姐姐不是党员,惭愧,思想觉悟不够:wdb25: :wdb14:

Aim : 2005-10-13#11



在忙忙碌碌的学习中,时间只有20几天了。在这个时候,老公突然转念也支持移民了。他拿面试信找了家翻译公司,结果大怒,因为,那里面说要我在面试前提交清华认证!我语焉,因为中介说过面试后可以补材料的。但是什么解释都没有盖过从来温顺有加的老公忽然爆发的脾气凶猛。惶惶中登陆认证界面注册,又到学校要成绩单,忙的一塌糊涂。认证中心工作人员在得知我急需加急办理后,很耐心地告诉我们,不用加急,就他们见过的例子,补材料是没有影响的。但是盛怒中的老公执意按他自己意见办:“加急。多少银子我来付。:wdb21: 钱不是两人的公共财产?”:wdb24: :wdb25:


不得不向女儿求助。女儿当时正在写她那个后来被做范文的课程论文,时间很紧,根本没有办法静下心帮我把所有作文弄出来。但是,不得不说,她写的作文真的是非常西方版,单词容易,语法口气地道!:wdb17: :wdb18: :wdb11: :wdb9: :wdb6: :wdb19: :wdb20: 我不知道该怎样表达Aim对自己女儿的骄傲!:wdb23: :wdb23: :wdb23: 唯有一会儿贴出来,让大家横挑鼻子竖挑眼,找出她一堆的不是,杀杀Aim心中的崇拜了。


最最最遗憾的是,改编过的文章在忙忙碌碌中遗失了。这里我强烈呼吁同志们:钟爱一部电脑吧,你的宝贝资料会有条理保留的,千万别学Aim,六台电脑,自己都找不:wdb7: :wdb14: 到自己的资料!:wdb4:

nanshan : 2005-10-13#12

Aim : 2005-10-13#13
nanshan 说:
难道是你在用。:wdb4: 怪不得弄乱了我的材料。同志们拿粪粪给我咂,直到nanshan给大家重新写出作文!

nanshan : 2005-10-13#14


Aim : 2005-10-13#15




hello mum
sorry for that i have a long time didn't ring u, coz i'm relly
>buzy for study in XXXX XXXX school. the good news of this week
>is i have very good mark of my Quantitative Methods from last
>friday's test. i have got A mark which is 90/100. from that test ,i
>know wihch part that i need focus, and i will study more hard than
>what i done befor.
>all the best.....

Aim : 2005-10-13#16

My friends always want bay a new car, besides, after he or she has got a lot of money. If they ask me ‘ what I must do before bay a car’? I have several advices. In my opinion, he better find the money that you can support to pay, don’t ask for something that you cannot afford. You should choose the right kind of car that suit you best and the colours that you like, so you will take good care of it. Give the car something you want, such as stereos, parking radar and so on, in that way you could enjoy the pleasure of driving. You will find professional who either repair or protect it. In the end, you must have license to drive, please do beware of the road.

Aim : 2005-10-13#17
nanshan 说:

苯呐,不动脑子,一个人当然一次用一部了,只是不 同时期用不同机器。所以找材料要先想想,那是什么时候干的营生,然后决定开哪部机器。:wdb24: :wdb25:

peterduan : 2005-10-13#18
Aim 说:
My friends always want bay a new car, besides, after he or she has got a lot of money. If they ask me ‘ what I must do before bay a car’? I have several advices. In my opinion, he better find the money that you can support to pay, don’t ask for something that you cannot afford. You should choose the right kind of car that suit you best and the colours that you like, so you will take good care of it. Give the car something you want, such as stereos, parking radar and so on, in that way you could enjoy the pleasure of driving. You will find professional who either repair or protect it. In the end, you must have license to drive, please do beware of the road.

Aim : 2005-10-13#19
peterduan 说:
终于找到水平跟我一样的同党了:wdb6: :wdb19:

东方蚊子西方血 : 2005-10-14#20

Aim : 2005-10-14#21
东方蚊子西方血 说:

点点 : 2005-10-14#22
Aim 说:

偶来同情:wdb6: :wdb6: 同情AimJJ有个超级棒的女儿。

cast : 2005-10-14#23

Aim : 2005-10-14#24
cast 说:


Aim : 2005-10-15#25

If I get a chance to take part in a national exhibition, I’ll prefer to choose a crop product that produced only in China such as a kind of vegetables named Jingjie in Chinese. There are many reasons in my mind. First, Jingjie is a famous vegetable in my home town, and you never see it in other cities. Second, Jingjie is a very delicious vegetable, you can make soup, salad, or bread when they are pieces. The lest before last, all of the west foreigners whose are my friends surprised in it after tested. In the end, Jiejie is easy to cultivate. You can plant them in any season with sunrooms in winter. I believe Jingjie will be a popular vegetable in the world.

