


狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#1
今天我们要学的词是fix。 Fix, 做为名词,指注射毒品消除毒瘾,但也常被用来指得到其它特别上瘾的东西。 "I got my coffee fix every morning in the nearby coffee shop," 我每天早上一定要在附近的咖啡店买咖啡喝。 "He receives his daily sports fix from the sports radio show on his way to work," 他每天上班路上总要从收音机里收听体育新闻过过瘾。 "He sneaked out of the conference to have a nicotine fix," 他开会的时候偷偷遛出去过烟瘾。要减肥,必须少吃糖, "You can try eating a piece of fruit if you need a sugar fix," 如果你觉得特别想吃糖,不妨吃个水果试试看。好的,今天我们学习的词是fix...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#2
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是contention。 Contention, 是争夺,竞争的意思。 "The team was knocked out of playoff contention with three weeks to go in the regular season," 正规赛季还剩下三个星期的时候,这支球队就已经没有机会进入季后赛了。 "The golfer stayed in contention up till the very end of the tournament," 这名高尔夫球选手直到比赛最后,一直都有获胜的希望。 "The candidate slipped out of contention in early stages of the campaign," 竞选开始没多久,这名候选人就没什么希望了。好的,今天我们学习的词是contention...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#3
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是sign up。 To sign up, 是报名的意思。 "I signed up for the book club," 我报名参加这个读书俱乐部。 "The deadline to sign up is this Sunday," 报名的最后期限是这个星期天。 "More than 5,000 people have signed up for the charity marathon on Sunday," 五千多人报名参加星期天为慈善捐款举办的马拉松。 "Gordon Brown and two other British political party leaders have signed up for debates on Facebook and Youtube," 布朗和另外两位英国政治领袖同意参加在Facebook和Youtube网站上举行的辩论。好的,今天我们学习的词是sign up...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#4
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是game plan。 Game plan, 是行动策略、战术的意思。 "The coach told his players to stick to the game plan," 教练告诉队员,按照既定战术打。 "The couple followed their financial game plan and climbed out of debt within two years," 这对夫妇严格执行理财策略,不到两年就摆脱了债务。
美国第一夫人米歇尔.奥巴马今年发起了“动起来”的运动,努力打击儿童肥胖的问题。为此, "President Obama established a special task force to develop a game plan to fight this health issue," 美国总统奥巴马指定了特别工作小组,为解决这一健康问题制定行动策略。好的,今天我们学习的词是game plan...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#5
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是commitment。 Commitment, 是承诺的意思。 "The company has made strong commitments to using clean energy," 这家公司保证要使用清洁能源。国际核安全峰会星期一在美国首都华盛顿召开。 "U.S. President Obama said he expected 'some very specific commitments' from world leaders attending the summit," 美国总统奥巴马表示,预计世界各国领导人将在峰会上做出某些十分具体的承诺。
为了帮助希腊渡过金融难关, "Eurozone members have made a commitment to providing up to 30 billion in loans to Greece," 欧元区成员国承诺,可以向希腊提供多达300亿欧元的贷款。好的,今天我们学习的词是commitment...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#6
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天学的词组是cool. Cool的意思是很好,很棒。比如布什总统点亮了白宫前的国家圣诞树,在场的人称赞说:"It's cool!" 意思是真好看,真棒。 Cool也有不感兴趣、缺乏热情的意思。有报道说,布什总统不愿采纳伊拉克研究小组提出的一些主要建议,"President Bush is cool to the key points of report on Iraq."
以前国务卿贝克为首的伊拉克研究小组建议在2008年以前逐步撤出美国作战部队。他们显然对美国在伊拉克长期驻军不感兴趣, "They are cool to the idea of keeping the troops in Iraq for a long time." 今天学的词组是cool...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#7
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

