
终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#1
学好英语,是每一个莘莘学子的美好愿望。不过,对于大多数中国学生来说,学习英语却是一项耗时耗力,收效甚微,几乎不可能完成的任务。现在很多学生从小学就开始学习英语, 一直到大学毕业通过4,6级 (超过10年的学习),英语还是处在一个听不懂,看不懂,无法交流的尴尬境地(试想学习任何一项技能,例如弹琴,踢球,画画, 花10年的工夫, 多少都能达到一定的水平吧)。 还有大学毕业后,很多人也不再有机会系统的学习英语,如果工作中很少用到,很多人的英语在3,5年之后,就彻底荒废了。我无意在此讨论学习英语的重要性,这个问题见仁见智。在此我只想阐述一些语言学习的本质和一些科学的方法经验,希望对想学好英语的同学有所帮助。

  从语言学习的角度简单来说,语言其实就是一种条件反射,通过两种外界符号(语音和文字)的刺激,在大脑里产生一定的认知并继而产生一定的反馈。语言的这种特质,决定了它和其他学科的本质不同,从而我们也应该有相对应的学习方法。语言和理科(数学,物理等)的不同在于,语言是不能通过推理,演算,和公式学习到的,这就决定了学习语言不是一个研究的过程,不能通过钻研语法知识,作选择题来学到。语言和文科(历史,政治等)的不同在于, 单纯的背诵记忆,并不能在大脑里产生强烈的条件反射,从而达到语言习得的目的 。可惜,能认清此规律的老师和学生能有多少?能从而研究出一套可行的学习方法的人又有几个?第二语言(外语)习得的研究,还是一个新兴的学科,也不过几十年的时间,还有很多问题有待解决,不过我通过在国内外多年学习语言的经验,同时通过钻研各类研究文献,总结出了一些语言学习的宝贵方法,希望能对外语学习者有所裨益。

  传统的英语学习方法,至今还被各类学校广泛使用的,就是: 语法学习—翻译—背诵。我在前面已经说过,钻研语法和简单背诵并不可行(本人并不全盘否定要有一定的语法学习和记忆),我们绝大多数的中国学生就已经是很好的例子了,我不想在此再做过多解释。大家在市面上看到的各种英语学习方法,可以说没有一个是真正经过科学研究验证过的,只不过是一些个人经验和信口开河,还有就是盲人摸象,今天张三说要练口语,口语练好了什么都好了;明天李四说要练听力,听力才是根本;后天王五又来开发右脑,打通任督二脉,于是英语开始突飞猛进。真正科学地,全面地阐述总结语言学习的规律和方法的,并给出切实可行方案的,至今我还没有看到。天涯上曾经有位漏屋老师的文章还比较诚恳,不过他有些观点我并不是很认同。

  美国的外语习得学界的泰斗,Stephen Krashen 指出, Language acquisition occurs only when real messages are comprehended and communicated in a low-anxiety environment, slowly. 这句话基本上可以说是对语言学习的一个高度总结,我在此要详细展开说明。请你把这句话牢牢记住,刻在心理,并真正领会它的含义。在详细展开之前,我想简单说一下输入和输出的问题。通常当人们说到听,说,读,写的时候,都会把它们说成是语言的四项技能。这种说法固然不错,但是其核心问题是没有真正揭示语言学习的本质。大家成天都在说要提高这四项技能,却忘了听,读 的输入的本质,和说,写的输出的本质。 要想在大脑里形成一个强烈的条件反射,需要大量的,优质的输入(听,读素材);就好比一头牛要想产出优质的牛奶,需要大量的,优质的草料,而不是添加三氯氰胺。只有通过大量的优质的输入的积累,语言的条件反射形成之后,才有可能考虑输出的问题。语言和一些技能(唱歌,弹钢琴,踢足球等)的不同在于,语言习得需要的是大量的输入,而不是艰苦的反复的训练。可以这么说,语言的输出是水到渠成的事情,而不是艰苦训练的结果。很多练过疯狂英语的同学应该有这个体会,在此就不展开讨论了。况且对于绝大多数中国学生来说,第一步从输入到条件反射的问题都还没有解决,遑论输出。

  有了以上的介绍, 我的学习方法就可以更容易地被学生所理解了。基本说来,终极英语学习法可以用4个单词/词组来概括: Authentic, Comprehensible input, Quantity, and Communicating。 下面我来一一解释。

  1. Authentic (real messages)
  Authentic (real messages) 包含有两个含义,第一个是我们要学习真正的,地道的,native speakers 每天用的英语, 而不是二,三流老师编撰的死板的英语教材上的英语。第二层含义是最好的语言习得的方式是通过在语言环境中通过交流获得,而不是课堂上学习到的。

  对于第一点,中国学生长期接受到了一些很奇怪的,native speakers不懂也不会用的英语,实在是害人不浅。我举几个例子: WC (water closet), 这是很古老的对厕所的叫法,现在已经没有人使用了,可以说washroom, bathroom, restroom, 等等;还有AA, 老外同样也不懂, 即使是go Dutch, 老外也几乎不说, 正确的说法是 separate bills, let’s split the bill,等等;你还可以经常听到人说,你好Man哦, 你很fashion,等等, 基本上都是洋泾浜英语, 应该说, You are a manly man. You look very fashionable/stylish.

  另外,我出国之后深刻体会到,为什么native speakers 说的口语, 怎么跟课本上学的都不一样呢?而且他们经常用些很简单的词,就表达出来我们怎么也翻译不出来的意思。比如说问到你学什么专业,老外一般不会说,What’s your major? 一般会说What are you studying? 另外老外想问你是否在修某一门课,比如MATH 209,他们会问,Are you DOING MATH 209? 我的公寓的下水道堵了,找来大厦管理员 (Janitor),我用了好几个句子,The sink is blocked, the tube is clogged, 最后Janitor 说,The water doesn’t go down well? 我长舒一口气,回答:YES! 这样的例子还有很多很多。所以学习应该尽量找真实的材料。

  对于第二点,很多人也有体会,如果你有一个native speaker 的男朋友或女朋友,或者有经常在一起交往的native speaker朋友,或者有机会出国学习,你的口语,听力,你的对英语的领悟会进步的很快。为什么,因为你的英语是通过真实的语言环境获得的,你的英语的条件反射在逐步的建立, 这是单纯的语法学习,作选择题,和背单词所无法比拟的。当然并不是说你随便聊聊天,吹吹牛,英语就能学好的,或者说只要你出国,英语就能学好;这里的意思是真实的语言环境,大量的可理解的输入对于语言学习很重要。

  那没有老外朋友的人怎么办,没有机会出国的人怎么办,没有语言环境的人怎么办,那么Comprehensible input 就显得非常重要了,不出国也能学好英语,但是对学习的材料,方法会要求更高,我下面就会讲到。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#2
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

2. Comprehensible input (in a meaningful context, low anxiety, highly interesting)
  Comprehensible input (可理解输入)可以说是这个学习方法的核心。这个理论来自于我刚才提到过的泰斗Stephen Krashen。我们一般说语言环境,其实说的就是学生有机会接触到大量的Comprehensible input 的机会。Comprehensible input 具体指的是,可理解的(不能超出学生水平太多),有具体语义环境的,能吸引学生兴趣的,并不给学生带来过多思想压力的语言素材(压力大会产生抵触,输入效果不好)。对于小时候就出国的学生,他们可以接受的Comprehensible input 的机会有很多,所以他们的英语进步会很快,不出几年的时间就可以达到或接近同龄native speaker的水平。我在加拿大接触到的很多学生都是这样,基本上在国外学习五年左右之后, 英语水平就有长足的提高。 对于没有条件出国的学生,high quality, interesting, meaningful, low-pressure comprehensible input 就显得非常的重要。关于Comprehensible input的具体理论科学文献,大家可以上网查到,我在这里要说一下它的具体应用,这才是对广大英语学习者最有用处的。

  首先,英语学习要的是native speaker 编写的,符合优质的可理解输入标准的,不超出你的水平太多的材料,Stephen Krashen把它称作i + 1,就是比你的水平高出一些就可以了,具体说来如果是自学,大概能听懂,看懂 80-90% 就可以了。要符合优质的可理解输入标准的(可理解的i + 1,有具体语义环境的,能吸引学生兴趣的,并不给学生带来过多思想压力的),其实还真不是那么容易找到,自学的学生有时也很难辨别出来。对广大中国学生来说,简写版的小说,非小说类的书籍,VOA的特别英语,都不错了,但特别英语的不足在于,词汇量太少,不足以满足学生对词汇量提高的要求。我在这里要推荐两个网上的学习材料,ESLPOD.COM 和 ENGLISHPOD.COM, 它们都基本符合可理解输入的标准,都可以免费下载,可作为初中级学习者的教材(不太适合零基础学习者)。而且它们的内容涉及国外生活的方方面面,也很有趣,希望你们能喜欢。

  其次,在学习的过程中,最重要的要素是对于英语的理解掌握,而不是去分析它的语法结构。比如说你听一段对话,学习一段短文,只要你能100% 明白它的意思,并能学到一些词汇短语的表达用法,就很好了,不用去纠结语法的掌握,比如这个-ing 形式到底是动名词还是分词,这个短语到底是同位语,补语还是状语,纠结这个对提高你的英语水平没有意义,因为老外也都不学这个,你为什么要学?在学习过程中,一定要记住,meaning 一定要大于 form, 一定要把这个条件反射建立起来。 中国学生浪费在的语法学习上的时间已经够多了,要改变一下了。可以说,每一个中国学生的语法知识,比我认识的任何一个老外都要多,可惜,中国学生的英语水平还是在原地踏步,难道我们不要好好反思一下吗?

