
Learning new phrases from reading stories


annieyu : 2006-05-18#1
William C.Reilly always thought that he was a big shot! When Marcus Trubody came in for a bite to eat,however,everyone felt that it was like a breath of fresh air.
William pretended it was no big deal,but then he saw things that were a bit of a shock.First a couple of kids who usually ran when they saw him,walked right past him.Then, when he was waiting in a blind alley for townfolk to greet him,no one appeared.William just stood there in the dark,where no beam of light could enter.Finally,when the local clock watcher failed to tell the time as William walked by,William knew that he had to fight this break with tradition.
Five minutes later, William burst into the cafe like a blast of wind.Marcus did not even flinch.Instead he picked up the bundle of papers and prepared to leave.
"I sense a cloud of frustration," he said to the town clerk."I need a change of pace.I heard there was a big sale next door.I'll be over there if anyone needs me."
"There won't be anyone needing you any more."William said.
"That was when a sudden column of water flew on to William.He fell to the ground,knocking down a cluster of grapes.Stunned,he looked up to see Marcus Trubody over him.
"I got a bunch more where that comes from!" Marcus said."I don't take
kindly to threats.But I'm building a crew of roughnecks to work with me.You're welcome to join."
Still surprised and wet,William realized that he was a babe in arms compared to Marcus Trubody.He stood up,extended his hand and said.
"Welcome to town.Let,s hear about that offer!"

annieyu : 2006-05-18#2
relative phrases in stories

a babe in arms= a babe in the woods 天真幼稚的人,涉世未深的人,没有经验人

a beam of (light) 一束光

a big deal 至关重要的大事,了不得的事情;要人,名人

a big shot 大人物

a bit (of) 有点,些许

a big sale 大减价

a bite to eat 一口食物,少量食物

a blast of (wind) 一阵风

a blind alley 死胡同

a break with 对(传统)的背离(the tradition)

a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人,带来新鲜感的东西
a bunch of 一束,一串,一群

a bundle of 一包

a change of pace 节奏的改变

a clock watcher 看钟等下班的人

a cloud of 一大群,一大片

a cluster of 一束

a column of water 一个水注

a couple of 一对,一双

a crew of 一组(或一班,一对)工作人员

harvey66 : 2006-05-20#3
Too many phrases to remember, let along using them.

annieyu : 2006-05-25#4
An All-weather Friend(患难之交)

A great many women would never have lasted as long as Sarah Wilding did.She had been widowed twice,left at the altar once,and even abandoned in a crowd of aborigines.Now she lived alone on the north end of a barren island in Ireland.And perhaps it was because she was no longer waiting for a knight in shining armor that she truly had a heart of gold.She was a far cry from women in town,but only one child knew this.That was Emily,the daughter of Mrs.Wilding's maid.

Emily had had spent a good deal of time at the home on the island before she first met Mrs.Wilding.She kept to herself mostly and even Emily's mother had only really talked to her a handful of times.There was a heap of tales about Mrs.Wilding.So when Emily first met her,she was a bit scared.When a gust of wind blew Mrs.Wilding's dress,Emily even screamed.Thw wind made Mrs.Wilding look like a terrible witch.

"Aye now,come there lass.You know there isn't a grain of truth to the tales theytell about me in town!" said Mrs.Wilding as she comforted Emily."But I can tell you a host of stories about them that are true!"

And with that,Emily was won over.Her fit of fear passed and Mrs.Wilding became like a grandmother to her.Soon she spent many hours with Mrs.Winding.Minutes became like drops in the ocean,as their relationship grew deeper and deeper.

When Emily was older and Mrs.Winding became sick,Emily returned to take care of Mrs.Winding.

"Ah,so you aren't a fair-weather friend then!"said Mrs.Winding when Emily returned.