我们今天要学的词是mourn 。Mourn的意思是哀悼,悼念。在9/11袭击周年之际,《纽约时报》说:"Bush mourns 9/11 at Ground Zero as N.Y. remembers," 布什总统在世贸大楼旧址和纽约民众一同悼念9/11死难者。
但是对于一些死难者家属来说,失去亲人是永远的伤痛:"Some of the victims's families will never stop mourning their loved ones." 对于我们来说,最好的悼念方式让世界更安全:"One way to mourn victims of terrorist attacks is to try ourselves to make this world a safer place." 我们今天学的词是mourn...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#8
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天学的词组是lag。 Lag的意思是落后。911恐怖袭击之后, 美国各地纷纷做好应付恐怖袭击的准备。不过有评估报告说,最需严加防范的首都华盛顿在对付生物恐怖袭击方面准备不足,落后于许多城市, "Washington DC lags in preparedness for bioterrorism attacks."
还比如,美国政府推出早期教育计划,让低收入家庭的孩子免费上学前班, 因为有研究证明,不上幼儿园的孩子在学习上可能落后, "They may lag behind in school." 今天学的词组是lag...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#9
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天要学的词是quit。Quit就是停止,认输,说白了就是:不干了。网球大将Agassi结束了他21年的网球生涯。有人问他为什么不早一点退休。他回答说: If I wanted to quit, I would have done it a long time ago. I didn't come here to quit. 要是我想不干,我早就会那么做了。 我不是来认输的。
Bill Gates中途退学,后来成为一个成功的商人 - Bill Gates quit school and became a successful businessman. 我以前的老板老是挑我的毛病 - My former boss always picked on me, 我实在忍无可忍。有一天我对他说:"I quit, I've had enough!" 我不干了。我受够了! 噢,对不起,我该下班了 - Sorry, it's time for me to quit. 今天学的一个词是quit...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#10
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天要学的词是defy。 Defy就是无视,或公然反抗。联合国要伊朗在限期之前停止核项目,但是伊朗无视联合国的决定。报纸的标题说:Iran Defies Deadline on Nuclear Program. 伊朗无视核项目的最后限期。
有时候defy是一个很好的词。例如,我们必须藐视恐怖分子 - we must defy terrorists; 雇员无视公司的不合理规定 - workers defy company's unreasonable rules. 可是你要是无视父母定的家规,if you defy family rules set by your parents,那就不好了。Defy有时甚至是危险的。你听听一个老板是怎么对雇员说的:You dare to defy my authority? You're fired. 你竟敢无视我的权威?你走吧! 今天学的一词是defy...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#11
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天要学的词是addicted。 Addicted是指上了瘾,或入了迷。报导说,从1998 到2004年之间,一些香烟的尼古丁成分增加了百分之十。这种情况 "...could make new smokers more easily addicted...," 能使刚开始抽烟的人更容易上瘾。
让人上瘾的事可多了。有的人吸烟上瘾,addicted to smoking. 有的人喝酒成瘾,addicted to drinking. 还有的人吃安眠药上瘾,addicted to sleeping pills. 一个人成天看电视,That guy is addicted to TV。我呢,购物成瘾,I'm addicted to shopping。 Yes, me too! Yes, me too! me too! me too! 今天学的一个词是addicted...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#12
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天要讲的英语词是whistle-blower. Whistle-blower的意思是吹哨人。在英语里指的是揭发内部违规的人。《华盛顿邮报》最近在头版报道波音公司的新闻时,所写的标题就是:"Boeing Parts and Rules Bent, Whistle-blowers say," 意思就是“据揭发,波音公司零部件不合格,管理制度松懈”。目前波音公司和吹哨人已经打起了官司。这个被称为whistle-blower lawsuit的案件由美国的地区法院处理。
美国国会在安然公司倒闭,大批投资人受害的案件发生后,于2002年通过保护投资者法案,并且特别加进了保护吹哨人的条款。今天的每天一词是whistle-blower,意思是吹哨人。 在英语里指的是揭发内部可疑问题的人。

