


go2canada : 2006-05-16#1
让我们每天都来认识些漂亮的花儿吧。不同的花有不同的含义(皆为娱乐,不要太在意哦),让我教教你花语(汗,偶英语还没学好尼) 容我慢慢整理哦。
Let's go!

五月十六日 May 16
生日花:大山慈菇(Star of Bethlehem)

Star of Bethlehem and Spring Beauty are currently emerging and flowering in shaded areas. Both plants have pretty white flowers with the Star of Bethlehem having six petals while Spring Beauty has only five petals.


庞之白 : 2006-05-16#2

玉簪青衣布裙 : 2006-05-16#3

Aim : 2006-05-16#4

真榕 : 2006-05-16#5

Aim : 2006-05-16#6

go2canada : 2006-05-16#7
Aim 说:

:wdb5: 都是 Star of Bethlehem 啊,不同的品种而已

wx77 : 2006-05-16#8

go2canada : 2006-05-16#9
[FONT=宋体]五月十七日 May 17
生日花:角罂粟花(corn poppy)
Given the colossal waste and human suffering that mankind proffers in waging war against neighboring countries, it is not surprising that a floral emblem has emerged to represent the suffering and loss associated with war. The European field poppy has assumed this role for the wars of the 20th century.
The field poppy is an annual flower widely distributed throughout Europe. It grows about 2 feet tall and has delicately textured crepe-textured flowers to 3 inches across held singly aloft on thin stems. Before opening, the olive-sized buds nod downwards as they await their day in the sun. Flower color is variable in the species with over 20 botanical varieties described, but the most common type is red. The red of blood.
The poppy has been associated with war since at least the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 when Duke Wellington of England and the Prussian General Blucher decisively defeated Napoleon on this battlefield in modern day Belgium. By this time the machines of war - especially cannons and the horsepower needed to move them about - were beginning to churn the countryside when a battle took place.
But it was WWI, and especially the battles of the Low Country of Flanders - a province of Belgium, that resulted in the final adoption of the field poppy as the token of war. The story goes that, after heavy fighting in the area had ended, graves were dug and soldiers interred. The following spring when the graves were visited, they were awash in a sea of red poppies - plants that had not been seen in the region for years.
That the poppies appeared after the graves were dug is botanically interesting but not miraculous - at least not in the conventional way. Poppy seeds have a type of secondary dormancy called "photo-dormancy" and require light to germinate. These tiny seeds may lie dormant 25 to 50 years in the soil biding their time until sunlight appears. A pigment called phytochrome intercepts red light rays and begins a cascade of events that leads to germination.
An American, Moina Michael, wrote a poem about poppies and their seemingly miraculous appearance in 1915. She began wearing an artificial poppy made by a French firm. This eventually caught on as a patriotic symbol and was adopted by the English who celebrated their first Poppy Day in 1921 to remember those lost in battle. By 1922 a factory employing disabled war veterans was established in Great Britain to make paper mache poppies. By the late 20's the poppies, sold as boutonnieres or wreaths, had made their way to the US and were sold as a fund raising activity for American war veterans.
In England a company existed into the 1980s to manufacture poppies and still had about 180 employees at that time - still staffed by disabled but not necessarily disabled veterans. The practice of selling paper mache poppies for a dime was common in my grade school days. When I relate this story to college kids of today, they show no signs of recognition so the practice seems to have stopped.
The field poppy has escaped cultivation in North America but does not appear to survive long term in the South. It is often used as a part of a wildflower mix that is seeded in the fall with blooms appearing in mid spring the following year. Poppies transplant poorly so it is usually best to plant the seeds where they are intended to grow.


