
碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?


soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#1
又花时间金钱又吃苦头 等我有空我会披露他的恶行 现在先要投诉他 让他停牌或者给我赔偿 但不知去哪里投诉他? 在此先谢过了

jane8cn : 2012-05-15#2
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?


jane8cn : 2012-05-15#3
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soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#4
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

因为是4岁的儿子 他现在正因为牙齿感染发着高烧 我还要照顾他 等他稍微好点我会把整个事情的过程告诉大家

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#5
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

我想我不会无中生有 无事生非 这里的每一个人忙自己的事情就够忙的了 实在没有精力再去胡搅蛮缠 所以 我肯定是 实事求是 而不会 没事找事

mallplus.com : 2012-05-15#6
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小史的妈 : 2012-05-15#7
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因为是4岁的儿子 他现在正因为牙齿感染发着高烧 我还要照顾他 等他稍微好点我会把整个事情的过程告诉大家

szshenhua : 2012-05-15#8
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爱抽烟的帅哥 : 2012-05-15#9
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诺诺紫 : 2012-05-15#10
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azalea8411 : 2012-05-15#11
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soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#12
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

不是同胞 是7005 Kildare cote-saint-luc区的 Haber Haver 犹太人

lerouge : 2012-05-15#13
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soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#14
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

1.恶意charge me. 我没让他给孩子检查 他也没做 结果问我的保险公司收50几块钱的检查费 保险公司拒付,因为我不到1年前在儿童医院做过了 我还不知道 直到他跟我抱怨保险公司没付这笔无中生有的钱 他还有脸抱怨

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#15
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

2. 就让补一小洞 补洞之前我先让他洗牙 结果5分钟完事 等于没洗 老公陪去的 老实吃亏 我没办法 后来去问那个牙医 他还理由一套一套的

结果小洞补好后不到1星期 牙材质掉了

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#16
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3. 回去找他再补 他把责任往孩子身上推 说是他补牙的时候孩子把洞洞那里用舌头添了 弄湿了 所以粘不住了 其实整个过程我一直看着 没看到孩子舌头去舔 再说 即使孩子添了 他也会看到教孩子不要舔的 纯粹栽赃陷害 无耻狡辩

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#17
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4.再补后第三天我就回中国了 结果回国第二天发现那玩意儿又掉了

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#18
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5.在中国呆了1个月 回来又去找他 问他会不会是材料问题?他否认 又是同样理由,往孩子身上推

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#19
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我说上次我看得很仔细 孩子没舔 他无语
那时候孩子应该牙已经开始碰着就疼了 所以牙医碰到的时候避让了一下 结果那狗屁牙医就很不耐烦 一副要罢工的模样 我说服孩子配合 让他继续 他那时应该已经知道孩子牙齿里面发炎了 所以给他用了麻药 但是他不但没有告诉我 也没有处理 就只是把那个洞给补上了 其实里面已经烂了 确切的说是牙神经烂了 前2次补洞都没有用麻药 小孩子也没有怕疼避让

做好后我问他这次孩子用舌头舔湿了吗?他说没有 我说希望这是最后一次补这个洞 他比我还生气 回答说他也希望这是最后一次

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#20
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补洞到现在12天了 倒是没掉 但上周五晚上孩子梦中哭醒,疼的,哭醒4次
第二天一早我发现他的上嘴唇突然肿的像馒头一样 周末 那狗屁医生也不上班 别的牙医也休息 吃了点止疼药 打算周一找我的牙医预约 我的牙医技术还不错 就是有点远

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#21
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老公说那周一先去问问那狗屁牙医吧 看他怎么说 去了 那狗屁牙医说和他没关系 要是那颗牙引起的 早就3天之内就有问题了 不会到现在 而且还装模作样查了一下 说什么都很好没问题 可能是孩子自己咬着了 或者吃什么过敏了

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#22
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说的话真是放臭狗屁 我很清楚孩子没吃任何特别的东西 而且我们孩子从来没有对任何事物过敏过 自己咬自己的上嘴唇咬成馒头?让他自己试试??想起他每次抵赖还乱收费 我对他的说法实在无法相信

