


Les Paradis : 2013-01-19#1

1月16开庭接近尾声的时候,Justice Rennie要求双方提交以后可能的上诉需要问到的问题------这个步骤是每次开庭判决都会有的。


等这个程序完了之后,正式的书面判决随时就会发布了。虽然6月5号TIM的开庭,Justice Rennie只用了9天就发布了判决书,但他是为了赶在C38生效之前让案子了结才用了这么短的时间。这次的时间应该长一些。

Les Paradis : 2013-01-19#2
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



1. CIC的律师,根本没能提供有可信度的辩论为什么prec50的案子要被一刀切。他们在法庭的表现很被动很狼狈。

2. 申请人一方的律师控告87.4违宪的中心论点是,CIC在搞种族歧视。欧西的申请人90%审完了,只有10%被切,亚非地区的,只有10%到50%审完,50%到90%的被切。律师们用数据事实说话,Justice Rennie被说服。

如果Justice Rennie判一刀切合法,那就是为种族歧视保驾护航了,显然他不敢做这“第一个吃螃蟹的人”。

3. Justice Rennie本人认为即时的移民系统和移民积案可以共存,并不需要把旧案一刀切了才能有新系统。

4. 王仁铎和Tim的助理律师Rocco Galatti 在法庭上做了一段精彩的关于违宪议题的演讲。当他演讲的时候,全场鸦雀无声,其中一个旁听的律师说感到很荣幸能听到Galatti的演讲。不仅如此,谦虚的法官Rennie还感谢他了,说他的演讲让自己对宪法的了解更进一步。

5. Justice Rennie在法庭上完全没有向着CIC一方。如果我们败诉,至少他会在法庭上说出一两个原因,可惜完全没有!

6. 法官虽然没有当庭给判决,但他的态度说明了一切。6月5开庭的时候是这样的,11月Shukla案败诉的时候,法官Russell也完全没有一句话向着败诉方。

Les Paradis : 2013-01-19#3
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


只有一个:87.4一刀切法律的合法性-----要么合法,要么不合法。没有mundamus命令----不会强制CIC审理案件(如果它败诉了的话)。Justice Rennie在法庭上说,败诉方可以继续上诉。因此,现阶段不存在和解!

In anticipation of an appeal, Mario Bellissimo asked Justice Rennie if he rules in our favour, to oblige CIC to resume processing of the litigants' files during any appeal.

然而,代表原告人的律师贝里斯摩(Mario Bellisimo)已要求法官,倘若判决原告人胜诉而移民部提出上诉的话,于等待上诉聆讯排期期间,加国移民部要开始继续办理原告人的申请。






Lorne Waldman也强调了329不是解决问题的唯一前提,他对多伦多星报说:

Lawyer Lorne Waldman said processing of the “terminated” applications had been inconsistent, with some being processed even when they did not have a selection decision before the old cutoff, and others offered permanent resident visas on humanitarian grounds.




appollon : 2013-01-19#4
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-19#5
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What CIC keeps repeating these days is the term "terminated by operation of law", this draws to the ultimate question, when is this law able to operate and terminate files? On and after June 29, that's right, despite this law explicitly says applicants' selection decisions not decided before March 29 must be terminated.

While there is a presumption against retroactive or retrospective legislation, that presumption can be rebutted through clear statutory language. The problem here is not with 87.4's retrospective property, but whether 87.4 is able to operate before June 29 while it is still a proposed legislation, the question is quite clear too, absolutely not.

So, those assessed after March 29 and issued before June 29 Visas are absolutely not governed by 87.4, as their applications had been finalized right before 87.4 came into force, no more files for 87.4 to terminate, even though they are exactly the kind of files to be terminated by 87.4.

The same goes for the outstanding applications of Liang and ME group. The ME group's selection decision are made right before 87.4 is able to operate, their files had been finalized before it came into force, no more files to be terminated by 87.4.


大地江海 : 2013-01-19#6
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


chaoszr : 2013-01-19#7
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yannie : 2013-01-19#8
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我想我是海117 : 2013-01-19#9
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Oldman : 2013-01-19#10
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

向战斗中的同学及律师们致敬!!!, 从胜利中看到了加拿大的希望...

dicaprio : 2013-01-19#11
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Oldman : 2013-01-19#12
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言




一切都会好的, 特别是你5.29体检就签收了.

lazy : 2013-01-19#13
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dicaprio : 2013-01-19#14
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一切都会好的, 特别是你5.29体检就签收了.

chaoszr : 2013-01-19#15
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-19#16
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Oldman : 2013-01-19#17
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过了30,发现骨头比从前脆了....我32岁那年踢球做动作时, 很清晰听见自己的Qi关节里面很清澈的一声响-"咔嚓"... ...一块黄豆大小的骨头掉下来了... ..

等移民,等到咱们过去只能踢中老年足球了.... 不过总算还能踢, 期待大家一起踢球.

法国裁缝 : 2013-01-20#18
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雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-20#19
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


appollon : 2013-01-20#20
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-20#21
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chaoszr : 2013-01-20#22
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


  加拿大《权利与自由宪章》(Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)是该国1982年宪法法案(Canada’s Constitution Act)的第一章,诚如该宪章的名称所昭示的那样,其明确规定了公民所享有的若干基本权利和自由。这些权利和自由首先被归为7类,然后又依据权利的明确性被分为两大类:一类是高度明确的,包括“民主权利”、“自由迁徙权”、“加拿大的官方语言权”以及“少数民族的语言教育权”四种;另一类则是较为模糊的,包括“基本自由”(Fundamental freedoms)(第2条)、“法律权利”(Legal rights)(第7-14条)以及“平等权利”(Equality rights)(第15条)三种。
  与其他国家宪法相比,加拿大《权利与自由宪章》有两个方面的特点,(a)其第1条规定,立法机关可以在“明确的,且在自由民主的社会中可以被证明为正当”的前提下,通过制定法律合理限制宪章中所确认的权利——当然,法院有权审查相关法律是否真正达到宪章第1条所设定的标准; (b)各级法院有权依照宪法审查国会、省或者地方(territorial)立法机关颁布的法律(最高法院具有最终的权威性)。但是当,也只能当,立法涉及宪章第2条以及7-15条所规定的权利时,国会和省立法机关有权援引宪章第33条规定的“但书条款”(notwithstanding clause),做出一个“该部法律或者法律中的条款虽然违反了宪章所保护权利或者自由,但依然具有效力”的声明(make a declaration)。该声明做出以后,相关法律或者法律条款虽然违宪,却享有免除司法审查的特权。 具体程序如下:
  (1)国会或省立法机关在立法中明确宣布(expressly declare), 他们所通过的法案或者法案的某一条款虽然侵犯了宪章第2条所规定的“基本自由”或者第7到15条规定的“法律权利”或者“平等权利”,但依然需要实施;
  这就是说,依据加拿大宪法的规定,当立法机关希望通过一项违宪的法律(当然要限于《权利与自由宪章》第2,7-15条规定)时,或者当加拿大最高法院认为某一项具体的立法违宪时,国会和省议会就可以动用第33条赋予的权力制定新的且不受司法审查和监督的法律。尽管这项权力的行使是有事项和时间范围的限制,却形成了自身鲜明的特色。特别是与美国式的强司法审查模式相比,其一方面赋予法官强有力的权力来保护人权,另一方面又赋予立法机关可以在常规时刻(normal times)通过日常政治(比如制定或者修改普通法律,与“非常时刻”(exceptional time)进行宪法修改相对)推翻法院意见的权力。也就是说,《权利与自由宪章》下的加拿大法院有权进行司法审查,但司法权对于宪法的意见并非最终的,也不能因此获得至高地位,因为代表民主的立法机关对宪法和人权事务拥有最终的决定权。