"No,ma'am,I'm an all-weather friend!"

annieyu : 2006-05-25#5
a drop in the ocean-----沧海一粟
a fair-weather friend-----酒肉朋友
an all-weather friend-----患难之交
a far cry from ------和.....大相径庭
a fit of ------ 突发一阵
a grain of truth -----一点可信的东西
a heart of gold -----金子般的心
a knight in shining armar -----(讽)身披闪亮铠甲的骑士,白马王子之流

annieyu : 2006-05-25#6
a gust of wing----一阵狂风
And with that , Emily was won over-----听到这话,爱米莉被说服了

happytom : 2006-06-09#7
i like it! thanks!

annieyu : 2006-06-09#8
Welcome happytom,I will continue to post it,please be patient.

annieyu : 2006-06-12#9
A desert walk

When Jack's car run out of gas in the desert, a myriad of thoughts ran
through his head.First,he didn't even have a loaf of bread.Second, nor did
he have any water.Third,he was a long way off from anything.And without
his cellphone,it didn't matter that he could have been just a phone call away from help.It was only a matter of time before he would die.
And so he began walking down the road.After only a quarter of an hour wolking under the hot desert sun,he began dreaming of large amounts of water.And when a million other things could have been on his mind as

well,he thought back to his wife.They had just separated over a number of irreconcilable differences.And she had always been too much of a live
不可协调的问题,矛盾的 火线,载电线;活跃分子,富有进取心的人
wire for him.It had always been only a question of time before their
marriage would fail.But now,about to die,he began to think that he had been a lucky dog to have such an interesting wife.
She had told him a million times that she was good for him.Now he knew
that she had been so.If only they were still together!

As he continued walking,Jack noticed an odd pile of stones.He
stopped.They could be covering a multitude of things,but Jack knew that
it was a must for him to see if it was water.In a matter of minutes he
removed the rocks from what looked like an old bag.As he opened it, Jack shouted in relief.It was water:enough to last the rest of the day.Now he could safely get back to town.

Back in town,Jack called his wife.

annieyu : 2006-06-12#10
Accepting an Award

As Elizabeth walked to the stage to accept her prize, swarms of people
stoop up to shake her hands.Many even stood up to give her a standing
ovation.She was overwhelmed and looked for a shoulder to cry on.She
knew this wasn't the time,however,and reached the final stretch of
一 段

On stage she was given the microphone for her acceptance speech.The announcer gave her a strip of tissue to wipe her eyes.Elizabeth replied
that she needed a stack of tissue boxes to do that---she was so happy! Finally calming down,Elizabeth smiled and pulled out a sheet of
paper.Camera flashes were constant and she wondered how many rolls of
film the photographers were going through.No matter.She needed to say something.

She first commented that she had a wealth of other people to
thank.Instead,however,she said that her parents hab always thought acting was a waste of time.She even had a special bank account from
them in case of a rainy day!But now,after a series of plush roles and a

good slice of luck,she had already earned a set of prestigious awards.All of
her acting classes had not been a waste of money.The crowd
laughed.Elizabeth's silvery tongue had won them over
In conclusion,Elizabeth encouraged young actresses to persevere ,work hard in the beginning, and make the most of even the smallest parts."A stitch in time saves nine!"She said to another laugh from the crowd.And
then she walked off the stage to be interviewed in the rear of the stage.

annieyu : 2006-06-24#11
The leader of a country?No big deal!

When Mike McGee acceded to the throne of Palador,he had no idea that
it would soon be a white elephant!He quickly learned that while he had a
great range of power,there was no way to use it.He could rule the
country above all others,for example,but he could no longer
abandon himself to any of his former pleasures,especially publicly.There
were simply a great variety of things he could no longer do.
When Mike was absent from several key meetings,his staff called him
absent-minded.When he refused to partake wholeheartedly in the hot
discussions of the moment,they told him to stop being a wet blanket.

But he was just not happy!He had to abstain from sex,not take part in the
abuse of any alcoholic beverages,listen to boring classical music and
always be abounding in grace and dignity.It just didn't suit him.
It didn't suit the country either.

In fact,he was quickly becoming abhorrent to all of its citizens.They had
liked him a while back,but now they just wanted him to leave..When he
finally told a white lie that he needed to return to America to visit his sick
grandmother,they were happy to let him leave.