4. 若你成功,你认为是靠劳动还是运气,若是运气,原因
I think that the probable reason is fortune if I am successful. Because everyone makes labor every day but it isn’t possible for everyone to succeed and the successful opportunity can’t be held by every one. Success always produces in an occasional opportunity and the occasional opportunity can be called fortune. As soon as the good fortune comes, we can get success. Of course, fortune can’t come at will and especially it can’t appear before those persons who don’t give labor. This means we should catch the opportunity to succeed meanwhile we work hard.

Aim : 2005-10-15#26
5. [FONT=宋体]十几岁的孩子去工作,你怎么看待这个问题?[/FONT]
As stipulated by Chinese Local Laws, only the adults over 16 years can partake in employment. So I think that the children less than 16 years should not be allowed to partake in employment. The children of the right age had better study if their family conditions are permissible. But I know many places are poor where they can’t bear tuition and even their life is difficult so they have to support the family by the employment of children. I think they should work because their income can reduce the burden of family. At the same time, they can learn abundant knowledge in their employment including some things that can’t be learned from books. I appeal that the society brings such children with a good work circumstances to make them learn useful knowledge.

I prefer big cities. First, the big cities have developed economic base and they brought many employment opportunities to choose. Second, living in big cities is really convenient: you can easily buy the satisfying goods like house, clothes and food etc. in addition, the administration of big cities is much more normative than small cities and you can do things with the same regulations. For example, the traffic order in China is a serious problem and the big cities have the traffic regulations as strict as the developed countries. But in some small cities, the pedestrians and vehicles fail to observe the regulations; the traffic accidents are quite common there. Finally, many celebrities, experts and rich businessmen dwelled in big cities and they are our vivid examples and our goal, we should learn from them and try our best to exceed them.

Aim : 2005-10-15#27
Though purchasing jewelries makes me immediately enjoy the delight brought by money, I won’t buy any jewelry if I occasionally get a large amount of money. I think that I will buy a car if I earn a lot of money occasionally. First, such money can’t be often gained so I should create other money-earning opportunities with it but I shouldn’t buy jewelry with it for enjoyment; second’ car can provide convenience for me to look for work and I can work in the long-distance place where previously I want to work but didn’t go due to the long distance. In the end, driving a car for work can save more time for me than taking a bus so I have more time to study or help family do housework and I can drive car to travel with my family in the holiday, from which the reunion value can’t be replaced by any jewels.

I want to meet Davinci----a famous artist in Italy. I know he had drawn many beautiful paintings and loved by many people at that time. Even till today, these works still are worshipped and the people collected them in the museums and made them the pride of a city. Even printed for heaps of times, these paintings are still in vogue. The students from art colleges keep on imitating his paintings as the teaching materials. I once heard a story of his drawing the egg: it is said that the egg he used three years to draw was stuck on the wall and the egg was extremely vivid and the visitors called in was astonished: they saw several eggs growing on the wall by themselves. I want to ask a simple question: Davinci, in the three years you concentrated on drawing the eggs and could not do other things, how did you make a living?

Aim : 2005-10-15#28
Good neighbors can make our life rich and colorful and also change the time we stay home into happy time. In my opinion, first, a good neighbor should have the consciousness of taking good care of environment. He does not litter the rubbish all round; after snow he is willing to clean the snow in the yard and on the road in order to guarantee the convenience and safety of people going out. Second, he should favor of quietness. At least he does not play the loud music in rest time and does not hold the party to the midnight which bother the reading and rest of others. At the same time I want my neighbor to be a harmonious family. The problem families always clamor, cry and even sometimes they need others to persuade. In the end, I think a good neighbor can take good care of the house for each other to prevent theft.

Good friends should be happy to take care each other. First, I hope my friend has a good-tempered heart and pay attention to his appearance and never do impolite things. He treats the society with lenient heart and understands the society only that he will understand me. He let me know his real appraisal for me; Second, I hope he do not always busy on his work because he won’t have enough time to accompany me. At least, he can easily accompany me and does not always consider the work when I am depressed. In the end, I also hope he has higher knowledge so he can often teach me and make me learn more things.