Les Paradis : 2013-01-20#23
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-20#24
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

chraoz,你既然这么清楚加国法律体系, 那第一条是什么?地区歧视涉及哪一条?希望你能分析一下官司走向。顺便问一下,但书条款通过需要国会绝对多数吗?还是简单多数就可以?

chaoszr : 2013-01-20#25
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雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-20#26
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

Oakes test:
There must be a pressing and substantial objective
The means must be proportional
The means must be rationally connected to the objective
There must be minimal impairment of rights
There must be proportionality between the infringement and objective
The test is heavily founded in factual analysis so strict adherence is not always practiced. A degree of overlap is to be expected as there are some factors, such as vagueness, which are to be considered in multiple sections. If the legislation fails any of the above branches, it is unconstitutional. Otherwise the impugned law passes the Oakes test and remains valid.
Since Oakes, the test has been modified slightly.[3]

Les Paradis : 2013-01-20#27
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


移民部没有违法、违反宪法或人权法。申请人不可以说:「我递交了申请,加国移民部就一定要去办理! 」





Canadian jurisprudence has long recognized that Ministers have an obligation to perform their legal duties in a reasonably timely manner. This legal duty has long coexisted with the understanding that Ministers are accountable for the management and direction of their ministries and have the authority to make policy choices and to set priorities.

正是因为移民部对申请人有obligation和legal duties,所以Liang胜诉了,Liang的mundamus强制令被法庭发出。



1. There must be a public legal duty to act.

2. The duty must be owed to the applicant.

3. There is a clear right to performance of that duty, in particular:



jack mi : 2013-01-20#28
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appollon : 2013-01-20#29
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


移民部没有违法、违反宪法或人权法。申请人不可以说:「我递交了申请,加国移民部就一定要去办理! 」





Canadian jurisprudence has long recognized that Ministers have an obligation to perform their legal duties in a reasonably timely manner. This legal duty has long coexisted with the understanding that Ministers are accountable for the management and direction of their ministries and have the authority to make policy choices and to set priorities.

正是因为移民部对申请人有obligation和legal duties,所以Liang胜诉了,Liang的mundamus强制令被法庭发出。



1. There must be a public legal duty to act.

2. The duty must be owed to the applicant.

3. There is a clear right to performance of that duty, in particular:




appollon : 2013-01-20#30
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


  加拿大《权利与自由宪章》(Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)是该国1982年宪法法案(Canada’s Constitution Act)的第一章,诚如该宪章的名称所昭示的那样,其明确规定了公民所享有的若干基本权利和自由。这些权利和自由首先被归为7类,然后又依据权利的明确性被分为两大类:一类是高度明确的,包括“民主权利”、“自由迁徙权”、“加拿大的官方语言权”以及“少数民族的语言教育权”四种;另一类则是较为模糊的,包括“基本自由”(Fundamental freedoms)(第2条)、“法律权利”(Legal rights)(第7-14条)以及“平等权利”(Equality rights)(第15条)三种。
  与其他国家宪法相比,加拿大《权利与自由宪章》有两个方面的特点,(a)其第1条规定,立法机关可以在“明确的,且在自由民主的社会中可以被证明为正当”的前提下,通过制定法律合理限制宪章中所确认的权利——当然,法院有权审查相关法律是否真正达到宪章第1条所设定的标准; (b)各级法院有权依照宪法审查国会、省或者地方(territorial)立法机关颁布的法律(最高法院具有最终的权威性)。但是当,也只能当,立法涉及宪章第2条以及7-15条所规定的权利时,国会和省立法机关有权援引宪章第33条规定的“但书条款”(notwithstanding clause),做出一个“该部法律或者法律中的条款虽然违反了宪章所保护权利或者自由,但依然具有效力”的声明(make a declaration)。该声明做出以后,相关法律或者法律条款虽然违宪,却享有免除司法审查的特权。 具体程序如下:
  (1)国会或省立法机关在立法中明确宣布(expressly declare), 他们所通过的法案或者法案的某一条款虽然侵犯了宪章第2条所规定的“基本自由”或者第7到15条规定的“法律权利”或者“平等权利”,但依然需要实施;
  这就是说,依据加拿大宪法的规定,当立法机关希望通过一项违宪的法律(当然要限于《权利与自由宪章》第2,7-15条规定)时,或者当加拿大最高法院认为某一项具体的立法违宪时,国会和省议会就可以动用第33条赋予的权力制定新的且不受司法审查和监督的法律。尽管这项权力的行使是有事项和时间范围的限制,却形成了自身鲜明的特色。特别是与美国式的强司法审查模式相比,其一方面赋予法官强有力的权力来保护人权,另一方面又赋予立法机关可以在常规时刻(normal times)通过日常政治(比如制定或者修改普通法律,与“非常时刻”(exceptional time)进行宪法修改相对)推翻法院意见的权力。也就是说,《权利与自由宪章》下的加拿大法院有权进行司法审查,但司法权对于宪法的意见并非最终的,也不能因此获得至高地位,因为代表民主的立法机关对宪法和人权事务拥有最终的决定权。


appollon : 2013-01-20#31
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shaohaiyue : 2013-01-20#32
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]今天收到的邮件, 和大家分享。[/FONT]
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Dear Friend,
I am writing to you today to share in a growing concern within failure of the citizenship and immigration department.
Over the last several years, our offices have seen a gradual decline in the level of service being offered by Citizenship & Immigration Canada, under the guidance of the Conservative government.
Wait-times for processing of applications have been getting longer and longer, and it has become more difficult to access information regarding the status of applications. When we do receive responses from immigration officials, they are often vague and generalized messages that offer little comfort to those seeking to reunite with family members.
As of November 2011, the CIC has suspended intake of parental sponsorship applications, as they claim to be dealing with the backlog of applications that have yet to be reviewed. However, in the last 8 months, there has been no movement in the review of these cases, leaving many applicants in limbo.
Earlier this year, the Conservative government also saw fit to “re-structure” the Federal Skilled Worker program. Applications that have sat in foreign offices unopened, even some submitted 4 to 5 years ago, were deleted and simply are sent back to the applicants, with a message that states that they are welcome to apply again. Given the lack of assistance these individuals received with their first application, it seems doubtful that any new cases would fare better.
Perhaps most disturbingly, the CIC recently informed our offices that the current estimated time for review of citizenship applicant’s residency questionnaires, which at last check was 12 to 18 months, has ballooned to 48 months. Along with my colleague Kevin Lamoureux, Liberal Critic for Citizenship and Immigration, I recently held a press conference to outline my concerns with this new development. You can view this meeting at the following link:
Also you can see the press release which was issued by the Liberals at: http://www.liberal.ca/newsroom/news-release/conservatives-leave-canadians-citizenship-limbo/
Article which appeared in the newspaper at: http://www.leaderpost.com/news/Liberals+call+Kenney+wait+times+citizen+applications/7823359/story.html
The Conservative government has responded to this situation, stating that our office has highlighted only the most severe cases, and that this figure does not represent the norm. This, however, is misleading. We have been advised by Citizenship and Immigration Canada that the 48-month wait period is the new standard by which these applications will be viewed, meaning that hundreds, if not thousands of individuals who have already gone through the immigration process will be put into limbo for up to FOUR years before they are advised as to whether or not they even qualify for citizenship.
I share in the concerns of many of the people being forced to weather these new changes, and hope that we can make the necessary changes to an obviously flawed system, in order to ensure that we do not fail the world in our reputation as a land of freedom and opportunity.
Should you know of someone who is in this situation and would need assistance for us to follow up their case please have them contact me for assistance at: http://www.jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/citizenship_follow_up


Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.
Liberal Critic for Multiculturalism
Constituency Office
3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206
Scarborough Ontario
M1T 3T6
Tel: (416) 3

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雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-20#33
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kevin20000 : 2013-01-20#34
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chaoszr : 2013-01-20#35
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雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-20#36
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#37
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rose201109 : 2013-01-21#38
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虽然没有很明确的一般意义上的合同,但FN信视同合同,具有合同的特征、效力,如果没有合同怎么就能收申请费呢,状态栏怎么一直是WE STARTED PROSSESING YOUR APPLICATION IN XX XX2007,这难道不能足以证明已经具有合同关系吗?没有合同就收费,就允诺已经正在处理你的案子,这不是自己说自己(CIC)非傻即 chao吗?

Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#39
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#40
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#41
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所以这次想摘桃子的,打酱油的全部不会得逞。Justice Barnes为CIC把好了第一关,不让参加不参加效果都一样的集体诉讼成案。这对已经参加进来的人是好事。

Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#42
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



If the Court declares s. 87.4 to be invalid, all the files will be resurrected -- subject to a certain appeal. If so, I will ask our dear judge to reconsider his denial of my motion asking him to enforce the Agreement. After all, the reason DoJ gave for not honouring it was s. 87.4. With it removed, the only issue should be whether it will extend to those who joined after June 14th.



In anticipation of an appeal, Mario Bellissimo asked Justice Rennie if he rules in our favour, to oblige CIC to resume processing of the litigants' files during any appeal. Thus, if Justice Rennie rules in our favour and requires CIC to resume processing while it appeals his decision, your cases will go forward.

Bellissimo要求法官强制CIC审理起诉人的案件,不受CIC继续上诉的影响。如果Justice Rennie同意了,我们的案子也会得到审理。

Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#43
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



smilon : 2013-01-21#44
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

希望案件按照Les paradis 分析的进行。

Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#45
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

希望案件按照Les paradis 分析的进行。


我是流氓我怕谁 : 2013-01-21#46
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

"现在法院已不接受新的起诉人,所有诉讼组都关闭了。" ---- 错误.

Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#47
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

"现在法院已不接受新的起诉人,所有诉讼组都关闭了。" ---- 错误.

谁告诉你现在法院可以接受新的起诉人?Justice Barnes还是Rennie?


kevintiger : 2013-01-21#48
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#49
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



kevintiger : 2013-01-21#50
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



Les Paradis : 2013-01-21#51
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言





snowolf2008 : 2013-01-21#52
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

判决结果月内出来,最终以判决和执行作为结果,不过分乐观,不过分悲观. 目前不错的局面只是律师在辩论上上占据优势,但不代表最后的结局。 正如去年61结果判决出来之后,一片欢呼的形势,但是最后诸多因素导致现在都没有结果....

Les Paradis : 2013-01-22#53
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

判决结果月内出来,最终以判决和执行作为结果,不过分乐观,不过分悲观. 目前不错的局面只是律师在辩论上上占据优势,但不代表最后的结局。 正如去年61结果判决出来之后,一片欢呼的形势,但是最后诸多因素导致现在都没有结果....



Les Paradis : 2013-01-22#54
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



jack_yxj : 2013-01-22#55
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



Les Paradis : 2013-01-22#56
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

NDP的移民部长Jinny Sims在6月15号----TIM的614判决出来后的第二天发布的新闻和讲话:


连接来自Jinny Sims的official site

Respect the court, process outstanding applications: Jinny Sims

OTTAWA – After Canada’s top court undermined the Conservatives’ reckless immigration bill, NDP Immigration critic Jinny Sims (Newton-North Delta) called on the government to do the right thing and finally process the immigration applications the government once deemed eligible for processing.

“The Minister can’t simply ‘delete’ this problem as he tried to do with the backlog,” said Sims in today’s Question Period in the House of Commons.

“The people who have waited patiently in the backlog followed the rules. They did everything correctly and they are being punished because the Conservatives are looking for an easy way out of a problem they and the former Liberal government created. Will the Conservatives do the right thing, apply the court decision to the outstanding applications, and play by the rules themselves?”

In a stinging rebuke from the federal court yesterday, Justice Donald Rennie ruled the government is obliged to process all applications it accepted into the system. The decision comes after approximately 900 applicants under the federal skilled workers’ program sued Immigration Minister Jason Kenney for breaking the government’s obligation to process the applications received within a reasonable time frame.

“The court’s decision highlights the recklessness of this Conservative bill,” said Sims.

“The Minister of Immigration has no plan. He’s making it up as he goes and it’s Canadians who will pay the price. Will the government comply with Justice Rennie’s decision? Will it process the outstanding applicants?”


Les Paradis : 2013-01-22#57
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

看来Jinny Sims在判决出来后马上就意识到保守党政府不会尊重法庭的判决,所以她的讲话重点就是质问

Will the government comply with Justice Rennie’s decision? Will it process the outstanding applicants?


这里的意思显而易见:Justice Rennie判我们胜诉,但CIC不执行判决。



从Jinny Sims的讲话里可以看到虽然同为左派阵营,NDP对自由党也有很强的排斥:

The people who have waited patiently in the backlog followed the rules. They did everything correctly and they are being punished because the Conservatives are looking for an easy way out of a problem they and the former Liberal government created.





雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-22#58
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

In a stinging rebuke from the federal court yesterday, Justice Donald Rennie ruled the government is obliged to process all applications it accepted into the system.

大地江海 : 2013-01-22#59
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-22#60
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



这次也一样,CIC即使认输了,它仍然会说28万人数量太多,不可能马上审完,需要花时间。就像康尼刚上台的时候说的: It will take some time to process..... 这个some time 被证明是 forever,最后干脆把积案一笔勾销一了百了。

我是流氓我怕谁 : 2013-01-22#61
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

谁告诉你现在法院可以接受新的起诉人?Justice Barnes还是Rennie?


就算如此, 那也只能说这些律师不受理新的案件了. 不代表法院不接受新的起诉. 法院的大门永远是打开的, 有任何人任何时间起诉都会受理.

appollon : 2013-01-22#62
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


这次也一样,CIC即使认输了,它仍然会说28万人数量太多,不可能马上审完,需要花时间。就像康尼刚上台的时候说的: It will take some time to process..... 这个some time 被证明是 forever,最后干脆把积案一笔勾销一了百了。


kevintiger : 2013-01-22#63
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

[4]以蜗牛的速度审理,TIM的pre614会不会follow Liang先生的判决,有待进一步确认;

自己一面之词, 不对的更正。

lazy : 2013-01-22#64
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


雾霾和计划生育都害人 : 2013-01-22#65
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


大地江海 : 2013-01-22#66
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


shaohaiyue : 2013-01-22#67
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#68
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

就算如此, 那也只能说这些律师不受理新的案件了. 不代表法院不接受新的起诉. 法院的大门永远是打开的, 有任何人任何时间起诉都会受理.



Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#69
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言




1. CIC到底还能不能退费
2. CIC承诺两年不销毁文件,如果败诉了,这个两年就可能延长了。它两年后销毁文件也不合法-----只要它这次败诉了。
3. 律师们还到底申请集体诉讼不,集体诉讼能不能申请成功。


thomaswang1 : 2013-01-23#70
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

MOI, TIM的pre-614大概什么时候法官能再次开庭?

snowolf2008 : 2013-01-23#71
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

MOI, TIM的pre-614大概什么时候法官能再次开庭?


thomaswang1 : 2013-01-23#72
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


chaoszr : 2013-01-23#73
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



1. CIC到底还能不能退费
2. CIC承诺两年不销毁文件,如果败诉了,这个两年就可能延长了。它两年后销毁文件也不合法-----只要它这次败诉了。
3. 律师们还到底申请集体诉讼不,集体诉讼能不能申请成功。


Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#74
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

MOI, TIM的pre-614大概什么时候法官能再次开庭?


因为CIC把那35个打分的和635个未打分的区分开来,只让35人获审的依据就是87.4. 如果87.4被判违宪了,635人就没有理由不开始审理!



Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#75
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言




Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#76
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言




Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#77
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


加拿大的司法独立有没有被保守党的多数席位破坏,这次判决就是试金石。保守党的多数席位能不能操纵这个成熟民主国家的法庭,就在Justice Rennie的一念之间。

chaoszr : 2013-01-23#78
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

  (1) 惩罚性赔偿是一种例外,而不是原则 
  (2) 仅当不法行为超过了一般不当行为的程度,成为一种故意的、恶意的、武断的或者该受谴责的行为时,才可以适用惩罚性赔偿 
  (3) 在确定数额时,惩罚性赔偿应和以下因素保持一定比例:造成的损害、不法行为的程度、原告相应的脆弱程度、被告所获的利益或收益,等等 
  (4) 被告因同一行为而遭受的其它罚款或者惩罚应该被考虑进去 
  (5) 一般情况下,仅当其它惩罚不足以实现惩罚、预防和否定功能的时候,惩罚性赔偿才予以适用 
  (6) 惩罚性赔偿的目的并不在于补偿原告 
  (7) 惩罚性赔偿的目的在于:对被告的行为予以惩罚,避免被告和其他人在将来重复类似的不法行为,体现社会对该行为的否定态度 
  (8) 仅当损害赔偿――其在某种程度上也具有一种惩罚性――不足以实现以上三项目标的时候,惩罚性赔偿才可以适用 
  (9) 惩罚性赔偿的数额不能高于理性地符合其目标的必要的额度 

Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#79
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


但是索赔和要求审理是两种不同的官司,加拿大法庭负责索赔的和审理案件的是两个不同的部门。索赔官司不受Justice Barnes的管制。

Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#80
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言





chaoszr : 2013-01-23#81
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-23#82
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言





katharine : 2013-01-24#83
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-24#84
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



jack_yxj : 2013-01-24#85
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-24#86
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言




Mario Bellissimo, of Bellissimo Law Group, produced statistics that he said demonstrated that applicants from Asia, the Middle East and Africa had been discriminated against.

The figures showed that in Feb. 27, 2008, there was a backlog of applications from 640,813 people. Of these, all but 278,391 were processed by June 29, 2012.

A significant majority, 91.9 per cent, of the unprocessed files, which were terminated, originated in visa offices in Asia, the Middle East or Africa.

While the United States, Germany and France processed nearly all their backlogged files between February and June, the Philippines processed only 36.4 per cent and Ghana managed 25.4 per cent.

Bellissimo said this was not because some offices had more applications to process than others during this time; the U.S.A. had 17,225 backlogged files, the Philippines 21,581.
Rather, he said, the countries in which files were processed at a faster rate were “more like Canada.” Applicants from these visa offices were prioritized “in the belief they’d be better able to more successfully integrate,” due to a “stereotype,” he said.

Les Paradis : 2013-01-24#87
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


1. 2008年227之前有64万技术移民积压人数,到C38生效的2012年629时,27.8万人处理完了。

2. 被一刀切的有91.9%来自亚洲、中东和非洲

3. 来自美国、德国和法国的pre-c50申请人几乎在C38生效前的二月到六月全部处理完,同期的菲律宾只处理了36.4%

4. Bellissimo说这并不是因为遭到歧视的地区的使馆在这段时间有更多的积压。美国的积压案件有1.7万宗,菲律宾的有2.1万宗。


shaohaiyue : 2013-01-24#88
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

如果证实CIC这样做, 那么太有利了。继续挖掘这点。

angleheart : 2013-01-24#89
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


tguozq : 2013-01-24#90
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-24#91
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


angleheart : 2013-01-24#92
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

如果这个时候要是律师要是能根据法庭的命令让CIC london交出现在所有91的但是还没结案的,结果一定会很气人,我估计这些剩下的人没有一个是白人。

我奇怪的一点是: CIC的官方指令肯定是没有歧视来自不同地域的申请人的,但是全球的CIC 为何可以这么整齐,这么一致的来歧视的处理这些非白人的申请者,这里面一定大有文章,大家想过没有?如果真要是揪出这么一个污点证人出来的话,那可就是天大的窟窿,移民部的官员要坐牢的。呵呵!

snowolf2008 : 2013-01-24#93
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

如果这个时候要是律师要是能根据法庭的命令让CIC london交出现在所有91的但是还没结案的,结果一定会很气人,我估计这些剩下的人没有一个是白人。

我奇怪的一点是: CIC的官方指令肯定是没有歧视来自不同地域的申请人的,但是全球的CIC 为何可以这么整齐,这么一致的来歧视的处理这些非白人的申请者,这里面一定大有文章,大家想过没有?如果真要是揪出这么一个污点证人出来的话,那可就是天大的窟窿,移民部的官员要坐牢的。呵呵!


sandflower : 2013-01-24#94
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


tguozq : 2013-01-25#95
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


chaoszr : 2013-01-25#96
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言




Les Paradis : 2013-01-25#97
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言





Les Paradis : 2013-01-25#98
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


和LIANG一起的130多个227的全部得到了CIC给的180天结案的待遇。227的代表案例本身的mundamus被驳回,是因为她的案件当时正在处理中,无需再给强制令。但剩下的227全部被justice Rennie要求CIC即时审完。

angleheart : 2013-01-25#99
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Les Paradis : 2013-01-26#100
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言



Fairness lost in immigration reform

Never before have sweeping changes to policies been undertaken with so little public debate or consultation

Last week, the Federal Court of Canada was asked to strike down legislation that terminated the applications of 280,000 foreign skilled workers and their families for being in breach of the Charter of Rights and the rule of law. The government's 2008 decision to eliminate its vast visa processing backlog for the Federal Skilled Worker program by simply legislating away the files of thousands of individuals who had been waiting in good faith for years stands in stark contrast to an immigration system that had long been internationally recognized for its procedural transparency and fairness.