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#13
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是look alike。 Look alike指长相极其相似的人。7月21号是美国著名作家海明威诞辰110周年。"White-bearded David Douglas, 55, won the 2009 Ernest Hemingway look-alike contest," 55岁蓄着一脸白胡子的大卫.道格拉斯当选为2009年度最象海明威的人。
在美国,什么样的比赛都有,比如说在西维吉尼亚,"The Huntington Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted its second annual Dog-and-Owner Look-Alike contest last week," 杭廷顿地区商会上星期就举办了第二届年度“狗和主人长得最象”的比赛。好的,今天我们学习的词是look alike...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#14
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是report card。 Report card成绩单。星期三是美国总统奥巴马任职100天。四月第二个星期进行的一项盖洛普民意调查显示,62%的受访者对奥巴马的工作表示肯定。"President Obama has earned a decent report card in his first 100 days," 奥巴马总统头100天拿到了一张不错的成绩单。
美国肺脏协会星期二公布了第十届空气状况报告, "The American Lung Association issued national air quality report cards to communities across the country." 报告中包括了给全国各地空气质量打的分。好的,今天我们学习的词是report card...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#15
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是contain。 Contain是动词,有控制的意思。截至到星期天,美国已经确认了20例猪流感患者。"U.S. government declared a public health emergency to contain the swine flu outbreak," 美国政府宣布公共卫生紧急状态,努力控制猪流感病毒的蔓延。
美国南卡罗来纳州默特尔比奇一带上周三发生野火,造成76户住房被烧毁。"About 85 percent of the blaze was contained by Saturday night and most major roads have been reopened," 到星期六晚上的时候,大约百分之85的火势已经得到了控制,大多数主要道路都已经重新开放。好的,今天我们学习的词是contain...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#16
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是photo op. Photo op是photo opportunity的简称,意思是为做宣传而专门安排的媒体拍照机会。"The meeting between the two Presidents was followed by a photo op," 两位总统会面后接受媒体拍照。
一架美国总统专机星期一由战斗机护送在纽约市低空飞行,引起纽约人的恐慌。"It turned out to be an approved photo op," 结果发现,这次飞行是经过批准的,目的是为拍宣传照。"White House officials later apologized for any panic caused by the photo op," 白宫官员后来对这次拍照飞行任务引起的恐慌表示了歉意。好的,今天我们学习的词是photo op...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#17
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词儿是comeback。 Comeback是东山再起的意思。以色列前总理巴拉克当选了以色列工党领袖。媒体报道说,"Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak staged a political comeback," 意思是巴拉克在政治舞台上东山再起。"The rock star made a comeback with his first album in 10 years," 意思是这位摇滚歌星推出了十年来的第一部专辑,试图东山再起。
Comeback还可以用来形容潮流。"The swim skirt is making a comeback in fashion this year," 是说短裙式泳装今年再次成为时尚。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是comeback...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#18
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词儿是vulnerable。 Vulnerable是脆弱的,容易受到伤害的意思。Vulnerable to attack,是说容易受到攻击;vulnerable to criticism,是容易受到批评。一项最新调查显示,Sudan is at the top of the list of countries most vulnerable to internal conflict, 意思是说苏丹是最容易发生内乱的国家。
每次夏天出现高温天气的时候,政府都会建议人们待在有空调的房间里,特别是老人和孩子。"The elderly and the young are the most vulnerable to extreme heat," 意思说说老年人和小孩子是最经不起酷暑天气的。好的,今天我们学习的词儿是vulnerable...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#19
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是driving force。 Driving force, 推动力。不久前,脸谱网Facebook的访问量超过谷歌。业内专家认为,这种情况显示, "Content sharing has become the driving force online," 内容共享已成为网络活动的推动力。 "The CEO was the driving force behind the company's success," 这位公司首席执行官是公司成功的主要推手。 "The team captain has been the driving force all season," 球队队长整个赛季带领球队往前闯。 "The group was the driving force behind the policy shift," 这个组织是政策调整的推手。好的,今天我们学习的词是driving force...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#20
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是speculation。 Speculation是猜测、推测的意思。纽约市长布隆伯格宣布退出共和党,"The move has fueled speculation that he may run as an independent candidate for the U.S. presidency in 2008," 意思说这一举动引起了外界的猜测,怀疑他会以独立候选人的身份参加2008年美国总统大选。
最近有人说,汤姆.克鲁斯的太太凯蒂又怀孕了。"She silenced the speculation by showing off her figure in a swimsuit," 意思是她身穿泳装展示身材,打消了人们的猜测。好,今天我们学习的词是speculation...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#21
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是crowd pleaser。 A crowd pleaser, 指深受欢迎的人或事。 "The movie is a crowd pleaser," 大家都爱看这部电影。 "His performance was a crowd pleaser," 他的表演得到一致好评。大熊猫泰山在美国的时候, "Tai Shan was a huge crowd pleaser," 深受大家喜爱。 "The dessert I made was a crowd pleaser at the party," 我做的甜点在派对上特别受欢迎。 "The 20-minute firework display on July 4th is always a crowd pleaser," 7月4号晚上二十分钟的焰火表演从来都有很多人喜欢看。好的,今天我们学习的词是crowd pleaser...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#22
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是checkbook journalism。 Checkbook,支票本;journalism, 新闻行业。Checkbook journalism,连在一起是有偿新闻,指花钱购买独家报道。不久前,美国广播公司承认付钱给一名谋杀嫌疑人,换取独家照片和录像。 "ABC was accused of practicing checkbook journalism," 美国广播公司因此被指责花钱买新闻。
去年年底,美国职业新闻记者协会批评美国全国广播公司说,"'NBC news' checkbook journalism crossed an ethical line," 全国广播公司新闻部花钱买新闻,超越了道德准线。好的,今天我们学习的词是checkbook journalism...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#23
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今天我们要学的词是fill in。 To fill in, 意思是临时代替某人。 "John filled in as editor while Benson was on leave," 本森休假期间,由约翰临时当编辑。 "Former President Clinton filled in for President Obama at a dinner party," 美国前总统克林顿代替奥巴马总统出席一次晚宴。 "He was asked to fill in for the key-note speaker at the last minute," 他最后一分钟接到通知,代替主要发言人在大会上讲话。 "The assistant coach filled in for the game while the coach was out sick," 教练生病,由副教练负责比赛。好的,今天我们学习的词是fill in...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#24
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是take note of。 To take note of something, 意思是注意到。星期天,成千上万的人在美国首都华盛顿大草坪上集会,要求推动移民法改革。 "They hoped that Congress would take note of their concerns and take up the immigration reform," 他们希望国会能够听到他们的呼声,着手开展移民法改革。 "They asked Congress to take note of recent research on the economic benefits of immigration reform," 他们要求国会去看看最近关于移民法改革所能带来的经济效应的研究。好的,今天我们学习的词是take note of...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#25
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是centerpiece。 Centerpiece, 有主要特点的意思。 "The governor has made job creation the centerpiece of his tenure," 州长把创造就业做为自己任期内的核心工作。华尔街日报劳资双方不久前达成协议。 "The centerpiece of the deal is a 17-month wage freeze," 协议的核心内容是工资水平冻结17个月。
星期天晚上,美国国会通过了历史性的医保改革议案。 "The health care bill was the centerpiece of President Obama's domestic agenda," 这项医保改革议案是奥巴马国内政策的核心议题。好的,今天我们学习的词是centerpiece...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#26
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天要讲的英语词是kick-off。 Kick-off不就是足球比赛时踢的第一个球吗?没错,但这是kick-off的原始意思,现在kick-off也可以指任何事情的开始。今天开始的是什么事呢?今天我们开始播出"学个词"这个新节目。We kick-off the new program "Learn A Word" today.
竞选官职的候选人往往以发表讲话来开始竞选活动。Candidates kick off their campaigns with a speech. 有的美国学生学期开始先开个party。Students kick-off the semester with a party! 我们则以讲解kick-off这个词来开始我们的新节目。We kick-off our program by teaching the word kick-off.今天学的词是kick-off...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#27
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