俸禄xz : 2006-05-16#10
go2canada 说:
[FONT=宋体]五月十七日 May 17
生日花:角罂粟花(corn poppy)
好漂亮呀,:wdb19: :wdb10:

Aim : 2006-05-16#11


Aim : 2006-05-16#12

go2canada : 2006-05-16#13
Aim 说:


偶在学习中,欢迎指正 :)

go2canada : 2006-05-16#14
Aim 说:


心仪 : 2006-05-16#15

go2canada : 2006-05-16#16
[FONT=宋体]五月十八日 May 18
生日花:山柳兰(mouse-ear hawkweed)
[FONT=宋体]Mouse-ear hawkweed; introduced from Europe.
Flower: Solitary yellow dandelion-like flower; on leafless stalk; 2.5 cm wide; all ray flowers; bracts surrounding flower head covered with black hairs; June-September.
Leaves: Basal 2.5-12.5 cm long, oblong, covered with stiff hairs.
Height: 90-360 cm.
Habitat: Roadsides, parking lots, railroad sides, vacant lots, old homesteads.
General Interest: A plant with mouse ears? The mouse-ear Hawkweed tolerates soil that is nutrient-poor and is drought tolerant. Once established, the plant excludes other plants by forming a dense mat. Mouse-ear Hawkweed may also release a chemical that discourages other plants from growing nearby. In legend, Hawkweed plants were preserved in quills for good luck.
Language of Flowers: Like the other Hawkweeds, the name "hawkweed" indicated that the plant was attributed with "quick-sighted" properties. (和中文的不一样)

I don't imagine that people want these in their lawns. The small leaves grow so close to the ground and so tightly together that they choke out almost everything around them.


go2canada : 2006-05-16#17
心仪 说:

如果是人呢,嘿嘿:wdb13: :wdb4:

重庆稻草 : 2006-05-16#18

心仪 : 2006-05-16#19
go2canada 说:
如果是人呢,嘿嘿:wdb13: :wdb4:

go2canada : 2006-05-16#20
[FONT=宋体]五月十九日 May 19
花语:恶意(evil intention)
The monkshood is named for the protective hood-like structure at the top of the flower. It resembles the hoods worn by monks in the middle ages. It is formed by the top sepal, and covers the reproductive organs of the flower. The flower is pollinated by bumblebees, which must force their way under the hood in order to reach the nectar and pollen. Other insects do not have the size and strength to do this.

The monkshood is a highly poisonous herb. The dried leaves and roots yield aconite.:wdb13:

An extract from botanical.com:
Aconitine is one of the most formidable poisons which have yet been discovered: it exists in all parts of the plant, but especially in the root. The smallest portion of either root or leaves, when first put into the mouth, occasions burning and tingling, and a sense of numbness immediately follows its continuance. One-fiftieth grain of Aconitine will kill a sparrow in a few seconds; one-tenth grain a rabbit in five minutes. It is more powerful than prussic acid and acts with tremendous rapidity. One hundredth grain will act locally, so as to produce a well-marked sensation in any part of the body for a whole day. So acrid is the poison, that the juice applied to a wounded finger affects the whole system, not only causing pains in the limbs, but a sense of suffocation and syncope.

Aconite is reported to be fatal to cattle and goats when they eat it fresh, but when dried it does no harm to horses, a peculiarity in common with the buttercups, to which the Aconites are related. Field-mice are well aware of its evil nature, and in hard times, when they will attack almost any plant that offers them food, they leave this severely alone.

Native Indians used it for poisoning spears, darts and arrows, and for destroying tigers.


八年申请路 : 2006-05-16#21
真的是美极 了

go2canada : 2006-05-18#22
[FONT=宋体]五月二十日 May 20
生日花:粟树花(horse chestnut)
[FONT=宋体]The Horse Chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum, which has also been known as Hippocastanum vulgare (Gaertn.), is an entirely different tree from the Sweet Chestnut, to which it is not even distantly related, and is of much more recent importation to English soil. It is a native of northern and central parts of Asia, from which it was introduced into England about the middle of the sixteenth century.