  3. Quantity
  语言学习的另外一个特点就是,要建立一个条件反射,学要大量的优质的可理解输入。我们这里就是要讨论一个量的问题。很明显,学一套教材,看3,5本书,即使是100%优质的可理解输入,离建立一个牢固的条件反射, 还有很长一段距离。关于这个量的多少,没有人有一个具体的定义,加拿大作家Malcolm Gladwell 在他的畅销书Outliers中指出,要掌握一项技能,达到超出一般人,接近专业的水准,需要大概10,000 小时的时间。这不是一个经过科学论证过的结论,我不敢说它很准确,不过,通过我的学习经验,和对很多学习者的观察,10,000 小时大致符合一般规律, 可以作为一个参考。比如说,我认识很多移民的小孩,中国的,韩国的,东欧的,来到加拿大5,6年之后,大致会有10,000 小时左右的学习时间(包括学校, 看电视, 上网和FACEBOOK),英语水平都会达到或接近同龄的native speaker;对于成年学生,很难达到native speaker的水平,但也都有长足的进步。不过要记住,对于学习英语来说,这个10,000 小时是要有优质的可理解输入作为铺垫的,就是要走在正确的轨道上,如果只是传统的学语法,背单词,方法就是错误的,多少时间也没有意义了。

  4. Communicating
  对于大多数英语学习者来说,在没有大量的可理解输入之前,在英语这个条件反射没有建立之前,不用急于着手开始输出。没有第一步输入的基础,先打造输出,那就是建造一个空中楼阁。可惜很多大吹牛皮的老师,打着3个月英语口语速成的旗号,蒙骗了多少急于求成的家长和学生,你以为能对几句话,英语水平就提高很多了?开玩笑。大家从婴儿学习语言就可以看出,婴儿在开口说话前,是有一个很长的沉默期的,他们是在有了很长的输入期之后, 才开始张口,并且在之后很长一段时间,他们都还是在不断的接受输入,建立语言的条件反射。 语言的学习需要输出的练习,不过对于绝大多数中国学生来说,都还没有到这个阶段,所以我在这里也不再多讨论。只有完成了第一阶段(输入和建立条件反射),才可以多纠结一些语法,让自己的输出更完美。



故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#3
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  很多同学把自己的英语不够好,归结为单词量不够,所以听不懂,看不明白, 于是背单词成了很多人学习英语的一个重要手段。这其实是一个很大的误区,诚然单词量不够大的确是会影响接收信息,但是如我前面所说,提高英语水平是一个建立条件反射的过程,而不是单纯背单词。更严重的是,单纯的背单词其实是一个很坏的学习方法,耗时耗力,成效甚微,即使是用什么各类记忆曲线,也基本上都是没什么作用。看到很多培训学校的老师,还在大讲特讲要背单词,把各类词汇课程包装上词根学,词源学的外衣来蒙人,实在是害人不浅。新X方有个著名的考研词汇讲师,讲课中错误漏洞百出,还把自己的课标榜成史上最完美的词汇课程,实在是误人子弟。背单词唯一的作用,就是能让你在短期内记住他们,并提高一定的考试成绩,仅此而已,对提高英语水平几乎没有帮助。

  我在出国之前,当然也背过单词,5000, 10000 词等等,但是自己也觉得没什么成效。我想很多背过单词的同学都会有同感,即使你不停的背诵,复习,巩固,这些单词在你的脑中还是根本没有留下什么印象,更不用说怎么灵活使用了。如果说单词通过词根,形近,谐音等方法还能记住一些的话, 那动词短语词组的不规则, 含义丰富, 使得几乎所有的背单词的方法都不起作用了。况且,单纯的背单词的中文释义,名词还是动词,及物还是不及物,甚至再加上一些例句,对建立语言条件反射根本没有任何正面的意义。

  好,那你要问了,不背的话,怎么学单词?如果你看我前面的帖子,可理解输入才是真正的学习方法,即使对于单词学习来说也是如此。我也搜集了一些国外的词汇学习书籍,他们都会说成是 Build your vocabulary, 而不是 Memorize your words. 我在出国之后,就没有再背过单词,我的单词都是通过大量的阅读,大量的听获得的,而且给我的印象深刻,远远大于背单词的效果。很多单词, 词组, 我居然都还记得当时是在什么情况下学到的, 是哪个电视节目和电影的场景。 我下面就举几个例子。

  在加拿大大学毕业后,我找到了第一份工作,不过在薪酬上,跟老板有了一些纠纷,于是我就到政府劳动部门询问一些关于薪酬,劳动合同,辞职等等的问题。工作人员接待了我,给了我满意的答复,于是临别前,那位女士问我,Are you taking off? 我当时就傻了,我初中,高中背的take off 的意思脱衣服,这是在政府部门,没那么开放吧?不过我突然意识到,take off 还有一个意思是飞机起飞,通过我的当时的情景,那在这里她应该是问我,我是不是要辞职离开这个工作,我就答到,maybe not yet, we will see. 后来有个老外同事下班时,也对我说,I am taking off. 在这个情况下,其实就是我要下班回家了,不是辞职离开。这两个真实环境学到的意思,比我背诵的效果要好得多吧。还有很多单词词词组,举几个例子,rope ladder, butter fingers, lip balm, cruise, bring it on, bring it up, make up, I am gonna have a cow (我经理在发怒前常说的一句话,意思就是,“我要发彪了”), 都是我从老外那里听来的,在真实的环境下,我一遍就记住了,而且过了几年,也都没有忘记。

  总结:真实的,优质的可理解输入,才是学习词汇的最好方法,词汇量是在学习的过程中逐渐增加的,彻底摒弃背单词吧。 当然, 如果你马上就要面临四级考试,职称考试,我就不拦你背单词了,这些考试跟学习英语无关。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#4
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)



  我在这里要推荐两个国外的英语学习网站,ESLPOD.COM, 和ENGLISHPOD.COM; 他们的内容都是可以免费下载的,(ENGLISHPOD 要注册一下),都是国外的native speakers 编写的,所以大家知道我这里应该没有做广告之嫌。他们基本上符合我前面的帖子说的,authentic, comprehensible input, and quantity 的标准。他们的内容涉及国外生活的方方面面,内容地道,而且编写者都还是很负责任的,不是胡乱堆砌的。 基本上他们的学习内容是我见到的最好的,适合学习的。不过可能要求学习者要有一定的基础,如果你觉得太难,那就不一定适合你,最好能听懂大部分内容,那就比较适合你学习。

  你可以下载他们的音频,随时都可以听,开始可以不看文字,听完之后看自己可以理解多少, 再重复听他们的讲解,看看文字,直到最后把绝大部分的内容都掌握。可以每天听1,2节新的,再复习1,2节听过的,尽量掌握大部分内容。不用担心语法,不用担心词汇量,最重要的是理解意思,渐学渐进。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#5
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  很多人都会觉得,小孩子在学习语言方面有得天独特的优势,而且现实生活中的大量例子也显示,小孩子学语言比成人更有效,达到的水平更高。我在加拿大遇见过很多移民家庭的孩子,中国的,韩国的,阿拉伯的,也的确如此,通过5年左右的学习,基本上可以达到或接近native speaker 的水平。通常认为,在12,13岁之前移民来到英语国家的,都有可能达到native speaker 的水平;12,13岁之后来的,达到native speaker 的水平会困难些,尤其是在语音方面,总会有一定的外语口音,很难像native speaker 一样。很多研究外语学习的专家学者,也都有大量的实验数据来支撑这个现象。不过问题是,这只是一个现象, 它背后的原因是什么?还没有人能说得清楚。有人说是小孩子的大脑有更强的学习能力,还有人说小孩子学习起来没有心理障碍等等,不一而足。

  不过,有的专家学者对小孩子更会学语言并不苟同。我在加拿大上学时的一位英语老师,就不太赞同这个说法,他认为成人也可以达到native speaker 的水平,说一口流利的没有口音的英语;而成人英语水平进步慢,达到的水平不够高,还有很多其他原因,并不光是年龄的问题。他教过很多学生,有的成人学生就可以达到native speaker的水平。他举了个例子,他有一个中国学生,刚移民到加拿大时英语也很差,到他的班上学英语,不过学了一段时间之后,就去做生意了,没有再继续上学学习。几年之后,他们在街上偶遇,聊了很久,老师惊奇的发现,这个成年人的英语水平进步很快,可以跟他进行基本无障碍的交流,更可贵的是,他居然没有什么中国的口音。老师问他在那里学的英语,怎么学的。学生说,我没有再继续上学,而是开了家便利店,我的英语就是跟店里的顾客聊天学来的。因为在加拿大,如果是开在居民区的便利店,经常会有一些熟悉的,退休的老年人顾客,还有一些不上班的闲人,到店里来买东西,顺便来唠嗑闲聊。这个学生只要不忙,就跟他们随便聊。这些人的聊天内容,其实是很符合可理解输入的特征的,简单(都是家常话题);老年人一般语速会慢些,用词不会那么艰深;没有压力,就是邻里聊天,听不懂也可以问他们是什么意思;没有语法学习和背单词;另外每天有大量的重复。当然我相信他对语言学习还是用心的,会把聊天的内容温习,会复习刚听到的新的用法。

  这是一个特例,不过我认为可以给出很多的有益的结论和建议。我个人认为,成年人学习英语,是有这样几种问题:第一,可理解输入比小孩子少。成年人不再屑于学习小孩子简单的语言,包括动画片,电视,上网,跟同龄小孩子交流,等等;即使是去上学的,很多都是进入大学课程,跟可理解输入已经是相差甚远了。另外,成年人移民到国外,基本都要面临生活,家庭和读书的压力,想快速学习,尽快就业,很多人没有闲心再花很多时间,通过简单有趣的内容,慢慢学习英语了。正好相反,小孩子学习的内容是很接近可理解输入的,不会那么难,没有太多心理压力,小孩子在学校,朋友那里,甚至网上交友,都有取之不尽的可理解输入来帮助他们提高英语能力。第二,母语和语法学习的干扰。青少年,成年人的母语已经达到了一个很高的水平,的确会对第二语言的学习产生很多的负面影响。首先对于发音,成年人会尽量找到他们母语里的近似音来帮助自己学习,这样的结果当然就是一种外国口音的产生,而且很难纠正。另外,成年人在学习时会不自觉地研究和分析语言,想自己说的符不符合语法,正不正确,这样其实是和语言学习背道而驰的。基本上,12,13岁以下的小孩子,就不会有这些问题,首先他们的母语干扰不大,其次他们没有学过过多的语法知识, 他们学习是以理解意思为主,按自然的方法学习。


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#6
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 12 - Dining at a Restaurant I
  ( You can go to their website and download the listening material for free.)

  Well, I love going out to restaurants to eat. One of the best experiences I've had recently was at a place here in Los Angeles called Il Fornaio. It's an Italian restaurant in a very nice part of Beverly Hills. I don't go there very often--I can't really afford it (too expensive), but every once in a while I'll treat myself. (give yourself a present, something special)

  The last time I went, I walked in with a friend and I was greeted by the hostess (host is a man, 餐馆带位). She asked how many people were in my party (in your group), and I said, "Just two." "Right this way! I'll show you to your table" she said. She was very polite. When we reached our table by the window, she asked us, "Is this all right?" We said, "Of course!" and then she handed us the menus, along with the wine list. The place setting (摆放)with the silverware (餐具)was very complete. There were two forks (one for the salad course, one for the main course), a spoon, a knife, a dinner plate, a dessert spoon on top, a wine glass and a water glass, a cup and saucer for coffee, and a bread basket. I was already getting hungry!

  "Your waiter will be with you shortly," the hostess said. So we looked over the menus?so many choices, especially for a lover of Italian food like me.

  The waiter came up to the table a few minutes later and said, "Good evening. My name is Giorgio, and I'll be your waiter this evening. Is there anything I can get you started with -a cocktail, a glass of wine?" Well, my friend and I are not exactly big drinkers (like to drink a lot of alcohol), so we just ordered a couple of iced teas. "Would you like a few minutes to look at the menu?" he said. We nodded our heads, and he went off to get our drinks.

  As I was looking at the appetizers (开胃菜), I spotted (saw, found) one of my favorite dishes-crab cakes! I told my friend that the crab cakes were a must. Just then the waiter returned to our table, with our drinks on a large tray. Now, I was ready to order.

ESLPodcast 12 - Dining at a Restaurant I
  ( You can go to their website and download the listening material for free.)