今天我们要学的词是junk food。 Junk food, 指那些没营养的垃圾食物。美国第一夫人米歇尔.奥巴马呼吁食品工业多生产健康食品。 "She urged the major food makers to produce more healthy food, rather than junk food, for children," 她要求那些大食品生产公司多为儿童生产健康食物,而不是垃圾食物。
在美国, "Some cities have banned junk food in school vending machines," 一些城市已经禁止在学校的自动售货机里卖垃圾食物。还有研究显示, "Taxing high-fat and sugary junk-food is an effective way to fight obesity," 对高脂肪、高糖分的垃圾食物征税有助于打击肥胖。好的,今天我们学习的词是junk food...

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#28
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Knocked-up-怀孕(一般指意外的) 有电影名字叫"一夜大肚"不知道大家看过没有

To become pregnant; generally used in a negative sense.

1) She got knocked up by her boyfriend.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#29
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A clumsy person; an awkward or physically incompetent individual.

1) I should never have let you hold my favorite vase - you are such a klutz !

Etymology From the Yiddish word 'klots', meaning 'blockhead' -- a stupid person

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#30
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Kick your ass~踢你的pp

To beat decisively; to give a severe beating; to rough someone up.

1) Don't mess with the bouncer unless you want him to kick your ass.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#31
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Junk food(制作、食用方便却有害健康的)垃圾食品

Food that has little or no nutritional value, usually high in fat and calories; sweet or fried snacks like candy and potato chips.

1) If you want to lose weight, you should stop eating so much junk food.

'Junk' refers to old, broken things, or worthless objects. So 'junk food' is food that has no value for your body.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#32
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Nervous or apprehensive; afraid that something bad will happen.

1) I'm always a little bit jumpy when I walk by the graveyard at night.

2) Rachel sure is jumpy today. I said 'hello' and she nearly hit the ceiling !

To 'jump' means to move into the air by springing or leaping up, so someone who is 'jumpy' is on the edge of leaping into the air in surprise or fear.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#33
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Jump ship擅自离队;擅离职守

To leave your job; to move from one situation to another.

1) When the company announced that it was losing money, many of its employees jumped ship.

A 'ship' is a boat - so when you 'jump ship' you flee (or leave) the boat by leaping over the side.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#34
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An athlete, particularly a male athlete; usually used to describe someone who is good at sports but not so good at school.

1) Kenny is a real jock -- he plays football, baseball, basketball and hockey!

The term comes from 'jockstrap', which is an athletic supporter (tight underwear) worn by many men when they are involved in sports.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#35
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Jerk---蠢人;傻瓜;笨蛋 这个词美语里特常见

A mean or unlikeable person

1) Tony is such a jerk -- he stole my lunch money !

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#36
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无名女士,某女(不知姓名或在法庭等上隐匿真名的女当事人), 普通女子

An unidentified woman. OR The average American woman.

1) The police found Jane Doe number 1 buried under the blanket in the back yard.

2) Jane Doe spends most of her time shopping for the latest fashions.

Etymology :
This is the female version of 'John Doe', which has been used for hundreds of years to refer to a typical, average man, particularly in legal cases or in reference to unidentified dead bodies. Both 'Jane' and 'John' are very common names.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#37
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In the slammer坐牢
In jail; behind the locked doors of a prison

1) Tomas spent a few years in the slammer for robbing a grocery store.

The phrase refers to the closing of a door. When a door is 'slammed' it means that it was closed with great force.
behind bars, up the river, under glass

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#38
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In the doghouse麻烦缠身,身处危险境地

In trouble; the object of anger or scorn.

1) Tom was in the doghouse after he was late for dinner with his wife's parents.

2) My report at work was late and now I'm in the doghouse with my boss

A 'doghouse' is a small hut or house for a pet dog to sleep in. When you are 'in the doghouse,' you are not literally outside in the doghouse. Rather, the phrase means that someone is angry with you, and thinks you should be punished (by being treated like a bad dog).

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#39
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In someone's hair--不停的麻烦别人

Constantly annoying; bothering someone again and again.

1) My little brother is always getting in my hair!

2) Be careful how you fill out your tax forms -- you don't want the government in your hair.

It can be difficult to remove something that is caught in your hair. For example, if you get chewing gum in your hair it can take hours to get it out -- and it's very annoying to do. So if a person is 'in your hair', they are annoying and hard to get rid of.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#40
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In a funk忧虑,心情不好

Depressed or upset.