Aim : 2005-10-15#29
Airplane, automobile and bicycles are the vehicles of the same kind. Their appearance shortened the time from one place to another and they make our life convenient greatly. Airplanes make our going out very easy, for example, when you want to go south from the north in China, you need not to take a lot of food and clothes as in the old times, you can reach there in a short while---about two hours to get to the place you wanted. If we walk, it will take several months to cover the same distance. If we take a bus, it will take at least three days to get there. But the price of taking airplane is very high, so many goods are transported by vehicles and this would be quick and convenient. Bicycles are body-building tools in China and at the same time they are vehicles of many people to go to work and go home. In the society with frequent communication, people almost cannot leave these tools.
With the appearance of TV, people found that it enriches the life of our life and it also destroys the past life of people. Even some views appeared that TV has destroyed the communication of family members and friends. I certainly agree it. First, the people nowadays are very busy---they go out to work in the morning and go home in the evening and they have not many chances to meet their family members and friends. As a result of watching TV especially those endless soap operas, there is no time for family members and friends to communicate. In this way, when people indulge in TV programs for a long time and they will have a feeling of unacquainted with their family members and friends. Moreover, the nice TV programs often have great difference with real life and those who indulged in TV will more dislike the actual family members and friends. Thus it aggravates the difficulty of communication. Therefore I think it’s high time to shorten the time for watching TV programs.

Aim : 2005-10-15#30
Parents often hold the opinion that they have much life experience and they’d like to make decisions for their children. It is not bad to a certain degree but I think the children between 15-18 should make the important decisions by themselves. The children of this age have begun to comprehend society mentally and have formed their fixed ideology. They will prepare for their future and they are capable enough to know what to do at present. Parents can offer good suggestions but should not force the children to make decisions in their thinking ways. Many parents have dated ideology and they did not understand the current society well and sequentially they’ll lead to false conclusions. Therefore, allow the children to make important decisions at ease and in that way the children will concern whether his decision suits himself. Even the children were wrong, they have many chances to correct and find the right ways.

If there are two work opportunities: one with high salary, the other with low salary but good developing future, I prefer the later. In my opinion, the future developing trend of the work is quite important. The current high salary work may be obsolete as society develops and your current high salary will become low income in the future. Second, the industry with developing future may not be very prosperous at the moment and its pay is a little low, but with the development of industry, this work can bring prolific return and your income will increase without doubt. In the end, the work with developing future may meet various problems at the beginning of establishment and solving these problems may give me best chances and make me accumulate the valuable work experience and these experiences cannot be bought by money. Therefore I choose the work with developing future.

Aim : 2005-10-15#31
If someone gives me one million, I will use most of the money on investment and make it produce new value. To my capability, I will spend 600 thousand Yuan to rent a farm and in my hometown, it can rent a farm of about 1000 acres. I like operating farms and planting various vegetables on the farm. The money used for purchasing seed, pesticide and fertilizer will be 100 thousand Yuan. I need workers to manage my vegetable field. As I calculated,___ acres vegetable will need ___workers and the yearly salary cost will be ___. I must pay the salary on time and only in that way the workers will be willing to work on my farm. In the end, I will need____Yuan for the cost of management, traffic and transportation. It looks like one million is far more adequate. But when half a year passed, my vegetables will bring me new incomes and I will continue planning my next development. Maybe the new profit will exceed one million in a short time.

If a foreign friend can stay in our county for only one day, I will suggest he goes to the city I reside though the city isn’t the most beautiful one and even not the most advanced one. Because I think the thing most necessary for a foreign is to understand the conditions and customs of our country and I am mostly familiar with the people and things in my city. In the morning, I will bring him to chat with citizens in their home and taste Chinese traditional northern snack, which is free and easy and simple food like congee, salted vegetable and oiled needles etc. Then we will go environs to visit the agricultural production of our country ---a large agricultural country as well as local peasants and taste Chinese villages and fruits. If the time is enough, we also can visit cultivation farm and garden. At the noon, we will return to city and find a western-style restaurant, which first can consider the diet custom of foreign friend and secondly can introduce his appraisal and direction for the operation of restaurant. I think it is necessary because he can easily find whether the food and dish are regular though he isn’t a cooker besides it is possible for my friend to have interest in running western-style dining in China. In the afternoon, we will travel the main street district, park and square etc and go shopping in the most flourishing commercial zone. In the evening, a supper will be held in royal hotel together with the officials at all levels that will be arranged according to the interest of friend. I think our city and our people are sure to make friend come China again.

