


annieyu : 2006-05-20#1
"A backhanded compliment"是指似褒实贬,含有挖苦意味的恭维语.

Ronald has lost his title as the strongest man in the world.He's now congratulating the man who won...but as you can see he's giving him a
backhanded compliment .This is a remark that sounds like a compliment butit's said sarcastically."Well done.I should have done better,"the exchampion said,offering a backhanded compliment.

annieyu : 2006-05-20#2
A bad workman always blames his tools(坏工匠只怨工具差)

People who do bad or careless work sometimes blame their tools,materials or equipment instead of blaming themselves.That's why we say a bad workman always blame his tools."Why do you say you failed the examination because your pen leaked ink? Don't you know a bad workman always blames his tools?"

annieyu : 2006-05-20#3
A bed of thorns(一个异常艰难的境况,或者一段极不愉快的时期)

This expression is used to describe a particularly difficult situation or a thoroughly unhappy time."I'm sorry I changed jobs.My new one is proving to be a bed of thorns." "Too often it's a bed of thorns trying to get on a bus during rush hour."

annieyu : 2006-05-20#4
A bee in one's bonnet(一个萦绕与心,摆脱不了的念头和想法)

A bonnet is a nat worn by a woman or a little girl.To have a bee in one's bonnet is to have an idea or a thought that won't go away... and the person won't stop talking about it."Mildred has a bee in her bonnet that she could be a great actress."

harvey66 : 2006-05-20#5
Image a bed of thorns: you lose in a competition to your rival, and you could not blame your tools. To make things worse, you have to congratulate the competitor and try hard to avoid a backhanded compliment.
I am sure this thing will be a bee in your bonnet.

annieyu : 2006-05-20#6
harvey66 说:
Image a bed of thorns: you lose in a competition to your rival, and you could not blame your tools. To make things worse, you have to congratulate the competitor and try hard to avoid a backhanded compliment.
I am sure this thing will be a bee in your bonnet.
Well done,I like it.

annieyu : 2006-05-23#7

annieyu : 2006-05-23#8
Now the matter of my emigration to Canada becomes a bee in my bonnet.I'm sure there will be a bed of thorns along my road to Canada.But whatever I should have a try first,I am not such kind of person who always blames his tools,maybe if I fail to it I will get a backhanded compliment. But I will not regret to do it after all I have a try and I enjoy the process too.

annieyu : 2006-05-23#9
A Big Noise (指要人或有影响的人)

A big noise always makes big noises because so many people would like to follow him in order to cater to his taste or surrender to his authority.

annieyu : 2006-05-23#10
A Black Day(不愉快的一天,或灾难发生的日子)

"9,11"become a black day since the Empire Building was attacked by terrorists.

annieyu : 2006-05-23#11
A Blind Spot(盲点,生理名词,比喻一个人不肯接受或讨论的问题)

Everyone has a blind spot to some extent.So if we want to get along with other people well ,we should avoid to talk about their blind spot.

harvey66 : 2006-05-23#12
annieyu 说:
Now the matter of my emigration to Canada becomes a bee in my bonnet.I'm sure there will be a bed of thorns along my road to Canada.But whatever I should have a try first,I am not such kind of person who always blames his tools,maybe if I fail to it I will get a backhanded compliment. But I will not regret to do it after all I have a try and I enjoy the process too.

I used to write" immigrate to Canada", now I think it should be " emigrate to Canada".

annieyu : 2006-05-23#13
A bumpy Road(比喻一段艰苦而多波折的经历)

Yet life itself is a bumpy road,things will be awfully dull if it wasn't.So enjoy every minute of your life,whatever it is smooth or bumpy.

annieyu : 2006-05-23#14
A Bucket Shop(小店)

A bucket shop is too hard to compete with the multinational company ,so it must have special sales tool to get success.

annieyu : 2006-05-23#15
A burning question(一个使人极感兴趣的话题)

The burning question for me is when I will get mt ME?Who can answer me this question,I really need a big noise who can give me a definite answer.

harvey66 : 2006-05-24#16
annieyu 说:
The burning question for me is when I will get mt ME?Who can answer me this question,I really need a big noise who can give me a definite answer.

We are on the same wavelength about the ME.
Who can be the big noise except CIC ?

annieyu : 2006-05-26#17
A cat may look at a king(猫儿亦可以看国王)(借此来表达人人平等)

About 300 years ago this was a popular remark in England meaning"You are no more important than I am",and it was usually addressed to a person who thought himself to be superor to others.Today it's used to say,"I may not be important but I have the same rights as you."

annieyu : 2006-05-26#18
in China some people always want to show off that they are special by looking down upon the other people who are inferior than them.But why do not they think that even a cat can look at a king.I do look down on this kind snobbish people

annieyu : 2006-05-26#19
A chip off the old block(一个模子出来的)(极为相像)

Chips from the same block of wood always resemble it in colour and texture .That's why we say of a person whose personality resembles his parents that he's a chip off the old block."I understand that Ambrose is studying medicine and intends joining his father's medical practice.He is a chip off the old block."

Avtually I am a chip off the old block too. To some extent.I really resemble my mother in characteristics.

annieyu : 2006-05-26#20
To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.----Bertrand Russell(1872--1970)(British philosopher)


annieyu : 2006-05-28#21

The coward calls the brave man rash;the rash calls him a coward.


annieyu : 2006-05-28#22
Francis Bacon(弗朗西斯.培根)

All rising to great place is by a winding stair.(凡取得成就的人都走过一段艰难曲折的道路)

annieyu : 2006-05-29#23
The master teaches the trade,but the appretice's skill is self-made.(师傅领进门,修行在个人)

How to say "师兄师妹" in english?

We are both majoring in inorganic materials at East China Universerty of Science and Technology.

She shares the same major as me but is senior/junior to me.

He's in my same major but a year ahead.

He's in my major but a year below/behind.


annieyu : 2006-05-29#24
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook(真正的聪明是知道应该忽略什么)

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook
----William James(1842-1910)American philosopher

annieyu : 2006-05-30#25
When pigs fly(And pigs will fly)=That will never happen

informal style

Example: Sure he'll pay for the drinks--when pigs fly!

Tomorrow I will get my ME.Sure,and pigs will fly.