还是约了我的牙医 明天一早去看个究竟吧

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#23
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我的牙医轻轻翻开孩子上嘴唇一看 上牙龈全都肿了 说是很厉害的感染 因为里面的牙神经死了 烂在里面 非一日之寒了
先消炎 7天抗生素 然后。。。

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#24
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然后他说你的孩子牙齿还有很多问题 我这里解决不了 建议你去儿童医院找个specialist 需要做root canal 大约要2000刀

oops : 2012-05-15#25
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soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#26
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我的孩子 交给那狗屁牙医的时候只是些小问题 根本没想到他为何要如此对我们 想不通啊 我们是去给他送钱的 而且他明明知道我们一家4口都有很好的医疗保险 他为什么如此不负责任??他这行径和虐待孩子有什么区别??孩子不好我们压力也很大 花时间精力 今天我课也没上 还看着孩子受苦 高烧呕吐 不吃东西 因为疼 本来就忙 2个小孩 还要应付这种根本不应该发生的麻烦

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#27
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我们3个月前就开始在他那里看了 那是孩子是不疼的 3个月啊 早就该解决问题了 硬给拖成了大问题
想起齐桓公的故事了 扁鹊说君有疾在腠理 不治将恐深 我们那时就是腠理之疾啊 怎么2000块不是他的责任?

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-15#28
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投诉信已写好 因本人英文实在so so 就不拿出来献丑了 但是表达还算清楚 文采就不谈了 打算明天寄出 再次感谢jane8cn

soleil_lee-太阳李 : 2012-05-15#29
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

root canal 属于major service 大部分的医疗保险都不能完全cover 2000$自己大概至少要出1000

dianayu52 : 2012-05-15#30
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强烈谴责无良的牙医,其实钱不是最重要的,关键是本来只是一个小问题,偏偏拖成大问题. root canal就是咱们俗称的根管治疗,也就是杀神经,做完了以后,这颗牙就死掉了,会变得很脆,容易折断,后续还需要做牙冠等等,都是很费钱的.



青铜钺 : 2012-05-16#31
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投诉信已写好 因本人英文实在so so 就不拿出来献丑了 但是表达还算清楚 文采就不谈了 打算明天寄出 再次感谢jane8cn

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-16#32
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

好啊 我这就把信挂在这里 欢迎大家指正

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-16#33
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

This February I took my son to a dentist who is in the same building as his daycare, Dr. Harvey Haber whose address is 7005 Kildare road, suite 1 because he had 2 cavities in his front teeth which are joint together.

Before starting the filling I asked the doctor to clean his teeth. Then he did the filling. But after a few days the filling came off the teeth. I took my son to his office again. The doctor said it was because the boy made it wet by his tougn when he was doing the filling. Usually if the dentist finds the patient doing anything improper for the treating he should point it out. But he did not say anything about the making-it- wet issue.

Unfortunately, this time the filling did not last long. After 3 days of the re-filling it came off again when I was back in China. After 1 month when I came back to Canada I took my son to see the dentist again on 3rd of May. He gave the same explanation.

This time, it has not come off yet but things are getting even worse. On last Friday night, 11 May, my son cried out 4 times in his sleeping because of the toothache. The next morning I was shocked to see his upper lip was so swollen. I could do nothing but giving him the advil during the weekend. On Monday morning, 14 May, my husband took my son to the dentist again. The dentist looked at the teeth and told my husband that everything is OK and there is no sign to show it is related to the filling. Maybe it was because allergy or he just bit himself. And he suggested wait another 2 days before prescribing the antibiotics. As a professional, I am so surprised that these words could come out of his mouth. Firstly, I did not give anything special to my son these days; secondly, it is impossible for my son to bite his upper lip so badly. If it was because of the injury my son would have cried out on the spot. But the daycare teachers did not report any injuries to me in the daycare nor did I see him get injured at home.

