


fairychen : 2006-03-07#1
如题请教,walking with dog?另,沙尘暴用英文如何表达?谢谢!

叶子66600 : 2006-03-07#2
walking dog

jun : 2006-03-07#3
dust devil

fairychen : 2006-03-08#4

Don : 2006-03-08#5
沙尘暴=sand storm?

wjzgm : 2006-03-08#6
蹓狗: walk the dog

例如:我喜欢早上遛狗。I enjoy walking the dog early in the morning.

沙尘暴: sand storm

fairychen : 2006-03-08#7

singlehouse : 2006-03-15#8
Don 说:
沙尘暴=sand storm?
almost right, sandstorm

annieyu : 2006-03-21#9
take the dog for a walk.In new concept 3 there is a article titled new year resolution,which one of the write's resolution is to take the dog for more walks.You can check it,i am not sure.I just remember it by heart.

叶子66600 : 2006-03-23#10
We will check new concept 3 , but Walking the Dog is what I read in the book .
I guess both of them are right..

Aim : 2006-03-23#11
我们的房东总说:Aim ,would you like take Jim(gog's name) for a walk,please?

叶子66600 : 2006-03-23#12
Both of them are right ! you can find it below:

In addition to the basic needs of food and shelter, a dog needs social interaction, positive attention from its owner, exercise and mental stimulation. Many of these needs can be met by simply taking your dog for a walk. Walking your dog daily provides it with attention from you. Perhaps more than anything, our pets simply want our company. Even when you remain home during the day, much of your time is spent doing chores rather than interacting with the family pet. Take along a plastic bag or a container and be sure to pick up after your pet.

A walk allows you to practice obedience skills with your dog to increase the reliability of training. Reviewing the basic commands also increases the benefits of a walk because your dog is not simply ambling along, but is performing additional tasks. Taking your dog for a walk provides mental stimulation through territorial investigation. Nose to the ground and alert to the sights and sounds of the neighborhood, your dog gathers information about how its territory has changed since the last walk.

jenny1357925 : 2006-03-23#13
walking the dog

footballyy : 2006-03-25#14

fairychen : 2006-03-28#15

annieyu : 2006-03-28#16

叶子66600 : 2006-03-30#17
祝你考出高分! 考完别望了和大家说说!

fairychen : 2006-04-02#18