How can we account for the Harper government's drastic departure from the well-established principle of non-arbitrariness in immigrant admissions?

These legislative changes were not the result of thoughtful legislative deliberation, far from it. Rather, reflecting a broader pattern of tightly controlled decision-making, the Harper government had strategically buried this major policy change in the last budget bill. Given that budget bills are typically several hundred pages in length and deal with a vast array of issues, this move ensured there would be little debate on the merits of the proposed policy change.
This particular instance of sweeping immigration reform is unique neither in terms of its controversial substance nor in its lack of meaningful democratic engagement. In fact, the changes to immigration policy enacted over the past four years have been unprecedented not only in their pace and scope, but also in their blatant disregard for long-standing democratic processes.

In the past, major immigration reform has typically been the result of parliamentary deliberation. Reforms were passed after an extended process of comprehensive consultation with major societal groups and experts, committee hearings, and parliamentary debate. Often, major legislative reform was preceded by a "green paper" that outlined the government's vision for reform and detailed the empirical evidence on which the proposed changes were based.

Few of these markers of what constitutes meaningful democracy apply when looking at the long list of changes in immigration policy since 2008. Major changes to Canada's immigration system have been buried in budget and omnibus bills. Both types of bills lump together multiple unrelated issues and are voted on in their entirety. This means specific proposals attract little attention and, even when they do, are unlikely to be opposed because voting against the bill can threaten to bring down the government, especially in times of minority rule. Even more problematic than the government's choice of budget and omnibus bills over stand-alone immigration bills has been its heavy reliance on "ministerial instructions."

Passed under the Harper minority government as part of the 2008 Budget Implementation Act, ministerial instructions grant the immigration minister enormous discretion over the processing of immigrant applications. Ministerial instructions render legal policy reforms that bypass parliament and, since 2012, can even be applied retroactively.

The changes that have since been effected through ministerial instructions include the contested two-year moratorium on the sponsoring of parents and grandparents. Instead of being placed on the path to permanent residency, these family members now receive a "super visa" that allows them to visit - but not to remain in - Canada for up to two years, provided their families can afford the cost of private health insurance.

Canada has long been internationally admired for its open, transparent, and fair immigration and refugee policy and the absence of the kind of political polarization and popular xenophobia that marks immigration politics in the United States, Australia, and much of Europe. The sweeping policy changes of the past four years, and the way in which they were enacted, threaten to undermine these enormous accomplishments.

While good faith efforts at consensus-building and parliamentary debate cannot guarantee thoughtful public discussion and good policy, it is hard to imagine either to occur in the absence of these democratic processes. To the extent that our government uses its executive powers to pass controversial reforms without consulting with societal interests and by strategically sidelining parliament, it will endanger the democratic legitimacy of Canada's immigration system.

Should Canada's long-standing bipartisan consensus on immigration fall apart, immigration will become the kind of divisive issue it is elsewhere. Politicians will face incentives to exploit immigration issues for political gains.

The government is right that our immigration system can be made more efficient. But let us not sacrifice its legitimacy and fairness in the process.

Dr. Antje Ellermann is a faculty associate at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of British Columbia. She is also an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at UBC, focusing on the comparative politics of immigration and the ethics of immigrant selection.



Les Paradis : 2013-01-26#101
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Oldman : 2013-01-26#102
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


现在的证据充分, 并揭露了种族歧视, 谁还敢狡辩呢. 越狡辩, 越早下台... CIC现在采取拖延了,只好死猪不怕烫...

Les Paradis : 2013-01-26#103
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


bhbsunyi : 2013-01-26#104
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Oldman : 2013-01-26#105
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

哈哈:wdb6:,我在那个帖子要你请咖啡的事情怎么没见你回复,Gary Oldman?

请我喝咖啡啊, 哈哈,,, 我怎么没有看到这么重要的信息啊. 很荣幸, 不过我只喝酒, 等咱们胜利了咱们喝酒去, 快了.

Les Paradis : 2013-01-26#106
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言


Fairness lost in immigration reform

Never before have sweeping changes to policies been undertaken with so little public debate or consultation

Last week, the Federal Court of Canada was asked to strike down legislation that terminated the applications of 280,000 foreign skilled workers and their families for being in breach of the Charter of Rights and the rule of law. The government's 2008 decision to eliminate its vast visa processing backlog for the Federal Skilled Worker program by simply legislating away the files of thousands of individuals who had been waiting in good faith for years stands in stark contrast to an immigration system that had long been internationally recognized for its procedural transparency and fairness.

How can we account for the Harper government's drastic departure from the well-established principle of non-arbitrariness in immigrant admissions?

These legislative changes were not the result of thoughtful legislative deliberation, far from it. Rather, reflecting a broader pattern of tightly controlled decision-making, the Harper government had strategically buried this major policy change in the last budget bill. Given that budget bills are typically several hundred pages in length and deal with a vast array of issues, this move ensured there would be little debate on the merits of the proposed policy change.
This particular instance of sweeping immigration reform is unique neither in terms of its controversial substance nor in its lack of meaningful democratic engagement. In fact, the changes to immigration policy enacted over the past four years have been unprecedented not only in their pace and scope, but also in their blatant disregard for long-standing democratic processes.

In the past, major immigration reform has typically been the result of parliamentary deliberation. Reforms were passed after an extended process of comprehensive consultation with major societal groups and experts, committee hearings, and parliamentary debate. Often, major legislative reform was preceded by a "green paper" that outlined the government's vision for reform and detailed the empirical evidence on which the proposed changes were based.

Few of these markers of what constitutes meaningful democracy apply when looking at the long list of changes in immigration policy since 2008. Major changes to Canada's immigration system have been buried in budget and omnibus bills. Both types of bills lump together multiple unrelated issues and are voted on in their entirety. This means specific proposals attract little attention and, even when they do, are unlikely to be opposed because voting against the bill can threaten to bring down the government, especially in times of minority rule. Even more problematic than the government's choice of budget and omnibus bills over stand-alone immigration bills has been its heavy reliance on "ministerial instructions."

Passed under the Harper minority government as part of the 2008 Budget Implementation Act, ministerial instructions grant the immigration minister enormous discretion over the processing of immigrant applications. Ministerial instructions render legal policy reforms that bypass parliament and, since 2012, can even be applied retroactively.

The changes that have since been effected through ministerial instructions include the contested two-year moratorium on the sponsoring of parents and grandparents. Instead of being placed on the path to permanent residency, these family members now receive a "super visa" that allows them to visit - but not to remain in - Canada for up to two years, provided their families can afford the cost of private health insurance.

Canada has long been internationally admired for its open, transparent, and fair immigration and refugee policy and the absence of the kind of political polarization and popular xenophobia that marks immigration politics in the United States, Australia, and much of Europe. The sweeping policy changes of the past four years, and the way in which they were enacted, threaten to undermine these enormous accomplishments.

While good faith efforts at consensus-building and parliamentary debate cannot guarantee thoughtful public discussion and good policy, it is hard to imagine either to occur in the absence of these democratic processes. To the extent that our government uses its executive powers to pass controversial reforms without consulting with societal interests and by strategically sidelining parliament, it will endanger the democratic legitimacy of Canada's immigration system.