1) This winter weather really has me in a funk.
2) Holly is in a funk about her new haircut. She thinks it's much too short.

Etymology: Derived from the Flemish word 'fonck', meaning 'disturbed' or 'agitated'.
Synonyms: got the blues

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#41
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In a bind---身处困境,麻烦缠身

In a bad situation; in trouble

1) Professor Freiburger was really in a bind after he was captured by the hostile natives.

2) Ted was in a bind after Jane decided to move out of their apartment.

'Bind' means 'to tie' or 'to secure'. The phrase 'in a bind' comes from lumberjacks ( men who cut down trees ). When a saw gets stuck or caught in a tree, it is 'in a bind', or trapped in the wood.
Synonyms in a jam

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#42
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Definition :
Uncertain or doubtful.

1) It's real iffy whether Catherine's going to show up tonight.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#43
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Idiot box【俚】电视机

A television

1) I wasted my whole night in front of the idiot box.

An 'idiot' is a stupid person, and most televisions look like square 'boxes' ( containers ). This phrase suggests that if you spend too much time looking at the 'box' ( television ), you'll become an 'idiot'.
boob tube

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#44
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Displeasing, disgusting, unappealing.

1) Your kitchen is so icky ! Why don't you bother to clean it up ?

Etymology The word may be derived from 'sticky', which describes something that attaches itself to you in an unwanted and unpleasant way.
Synonyms gross

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#45
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Loud advertising and promotion.

1) The new movie by Steven Spielberg is getting a lot of hype.

2) Don't believe the hype!

In the early 1800s, a 'hype' was a scam or swindle. A scam is a false story or trick through which someone tries to get money from other people. Modern advertising has the same objective as old-time scams: to separate people from their money, while using as much 'hype' as possible.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#46
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Hush hush--保密!!!!!

Very secret

1) The operation was so hush-hush that even the commanding officer didn't know all of the details.

2) Let's keep that information hush-hush, OK ?

Etymology 'Hush' means 'quiet'. So something that is 'hush-hush' should not be discussed or exposed in public. This phrase dates back to World War I, when it referred to military secrets.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#47
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Hung up on对某人着迷

To be obsessed about something or someone.

1) I'm really hung up on Anna -- I can't get her out of my mind !

If you are 'hung up' on something, you are caught and cannot move freely. 'Hung' is from 'hang', which means 'to attach from above' or 'to suspend'. So whatever you are hung up on, it has you on its hook, and you're swinging helplessly like a fish pulled from the ocean.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#48
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A beautiful, attractive woman

1) My girlfriend is a real hottie.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#49
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Hooked有毒瘾, (对某事)着迷,

Addicted; to like something so much that you need it every day.

1) I'm really hooked on the hamburgers at Junior's.

2) I really like Holly, my new girlfriend. After just two dates, I'm hooked!

A 'hook' is a curved piece of metal used to catch something, like a fish hook. If you are 'hooked' on something, it has caught you and won't let go. This term was originally used by drug addicts to describe the feeling of needing drugs, and now it used to describe anything that is so good that you want it every day.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#50
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---Hoodlum暴徒,恶棍(尤指属于某团伙者), 小阿飞;小流氓

A criminal or gangster.

1) The streets are a lot safer now that the police have cracked down on those hoodlums.

The origins of this word are unknown - any ideas ?.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#51
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A sweatshirt with a hood.

1) Everybody's wearing hoodies these days.

2) Can I borrow your hoodie? It's cold out and I need to go get some things at the store.

This is African-American slang for a hooded sweatshirt.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#52
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A good friend.

Example: 1) Eric is my homey - I've known him for over twenty years.
Etymology: From African-American slang. Pronounced 'hoe-mee'.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#53
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Hole in the wall狭小的的地方

A small, simple place, particularly a shop or restaurant.

1) Let's go to the Italian restaurant on Smith Street. It's just a hole in the wall, but the food is excellent.

This phrase has been used since the early 1800s. A 'hole' is an empty space, and a 'wall' is part of a building. So a 'hole in the wall' is a simple, undecorated space in a building.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#54
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Hog(尤指喂肥供食用的)猪, (供食用的)阉公猪

To selfishly claim all of something; to eat or take everything.

1) Peter was hogging the food like he hadn’t eaten in days.

2) Nicolas, don’t hog the computer ! Other people want to use it too.

A ‘ hog ‘ is literally a pig, and pigs are famous for selfishly consuming their food. As slang, the term can be used to describe any kind of selfish behavior

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#55
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Hit the spot发挥正当作用;适得其用;恰到好处

A phrase that means 'that was really good' or 'that was just what I needed'.

1) Mmmm - that cup of coffee really hit the spot !

2) I needed a good laugh, and that slang cartoon really hit the spot.

'The spot' refers to a need you might have, like hunger. When you get some food, you have addressed or taken care of that need - or 'hit the spot'. The term is usually used for food and drink, but also for other kinds of pleasures, such as entertainment.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#56
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Hit the road-出发

To leave; to go home. Also used as a command meaning 'go away' or 'leave me alone'.

