


憨憨豆 : 2011-05-20#1
疼痛: Pain, Ache, Sore.

Ache: 直接源自古英语的acan,意为受苦。指人体某一器官较持久的疼痛,常常是隐痛。

Pain: 可与ache换用,但pain的使用更广泛,既可指一般疼痛,也可指剧痛,疼痛范围可以是局部或全身,时间可长可短。也可引申指精神上的痛苦。

Sore: 指身体某部位的痛处,有是也指精神上的痛苦。

有些疼痛的描述是比较固定,如头痛:head ache; 咽喉痛:sore throat.

而且,在我所接触到的图书与文献中,并没有遇到这些词的复合形式,如咽喉痛(sore throat)并不可写成:sorothroat,或throatosore.

曾经有西人同学使用back sore来描述背痛。具体有什么差别,我并不明白。管它呢,记住除了头痛、咽喉痛外,叫不准时,使用Pain就可以了。


Where is the pain?

Did the pain start suddenly or gradually?

Is it more severe now than when it started?

Have you ever had a pain like this before? (如果患者回答为“是”,则医生会接着问) What did you do to relieve the pain? Did you take medication (有时会使用Drug或Agent)to relieve the pain? What medicine did you take?

How would you describe the pain? 如果患者的回答不准确,医生会给出提示性的问题。这些问题很重要,因为涉及到对疼痛的描述。

Would you describe the pain as aching? Throbbing? Knifelike? Sharp? Constricting? Sticking? Burning? Dull? Shooting? Tearing?

  • [*]:)Aching: 隐痛(这个翻译我并不能肯定)。
    [*]:)Throbbing: 波动性痛,或跳动性痛。这样痛主要是由于血管随心脏收缩所致血液充盈引起,并跳动的频率与心率相同或相近。
    [*]:)Knifelike: 刀割样痛。
    [*]:)Sharp: 锐痛,刺痛。
    [*]:)Constricting: 压迫样痛。
    [*]:)Sticking: 持续性痛,或粘附样痛。不确定。
    [*]:)Shooting: 枪伤性痛。
    [*]:)Tearing: 撕裂样痛。
How long have you had the pain?

Do you have recurrent episodes of pain? How often do you get the pain? How long does the pain last?

What makes the pain worse? Breathing? Lying flat? Moving your part of your body?

Does the pain occur at rest? Exercise? While sleeping? With stress? After eating?

What do you do to make it better?

憨憨豆 : 2011-05-20#2
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语

Dizziness and Fainting


Syncope是晕厥,英文释义:A spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain (因大脑供血不足而致的自发性意识丧失)。


Coma是指昏迷,英文释义:A state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness; usually the result of disease or injury (深度的,常常是长时间的意识丧失;通常是由疾病或损伤引起)

今天,我们关注的是Syncope。在我所参考的医学书中,标题是这样写的:Dizziness and Fainting (Syncope).在其下面的描述中,只提及Syncope,之后,在给出的医生询问患者例句中,则使用Fainting和Dizzy一词。所以,以我目前的英语水平判断,Dizzy和Fainting为口语化,而Syncope是书面语,尤其是书写病史时。

:) What do you mean when you say you were dizzy? Felt faint? did you lose consiousness?

:) What were you doing just before you fainted? Did you have any warning that you wre going to faint?

:) Have you had recurrent fainting spells? If so, how often do you have these attacks?

:) What position were you in when you fainted?

:) Was the fainting preceded by any other symptom? Nausea? Chest pain? Palpitations? Confusion? Numbness? Hunger? Cough?

爱咖啡滴猫 : 2011-05-22#3
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语


还有syncope和faint,你理解的没错,俺们老师说就是medical term和layman‘s language的差别

憨憨豆 : 2011-05-23#4
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语


还有syncope和faint,你理解的没错,俺们老师说就是medical term和layman‘s language的差别



憨憨豆 : 2011-05-23#5
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语

full consciousness: the patient is alert, attentive, follows commands, responds promptly to external stimulation if asleep, and once awake, emains attentive.