Should Canada's long-standing bipartisan consensus on immigration fall apart, immigration will become the kind of divisive issue it is elsewhere. Politicians will face incentives to exploit immigration issues for political gains.

The government is right that our immigration system can be made more efficient. But let us not sacrifice its legitimacy and fairness in the process.

Dr. Antje Ellermann is a faculty associate at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of British Columbia. She is also an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at UBC, focusing on the comparative politics of immigration and the ethics of immigrant selection.


chaoszr : 2013-01-26#107
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

现在的证据充分, 并揭露了种族歧视, 谁还敢狡辩呢. 越狡辩, 越早下台... CIC现在采取拖延了,只好死猪不怕烫...


Oldman : 2013-01-26#108
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上诉也没有用了,CIC必输. CIC没有任何数据说明这是为了加拿大和申请人好. 他们只有几个个别案例说是有博士在开出租车等, 这也太什么空洞了... 哪个国家都有博士开出租车...

至于很多人找不到工作, 那是别的问题造成的, 再减少移民, 将来连服兵役的人都不够了.... 这叫什么为了加拿大好啊. 你说是不是有人故意想让加拿大亡国啊...

frankpenn : 2013-01-26#109
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

谢谢moi总是及时的给大家提供信息。 过去加拿大政府只称呼自己为Canadian Government. 只有Harper开始叫自己的狗屎队伍叫做The Harper Government. 就是把自己凌驾于国家之上的一伙独裁者。

chaoszr : 2013-01-26#110
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-27#111
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-27#112
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我是流氓我怕谁 : 2013-01-27#113
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

视频看过了. 上周一21日录制的, 其中谈到DoJ是上周末的Due Date提供回应, 不知道这个回应有没有出人意料的地方...





我是流氓我怕谁 : 2013-01-27#114
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

视频看过了. 上周一21日录制的, 其中谈到DoJ是上周末的Due Date提供回应, 不知道这个回应有没有出人意料的地方...





katharine : 2013-01-27#115
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-28#116
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Statement — Minister Kenney issues statement recognizing the Republic Day of India


上次康尼访问印度,那里的prec50组织联系了他们国家的public relation总理为他们请愿,转达了一些问题。康尼当时表态会给他们回复,可是这么多天过去了根本无回音,印度的prec50很不满:

Friends during our protests at Amritsar Minister Jason Kenney promised to review his immigration policy through his agent Tim Uppal, secretary Chris and two other Canadian officials and also promised to contact us regarding this but till date nothing has been done and we have heard nothing from his side. It seems that as always he was lying and said this only to escape the situation. I propose a strong reminder through the consulate at Chandigarh and/or a protest in front of the consulate. What you suggest? are you ready?

Friends Just managed a chance to meet MP Devinder Shorey from Calgary North East riding. He is also a lawyer by profession and we had a very intense discussion regarding our ongoing protests and the unconstitutional and inhuman law 87.4. I also apprised him of the promise that Jason Kenney made at Amritsar to review his policy and to contact us but has failed till now. I put up our case very strongly and he consented on some points and disagreed on some. He promised to remind Jason Kenney about the promise he made at Amritsar and also assured to convey our concern to him. Let us see and hope for the best.

chaoszr : 2013-01-28#117
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annie9988 : 2013-01-28#118
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

上诉也没有用了,CIC必输. CIC没有任何数据说明这是为了加拿大和申请人好. 他们只有几个个别案例说是有博士在开出租车等, 这也太什么空洞了... 哪个国家都有博士开出租车...

至于很多人找不到工作, 那是别的问题造成的, 再减少移民, 将来连服兵役的人都不够了.... 这叫什么为了加拿大好啊. 你说是不是有人故意想让加拿大亡国啊...


zs79 : 2013-01-28#119
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

和LIANG一起的130多个227的全部得到了CIC给的180天结案的待遇。227的代表案例本身的mundamus被驳回,是因为她的案件当时正在处理中,无需再给强制令。但剩下的227全部被justice Rennie要求CIC即时审完。


Les Paradis : 2013-01-29#120
回复: 集中整理这次开庭法官和律师们的发言

视频看过了. 上周一21日录制的, 其中谈到DoJ是上周末的Due Date提供回应, 不知道这个回应有没有出人意料的地方...


On Friday January 25th, the Department of Justice responded by providing comments with respect to the statistics we presented relating to applicants’ country of national origin and residence as part of the section 15 Charter submissions. They also provided their response to the proposed certified questions to the Federal Court of Appeal. All materials are now with the Honourable Justice Rennie for a decision.

Given the sheer volume of materials and the number of applicants’ issues that have been raised it will take some time for a decision.

We will update you as soon as we hear anything from the Federal Court.

Mario D. Bellissimo

Les Paradis : 2013-01-29#121
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-29#122
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[51] ...... In light of the fact that this is a representative case, and that the parties evidently expect some guidance on how to address the remaining MI1 applications, the Court makes the following findings: the Minister established a policy pursuant to the MI1 whereby those applications would be prioritized and would be processed within 6-12 months, and therefore the delay (ranging from 24-52 months) has prima facie been longer than that which might reasonably be expected to arise.

如果227的剩余案子被代表案例Ms. Grung引导,那就全部败诉了,可惜Justice Rennie不同意Ms.Grung的mundamus被驳回代表其他的227也被驳回,所以单独给出上面这部分解释,并要求剩余的227即时审完。



znuna : 2013-01-29#123
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luo-ai-wen : 2013-01-29#124
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shaohaiyue : 2013-01-29#125
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January 17, 2013Updated: January 17, 2013 | 6:31 pm
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Canada’s immigration backlog wipeout illegal, lawyers argue

By Staff Torstar News Service
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FRED CHARTRAND Prime Minister Stephen Harper takes part in a question and answer session at the Canadian American Business Council in Ottawa on Monday, November 19, 2012. Harper is ending the year by listing his government's achievements in 2012, but the Opposition is pointing to several low-lights.In a statement, Harper says Canada will enter 2013 with some of the strongest economic growth among the Group of Seven richest nations. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Fred Chartrand Related:

The Federal Court has been asked to strike down legislation passed by the Conservative government last year to wipe out immigration backlogs because it breaches the Charter of Rights and the rule of law.
Lawyers representing 1,000 people affected by the move to toss out nearly 98,000 immigration applications allege that the Tory government had discriminated based on the national origins of the applicants.
While Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has the power to set priorities and policies, he must apply the rules equally, consistently and fairly, argued lawyers for the litigants, some of whom had waited in the immigrant queue for as long as eight years.