  Well, I love going out to restaurants to eat. One of the best experiences I've had recently was at a place here in Los Angeles called Il Fornaio. It's an Italian restaurant in a very nice part of Beverly Hills. I don't go there very often--I can't really afford it (too expensive), but every once in a while I'll treat myself. (give yourself a present, something special)

  The last time I went, I walked in with a friend and I was greeted by the hostess (host is a man, 餐馆带位). She asked how many people were in my party (in your group), and I said, "Just two." "Right this way! I'll show you to your table" she said. She was very polite. When we reached our table by the window, she asked us, "Is this all right?" We said, "Of course!" and then she handed us the menus, along with the wine list. The place setting (摆放)with the silverware (餐具)was very complete. There were two forks (one for the salad course, one for the main course), a spoon, a knife, a dinner plate, a dessert spoon on top, a wine glass and a water glass, a cup and saucer for coffee, and a bread basket. I was already getting hungry!

  "Your waiter will be with you shortly," the hostess said. So we looked over the menus?so many choices, especially for a lover of Italian food like me.

  The waiter came up to the table a few minutes later and said, "Good evening. My name is Giorgio, and I'll be your waiter this evening. Is there anything I can get you started with -a cocktail, a glass of wine?" Well, my friend and I are not exactly big drinkers (like to drink a lot of alcohol), so we just ordered a couple of iced teas. "Would you like a few minutes to look at the menu?" he said. We nodded our heads, and he went off to get our drinks.

  As I was looking at the appetizers (开胃菜), I spotted (saw, found) one of my favorite dishes-crab cakes! I told my friend that the crab cakes were a must. Just then the waiter returned to our table, with our drinks on a large tray. Now, I was ready to order.

Useful expressions

  I can’t afford it. (Something is too expensive and I am not able to pay for it. You can say “ I can’t afford a Ferrari”. You also can say it to your girlfriend “ I can’t afford losing you”. Very romantic.)
  It’s my treat. (You can use it when you are buying your friends a lunch or dinner.)
  A lover of sth (I am a lover of rock and roll music. I am a lover of basketball. I am a lover of video games.)
  A must (Their ice cream is a must. Comfortable boots are a must when going on a hike.)


  Normally when you go to a restaurant, a HOST/HOSTESS will greet you at the door and will bring you to your table. Then a WAITER/WAITRESS will serve you and take your orders after you LOOK OVER the MENUS. The CHEF will prepare your food. After, the waiter will bring your drinks and food. Ok now you can enjoy your MEAL.

  In most western restaurants, they will serve APPETIZERS, MAIN COURSES, and DESSERTS.

  In fancy restaurants, the silverware is complete and nice. You will have forks, knives, spoons, plates, a water glass, and a wine glass.

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#7
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)



  在国内,有没有能学好英语的地方,有!我在加拿大碰到过一些留学生,英语非常好,口语很流利,没有什么口音,我以为他们是在加拿大长大的,结果一问他们,才刚来加拿大没多久。我问他们国内在哪里学的英语,他们说是国际学校,怪不得!从小在讲英语的国际学校学习,基本上都是native speaker的老师,当然英语水平不错。不过这些贵族学校的费用也不菲,跟在国外留学差不多了。你说不出国能不能学好英语,这就是一些例子,能!不过从小就在教学水平较高的国际学校学习,不是一般工薪阶层的家庭能负担得起的。那出了国就能学好英语了,那也不是,我刚到加拿大在中餐馆打工时,那么多餐馆的师傅,一辈子就在中餐馆打工,除了知道一些跟做饭有关的英语单词,基本不会什么英语,跟自己的孩子也都是用中文交流。他们根本都不学英语,当然英语水平没什么进步!

  所以,你不能拿从小在国际学校学习的中国学生,跟在北美唐人街的中餐师傅相提并论。总体来说,在国内的教育体制和语言环境下,英语学习的效果非常不尽人意,除了一些特例, 绝大部分学生的水平还是有待提高;对于一般的英语学习者来说,国外的语言环境肯定是要好很多,在国外学习几年后,英语水平都会有长足的进步(不要老拿唐人街的中餐师傅说事,他们也是特例)。只要留心,愿意学,脸皮厚点,在国外你能有很多机会跟native speaker交流,在真实的语境下学到很多有用的英语。比如说,我会经常跟老外一起出去吃饭聊天,有时还会去看电影;在超市里,我经常拿着不认识的蔬菜 (Fennel, Okra, Artichoke, etc,) 问旁边的老外怎么烹饪,有人不爱搭理你,大部分人还是愿意回答的,怕什么?在真实的环境下接受到的可理解输入,比任何课本,录音,效果都会来得好得多。我在前面也提到过,很多词汇的用法,我一遍就记住了,而且很多年过后,都还不会忘记。如果有条件,有机会,应该出来看看,学习一下。


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#8
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 13 - Dining at a Restaurant II

  I love coming to this Italian restaurant. The appetizers and desserts are to die for. When the waiter came to our table to take our order, my friend ordered a lobster ravioli (意大利馄饨)dish, and I ordered my favorite, lasagna(意大利千层面). The waiter then asked us, "Would you like a soup or salad with that?" My friend said yes; I passed on both.

  The vibe (atmosphere) in the restaurant is pretty laid back (relaxed), not at all uptight (intense, anxious) like you find in some of the ritzier (fancy, expensive) restaurants in Beverly Hills. The wait staff is courteous, although sometimes the hostesses can be a bit snooty.

  Anyway, when our meals arrived, everything was cooked to perfection. Since I didn't order any appetizers, soup, or salad, I was starved. Even though I was really hungry, I tried not to gobble down my food too quickly. I didn't want my friend to think I was a pig! But even though I tried not to, I still overate. When the waiter asked if we wanted any dessert or after dinner drinks, I just couldn't resist getting the apple-filled crepes. They are the best.

  When we got our check, my friend and I split the bill, as we're accustomed to do. I frankly prefer to go Dutch when I eat out with friends. So that was the end of a really great meal. Now I have to hit the gym if I'm going to lose any of this extra weight I gained from eating that lasagna!

Pasta is probably the most famous Italian food around the world, with more than 300 varieties, including spaghetti, macaroni, tortellini, lasagna, ravioli, linguini, etc.

Useful expressions

  To die for (absolutely great, wonderful. The seafood at the restaurant is to die for.)
  Laid back (relaxed, Jack is a pretty laid back guy. Living in Spain is very laid back.)
  Split the bill (separate bills, go Dutch, pay your own meal).
  Hit the gym (go to the gym) “Hit somewhere” is very commonly used to say “go somewhere”. You can hit a bar, hit the library, hit the road (start travelling)!

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#9
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  1. 要有非常坚韧的毅力,做好打持久战的准备。学习英语,不是1,2个月,甚至不是1,2年的事情,可能要花你5,10年的时间,甚至一辈子的时间。学海无涯,的确如此。英语是一个浩瀚的海洋,要学的东西实在太多了。我出国前早都过了4,6级什么的,还一直在学习英语准备出国;现在我出国都8,9年了,在国外读了书,工作也好几年了,我每天还是有很多新的东西可以学到,我还经常下载一些学习的课程来听。我本身也比较喜欢语言,喜欢学习语言,这才是长久的支持的动力吧。如果你不喜欢学习语言,没有这个毅力,那就不要学了吧,10年的学习时间,你可以成为一个优秀的会计,律师,医生等等,或者在其他你喜欢的领域有所建树。总之,你要看看这个成本值不值得。
  2. 要有一个好老师指点你。好老师的点拨对于提高学习效率,节省学习时间非常重要。很多自学的学生经常会被1,2个语法点,词义,甚至文化背景卡住,百思不得其解,然后会觉得很痛苦;还有在学习没有进步,找不到好方法,教材时,会感到很迷惘,不知所措。在这个时候,如果有一个好老师的指点,有画龙点睛之效。我在加拿大学习时, 有很多很好的老师,解决了我很多关于学习英语的问题,让我有豁然开朗的感觉。
  3. 要有适合自己水平的教材,不要贪难贪快。对于很多学生来说,原版的小说,电影电视都还是太难了,不推荐,当然你看着玩也没什么不好。我在前面有提到一些学习素材,大家可以上网下载。自学时大概能看懂,听懂80-90%,就是适合你的学习素材。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#10
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

 ESLPodcast 14 - Going to a Concert I

  I heard on the radio this morning that my favorite band was going to be in concert here next month. I was so excited. The first thing I did was to call my friend Ben who is also a big fan of the band. Not only was the band playing in town, they were going to play at a bar called the Whiskey. The Whiskey is known as a small, intimate venue (place) so we’d be able to get close to the band. It's not a big amphitheater where you can't even see the band from the nose-bleed (far away, high up) section. This would be the ultimate concert experience if only we can get tickets.

  I was sure that the tickets would sell out fast when they went on sale on Saturday morning. So, Ben and I decided to camp out in front of the box office on Friday night. That way, when the box office opened on Saturday morning, we would definitely get tickets. We grabbed a bite to eat on Friday night, then we got dressed in our warmest clothes and took our sleeping bags to the ticket office. This was around 8pm. When we got there, I couldn't believe it! There were already about 15 people in line! And, I was sure we’d be the first ones. Oh well.

  Ben and I got into the back of the line and we barely got any sleep all night. We talked to the other people there and we just hung out all night. Nothing got out of hand, though, so we didn't get hassled (bothered) by the cops. By morning, there were more than 50 die-hard fans in line.

  Well, it paid off. When the box office opened at 9 am, we filed up to the window one by one and got our tickets. It was all worth it. I heard afterwards that the concert sold out in less than a half hour! I'm so glad we braved the elements and camped out. I really can't wait until next month!

A fan of, a big fan of, a die-hard fan of, different levels of fans. He is a big fan of Sora Aoi!

hang out, hang on, hang up, hangover, all very common expressions in English.