The president of the U.S ,W.Bush,will resign next month.
Oho, then when pigs fly,it will be true.

annieyu : 2006-05-30#26
rub shoulders with(摩肩接踵)---(广泛接触)

Meaning---to interact socially with 与......接触,与......

Example:If you travel across China by bike,you will find yourself rubbing shoulders with all sorts of people.

Sometimes,I find there are so many words or phrases in Chinese have the similar meaning or metaphor as words or phrases in English.At that time,I feel that we are striking the cord with all the english-speaking people.

harvey66 : 2006-06-01#27
Shall I ask a question ? What does " strike the cord" mean ?

annieyu : 2006-06-01#28
harvey66 说:
Shall I ask a question ? What does " strike the cord" mean ?

annieyu : 2006-06-01#29
Mark Twain(1835-1910)American Writer

Courage is the mastery of fear,not the absence of fear.

annieyu : 2006-06-01#30
Benjamin Franklin(American writer,inventer)

Nothing in life is certain except death and taxes.

annieyu : 2006-06-01#31
the name of the game(至关重要的)

The most important and crucial part of something

If you want to survive and then have a brighter future in Canada,learning english and getting it improving is the name of the game.

annieyu : 2006-06-01#32
keep one's head above water(勉强支撑)

just barely keep from being overwhelmed

My mother came about two weeks ago and since she is not in good condition ,I have to take care of her and I manage to keep my head above water.Now I knew it's how hard to take care of elderly people
but I will continue to do my best to take care of her .Sometimes I think maybe the God arranges all of this to let me have the opportunity to take care of her and if when I were in Canada now how can I do it for her so I will take the half year to make her recovery .

harvey66 : 2006-06-01#33
annieyu 说:
The most important and crucial part of something

If you want to survive and then have a brighter future in Canada,learning english and getting it improving is the name of the game.

I couldn't agree with that more.

annieyu : 2006-06-01#34
hem and haw(含糊其词)

He hemed and hawed and finally admitted keeping all of our MEs in his drawer because he wanted :wdb18: us to stay in China for a longer time than we expected.Ha ha...My God

harvey66 : 2006-06-01#35
annieyu 说:
He hemed and hawed and finally admitted keeping all of our MEs in his drawer because he wanted :wdb18: us to stay in China for a longer time than we expected.Ha ha...My God

give me my ME at once!

annieyu : 2006-06-01#36

Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself

annieyu : 2006-06-01#37
Understand all and forgive all---Latin Proverb

annieyu : 2006-06-01#38
Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)(帕斯卡)(French Physicist,mathematician,philosopher)

What is gossip?its formula is :two and two is five.

annieyu : 2006-06-05#39
nothing succeeds like success(一遭赢步步赢)

Nothing succeeds like success.(一顺百顺)

I hope my way to emigrate to Canada can like this----nothing succeeds like success.And then I can have a brighter future in Canada.

annieyu : 2006-06-05#40
An apple of discord

the root of the trouble ,dispute

Example:The Iran nuclear issue may become an apple of discord among the U.S ,Russia and China.It may be an opportunity for Iraq to drive away the U.S army out of their country.

harvey66 : 2006-06-05#41
Life seems quite good here in China. But we can not ignore an apple of discord. So I want to emigrate a democratic country to pursue a dream--nothing succeeds like success.

annieyu : 2006-06-05#42
Someone's bark is worse than their bite(口恶心善)

Meaning:Like a dog that barks but doesn't bite, a person gets angry,shouts and makes threats, but doesn't really do anything.

Example:I asked my father to buy me the new comic book,but he got angry and threatened to take away all my comic books.

Don't worry.His bark is wores than his bite.

annieyu : 2006-06-06#43
A trip in one point would have spoiled all(一着走错,满盘皆输)

Sometimes I think our life is like a game of chess,we should be careful not only in present but should consider next what to do,how to do.If we have not figured out an all-round plan and alternative plan ,we maybe have to face this situation---trip in one point would have spoiled all.So I think we should not blame everything and everyone but ourselves.

harvey66 : 2006-06-06#44
On the contrary, China's authorities' barks is much better than their bites.

annieyu : 2006-06-06#45
harvey66 说:
On the contrary, China's authorities' barks is much better than their bites.

lol,are you a cynic? why?China is getting better and better now,we have to give them more time to adjust because you know what a big country it is.

annieyu : 2006-06-06#46
Anthony Trollope(1815-1882)British novelist

Nobody holds a good opinion of a man who has a low opinion of himself.

annieyu : 2006-06-06#47
Make a mountain out of a molehill(小题大做)

meaning is to make a small occurrence into a big deal.

US Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident seemed like a small event,until it landed on the front page of every newspaper in the country.The US media seemed like making a mountain out of a molehill. But now everything became calm again ,what happened then on the earth?

harvey66 : 2006-06-07#48
annieyu 说:
lol,are you a cynic? why?China is getting better and better now,we have to give them more time to adjust because you know what a big country it is.

I beg to differ.I dont think I am making a mountain out of a molehill. I know quite a few people who are working in government including my family. And I konw how they work and what they do. Let me believe those can manage our country well ? No way.
Take one thing for an example. What they are doing now in every bureau is learning the policy of "anti-corrupting". How to learn ? Sing a song, a song of "Lian Jie". They take 4 thousands yuan to make a disc for the performance and practicing singing becomes a job in working time. A suit is make for each member. Of course, all the expendings are paid by taxpayers.

harvey66 : 2006-06-07#49
And that is one of the reasons why I lack confidence in our government and want to emigrate.

annieyu : 2006-06-07#50
Oh,maybe you are right,but I think the top leaders are trying to do something to make some changes in our country and I know it really does like you said .I do hope all of this will be changed totally.

annieyu : 2006-06-07#51

meaning: very secret,it origined from World War I,and originally only being used in military secret.

Example:The project was so hush-hush that even the manager did not know all of the details.

Oh ,Harvey66,I have written something about VO Li is hush-hush,so please keep the secret only within both of us and I will ask him why you can not get your ME earlier ?But perhaps the reason is hush-hush,he can only tell you.:wdb6:

harvey66 : 2006-06-07#52
annieyu 说:
Oh,maybe you are right,but I think the top leaders are trying to do something to make some changes in our country and I know it really does like you said .I do hope all of this will be changed totally.

What our top leaders concern is to enhence their power.
Please notice the news in various media. Recently most of the officials exposed breaking the law ended with death. How terrible. Politics is cruel.

harvey66 : 2006-06-07#53
annieyu 说:
meaning: very secret,it origined from World War I,and originally only being used in military secret.

