


水手辛巴德 : 2009-11-11#1
我在Bayview/Sheppard, 地铁站附近就有一家,不知能干什么?

Candace Gao : 2009-11-11#2
回复: YMCA是什么?


基督教青年会(Young Men's Christian Association,简称YMCA),是基督教性质的国际性社会服务团体。即以基督“为世人服务”的精神,根据社会人群(尤其是弱势群体)的需要,从事各种各样的社会服务工作。这些服务工作,是以“促进大众德、智、体、群全人成长”的理念作导向,服务人群不分性别、年龄、国籍、种族和宗教信仰。服务工作有平民教育、体育康乐、营地服务、社区服务、青少年工作、难民工作、就业服务等等,一些青年会还开设有价格低廉的旅舍和宾馆。“基督教青年会”不是一个传教组织,也不是一个慈善机构。它主要以传递爱心为使命,倡导和推动承担社会责任及促进社会和谐。


Candace Gao : 2009-11-11#3
回复: YMCA是什么?

The YMCA of Greater Toronto is a charity focused on community support and development. Our aim is to provide every individual in our community with opportunities for personal growth, community involvement, and leadership. By making connections, collaborating, and mirroring our region’s diversity, we believe we can become the network that binds our many neighbourhoods into one city, one country, and one world.

As one of the largest charities in North America, we help over 400,000 people each year through three core programs:

YMCA Health, Fitness & Recreation programs help members of our community regardless of their background or economic circumstances to live active, meaningful lives

YMCA Child & Family programs and YMCA Camps ensure toddlers and school age kids get the child care they need and create memorable camp experiences. These programs also support parents and guardians

YMCA Employment programs, Skills Development programs, Youth Support Services, and Newcomer programs provide employment counseling and training, help newcomers settle in Canada, and offer youth-at-risk with the support they need to survive and thrive

语嫣 : 2009-11-12#4
回复: YMCA是什么?


never_talk : 2009-11-12#5
回复: YMCA是什么?

教楼主一招,google,关键词: define: YMCA

tinyhuhu : 2009-11-12#6
回复: YMCA是什么?

谢谢。说实话,有首英文歌名就为YMCA(节奏很欢快的),我一直就不名白这是个什么缩写。听歌词只能听到YOUNG MAN BLA BLA, 其它的就不明白了

水手辛巴德 : 2009-11-12#7
回复: YMCA是什么?


tinyhuhulp : 2009-11-12#8
回复: YMCA是什么?


robolin : 2009-11-12#9
回复: YMCA是什么?


mandy_LEE : 2009-11-12#10
回复: YMCA是什么?
