


生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#1



As me and the wife headed off on a romantic holiday we talked about what kinky things we'd like to do to each other.
She said, "I've always wanted to be handcuffed."
So I planted a kilo of coke in her suitcase.

a romantic holiday 浪漫的假期
kinky things爱爱。。。。。真形象。。。
其实妻子是想玩kinky things 。。。。这个老公还真狠

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#2
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I worked very hard to get to where I am in life.An unemployed university graduate.

very hard to非常努力去做什么事。

I am in life我现在的样子。

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#3
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I can't believe my flatmate accused me of opening his mail.
Cheeky cunt.
Just for that, I'm not going to tell him he's got a job interview next Tuesday.

accuse of 因某事控告某人
Cheeky cunt.是一句粗话,类似于“*”
cunt 【粗】女性之阴部 2. 【俚】淫妇 3. 【粗】**
a job interview 面试

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#4
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

不列颠代表队的泳将们要想见金, 可就只能靠在泳池里撒尿了
If any of the Team GB swimmers want to see gold in swimming
they've got to piss in the pool.

vi. 1. 【粗】小便;撒尿
vt. 1. 【粗】撒尿弄脏
n. 1. 【粗】小便
int. 1. 呸!(表示厌恶等)

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#5
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I was walking through town earlier with my wife,
when a group of teenagers shouted "Oi, mate! Your missus is seriously fucking ugly!"
"Why don't you just fuck off!" I shouted...At my wife.

a group of teenagers 一群年轻人
missus 太太;【口】老婆 这个仅在口语中使用
fucking ugly真TM丑

fuck off 滚!

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#6
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Mom .Granddad sure does love his baths.He's been in there for three days now.

sure does love真的很喜欢,酷爱。
He's been in there for three days now. 一句现在完成时的句子,过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在并且有可能还会持续的动作,并切对现在有影响。

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#7
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

48岁的小店店主贾维德阿里被歹徒用刀刺中,生命垂危,已经昏迷了两周之久,他的家人不得不做出了一个艰难的决定   停止营业,去医院探望他Crimewatch: 48 year old shopkeeper Javed Ali was brutally stabbed and after 2 weeks lying in a coma his family had to make the agonising decision.
To shut the shop and go visit him in hospital.

lying in a com 昏睡(状态);昏迷
visit 看望某人用VISIT

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#8
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I bought Asda own brand Cornflakes the other day. It said on the box, "Made from 100% recycled paper."
No wonder they tasted like shit.

recycled paper再生纸
tasted like shit.吃起来象屎一样

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#9
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I walked straight up to the counter at McDonald's and said to the cashier, "I'll have a Big Mac meal, please."
"What about the 10 people that are queuing beside you?" she asked.
"Nothing for them," I said. "They're not with me."

walk straight up径直走过去

are queuing正在排队

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#10
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Whenever I'm in the supermarket and I see a woman picking up a cucumber, I give them a little wink and a smile... just to see how many go red and put it back.

pick up拿起
little wink and a smile

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#11
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

The wife was showing off her new knee-length boots."Oooh," she said, "nice and tight. I feel like I'm wearing my own skin."
"That's no surprise," I said, glancing at the box, "they're made of pig's leather."

nice and tight真是合身

glance at 拿起

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#12
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I just accidentally shot my wife in the hand with a nail gun.
Well, that's what she gets for trying to cover her eyes.

just accidentally一不留神

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#13
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

After my wife died I found myself quickly turning to drink.
The officer who gave me the news asked, "Do you really think this is an appropriate time to be opening a bottle of champagne?"

quickly turning to迅速进入
an appropriate time适当的时间
be opening a bottle of champagne开香槟

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#14
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I've just got myself a sex doll but I don't want to f u c k it yet.
I'll leave it a couple of days as I don't want to seem desperate

a sex doll充气娃娃,不用我说了,大家都知道是什么。。。
a couple of days 几天。一段时间。

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#15
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

The wife and I went into town for dinner last night and on the way back the car broke down in the red light district.
six prostitutes circling the car until one of them said, "Hi Stu! She's not from our patch - I hope the fat bitch isn't charging you over the odds!"

the car broke down 车抛锚了

prostitutes .妓 女
Stu 老头,老家伙

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#16
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife burst into the room and said, "You'll never guess who I saw in Tesco today!"
I said, "Right, I'll carry on watching the football then."

burst into 冲进去。冲近来。

You'll never guess

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#17
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Can you imagine a world without laughter?
A world without hugs & kisses?
A world of constant sadness?
A world of not being able to make your own choices or having your own opinion?
Well that world exists.
Just get married.

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#18
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Follow this recipe to make a cheap, but surprisingly tender, pigeon pie.
First, get some breadcrumbs and a rolling pin.
Then, take the breadcrumbs and rolling pin to the park...

Follow this跟着,跟随。以前有个很火的英语节目叫《Follow me》跟我学。

rolling pin擀面杖

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#19
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


I think it's time my wife went on a diet.
She threw the bedroom curtains open this morning, saying "Oh my god, what a lovely sunny day."
And I was still lying in total darkness.

go on a diet.减肥
in total darkness.一片漆黑

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#20
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Warning labels are fucking stupid. I bought some Deodorant and it says on the can, "Avoid Contact with Eyes"
TOO LATE, I've already seen it.

Warning labels 警示标签
Avoid Contact with Eyes请勿入眼

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#21
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

结婚十五年后,妻子突然告诉我,我们每次做爱时她的高潮都是假装出来的。   真不敢相信她竟然欺骗我!而且还不是一次……而是两次(好冷的笑话啊。。。)
My wife of fifteen years has just told me she has been faking her orgasms every time we've had sex.I can't believe she lied to me, not once but twice.

of fifteen years15 年后
be fake假装

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#22
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife picked up two cucumbers in Tesco and said "One for food, one for fun."
A little old lady nearly had a heart attack
so I said to her, "She's only joking, she doesn't like cucumber. The other one is for her arse."
Finished her off.