Example:The project was so hush-hush that even the manager did not know all of the details.

Oh ,Harvey66,I have written something about VO Li is hush-hush,so please keep the secret only within both of us and I will ask him why you can not get your ME earlier ?But perhaps the reason is hush-hush,he can only tell you.:wdb6:

Oh, thank you. Please write to TCW for me who is my VO. I will appreciate it very much. LOL.

annieyu : 2006-06-08#54
harvey66 说:
Oh, thank you. Please write to TCW for me who is my VO. I will appreciate it very much. LOL.

Oh,Harvey66 ,I have written a letter to TCW and he feel so ashamed for keeping you waiting for so long time so he decided to correct his mistakes in action he told me on 18th,July 2006,you will get your ME.So please forgive him and being patient and doing more exercise to keep fit.

harvey66 : 2006-06-09#55
Thank you so much.
I often go swimming and play table tennis to keep fit. And sometimes it feels like a diet maybe necessary.
Regards to you and TCW.

annieyu : 2006-06-10#56
There are spots even on the sun(金无足赤,人无完人)

Some people always llike to criticise other people ,because they do not know there are spots even on the sun.

annieyu : 2006-06-10#57
There is no use crying over spilt milk(对无法挽回的事后悔无用)

Some people in this forum , they are not qualified for emigration to Canada but want to be lucky dog,at last they fail to get ME and at this moment there is no use crying over spilt milk.

annieyu : 2006-06-10#58
green light

My boss liked my idea to open a branch office in Los Angeles and gave me the green light to go ahead.

Hopefully,My VO,Li will give me the green light to let me go ahead in my emigration road to Canada.:wdb6:

harvey66 : 2006-06-10#59
There are spots even on the sun
it is no use crying over spilt milk
green light.

annieyu : 2006-06-10#60
sing the blues(诉苦,抱怨)

I really have blues taday.(今天我情绪不好)Because of the World Cup holding in Germany, I have to stay to so late watch the games .But I do feel all of this are worthful.:wdb19: I also learn tons of new words about this game:wdb6: and get to know a lot of country's names how to say in English.

annieyu : 2006-06-10#61
So I mean I should not sing any blues about the World Cup,after all I enjoy a lot .

harvey66 : 2006-06-10#62
annieyu 说:
I really have blues taday.(今天我情绪不好)Because of the World Cup holding in Germany, I have to stay to so late watch the games .But I do feel all of this are worthful.:wdb19: I also learn tons of new words about this game:wdb6: and get to know a lot of country's names how to say in English.

Are you a football fan ?
I watched the first match and felt quite worthful.

harvey66 : 2006-06-10#63
Maybe it is a good idea to learn some sports words here.
Let's try.

annieyu : 2006-06-10#64
To all of you,I would like to share this proverb with you

Love all ,trust a few,and do wrong to none


annieyu : 2006-06-18#65
harvey66 说:
Are you a football fan ?
I watched the first match and felt quite worthful.

Yes,I am a soccer fan too .What's more,I even played woman football when I was an undergraduate.I was the team leader of our university's woman football team and we even took the bronze medal in Shanghai university tounament.So I am so busy this days ,I still try to follow your step.

annieyu : 2006-06-19#66
harvey66 说:
Maybe it is a good idea to learn some sports words here.
Let's try.

I put all of the new words in Olympic warm-up .By the way,I was a fullback in our woman football team.:wdb6:

annieyu : 2006-06-19#67
A coffin nail

Since about 1890 people have recognized that cigarette smoking does indeed damage one's health for even then they said that each cigarette a person smoked drove another nail in his coffin.That led to a cigarette being called (in slang) a coffin nail.

To harvey66:I suppose that you would never have drove a coffin nail,am I right?

annieyu : 2006-06-19#68
A dead letter

A letter that the post office is unable to deliver-maybe it's addressed incorrectly or the person to whom it's addressed has moved---is a dead letter.So,too,is a law, an order or a directive that has lost it's effectiveness and is no longer used.

There are so many dead letters in China and also there are so may laws and regulations in need but it fails to issue or set up so it reflects the administrative level is really lower in China.

annieyu : 2006-06-19#69
A dear john letter

Originally a Dear John letter was a letter written by a wife or a sweetheart telling a man she was leaving him.Today it can be a note or a letter from a person of either sex telling someone that their romance is over.

To harvey66:Have you received any a Dear John letter?Frankly speaking,I have written one but I never have received one.:wdb4:

harvey66 : 2006-06-19#70
annieyu 说:
Yes,I am a soccer fan too .What's more,I even played woman football when I was an undergraduate.I was the team leader of our university's woman football team and we even took the bronze medal in Shanghai university tounament.So I am so busy this days ,I still try to follow your step.

Amazing ! You are a woman soccer star !
Which university were you in ? I was in the Second Military Medical University from 1984 to 1990 in Shanghai. Maybe you were in Shanghai in the same period of time.Right ?

harvey66 : 2006-06-19#71
annieyu 说:
Since about 1890 people have recognized that cigarette smoking does indeed damage one's health for even then they said that each cigarette a person smoked drove another nail in his coffin.That led to a cigarette being called (in slang) a coffin nail.

To harvey66:I suppose that you would never have drove a coffin nail,am I right?

Wow ! I did drove a few nails in ......but I never touch it since graduation.
It's terrible.

sourire_et_chanter : 2006-06-19#72
nice to learn...

harvey66 : 2006-06-19#73
annieyu 说:
Originally a Dear John letter was a letter written by a wife or a sweetheart telling a man she was leaving him.Today it can be a note or a letter from a person of either sex telling someone that their romance is over.

To harvey66:Have you received any a Dear John letter?Frankly speaking,I have written one but I never have received one.:wdb4:

Frankly I think I received a Dear John letter once. But being different from you, I never wrote a Dear Jane letter.

harvey66 : 2006-06-19#74
Annie, do you like Europian football or South American one ?

annieyu : 2006-06-19#75
harvey66 说:
Amazing ! You are a woman soccer star !
Which university were you in ? I was in the Second Military Medical University from 1984 to 1990 in Shanghai. Maybe you were in Shanghai in the same period of time.Right ?