1) It's getting kind of late, so I think I'm going to hit the road.

2) Hit the road, bub. I'm not looking for a boyfriend.

Etymology :
In this phrase, 'hit' refers to the physical contact between your feet and the road ( the pavement you walk or drive on ).

Synonyms :

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#57
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A person from the country, typically with crude manners, speech and dress.

1) When I stepped onto his property, the hillbilly came out of his shack, grabbed his shotgun, and yelled "Yeehaw!"

2) Man, I love that hillbilly music !

This somewhat offensive term is used to describe poor people living in the hills of rural America - a 'hill' is a small mountain, and 'billy' is a man's name.


狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#58
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high roller - 挥霍的人;(尤指)豪赌者
Someone who earns and spends a lot of money; a person who makes very large bets while gambling.

1) I like hanging out with the high rollers in Vegas.

2) The $500 blackjack table in Monte Carlo is for high rollers only.

Many gambling games involve rolling dice, and 'high roller' refers to winning numbers and large sums of money.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#59
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High five相互高举胳膊击掌(以示庆祝或高兴)

A way to say 'Bravo!' or 'Good job!' by slapping someone's hand in the air; to congratulate someone.

1) Nice shot! High five, dude!

2) High fives all around on the excellent presentation at the meeting!

There are five fingers on your hand, and you lift your hand high into the air to give a 'high five'. This is a common gesture first used by African-American basketball players and now used by many people in a variety of contexts. You can also give a 'low five' or go 'down low' after giving someone a high five.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#60
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Head doctor--心理医生

A psychiatrist; a doctor who helps people with mental problems.

1) I've been seeing a head doctor for several years.

2) You seem emotionally disturbed. Maybe you ought to see a head doctor?

Psychiatrists are medical doctors who treat the mind, which is related to the brain, which is in the head.


狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#61
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Definition: Broken; in a state of chaos; not working.

1) Jack lost all of his work when his computer went haywire.

2) The plane's engine was haywire so we had to drive to Chicago.

Literally, 'haywire' is what holds a bale of hay (cut grass) together. It frequently breaks, however, and when it does it tends to move very quickly in several directions, like a whip. Now the term is used to describe anything that breaks in a crazy way.

Synonyms: bonkers

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#62
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Have eyes for

To desire; to find someone physically attractive.

1)I think my boyfriend has eyes for another woman.

You see with your 'eyes', and when you 'have eyes for' somebody, you really like what you see.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#63
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Have a screw loose点疯颠,古怪的意思
To be a little bit crazy, or not acting normally.

1) Paul has had a screw loose ever since his girlfriend left him.

A 'screw' keeps things together; when a screw is loose, things fall apart. So a person who has a screw loose is falling apart mentally.

off the wall

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#64
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Have a prayer--祈祷

To have a realistic chance of something happening; to be able to do something. (Frequently used in the negative -- 'not have a prayer'.)

1) Eric doesn't have a prayer of passing the math exam today.

2) Do the Red Sox have a prayer of winning the World Series?

When something is very difficult, you might 'pray' for assistance. If something 'has a prayer', it might succeed if it gets a little bit of assistance from above. But if it 'doesn't have a prayer', not even divine intervention will help.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#65
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One who is no longer successful or popular.

1) Craig used to sing with the Back Street Boys, but now he's a has-been serving fries at the mall.

2) The club was filled with has-beens and losers.

Etymology: This phrase dates back to the 1700's. 'Has been' is a verb phrase that refers to the past. Someone who is a 'has-been' exists only in the past, and is no longer vibrant in the present.

Synonyms : washed-up

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#66
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Hard as nails难以相处

Very tough; unfriendly, cold.

1) You have to be hard as nails to play professional football.

2) Rumsfeld likes to think he's hard as nails -- I've never even him smile!
A 'nail' is a small piece of metal used in construction, and 'hard' is the opposite of 'soft'. So a person who is 'hard as nails' is very strong and very tough, like a piece of metal.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#67
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Hang out常去某处;泡在某处

To pass time idly; to loaf with pleasure, at ease.

1) We spent the weekend just hanging out at my pad.

2) We'll leave soon. Just hang out for a minute.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#68
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A detective or private investigator.

1) Captain Harris assigned two gumshoes to the case.

2) Gunshoes come in all kinds, ranging from the experienced sleuth to the novice bungler.

Refers to the rubber sole on the shoes of many police officers. The phrase is frequentlly heard in the movies, especially in older film noir detective films from the 1940s.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#69
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Food, with the implication that the food is basic and simple.

1) The grub they serve in the cafeteria is pretty good!

Etymology :
'Grub' is simple, 'earthy' food, like carrots and potatoes.

Synonyms :
eats, chow

To borrow or find.

1) I grubbed a cigarette from the girl at the bar.

Etymology :
The Indo-European root of 'grub' means 'to dig'. When you look for something (like a cigarette) you 'dig around' for it, scratching through the dirt and debris to find the thing you need.