The name Aesculus (from esca, food) was applied originally to a species of oak, which according to Pliny, was highly prized for its acorns, but how it came to be transferred to the Horse Chestnut is very uncertain; perhaps, as Loudon suggests, it was given ironically, because its nuts bear a great resemblance, externally, to those of the Sweet Chestnut, but are unfit for food. Hippocastanum (the specific name of the common sort) is a translation of the common name, which was given - Evelyn tells us - 'from its curing horses brokenwinded and other cattle of coughs.' Some writers think that the prefix 'horse' is a corruption of the Welsh gwres, meaning hot, fierce, or pungent, e.g. 'Horse-chestnut' = the bitter chestnut, in opposition to the mild, sweet one.
The tree is chiefly grown for ornamental purposes, in towns and private gardens and in parks, and forms fine avenues, which in the spring, when the trees are in full bloom, present a beautiful sight.
The trunk of the tree is very erect and columnar, and grows very rapidly to a great height, with widely spreading branches. The bark is smooth and greyishgreen in colour: it has been used with some success in dyeing yellow. The wood, being soft and spongy, is of very little use for timber.
It is often used for packing-cases.
The sturdy, many-ribbed boughs and thick buds of the Horse Chestnut make it a conspicuous tree even in winter. The buds are protected with a sticky substance: defended by fourteen scales and gummed together, thus no frost or damp can harm the leaf and flower tucked safely away within each terminal bud, which develops with startling rapidity with the approach of the first warm days after the winter. The bud will sometimes develop the season's shoot in the course of three or four weeks. The unfolding of the bud is very rapid when the sun melts the resin that binds it so firmly together.
The large leaves are divided into five or seven leaflets, spreading like fingers from the palm of the hand and have their margins finely toothed. All over the small branches may be found the curious marks in the shape of minute horse-shoes, from which, perhaps, the tree gets its name. They are really the leaf scars. Wherever a bygone leaf has been, can be traced on the bark a perfect facsimile of a horse-shoe, even to the seven nail markings, which are perfectly distinct. And among the twigs may be found some with an odd resemblance to a horse's foot and fetlock.
The flowers are mostly white, with a reddish tinge, or marking, and grow in dense, erect spikes. There is also a dull red variety, and a less common yellow variety, which is a native of the southern United States, but is seldom seen here. The fruit is a brown nut, with a very shining, polished skin, showing a dull, rough, pale-brown scar where it has been attached to the inside of the seed-vessel, a large green husk, protected with short spines, which splits into three valves when it falls to the ground and frees the nut.


go2canada : 2006-05-19#23
[FONT=宋体]五月二十一日 May 21
生日花:知更草(ragged robin)
Also known as the Cuckoo Flower, Meadow Spink, Polly Baker, Shaggy Jacks and Bachelor's Buttons. Member of the Pink and Carnation family. Hardy perennial growing 1 - 2.5 ft (30 - 76 cm) high. Found naturally in damp meadows and woods. It has thin stems and sprays of red flowers with raggedy petals. Flowers May to July.

Butterflies love this plant, especially white species of butterfly, the Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary and the Common Blue. It is the food plant of long-tongued bumblebees, and the Campion, Lychnis, Twin Spot Carpet and Marbled Clover moths. Men would carry the plant in their pockets and success in love was determined by whether the plant thrived or not. By the 1600s girls carried the plant as well under their aprons, giving each plant the name of a local boy. The flower that opened first would bear the name of the boy she would marry or who wanted to marry her.
Some Yorkshire folk call the plant the Thunder Flower. The plant also has sinister associations with goblins and evil spirits.
Plant out in spring or autumn. Grow in sun or partial shade. If deadheaded it will bloom again until August or even later. Divide clumps in April if necessary. Cut down flower stems in autumn.


eli8 : 2006-05-19#24
第22楼的粟树花(horse chestnut)那个花芯怎么看着跟豆芽菜似的。

eli8 : 2006-05-19#25
第9楼的角罂粟花(corn poppy)我还试着种过,可是没种出来,遗憾。在澳洲时,我自从在别人家门前看到了这花,红色的,我就天天蹲在那花前半小时,蹲了半个多月才等到花籽成熟,可还是没种出来。

go2canada : 2006-05-19#26
eli8 说:
第22楼的粟树花(horse chestnut)那个花芯怎么看着跟豆芽菜似的。

:wdb24: 想吃豆芽菜了?:wdb25:

eli8 : 2006-05-19#27
go2canada 说:
:wdb24: 想吃豆芽菜了?:wdb25:


go2canada : 2006-05-19#28
eli8 说:
第9楼的角罂粟花(corn poppy)我还试着种过,可是没种出来,遗憾。在澳洲时,我自从在别人家门前看到了这花,红色的,我就天天蹲在那花前半小时,蹲了半个多月才等到花籽成熟,可还是没种出来。
:wdb18: :wdb17: 看来不光要有毅力,还要懂技术才行:wdb9:

Don : 2006-05-19#29


go2canada : 2006-05-19#30
Don 说:


想回你帖子才发现,中间居然有一大空:wdb21: :wdb25:

记住心仪说的啊: 美的都有毒:wdb13:


心仪 : 2006-05-19#31
go2canada 说:
想回你帖子才发现,中间居然有一大空:wdb21: :wdb25:

记住心仪说的啊: 美的都有毒:wdb13:

我看DON筒子想以毒攻毒了:wdb23: :wdb26:

Aim : 2006-05-20#32

Don : 2006-05-20#33
心仪 说:
我看DON筒子想以毒攻毒了:wdb23: :wdb26:
哈哈哈, 不敢不敢, 通常美女适合远观, 不适合家养.

Don : 2006-05-20#34
Aim 说:
等你再去加拿大的时候, 买它20亩地, 把这些花挨个种一遍.

feihua2007 : 2006-05-20#35
eli8 说:
第9楼的角罂粟花(corn poppy)我还试着种过,可是没种出来,遗憾。在澳洲时,我自从在别人家门前看到了这花,红色的,我就天天蹲在那花前半小时,蹲了半个多月才等到花籽成熟,可还是没种出来。

feihua2007 : 2006-05-20#36

俸禄xz : 2006-05-21#37
Don 说:

go2canada : 2006-05-21#38
[FONT=宋体]五月二十二日 May 22
Goatsbeard is a common and somewhat nondescript wildflower found throughout the Midwest. It becomes quite striking, however, when the plant goes to seed in midsummer. The seed head looks a bit like a golden brown dandelion, only much larger.


cancan0522 : 2006-05-21#39

Aim : 2006-05-21#40

go2canada : 2006-05-21#41
cancan0522 说:

:wdb4: 谢谢支持啊


go2canada : 2006-05-22#42
[FONT=宋体]五月二十三日 May 23
生日花:洋丁香(common lilac)
Common Lilac is a very common flowering shrub
that grows best in a sunny location. The plant grows in
shade but flowering is poor and powdery mildew is likely
to be severe. Powdery mildew, scales, borers and
bacterial blight, plus the regular pruning needed to
control height and suckering cause many gardeners to
become dissatisfied.



go2canada : 2006-05-22#43
[FONT=宋体]五月二十四日 May 24
生日花:东洋罂粟花(oriental poppy)

Oriental poppies add old-fashioned charm to Gardens. These plants usually are easy to grow, but they prefer sunny areas and soil that's well drained. The plants are hardy, and do well in mountain Gardens at high elevations.
Poppies decline rapidly in poorly drained soils. It's not a good idea to plant oriental poppies in areas where soil stays wet for extended periods.
http://www.ext.colostate.edu/PTLK/1037f1a.htmlThe silky, bowl-shaped flowers appear in late spring and burst from distinctive buds covered in bristly hairs. Flower colors include scarlet red, glowing orange, salmon pink, sparkling white and bi-colored forms. Many of the flowers feature inky-dark blotches at the base of the petals and colorful stamens in the center. As petals fall, the remaining seed pod adds interest and contrast in Gardens.
Careful placement of oriental poppy is essential. Its foliage dies back during the hot weeks of mid-summer, leaving a conspicuous gap. A well-chosen companion plant such as baby's breath or whirling butterflies can help camouflage the open space.
As temperatures cool down in September, new foliage emerges from the crown and persists through the winter. Oriental poppy may be left undisturbed indefinitely. The clumps will become large, but they generally aren't invasive.
Related plants include Iceland poppy, a perennial that generally lives for 2 to 3 years. Like oriental poppy, it prefers higher elevations and cool temperatures. Opium poppy, another short-lived plant, will re-seed freely once established in a Garden.


