


zlzy_chntj : 2005-01-29#1

We received your question about why applicants who applied at the same time, at a different office, are being processed more quickly. While applications are reviewed in order of date received, each case is assessed individually and therefore may not be processed simultaneously, just as processing times at different offices may not be the same. All process and procedures are based on Canadian Immigration Law IRPA for more information please go to the CIC site: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/irpa/index.html

Our office cannot provide further information on this matter.

Thank you,

Immigration Section



跟跟 : 2005-01-29#2
你能把你发信的邮箱地址告诉我吗? 我想过了年, 让我仔细想好了怎样讲, 然后也发一个过去问问. 同时能不能把你的去信也让我看看. 如果不方便公布在这里, 能不能将我想要的信息传到我的邮箱: huangchengjie@hotmail.com

谢谢楼主传递的信息, 如能得到楼主的回复, 将不胜感激。

mfcguy : 2005-01-29#3

opera的甜心心 : 2005-01-29#4

jimiii : 2005-01-29#5

跟跟 : 2005-01-29#6
楼主怎么发了个帖子就没了踪影?? :wdb2: :wdb2: :wdb4: :wdb4:

顶, 一直顶到楼主出来为止. :wdb7: :wdb7:

zlzy_chntj : 2005-01-30#7

跟跟 : 2005-01-30#8
zlzy_chntj 说:

你终于出来了, 我可是盼星星盼月亮似地盼你上坛子来,你看看我上面问你的问题, 快把我想要的东东传到我的信箱里, 如果不行,那就在这里留言,说一下你的理由就可以了,麻烦你了.我现在要下线了,希望明天能看到你的答复.

yw167 : 2005-01-30#9
zlzy_chntj 说:

楼主大概加班加晕了 :wdb4: 我帮你解释一下。 :wdb6: Catherineshen 是想问你发给使馆的邮箱地址。如果不方便公布,可以传到她的邮箱huangchengjie@hotmail.com 里

跟跟 : 2005-01-30#10
to : yw167

我看你现在有点象夜猫子了,哈哈, 我本来想下线了,可是看到你帮我顶帖了,一下子有来精神了. 你今天准备几点下线啊???

跟跟 : 2005-01-30#11
Catherineshen 说:
你能把你发信的邮箱地址告诉我吗? 我想过了年, 让我仔细想好了怎样讲, 然后也发一个过去问问. 同时能不能把你的去信也让我看看. 如果不方便公布在这里, 能不能将我想要的信息传到我的邮箱: huangchengjie@hotmail.com

谢谢楼主传递的信息, 如能得到楼主的回复, 将不胜感激。

为了让楼主看看清楚, 我再在这里重申我的问题. 顶...............................


跟跟 : 2005-01-31#12
Catherineshen 说:
你能把你发信的邮箱地址告诉我吗? 我想过了年, 让我仔细想好了怎样讲, 然后也发一个过去问问. 同时能不能把你的去信也让我看看. 如果不方便公布在这里, 能不能将我想要的信息传到我的邮箱: huangchengjie@hotmail.com

谢谢楼主传递的信息, 如能得到楼主的回复, 将不胜感激。

zlzy_chntj : 2005-01-31#13
Catherineshen 说:
Catherineshen 说:
你能把你发信的邮箱地址告诉我吗? 我想过了年, 让我仔细想好了怎样讲, 然后也发一个过去问问. 同时能不能把你的去信也让我看看. 如果不方便公布在这里, 能不能将我想要的信息传到我的邮箱: huangchengjie@hotmail.com

谢谢楼主传递的信息, 如能得到楼主的回复, 将不胜感激。

啊呀呀!!!!我几天没来,你咋这样啦?? :wdb1: :wdb18: :wdb16: :wdb2:


Dear visa officer in Canada Embassy to Beijing:

I have applied for immigration to Canada as skilled worker, and got File Number on April 13,2004.

My personal details are as follows:

Name: ***
Birthday: ***
FN: ***
Email: ***
Tele: ***

My application is assessed under new immigration law, I would like to know that whether the cases of new law will be reviewed together with those of old law? Because I think the new law has stricter assessment standard than the old one, and it's not fair if I have to wait until all the cases under old law. When you review my application, will you consider I ever have very good academic background in England and adaptability in western countries? Will these speed up my case processing time?

I am looking forward to hearing from your reply and comments, and hopefully my request will not bother you too much.

Thanks and regards


Dear officers;

Thank you very much for your prompt reply!

I can fully understand that you will deal with huge volumn of applications everyday, it also shows how attractive the immigration to Canada is, and the validity of Canada's immigration policy as well. But as far as I know, the processing method in Hong Kong Consulate is somewhat different from yours, they process the cases received under new act(pass mark 67) together with the ones under old act, I think this method is quite effective to solve the overstock of applications, and to provide an equal opportunity to the qualified applicants under the new act, which is stricter than previous one, thus to reduce your huge workload, as you know the cases under new act are with complete application materials and help you to make rapid decision.

I would be appreciated if you could read my above opinions, for I know Canada is a democratic country and allow people to declare themselves.

Best Wishes;



zlzy_chntj : 2005-01-31#14


跟跟 : 2005-01-31#15
谢谢楼主了, :wdb11: :wdb11: :wdb11: :wdb6: :wdb6: :wdb6:

我向马恩列斯毛保证, 我写的内容绝对不会和你的一样. 一直在这里写帖子, 连英文字母都快忘了, 想借你的信, 开拓一下我的思路. 你讲过的我一般就不再重复提了.

本来我是不想催的, 每次进系统查看变态情况, 看到留在那里的油箱地址,也从来没有动过心, 看到你介绍说你发的邮件, 3分钟以后就给你回复了. 所以,我想等我过了年以后给他们发一个过去催催看. 如果不给回答, 我就象顶你的帖子一样, 天天发一个去提醒提醒他们.

zlzy_chntj : 2005-01-31#16