


剑走川锋 : 2005-10-27#1
Canada immigration minister wants major changes

27 September 2005
Canada's Immigration Minister is pushing for major changes to the country's immigration system, according to government sources. If the changes are accepted, Canada will be bringing in more than 300,000 immigrants a year within five years, including more tradespeople such as pipefitters and truck drivers.
The plan would eventually mean an increase of about 35 percent from current levels of more than 220,000 permanent residents a year. It also includes recruiting more people to work outside the largest cities and giving permanent status to more foreign nationals already here, such as university graduates who came on student visas.
Immigration Minister Joe Volpe confirmed that he is preparing a proposal for the cabinet to decide on in October that includes those elements and "many more people," although he declined to give details.(部长先生拒绝透露细节,呵呵)
Other government sources indicated that Mr. Volpe has already made one presentation to cabinet on expanding the system, and is preparing a more specific proposal that includes multiyear targets for immigration that will within five years increase the numbers to at least 1 per cent of the population — more than 300,000.
Prime Minister Paul Martin called for more immigration in a speech on 27 Sept., and Mr. Volpe said the government is discussing the details to be included in his department's annual plan, which must be submitted by Nov. 1(网上盛传的11月有新政策出台的证据之一).
"[Mr. Martin] outlined an important vision statement that includes, as part, the work of my department," Mr. Volpe said in an interview.
Provincial representatives, businesses, unions and others want changes in immigration, he said: "Give us more, and give us more of it around the country and make it fit the needs."
Sources say Mr. Volpe intends to change the current practice of issuing a one-year target(这就是网上流传的所谓“年度配额”?!这种表述似乎只是年度目标额(TARGET),而非配额(QUOTA),感觉上是希望力争的目标而已,而不是在说--不准超过这个数!呵呵:) for the number of immigrants to multiyear targets to meet or exceed 1 per cent within five years.
Although it will not scrap the current immigration system, which emphasizes university degrees, French and English-language skills, and ties to Canada(加拿大看重的三大点!!可以用来解释为什么高学历高雅思有亲属的牛人体检表拿的快!), the new proposal would make more openings for tradespeople(这句话说明在不废除现行移民体系的基础上,新的提案将向普通技术性工人如水管工,卡车司机等适当倾斜), in part through an expanded local and provincial role in selecting immigrants.
He said that among other things, Canada's immigration system must fill a need for workers in local markets.
"In some cases, it's just things that Canadians have lost the custom of doing," he said. "The one that comes up all the time is truck drivers."(呵呵 土生土长的加拿大人已经不愿意当卡车司机了
He said his department has focused on five themes:
  • Increasing the overall numbers. (增加移民总数)
  • Providing better service both in bringing in immigrants and issuing visas. (但愿所谓“更好的服务”的意思是:审理和核发签证的速度将加快!呵呵)
  • Matching immigrants with jobs needed to fill gaps in local markets(这句话说明新提案将在挑选移民时更侧重加拿大急需的工种!!我倒!对俺绝对不是利好!汗。。。). That also means allowing potential immigrants to get matching credentials in Canada before they apply, or before they are accepted.
  • Regionalizing so that areas outside major centres can recruit people they need. Mr. Volpe said that many communities envy the numbers that head to Toronto, because they see it as a "wealth-creation dynamic." (新提案将采取措施,鼓励移民分流,不要过于集中
  • Keeping people who are already in Canada, for example by making it easier for people with student visas to stay after they graduate. (已经在加拿大的人先留住再说 呵呵

剑走川锋 : 2005-10-27#2

Don : 2005-10-27#3

Don : 2005-10-27#4
11.1就改条例啊, 俺紧赶慢赶就差这几天了, 正准备周六递表, 好让他们周一下午收呢! MMD!!

Don : 2005-10-27#5
well, this news is from workpermit. but it's very wired that I didn't find any news similar in www.cbc.ca, the biggest new website in Canada. However, I am still very worry about this.

日报¥ : 2005-10-27#6
好好,这个帖好! 拿放大镜看就行!!

Don : 2005-10-27#7
剑走川锋 说:

就冲第三点, 不拍你拍谁!:wdb23: :wdb23:

蒙蒙牛 : 2005-10-27#8


他表示,除了高级研究人员之外,加拿大还需要大批熟练的技术工人。埃默森说:“我们需要更多有着较高技能和良好训练的高素质移民,融入加拿大的主流经济。” -------从中不难发现加拿大目前急需要哪几类人才.




点点 : 2005-10-27#9

wingwinggg : 2005-10-27#10
如果这些提案在11月1号提出,需要议会讨论吗?还是马上签名执行?:wdb13: :wdb13: :wdb13:

蒙蒙牛 : 2005-10-27#11
wingwinggg 说:
如果这些提案在11月1号提出,需要议会讨论吗?还是马上签名执行?:wdb13: :wdb13: :wdb13:

khykhy : 2005-10-27#12
zuyanhuang 说:

khykhy : 2005-10-29#13

justin_zhu : 2005-10-29#14