When he never returned,no one missed him.They just elected a new president more suited to the role of a puppet and moved on.And Mike McGee happily spent the rest of his life in Las Vegas on the pension plan
they gave to him.

annieyu : 2006-06-24#12
the Guide

"I would like to act as your guide!" a strange young man said to

me"According to the word on the street,you want to visit an
active volcano,is that true?"
"Yes,it is."
"I am well acquainted with both the terrain and the language of the people
you will need to travel through to do this.I can therefore help you
across the board.And I only need access to the standard amount of
"Wonderful.But you seem a little bit young."
"I will not act my age.Nor will I be your Achilles' heel on this journey. No
举止和年龄相称 致命弱点
one has ever accused me of not delivering what I promise. No,you will be
impressed with my abilities to help you adapt to the surroudings as we travel together." 使适赢

"You're hired.What should we do first?"
"First we must account for all of the proper provisions.Have you
acquired a taste for local food yet?"

"No,unfortunately not.we just arrived."

"Then we will need to purchase more here in town before we leave.We must act upon that immediately.If you give me money to serve as a food
budget I can act for you to purchase suppies."
"Here you go.Do we need to rent a vehicle and driver?"

"Oh no.The drivers in this town act up too much.We will rent our own
animals and travel straight up the mountain.It is the best way to go anyway."

"Okay.you're the expert!"

annieyu : 2006-06-24#13
Registration Hell

"It just didn't add up!"Bill thought to himself as he flipped through his
address book looking for the next person to call."Why was there no one in
the administration building?" He had to have this advanced course to be
行政大楼 高级课程
able to graduate at the end of the semester and no one was answering the registration phone.


Bill explained his problem once again.To add insult to injury,however,the
person yelled at him for not calling sooner!Bill had to admit to himself that they had a point.He had been FIVE MINUTES LATE at first!And when he tried to adjust his schedule from A to B it hadn't worked either.So he had
maybe lost a half hour before he tried calling the registration help desk.But that was just adhering to policy:"First try alternatives before asking for
help!"Then he had wasted over an hour trying to reach them.

His admiration for the university he was about to graduate from fell a couple notches.How could they be treating a student like this?

When he finally reached his advisor,she also began to add fuel to the flames before she added everything up to see that Bill was doing his best.
Then she added his name to a special list that would allow Bill to register an add on.This was the exception that he had been looking for and Bill
finally breathed a sigh of relef.He wanted to adorn his advisor with a wreath of roses,but the flower store adjacent to his home was closed.
He made sure to add in her name t o his list of people to thank when he graduated.
She had literally saved his life.

annieyu : 2006-06-25#14
Aerobics class

Getting people to sign up for an aerobics class was actually hard
work.Marcy discovered this when she started her own after hours
program.Everyone had been so supportive at first,but then no one signed up.

Maybe they didn't want to be affiliated with an independent instructor?In
response to this possibility,Marcy made sure to point out how her program had specific advantages over the competition when she was

advertising for participants.She would be available to advise participants


their own routines,waive fees if they were afflicted by sickness,and even

accept credit if people could not afford to pay right away.
When all was said and done,it was a great offer! Against all the
odds,Marcy had every confidence of success.

When a few people signed up after all,Marcy affixed her poster to the
终于 贴上
window outside the room she had rented and began her program.It was slow going at first,but she decided from then on not to try to get any of her friends to come against their will.If they wanted to agree on
违背某人意愿 商定
coming,let them come of their own accord.And she forbid her participants to agitate for her. They agreed and they focused instead on just doing

Several weeks later,when they had all forgotten about their rough start,more people started coming to classes.The numbers were soon too great and Marcy had to start several classes in various locations.And everyone was excited about her program.Marcy decided that it was because she hadn't been pushy;she had let the results speak for themselves.

annieyu : 2006-06-30#15
No air conditioning?

"Good! I arrived ahead of time!"said Dr.Williams to the usher as he
escorted him to his aisle seat in the theater."But,my!it is warm in
here.Isn't the theater supposed to be air-conditioned?"

"Yes sir,it is."replied the usher, agreeing with the Doctor."But our air
conditioner has been acting up lately.I will have our staff check on it right
空调 出毛病

"Please do! I really cannot tolerate a stuffy room!There needs to be some sort of air current!"replied Dr.Williams .The usher walked away and sighed
to himself;he was so tired of rich people and their airs and graces.It was
sometimes akin to walking on pins and needles.
像是 如坐针毡
But the Doctor was right and he aimed for the back room to talk to the
technician.Arriving just ahead of him was another usher.Both sighed when
the technician replied that his alarm clock was broken and that was why

hw was late to turn on the air conditioner.