You r absolutely right!I was in East China Science and technology university(华东理工大学,原名华东化工学院) in the same period from 1984 to 1988 and my major is inorganic.:wdb6:

annieyu : 2006-06-19#76
harvey66 说:
Frankly I think I received a Dear John letter once. But being different from you, I never wrote a Dear Jane letter.

That's the reason why chinese saying is when a lady pursue a man is easier than a man pursue a lady.(女追男隔层纱,男追女隔座山):wdb20:

annieyu : 2006-06-20#77
A flea in one's ear

When a dog has a flea in his ear he is confused and distressed.When a person gets a flea in his ear he,too,is distressed for a flea in his ear is a harsh scolding.So as a mother,I try my best not to make a flea in my son's ear because I know it does no good for his progress .

annieyu : 2006-06-20#78
A gate-crasher/gate-crash

If someone will have a party,and you are not invited so you decide to be a gate-crasher to attend the party anyway.To gate-crash is to attend a social event without an invitation,and a gate-crasher is an uninvited guest.

Sometimes to be a gate-crasher can be funny,maybe we can have a try ?......

annieyu : 2006-06-20#79
A grass widow

A grass widow is a married woman who is either separated from her husband or ---and this is usually the way the idiom is used---whose husband is away from home much of the time.

Ho,Ho,The World Cup makes so many wives are becoming grass widowes although maybe their husbands are at home ,they spend more time in front of the boxes.Anyway ,you can also make yourselves become football fans instead of grass widowes.:wdb13:

annieyu : 2006-06-20#80
A hands off (Attitude/policy)

A hands off attitude or policy means not to interfere ,disturb or bother with something.(甩手政策,态度)

I suppose during the World Cup Harvey66 must have adopted a hands off policy to all the housework.Is it right?

annieyu : 2006-06-20#81
annieyu 说:
A hands off attitude or policy means not to interfere ,disturb or bother with something.(甩手政策,态度)

I suppose during the World Cup Harvey66 must have adopted a hands off policy to all the housework.Is it right?

Or you maybe shoulder all of the housework in order to get the right to sit in front of the teleset even in the midnight.

harvey66 : 2006-06-20#82
annieyu 说:
When a dog has a flea in his ear he is confused and distressed.When a person gets a flea in his ear he,too,is distressed for a flea in his ear is a harsh scolding.So as a mother,I try my best not to make a flea in my son's ear because I know it does no good for his progress .

I agree with you about that. In children's education, we should avoid putting flea in their ears but putting forward some constructive advice.

harvey66 : 2006-06-20#83
annieyu 说:
Or you maybe shoulder all of the housework in order to get the right to sit in front of the teleset even in the midnight.

As a matter of fact, there 's no big difference in these days. I usually watch the first match. I only got up at 3:00 am two times, one for Argentina, the other for Brazil.

But that did remind me of something about 10 years ago when I got my first computer. In those days I usually did most of the housework first and then sat in front of the computer guiltlessly.

Is there such compromise in your family ?

harvey66 : 2006-06-20#84
annieyu 说:
A hands off attitude or policy means not to interfere ,disturb or bother with something.(甩手政策,态度)

I suppose during the World Cup Harvey66 must have adopted a hands off policy to all the housework.Is it right?

Both a hand off attitude and putting flea in their ears are wrong in children's education.

Is the plurality of "flea" is still flea ?

annieyu : 2006-06-20#85
harvey66 说:
As a matter of fact, there 's no big difference in these days. I usually watch the first match. I only got up at 3:00 am two times, one for Argentina, the other for Brazil.

But that did remind me of something about 10 years ago when I got my first computer. In those days I usually did most of the housework first and then sat in front of the computer guiltlessly.

Is there such compromise in your family ?

No,it is not the situation in my family.But I do have heard this situation in other people's family.My husband adopt a hands off policy to all of the housework .But we do watch the games together sometimes.

annieyu : 2006-06-20#86
harvey66 说:
Both a hand off attitude and putting flea in their ears are wrong in children's education.

Is the plurality of "flea" is still flea ?

the plurality of flea is fleas

annieyu : 2006-06-20#87
Another word about flea is flea market,do you know ?

annieyu : 2006-06-20#88
I like flea market and I can find a lot of things interested me.

annieyu : 2006-06-20#89
What is your opinion about flea market?I found a very good double bed which was made of wood .The bed is so good I would keep it and maybe transport it to Canada if I have decided to settle down in Canada.

harvey66 : 2006-06-21#90
annieyu 说:
What is your opinion about flea market?I found a very good double bed which was made of wood .The bed is so good I would keep it and maybe transport it to Canada if I have decided to settle down in Canada.
It's hard to find a flea market, sometimes I buy something on online market.
Some of them are quite good and have a reasonable price, others are of poor quality. It seems to be the luck of the draw.

annieyu : 2006-06-21#91
keep one's fingers crossed

Meaning: hope for a possitive outcome.If you say it to your friend you can make the hand language too ,using the midder finger across the index finger from it's back.

To harvey66:I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your ME,it is the matter of time.:wdb9: So do not worry about that .:wdb6: I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for my ME .I am an uncurable optimist.

annieyu : 2006-06-21#92
who waers the pants

Meaning: the person who wears the pants in a relationship is the dominant person who makes decisions.

Of course,in my family i wear the pants.but it not because my husband is a person who are afraid of me.My husband just trust me and spent more time on the other things he like .He is a great mentor for me and I am a great detailer for him.We are really the match by God.:wdb4: :wdb24:

annieyu : 2006-06-21#93
Minds are like parachutes---they only function when open
----James Dewar(Scottish scientist)

annieyu : 2006-06-21#94
Beware of small expenses,a small leak will sink a great ship
----- Benjamin Franklin

annieyu : 2006-06-21#95
Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them
----Albert Einstein

eiya123 : 2006-06-21#96
out of sight, out of mind.别久情疏。这个也算吧。

harvey66 : 2006-06-21#97
annieyu 说:
Meaning: hope for a possitive outcome.If you say it to your friend you can make the hand language too ,using the midder finger across the index finger from it's back.

To harvey66:I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your ME,it is the matter of time.:wdb9: So do not worry about that .:wdb6: I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for my ME .I am an uncurable optimist.

Thank you, I'm not very anxious now about that.What I am worrying is my old age. Will I have enough time to complete a professional training course and find a right job ?

harvey66 : 2006-06-21#98
annieyu 说:
Meaning: the person who wears the pants in a relationship is the dominant person who makes decisions.