Aim : 2005-10-15#32
Parents are always the teachers of children. But I think they are not the best teachers of children. At the childhood of kids, parents can care and enlighten children to make them have a healthy growth. Those highly-educated parents can even help children finishing school after they go to school but the help of parents is only accessory because children often like to obey teachers as that of other students. The inordinate instruction of parents or the too high requirement standard of parents often leads to the mental opposition of children. Especially, those parents often praise other children but neglect own children further enlarge the feeling distance between children and them in the education. From the knowledge structure, parents often can’t meet the demand of children but the persons can settle the difficult problems of children are mostly not the parents of children. So I think a good teacher should be strictly-trained professional teacher with professional quality and work-respecting spirit.

22你认识的人来到你所在的城市, 你自己认为他喜欢这个城市吗?
I think the persons I known surely like our city if they come to the city I reside. Our city is located in the middle of China and is the largest railway transportation center so the railway transportation here is most convenient. Based on the reason, we orient the development of the city as a commercial trade city. This means there are many developmental opportunities here and any arduous persons can find their proper work and there is attractive considerable wages for many posts. Our city had central geographic position and favorable climate with the warm winter that can’t appear in the north and the cool summer that can’t appear in the south so it won’t take long time for all people to acclimatize. It is also so for plants. The plants in the south can’t be planted in the north unless they are planted in our city for 1-2 years, which means most plant verities are centralized here and a market becomes with great potential. These markets create the economic prosperity and advancement of our city. Our city is a beautiful one. I think the persons I known surely like it no matter when they make a tour or seek an employment in our city.

Aim : 2005-10-15#33
I do not support division education of boys and girls. Some education units worry that if boys and girls study together they will be infatuated with the opposite sex then be lost in emotion crisis and therefore they will be unable to study securely. So they conduct the system of boys and girls studying separately and this makes the boys and girls cannot contact for a long time to avoid their affectionate feelings that will influence their studies. But in my opinion, the contact between boys and girls is quite natural, it is the need of human nature. Depress their nature will cause barriers to their marriage when they grow up and this will makes them do not know how to find the opposite sex he likes. The hazy feelings to opposite sex in school times can be guided: we may allow them to contact mutually but at the same time, we should teach them they should take the study as the first goal and do not spend much time in chatting with the opposite sex.

I think it is a welcomed thing to build a supermarket near my home. First, supermarket has most necessary goods for life so people can complement easily life necessities in supermarket. And the price of goods in supermarket is much lower than that of goods in large shopping mall. Second, I can walk easily to the supermarket but not take other vehicles like bicycle, bus or taxi if it is near my home, which will save travel expenses and time for me. In the end, the establishment of supermarket may bring certain negative effects for the area near my home such as traffic jam and burglar growth. But I think the police are happy and immediate to settling those problems.

The old buildings in a city always represent the history of the city. From my viewpoint, the old historical buildings in a city are the developmental symbol of the city so they should be especially guarded and protected. Each city has its own developmental features that will be different in thousands ways with the age. These features can be presented only by the old historical buildings except the valuable articles in museum, which can be seen and studied by the people. The old buildings contains not only past constructive technique but also a lot of social background and culture. Of course, old buildings won’t be kept in all because they cover a lot of land. The reservation or removal of old buildings will be demonstrated and decided by experts but they can’t be removed blindly according to the demand of developers.

偏偏 : 2005-10-15#34
作者: 偏偏

Aim : 2005-10-15#35
偏偏 说:

偏偏 : 2005-10-15#36

pandalin : 2005-10-15#37

Aim : 2005-10-15#38
pandalin 说:
是。目前只听说了一个新题:someone eat to live,someone live to eat, what's your mind?

西游记 : 2005-10-17#39

Aim : 2005-10-22#40
西游记 说:

Aim : 2005-11-15#41

北漂者 : 2005-11-21#42

Aim : 2005-11-21#43
jade 说:

justin_zhu : 2005-11-21#44

liuchh : 2005-11-21#45

路漫漫 : 2006-02-14#46


xiner10001 : 2006-02-14#47


airwww111 : 2006-02-14#48

microfish : 2006-02-15#49
26题能否请AIM修改一下?是live to eat ,不是life to eat.昨天我考得是这题,差点答错,幸好在准备的时候我就怀疑了。昨天没有接到电话或者mail,但是今早去使馆,工作人员说你不需要面试的,昨天没有接到电话吗?我真是云里雾里,哎~~~~~~

kevinzzcn : 2006-02-15#50

to_canada : 2006-02-17#51

to_canada : 2006-02-17#52

Aim : 2006-02-19#53
microfish 说:
26题能否请AIM修改一下?是live to eat ,不是life to eat.昨天我考得是这题,差点答错,幸好在准备的时候我就怀疑了。昨天没有接到电话或者mail,但是今早去使馆,工作人员说你不需要面试的,昨天没有接到电话吗?我真是云里雾里,哎~~~~~~

