


question : 2004-12-08#1
去年短登, 签证所能兑外汇没有全部兑换.
登陆时可随身携带多少加元? 谢谢

虫 : 2004-12-09#2

question : 2004-12-09#3

eli8 : 2004-12-26#4
convert the money at blackmarket. it is very safe nowadays. depoit money in each other's bank accounts. i did that before i came to australia. it is a little bit cheapter than converting it through bank of china. and no need to get any permission.

eli8 : 2004-12-26#5
sorry. i only have english windows system here. so i can't type in chinese.

bark : 2004-12-27#6
is your english windows able to view chinese webpages?

eli8 : 2004-12-27#7
bark, yes. i use english windows XP. so i can view most of the chinese webpages. sometimes i can not. it doesn't support chinese perfectly. but still not bad though.

bark : 2004-12-27#8
you can install the Multi-language UI pack.
but i think english version is more cool

eli8 : 2004-12-28#9
well, this is my friend's computer. he is a LAO WAI. plus i only use ZHI NENG APC to type in chinese. i don't use microsoft to type in chinese.

it is not cool at all to use english windows system. it is a pain in the neck. trust me.

bark : 2004-12-28#10
i ever used english windows server 2003 and it feels wonderful

eli8 : 2004-12-28#11
i like chinese windows better. my friends don't speak english. i can't read their emails. plus i need to search for information from those chinese websites but i can't now because i can't type in chinese etc.