Of course,in my family i wear the pants.but it not because my husband is a person who are afraid of me.My husband just trust me and spent more time on the other things he like .He is a great mentor for me and I am a great detailer for him.We are really the match by God.:wdb4: :wdb24:

What a happy family you have !

harvey66 : 2006-06-21#99
eiya123 说:
out of sight, out of mind.别久情疏。这个也算吧。

a good one

annieyu : 2006-06-21#100
eiya123 说:
out of sight, out of mind.别久情疏。这个也算吧。


annieyu : 2006-06-21#101
nice to meet eiya123

annieyu : 2006-06-21#102
harvey66 说:
Thank you, I'm not very anxious now about that.What I am worrying is my old age. Will I have enough time to complete a professional training course and find a right job ?

HoHo,Harvey,you need not worry about that because you are not old.You have enough time to complete a professional training course and get a decent job I believe that because we are in the same wavelength this is your words.Isn't it?Both of us were born in 1960's so we could do everything with our perseverence and patience .Believe me because I believe you.Trust me because I trust you.Oh,tell you a secret,when I take my mother for a walk some people ask is she your grandmother?So never think about that again.

harvey66 : 2006-06-22#103
annieyu 说:


Learning !

harvey66 : 2006-06-22#104
annieyu 说:
HoHo,Harvey,you need not worry about that because you are not old.You have enough time to complete a professional training course and get a decent job I believe that because we are in the same wavelength this is your words.Isn't it?Both of us were born in 1960's so we could do everything with our perseverence and patience .Believe me because I believe you.Trust me because I trust you.Oh,tell you a secret,when I take my mother for a walk some people ask is she your grandmother?So never think about that again.

You must be a pretty woman ( actually I want to use the word: girl ).
Should I be glad for you or sorry for your mother.

harvey66 : 2006-06-22#105
And thank you for your trust.

annieyu : 2006-06-22#106
Stereotypes thrive where there is ignorance.


annieyu : 2006-06-22#107
harvey66 说:
You must be a pretty woman ( actually I want to use the word: girl ).
Should I be glad for you or sorry for your mother.

I am flattered.But I am glad to hear it.Thank you so much.I am now trying best to help my mother recovery.Well,She will be younger soon.

annieyu : 2006-06-22#108
come hell or high water

At last,I know how to say this in english.

Come hell and high water ,I'll be here waiting for you.It is all the ultimate situation of love.It is too hard to do like this I prefer a drinking and eating love,that mean a love with no any romance but lasting longer.

annieyu : 2006-06-22#109
harvey66 说:
You must be a pretty woman ( actually I want to use the word: girl ).
Should I be glad for you or sorry for your mother.

In this case,I prefer lady to woman or girl.:wdb11:

annieyu : 2006-06-22#110
Jokes about people's height

"How is the weather up there?" is a teasing expression.Saying this to a tall person suggests that he/she is so tall that the weather where his/her head is must be different.

In English,there're also jokes about short people."Short man syndrome"is a made-up term used to describe an angry short man.This saying presumes short people feel inadequate because of their lack of height.

Both are ways to tease someone.If you want to be overly politely when describing a short man,you'd better say "Vertically challenged"

Ha,Harvey,how about you,I should say what is the situation of you?If it make you uncomfortable,you need not answer it.I am just curious.Do you know this sentence---the curiosity kills.

annieyu : 2006-06-26#111
thw Waters of Lethe---the River of Forgetfulness in Greek mythologyy

The culture between east and west there are so many things in common.In Chinese ,when we talk about something we forget totally(completely),just like we have drunk the WangPo Soup so we forgot evrything even in this world we are loving couple but in heaven we would not recognize each other .I found the same saying in Greek mythology today.It is said that we could not remember anything before 3 years old just like we are in the different sides along the waters of Lethe.

harvey66 : 2006-06-26#112
annieyu 说:
Ha,Harvey,how about you,I should say what is the situation of you?If it make you uncomfortable,you need not answer it.I am just curious.Do you know this sentence---the curiosity kills.

Hi, Annie, I am not uncomfortable because I havn't any syndrome. And in the area which my head is in, the weather in not different too.

harvey66 : 2006-06-26#113
and I dont think a football pullback is vertically challenged. am I right ?

harvey66 : 2006-06-26#114
It's the first time I come cross the phrase-curiosity kills. But I think I can figure out its meaning.

annieyu : 2006-06-27#115
harvey66 说:
and I dont think a football pullback is vertically challenged. am I right ?

Ha ha,you kicked the ball back.What is your standard as a football fullback who is vertically challenged? Give me a range from ......to.....,then i can answer your question.

harvey66 : 2006-06-28#116
annieyu 说:
Ha ha,you kicked the ball back.What is your standard as a football fullback who is vertically challenged? Give me a range from ......to.....,then i can answer your question.

I couldnt image that a pullback is some 150cm, and I dont know any standard. But I'd like to figure that you are 160-165cm.

Of course it is only a ballpark figure.

annieyu : 2006-06-28#117
harvey66 说:
I couldnt image that a pullback is some 150cm, and I dont know any standard. But I'd like to figure that you are 160-165cm.

Of course it is only a ballpark figure.

Lol,your ballpark figure is right,I am 1.62m.In past ,I only thought our women have the sixth sense but now I know a man like you also has the sense too.:wdb17: :wdb16: :wdb5: then I know you are 170-175cm,is it right?You have the sense of humour now and you are more optimistic too ,I think it is good for your career,family and us for you can make this topic more interesting and funny.:wdb6: And do you think my height is vertically challenged?

harvey66 : 2006-06-28#118
annieyu 说:
Lol,your ballpark figure is right,I am 1.62m.In past ,I only thought our women have the sixth sense but now I know a man like you also has the sense too.:wdb17: :wdb16: :wdb5: then I know you are 170-175cm,is it right?You have the sense of humour now and you are more optimistic too ,I think it is good for your career,family and us for you can make this topic more interesting and funny.:wdb6: And do you think my height is vertically challenged?