飘雾雾 : 2006-05-20#54

sunny902710 : 2006-06-04#55
新来的老古董,01,7 BJ 状态2等待面试 才找到,太有用了。超级感谢aim!

sunny902710 : 2006-06-04#56

Aim : 2006-06-04#57
sunny902710 说:

lili63 : 2006-06-07#58
Aim 说:
姐姐不是党员,惭愧,思想觉悟不够:wdb25: :wdb14:

happytom : 2006-06-08#59

libin : 2006-06-14#60



Aim : 2006-06-15#61
libin 说:


Aim : 2006-06-15#62
lili63 说:

esue : 2006-06-19#63

esee : 2006-06-23#64
good enough

Aim : 2006-06-25#65

lili63 : 2006-06-26#66
Aim 说:

snow2006 : 2006-06-27#67

qipeng : 2006-07-01#68
thanks,get it.

xiaoqin210 : 2006-07-09#69

本人基本情况2001CASE,二月份要求面试,由于拒签过一次(原因面试时英语0分,当时主申请人是我丈夫,面试完后签证官让我当主申请人再进行申请,也许我比我老公表现好些吧,当时对我的英语评分也是0但总评分为68分)这次我不敢冒然前往,于是要求延迟面试,于6月份参加了雅思考试,由于工作忙成绩不太理想,只有写作拿了5分,总分4.5分,请问我有可能免面试吗?另外我怕面试发挥不好,语言分他再给我判个0分,请各位大虾帮我分析分析,我还有必要考雅思吗,:wdb13: :wdb13: 急切盼望大家的帮助,谢谢!!!

sunny902710 : 2006-07-10#70
to xiaoqin210
正等面试 2001.7 FN

xiaoqin210 : 2006-07-13#71

sunny902710 : 2006-07-13#72
xiaoqin210 啊,我也是2月份收到面试通知,我也给延期了,要是面试的话,说不定我们能是一批呢!

xiaoqin210 : 2006-07-14#73
sunny,这磨巧,我记得是2月14日那天面试,你呢?中介说我把雅思交上去的话有可能免面试,成绩现正在路上.你是甚磨原因延期的?你交雅思了吗?但愿我们都不面试,直接免了多好!:wdb6: 现在北京老CASE不知情况如何,去年挺容易的啊!不知要等到啥时侯了:wdb14: 我们相互支持吧!!!:wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9:

sunny902710 : 2006-07-15#74
xiaoqin210 说:
sunny,这磨巧,我记得是2月14日那天面试,你呢?中介说我把雅思交上去的话有可能免面试,成绩现正在路上.你是甚磨原因延期的?你交雅思了吗?但愿我们都不面试,直接免了多好!:wdb6: 现在北京老CASE不知情况如何,去年挺容易的啊!不知要等到啥时侯了:wdb14: 我们相互支持吧!!!:wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9:

哦,我不是啦,我是2月收到通知3月14日面试,我想我是不会免面试了,我雅思好久以前就考了,5.5, 我是因为生第二个小孩延期的(可以顺便趁此机会学习).


xiaoqin210 : 2006-07-18#75
to sunny
哈,你的英语成绩很好啊,比我强多了,你肯定行!!!:wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9: :wdb9:

广州阔少爷 : 2006-07-18#76

zsloql : 2006-07-31#77
someone eat to live, someone live to eat, what's your mind?

Aim : 2006-08-07#78
someone eat to live, someone live to eat, what's your mind?

hj9988 : 2006-08-17#79

ntchris : 2010-04-12#80
回复: Aim移民step by step(二) ――面试写作题目

my god!
移民局面试还要写作??? oh my god!!!

zhaosrui : 2010-04-17#81
回复: Aim移民step by step(二) ――面试写作题目


Aim : 2010-06-16#82
回复: Aim移民step by step(二) ――面试写作题目

my god!
移民局面试还要写作??? oh my god!!!