Useful expressions

  Sold out. The tickets were sold out very quickly.
  On sale. 1. begin to sell. 2. be sold at a discount.
  Grab a bite. I was already late, so I just grabbed a bite to eat on the street.
  Hang out (stay). I hang out with my friends everyday.
  Out of hand (out of control)

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#11
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

Handsome and Beautiful

  我仔细观察了一下周围的老外同事和朋友,发现现在的老外已经很少用这两个词形容男的长的帅,和女的长的美。当然不是说语法不对,而是口语中很少用,即使用,也要看什么时候用。口语中常用的词有:good-looking, nice-looking, cute, hot, and sexy,而且这些词都是男女通用的。“He looks SHARP! “ 意思是“他看起来非常有精神!”当然如果你要用Handsome or Beautiful,或者你听到老外用了,别奇怪,这不犯法,大家也能懂,只不过有些不那么地道罢了。

  好,那这两个词能不能用呢,当然能,不过得用对地方。你可以说 Brad Pitt is very handsome. Jennifer Lopez looks so beautiful. 但我没听到老外会说:My boyfriend is so handsome. My sister is beautiful. 我举一个中文的词的例子,大家就好理解了,“俊美”。你不会说,我的男朋友很俊美, 对吧?听起来不那么习惯吧?但你可以说,年轻时的周恩来长相俊美。还有Beautiful可以用,不过是在你觉得真的真的非常美的时候。你可以说 You look so beautiful in that wedding gown.(你穿那套婚纱真美!) Those pictures are very beautiful.(那些照片真的很美!) 大家明白了吧,一般形容男孩帅和女孩美,用good-looking, nice-looking, cute, hot, and sexy,就可以了。

  所以大家学英语时一定要灵活,语言是活的,并不象数学一样,1+1就等于2,那样的话就太死板了。同样的意思,有很多不同的表达,要看语境,看什么是地道的表达。真正的口语不是看你语法对不对,正不正确,而是老外是不是都那么说。我以前也举过几个其他的例子,象 Humorous,Go Dutch, My English/Chinese is poor 等等,老外能懂,但几乎从来不说。 中国人说豆腐是Bean Curd, 我在北美生活了这么多年,所有的老外都是说TOFU, 没人用Bean Curd。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#12
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

English words of other origins

  英语是一个海纳百川的语言,最早的古代英语就是起源于从德国北部迁徙到英伦三岛的Anglo-Saxon人。此后又有拉丁语和法语的强大影响,丰富和形成了现代英语。直到北美大陆的发现,大批移民涌入,又极大地丰富了现代北美的英语。如果你在美国和加拿大待过,就会发现这里的英语吸收了很多意大利语,法语,西班牙语的词汇和用法。在加拿大,法语是第二语言,很多人都会冒两句法语,法语词汇也经常被使用;在美国,西班牙语是第二语言,尤其是在美国南部,有大量的Latinos, 很多人都会说西班牙语。很多加州的城市名,都是从西班牙语来的,例如,Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Diego, 等等。
  英语里经常会用到的法语词有: à la carte,à la mode,au revoir,avant-garde,bon appétit,c'est la vie,cliché,déjà vu,entrepreneur,fiancée,Grand Prix,Mardi gras,Montage,sabotage,sauté,tête-à-tête,vis-à-vis,voilà;
  英语里经常会用到的西班牙语词有:amigo,bonanza,burrito,cannibal,jalape?o,macho,mojito,nacho,pi?a colada,poncho,salsa,taco, tequila, tornado, tortilla;
  当然中文也少不了的拉 (有很多的粤语发音): Bok choy, Chow mein,Ketchup,Dim sum,Feng Shui, Ginseng, Hoisin, Kung fu, Lychee, Mahjong, Oolong, Ramen,Tai Chi ,Tofu, Typhoon ,Wok, Won ton , Yin Yang, Zen。
  跟我一个办公室的老外女的,不知道从哪里看到的Oolong Tea (乌龙茶)可以减肥,买了一大堆,还经常分给我们喝点;还问我是不是有效,我说我也不知道。我的经理不知道从哪里看到了关于Feng Shui(风水)的东西,还发给我们看,要把他的办公室也按风水布置一下,唉,老外有时候也很迷信哦!

 Bok choy(小白菜,大白菜是Nappa cabbage), Chow mein(炒面),Ketchup(蕃茄酱),Dim sum(广式早茶),Feng Shui(风水), Ginseng(人参), Hoisin Sauce(海鲜酱), Kung fu(功夫), Lychee(荔枝), Mahjong(麻将), Oolong(乌龙), Ramen(拉面),Tai Chi (太极),Tofu(豆腐), Typhoon(台风),Wok(炒锅), Won ton(云吞), Yin Yang(阴阳), Zen(禅)。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#13
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)




  中国人不出国不知道,在国外,会说好几种语言的老外有大把。有很多原因,首先北美就是一个接受大量移民的地方,每年全世界很多人移民到加拿大和美国,很多小孩子有自己的母语,来到这里之后又再学习了1-2种语言; 另外这里如果想学习语言,有很多native speaker 可以交流,包括法语,西班牙语,意大利语,韩语等等。我所在的城市,操熟练2,甚至3,4种语言的人很多。 有很多人是perfect bilingual, or multilingual. 我也问过这些老外,你在说法语,意大利语等等其他语言的时候,会不会想到英语,会不会从英语翻译,答曰,NO! 这几种不同的语言不会在大脑中相互翻译,虽然有时候经常会2种语言交叉着说,但是不会有一个翻译的过程。


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#14
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 15 - Going to a Concert II

  My friend Ben and I have been waiting a month to see our favorite band in concert. This was the night. We were so excited. In a small venue like the Whiskey, there wouldn't be a bad seat in the house.

  So, we get to the Whiskey really early to find street parking and snagged a spot about four blocks away. Then, we got in line which was already about 20 deep. There were two bouncers (security guard) outside of the bar and they weren't letting anybody in yet. We waited and waited in line. Finally, the line started to move. When we got to the head of it, one of the bouncers checked our tickets and one of the other employees of the club put a wrist band on each of us. I guess this was to let the employees in the bar know that we belonged there and we weren't crashing the party.

  Anyway, we got inside and tried to get as close to the stage as possible. There were already a bunch of people standing in front of the stage in a special roped-off section. These were probably VIPs? or maybe they were groupies. Who knows? Anyway, I just know that security wasn't letting anyone get that close.

  Before too long, people started to cheer and I knew that the opening act was about to come on. This was a band I'd never heard of before so I wasn't that excited to hear them. They did come out and they started playing a set. I couldn't believe it. They were really horrible. The people standing next to Ben and me started boo-ing the band. Other people started throwing things on the stage, like their drinks and their food. After a little while, the boo-ing got so loud, you could hardly hear the band. Finally, they finished their song and left the stage.

  The concert-goers were pretty rowdy by this time. Some were yelling, others were getting up on top of the bar and dancing. Just when I thought there was going to be riot, someone got on the microphone and started to introduced the headlining band. All of a sudden, everybody calmed down and started cheering. The band came on stage and started their first number. Then, the room was full of happy campers. Ben and I were both a little nervous for a second there. We didn't know if things were going to get out of hand. But when the band started to play, we knew that everything would be ok. This was turning out to be a great night, just like we’d imagined.

Goer is a commonly used word in English, which can refer to many different types of people who enjoy doing something very often.

  For example, there are partygoer, clubgoer, moviegoer, concertgoer, beachgoer, etc. What kind of goer are you?

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#15
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  听写是一个锻炼,提高听力的不错的方法,同学们有空可以用一用。大概10年前,逆向英语很流行的时候,我也很下功夫的听写了一段时间,写了好几本笔记本。对于习惯于阅读,作选择题而很少听的同学,更应该多练练听写,你会很惊奇的发现,很多很简单的单词,居然都听不出来。还是那个原则,材料不用太难,能听懂大部分就好。还有就是如果听几遍还听不出来某个词,那就看看文本吧,不用纠结,不过要总结一下为什么没听出来,是连读,弱读,变音,还是什么原因,下次就容易听出来了。有人说听写很无聊,苦闷,我倒真不觉得,我觉得很有意思,看着大段大段的英语在你的笔下流出,终于听出了某个词,各中喜悦自不待言。还有要注意听写是一个锻炼你的 listening skill 的手段,是一个辅助手段,它不应该取代你获取大量的可理解输入的主要学习方式。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#16
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

  For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

  For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

  For beautiful hair, let a child run his/her fingers through it once a day.

  For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

  People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.

  Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.

  As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.

  The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.

  The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!

  --Sam Levenson

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#17
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

英语里以-er 或-or结尾的词一般表示的是人,不过一个很有趣的现象,这在厨房用具里有很多例外,请看以下例子:各种cooker, rice cooker(电饭锅), pressure cooker(压力锅), slow cooker(慢炖锅), toaster(烤面包机), coffee maker(咖啡机), steamer(蒸锅/蒸笼), refrigerator(冰箱), freezer(冷冻柜), blender(搅拌机,打碎等用), mixer(食物混合机,和面等用), food processor(食物处理机,切小块,丝等用), dishwasher(洗碗机,唯一例外,也可以指洗碗工)。

Useful expressions and words

  Wrist band

 You can learn a lot of English from watching reality TV shows. The shows are fun to watch, they are not too hard to understand, and the English is real life English. I recommend American Idol, Big Brother, and MasterChef of course, my favorite one recently.

 Christine Ha, a blind Vietnamese American girl, won the MasterChef title recently. Her main course on the season finale was Pork Belly(五花腩)! Other dishes you may like: spare ribs 猪小排, pork chop 猪大排, chicken feet 鸡爪. :)

Reality TV show真人电视秀, season季, episode集, finale大结局, game/competition show竞赛秀, quiz show智力问答秀, cooking competition show厨艺大赛秀, contestant参赛者

老外吃土豆的方法:Hashbrowns 炸土豆饼, French fries 薯条, potato wedges 炸土豆块,mashed potatoes 土豆泥,Baked potatoes 烤土豆。土豆经常就是餐桌上的主食

Big Brother is one of the famous and long-running American reality television shows. The show follows a group of House Guests living together 24 hours a day in the "Big Brother" house, isolated from the outside world but under constant surveillance with no privacy for three months. The HouseGuests compete for the chance to win a $500,000 grand prize by avoiding weekly eviction, until the last HouseGuest remains at the end of the season that can claim the prize. The term “Big Brother” originates from George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Since its debut in 2000, Big Brother US has run continuously with at least one season of the show airing each year. On September 14, 2011, Big Brother was renewed for a 14th season.


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#18
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  似乎大家都很喜欢把它们作为学习的素材,不过很遗憾的告诉你,对于绝大多数英语学习者来说,他们并不是很好的素材。我之前说过,你看着玩绝对没有什么不好,不过要用它们来学习,真的不是最好的素材。原因很简单:第一,他们不是为英语学习者准备的,并没有考虑到任何第二外语学习者的需求和学习规律;第二,所谓语不惊人死不休,电影,电视的语言是很多剧本创作者精心编写的,它们的目的是为了吸引观众,配合剧情,而不是为了让学习者更好地学习语言。大家反过来思考一下,如果冯小刚的电影(甲方乙方),(非诚勿扰)都使用平淡无奇的,容易理解的,为老外学习中文而编写的台词,还有人看吗?现实生活中也少有人如电影中的角色一样说话吧?至少对于老外学习中文还是很有难度的吧?还有很多的文化背景,幽默段子呢?老外不是那么好理解的吧?所以同样道理,美剧,电影等等也有如是的问题。英文歌曲就更不用说了,歌词很多时候是不知所谓的,不合语法的,好的歌词如诗歌,有很多诠释,一般英语学习者就更难理解了。记得当时很喜欢Leonard Cohen的那首Hallelujah,问了好几个老外,居然都解释不了这歌词的含义。最后还好有个老外哥们,文艺水平高些,自己也写歌唱歌,才好好给我诠释了一下歌词的含义。