I felt the dentist was no longer trust worthy so I brought my son to another dentist. There the dentist gently open the boy’s upper lip and told me there was serious infection in his gum and he had to take antibiotics for at least 7 days. Then he checked his teeth and made certain that the right front tooth. He explained that the nerve had dyed and caused the infection. Later the dentist took the x-ray. In the end he told me that apart from this infection there are other serious problems that he could not get them solved. He suggested me go to the children’s hospital and see a specialist there. The boy may need to do a root canal which will cost 2000 Canadian dollars.

I am so sad and hear broken to hear all these. We have been seeing the dentist for 3 months just wanted to do the small filling. But now the cavity is getting bigger and bigger and even the nerves died.
When he used anesthetic for the last time filling, he should have already realized that there was infection there. For the previous twice filling my son didn’t feel pains and didn’t move to avoid him. But he didn’t say anything nor did do anything just to make the cavity look OK. 3 months passed, and my son’s small cavity has turned into a root canal problem in this dentist’s hands. He is ABUSING my child. We paid for ABUSING and suffering.
Since this morning around 11:30, 15 May, the child has had a high fever of 39 degrees. We spent time going to see the dentist again and again; we suffered to see the child is painful and have a lot of pressure; we paid, we just paid for the abusing, cheating and all these troubles and disappointments. He is not only abusing the child but also cheating and lying. As a professional of over 30 years he doesn’t try to relieve the pains from the patients but trying hard to make use and take advantages of us.

We have never asked him to do any examination because we did it less than 1 year ago in the children’s hospital. And he did NOT do it in fact, but he charged me for that. I had not known it until he complained that the insurance company refused to pay for that. Is this the cheating and stealing money from my pocket?
We are new to Quebec and we have very good impression on this beautiful place and the warm civil servants. We work hard and want to do our contributions to our new home but this experience can damage Montreal’s reputation. We know there are good and bad guys anywhere and I believe most of the people here are honest and nice otherwise we would not have moved so far to build up our family and begun our new life from 0 in a brand new country.
We hope the justice will get done.

徽州女人 : 2012-05-16#34
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?


jane8cn : 2012-05-16#35
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jane8cn : 2012-05-16#36
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tomming : 2012-05-16#37
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

This February I took my son to a dentist who is in the same building as his daycare, Dr. Harvey Haber whose address is 7005 Kildare road, suite 1 because he (my son) had 2 cavities in his front teeth which are joint together.

Before starting the filling I asked the doctor to clean his teeth. Then he did the filling. But after a few days the filling came off the teeth. I took my son to his office again. The doctor said it was because the boy made it wet by his tougn (tongue) when he was doing the filling. Usually if the dentist finds the patient doing anything improper for the treating he should point it out. But he did not say anything about the making-it- wet issue.

Unfortunately, this time the filling did not last long. After 3 days of the re-filling it came off again when I was back in China. After 1 month when I came back to Canada I took my son to see the dentist again on 3rd of May. He gave the same explanation.

This time, it has not come off yet but things are getting even worse. On last Friday night, 11 May, my son cried out 4 times in his sleeping because of the toothache. The next morning I was shocked to see his upper lip was so swollen. I could do nothing but giving him the advil (Advil) during the weekend. On Monday morning, 14 May, my husband took my son to the dentist again. The dentist looked at the teeth and told my husband that everything is OK and there is no sign to show it is related to the filling. Maybe it was because allergy or he just bit himself. And he suggested wait another 2 days before prescribing the antibiotics. As a professional, I am so surprised that these words could come out of his mouth. Firstly, I did not give anything special to my son these days; secondly, it is impossible for my son to bite his upper lip so badly. If it was because of the injury my son would have cried out on the spot. But the daycare teachers did not report any injuries to me in the daycare nor did I see him get injured at home.

I felt the dentist was no longer trust worthy so I brought my son to another dentist. There the dentist gently open the boy’s upper lip and told me there was serious infection in his gum and he had to take antibiotics for at least 7 days. Then he checked his teeth and made certain that the right front tooth. He explained that the nerve had dyed and caused the infection. Later the dentist took the x-ray. In the end he told me that apart from this infection there are other serious problems that he could not get them solved. He suggested me go to the children’s hospital and see a specialist there. The boy may need to do a root canal which will cost 2000 Canadian dollars.