A little old lady 小老太太

nearly 机会,差一点
She's only joking 她在开玩笑

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#23
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I phoned up my wife and asked, "What would you do if our son fell in a lake?"
She said, "I'd jump in and save him."
I replied, "Cool but you better hurry up."

phoned up 打电话给XX
Cool 口头语,表示,不错,好!

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#24
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


My wife texted me: "Hey hun, how you feeling?"
Me: "Very disappointed."
Wife: "Why?"
Me: "Because I was hoping that text was from someone else."

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#25
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

每抽一根烟,寿命减少5分钟。 大概算了算,我这应该1879年就挂了
Every cigarette you smoke takes five minutes off your life.According to my calculations, I should have died in 1879.


生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#26
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I've just hired a nineteen year-old Swedish girl with massive tits to babysit my kids.
Now, where the fuck am I going to get some kids from?

massive tits 。tits 着词又和大家见面了。。。。。

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#27
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

我彩票中奖了,然后给了我那无家可归的弟弟一个新家 65寸大电视的包装盒
I won a tidy sum on the lottery and gave my homeless brother a new home.It was the box from my new 65" TV.

lottery 乐透奖券,彩票;摸彩
a tidy sum巨款

生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#28
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


I phoned my mother-in-law and said, "Your daughter hasn't been home in days."
She replied, "I know, she is here with me, she's not coming back."
"I know, I'm just going through my phone book to tell everyone the good news."


生命的狂想 : 2012-08-14#29
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听说了么,网站色情网站要加强监管了。   在问你“你是否已年满18岁?”之后,会跳出来另一个问答框:“真的?Apparently there are going to be tighter controls on internet porn.After the "Are you over 18?" disclaimer, they are going to add another box saying "Really?"

to be tighter controls加强监管
Are you over 18 你满18岁吗?

故乡的云 : 2012-08-21#30
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


I was writing a suicide note when my daughter walked in.
"What are you doing, daddy?" she asked.
"Just writing a note for your mum."
"How's it going?" she smiled.
"Terrible," I replied, "her handwriting is a bastard to copy!"

a suicide note自杀遗书。
Just writing a note for SB ,给某人写字条

bastard to copy很难仿制

故乡的云 : 2012-08-21#31
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I called over the air stewardess and said, "Sorry to trouble you, but I'm trying to relax and this young kid behind me keeps screaming and hitting me on the back."
"I'm not surprised," she replied, "That's his seat and you're squashing him."


the air stewardess空姐

Sorry to trouble you不好意思麻烦你一下

故乡的云 : 2012-08-21#32
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My family are really poor.
On my 12th birthday they put half a cake with six candles up against a mirror. 咱家穷。咱过十二岁生日时,都是拿半块蛋糕插了六根蜡烛放在镜子前过的

My family are really poor我家非常穷
against a mirror放在镜子前

故乡的云 : 2012-08-21#33
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I called a locksmith out last night.
"Thanks," I said as he turned up, "I've lost my keys to the shop."
"Which property is yours?" he asked.
"That one," I pointed.
"The laundrette?" he asked.
I said, "No, the one next to it."
"The bank?"

locksmith 锁匠
property . 房产,地产,房地产

故乡的云 : 2012-08-21#34
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I've just had a telephone interview for a job as an engineer with B.T.
The interviewer asked me "have you got any experience with communication systems?"
Perhaps I should have stopped and thought before replying "you do know we are on the phone?"

a telephone interview电话面试
have you got 你有没有

故乡的云 : 2012-08-23#35
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I was sitting in prison with my new cell mate.
"What you in for?" I asked.
"I stabbed a guy in the heart for being gay, what about you?"
"Emm, burglary." I replied, putting the condom back in my pocket.

cell 单人牢房,小囚房
What you in for你为什么近来?
burglary 入室盗窃(罪)

不知道大家看懂没有,,,,这个I 就是个gay

故乡的云 : 2012-08-23#36
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I knocked on my neighbour's door this morning and said, "Your wife kept me awake all night with some seriously noisy sex."
"That's ridiculous," he laughed. "My wife wasn't even here last night."
I said, "I know, she stayed at mine."

kept me awake all night 一夜没睡
noisy sex 叫,,床。。

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#37
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My missus dressed up as a police woman last night and giggled, "You're being charged with being good in bed..."
After two minutes she said she was dropping the charge due to lack of evidence.

missus = missis =蜜
a police woman 女警

You're being charged 你被起诉了
lack of evidence. 证据不足

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#38
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

他们都说吸引女孩子最好的方法就是模仿她的神态动作和肢体语言,我在酒吧对个妹子试了一下,结果她居然抽了我一个耳光哭着跑开了。   也不知道是哪里做得不够好,明明把她的口吃学得惟妙惟肖呢
They say the best way to get a girl is to mimic her body language and actions. I tried it out on a girl at the pub but she just slapped me and ran away crying.
I don't know what went wrong, I thought I got her stutter down to a tee.

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#39
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Some fat ugly girl at work said, "You tried to rape me outside the bar last night"
I said, "I'm sorry love, but last night was a bit of a blur for me"
"Oh, so you're blaming alcohol are you?"
"No, I wasn't wearing my glasses"

fat ugly girl又胖又丑的女生,

rape强 *
a bit of a blur有点糊涂

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#40
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I called my gorgeous ex today and she said, "Stop stalking me? I have a restraining order against you which says you aren't allowed within 50 metres of me."

"I know. I just thought you might like a game of frisbee later."
我给性感的前女友打电话,她反应很激烈:“你可以不要再骚扰我了吗?!法院都已经发了禁止令不许你接近我50公尺以内了好吧!”   “这个我知道,我就是问问你有空想不想一起玩扔飞盘啊。

gorgeous 美极了 2.迷人

Stop stalking me别再骚扰我!
a game of frisbee飞盘游戏

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#41
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My father came to visit me in prison today.
He said, "I can't believe you would do such a thing."
"Oh come Dad," I said. "If you found a wallet that someone had lost you would keep it."
"I know son," he replied. "But wallets and children are two different things."

