


liuf3002 : 2004-12-02#1

BlueMountain : 2004-12-02#2

浮萍 : 2004-12-02#3

BlueMountain : 2004-12-02#4
如你仍在美国,去任何一个有打指模资格的律师处,要一张FBI的RECORD RESEARCH表,让他们给你打(交费),然后寄给FBI,等他们把结果寄给你即可。
如你已回国,上FBI主页,DOWNLOAD表格,去公安局打指模,寄给FBI,等寄回结果。如还有居住州的POLICE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE,上当地州警署的主页,发EMIAL索要材料,收到后去公安局打指摸,寄回,等结果。

BlueMountain : 2004-12-02#5

liuf3002 : 2004-12-02#6
请楼上的能说详细些吗,如何去网站申请.我刚查了一下,是说先到当地的警察局取指纹,然后寄回FBI. 问题是香港领事馆给我的信上说,叫我将指纹卡寄的FBI地址是在WASHINGTON DC的, 而我在加拿大驻美国使馆上查到的地址是WEST VIRGINIA的.不知道哪个为准.

BlueMountain : 2004-12-02#7
An FBI Identification Record, often referred to as a Criminal History Record or Rap Sheet, is a listing of certain information taken from fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment, naturalization, or military service. If the fingerprints are related to an arrest, the Identification Record includes name of the agency that submitted the fingerprints to the FBI, the date of arrest, the arrest charge, and the disposition of the arrest, if known to the FBI. All arrest data included in an Identification Record is obtained from fingerprint submissions, disposition reports and other reports submitted by agencies having criminal justice responsibilities.

The United States Department of Justice Order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI Identification Record to obtain a copy of his or her own Record for review. The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division processes these requests.

Reasons for Request

An individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI Identification Record for personal review or to challenge information on the Record. Other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own Identification Record may include international adoption or to satisfy a requirement to live or work in a foreign country (i.e., police certificate, letter of good conduct, criminal history background, etc.)

Can I request my own record for an employment background check?

If you are requesting a background check for employment or licensing within the United States, you may be required by state statute or federal law to submit your request through your state identification bureau, requesting federal agency or other authorized channeling agency. You should contact the agency requiring the background check or the appropriate state identification bureau (or state police) for the correct procedures to follow for obtaining an FBI fingerprint background check for employment or licensing purposes. For more information, click here.

Who May Request a Copy of Record
(or Proof that a Record Does Not Exist)

Only the subject of the identification record can request a copy of his own FBI Identification Record.

How to Request a Copy of Record

1. Prepare a signed written request for copy of your record.

If for a couple, family, etc., all persons must sign written request
Include your complete mailing address
2. Obtain proof of identity, which consists of a set of your fingerprints
(original card, no copies), with your name, date of birth and place of
birth. Fingerprints should be placed on a standard fingerprint form
(FD-258) commonly used for applicant or law enforcement purposes.

Include rolled impressions of all ten fingerprints and impressions of all ten fingerprints taken simultaneously (these are sometimes referred to as plain or flat impressions.)
If possible have your fingerprints taken by a fingerprinting technician (this service may be available at a Law Enforcement Agency.)
Previously processed fingerprint cards will not be accepted.

3. Include $18 - U.S. dollars in the form of a money order or certified check
made payable to the Treasury of the United States. Be sure to sign
where required.

No personal checks or cash
Must be exact amount
If for a couple, family, etc., include $18 for each person
4. Mail the items #1, #2, #3 (listed above) to the following address:

FBI CJIS Division ? Record Request
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306

Please Note: If any of the above items are missing or incomplete, the request will be returned.
Allow approximately 6-8 weeks for processing, upon receipt to the FBI.
What You Will Receive

1. No Record Response ? Consists of the original fingerprint card
stamped with the stamp “No Record.”


2. FBI Identification Record

5. What if my fingerprints are continuously rejected?

Have multiple sets of fingerprints taken, preferably by a fingerprinting
technician (this service may be available at a Law Enforcement Agency).
Mail all fingerprint forms to the CJIS Division with your request.


BlueMountain : 2004-12-02#8
An FBI Identification Record, often referred to as a Criminal History Record or Rap Sheet, is a listing of certain information taken from fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment, naturalization, or military service. If the fingerprints are related to an arrest, the Identification Record includes name of the agency that submitted the fingerprints to the FBI, the date of arrest, the arrest charge, and the disposition of the arrest, if known to the FBI. All arrest data included in an Identification Record is obtained from fingerprint submissions, disposition reports and other reports submitted by agencies having criminal justice responsibilities.

The United States Department of Justice Order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI Identification Record to obtain a copy of his or her own Record for review. The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division processes these requests.

Reasons for Request

An individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI Identification Record for personal review or to challenge information on the Record. Other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own Identification Record may include international adoption or to satisfy a requirement to live or work in a foreign country (i.e., police certificate, letter of good conduct, criminal history background, etc.)

Can I request my own record for an employment background check?

If you are requesting a background check for employment or licensing within the United States, you may be required by state statute or federal law to submit your request through your state identification bureau, requesting federal agency or other authorized channeling agency. You should contact the agency requiring the background check or the appropriate state identification bureau (or state police) for the correct procedures to follow for obtaining an FBI fingerprint background check for employment or licensing purposes. For more information, click here.

Who May Request a Copy of Record
(or Proof that a Record Does Not Exist)

Only the subject of the identification record can request a copy of his own FBI Identification Record.

