
收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


shown43 : 2012-03-12#1
5个月又一个星期,昨天收到大信封,灰常开心,可以和老婆一起在大家拿enjoy life了,我的人生好像才真正开始。:wdb6:

关于团聚移民的话题大家都总结的很全面了,我也帮不上什么忙。好像就love story 这一块可以借鉴的经验比较少,我就来抛砖引玉吧,希望对大家有所帮助。

有人说love story没用,因为可以随你乱编,签证官肯定是不看的,看了也不会信。真的如此吗,我们都不是签证官,永远不知道他们心里怎么想。但是人家既然给了我们这个机会,我们就应该好好利用,解答我们的爱情、婚姻中让签证官困惑的地方。我们不能指望签证官自己去搜集和分析证据来得出对你有利的答案,在love story中你必须把你的point摆出来,再辅以扎实可信的证据来支持你的point。记住我们这里写得是一篇论证文,需要的是严谨合理的逻辑,而不是煽情。写成散文就不妙了。

网恋,闪婚,年龄差距大,语言不通。。。每个人的情况不尽相同,大家肯定要针对自己的情况来写。就我的case来说,比较大的问题是我老婆小我xx岁,还有就是我为了追我老婆辞了工作跑回国待了一年多,其间没有收入也就没报税。说实话,不光签证官会有疑问,就是我的朋友们也都不理解。所以在love story 中先以女方的角度论述了她为什么会爱上我,然后sponsor再写了一个personal statement简述了一下我做出这样的决定的原因和决心,然后解释了一下我财务状况和没有报税的原因。先说这么多吧,真要分析起来还有很多内容,都说出来怕大家不耐烦。先抛砖吧,英语很烂,大家见谅。

shown43 : 2012-03-12#2
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


shown43 : 2012-03-12#3
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

在总结完了之后可以做一个Brief outline of our relationship develpoment,把交往中的重要事件列出来并辅以相应的证据,照片啦,账单啦,获奖证书啦,职务任命书啊。。。。只要能够支持你的故事的都可以列上来,总比杂乱一堆交给签证官让她自己去理解强。

shown43 : 2012-03-12#4
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

6. Give any additional details describing the circumstance of you first meeting with your sponsor:

I meet with my husband in January 30, 2010. He took bus from XXX to YYY to see me. I picked him up at the bus station and he stayed in YYY for 3 days. In the 3 days of his stay we had a lot of conversation about our life path, attitude to life, interests, and plan for future. He told me lots of funny stories and stupid things he did in university and in Canada. He also told me how hard he had worked to pass TOELF and GRE to get scholarship to study in Canada. His frankness, humor, and industriousness really impressed me. He is such a mature and easygoing guy that I found it is very relax and comfortable to talk with him. I accepted his invitation to visit his family in XXX during the Spring Festival (Feb. 16~19).

In XXX he introduced me to his big family. They are warmhearted and caring. I like the warm and caring atmosphere of his family. I really enjoyed to being with him so I decided to know more about him and start the relationship with him.

shown43 : 2012-03-12#5
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

9. Describe how your relationship developed after first meeting with you sponsor:

After spring festival, he went back to Canada. When he was in Canada, we kept communication on a daily basis by telephone (please check the attached phone bill). He came to China in April 2010 again. He came to YYY to accompany me. We dated almost every day. After 2 month association, we moved into the apartment he rented in YYY (Please check the attached rental contract), and lived together since June 2010 until to July 2011 he went back to Canada (Please check the custom stamps on my sponsor’s passport copy).

During the period living together, we cooked together, ate together, play together, and learn a lot from each other. With the time going we had experienced a lot together, and our understanding to each other went to a new level and overcome the difference between us due to different growing up background. In the day to day life, when anything happen, he always took care me first, which made me feel very secure with him. I lost the cell phone he bought for me just a few days after he gave it to me. When I told him this, I was afraid he would blame me. But he just laughed and said:”Great, you just give me another chance to buy a gift to you”. He tolerated all my naughtiness and caprice which my previous boyfriend wouldn’t. I think this is the benefit of the big age difference between us. Since my father left me when I was one year old, I really enjoyed his “father’s affection” and joked with him: “You are my little Dad”.

He convinced me he was a patient, considerate, and reliable grownup while his wide interests in life and active, energetic life style made me felt he was a big boy sometimes. He taught me driving, playing badminton, swimming, and ski, which lead me to a new lifestyle that I hadn’t experienced before. With him, my life is always full of joy.

He also gave me lots of help in my carrier development. he encouraged me to take part in the YYY Auto Sales Elite Championship。 He supported me technically and psychologically, made me feel very confident and relax on stage. So I could exert my advantages freely and won two champions in the competition. This won me a lot of fame in YYY auto sales industry and helped my promotion later on. After I had been promoted as the Customer Service Manager, his experience was an important reference for many of the decisions I have made. Gradually, I found his encouragement was the source of my confidence and I relied on him psychologically. I felt, as he said, he is my soul mate. So when he asked me to marry him, I said yes.
Brief outline of our relationship development:

January 30th, 2010, we met in YYY.