Sorry. I didnt make consistent guess here with that in one slang per day. I am 178.
I dont think you are vertically challenged at all.As a matter of fact, you can be "a crane in chickens( chinglish )" in the area of southern Jiangsu. but I wonder whether you are "transversely challenged" ? I am kidding:wdb8:, dont take it seriously.

annieyu : 2006-06-28#119
harvey66 说:
Sorry. I didnt make consistent guess here with that in one slang per day. I am 178.
I dont think you are vertically challenged at all.As a matter of fact, you can be "a crane in chickens( chinglish )" in the area of southern Jiangsu. but I wonder whether you are "transversely challenged" ? I am kidding:wdb8:, dont take it seriously.

Lol,now you are a totally uncurable optimist.Actually,I do not think I am transversely challenged fourther more,do you know the beauty is only skin deep.But as a doctor ,can you give me some idear about a woman like me how much weight I am will be transversely challenged according to your weight-height chart.By the way ,I have posted a joke about this in my 365,did you read it ?

annieyu : 2006-06-28#120
today ,i learn a new word---transverse,thanks a million for this.

harvey66 : 2006-06-28#121
Finally I found it.

Mrs.Biggs don't you dare tell me,Doctor,that I am overweight?

Doctor:Then,according to my height and weight chart,you are four inches too short.

harvey66 : 2006-06-29#122
I have no height and weight chart.But I make to find one.

harvey66 : 2006-06-29#123
I have no height and weight chart.But I make to find one.


harvey66 : 2006-06-29#124
1m=3.28084 feet
1.62m=5.3149608 feet.
1 pound=0.453597 kg
1 kg=2.2046 pounds

harvey66 : 2006-06-29#125
This result is from a formula in my electric dictionary:

woman with the height of 162cm:

standard weight: 54.0 kg
normal weight range: 48.6-59.4 kg.

Chart chart on the wall,
who has the most wonderful figure in the world ?
Annie is busy looking for,
you have an angel face, a devil figure,
what do want any more ?!

annieyu : 2006-07-01#126
harvey66 说:
This result is from a formula in my electric dictionary:

woman with the height of 162cm:

standard weight: 54.0 kg
normal weight range: 48.6-59.4 kg.

Chart chart on the wall,
who has the most wonderful figure in the world ?
Annie is busy looking for,
you have an angel face, a devil figure,
what do want any more ?!

My weight is between 48.6-59.4kg but is close to the top limit so I have to keep working out.Thank you so much for your weight -height chart and accurate calculation .By the way ,you have the sense of humour now.:wdb17:

annieyu : 2006-07-01#127
Love makes the time pass.Time makes love pass.
-----French Proverb

annieyu : 2006-07-01#128
Love ,free as air at sight of human ties,

Spreads his light wings,and in a moment flies.

------Alexander Pope(British poet)

annieyu : 2006-07-01#129
I added credits to you for your great job on weight and height chart.

harvey66 : 2006-07-01#130
annieyu 说:
Love makes the time pass.Time makes love pass.
-----French Proverb
optimism first,pessimism last.

annieyu : 2006-07-01#131
annieyu 说:
Love makes the time pass.Time makes love pass.
-----French Proverb

I try to translate this sentence into Chinese,

annieyu : 2006-07-01#132
The most unhappy of all men is he who believes himself to be so.
David Hume(1711-1776)

Scottish Philosopher

harvey66 : 2006-07-01#133
annieyu 说:
The most unhappy of all men is he who believes himself to be so.
David Hume(1711-1776)

Scottish Philosopher
And then the most pessimistic of all men is he who believes himself to be so.
I dont dare to say I am pessimistic any more.

annieyu : 2006-07-01#134
harvey66 说:
And then the most pessimistic of all men is he who believes himself to be so.
I dont dare to say I am pessimistic any more.

And finally you stage a U-turn now.Brain washing sometimes is effective to a man who is willing to change.

annieyu : 2006-07-06#135
Advice is like snow---the softer it falls,the longer it dwells upon,and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

----Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772---1830)
English poet

harvey66 : 2006-07-06#136
annieyu 说:
Advice is like snow---the softer it falls,the longer it dwells upon,and the deeper it sinks into the mind.

----Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772---1830)
English poet
There happens to be such a letter in my emaibox :

Keep your words, soft and sweet,
just in case you have to eat them.

Is there any similarity between them ?

harvey66 : 2006-07-07#137
American History Lesson

> Have a history teacher explain this...if they can
> Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
> John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
> Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
> John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
> Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
> Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
> Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
> Both Presidents were shot in the head.
> Now it gets really weird.
> Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
> Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
> Both were assassinated by Southerners.
> Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
> Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
> Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
> John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
> Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
> Both assassins were known by their three names.
> Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
> Now hang on to your hat!!
> Lincoln was shot at the theatre named 'Ford.'
> Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'
> Lincoln was shot in a theatre and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse.
> Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a
> Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
> And here's the final strange fact ...
> A week before Lincoln was shot, he visited Monroe, Maryland
> A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
> Creepy huh?

harvey66 : 2006-07-07#138
I dont know where to put it.
I feel some kind of magic in it. so I settle it down here

annieyu : 2006-07-07#139
Sometimes we have to admit there are really something mysterious,which we can not explain in any religion or theory.Histroy always show us the same image so we can draw lessons from histroy.Thanks for your excellent post.

annieyu : 2006-07-07#140
harvey66 说:
There happens to be such a letter in my emaibox :

Keep your words, soft and sweet,
just in case you have to eat them.

Is there any similarity between them ?

I feel this words are like words in BIble ,which always reminds us of something and also thinking something about life.

annieyu : 2006-07-08#141
keep......at bay

meaning: If you keep somebody or something at bay,you maintain a safe distance(Hold at bay)(阻止靠近,对......敬而远之)

Example:She left the light on at night to keep her fears at bay.

I have to leave the light in washroom on in order to make my mother easier to find the door because her eyesight is not good due to a head tumor.

annieyu : 2006-07-08#142
get one's feet wet(涉足,初尝某事)

Meaning:if someone gets his/her feet wet,he/she gains some experience with something

Example:I took the internship just to get my feet wet and learn a bit about business.

I think in order to get my feet wet in education area in Canada,I even need to do some volunteer job or any internship and I think it is a necessary process.

harvey66 : 2006-07-08#143
annieyu 说:
meaning: If you keep somebody or something at bay,you maintain a safe distance(Hold at bay)(阻止靠近,对......敬而远之)

Example:She left the light on at night to keep her fears at bay.

I have to leave the light in washroom on in order to make my mother easier to find the door because her eyesight is not good due to a head tumor.