Lethargy: the patient is drowsy but partially awakens to stimulation; pt will answer questions and follow commands but will do so slowly and inattentively.

Obtundation: the pt is difficult to arouse and needs constant stimulation to follow a simple command. Although there may be verbal response with one or two words, the pt will drift back to sleep between stimulation.

Stupor: the pt arouses to vigorous and continuous stimulation; typically, a painful stimulus is required. The only resonse may be an attempt to withdraw from or remove the painful stimulus.

Coma: the pt does not resond to continuous or painful stimulation. there are no verbal sounds and no movement, except possible by reflex.

注:pt代表patient. 在医务工作者内经常这样使用并可接受(病历原则上不可以,但,很多人都这样做)。

憨憨豆 : 2011-05-23#6
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语


如:希腊词kardia,表示心脏,其在英语中的词根是cardi; 拉丁词pulmo表示肺。

医学词汇往往是“复合词(Compound words)”,即两个以上的词根组成一个词。在构成复合词时,如果后面的词根或后缀是以辅音开头的,则在其前(也可理解为前一词根的后)加一元音,通常使用“O"。


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: CPR,心肺复苏。

Electrocardiography (ECG):心电图

憨憨豆 : 2011-05-24#7
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语


1.origin, formation.
Cardiogenic renal failure: 心源性肾衰。“genic"为形容性形式,因其后无词根或后缀,所以,无需加“O",只是简单地变成形容词。

2. gen也有基因的含义,gene
gene mutation: 基因突变。这个词可写成:genomutation。

词根:myo- 肌肉

Myocardium: 心肌
Myocardial infarction (MI): 心肌梗死;心肌梗塞。就诊时,可以用这个词与医生交流,但在口语中更多的是用:heart attack.

心率:不是用cardiorate, 而是:heart rate,无论是口语还是正规的病史记录,都用后者。不过,cardiorate这个词是存在而且是正确的。
心音:heart sound.

爱咖啡滴猫 : 2011-05-25#8
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语


憨憨豆 : 2011-05-25#9
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语

Vessel: 【英】 血管, 脉管, [植]导管
。此外,还有容器, 器皿, 船, 舰的意思。
Vasculum: 【拉】n. 血管,小管的意思。
Vascular: 形容词形式。

Cardiovascular system: 心血管系统。
Vasospasm: 血管痉挛。

angio-除了表示血管外,还可表示其他的“管”(The root angio- usually refers to a blood vessel but is used for other types of vessels as well).

Angiogram: 血管造影

有时,这两个词根可通用,如Angiitis (Angitis也是正确拼写,省略了一个i)和vasculitis都表示为血管炎或脉管炎。

憨憨豆 : 2011-05-25#10
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语


憨憨豆 : 2011-05-26#11
回复: 滴水穿石之医学英语

Shortness of Breath 气短,呼吸急促


What do you do when you experience breathlessness? Can you continue to do what you were doing or do you have to sit down or lie down? Can you continue to speak?

Does the difficult breathing alter your normal activities during the day? Does it make it hard for you to sleep at night? What makes it better? What makes it worse?

Are you alwasy short of breath or do you have attacks* of breathlessness? (The onset of dyspnea** may be gradual or sudden or intermittent)
[是否经常有气促的情况?(当出现气促的情况时,是逐渐加重,还是突然出现很严重的气促?)] (这个用以判断是否有明确的诱发气促的因素。这点可大致确定诊断方向,如是否是哮喘等)

What relieves the attacks? Relaxing? Changing locations? Changing position? Taking Medication?

Does a body position, time of day, or certain activity affect your breathing?

*Attacks: 攻击, 抨击, 发动攻击, (疾病)侵袭。普通用词,含义广,指事先不发警告,主动地向对方发起武力进攻或对言论等进行抨击。这里指疾病的发作状态,口语用语。医学书面用语:exacerbation