How to Request a Copy of Record

1. Prepare a signed written request for copy of your record.

If for a couple, family, etc., all persons must sign written request
Include your complete mailing address
2. Obtain proof of identity, which consists of a set of your fingerprints
(original card, no copies), with your name, date of birth and place of
birth. Fingerprints should be placed on a standard fingerprint form
(FD-258) commonly used for applicant or law enforcement purposes.

Include rolled impressions of all ten fingerprints and impressions of all ten fingerprints taken simultaneously (these are sometimes referred to as plain or flat impressions.)
If possible have your fingerprints taken by a fingerprinting technician (this service may be available at a Law Enforcement Agency.)
Previously processed fingerprint cards will not be accepted.

3. Include $18 - U.S. dollars in the form of a money order or certified check
made payable to the Treasury of the United States. Be sure to sign
where required.

No personal checks or cash
Must be exact amount
If for a couple, family, etc., include $18 for each person
4. Mail the items #1, #2, #3 (listed above) to the following address:

FBI CJIS Division ? Record Request
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306

Please Note: If any of the above items are missing or incomplete, the request will be returned.
Allow approximately 6-8 weeks for processing, upon receipt to the FBI.
What You Will Receive

1. No Record Response ? Consists of the original fingerprint card
stamped with the stamp “No Record.”


2. FBI Identification Record

5. What if my fingerprints are continuously rejected?

Have multiple sets of fingerprints taken, preferably by a fingerprinting

technician (this service may be available at a Law Enforcement Agency).
Mail all fingerprint forms to the CJIS Division with your request.

liuf3002 : 2004-12-02#9
看来,我是应该寄到WEST VIRGINIA才对了.那为什么香港领事馆给了我一个那么奇怪的地址, 不明白,是不是他们搞错了.

denver1 : 2004-12-03#10
ask lawer's help is too expensive! i don't know why u guys so willingly to seek an antony.

liuf3002 : 2004-12-03#11
we are discussing the question, not talking about seeking a lawyer.

Lemon : 2004-12-05#12


Lemon : 2004-12-05#13

tora : 2004-12-05#14

Lemon : 2004-12-05#15

Lemon : 2004-12-06#16

tora : 2004-12-06#17

freemind301 : 2005-05-20#18
各位大侠,在美国办理无犯罪记录, fingerprint card 必须用stand card stock 还是可以从网上下载?我到一个local police station 去,他们没有fingerprint card, 网上自己下载的fingerprint card 加拿大使馆接受吗?谢谢各位大侠。

liuf3002 : 2005-05-20#19

hamroll : 2005-05-20#20
freemind301 说:
各位大侠,在美国办理无犯罪记录, fingerprint card 必须用stand card stock 还是可以从网上下载?我到一个local police station 去,他们没有fingerprint card, 网上自己下载的fingerprint card 加拿大使馆接受吗?谢谢各位大侠。


竹竿 : 2005-05-20#21

freemind301 : 2005-05-22#22
Thanks a lot, guys

Just heard from one of my friends, After getting the citizenship of canada, if you could come back to US and find a job, you have to pay double taxes for both US and Canada, Is that true??

thank you all very much.

ruby : 2005-07-18#23

bjyimin : 2005-09-23#24


oopopnon : 2005-12-01#25


ets : 2006-02-20#26
:wdb6: :wdb10:

tiger_frank : 2006-04-06#27


davidyuan : 2006-05-19#28
Just FBI.

AMY LU : 2008-05-04#29
回复: 如何办理在美国的无犯罪记录


AMY LU : 2008-05-04#30
回复: 如何办理在美国的无犯罪记录

afyyruej cvvnff

changfei : 2008-05-26#31
回复: 如何办理在美国的无犯罪记录

我的中介告诉我,FBI和所在州的都要...FBI的程序比较标准,也基本弄清楚了.可州的还没有头绪..当年我在MARYLAND STATE. 哪位大虾能指教如何办理州的无犯罪证明吗?


YASIYIBO : 2008-06-03#32
回复: 如何办理在美国的无犯罪记录


cocklee : 2008-06-03#33
回复: 如何办理在美国的无犯罪记录


nadia : 2008-06-05#34

[FONT=宋体]根据[/FONT]FBI [FONT=宋体]网上要求,获得美国无犯罪记录需要提供:[/FONT]
1[FONT=宋体])指纹卡[/FONT] 2)[FONT=宋体]一张[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]美元的汇票[/FONT]3)cover letter

[FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]FBI [FONT=宋体]网上下载了指纹卡,到北京第一公证处按指纹,一周后取回已公证好的指纹卡,连同填写好的[/FONT]cover letter([FONT=宋体]也是在[/FONT]FBI[FONT=宋体]网上下载的[/FONT])[FONT=宋体]和在中国银行办的[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]美元汇票([/FONT]bank draft[FONT=宋体])寄往美国,四周后得到美国未刑。[/FONT]
18[FONT=宋体]美元的汇票在中行顺利办成,也有点担心,因为[/FONT]FBI [FONT=宋体]要求的是[/FONT]Money Order---[FONT=宋体]一种一般在美国国内邮局有买的票据,而中国的邮局似乎无此业务。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]最后将上面的[/FONT]1),2),3[FONT=宋体])寄出,终于得到美国的[/FONT] Foreign Police Certificate.[FONT=宋体]过掉一关。[/FONT]


天堂之角 : 2009-07-19#35
回复: 如何办理在美国的无犯罪记录


wxfff : 2009-12-06#36
回复: 如何办理在美国的无犯罪记录

FBI CJIS Division Record Request
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306