Have you consulted a neurosurgeon about your mother's disease ? Is there any operation availabe ?

harvey66 : 2006-07-08#144
Some companies keep the fresh applicants at bay when employing new staff members, which prevent them from get their feet wet.

annieyu : 2006-07-08#145
harvey66 说:
Have you consulted a neurosurgeon about your mother's disease ? Is there any operation availabe ?

5 years ago,my mother had an operation of her brain tumor which opressed her sight nerve and the surgeon told me her eyesight only could recover gradually but her eyesight only kept a little until today.So I always remind my family members and relatives of paying more attention to their health and getting a check-up at once if they feel something wrong.As for my mother ,the issue is how to keep her poor eyesight lasting longer.

annieyu : 2006-07-11#146
A pillar of society

A pillar is an upright structure supporting a building.A person described as a pillar of society is a leading figure contributing to the support and well-being of the society i n which he lives."A director of the hospital and a supporter of many charities,Mr.Fagan is a pillar of society."

a pillar of society ----:wdb17: 社会栋梁

harvey66 : 2006-07-11#147
Many American millionairs donate huge wealth to charity while many Chinese bureaucrats snatch numerous money from the tax-payers.
I can name some pillars of the socity in American, but who deserve it in China ? It is a tragedy for Chinese people.

annieyu : 2006-07-12#148
harvey66 说:
Many American millionairs donate huge wealth to charity while many Chinese bureaucrats snatch numerous money from the tax-payers.
I can name some pillars of the socity in American, but who deserve it in China ? It is a tragedy for Chinese people.

In this point ,I fully agree with you I think maybe that the reason why the poor people hate the rich men and even do some extreme thing ,such as killing them ,blasting their properties,etc.....I wonder why the richer they get, the bader their conscience become.Maybe the money can drive people crazy than before.

annieyu : 2006-07-12#149
A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi(1893-1986)

Hungarian scientist

annieyu : 2006-07-12#150
Play sth. by ear(看情况而定)

Meaning: to wait and see if sth.is possible or to be flexible rather than set any firm plans.

Example: I just can't make any definate plans right now,so I prefer to play it by ear.

I think we should play it by ear for our emigration to Canada for no one can tell us a definate answer in this question,further more the government of Canada continuously change their policy .

annieyu : 2006-07-12#151
have a beef with sb.(对某人不满)

Meaning:to be unhappy or annoyed by somebody's behaviour

The boss had a beef with Anne.He felt she had done a really bad job of preparing the sales report.

My mother has a beef with me because i request her to do exercise twice a day according to my plan.

harvey66 : 2006-07-12#152
annieyu 说:
In this point ,I fully agree with you I think maybe that the reason why the poor people hate the rich men and even do some extreme thing ,such as killing them ,blasting their properties,etc.....I wonder why the richer they get, the bader their conscience become.Maybe the money can drive people crazy than before.
Ha ! Teacher Yu made a simple mistake: the bader their conscience become or the worse their conscience become?

harvey66 : 2006-07-12#153
-will you buy a house or an apartment ?
-I'd like to play it by ear. If I get a well-paid job, I will buy a house, otherwise I have to buy an apartment.

harvey66 : 2006-07-12#154
My wife has a beef with me for I didnt submitted our application documents earlier and missed the best period when the processing time is short.

annieyu : 2006-07-12#155
harvey66 说:
My wife has a beef with me for I didnt submitted our
application documents earlier and missed the best period when the processing time is short.

yes ,in this case you should be responsible for this issue.And Harvey also made two simple mistakes.

harvey66 : 2006-07-13#156
annieyu 说:
yes ,in this case you should be responsible for this issue.And Harvey also made two simple mistakes.

found two eggs on my face.
One of my English teachers once said that writing is alike dressing. You should pay more attention to some details.Olny dealing these details well can you have a good taste.

annieyu : 2006-07-13#157
harvey66 说:
found two eggs on my face.
One of my English teachers once said that writing is alike dressing. You should pay more attention to some details.Olny dealing these details well can you have a good taste.

take it easy ,I do not think it is too important just joking with you .Any way,I think you were just in harry to be off so it is easier to make mistakes.

harvey66 : 2006-07-20#158
The pefect score

Few things are created and pefected all at the same time. It takes work, efforet, and dedication to achieve to your goal.

annieyu : 2006-07-20#159
hit a hole in the wall

Meaning: go to the ATM.A" hole in the wall" is an ATM;here "hit" mean to go to or visit something

Example: My hair is getting too long.It is time to hit the hairdresser

I have to hit a hole in the wall before going there for dinner.I have run out of cash.

annieyu : 2006-07-26#160
hit the spot(正中下怀,正和心意,恰到好处,像及时雨一样)

Meaning:A phrase that means "that was really good" or "that was just what I needed."

Example:I need my ME,and if the VO have given it to me ,it would have hit the spot.

harvey66 : 2006-07-26#161
Surely the ME will hit the spot, just like a timely rain hit the spot in such dog days.

annieyu : 2006-07-28#162
an ace up one's sleeve(来源于赌博中出老千的一种方法)(暗藏锦囊妙计)

Meaning:A hidden advantage or trick.When a card player has "an ace up his sleeve,"he is hiding an extra powerful card in his shirt sleeve,waiting to use it to win a hand.


Be careful doing business with Michael--he's always got something up his sleeve.

harvey66 : 2006-07-30#163
Annie, you have such a tight schedule, I wonder how can you deal with it. You must have an ace up your sleeve.

annieyu : 2006-07-30#164
harvey66 说:
Annie, you have such a tight schedule, I wonder how can you deal with it. You must have an ace up your sleeve.

I also hope so .

annieyu : 2006-07-31#165
No man was born wise.

annieyu : 2006-07-31#166
Something attempted,something done.(事在人为)

annieyu : 2006-07-31#167
Not to know is bad,not wish to know is worse.

annieyu : 2006-07-31#168
Happy is the person who can laugh at himself.

annieyu : 2006-07-31#169
There is no royal road to learning.

annieyu : 2006-07-31#170
Procrastination is the thief of time.

annieyu : 2006-07-31#171
Although we reside in far corners of the world,having a good friend is akin to having a good neighbour.


harvey66 : 2006-08-01#172
royal road= short cut?

annieyu : 2006-08-04#173
annieyu 说:
There is no royal road to learning.

I guess it refers to there is no smooth road to learning.

annieyu : 2006-08-19#174
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.