The court heard this week that 81.4 per cent of the files in the skilled worker backlog that were tossed out by Ottawa under the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act were from Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
“The backlog was not a function of volume (of applications),” said Mario Bellissimo, one of nine lawyers on the case. “It was a policy choice.”
On Feb. 28, 2008, Kenney launched so-called “ministerial instructions” to restrict eligibility for the skilled worker program to candidates in specific occupations. The new and old files were to be processed simultaneously. The backlog then was 229,457 files, representing 640,813 people.
In June, when the move to wipe out the backlog took effect, the remaining 97,715 cases, representing 278,391 people — all of them in the queue before Feb. 28, 2008 — were simply thrown out.
Government lawyer Keith Reimer argued that the lawsuit boiled down to “who gets to control Canada’s immigration program.”
“The government is entitled to change the law and control Canada’s immigration program,” said Reimer, adding that eliminating the backlog was crucial to a “just-in-time” system that responds to Canada’s labour market needs.
Instead of long delays, skilled immigrants can benefit from quicker processing and better prospects from new, targeted selection criteria, he noted.
However, Justice Donald Rennie questioned why the backlog and just-in-time approach had to be “mutually exclusive” and warned Reimer to focus his arguments on the new law’s benefits to Canada.
“I hope you are not taking a paternalistic approach to immigrants,” Rennie said.
Lawyer Matthew Jeffery said Kenney must follow the rule of law and cannot use his ministerial power to shield “arbitrary state action.”
“Ethically, he’s in the wrong,” Jeffery told Rennie. “There is a clear and obvious unfairness here.”
Immigration department flip-flops on backlogs did not help, lawyers said.
Kenney initially ordered that all applications in the backlog would be terminated as of March 29, 2012, when the plan was announced. The cutoff was changed to June 29 after a legal challenge, because the bill had not become law at that time.
Lawyer Lorne Waldman said processing of the “terminated” applications had been inconsistent, with some being processed even when they did not have a selection decision before the old cutoff, and others offered permanent resident visas on humanitarian grounds.
The affected applicants were entitled to the right of notice, or they should be granted exemption on humanitarian grounds, Waldman said

shaohaiyue : 2013-01-29#126
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May 7, 2012Updated: May 7, 2012 | 2:27 pmAdjust Text Size

Immigration applications to Canada drop in Asian countries

By Staff Torstar News Service
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Torstar News Service Ratna Omidvar, president of the Maytree foundation, says, "Without being part of a public consultation, we’ve drastically changed not only the way we do immigration, but the immigrants who come in." Related:

Immigration applications from key Asian countries have dropped by more than half since 2006, when the Conservative government began transforming its migrant selection.
Critics say the disproportionate declines from China, India, the Philippines and Pakistan could be an indication of how Ottawa’s policy changes favour some immigrant countries over others, and would have an impact on the immigrant mix.
“Without being part of a public consultation, we’ve drastically changed not only the way we do immigration, but the immigrants who come in,” said Ratna Omidvar, president of Maytree Foundation, which has a mandate to build strong civic communities.

“Immigration selection is not simply about headhunting, but about nation-building. Immigration policy is too important to be made in a piecemeal manner.”
Statistics obtained by the Star show a significant drop in the annual number of Chinese, Indians, Filipinos and Pakistanis applying for permanent residency between 2006 and 2011.
Applicants from China fell 45 per cent from 55,647 to 30,507; India by almost 51 per cent from 61,559 to 30,283; the Philippines by 32 per cent from 37,132 to 25,378; and Pakistan by 65 per cent from 31,330 to 11,066.
While the number of applications fell overall for the top 10 source countries from 227,689 to 140,712 during the period — a reflection of policy changes to control immigration intake and backlog — the declines of the top four countries were bigger than English- or French-speaking countries.
According to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the number of immigration applications from the United States has dropped by only 10 per cent from 8,352 in 2006 to 7,546 in 2011 while applicants from France fell by 7 per cent from 5,141 to 4,795.
Since coming into power in 2006, Ottawa has made significant changes to the immigration system, tightening language requirement, restricting eligibility to limited occupations in demand, and capping the applications it processes each year.
It plans to have applicants’ credentials pre-assessed prior to arrival and give Canadian employers more power in selecting immigrants through employments.
However, Omidvar said many of the changes have been made in the form of the so-called “ministerial instructions” issued by Kenney with little public discussion.
Although some changes are on the right track, she said, “What is missing is any type of public discourse and debate.”
Canada’s diversity provides links to new markets and new products, Omidvar said, and changes to the mix of source countries could have an implication on trades with new economies in Russia, India, China and Brazil.
Kenney said he did not anticipate fundamental changes in primary immigrant source countries, but he expected to see “an increase in the capacity of immigrants from those countries to succeed.”
“I really don’t care where people come from as long as they are able to succeed in Canada. I think more employers have the same attitude,” Kenney has told the Star.
“One issue here is language proficiency. All of the data says the primary reason why foreign trained professionals are not hired in Canada is language proficiency, which is an indicator of people’s soft social skills,” he added.
“Even if they have a book smart about the job, but if they don’t understand the cultural context, that can be a barrier.”

shaohaiyue : 2013-01-29#127
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Court rules against would-be immigrants

By Staff The Canadian Press
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OTTAWA – A federal court judge has quashed the hopes of hundreds of would-be immigrants seeking to force the government to review their files.
Over 800 skilled workers have seen their applications languish in a massive backlog that’s set to be eliminated by the federal budget bill.
They are suing the government over the delay in processing their files and had sought an injunction that would force the immigration minister to keep their applications open while the case is before the courts.

That’s because the budget bill is likely to pass before the case is over, meaning they would lose their applications.
But in a decision released Wednesday, the judge said he can’t force the immigration minister to keep the files open.
He called their request devoid of merit in part because the bill hasn’t passed and the courts can only get involved once legislation is enacted, not before.
He also ruled that the law as it stands doesn’t give the minister power over the affected files so the courts can’t stop the minister from doing something he doesn’t have the power to do.
The case is still expected to be heard in court next month.
The lawsuit is one of two currently pending against the government over its decision to erase the files of 280,000 people and return their application fees.
A spokeswoman for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says they were pleased and not surprised by the ruling.
Ana Curic says the government believes the bill will withstand any legal challenges and she called the backlog a roadblock to Canada’s ability to respond to labour market needs.
The case at hand involved skilled workers who had applied to come to Canada prior to 2008, when the government made major changes to the immigration program.
As a result, their applications sunk to the bottom of the pile and they allege that’s violated a promise to them that their files would be reviewed in a timely fashion.
In his decision, the judge says that there may be an issue with how long it has taken to process the files but he says it’s unclear that a contractual obligation was created.
And he says even if there was, there’s no legal reason Parliament can’t extinguish such a right.

shaohaiyue : 2013-01-29#128
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Views on immigration shifting: survey

By Stephanie Levitz The Canadian Press
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The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick Instructor Nathan Brinklow writes in Mohawk as he teaches a Adult Language Immersion Program on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in Ontario. Related:

OTTAWA – Canadian hearts are hardening slightly towards the country’s immigrants, particularly when it comes to their impact on the economy, an internal government survey suggests.
The latest results of the Citizenship and Immigration tracking survey — conducted every year since 1996 to gauge public opinion on immigration — suggest that national attitudes towards both the number and the value of Canadian immigrants are shifting.
The 2012 survey, obtained under access to information laws, found the number of Canadian respondents who said they felt immigration was having a positive effect on the economy was 56 per cent — a decline of 10 percentage points from the 2010 survey.