go2canada : 2006-05-25#44
[FONT=宋体]五月二十五日 May 25
生日花:水杨梅(common avens)
The yellow avens is a summer blooming wildflower (June - August) that grows to a height of from one to five feet. The taller ones seem to be in locations where they are competing for sunlight. Yellow avens usually are found in thickets and moist meadows.


Aim : 2006-05-25#45

lili63 : 2006-05-25#46

lili63 : 2006-05-25#47


go2canada : 2006-05-25#48
lili63 说:






go2canada : 2006-05-25#49
lili63 说:



SW冻住了,:wdb15: 先欠着

go2canada : 2006-05-26#50
[FONT=宋体]五月二十六日 May 26
生日花:黄石南(yellow azalea)(黄杜鹃)
这是园艺工作者最喜爱栽培的植物之一,主要是因为整株植物在花朵盛开时期外型鲜 夺目,彷佛具有充沛的生命力,令人感受到生命的欢愉。因此这种花的花语就是-庆祝。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]:wdb19: [/FONT]


Aim : 2006-05-26#51


go2canada : 2006-05-26#52
Aim 说:



Aim : 2006-05-26#53
go2canada 说:


lili63 : 2006-05-28#54
go2canada 说:

SW冻住了,:wdb15: 先欠着
前二个月,我去了天津北辰区的朋友的淘宝店,她是买男式内衣的,买卖很好,就在家里,已经做好几年了,而且是大学中文系毕业,我的校友.她告诉我,她的店铺有:实名认证,台式机电话,手机电话,QQ号码,EMAIL地址.如果做国际生意,还要有MSN:wdb9: 她的铺子:http://shop33059570.taobao.com/

go2canada : 2006-05-29#55
Aim 说:


:wdb24: AIM姐姐以前是当老师的吧:wdb13:

go2canada : 2006-05-29#56
lili63 说:
前二个月,我去了天津北辰区的朋友的淘宝店,她是买男式内衣的,买卖很好,就在家里,已经做好几年了,而且是大学中文系毕业,我的校友.她告诉我,她的店铺有:实名认证,台式机电话,手机电话,QQ号码,EMAIL地址.如果做国际生意,还要有MSN:wdb9: 她的铺子:[URL="http://shop33059570.taobao.com/"]http://shop33059570.taobao.com/[/URL]

进货渠道不同,能做的店就不一样了,内衣这个没有门路啊,不过可以请教你朋友些开店心得,我老婆没做多久,很多都要我帮她打理。我会和她联系联系,做个店铺链接什么的 ,提lili63她知道是谁不 :)

呵呵,现在有点象闲聊了,有些走题了。可以的话加我MSN吧 hy9ie@hotmail.com

go2canada : 2006-05-29#57

go2canada : 2006-05-30#58
[FONT=宋体]五月二十七日 May 27
Large, evergreen leaves are dark green. Large round flower clusters are white, pink, purple or red and occur at tips of branches.
Many beautiful rhododendron varieties exist, but cold hardiness or heat tolerance limit their availability in a particular area.
Rhododendrons usually refer to the large leaf types with large terminal flower clusters. Azaleas refer to the deciduous and small leaf evergreen hybrids with funnel shaped smaller flower clusters.


go2canada : 2006-06-01#59
[FONT=宋体]五月二十八日 May 28
生日花:鸢尾花(garden iris)
Species iris grow in many conditions from marsh and bog areas in full sun to dry conditions in partial to full shade.