I can't believe you would do such a thing真不敢想象你做出这样的事。

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#42
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Got up at 6am today. Did yoga. Had a protein shake. Ran six miles. Started lying about everything.

Started lying about everything. 很有道理!!!!

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#43
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


I've always wanted to know how long "forever" was, and by looking at some people's Facebook relationships it appears to be around 2 to 4 weeks.

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#44
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My new girlfriend said to me, "Be honest, how many women have you actually slept with?"
"Just four," I replied.
"Four women in your whole life?" she asked, "That's pretty good."
"Oh sorry, I thought you meant since we've been together."

Be honest说实话
slept with睡过。。。。。。。
your whole life生下来到现在

since we've been together现在完成时,表示从过去一个时间开始并对现在继续有影响!~

生命的狂想 : 2012-09-16#45
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I forgot my key this morning so I texted my wife and asked her to hide it under a plant pot for me so I could get back into the house.
"No problem," the silly cow texted back, "I've put it under the one on the kitchen table."

hide it under a plant pot压在花盆下面
the silly cow 傻帽

故乡的云 : 2012-09-24#46
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I called my boss this morning and said, "I won't be coming in today, the car won't start."
"What about the bus?" he asked.
I said, "I haven't got a bus."


he car won't start.车打不着火了

故乡的云 : 2012-09-24#47
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I called my gorgeous ex today and she said, "Stop stalking me? I have a restraining order against you which says you aren't allowed within 50 metres of me."

"I know. I just thought you might like a game of frisbee later."
我给性感的前女友打电话,她反应很激烈:“你可以不要再骚扰我了吗?!法院都已经发了禁止令不许你接近我50公尺以内了好吧!”   “这个我知道,我就是问问你有空想不想一起玩扔飞盘啊。

gorgeous 美极了 2.迷人

Stop stalking me别再骚扰我!
a game of frisbee飞盘游戏

故乡的云 : 2012-09-26#48
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

If cockroaches can survive atomic bombs and chemical warfare,
what the fuck is in a can of Raid?

atomic bombs 化学战
in a can of 一罐
what the fuck is XXX . XXX是毛啊

故乡的云 : 2012-09-26#49
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I think my gran has Alzheimer's.
She called me Dave earlier when my name is Pete.
Either that or she's thinking of someone else when we're having sex.

gran 口语里祖母的意思

故乡的云 : 2012-10-02#50
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I saw a woman trying to park her car in the Tesco car park today.
After a few minutes I went over and said, "Would you like me to do that for you?"
"No thanks," she replied.
"Are you sure?" I asked, as I walked out with my shopping 45 minutes later.

park car

Would you like me to do that for you需要我帮忙么

故乡的云 : 2012-10-02#51
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I often stare at a prominent sign on the wall at my Gym that declares "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE"
And every time I think "Whoever wrote that never tried to cancel their membership."

a prominent sign

And every time每次

故乡的云 : 2012-10-02#52
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My wife just said "I'm leaving you because you never give me any space."
"Ok", I replied. "I'll come with you."

you never give me any space你从不给我私人空间

I'll come with you.你去哪 我就去哪

故乡的云 : 2012-10-02#53
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I was walking behind a woman in a short skirt today when she stopped,
turned around and said to me, "You've been following me for 15 minutes, why don't you just fuck off!"
I looked at her blankly and she said, "Go on, what are you waiting for?"
"A gust of wind," I replied.

walk behind a woman 跟在一个女人后面
just fuck off。赶紧滚!
I looked at her blankly ,我一脸迷茫的看着她。

故乡的云 : 2012-10-08#54
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恭喜你! 你现在是个女人了
Listen to something someone tells you. Now twist it into every horrible way possible. Congratulations!Now you're a woman.

twist it into every horrible way possible

故乡的云 : 2012-10-08#55
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我家附近住着一位性感迷人的聋人姑娘,我常在遛狗时遇上也出来遛狗的她,为了搭讪,我开始学习手语,以便能够努力用手语向她表达“你真漂亮,我很想请你一起吃饭。”   但是学起来太难了,于是我训练我的狗狗冲上去干她的狗,然后用手指着盯着她看。
Near my house lives a really hot deaf girl. I often see her walking her dog while I'm out walking mine. Wanting to start a conversation, I started learning sign language. I tried to learn 'You are beautiful and I'd love to take you out for dinner.'
That was hard, so I trained my dog to shag hers and I just pointed.

deaf girl聋人姑娘

walk dog 溜狗
sign language 手语


故乡的云 : 2012-10-08#56
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I saw a woman trying to park her car in the Tesco car park today.
After a few minutes I went over and said, "Would you like me to do that for you?"
"No thanks," she replied.
"Are you sure?" I asked, as I walked out with my shopping 45 minutes later.

park car

Would you like me to do that for you需要我帮忙么

故乡的云 : 2012-10-08#57
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I often stare at a prominent sign on the wall at my Gym that declares "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE"
And every time I think "Whoever wrote that never tried to cancel their membership."

a prominent sign

And every time每次

故乡的云 : 2012-10-15#58
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I walked into Greggs and said to the cashier, "I've just bought a sandwich from you, I took one bite and 2 teeth fell out."
"Maybe you bit down too hard?" she replied.
"They're not my teeth."

you bit down too hard用力太猛

故乡的云 : 2012-10-15#59
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My wife was trying to explain to me about dogs being like their owners.
I was too busy licking my bollocks to listen.

tryto explain 试图解释

dogs being like their owners.狗狗会学主人
bollocks 胡说 that ' s it , son . you do him . bollocks就这样,小子,你做了他,妈的

故乡的云 : 2012-10-15#60
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Farts are just the ghosts of the things you ate.