  如果要看,绝望主妇还好一些,大都是日常生活的对话,没有深奥的专业词汇,还可以看看。其实现在有很多的Talk show 和Reality show,更适合看一些, 例如The Oprah Winfrey Show, American Idol, MasterChef, Big Brother, Keeping up with the Kardashians, 语言生活化,不深奥,更适合语言学习。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#19
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  但是兴趣毕竟只是兴趣,当你学习时遇到阻力,挫折,困难时,没有进展时,兴趣可能不能带你渡过困难,进入更高的境界,如果只有兴趣,很多人可能就中途放弃了。这个时候,压力还是能够提供不少的动力的。比如考试的压力,学业的压力,都可以提供很好的动力。记得我在加拿大第一年读书时,每一门课都要阅读厚厚的一大本原版教材,每看一页都要查很多字典,真的还是很痛苦的,不过有学业的压力,考试作业一大堆,没办法,只有硬着头皮顶下来。不过过了一年多后,感觉就好多了,阅读能力明显增强,看书也基本不怎么用字典了。如果只有兴趣,很可能就坚持不下来,中途放弃,英语水平也达不到一个更高的境界。 对于国内的有一定英语基础的同学来说,你可以选择参加一个国外的考试,雅思托福托业等等,目的不是考试,而是给你学习的动力;你也可以选修一个国外大学的公开课程;或者参加一个英文的专业考试(会计的ACCA, CGA, 金融的CFA等等),都是提高英文的不错的方式,尤其是提高阅读能力和增加词汇量。当然你也可以选择一个任何你觉得可以给你更多更持续动力的目标。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#20
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

我是比较反对单纯地背单词的,英语词汇的语义,用法非常丰富,拿一本单词书来背单词很多时候都是在做无用功。 举个小例子,gear, equipment, appliance, apparatus, device, 这几个单词,中文翻译都是,装备,设备,装置等等,但是有什么区别,用在什么地方,把他们都背会了还是不甚了了。但是如果是在meaningful and interesting 的context 里学到,学习的效果是很不一样的。我写了下面的一些小对话,匆匆而就,不完美,目的是给大家一个idea, 了解一下comprehensible inputs 的学习方式。

  Hi, Jack. I just moved to my new apartment. Since I love cooking, I need to buy a lot of kitchen appliances. I will have a blender; therefore I can make fresh juice and tasty smoothies from it. I will buy a nice electrical stove too, which I am gonna use every day. Of course I need a big fridge with a freezer at the bottom. I also would like to buy a dishwasher, which will save me a lot of time in the kitchen. The problem is: I don’t have enough money. I need your help!

  -Hi, man, I love hiking, let’s do it next weekend. -Well, do you have a pair of hiking boots? -No. -Do you have a water-proof jacket? -No. -Do you have hiking poles? -No. -Do you have a lightweight yet durable backpack? -No. -Sorry, man, I can’t bring you this time. Those are essential hiking gear/equipment. Probably you can go fishing with you brand new fishing gear/equipment.

  -How are you doing, doctor? -Pretty good. –Wow, you got a lot of equipment here. –Yes. We just bought an x-ray apparatus; also that dental apparatus is new too. –These are big machines. They must be very expensive. –You bet. They are complex equipment, not like small electrical devices, such as DVD player, vacuum cleaner, and electrical fans.

  基本上通过这样一个学习,你会对这几个词有了一个大致的了解,连带的还学习了很多衍生的词汇。在作装备讲时,gear 跟equipment 经常可以互换,例如上面说的徒步装备(包括鞋,衣服,登山杖,背包等等)和钓鱼装备(鱼竿,鱼线,標等等)。appliances 一般指kitchen appliances(厨房设备)和home appliances (家居设备),通常包括炉头冰箱洗衣机洗碗机等等等等。apparatus 一般指一套完整的,复杂的大型设备,例如上面说的X光和牙医设备。devices一般指一些小家电等等。Equipment 是最通用的词,经常可以跟其他几个词互换使用。


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#21
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

老外白人经常愿意听到的一句称赞的话:You got a nice tan!

再举一个例子,Bar, 一个很简单的单词,在日常生活中有非常多的不同的意思:
  1.除了酒吧,凡是卖某一类商品的小柜台都可以叫吧:有的餐馆里有salad bar, 有的有sushi bar, 有的办公楼里有snack bar,
  2.块状物:一块香皂a bar of soap, 一块牛油a bar of butter, 一块金条a bar of gold,
  3.条状食品:巧克力条/棒chocolate bar, 麦片棒cereal bar, 燕麦棒granola bar, 能量棒energy bar, 糖果条candy bar, power bar(猜猜是啥?不是吃的),
  4.Excel 里的柱状图叫bar chart, 条形码叫barcode, 乐谱里的小节线叫bar line,
  5.司法考试bar exam, 标准提高the bar is raising, 坐牢behind bars。

hit a bar = go to a bar. 去酒吧。

现在老外经常挂在嘴边的一句话For real?! 意思就是Really? No Kidding?

  Are you for real? 就是没搞错吧?你不是开玩笑吧?

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#22
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  MasterChef is an American competitive cooking reality show, open to amateur and home chefs. It is hosted by chef, television personality and restaurateur Gordon Ramsay, together with restaurateur and vineyard owner Joe Bastianich and chef Graham Elliot. The contestants face various challenges and one of them is eliminated each episode. Christine Ha, a blind Vietnamese American girl, won the MasterChef title in season three recently.


Will do!
  老外在回答愿意做什么事的时候,经常会说:Will do.

  -Can you buy me some chocolate?
  -Will do!

  -Can you pay this supplier today?
  -Will do!

  -Can I borrow $ 100 bucks from you?

Chick Flick (针对女性观众的浪漫言情片)。Chick 女孩, Flick 电影。

  --Which chick flick is your favorite?
  --oh, I LOVE Titanic! I have watched it 100 times.

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#23
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

  现实生活中的老外说的英语,即使是native speaker,都五花八门,英美加澳新都有不同的口音,更不用说不是 native speaker,那口音的花样就更千奇百怪了。另外普通人不是播音员和演员,发音口齿用词都各不相同,有的人说出来的英语清晰动听易懂,有的人真的是含含糊糊,听不清楚说什么。这点还真由不得我们,只有多听各种口音去习惯。

  我以前说过,要建立条件反射,首先是理解,然后说出流利的英语,那不是一时半会的事情, 要多年的积累。发音更是个很复杂的东西,模仿能力很大程度上决定了发音准不准,(跟唱歌同理)。如果你要模仿美音,跟VOA的Special English 多模仿,同时最好能找一个native speaker 来纠正一下你的发音和语音语调。模仿,纠正发音也是一个长期的工作。在现阶段,如果要提高说话质量,那在说话之前,可以多思考组织一下(不是翻译),把自己要说的话组织出来,列个几条,帮助自己更清晰的表达意思。不要图说的快,先要清晰准确。不知道你看过马英九说英语没有,比较慢,但非常清晰准确,就是这个意思。


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#24
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 17 - Going to the Movies

  I love watching movies. I like a lot of different genres. No matter what my mood is, I can always find something that fits the bill. When I'm feeling down, I sometimes like a good comedy. My favorite are romantic comedies. The plot is pretty simple. A boy meets a girl and there are road blocks to them getting together. The lead actors are usually likable people, the supporting cast give comic relief and villains are people we love to hate. In the end, though, there is usually a happy ending. Romantic comedies, or comedies in general, can be predictable but they're also pretty entertaining. I don't go out of my way to see slapstick or physical comedies that much. But, once in a while, I catch a good one on TV.

  I like dramas, mysteries, and action and adventure stories, not to mention documentaries. My favorite are movies that have surprise endings that throw you for a loop. Just when you thought you had the whole thing figured out, there's a plot twist. Good screenwriters or directors can pull it off.

  One type of movie I don't like that much are horror movies. Scary movies just don't do it for me. But, there is one exception. I like movies by the director Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock was born in England but made most of his films in the U.S. Before he died in 1980, he made a lot of movies that are now considered classics. Most of them are nail- biters; some are mysteries and some are horror stories.

  The scariest movie I think he made and that I've ever seen was a movie called Psycho. The movie is set in a seedy motel called Bates Motel. The main character owns the motel and lives there with his mother. Strange things happened at this motel. People check in, but sometimes, they don't check out. One day, a very pretty woman checks in to the motel. We know something bad is going to happen to her. Sure enough, we see her get murdered. At the very end, we find out who the murderer is. It's one of those surprise endings. Just when you thought you have it figured out, it turns out to be a shocker. I won't spoil the ending for you if you haven't seen it. I recommend it though and give it a big thumbs up. But, be warned. It's not for the faint-hearted.

Stand up Guy (一个很有趣的词组,站立的人-值得信赖的人)

  A good solid man, not one to bullshit, can be trusted, a loyal and reliable friend,trustworthy, will do anything needed for his family.

  --Donnie is a stand up guy. I trust him.

Useful expressions and words

  Chick Flick 浪漫言情片
  Drama 剧情片
  Mystery, adventure 奇幻历险片
  Action movie 动作片
  Horror movie 恐怖片
  Slapstick/physical comedy 夸张搞笑片(e.g.Jim Carrey and Stephen Chow)
  Documentary 纪录片

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#25
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  --Why are you telling me off? I did exactly what you told me.

  --No, you did it wrong. You should pay ABC instead of XYZ.




  The vibe (atmosphere) in the restaurant is pretty laid back (relaxed), not at all uptight (intense, nervous) like you find in some of the ritzier (ritzy: fancy, expensive) restaurants in Beverly Hills. The wait staff is courteous (polite), although sometimes the hostesses can be a bit snooty (snobbish).


  For example, I will tell you “laid back” means very relaxed and free of stress. I can say: John is a pretty LAID BACK guy. He got ten million bucks from his grandfather and he doesn't need to work at all. Normally he just hangs out with his girlfriend and goes to clubs every night. I also can say: Many people take their vacations in Lijiang, Yunnan to enjoy a laid back lifestyle for a while.

  Also, ritzy, (or fancy) means elegant, hi-end, and expensive. You can say: Guangzhou Restaurant is a FANCY (ritzy) restaurant; their food is perfect but very expensive. Sometimes it is gonna cost you an arm and a leg. Well, McDonald’s is a fast food restaurant, and eating their burgers and fries will not burn a hole in your pocket. So I guess you understand what laid back and fancy mean right now. And next time you can ask your boyfriend/girlfriend to bring you to a FANCY restaurant and enjoy a LAID BACK lifestyle for a moment. LOL!



故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#26
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

老外经常会用ass 这个词, dumb ass 傻X, asshole 二X, kiss ass 拍马屁, smart ass 聪明鬼, kick ass 很酷,干得很棒!

Birthday lunch at my company!

  Good Morning,

  Once again at this month’s birthday lunch we will be offering a healthier alternative for all those interested. We will be offering salads from Signature Saladz America.

  You can request 1 of three choices (instead of Pizza + Sandwich):

  1) Chicken Salad: Chicken, Romaine, Carrots, Bacon bits, Croutons, Chick Peas, with a Caesar’s Dressing.

  2) Steak Salad: Steak, Romaine, Mushrooms, Corn, Sweet Onions, Red Peppers, Parmesan with Honey Mustard Dressing.

  3) Veggie Salad: Spring mix, Romaine, Arugula, Hearts of Palm, Black Beans, Sunflower Seeds, Mushrooms, Carrots, with an Asian Dressing.

  For all those who would like to trade in the pizza & sandwich for a salad, please email me your requests by end of day tomorrow.