The number of respondents who said they believe immigration has a positive impact on Canadian culture came in at 40 per cent, a decline of between 16 to 18 per cent from 2010 levels.
“Findings from the 2012 tracking study suggest that attitudes towards immigration levels and the impact of immigration are somewhat tightening up,” says an analysis of the results done by the department.
The survey itself was carried out in two separate sessions in February by a company called Corporate Research Associates.
The first session involved 1,500 respondents and carried a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. The second session, with 1,200 people, is considered accurate to within plus or minus 2.8 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
On Wednesday, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is set to release targets for the number of immigrants Canada will accept next year. Kenney said he takes the results of the government’s internal tracking polls seriously.
“I keep a very close eye on public opinion with respect to immigration,” Kenney said in an interview. “We want to avoid the disconnect between popular opinion and policy on immigration that we’ve seen in Western Europe.”
Support for current immigration levels has hovered around 50 per cent since 2004, the survey suggests. When respondents weren’t aware of the actual number of immigrants being allowed into the country, they felt the levels were about right.
Once informed of the government’s target figures, however, opinions changed.
“When informed of the actual number of immigrants to Canada, between nine per cent and 14 per cent of Canadians shift from the ‘right amount’ to ‘too many,’” the survey found.
Canada’s annual target number for new immigrants has been set at 250,000 for the last few years and is unlikely to change much, despite pressure from labour groups.
During public consultations on immigration levels, for instance, the St. John’s Board of Trade begged for more people to be let in.
“The federal government must act on this most grave challenge to economic growth and prosperity,” the board’s submission said.
“We would encourage government to place employer needs at the centre of decision making about immigration policy and levels. Labour shortages in Newfoundland and Labrador are unique, acute and immediate.”
A recent analysis by TD Bank suggested that just to offset the impact of an aging population, Canada’s annual immigration numbers need to rise to at least 350,000 after 2016.
But there are other issues at play, the bank said.
“The more pressing concern is the poor economic outcomes of newcomers to Canada,” the analysis said.
“Much effort has been made by the federal and provincial governments to improve this situation and until these reforms bear fruit, it is likely counterproductive to raise the current 250,000 target.”
It’s the economic outcomes that partially drive public opinion about the value of immigration to the economy, Kenney said.
“The rate of unemployment and underemployment amongst immigrants is too high,” he said.
“We’re bringing a lot of newcomers here only to face unemployment or underemployment in an economy with skills shortages which doesn’t make much sense.”
Since 2008, the Conservatives have carried out major reforms to immigration policy, eradicating backlogs, overhauling the federal skilled worker program and changing the refugee system, among others.
This has been accompanied by a public campaign against those the government feels are abusing the system via human smuggling, crooked consultants or marriage fraud.
Kenney said it’s about gradually repairing a broken system.
“Our efforts to reinforce the integrity of the immigration system will, in the long run, increase public support for legal immigration and well-managed refugee protection,” Kenney said.
But critics have said the consequences of that campaign are a backlash against immigration.
“Canada’s ability to successfully maintain and increase immigration levels depends in part on the level of public support. The federal government, in turn, plays an important leadership role in ensuring that Canadians support the immigration and refugee resettlement programs,” said a submission by Canadian Council on Refugees to the consultations on immigration levels.
“The government must promote positive newcomer contributions and avoid discourse that feeds misconceptions and prejudice against immigrants and refugees.”
The survey analysis suggested the government needs to continue marketing efforts.
“Communications on immigration should continue to accentuate the positive impact of immigration on the economy and Canada’s labour market needs vis-a-vis the need for skilled immigrants,” it said.
“…Notwithstanding the fact that perceptions expressed in this survey may not be based on concrete knowledge or experience, they will continue to drive public acceptance of immigrants and immigration policy.”

Les Paradis : 2013-01-30#129
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-30#130
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Mr Kenney argued that the FSWP backlog had made the entire program unmanageable. He wanted to make the FSWP a 'just-in-time' immigration system where potential immigrants would register an expression of interest (EOI) in emigrating to Canada. If they were deemed suitable, they would then be invited to apply for permanent residence under the FSWP.

In order to move to that system, Mr Kenney said it had been necessary to cut the backlog.


However, lawyers for the plaintiffs argued in the Canadian Federal Court in Ottawa on 17th January 2013, that Mr Kenney had acted illegally. Mario Bellissimo, a lawyer for the plaintiffs told the court that, while Mr Kenney had the power to set immigration priorities and policies, under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, he was obliged to apply those rules fairly and without discrimination.


Lawyers for the plaintiffs argued that this had not happened in this case. The court heard that 81.4% of the applications that were terminated by CIC were made by applicants from Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Mr Belissimo argued that the decision to cut the backlog had been motivated not by a desire to cut the backlog but by a desire to remove those particular applicants from the waiting list.


The Canadian government's lawyer Keith Reimer argued that the matter that the court had to decide was 'who gets to control Canada's immigration'. He said that the government was entitled to change its policies and to take steps to control its immigration programmes. He said that it was the government's case that it was necessary to cut the backlog in order to move towards the new 'just-in-time' regime.


However, the judge, Justice Donald Rennie, asked whether it would not have been possible to have moved to the new system at the same time as working to wipe out the backlog.


Another lawyer for the plaintiffs, Matthew Jeffery, told the judge that Mr Kenney was ethically in the wrong. He said 'there is clear and obvious unfairness here.'


Les Paradis : 2013-01-30#131
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chaoszr : 2013-01-30#132
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Les Paradis : 2013-01-31#133
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参加这次开庭的另一位律师David Cohen,刚在他的博客发布了更新:

Pre-February 28th, 2008 Applicants Have Had Their Day in Court

Earlier this month, the Federal Court heard arguments in a number of joined cases against the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration in relation to the government’s plan to terminate almost 98,000 Skilled Worker permanent resident applications. Including dependents, some 280,000 people will be affected by the court’s decision.

The lawyers who appeared before Justice Rennie on behalf of the applicants were my co-counsel Mario Bellissimo as well as Lorne Waldman, Rocco Galati, Matthew Jeffery and Lawrence Wong. I commend all of them for their demeanor and persuasive presentations.

Each lawyer attacked the government’s position on separate grounds but with the common goal of striking down the legislation that permits the Immigration Minister to toss out the applications before assessing them. Bear in mind that some applicants have been waiting in line for more than seven years.

Mr. Bellissimo’s main argument, put forth on behalf of our clients, is that the enabling legislation, subsection 87.4 (I) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) violates subsection 15 (I) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the Charter).

It is submitted that the manner in which Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) processes applications for permanent residence leads to discrimination on the basis of an applicant’s national origin, an enumerated ground under subsection 15 (I) of the Charter. This is so because applicants may only submit their application to specified visa offices for processing, depending upon either their country of legal residence or their country of citizenship.

Processing times at different visa offices vary greatly and as a result an individual’s national origin will determine the rate at which his or her application is processed. CIC prioritizes certain visa offices – and thus certain nationalities – over others and therefore termination of applications at this stage will disproportionately affect those applicants who submitted to visa offices not prioritized by CIC. Consequently, it is argued that subsection 87.4 (I) is contrary to the Charter and should be struck down as having no force or effect.

To support his position, Mr. Bellissimo relied upon statistics which indicate that visa offices in the Americas and Europe managed to process approximately 90% of their backlogged applications while visa offices in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia only processed about 40% of their backlogged inventory.

To be fair, it should be noted that the Immigration Minister, through counsel, has responded to all of the arguments raised by the applicants and has asserted the right of Parliament to pass legislation it deems proper in the circumstances.

Now we await Justice Rennie’s decision. Even that may not bring this saga to an end, as the losing side will have the opportunity to appeal.