go2canada : 2006-06-01#60
[FONT=宋体]五月二十九日 May 29
It is a remedy against the poison of the scorpion.
We know it now as the Cornflower, a most attractive wild plant, but it was called Cyanus because of its blue colour and also Hurtsickle because its tough stems blunted the edges of the farmer's sickle as he reaped the corn. Another name is Blue-blow. Its leaves spread upon the ground, being of whitish-green colour. The flowers are an innumerable company set in a scaly head.
Medicinal virtues: The powder or dried leaves is given with good success to those that are bruised by a fall, or have broken a vein inwardly, and void much blood at the mouth. Taken in the water of Plantain, Horsetail or the Greater Comfrey, it is a remedy against the poison of the scorpion and resisteth all venoms and poison. The seed or leaves taken in wine is good against the plague and all infectious diseases and in pestilential fevers. The juice put into wounds doth quickly solder up the lips of them together and heals ulcers and sores in the mouth. Thejuice dropped into the eyes takes away heat and inflammation.
Modern uses: The flowers are occasionally used for their tonic and stimulant properties, but the Blessed Thistle (Carbenia benedicta) which has similar properties is now more popular with today's herbalists. The Cornflower gives an infusion a bluish colour. Its main uses are in the treatment of dyspepsia and as an eye lotion.


芷萱清芬 : 2006-06-01#61

go2canada : 2006-06-04#62
[FONT=宋体]五月叁十日 May 30
生日花:岩蔷薇(lesser spearwort)
[FONT=宋体]Upright or creeping perennial. Sometimes roots where leaf nodes touch ground. Stem leaves are narrow and oval. Flowers are 5­15mm across and usually solitary; appear June­October. Widespread and common on damp ground, often beside rivers. [/FONT]


go2canada : 2006-06-04#63
[FONT=宋体]五月叁十一日 May 31
生日花:庇里牛斯百合(pyrenean lily)
One of the very few Lilies to have become naturalised in England, and can be found growing wild in woods and hedgerows of North Devonshire, it is about the first to flower in the season, sometimes blooming at the end of May. One of the easiest Lilies to grow, in sun or semi-shade, it bears numerous, bright yellow, nodding flowers of the turkscap type. 2-4


lloottuuss : 2006-06-04#64

go2canada : 2006-06-04#65
[FONT=宋体]六月一日 Jun 01
生日花:黄玫瑰(yellow rose)
花语:幸运(good fortune)

The Origin of Yellow Roses
Fossil evidence suggests that roses flourished at least 32 million years ago. Besides being incredibly ancient it is interesting to note that roses originated only in the Northern Hemisphere. These ancient roses have been divided into four groups by their place of origin: Europe, America, the Middle East and the Orient.
Most roses in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes Europe, America and the Orient were essentially pink. The species which, were native to America, had the least variation in the colour pink, though they bloomed later than their European cousins. The European roses displayed a much richer variety of the shade of pink; anywhere from pale blush pink to deep crimson pink. Also rose form was more diverse. White also existed amongst the rose species. Pink was also present in the species from the Orient, however they also possessed the ability to repeat bloom. Thus, the civilized Europeans indulged in their various beautiful whites and pinks (even their reds were more like crimson).
Then somewhere in the 18th Century, yellow wild roses were discovered growing in the Middle East. Wild roses from Afghanistan and Southwest Asia blossomed in colours from pale yellow to deep sulphur. When these were brought back to Europe they caused a sensation. Immediately they were planted and the first attempts at hybridization with yellow roses took place.
There are three yellow species roses, which formed the foundation for modern yellow rose hybrids: Rosa Ecae, Rosa Foetida and Rosa Hemisphaerica. Rosa Ecae is native to Afghanistan. It is a small, very thorny shrub with reddish brown wood and ferny leaves. The blossoms resemble buttercups and it is not a hardy rose, preferring warmer climates. Rosa Foetida is a huge rose sometimes reaching 8 feet in height. Its stems are chestnut brown and its thorns are black. Blooms are a good size, true yellow and with yellow stamens. Rosa Hemisphaerica, also known as the “sulphur” rose, is native to Southwest Asia. Not only are the blooms a lovely pure yellow, they are also double. The bushes themselves grow to approximately 6 feet tall and are covered in gray-green foliage. To imagine this rose’s particular scent, remember, it is referred to as the “sulphur rose.”
The Dutch and the French particularly engaged in hybridizing. Whereas before the 18th Century there were approximately 24 rose species in existence in Europe, by the end of the 18th Century there were more than 1,000 varieties of roses. Most of these were still in shades of pink, crimson or white.
With the advent of the yellow genes being hybridized into European roses came a weakness: blackspot. The yellow rose species were not capable of resistance to this dreadful fungal disease. Also yellow roses were not as vigorous as their pink and white cousins and they did not smell good. Some of them emitted a scent reminiscent of “decay.” However, with time and patience, the hybridizers began turning out some lovely creations. Most of the initial yellow roses still suffered blackspot and were not terribly vigorous, but the blooms began to take on fuller shapes, pleasant fragrance and varying shades from pale lemon to almost peach/copper.
Yellow roses have come a long way since that first introduction. Many of the modern species of yellow roses have had disease resistance bred into them. They demonstrate tremendous vigor both as shrubs and climbers and come in a variety of flower form from single to densely petal packed doubles in many glorious shades of pale lemon creams, deep golds, true yellows, buff yellows, peach yellows, and coppery yellows. In addition, the rather undesirable scent characteristics prevalent in the original species roses have been bred out and replaced by more pleasing perfumes!