Farts :屁


故乡的云 : 2012-10-18#61
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I caught a big spider and let it loose in my Jewish neighbour's house.
I can't wait to see his reaction, knowing it's been there the whole time and not paid rent.

a big spider大蜘蛛

paid rent房租

故乡的云 : 2012-10-18#62
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Patient: "Doctor, I don't know what's wrong with me".
Doctor: "Take these pills, I don't know what they're for"

what's wrong with me"我怎么了
Take these pills,吃这个药

故乡的云 : 2012-10-18#63
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Studies have shown, 100% of car crashes are a woman's fault.
55% of the time she's driving and the other 45% of the time she's walking down the street dressed provocatively.

woman's fault.女人的错
dress provocatively打扮风骚,衣着暴露

故乡的云 : 2012-10-18#64
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I walked into Greggs and said to the cashier, "I've just bought a sandwich from you, I took one bite and 2 teeth fell out."
"Maybe you bit down too hard?" she replied.
"They're not my teeth."

you bit down too hard用力太猛

故乡的云 : 2012-10-18#65
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife was trying to explain to me about dogs being like their owners.
I was too busy licking my bollocks to listen.

tryto explain 试图解释

dogs being like their owners.狗狗会学主人
bollocks 胡说 that ' s it , son . you do him . bollocks就这样,小子,你做了他,妈的

生命的狂想 : 2012-10-22#66
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

恋尸癖:   迟做总比不做好Necrophilia:Better late than never.


故乡的云 : 2012-10-23#67
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A really aggressive guy came up to me in the pub the other day.
"I've met some absolute twats in my life," he roared, "but you are something else!"
I was pretty relieved. At least he doesn't think I'm a twat.


2 twat娘们儿 (俚语)

3At least 至少

故乡的云 : 2012-10-29#68
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife has just been diagnosed with cancer so I took her shopping to try and cheer her up.
The ungrateful bitch didn't like a single headstone that I showed her.


cheer her up让她开心

故乡的云 : 2012-10-29#69
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


I took a bird back home last night.
We got kissing on the sofa and, before long, I slipped my hand into her knickers. She asked, "Shall we take this upstairs?"
I said, "No, I'd rather we did it here."
"Oh I see." She winked, "Something in your bedroom you don't want me to see, eh?"
I said, "Yeah, my wife."


故乡的云 : 2012-10-29#70
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A door to door salesman knocked on a door and a woman answered.
"Hello," said the man. "Would you like to buy a book entitled '500 excuses to give your wife for staying out late'?"
"Why on Earth would I buy a book like that?" asked the woman.
"Because," replied the salesman, "I sold a copy to your husband this morning."

A door to door salesman上门推销的推销员
on Earth 归根到底,

wisezmz : 2012-11-05#71
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


故乡的云 : 2012-11-06#72
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife called me as I was sat in the pub last night.
"I've cooked dinner," she screamed, "And if you're not home within 20 minutes I'm going to feed it to the dog."
"Woooah! That's bang out of order!" I said, "It's not his fault."

I was sat in the pub昨晚在酒吧里

I've cooked dinner“我晚饭好了(注意用的是完成
if you're not home within 20 minutes
That's bang out of order“擦你这也太过分了好吧

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-06#73
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

When my daughter was involved in a car accident, I bought her a bright pink wheelchair and covered it in Barbie stickers.
I pushed her up to the shops and back every day for two weeks, smiling at passers by, until one of them mustered up the courage to say, "Dave, I think it's time to bury the poor girl."

car accident车祸

smiling at passers by向过往的行人们微笑示意

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-06#74
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife has just been diagnosed with cancer so I took her shopping to try and cheer her up.
The ungrateful bitch didn't like a single headstone that I showed her.


I took her shopping 带她去逛街
ungrateful bitch臭婆娘

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-06#75
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My girlfriend's just told me she's pregnant, so as a treat we're going out for the day.
I'm taking her to the museum of rickety staircases on the way back from ice skating.

she's pregnant她怀孕了
we're going out for the day.位这天庆祝一下。

故乡的云 : 2012-11-08#76
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My boss called me into his office today and said, "I've noticed you nodding off during team meetings recently. Are you getting enough sleep?"
"Not really, the meetings are a lot shorter these days."

My boss called me into his office把我叫进办公室

nodding off during team meetings 开会的时候瞌睡

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-23#77
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

"Who were you just talking to on the phone?" asked my wife.
"British Gas," I replied. "I've just managed to save us £900 a year on our gas and electricity bill."
"Really?" she smiled.
"Yes, you might want to start wearing two layers of clothing."

Who were you just talking to on the phone?你刚电话上和谁说话呢
save £900 a year 一年省下了900英镑

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-23#78
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I met this fit bird in a club last night.
"Fancy taking me somewhere a little more quiet?" she purred.
20 minutes later, I was sitting in the library by myself wondering where I went wrong.


fit bird身材巨好的妹子
a little more quiet安静点的地方

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-23#79
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

As my wife regained consciousness after a six month coma,
the doctor said:"She's awake sir, you can speak to her."
"Ok" I said, "I'll ask you again, and this time I want the truth... where were you 'til midnight?"

regained consciousness 昏迷不醒
She's awake她醒了
I'll ask you again我再问你

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-23#80
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife sent me a text, "Where are you?"
"I'm at my anger management meeting."
"How's it going?"
"Not good, I'll fill you in later."

sent me a text,发短信

"How's it going?"怎么样

生命的狂想 : 2012-11-23#81
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

when I die I want my body donated to science,
but more specifically a scientist who is working on bringing dead guys back to life.

body donated to science尸体捐献给科学

dead guys back to life. 让死人复活的科学家

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#82
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I am such a lucky man.我真是个幸运的男人。  
My wife has just said that I can invite my sexy secretary to our house for a few drinks and have sex with her as much as I want all weekend.妻子刚对我说,这整个周末我都可以邀我那个性感的女秘书来我们家饮酒作乐,想滚多久床单就滚多久。  
Well, what she actually said was "I'm off to London this weekend with work, so you will have the house to yourself" 好吧,她的原话是“这周末我去伦敦出差,房子就归你管了啊”!!。

sexy secretary性感的女秘书
for a few drinks 饮酒作乐
be off 休息 后面加的to do, 做目的状语。 休息去做某事

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#83
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I asked my wife what she wanted for Christmas.
"Something that buzzes and is guaranteed to drive me crazy" she replied.
So I bought her a pet mosquito.

what wanted for Christmas想要什么礼物

drive me crazy让我疯狂
pet 宠物

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#84
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Slow dancing with my wife is like trying to move a fucking wardrobe on your own.