I am so sad and hear (heart) broken to hear all these. We have been seeing the dentist for 3 months just wanted to do the small filling. But now the cavity is getting bigger and bigger and even the nerves died.
When he used anesthetic for the last time filling, he should have already realized that there was infection there. For the previous twice filling my son didn’t feel pains and didn’t move to avoid him. But he didn’t say anything nor did do anything just to make the cavity look OK. 3 months passed, and my son’s small cavity has turned into a root canal problem in this dentist’s hands. He is ABUSING my child. We paid for ABUSING and suffering.
Since this morning around 11:30, 15 May, the child has had a high fever of 39 degrees. We spent time going to see the dentist again and again; we suffered to see the child is painful and have a lot of pressure; we paid, we just paid for the abusing, cheating and all these troubles and disappointments. He is not only abusing the child but also cheating and lying. As a professional of over 30 years he doesn’t try to relieve the pains from the patients but trying hard to make use and take advantages of us.

We have never asked him to do any examination because we did it less than 1 year ago in the children’s hospital. And he did NOT do it in fact, but he charged me for that. I had not known it until he complained that the insurance company refused to pay for that. Is this the cheating and stealing money from my pocket?
We are new to Quebec and we have very good impression on this beautiful place and the warm civil servants. We work hard and want to do our contributions to our new home but this experience can damage Montreal’s reputation. We know there are good and bad guys anywhere and I believe most of the people here are honest and nice otherwise we would not have moved so far to build up our family and begun our new life from 0 (zero) in a brand new country.
We hope the justice will get done.

月盈亏 : 2012-05-16#38
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百合 : 2012-05-16#39
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看牙齿一定要找口碑好的牙医。我以前在国内的时候, 有一个牙齿做根管, 做了3次, 换到第三家医院,才算彻底搞好。第一家消炎没搞好, 没把我痛死,第二家根管没做到底。第三个医生技术很好,才算彻底搞定。

florette : 2012-05-16#40
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florette : 2012-05-16#41
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爱抽烟的帅哥 : 2012-05-16#42
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月盈亏 : 2012-05-16#43
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霜岳 : 2012-05-16#44
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tonyhuang : 2012-05-19#45
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fish_jnd : 2012-05-19#46
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tongtian : 2012-05-20#47
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soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-22#48
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强烈谴责无良的牙医,其实钱不是最重要的,关键是本来只是一个小问题,偏偏拖成大问题. root canal就是咱们俗称的根管治疗,也就是杀神经,做完了以后,这颗牙就死掉了,会变得很脆,容易折断,后续还需要做牙冠等等,都是很费钱的.



上次报完税还没说谢谢你呢 :)每天都是那么忙 还要摊上这种事情 看来人不管在哪里 多几个心眼总是对的

祝你事业生活一切顺利 :)

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-22#49
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:wdb26:这是神马速度啊??? 真是花儿谢了又开了。。。无语 结果如何?望告知。。。给我些信心吧。。。

soleilplusjeune : 2012-05-22#50
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不是 是他们幼儿园隔壁的一个牙医 当时问给不给孩子看 说给 真是抓钱抓到狂

florette : 2012-05-22#51
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2k7-2k8 : 2012-05-22#52
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Rivière : 2012-05-22#53
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2k7-2k8 : 2012-05-22#54
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Rivière : 2012-06-14#55
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Rivière : 2012-06-14#56
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montmont : 2012-06-14#57
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yuyang_j : 2012-06-17#58
回复: 碰到恶劣牙医 害我手术2000刀 去哪里投诉?

我女儿(4岁)在sherbrooke 5025的一个牙医诊所检查、洗牙,收了70刀,这个诊所是家庭医生介绍的,感觉好像收费高了,听大家这么一说,应改是50刀?