Synonyms :

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#70
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Green thumb是指在种花、种菜方面很有才能的人

A special talent for gardening; the ability to make anything grow.

1) Look at Tina's amazing garden -- she really has a green thumb.

Plants are usually 'green' in color, and you put seeds in the soil with your 'thumb' (or finger). So someone with a 'green thumb' is someone who gives life to plants even as she puts them in the ground.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#71
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Marijuana; a plant that is smoked (illegally, in many countries).

1) A lot of hippies love to smoke grass.


狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#72
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Someone who has died or is going to die soon; something that has failed or is ruined.

1) Yoyodyne.com is a goner -- it hasn't made any money in over three years.

2) Paul is going to try to swim across the Pacific Ocean. Man, he's a goner.
Etymology :
'Gone' (the past participle of 'go') refers to someone who has left or is dead. When someone has died, you might say that they are 'gone.'

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#73
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Goody Two Shoes: 伪君子Goody Two Shoes是一个很古老的俚语,表示一个有美德的好人。今天,它多用来形容那些伪善的“好人”,这种人往往会通过炫耀自己的善举来达到某种目的

Someone who is so good and so obedient that it is annoying.

1) Anne is such a goody two-shoes - she told our teacher that we forgot to hand in our

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#74
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To lose control and act violently; to be filled with rage and fury; to break under pressure and harm others.

1) Tom looks awfully upset. I hope he doesn't go postal and kill us all!

In the last few years, a number of mail carriers in the United States have gone crazy and shot some of their fellow employees. (In the U.S., a mail carrier is called a 'mailman' or 'postman', and the mail service is called the 'post office'. The word 'post' has a number of meanings, and can be used as a noun referring to a delivery of mail, and as a verb referring to mailing a letter.)

Synonyms: go nuts

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Someone who is blamed when things go wrong.

1) Sarah made Michael the goat for the broken lamp.

2) The goalie was the goat in the 1-0 soccer match.

'Goat' is short for 'scapegoat', which is a person or thing that is given all blame or responsibility for a negative event. A 'goat' is the opposite of a hero.

fall guy, patsy

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#76
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Go off the deep end突然发脾气, 暴跳如雷

To go too far with something; to do something crazy.

1) My mom has always collected dolls, but I'm afraid she's gone off the deep end -- she buys 10 dolls a day on eBay!

The deep water, which is at the 'deep end' of a pool, is dangerous. You can get lost in the deep end. This phrase refers to that danger, but in an emotional rather than physical sense.

lose one's mind

To be extremely angry.

1) When the bank told me that they lost my paycheck, I went off the deep end.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#77
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Go bananas 情绪失控

To be irrational and wild; to lose control.

1) I knew Joe would go bananas when he found out he's not getting a raise this year.

When apes are given a bunch of bananas, they eat them with tremendous enthusiasm, as though they've lost their minds.

go crazy, bonkers

To be wildly enthusiastic.

1) Alaine went bananas over the new shoes from Manolo Blahnik. I think she bought five pairs!

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#78
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Glued to your seat

To be extremely interested in something; to be so involved with something that you cannot move.

1) As soon as the movie started, Holly was glued to her seat.

'Glue' is a sticky substance that holds things together, so if you are 'glued to your seat' you are stuck in your chair due to your great interest in what you are seeing or hearing.

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Glamorous; wearing fashionable clothes and make-up, particularly when done to excess.

1) She's so glam that people think she's a model.

2) I love David Bowie and all of those glam rockers.

'Glam' is short for 'glamorous'. Glam and glamorous refer to the magical attraction and excitement produced by celebrities

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A musical performance; a party with a band.

1) Are you going to the Neil Young gig at the Knitting Factory on Friday night?

Etymology :
Although its origins are unknown, 'gig' is an old term for a party, and was used by early jazz musicians to refer to a musical show.

Definition: A job, employment, work.

Example: 1) I'm starting a new gig working for ABC News on Monday.

Etymology : This use of 'gig' is borrowed from musicians, who used the term to describe a paid performance. Eventually, 'gig' came to refer to any kind of job.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#81
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Speech that doesn't make sense; nonsensical words and phrases.

1) The stranger sat on the bench speaking gibberish to himself.

2) Sometimes it sounds like the computer programmers are speaking in gibberish. I'm sure the code stands for something though.

This comes from the Scandanavian words gibe/gipa/gape, which refer to joking or nonsensical talk. The '-ish' ending means 'from the place where they speak gibber (or nonsense)'.

gobbledegook, mumbo jumbo

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#82
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ghetto blaster发出很大声响的大型手提收录音机

A large, extremely loud, portable stereo

1) My street is never quiet at night -- too many kids with ghetto blasters.

Etymology :
A 'ghetto' is a poor neighborhood, and 'blast' means explosion. In the 1980s, lots of people in poor neighborhoods in the US started carrying portable stereos around on their shoulders while 'blasting' loud music. ( This term might be a little bit offensive to some people, so be careful about telling someone on the street to 'turn down their ghetto blaster'. )
Synonyms : ghetto box

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The police

1) Peter was afraid the fuzz would catch him after he robbed the little old lady.