Slow dancing慢舞
fucking TMD

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#85
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

A fat, ugly, cross-eyed, girl came dancing up next to me at a party.
"So, where are you from, handsome?" she smiled.
I said, "Earth, what about you?"

A fat, ugly, cross-eyed

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#86
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

A man walked into a library and asked for a book on memory loss.
The librarian said, "Fucking hell! Another one?"

memory loss失忆

Fucking hell

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#87
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

对我来说,好女人的标准和我自己放的屁一样: 不能作声,以免在公共场合让我尴尬
I like my women like I like my farts..Silent, so they don't embarrass me in public.

embarrass me 让我很尴尬

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#88
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Some bloke walked up to the counter and said, "Burger and chips, please."
"Certainly, Sir," I replied. "Are you eating in or taking out?"
"Fuck off you cunt," he snapped, before walking off with his food.
I love working in the prison canteen.
the counter
Certainly, Sir好的,先生。没问题,先生。

eating in or taking out这里吃还是外带
Fuck off you cunt草你妹·!

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#89
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife and I were relaxing on the sofa last night when our six-month-old son decided to have a shit.
She immediately looked at me and said, "It's your turn."
"My turn?" I said.
"Yes, it's your turn," she smiled, "Go on."
"Ok, here's goes then." I said, curling one out on the floor.

relaxing on the sofa

six-month-old son
It's your turn轮到你了

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#90
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

"I want to be a millionaire. Just like my dad!"
"Wow, your dad's a millionaire?"
"No, but he always wanted to be."


Just like my dad象我爸一样

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#91
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

"I only drink on special occasions"
"What was the occasion?"
"I was sober"

special occasions特殊场合


生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#92
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife and I were out for an anniversary meal.
"Eurgh. Did you just pick your nose and wipe it under the table?" she asked.
"Errrrrr. How did you know?"
"It's a glass table".

anniversary 结婚纪念日

pick your nose and wipe it under the table挖了鼻屎就抹在桌子下面

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#93
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

"Who were you just talking to on the phone?" asked my wife.
"British Gas," I replied. "I've just managed to save us £900 a year on our gas and electricity bill."
"Really?" she smiled.
"Yes, you might want to start wearing two layers of clothing."

Who were you just talking to on the phone?你刚电话上和谁说话呢
save £900 a year 一年省下了900英镑

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#94
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I met this fit bird in a club last night.
"Fancy taking me somewhere a little more quiet?" she purred.
20 minutes later, I was sitting in the library by myself wondering where I went wrong.


fit bird身材巨好的妹子
a little more quiet安静点的地方

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#95
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

As my wife regained consciousness after a six month coma,
the doctor said:"She's awake sir, you can speak to her."
"Ok" I said, "I'll ask you again, and this time I want the truth... where were you 'til midnight?"

regained consciousness 昏迷不醒
She's awake她醒了
I'll ask you again我再问你

生命的狂想 : 2012-12-18#96
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife sent me a text, "Where are you?"
"I'm at my anger management meeting."
"How's it going?"
"Not good, I'll fill you in later."

sent me a text,发短信

"How's it going?"怎么样

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#97
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I was on a date when she jokingly asked if I'd ever killed anyone.
I said, "Once, when I was drink-driving."
Shocked, she replied, "That must have been terrible."
"It was," I sobbed. "That's why I was late picking you up."

she jokingly asked她开玩笑的问


生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#98
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

How school works:
In class: 2+2=4.
Homework: 2+4+2=8.
Exam: John had 4 apples. He eats one and gives one to a friend. Calculate the Sun's mass.

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#99
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I woke startled in the night and saw a big fat bearded figure wearing a red suit at the bottom of my bed.
"Santa?" I called out rubbing my eyes as I flicked the bedside light on."
"No it's me, Dave" my wife replied standing in her new red onesie.


生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#100
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Yesterday I set my wifi's name to "Hack this if you can".
When I checked it today, it was called "Challenge accepted".

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#101
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I can usually judge how attractive a woman is by how many times my wife calls her a whore.

attractive a woman迷人的;招人喜爱的的女人


生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#102
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My son and my daughter said to me, "We want to pretend that we're mummy and daddy, and you have to be the baby, ok?"
"Go on then," I said, shitting on the sofa, "You can start by clearing that up."

pretend that we're mummy and daddy

Go on then那么

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#103
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife has been moaning for 2 days about me not fixing the broken step that leads to the basement.
I should probably go down there and check on her, she sounds like she's in a lot of pain.



生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#104
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Heard my friend say, "Woah, 12.12.12, that only happens once in a lifetime."
Every date only happens once, moron. That's how time works.

only happens once in a lifetime一辈子只能遇到一次

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-05#105
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Imagine how many people are going to commit suicide next month, simply because they believe the world will really end.
On a related note: Imagine how much higher the world's average IQ will be come January.


Imagine 想象一

suicide 自杀

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-10#106
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife came into the bedroom wearing a naughty nurse's outfit last night.
"Do you need some help, sir?" She said with a wink.
"Yes," I replied. "I feel sick."
"Ooh, do you now," she giggled.
"Yes, so put some clothes on, you fat cunt."