February 16th~19th, 2010, I met with his family in XXX and we started our relationship. (Pictures in PIC Envelop #1)


SUSEAN : 2012-03-12#6
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

先要谢谢LZ的无私奉献。可惜,遗憾的是没有在提交材料之前看到这么好的范例。一直以为6. Give any additional details describing the circumstance of you first meeting with your sponsor只是说第一次见面时的情形,写时就在犯愁哪有那么多好写的,原来还可以这样引深下去,高,实在是高!

顿哥顿弟 : 2012-03-12#7
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


顿哥顿弟 : 2012-03-12#8
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shown43 : 2012-03-12#9
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shown43 : 2012-03-12#10
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

Personal Statements of XXX (Sponsor)

In 2009, after my 38th birthday, I had the feeling of urgency to settle down before 40. I decided it is the time for me to find the other part of my life so I went back to China trying to find the girl that God made for me.

In China my family and my friends had introduced many girls to me, but none of them is my type until in January 2010 I met YYY. Her beauty, amiability, and positive attitude attracted me immediately. With further communication, I found she was much more mature than girls at her age. Growing up in a single mum family had her experienced the hardship of life, but also tempered her an understanding, mature and aspiring personality. Her hard working and quick learning also impressed me. A beautiful girl like her with intelligence and good personality is the life partner I had dreamed for, and worth my every effort to pursue. So I stayed in China with her for more than one year to win her love. To be honest, staying too long in China is harmful to my career development, but I have no regrets. My life is full of joy everyday during the period of our cohabitation, and I believe with her the rest of my life will be blessed with happiness by God. After we married on June 2nd , 2011, I went back to Canada to search for job and prepare to settle down our family in Calgary.

Explanation of my Financial Situation:

Because I stayed in China and didn’t work, I had no income in 2010 and didn’t fill the Tax Return for 2010. So I couldn’t provide the “Option C Printout” of my Notice of Assessment for 2010, but from the T4 forms and the Bank Letter I provide you can see I have enough money to support my family. I had been worked as a Field Engineer for SSS Canada Ltd. for 3 years and made about ***K CND in total. Before I went back to China, I put ***K CND in a 3 years term GIC Investment Account. This funding will mature on July 17th, 2012. Now I am working as a Wellsite Geologist for CCC Consulting Service Ltd.

shown43 : 2012-03-12#11
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


善待每一天 : 2012-03-12#12
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知行合一 : 2012-03-12#13
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


我以前说过love story没用,指的是IMM5490之外的材料。而IMM5490中的所有问题都很重要。我记得以前是没有IMM5490表的,这张表应该是移民部根据vo的要求定制的。里面的问题都是vo关心的问题。



Jaccy1986 : 2012-03-12#14
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


yuka528 : 2012-03-12#15
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shown43 : 2012-03-12#16
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shown43 : 2012-03-12#17
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bluepiao : 2012-03-12#18
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

恭喜 10月班算是最先毕业吧 我猜~

我不奢望什么了 顺利IP DM2就好了

lyhcnf : 2012-03-12#19
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

我俩只提交了以申请人角度写的 love story

springwater : 2012-03-12#20
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

有人说love story没用,因为可以随你乱编,签证官肯定是不看的,看了也不会信。真的如此吗,我们都不是签证官,永远不知道他们心里怎么想。但是人家既然给了我们这个机会,我们就应该好好利用,解答我们的爱情、婚姻中让签证官困惑的地方。我们不能指望签证官自己去搜集和分析证据来得出对你有利的答案,在love story中你必须把你的point摆出来,再辅以扎实可信的证据来支持你的point。记住我们这里写得是一篇论证文,需要的是严谨合理的逻辑,而不是煽情。写成散文就不妙了。
哈哈 我就写的跟日记一样,流水账+各种小心情, 一点儿也不严谨啊:wdb5:~~~~ 写成论证文我担心太刻意了,目的性很强的样子。不过无所谓啦,我觉得都是看VO心情的事儿~:wdb23:

springwater : 2012-03-12#21
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

对了 请问楼主 给你发AR信的PDF作者是哪位?

yuka528 : 2012-03-12#22
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


heiguanglong : 2012-03-12#23
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xandy : 2012-03-13#24
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SUSEAN : 2012-03-13#25
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yuka528 : 2012-03-13#26
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SUSEAN : 2012-03-13#27
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thy0206 : 2012-03-13#28
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caryia : 2012-03-13#29
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

the girl god made for me.....

竹山2 : 2012-03-13#30
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笳沂Y : 2012-03-13#31
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coco-lan : 2012-03-13#32
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

感谢楼主无私分享。近期一直关注团聚版,因为在准备给老公办理团聚,其它东西各位前辈都提供了大量的帮助信息,唯独LOVE STORY没有样本可以参考,因为很多内容涉及到个人隐私。楼主此举真正难能可贵!再次谢谢提供优秀范例。:wdb45::wdb10:

小雨儿 : 2012-03-18#33
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


kalin : 2012-03-18#34
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story

没想到今天还要办理移民加拿大,不知道Love story对我们不是新婚的人是不是很重要?

xandy : 2012-03-25#35
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story


语冰 : 2012-03-25#36
回复: 收到大信封,感谢palmer,回馈家园 Love Story