The two ushers agreed to give the technician a reminder before the next

Back in his seat, Dr.Williams was conversing with a person next to him.

"I think Matrioiani's performance was much better than Antonini's.But we can agree to differ on this issue.Let's just aim at enjoying the evening.It is

for a good cause,you know.Proceeds will give aid to local artists."
收入 对......帮助

"Excuse me,"said the usher as he returned."The air conditioning has now been turned on."

"Thank you ,my good man."replied the Doctor."Just in time for the opening act!"

annieyu : 2006-06-30#16
Man in the forest

All kinds of creatures had gathered to listen to what the wise Owl had
discovered on his search.They were all eyes when Owl flew in and alighted
目不转睛 飘落
on the most prominent branch on the large tree in the middle of the field.He had been out flying all night long and the weariness was evident
to all but the youngest animals.

"Whoo,whoo!"Owl said as he looked to all and sundry.They were all ears
所有的人 喜耳恭听
now."Who might it be,who has entered our forest? We have asked ourselves.It is man:He who is most alien to our ways.He has been here
all day and night long."

A collective gasp was heard all over the forest.For all of the animal's lives
到处 一辈子
they had heard of man anf hie terrible ways.Several families had even heard from extended family members living in other forests of the deeds that man committed.

"I have all along feared the coming of man,"Owl sighed."And now we must
make the all inclusive decision to leave the forest!"

"Noooo!"said a number of voices."We must fight!" Numerous other voices agreed.
"Impossible",said Owl."Man is alike to no other creature here.He
wields thunder and flame.We must flee!"

After several hours of tense arguring the creatures decided that,
all in all.Owl was right.They had to leave or perish.
When a crew of hunters walked further into the forest the next day they were astounded by the silence.Not an animal or bird was in sight.Frightened themselves,they quickly left.

The animals slowly returned over the next few days.

The forest was theirs again.

Thanks to Owl.

annieyu : 2006-06-30#17
Take Me Back

"I've been all over the place since we broke up and ,all things being
到处;乱七八糟 在其它各点都相同的条件下
equal,you're still the best woman for me!"Butch said."I thought it was

all right with Srah.But then I saw all sorts of things that reminded me of
挺适合 各种各样的
you and how wonderful you are.Please,Jane,let me come back!"

"Butch.You low down scum of the earth.What do you think ,that I'm going
to go through it all over again with you? You're crazy!I could allow for
重新 考虑
some of your excuses,but alluding to your time with Sarah confirms that
you are still not all right! You need your own break from women!"

"But Jane,I wrote that poem for you!"Butch pleaded.

"And it was nice all told.But that poem allows of several
interpretations.You could have written it for anyone!And I don't even know if you even wrote it for sure! No sir! I'm over you!"

"But I came all the way home for you,Jane!I promise I'll never leave
again.And,and,I'll get rid of the cat that you're allegic to.Really,I'll stay
with you all year round!Sarah meant nothing! You're my true love!"

"That sentiment is all well and good.But I have already wasted all the time
好的 所有的时间
I am going to waste on you.Please leave before I call police!"

"But,but.."Butch pleaded as he dropped to his knees.

And then Jane slammed the door!

annieyu : 2006-07-02#18
I'm a father

I had just parked my antique car at the antique show when I saw
古董车 古玩展

an old flame of mine.She was just standing there ,more beautiful than
ever.Hoping that she would be amenable to me,I quickly brushed my
hair,answered the call of nature and then looked for her again.She was
walking away,so I chased after her.

As I pretended to walk along with her as if I hadn't noticed her,she saw

I didn't know how to react when she was suddenly antagonistic to
me.Apparently she had just had her annual checkup,and the doctor had

told her she was pregnant,I answered back that the child couldn't be
mine! we hadn't been together for more than 4 months!

That's how pregnatnshe was!She replied among other things.She also said I wouldn't amount to any kind of man if I didn't accept my responsibility
and help her raise the child.