I feel sick我觉得不舒服
fat cunt 肥胖的身体

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-10#107
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

A drunk girl staggered up to me in the street last night and said, "Can I pinch a cigarette from you, please?"
"Show me your tits and then ask me the question again." I replied.
So she lifted up her top and bra and said, "Can I pinch a cigarette from you, please?"
"Sorry, luv. I don't smoke."

A drunk girl
pinch 捏,掐


昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#108
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A: Just look at that young person with the short hair and blue jeans. Is it a boy or a girl? B: It's a girl. She's my daughter. A: Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know that you were her father. B: I'm not. I'm her mother.


A man walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "I bet you fifty dollars that I can bite my right eye." The bartender says, "Yeah, right! I've never seen anyone do that!" So the man takes out his glass eye and bites it. The angry bartender...

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#109
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Mary: John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do you think, Peter? Peter: I think you're pretty ugly.


A man walks into the doctor's office with a serious problem. "Doctor, I've had problems with silent gas emissions. At home, work, and even at church, I release tons of silent farts everywhere I go! ...

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#110
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A: I hate paying my income tax. B: You should be a good citizen - why don't you pay with a smile? A: I'd like to but they insist on money!


An attorney telephoned the governor just after midnight, insisting that he talk to him regarding a matter of utmost urgency. An aide eventually agreed to wake up the governor. "So, what is it?" grumbled the governor. "Judge Garber has just died," said the attorney, "and I want to take his place."

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#111
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to another man kneeling at a grave. The man seemed to be praying with profound intensity and kept repeating, “Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?”


One day Hamid felt very sick and he went to the hospital. Nurse: Hamid, the doctor is here to see you. Hamid: Tell him, I can't see him. I'm sick.

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#112
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


"My computer is telling me to press any key to continue. Where is the 'any' key?"


Dad: "Son, how can you call your aunt stupid? Go and say sorry to her." Son: (goes over to the aunt) "Aunt, I am sorry you are stupid."

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#113
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A man came to work on Monday morning with two black eyes. His boss asked what happened. The man replied, “On Sunday, I was sitting behind a big woman at church...


Girl: Do you love me? Boy: Yes, dear. Girl: Would you die for me? Boy: No, mine is undying love.

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#114
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


T: Correct the sentence, "A bull and a cow is grazing in the field". S: A cow and a bull is grazing in the field. T: How? S: Ladies first.


"What kinds of bird do you like best, Jack?" Jack answered, "Fried chicken, sir."

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#115
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


When a very miserly man nicknamed the “stingy ghost” died and went to hell, the Yama King reproached him.


“That's okay.” he said. “I'm buying this car for my daughter. If she complains about a vibration, I'll know she's driving too fast.”

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#116
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


In a sales company, the boss said to one of his employees: The main thing to remember is repetition, repetition, repetition! That's the key!


Teacher: If I cut a beefsteak in half and then cut the half in half, what do I get? Tommy: Quarters. Teacher: And then if I cut it twice again?

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#117
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese...


A: "What's the purpose of the propeller?" B: "To keep the pilot cool. If you don't think so, just stop it and watch him sweat!"

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#118
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A very rich lawyer is approached by the United Way. The man from the United Way is concerned that the lawyer made over $1,000,000.00 last year but didn't donate even a cent to a charity.


Teacher: Where does God live? Student: I think he lives in our bathroom. Teacher: Why do you say that? Student: Well, every morning my daddy bangs on the door and says, "God, are you still in there?"

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#119
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Young Mother: "Doctor, my baby swallowd a bullet. What shall I do?" Doctor: "Don't point him at anybody."

A husband, proving to his wife that women talk more than men, showed her a study which indicated that men use on average only 15000 words a day, whereas women use 30000 words a day. She thought about this for a while...

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#120
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A site foreman had ten very lazy men working for him, so one day he decided to trick them into doing some work for a change. "I've got a really easy job today for the laziest one among you," he announced. "Will the laziest man please put his hand up." Nine hands went up...

Deciding to do some back-yard landscaping, my father-in-law went to the brickyard to buy quantity of brick. When he asked the salesclerk about the cost, the man replied. "The more you buy, the cheaper they are."

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#121
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Two robbers were robbing a hotel. The first robber said, "I hear sirens. Jump!" The second one said, "But we're on the 13th floor!" The first one screamed back, "This is no time to be superstitious!"

A: We have got a new dog. Would you like to come around and play with him? B: Well, I don't know---does he bite? A: That's what I want to find out.


A: When I stand on my head the blood rushes to my head, but when I stand on my feet the blood doesn't rush to my feet. Why is this? B: It's because your feet aren't empty.

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#122
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Distributing chewing gum to the passengers, the stewardess explained it was to keep their ears from popping. When the plane landed, one of the passengers rushed up to her and said, "I'm meeting my wife right away. How do I get the gum out from my ears?"

A Sunday-school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. "Now, children," she said, "has anyone of you ever made someone else glad?" "Please, teacher," said a small boy, "I've made someone glad yesterday."


Patient: Doc, will I be able to read with these glasses? Doc: You sure will. Patient: That's great! I never could read before.

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#123
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Two friends were talking about work, when one asked, "Say, why did the foreman fire you? " Replied the second, "Well, you know how a foreman is always standing around...

On a crowded bus, one man noticed that another man had his eyes closed. "What's the matter? Are you sick?" "No, I'm okay. It's just that I hate to see an old lady standing."


Girlfriend: One of my ancestors was actually a king. Boyfriend: I never knew you were a desendant of King Kong.

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#124
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Teacher: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have? Vincent: One dollar.

A man asks a trainer in the gym: "I want to impress that beautiful girl, which machine can I use?" The trainer replied: "Use the ATM outside the gym!!!"


A man had two goldfish, he named one of them "One" and the other "Two". He did this because...if one died, he'd still have two.

