
《新概念英语》2-1 单元要求


gangnet : 2005-10-30#1
  1. 细读课文2-3遍,理解全文
  2. 回答每一个问题,每个答案必须是一个完整的句子
  3. 你的答案应该是句句相连,共同组成一个段落
  4. 通读你写的段落,改正错误
  5. 数一下段落的字数。冠词和用连字符相连的词均为一个词。不要超过字数限制。在段落结尾写上全段的总字数。



gangnet : 2005-10-30#2
Granny Forbes
Mrs Forbes was very old and very poor. Everbody in the neighbourhood called her Granny Forbes and tried to help her. Some neighbours came in each day and cooked meals for her. Others came and cleaned her room. There was little furniture in her room. It was small, dark, and almost empty. There was a bed and a table, and there were two chairs. In winter, neighbours sometimes brought coal and lit a fire, but Granny's room was often very cold. Granny lived in poverty all her life. She died at the age of eighty-four. Then her neighbours got a big surprise. She left $50,000!

Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.
1 Did Granny Forbes live in poverty all her life or not?
2 Did her neighbours help her, or did her relations help her?
3 Did they cook meals fur her every day or not?
4 Did they clean her small, poorly-furnished room or not?
5 Did they sometimes light a fire for her in winter or not?
6 Did Granny Forbes die at the age of eighty-one, or did she die at the age of eighty four?
7 Did everyone get a snrpriseor not?
8 How much did she leave?

Granny Forbes lived in poverty all her life. Her neighbours helped her. They cooked meals for her every day. They cleaned her small poorly-furnished ronm. They sometimes lit a fire for her in winter. Granny Forbes died at the age of eighty-four, Everyone got a surprise, She left $50.000! (49 words)

fafan : 2005-10-30#3
I get it!

harvey66 : 2005-10-30#4
The writer went to the theatre last week.He did not enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting bebind him.They were talking loudly.The writer could not here the actors.He turned around.He said :"I can't here a word!".The young man said :"This is a private conversation!"
lesson one :right 55 words.

harvey66 : 2005-10-30#5
The writer never get up early on Sundays. This Sunday he got up very late. His aunt Lucy called him. She had just arrived by train. She was coming to see him. He said:"He is still having breakfast." His aunt was very surprised. It was one o'clock.
(lesson two: 49 words.)

tina : 2005-10-30#6
Granny Forbes lived in poverty all her life. Her neighbours helped her. They cooked meals for her every day. They cleaned her small poorly-furnished room. They sometimes lit a fire for her in winter. She died at the age of eighty-four. Everyone got a surprise. She left $50,000!

gdpingping : 2005-10-30#7
yes,i see.

cast : 2005-10-30#8