No one is sure where this word comes from. It's usually used in a negative way, and implies that the police are an annoyance.


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A social outcast or misfit; a strange person

1) Stephan has no friends and spends all his time in the basement. What a freak !

2) The protest rally was filled with hippies and freaks.

Etymology: In the 1700s, 'freaked' meant 'covered with spots or colors'. By 1900, 'freak' meant 'irregular' or 'not normal', perhaps in reference to spots of color as imperfections in a manufacturing process. Today, 'freak' has a surprising number of meanings, all coming from the sense of 'irregular', including: an hippie, a drug addict, crazy behavior ( as in 'He freaked when I told him I wrecked his car'), a sexually promiscuous person, an unusually beautiful woman.

Synonyms: weirdo

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A warning meaning 'look out!' or 'get out of the way!'

1) Peter's shot went far to the left, so we had to yell "Fore!" at the players on the next hole.

This is a term used in golf to warn players on the course that a golf ball is headed their way.

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Five o'clock shadow(早上刮脸后下午又长出的)胡须楂儿

Facial stubble; a man's beard at the end of the day.

1) Peter has a very heavy beard -- even though he shaves every morning, he gets a five o'clock shadow by lunchtime!

The typical American workday ends at 'five o'clock' in the afternoon. A 'shadow' is a patch of darkness, or a hint of the presence of something. After spending a full day at work for eight or more hours, many men have a noticeable growth of facial hair, which is dark like a 'shadow' and hints at the beard that would grow if left unshaven.

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Feed the meter

To put money in a parking meter; to pay for additional parking time.

1) I've got to run and feed the meter -- I don't want to get a parking ticket!

2) When you park on the street, you have to feed the meter all day long.

This phrase compares a parking meter to an animal which must be 'fed' with a steady diet of coins.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#88
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

Fat cat 大款 爆发户

A person who has great wealth and power; a tycoon.

1) Many of the city's fat cats eat at that steak restaurant on First Avenue.

2) Those fat cats in Washington are going to keep pressuring Congress to pass the tax bill.

This term comes from the 1920s, when it was used to describe wealthy contributors to American political parties.

big shot

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#89
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Fast food--快餐

Quickly prepared food, usually served by large chains such as McDonald's.

1) I'm sick of McDonald's - can't we have something besides fast food for a change ?

Etymology :
'Fast' means quick, and 'food' is anything you can eat. 'Fast food' is food you order and get in a minute or two, without having to sit and wait for it.
Synonyms : junk food

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#90
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词


Definition定义: Family

Example例子: 1) I'm spending next weekend with the fam.

Etymology词源: 'Fam' is simply a short form of 'family'.

狗狗凡 : 2010-04-27#91
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词

Fall for--1迷恋 2上...的当

To become infatuated with somebody; to develop intense feelings for someone; to become romantically attached.

1) I think I fell for that cute guy I met last night.

To be fooled; to believe a false story.

1) You didn't fall for that advertisement about making money on the Internet, did you?

cindyycm : 2010-04-27#92
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词


A person or thing that gets in the way; a burden that you are stuck with.

1) Ed wants to leave his wife and kids - he feels like they are just excess baggage.

When you fly on a plane, there are limits on how much luggage (or how many suitcases or bags) you can bring with you. Anything over the limit is called 'excess baggage' (or extra bags) and cannot be put on the plane.

fifth wheel

cindyycm : 2010-04-27#93
回复: 一些口语中常用的小词


An overly intellectual person; someone who thinks too much.

1) Charles can't order lunch without using an algebraic formula -- what an egghead!

2) Those eggheads in the media are always giving advice, but they don't know anything about real life.

Presumably, someone who thinks a lot must have a big brain, and their head must be large enough to hold their brain. A large head might be shaped something like a giant egg.


cindyycm : 2010-04-27#94
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eats - (尤指聚会上的)小吃

Food, particularly simple, inexpensive food.

1) I'm hungry. Let's get some eats !

Etymology: You eat food. This slang term turns a verb into a noun.
Synonyms: grub

cindyycm : 2010-04-27#95
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Early bird早起者

Someone who wakes up and starts working very early in the day; someone who arrives before an event begins.

1) Tom's a real early bird--he's always the first person at the office in the morning.

This phrase comes from the proverb, "The early bird catches the worm."

cindyycm : 2010-04-27#96
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An ugly or run-down place; a disgusting place to live

1) My apartment is such a dump. I really should move.

A 'dump' is where you bring your garbage and refuse. So if you live in a dump, it's so ugly that it could be a place to deposit garbage.

Synonyms近意词 : armpit

cindyycm : 2010-04-27#97
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Wearing fashionable clothing; dressed in one's most stylish and sophisticated apparel.

1) Holly is really dressed to kill -- everyone in the room is looking at her!

2) Tina was dressed to kill for her date on Saturday night.

The idea is that your appearance could be so strong and powerful that you would 'kill' (dominate, defeat, knock over) anyone who sees you.