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#125
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A: "I was born in California." B: "Which part?" A: "All of me."


Son: Why are hen's legs so short? Dad: You're a fool. If the hen's legs were too long, wouldn't they drop their eggs into pieces when laying?


A woman said to an old man. "I couldn't help noticing how happy you look. What's your secret for a long happy life?" "I smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day, drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise." "That's amazing. How old are you?" "26."


Q: Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building? A: Yes, because the Empire State Building can't jump!


When I was young I didn't like going to weddings. My grandmother would tell me, "You're next." However, she stopped doing that after I started saying the same thing to her at funerals.

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#126
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


A: Did you hear that a baby was fed on elephant's milk and gained twenty pounds in a week? B: That's impossible. Whose baby? A: An elephant's.

"My husband is so ugly that when he goes to the zoo he has to buy two tickets: one to get in and one to get out."


Student: My mom is not only fat but also thin, not only tall but also short. Teacher: Is your mom "transformer"?


Why do gorillas have big nostrils? Because they have big fingers.


Boyfriend: How is my guitar skill? Girlfriend: You should be on TV for your talent. Boyfriend: Am I so good?

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#127
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


Teacher: How old is your dad? Student: He is as old as I am. Teacher: How is it possible?

A: Hey, man! Please call me a taxi. B: Yes, sir. You are a taxi.


Patient: I think I'm spending too long on the computer, I'm starting to get spots in front of my eyes. Doctor: Have you seen an optician?


Mike: Mum, I want to watch TV. Mum: There is no electricity tonight.


A newspaper carried this classified ad, "The man who picked up my wallet on Market Street was recognized. He is requested to return it."

昆虫国际 : 2013-01-21#128
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


While taking photos of a bear eating fish in the forest, two journalists found the annoyed beast turned around to chase them.

Father: Jack, why do you drink so much water? Jack: I have just had an apple, Dad. Father: What's that got to do with it?


"There's good news and bad news," the divorce lawyer told his client. "I could sure use some good news," sighed the client. "What's it?"


The soldiers had been marching and fighting, they were dirty, hot and tired. One day, the general announced: “My men, I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which one would you like first?”


"Help! Doctor! Please come quickly! My ten-year-old son has just swallowed a pen!" "Ok, I'll be right there. I'll be there in 10 to 20 minutes." "Good, but...what am I supposed to do in the meantime?"

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#129
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

"Shit, I've got a doctor's appointment tomorrow."
"Just cancel it. Tell them you're sick."

Just cancel it.取消掉
you're sick你病了

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#130
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

"Are you asleep yet love?" I asked my wife. "I'm feeling horny."
"No. I'm still awake." she whispered.
"OK." I said, " I'll give it another half hour."

Are you asleep yet你睡了么
I'm feeling horny我性欲起来了 horny〈美俚〉好色的,猥亵的

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#131
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

I said to the wife, "You haven't said a word all night, is there something wrong?"
"What do you care?" she spat.
"Well, if something is bothering you that much to shut you up, I want to know for future reference."

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#132
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife sent me a text, "Where are you?"
"I'm at my anger management meeting."
"How's it going?"
"Not good, I'll fill you in later." “不怎么样……回家你就知道了。

How's it going怎么样?
Not good不怎么样!

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#133
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

As my fat girlfriend stormed down the stairs she shouted, "I'm leaving and I'm never coming back, I'll never hear from you or see you ever again."
I replied, "It's likely you will, I work at Pizza Hut."


生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#134
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


I accidentally dialed 999 from my mobile phone last night.
So I set my house on fire so I wouldn't look stupid.


生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#135
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


I walked into the bathroom and caught my mate using my toothbrush.
"What the fuck!" I yelled. "How would you like it if I did that in your house?"
"You wouldn't need to," he replied. "My house has toilet roll."

What the fuck我靠!

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-22#136
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

My wife came into the bedroom wearing a naughty nurse's outfit last night.
"Do you need some help, sir?" She said with a wink.
"Yes," I replied. "I feel sick."
"Ooh, do you now," she giggled.
"Yes, so put some clothes on, you fat cunt."


I feel sick我觉得不舒服
fat cunt 肥胖的身体

生命的狂想 : 2013-01-25#137
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

As a parent, I check my son's computer for porn everyday.
He's got a much bigger and better collection than I do.

As a parent身为家长

生命的狂想 : 2013-02-15#138
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

To all those who received a book from me as a Christmas present...
They are due back at the library today.

生命的狂想 : 2013-02-15#139
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

我一个哥们儿,看了《午夜凶铃》,7天后,他死了。   我们这儿的影片出租店对欠费还真是不含糊啊
My mate watched The Ring video and, 7 days later, he died.
Our local video renting shop doesn't fuck about with their late fees.

The Ring午夜凶铃
7 days later 7天后
late fees欠费


生命的狂想 : 2013-02-15#140
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Apparently, I offended my optician last week. She saw me out in town and waved at me, but I didn't notice her.
Well, whose fault is that!


She saw me out in town她在镇外见
waved at me挥手跟我打招呼
whose fault is that!这该算是谁的错

生命的狂想 : 2013-02-15#141
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Don't try to understand women.
Women understand women and they hate each other.

生命的狂想 : 2013-02-15#142
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Even though we've been married 14 years, I still look at my wife the same as I did on my wedding day.With regret.

we've been married 14 years

生命的狂想 : 2013-02-20#143
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

To all those who received a book from me as a Christmas present...
They are due back at the library today.

生命的狂想 : 2013-02-20#144
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

我一个哥们儿,看了《午夜凶铃》,7天后,他死了。   我们这儿的影片出租店对欠费还真是不含糊啊
My mate watched The Ring video and, 7 days later, he died.
Our local video renting shop doesn't fuck about with their late fees.