  We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to:


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#27
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  Once again at this month’s birthday lunch we will be offering a healthier alternative for all those interested. We will be offering salads from Signature Saladz America. 这次生日午餐,各位挑剔的童鞋们,我们再一次为你们准备了更健康的选择。我们提供“招牌美国沙拉店”准备的沙拉。

  You can request 1 of three choices (instead of Pizza + Sandwich): (不要皮萨和三明治的)童鞋,可以选择以下任一种沙拉。

  1) Chicken Salad: Chicken, Romaine, Carrots, Bacon bits, Croutons, Chick Peas, with a Caesar’s Dressing. 鸡肉沙拉(内含):鸡肉,罗马生菜,胡萝卜,培根(熏肉)丁,面包块,鹰嘴豆,配凯撒沙拉酱。(鸡胸肉真不好吃!)

  2) Steak Salad: Steak, Romaine, Mushrooms, Corn, Sweet Onions, Red Peppers, Parmesan with Honey Mustard Dressing. 牛排沙拉(内含):牛排,罗马生菜,蘑菇,玉米,甜洋葱,大红椒,巴马奶酪,配蜂蜜芥末沙拉酱。(哪有什么牛排,净唬人,牛肉小块罢了。)

  3) Veggie Salad: Spring mix, Romaine, Arugula, Hearts of Palm, Black Beans, Sunflower Seeds, Mushrooms, Carrots, with an Asian Dressing. 素沙拉(内含):混合蔬菜,罗马生菜,芝麻菜,棕榈芯,黑豆,葵花籽,蘑菇,胡萝卜,配亚洲沙拉酱。(素沙拉,美国人应该多吃,个个体重都严重超标!)

  For all those who would like to trade in the pizza & sandwich for a salad, please email me your requests by end of day tomorrow. 如果你选择要沙拉,而不要皮萨和三明治,请在明天之前发邮件给我。

  We would like to wish a Happy Birthday to:

  AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD............. 祝小A,小B,小C,小D 等童鞋生日快乐!

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#28
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

老外常用的一个词:Thrilled; very very excited.

  I was thrilled when I got the job offer from Google.

Phenomenal, 老外常用的一个词,超级棒的意思。

  Your new book is a phenomenal achievement!
  The Italian food at Il Fornaio is phenomenal


  flyer (超市传单), coupon (优惠券), grocery store (卖食物,日常用品的中小超市),point card (积分卡),gift card(礼品卡,内含一定金额,可购物)。

大学公开课程(Open Courses)

  现在国外的各个大学都流行开始搞免费的公开课程,对广大的英语学习者又提供了大量的宝贵的学习资源。想想你能免费看到听到世界一流大学的课程,感受到知识的力量,开放的心态,是多么美好的一件事情。大家可以去大学自己的网站下载,也可以在国内的下载网站找到很多。我个人比较喜欢耶鲁大学的课件(Open Yale Courses),制作的好一些,内容涉及自然科学,社会科学,商科等等,很多。还有哈佛大学的那门(公正该如何做是好?Justice: What's the Right Thing To Do?),太精彩了,解决了我很多关于国家,社会,民主等等问题的疑惑。如果你能把几门课的课程都听完看完,把要求的教材读完,阅读能力会有很大的提升。大家有兴趣的话,可以去看看。不过不适合初学者,毕竟都是大学的课程。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#29
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

Period, end of story, the conversation is over. 都表示就这样了,别说了,我不想再讨论了。

  I am not leaving. Period. 我不会走的,就这样了。
  I bought iPhone5 because I wanted to. End of story. 我想买爱疯5,我就买了,别说了。
  I will not sell my company to you. The conversation is over. 我不会把公司卖给你的,就这样了。

The dress code at my company 公司入夏前的着装规定,别穿得太少!

  Hello ABC,

  As summer is almost at hand, the Management has deemed it appropriate to remind all employees of the dress code. This dress code is designed to project a professional image, which we seek to maintain at all times.

  ABC allows its employees to wear casual attire (“business casual”) from Monday to Friday. However, in keeping with the professional image the company wishes to project, employees must dress in good taste, clean and “conservative”. For example, shorts, jogging or exercising outfits or sandals (i.e. Columbia, Merrell), mini- skirts, undershirt, army style clothing, tubes and pareos, plunging neckline, parts of the body apparent (back and belly), and see-through fabric, will not be permitted.

  ABC trusts its employees to judge whether conventional business attire is justified, should a meeting or special event be held.

  We trust that all our employees will understand the reasons behind this reminder, and the importance of maintaining a professional image in the presence of our suppliers, and anyone visiting ABC.

  Thank you all for your cooperation!

  Johnson Johnson, HR Director

  ABC Canada

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#30
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 18 - Getting Around

  Getting around in the United States is sometimes not very easy. Most people own their own cars, but not everyone can foot the bill for the car, plus the insurance, gas, and maintenance. Most big cities have buses, but they are much slower than a car. Several cities in the U.S. have subway systems, but many do not. There are even fewer trains that transport daily commuters. In cities such as Los Angeles, public transportation is much more limited than in other countries.

  If you take some form of public transportation, you need to pay a certain fare. In most big cities the fare is anywhere from 1 to 2 dollars. But don't expect the bus driver to change a bill for you. You usually need exact change if you're going to ride a bus, train, or subway. Whatever you take, you always have to pay for it!

  My friends here in Los Angeles all have different ways of getting to work. One friend, who lives out in the boonies, rides the train everyday. He takes the train because it's easier for him than driving or taking a bus. Another friend I know who works close to where he lives rides a bike everyday. Still another friend drives his car. I don't know anyone who rides the bus, but I've taken it once or twice when my car was in the shop. Worse comes to worst, you can always hop in a taxi. Taking a taxi is expensive here, though, so be prepared for a big fare? not including the tip!

在国外,去餐馆吃饭,打的,理发,等等服务行业,都要给小费(麦当劳之类的快餐店不用给)。小费一般大概占消费额的10%到20%,根据服务质量,消费场所不同来定。一般不低于10%,上限如果服务非常好,食物非常满意,给30-50% 也有可能。

北美英语里很有意思的一个现象是,某一个产品的品牌,用的久了,成了某种商品的名称。比如说,Kleenex 变成了面巾纸(facial tissue)的名称,Q-tips成了棉签(cotton swab)的名称,Scotch tape成了透明胶带(adhesive tape)的名称,Granola bar成了燕麦棒的名称。
  Can I have a Kleenex?






  Scotch tape


  Granola bar

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#31
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

收到非盈利组织(non-profit organization)的筹款信,大家学习学习。

  To help families, children and youth overcome poverty.

  Too many children live in families which lack the necessary resources and support to provide them with a favourable environment and conditions for their full development.

  Immigrant families, which are numerous in Centraide’s territory, face additional challenges in integrating into their new community and guiding their children towards academic success.

  Too many teenagers leave school without graduating. They are at risk of becoming young adults who will drift by on precarious and poorly paid jobs, and enter a cycle of poverty from which they will find it difficult to help their children escape.

  Too many marginalized people are socially excluded and at greater risk than others of finding themselves in a situation of poverty: street kids, seniors living alone, people with disabilities, people with mental health problems, new arrivals, visible minorities.

  Because poverty has an impact on people’s life expectancy.

  Because during the course of our lives, we may one day find ourselves in a situation of poverty which, although temporary, can have a major impact on us, our families and many aspects of our lives.

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#32
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

在美国,绝大多数大学的课程都是以字母加数字作为代号,字母代表课程,数字代表级别,数字越大,课程的级别越高。比如MATH209(数学209), CHEM302(化学302),FINA410(金融410)。这就产生出了英语口语中一个很常用的俚语,101 (读作 one o one),意思是某种事情的简单初级介绍,因为一般101 是最低级别的,入门的课程。例如:

  --This is Chinese cooking 101. 简单介绍一下中国烹饪。
  --He can teach grilling 101 to us.他可以简单教一下我们怎么烧烤.


  chinese cooking

Issues normally mean problems in spoken English.
  --We are having issues with one of our servers.我们的一个服务器出了些问题。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#33
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

我每天工作会收到回复很多的email,现在就给大家看看native speakers会犯什么样的错误。很多老外会把their 拼写成there,把you are拼写成your,把it is拼写成its.我再随手找几封email, 直接copy过来,不加任何改动。

  What she wants is the money ahead of time so she can pay on the first. –Jack
  If you have any questions or need me for anything please email me your questions or contact me on my cell. --Helen
  I would like for you to do the analysis again this month please. It’s very good practice and I need someone as a backup. –Chris
  You are doing amazing. – Helen
  Wire is being sent when? –Dennis
  Hey Guys,
  As discussed below is the breakdown of budget. It is very important to respect it. I will be getting updates as usual every week to see where our spending is at. If I see that the month is coming to an end you may bust these numbers I may have to tell you to cancel what is left to spend. So please plan carefully. –Dennis

  这些邮件如果抠语法,都有问题,but who cares? 大家交流的很畅快。这就是真实世界的英语。如果我去告诉老外,你的拼写不对,你的语法不对,人家肯定会说我,神经病!

  当然我写这些并不是想让大家去学,只是想让大家看看真实世界的英语是什么样的,看看英语的多样性,别整天抱着fine, thank you, and you? 还觉得很美。我很赞同李敖说的:语言就是习惯,你觉得是错的,说的用的人多了,就是对的。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#34
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

我不禁又想起了当年读书时,英语老师所提出的到底是遵循习惯重要,还是遵守语法规则重要。我的英语老师,Stephen, 他更赞同遵循习惯,因为语言是不断变化演变的,现在的英语跟500年前的早都大不一样了,还能去一直遵守老旧的语法?不过我的另外一位Tutor, Peterson,看法跟他正好相反,认为遵守固有的语法重要。我觉得都有道理,看你怎么选择。Stephen 年轻些,在香港还教过2年英语,可能视野更开阔些;Peterson 是来自美国的老头,看法保守些,也可以理解。怎么说呢,每个人的style 不同吧。

  下面我举个简单的很有意思的例子, 你就明白我在说什么了。Everybody should bring his lunch tomorrow. 女权主义者不高兴了,你把女人都放哪里了?好好我改,Everybody should bring their lunch tomorrow. 语言学家不高兴了,Everybody 跟 their 肯定不搭,错!好我再改, Everybody should bring his or her (his/her)lunch tomorrow. (这是现在最符合语法的写法)。作家又不高兴了,his or her 啥玩艺,罗里八索,你不是要女权吗,我给你,Everybody should bring HER lunch tomorrow. 好了吧,满意了吧? 如果你看看现代的作家写作,基本上都是用HER! 反正男人没意见,现在就这么用吧。

  所以什么是语法,什么是习惯?到底要遵循哪个,我看都有道理。瞎子摸象只摸到了一部分,而没有看到整体,所以只会说简单的这个对,那个错。好,结论是,对于英语学习者,用 Everybody should bring his or her lunch tomorrow.最符合一般公认的语法,最保险。对于一个更高层次的写作者,一般都用her.