It was quiet a shock .I was terrified,and yet,somehow excited.I
experienced an array of emotions.Here was the woman that I still
loved.She and her like had always run from me before.Now she was telling
me that we were going to have a child together.

And that was how we got back together.I could tell you about all the struggles we later went through and so forth(and so on).But we're happy!
I'M happy.Being a father is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

annieyu : 2006-07-02#19
Hi,Harvey,I knew you had an old flame and recently did you notice someone experienced a bad time with her old flame so I would like to say it is becoming a thorny issue among young people .How to deal with the relatinship with old flame ,give us some ideas from your perspective.It will be better to give us some examples.Ha ha,for you are in nowondering age you have the responsibility to give us instructions.Don't you?

harvey66 : 2006-07-02#20
your sixth sense is right.
but I dont think it a tough issue.
I almost have nothing to do with my old flame.she is far away from me.

harvey66 : 2006-07-02#21
Why do you need any instruction ? Do you have the thorny issue ?
surely you neednt answer this .

annieyu : 2006-07-02#22
harvey66 说:
Why do you need any instruction ? Do you have the thorny issue ?
surely you neednt answer this .

No,I'm talking about this in general way not in specific example.I do think in my age I could deal with it properly.The key issue is why there are so many people ,who made the same mistakes all along the way.I think we should do things according to our age. I would rather doing something in case rainy days whatever emotioally,financially and physically.Thanks for your concern.

红枫林中人 : 2006-07-02#23

annieyu : 2006-07-03#24
红枫林中人 说:

I am not sure which one is the best but I have read in New Concept 3 ,text 31 ,a lovely eccentric,which decribed that he was caught by a particularly heavy rain so he was in bedraggled condition---that means

annieyu : 2006-07-03#25
A stolen Apple Pie

"He appeared out of the blue,officer.He came aroud the corner of the
apartment building anxiuos about something,and then he stole my apple
pie right out of the window!If he would have stolen anything but my apple
决不 苹果派
pie,I'd not be ao angry.But that was my last pie of the season!And I didn't have an appetite for anything else!"
"Gee,I'm sorry Mrs.Anderson.I'll have to appeal to your neighbors to see if anyone got a good look at the boy! Now apart from his red jacket you saw
nothing else?"The officer asked.

"No,sir.But if he would have stayed any longer,I would have knocked him with my broom!"

"Okay.Well I'm anxious to move on.Your neighbors could leave for work
any minute.So thank you,oh,and if I do catch him,you'll file charges for

"Oh no! You just bring that boy back here so that he can apologize to me
for what he did.I do not think it's appropriate to send a boy to jail just for

stealing apple pie.Let's just teach him a lesson!"

The officer laughed.

"Mam,if you want me to apply myself to finding this boy,I'm going to need
to get more than an apology!"

"oh,well then.Let's just forget it.I'll apply for another shipment of apples
and make another pie when they get here.I guess it's not important enough to waste your time."

The officer shrugged,packed up his note pad and walked back to his car.

annieyu : 2006-07-10#26
Always Arguing?

"Kai and Lars!I'll be right around the corner at the art gallery in a couple
minutes!Don't you argue about anything,do you hear?"
"Okay,Mom.We'll be fine .Take your time!"Kai and Lars replied.

When she arrived at the gallery,Mom quickly arranged for someone to take
到达 为......按排
her place that day.Her babysitter had cancelled and she needed to go home.Her sons were as alike as two peas in a pod.Fights betweent them
could arise from any issuse.Once Kai had punched Lars when the latter
argued the toss.She had to always keep her eyes on them.As a matter of
表示异议 事实上
fact,she had to watch them arround the clock!
She believed that they had become this way as a result of their father
passing away.It had been hard on them all.And while she had done her best as a whole,and everyone approved of her effort,the boys were still
总的来说 赞成

"I'm back,boys!"she said as she came in the door."Did you argue with each

When silence greeted her and the boys were nowhere to be found,she knew as a rule that something was wrong.

"Surprise!"the boys yelled as they jumped out of the closet."Happy birthday,Mom!"

Mom nearly fell over.The boys had used silence as a means of tricking her
into being unprepared for a surprising birthday party.All of her friends came out of the rooms and they had a wonderful day.

The boys did not fight once!