The Ring午夜凶铃
7 days later 7天后
late fees欠费


生命的狂想 : 2013-02-20#145
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

Apparently, I offended my optician last week. She saw me out in town and waved at me, but I didn't notice her.
Well, whose fault is that!


She saw me out in town她在镇外见
waved at me挥手跟我打招呼
whose fault is that!这该算是谁的错

生命的狂想 : 2013-04-11#146
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

  A big battle was going on during the First World War.Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere.After an hour of this, one of the soldiers decidedthat the fighting was getting too dangerous for him, so he leftthe front line and began to go away from the battle. After hehad walked for an hour,he saw an officer coming towardshim. The officer stopped him and said,“ where are you going?”
  “I'm trying to get as far away as possible from the battlethat's going on behind us, sir,” the soldier answered.
  “Do you know who I am?” the officer said to him angrily.“I'm your commanding officer.”
  The soldier was very surprised when he heard this and said,“My God,I didn't know that I was so far back already!”

生命的狂想 : 2013-04-11#147
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

  Alan worked in an office in the city. He worked very hard and really looked forward to his holidays.
  He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an ad in a newspaper "Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at Willow Farm. Good food, fresh air, horse riding, walking, fishing. Reasonable prices."
  "This sounds like a good idea." he thought, "I'll spend a month at Willow Farm. I'll enjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. They'll make a change from sitting by the seaside."
  Four days later he returned home.
  "What's wrong with Willow Farm ?" his friend asked him. "Didn't you enjoy country life?"
  "Country life was fine," Alan said. "But there was another problem."
  "Oh, what?"
  "Well, the first day I was there a sheep died, and we had roast lamb for dinner."
  "Fresh meat is the best."
  "I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner."
  "Lucky you!"
  "You don't understand," Alan said. "On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner."
  "A different roast every day." Jack exclaimed.
  "Let me finish," Alan said. "On the fourth day the farmer died and I didn't dare stay for dinner!"

生命的狂想 : 2013-04-11#148
回复: 英语冷笑话若干


  "I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class," observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State University in Los Angeles.
  "When I say, 'Good afternoon,' the undergraduates respond, 'Good afternoon." But the graduate students just write it down."
  “研究生班和本科生很容易就能区别开来,”在洛杉矶加利福利亚州立大学给我们研究生上工程学课的老师如此说。   “我说‘下午好’,本科生们回答说‘下午好’。研究生们则把我说的话记在笔记本上。”

生命的狂想 : 2013-04-11#149
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

  On the first day of college, the dean addressed the students, pointing out some of the rules:
  “The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, and the male dormitory to the female students. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time. Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60. Being caught a third time will cost you $180. Are there any questions?”
  One student raised his hand and asked, “How much for a season pass?”

生命的狂想 : 2013-04-11#150
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

  A little girl is sitting on her grandpa’s lap and studying the wrinkles on his old face. She gets up the nerve to rub her fingers over the wrinkles. Then she touches her own face and looks more puzzled.
  Finally the little girl asks, “Grandpa, did God make you?”
  “He sure did honey, a long time ago,” replies her grandpa.
  “Well, did God make me?” asks the little girl.
  “Yes, He did, and that wasn’t too long ago,” answers her grandpa.
  “Boy,” says the little girl, “He’s sure doing a lot better job these days, isn’t He?”

生命的狂想 : 2013-04-11#151
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

  小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the washing room? 老师说:Go ahead.

  过了一会儿,小明又跟老师说:May I go to the...? 老师说:Go ahead. 小明又坐了下来。
  他旁边的同学忍不住问:你不是跟老师说要上厕所吗?怎么不去?   小明说:你没听老师说Go ahead「去你个头」啊!

生命的狂想 : 2013-04-11#152
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

  1. Nurse: "Don't you like your new baby sister, Johnny?"

  Johnny: "She's all right, but I wish she had been a boy. Willie Smith had just got a new sister, and now he'll think I'm trying to copy him"
  2. Mickey refused to take the medicine, so his mother swashed him and said, "Hurry to take it down, or I'll call the police."
  "Does the police like to take the medicine, mama?" Mickey asked curiously.
  3. On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it.
  "My daughter wants to follow inm my footsteps!" thought the doctor.“女儿想接我的班!”
  医生想道。Then the child spoke into the instrument, "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
  4. A boy had eaten a lot of cookies, but he wanted more.
  His father said to him, "Don't eat any more, or your stomach will explode."
  The boy said, "Never mind. When I'm eating once again, you can stand aside."
  5. It was so late. Frank lay in bed and demanded his mother to peel the apple for him.
  "It's so late, sonny, that apples have already gone to bed."
  "No, they won't, mama. The small apples may have gone to bed, but the big ones mustn't."   “不,不会的,妈妈。小苹果可能睡了,但大苹果一定没有睡。”

狗狗凡 : 2013-05-23#153
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]Someone was at a party when he started boasting to the local journalists that his command of English language was better than that of the average journalist's.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]
An editorial writer didn't take too kindly to that and said, "Well, I'll bet you $100 that I can stump you."

"I accept your wager," he said.

"I'll bet you can't use the word 'because' three times consecutively in a sentence. That is my challenge!"

After thinking for a moment, he replied, "You cannot end a sentence with the word because because because is a conjunction. You lose."


生命的狂想 : 2014-01-05#154
回复: 英语冷笑话若干

A young businessman had just started his own firm.

  He rented a beautiful office and had it furnished with antiques.

  Sitting there, he saw a man come in to the outer office.

  Wishing to appear the hot shot, the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working.

  He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments. Finally he hung up and asked the visitor,

  "Can I help you?" The man said, "Yeah, I've come to activate your phone lines."

Life after death死后重生

  "Do you believe in life after death?" the boss asked one of his employees.

  "Yes, Sir." the new recruit replied.

  "Well, then, that makes everything just fine,"

  the boss went on. "

  After you left early yesterday to go to your grandmother's funeral, she stopped in to see you.