有的人自己英文不够好,满脑子的中式思维,所以看到别人写出的地道的英语反而奇怪了,“这句话怎么不太通啊?怎么怪怪的啊?对不对啊?" 他也解释不了,只好从最拿手的单词和语法下手了,favorite怎么怎么样,recent怎么怎么样,告诉你,你的这些分析都还是典型的中式思维, 也没有分析到点子上。为了验证你的无知,为了确保我在这里说的不误人子弟,我只好又利用我的宝贵的工作时间(其实是老板的时间,哈哈!)去向另一位老外同事确认我写的东西。老外说,It works perfectly here. You can also say: Game of Thrones is my favorite TV show recently. Fifty Shades of Grey is my favorite book recently. No problem at all.

  好,我再深挖一下,native speaker都说没问题了,但是这句话完不完美?不完美!即使口语里这么说一点问题没有,语法也没错,但是如果严格抠意思,它还是有一定歧义的,它的意思到底是 my favorite in recent months/years? 还是 recently watched, read, released? 这才是这句话的问题所在,而不是你说的favorite怎么怎么样,recently傍谁谁怎么怎么样。如果100%严格的抠语法,中文英文里包括口语,书面语里自觉不自觉地有歧义的话语太多了。我差点死掉了(我差点没死掉!). I didn’t do anything, 老外强调会说 I didn’t do NOTHING! (The grammar is wrong, but it delivers the meaning perfectly.) 但这不就是语言有意思的地方吗?

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#35
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)



  十多年前,作为一个想学好英语的毛头小伙,我想尽一切办法学习英语,找寻学习英语的最佳方法,最好教材。李阳,当时正是他事业高速发展的时候,当然就成为了我的偶像。后来在广州还参加过一次他的演讲,跟他一起上台大喊英语,满足了一把我的追星梦。疯狂英语的教材,磁带当年对我来说几乎跟圣经一样,当时买的一套学习宝典,我在上面密密麻麻的写满了音标和单词注释。宿舍后面就是一片小树林,我每天早上起床后,和下午都要到那里进行两次疯狂操练和朗读。Ok, 大半年后我发现,自己的确是“敢”说英语了,自己的发音也可能提高了一点,但是,我的口语真正提高了吗?除了说几句喊口号的 “Don’t be shy, just try. Don’t let your country down”, 我觉得自己没什么进步,除了自信心有所提高,各个方面的水平似乎并没有什么长进。虽然有些怀疑这样的方法,但当时自己的英语水平不够和对二语习得理论的缺乏了解,也说不出它到底不对在哪里。同样,英语角一开始我也经常去,不过久了就发现和自己水平差不多的人瞎侃实在是侃不出什么东西来,于是就很少再去了。

  直到出国以后,接触到了真正的环境,把音标,背单词,钻研语法之类的东西统统丢掉之后, 才发现自己走到了一条正确的路上。这条路开始时可能坑坑洼洼,充满泥泞,不过走过一段困难时期之后,发现脚下豁然开朗,越走越顺。在国外,我也经常找老外聊天,学习,我发现并不是因为我跟他们通过练习,我的英语水平提高了;而是我从他们的对话中,学习到了真正的英语,然后经过大量的反复刺激之后,形成条件反射之后,在具体的环境下,我自然就可以说出来了。

  比如说,某天吃饭,一个女孩说:The fries is very greasy. It has, I don’t know, maybe 800 calories, but it tastes so good. I just can’t stop eating it. 这样的对话听多几遍,我下回聊到健康饮食就可以说:Calorie is only one thing. You need to eat healthy food, such as fruit and vegetables, whole wheat bread, and lean meat. I know most junk food tastes very good but is very unhealthy as well. 还有某同事刚从古巴度假回来。(美国和加拿大人都很喜欢去古巴,多米尼加,牙买加等中美洲国家的海边度假村去度假。)--Hi, dude, how was Cuba? –It was great. We had a lot of fun. The 4-star hotel in the resort was nice and clean. But the food was not amazing, actually it was awful. There was no seasoning at all. 这样的描述听多几遍,下回我就可以用了。I love outdoor activities. If I go on a vacation, I will choose mountain climbing and camping instead of staying in a resort.


  我以后又研究过一些更多的二语习得理论,特别是Stephen Kashen的可理解输入的理论之后,才明白,其实大部分英语最后学好的人,都自觉不自觉地遵循了这样一个理论。自己当年学习粤语,其实也很符合这样一个规律,没有学音标也没有背单词。如果在广东待过并把粤语学习的还不错的人,应该会很有体会。(当然粤语是一种方言,也没有英语那么困难,不过道理是一样的。)我下次有空再聊一聊。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#36
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

Sick: 现在在美国口语里,很多年轻人用sick表示cool, good, or awesome.

  The show last night was so sick!
  Your new skateboard is sick!
  It's sick that we get Monday off school.
  Man, that trick was sick.


  STOCKHOLM — Chinese writer Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel prize for literature on Thursday for works which combine “hallucinatory realism” with folk tales, history and contemporary life in China.

  Mo, who was once so destitute he ate tree bark and weeds to survive, is the first Chinese national to win the $1.2 million literature prize, awarded by the Swedish Academy.

  He said the award made him “overjoyed and terrified”.

  Some of his books have been banned as “provocative and vulgar” by Chinese authorities but he has also been criticized as being too close to the Communist Party.

  While users of a popular Chinese microblogging site offered their congratulations, dissident artist Ai Weiwei said he disagreed with giving the award to a writer with the “taint of government” about him.

  Mo, 57, who grew up in the town of Gaomi in Shandong province in the northeast of the country and whose parents were farmers, sets his works mainly in the land of his birth.

  Mo Yan is a pen name which means “Don’t Speak”. His real name is Guan Moye and he was forced to drop out of primary school and herd cattle during China’s Cultural Revolution.

  Speaking to the state-run China News Service, Mo said he was happy to have won.

  “But I do not think that my winning can be seen as representing anything. I think that China has many outstanding authors, and their great works should also be recognised by the world.

  “Next, I’m going to put most of my efforts into creating my new works. I will keep working hard, and I thank everyone. As to whether I go to Sweden to receive the prize, I will wait for word from the organisers about arrangements.”

  Peter Englund, head of the Swedish Academy, said Mo was “at home with his dad” when he was told of the award.

  “He said he was overjoyed and terrified,” Englund told Swedish television. “He has such a damn unique way of writing. If you read half a page of Mo Yan you immediately recognise it as him.”

  The award citation said Mo used a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives to create a world which was reminiscent of the writings of William Faulkner and Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

  At the same time, he found a “departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral tradition”, the Academy said.

  Englund said Mo offers “a unique insight into a unique world in a quite unique manner.”

  His style is “a fountain of words and stories and stories within stories, then stories within the stories within the stories and so on. He’s mesmerising,” Englund told Reuters television.

  Mo is best known in the West for “Red Sorghum”, which portrayed the hardships endured by farmers in the early years of communist rule and was made in a film directed by Zhang Yimou. His books also include “Big Breasts and Wide Hips” and “The Republic of Wine”.

  “My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature. They show the life of Chinese people as well as the country’s unique culture and folk customs,” Mo told reporters in his hometown, Xinhua news agency reported.

  The last Chinese-born winner was Gao Xingjian in 2000, although he was living in France by that time and had taken French citizenship. His Nobel was not celebrated by the Chinese government.

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#37
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

我最喜欢的一首英文歌曲,"Hallelujah" (K. D. Lang),跟大家一起分享一下。

  I heard there was a secret chord
  That David played, and it pleased the Lord
  But you don't really care for music, do ya?
  It goes like this
  The fourth, the fifth
  The minor fall, the major lift
  The baffled king composing Hallelujah
  Hallelujah, Hallelujah

  Your faith was strong but you needed proof
  You saw her bathing on the roof
  Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya
  She tied you
  To a kitchen chair
  She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
  And from your lips she drew Hallelujah
  Hallelujah, Hallelujah

  Baby I’ve been here before,
  I’ve seen this room and I've walked the floor,
  I used to live alone before I knew ya
  I’ve seen your flag on the marble arch,
  But love is not a victory march,
  It's a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah
  Hallelujah, Hallelujah

  Maybe there's a God above,
  But all I’ve ever learnt from love,
  Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya,
  It's not a cry that you hear at night,
  It's not someone who's seen the light,
  It's a cold and broken hallelujah

  Hallelujah, Hallelujah

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#38
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)



  以h开头的单词,有的h是不发音的,例如honour, honest, heir, hour等等。不发音的h 的单词词源基本都来自法语,因为学过法语的朋友都知道,在法语里,h在单词的开头是不发音的。

  以h开头的单词,绝大部分的h还是发音的,例如hate, have, home, history, hope等等。发音的h的单词一般来自其他的源头,例如古英语,德语,希腊语,拉丁等等。

  还有更好玩的是, 有的词h可以发,可以不发,都对。大部分是因为地方口音,或者习惯,发不发都可以接受。 比如human, huge, herb, humour, h发不发音都对。老外也是有的人发,有的人不发,大家都听得懂。我开始时听到这些h 不发音时也觉得挺怪,不过听得多了,就习惯了。


  Wh 里的h, (What, which, while, whale, white 等等)现在很多人都已经不发了,只发w的音了;不过在少数地方,如苏格兰,爱尔兰,美国东南部,h还是可以听到, 发成 /hw?t/, /hw?t?/等等。记得当年听美国之音的慢速英语,大部分老爷爷老奶奶级别的播音员,都还发 h这个音,听起来很有意思,感觉像是“哗哗”的。Wh 里的h发音这个现象,基本来自于古代英语,因为在古代英语里,单词里的几乎是每一个字母的音都要发的。随着英语的演变,Wh 里的h 的这个音慢慢地就消失了,很多人也都不再发这个音了。不过,有的地方,如我上面说的,却保留了这个音,所以偶尔还能听得到,给现代英语又增添了些许趣味。大家还记得初中英语课本里的怀特先生(Mr. White)吗?当年翻译的老先生肯定是听了h发音的读音吧?哈哈。

  不过wh也有一个例外,就是在o 之前,比如 who, whole, whore, whose, wh 的音却演变成了h, 没有w这个音了。英语的发音好玩吗?