------------- Confusius,Chinese philosopher

annieyu : 2006-08-19#175
Never bend your head.Hold it high.Look the world straight in the eye.

----Helen Keller (1880-1968),a deaf and blind American author,activist and lecturer

annieyu : 2006-08-31#176
people person

Meaning:Someone who likes being with other people and who is good at working with people.(人缘好的人,善于沟通,喜欢与人交流的人)

Example:I'm not a people person.Luckily,my job does not require me to spend a lot of time with customers.Ha,ha,fortunately,this is not my case.

annieyu : 2006-08-31#177
have a screw loose

Meaning: to be a little bit crazy,or to act abnormally.A "screw" keeps things together.When a screw is loose,things can fall apart.So a person who has a screw loose is falling apart mentally.

Jason has had a screw loose ever since his girlfriend left him.

Some people in this forum seem like to have a screw loose in the issue of emigration to Canada.They care about everything about it and let it exert impact on their normal life.

annieyu : 2006-09-07#178
as a man makes his bed,so must he lie in it(自作自受)

This old saying reminds us that if we do something or set out upon a particular course of action we must accept the consequences,be they good and bad."Wally has quit his job to go into business for himself,but as a man makes his bed,so must he lie in it.If he fails it will be his fault."

"As a man makes his bed,so must he lie in it"是颜语,提醒我们凡自己所做的自己事不管后果是福是祸,都应自己承担.

annieyu : 2006-09-07#179
beggars can't be choosers

This saying means that those in need should be grateful for what is given them...even if it's not what they want or expect.When Nigel returned a lost purse,for instance,he hoped for a large rewarded."Well,when you're hungry beggars can't be choosers,"he sighed."I'll have to be content with what I got."

annieyu : 2006-09-08#180
between the devil and the deep blue sea(进退两难)

When we are faced with a choice of alternatives---both of which are unfavourable and the outcome uncertain ---we are said to be between the devil and the deep blue sea"I can't go home and I can't stay here,"Mr.Throgg frowned."I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea."

Some people here when they received their visa from cica ,they are between the devil and the deep blue sea.For their situation is different from that when they submited their applications.I do not know what the situation will be but I am firmly convinced I know what I want and how to get it.So the situation of being between the devil and the deep blue sea will never happen to me.

annieyu : 2006-09-08#181
birthday suit

today is little Jonathan's birthday.In his eagerness to see what gifts await him he has rushed from his bedroom wearing nothing but his birthday suit.In the event that you don't know it,to be in one's birthday suit is to be absolutely naked.Happy birthday,dear Jonathan!

annieyu : 2006-09-08#182
cast pearls before swine

Swine is another name for pigs...and we know that they don't understand or appreciate things of value!This saying(from the Bible) is a caution:do not give something of value to those unable to appreciate it."It was like casting pearls to swine to read my poems to that group."Robert sighed.

annieyu : 2006-09-08#183
carry the can(代人受过)

The meaning of this primarily British colloquialism is to accept the responsibility of the blame for something that someone else has done."After the picnic everyone hurried home.I was left to carry the can and clean up the beach,"Sidney complained.

irene999 : 2006-09-08#184

annieyu : 2006-09-08#185

welcome to this thread.

harvey66 : 2006-09-08#186
Some people here when they received their visa from cica ,they are between the devil and the deep blue sea.For their situation is different from that when they submited their applications.I do not know what the situation will be but I am firmly convinced I know what I want and how to get it.So the situation of being between the devil and the deep blue sea will never happen to me.

As a man makes his bed , so must he lies in it. He has to recept such consequence.

harvey66 : 2006-09-08#187
today is little Jonathan's birthday.In his eagerness to see what gifts await him he has rushed from his bedroom wearing nothing but his birthday suit.In the event that you don't know it,to be in one's birthday suit is to be absolutely naked.Happy birthday,dear Jonathan!

When a person was born, surely he had nothing on.

annieyu : 2006-09-12#188
tag along(当)跟屁虫

Meaning:To follow someone aroud;or,the person who follows someone around.

You're going to the new shopping mall?Do you mind if I tag along?


My little sister is seven years younger than me,so when she was a little girl she always tagged along me everywhere.

Word Origin:
A "tag" is a piece of paper that hangs from something---for example,there is a tag on a new pair of trousers to tell you how much they cost."Along" means "with" or "beside".So to "tag along" means to hang onto somebody and follow their lead as they go about their business.

annieyu : 2006-09-19#189
a new broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火
a good medicine tastes bitter 良药苦口

harvey66 : 2006-09-19#190
a new broom always sweeps clean.
a good medicine doesnt necessarily taste bitter but must price high.

happytom : 2006-09-19#191
thanks, I can always learn something from you both!

annieyu : 2006-09-20#192
a new broom always sweeps clean.
a good medicine doesnt necessarily taste bitter but must price high.

It depends on the doctor who can prescribe you some good and not costly medicines.Maybe you are this kind of doctors too.I am firmly convinced that most of our compatriots are kind-hearted people ,the only we need is a good administrtion system to ensure or secure our rights.

harvey66 : 2006-09-20#193
Nowadays a new broom always sweeps clean--and then become dirty.
I am not pessimistic here.

annieyu : 2006-09-20#194
penny wise and pound foolish 小事聪明,大事糊涂

In for a penny,in for a pound 一不做,二不休

annieyu : 2006-09-20#195
pennies from heaven 意外之财

penny pincher 吝啬鬼

annieyu : 2006-09-27#196
The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this:Decide what you want.
-------Ben Stein,American actor and screenwriter

harvey66 : 2006-09-30#197

He who knows not, and knows not he knows not, he is a fool, shun him.
He who knows not, and knows he knows not, he is simple, teach him.
He who knows, and knows not he knows, he is asleep, awaken him.
He who knows, and knows he knows, he is wise ,follow him.
- Kipling -

harvey66 : 2006-09-30#198
Annie, I find my thread "some sentences" is similar with your "idom-magic", so I'd like to end the former and post here. Do you mind that ?

cherry12365 : 2007-11-11#199
回复: idiom---magic(西洋妙语)


annieyu : 2007-11-11#200
回复: idiom---magic(西洋妙语)

long long time ,I did not come over here and Cherry put this post up again .Maybe I should revise some of them and put on some new idioms on.Thanks Cherry.