Aim : 2006-08-11#66

flyingtian : 2006-08-11#67

eli8 : 2006-08-11#68

英语♡公主 : 2006-08-13#69

Aim : 2010-07-12#70
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)

花香还在 楼主却不见了踪影:wdb14:

SunnySmile : 2010-07-12#71
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)

让我们每天都来认识些漂亮的花儿吧。不同的花有不同的含义(皆为娱乐,不要太在意哦),让我教教你花语(汗,偶英语还没学好尼) 容我慢慢整理哦。
Let's go!

五月十六日 May 16
生日花:大山慈菇(Star of Bethlehem)

抱歉啊, 恕我直言,

SunnySmile : 2010-07-12#72
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)

真的很抱歉, 职业病, 对不起啊LZ,
是毛茛科的陆莲花, :)

qiyuedeyinghua : 2010-07-13#73
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)


奥利奥 : 2010-07-16#74
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)

真的很抱歉, 职业病, 对不起啊LZ,
是毛茛科的陆莲花, :)

刚刚还在想这个长得好像花毛莨呢 :wdb6: 今天早上看到偶家毛莨开了两朵,紫色橙色各一个,更多的朵儿在支楞着:wdb6:

Aim : 2010-07-17#75
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)


抱歉啊, 恕我直言,
真的很抱歉, 职业病, 对不起啊LZ,
是毛茛科的陆莲花, :)


刚刚还在想这个长得好像花毛莨呢 :wdb6: 今天早上看到偶家毛莨开了两朵,紫色橙色各一个,更多的朵儿在支楞着:wdb6:

phil79 : 2010-07-17#76
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)


alberto : 2010-07-17#77
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)


sinbird : 2011-07-05#78
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)

[FONT=宋体]五月二十七日 May 27[/FONT]

Large, evergreen leaves are dark green. Large round flower clusters are white, pink, purple or red and occur at tips of branches.
Many beautiful rhododendron varieties exist, but cold hardiness or heat tolerance limit their availability in a particular area.
Rhododendrons usually refer to the large leaf types with large terminal flower clusters. Azaleas refer to the deciduous and small leaf evergreen hybrids with funnel shaped smaller flower clusters.

我有喜扬 : 2011-09-02#79
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)


jennifer_j : 2012-01-28#80
回复: 路边的野花不要采,一定不要采:)

[FONT=宋体]五月叁十一日 May 31
生日花:庇里牛斯百合(pyrenean lily)
One of the very few Lilies to have become naturalised in England, and can be found growing wild in woods and hedgerows of North Devonshire, it is about the first to flower in the season, sometimes blooming at the end of May. One of the easiest Lilies to grow, in sun or semi-shade, it bears numerous, bright yellow, nodding flowers of the turkscap type. 2-4