  想要学好发音,要花费很多的时间去听,跟读,模仿,纠错,所以不是看一两本音标书就可以学好的了。一个人的模仿能力很大程度上决定了他是否能比较快的学好发音。这方面小孩子,还有说话没有严重地方方言口音的人有一定优势。我以前教过的小孩子有能很地道地模仿英式英语的。反之有些成人,方言口音比较重,说出来的英语南腔北调的,湖南音,四川音,东北音,都很有意思。大家看看网上东北小伙模仿方言说英语,就是这些有趣的现象。 我的建议是,找一两本好的发音教材听听看看,掌握一下发音规律就可以了,不要死抠音标学习,音标只是发音学习的一小部分,远不是全部。更极端地说,音标学不学也没什么太大用。我在加拿大上学,绝大多数老外都不知道还有国际音标(IPA, International Phonetic Alphabet)这个东东,没有一个人会看国际音标,另外只有少数英语老师会看某种美式音标。

schwa 弱化元音 /?/


  我举几个例子,大家就明白了。Love /l?v/, 可以弱化读成/l?v/; Believe, /b??liv/,可以弱化读成/b??liv /; Canada可以弱化读成/?k?n?d?/; America可以弱化读成/??m?r?k?/。大家注意到了吗?所有的非重读音节里的元音,都可能被弱化读成/?/。在Canada 和America 这两个单词里, 除了重读音节里的元音,其他音节里的所有元音都被弱化读成/?/。这在美语里非常普遍,你如果留心听一下,就会发现这个规律。

  还有就是如果这个单词在句子里要强调重读,一般也不弱化成/?/。比如说,我说:I love what I am doing. 我如果不想强调love,这个love就可以读成/l?v/。 但是如果在一个流星雨的晚上,你含情脉脉地看着你的爱人,温柔而且坚定地对他/她说:I LOVE you! 这个时候你最好发成 I /l?v/ you! Got it? 还有我说: I believe that LiangNv is a prick. 我不强调believe, 就可以读成/b??liv /。 但是如果是奥巴马在竞选陈词时说:I BELIEVE, “Together, we can make a change”! 这个时候,他就不会弱化,而是读作/b??liv/!大家明白了吗?


故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#39
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

1.真实的native speaker的英语听得还不够,要继续多听。我在之前的帖子里说过,现实生活中的老外说的英语,跟教材上,甚至跟电影电视都有不小的差距。每个人的发音,口齿,口音,说话方式,受教育程度都不一样,说出来的英语也大不相同;况且普通人也不是播音员和演员,没有受过专门的演讲训练,所以说出来的英语五花八门,有的人说得很清晰易懂,有的人说话含含糊糊,半天也听不清说得什么。我在国外呆得久了,深有体会。解决办法只有多听,没有什么太好的办法,所以我建议多看reality show 和 talk show,这是最接近日常普通人说的英语了。我最近在看big brother, 非常好,不知道你能不能在国内下载看到。从这点来说,我不建议看电影电视,没有reality show 和 talk show好,实在要看,(绝望主妇)还稍微好些,比较接近日常口语。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#40
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  PC (politically correct 政治上正确)是近年来英语中非常重要的,也很有意思的一个变化现象(跟中国人学的?:)在正式的书面的英语中,容易引起歧视,或者offensive 的语言,很多都渐渐被一些中性的词汇代替了。虽然口语中还是会听到,但是在报纸杂志,电影电视,还有一些其他正式场合,已经很少看到听到了。

  比如说凡是带有man 的关于职业的单词,很多都被一些其他词汇取代了。Policeman被police officer取代, spokesman被spokesperson取代, anchorman被anchorperson取代, fireman被fire fighter取代, salesman 被sales person/rep/clerk取代, steward and stewardess 被flight attendant取代, chairman 被chairperson or chair取代, 大家在听新闻时,阅读文章时,都经常会碰到。


  还有很多侮辱性的语言,带有种族歧视的语言,都被一些更中性的语言代替了。Blind 被visually impaired取代, deaf 被hearing impaired取代, retarded 被intellectually disabled取代,残疾人叫做people with disabilities。在正式语言中,老外也非常小心不要使用有种族歧视性的语言。比如黑人的礼貌的说法是African Americans, Black people 和 Negro都是不好的叫法 (还记得成龙在rush hour 2 里叫黑人nigger被人扁的情节吗?黑人朋友之间互相可以叫nigger,别人可不能乱叫!)。白人的礼貌的说法一般是Caucasians, white people是不太礼貌的叫法。Indians, 第一容易跟印度人混淆,第二不礼貌,所以美国把印第安人叫做Native Americans, 加拿大把印第安人叫做 First Nations people。爱斯基摩人eskimos 也是不礼貌的叫法,现在都叫做Inuits(因纽特人) 。拉美裔人(包括墨西哥人和其他中南美洲人)叫做latinos. Visible minority(少数族裔)用来指所有非白种人。比如说在有的招聘广告上,有的雇主会礼貌的问你:Are you a member of a visible minority group? (你是少数族裔吗/非白人吗?)

  Happy studying!


  You need the money for what?
  You dated who last night?
  The payment will be processed when?

我喝高了,不能说成I am high. I am high 的意思是嗑药嗑high了。喝高了可以说成 I am smashed/hammered/wasted/shitfaced。都表示喝得不省人事。: )

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#41
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 20 - Buying a New Computer

  My computer has been acting up on me. It's a pretty old model, and I need to replace it. So I decided to call up my friend Kevin to ask for his two cents. Kevin is a computer whiz. He knows PC really well since he worked on them for years, but in his heart of hearts, he is a big Mac fan. So, I thought he would be good person to ask.

  I have always used a PC. I do mostly word processing so I don't need anything fancy. But, I see people I know doing cool things with photos and video, so I’d like to take a crack at some new programs in the future.

  Well, I called up Kevin to tell him what I needed. He immediately started throwing out specs: "You need at least a 2 Gigahertz processor and 1 Gig of memory, and make sure it has a writable DVD drive." "Whoa," I said. "All of that is way over my head. Let's back up for a minute." Then he laughed and said he had gotten carried away. "Okay," he said. "Let's start at the beginning. Now, the processor determines how easily and how fast you can use the programs on your computer. Got that?" I said that I did. Then he continued, "How much RAM memory you have is very important, too. Your computer will go faster the more you have. So, I recommend getting at least 1 Gigabyte of RAM memory." "I think I'm following you so far," I said. "Great," he said. Another thing you want is a drive that handles both CDs and DVDs. Some drives can just read DVDs and some can record onto blank ones. If you want to burn your own videos, you'll want a writable DVD drive. Remember though, that's just the computer itself. Don't forget that you'll need a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and speakers."

  "OK," I said. "I think I've got all that. Now, here's the burning question: Mac or PC?

  He said: "Now that's a whole different thing. Do you have a couple of hours?"

  No problem.

The Great Courses (by TTC, The Teaching Company)

  The Great Courses也是非常好的更进一步学习英语的教材。跟大学的公开课类似,课程涵盖各类学科的内容。课程的难度大概是大学基础课程的难度,此外他们也有一些高中高年级的课程。The Great Courses相对于大学公开课来说,难度要稍微小一些,而且还有很多的非学术的,更好玩的兴趣课程,比如品酒,演讲,人际关系,健康生活之类的课程, 有兴趣的同学可以在电驴, torrent等等下载网站搜索一下,下来听听看看, 我个人感觉非常不错。

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#42
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  汽车前盖 BrE. bonnet AmE. hood
  药店/杂货店 BrE. chemist's shop AmE. drugstore, pharmacy
  薯条 BrE. chips AmE. fries, French fries
  垃圾桶 BrE. dustbin AmE. garbage can, trash can
  公寓 BrE. flat AmE. apartment,studio
  主街 BrE. high street AmE. main street
  电梯 BrE. lift AmE. elevator
  高速公路 BrE. motorway AmE. freeway, expressway
  人行道 BrE. pavement AmE. sidewalk
  邮政编码 BrE. postcode AmE. zip code
  垃圾 BrE. rubbish AmE. garbage, trash
  地铁 BrE. tube AmE. subway

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#43
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

Want to live in Hong Kong?

  My aunty, who is a scientist, lives in Sydney of Australia. She sort of has mysophobia which is a morbid fear of getting dirty. She is the kind of person who gets upset when you put your foot even with socks on her furniture. Also, she is a vegetarian because she thinks eating vegetable is healthy. Being a vegetarian, lots of money can be saved from buying meat. As a shopaholic, she spends most of her money on fashion, buying all those famous brands you can name. If she plans to move to my city, Hong Kong to live, she will definitely have things to like and dislike about it.

  Hong Kong is a ‘Shopping Paradise’. Trendy clothes can be bought in the streets of Mong Kok such as Ladies Street and Garden Street. People can bargain with the shopkeeper even when the clothes are already cheap to start with. I think my aunty will find this interesting and invigorating. Although there are no brand names here, she can choose a large variety of clothes such as punk shirts and sassy leggings which save her a lot of money when compared to famous brands. However, if she still insists to buy brand names, she can to go to the Canton Road of Tsim Sha Tsui which is occupied by well-known international brand names such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Prada. The shops in Sydney close at five in the afternoon. Unlike Sydney, some shops even opens overnight in Hong Kong. Umpteen people are still wandering on the streets well into the night.

  Furthermore, there are many vegetarians’ restaurants for people believing in Buddhism. Vegetarian dishes are often made to resemble the appearance of real meat to make it more appealing to the general public. For example, cleverly disguised dry bean curds can reassemble fish and spare ribs. I believe my aunty will love it as she has never tried this kind of food before. To me, the food tastes special in a healthy way.

  In addition, it is very convenient in Hong Kong with highly developed transportation system. With the small size of Hong Kong, it is easy and quick access to any place with transportation such as buses and MTR. In Sydney, people have to wait for a long time for a bus. Therefore, they have their own cars and pay for expensive petrol, car insurances and other associated expenses. Hence, my aunty will be ecstatic when she finds out how efficient and time-saving the public transport is in Hong Kong.

  As you can see, Hong Kong seems to be a suitable place for my aunty to live. However, she might not be able to ignore its flaws.

To start with, Hong Kong is a very crowded place. Everywhere you go, you can see lots of people around. It is difficult to find a place to rest and have your own private space. It feels like every little thing is monitored through the eyes of people and much pressure begins to build up inside your body. She might find it hard to get used to it and get stressed out.

  Moreover, the air in Hong Kong is not as fresh as Sydney’s. Places like Central and Causeway Bay are popular in Hong Kong; however, the air quality is unfavorable over there due to the wall effects of closely packed high-rise buildings and the smoke emissions of many vehicles. Air seems to stifle and torment you. Since my aunty hates getting dirty from smelly smoke, she might hate this. Furthermore, she cannot see the azure color of the sky anymore like in Sydney.

  Finally, the accommodations in Hong Kong are very expensive. With the same amount of money, my aunty can only get the apartment half the size in Hong Kong. The most expensive ones are clustered in Soho and Lan Kwai Fong. Despite very high rents, the flats are not even large in these parts of Hong Kong. Only a few rich people can get a flat in Hong Kong as big as a house in Australia.

  In conclusion, I am not sure whether or not she wants to live in Hong Kong. However, as a resident in Hong Kong for sixteen years, I like the way Hong Kong is and hopes Hong Kong will stay in the same way as it always has been. In this world, no place is perfect to live. My aunty may find the advantages of living in Hong Kong outweigh the disadvantages and a welcome change to her life style.

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#44
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

You can learn many useful words and expressions from above essay.

  shopaholic 购物狂, trendy clothes 潮服, designer brands 名牌, shopping paradise 购物天堂, vegetarian dishes 素食, highly developed transportation system 高度发达的交通系统, public transport 公共交通, air quality 空气质量, high-rise buildings 高层建筑, accommodation/housing 住宿.

You can learn many useful words and expressions from above essay.

  shopaholic 购物狂, trendy clothes 潮服, designer brands 名牌, shopping paradise 购物天堂, vegetarian dishes 素食, highly developed transportation system 高度发达的交通系统, public transport 公共交通,air quality 空气质量, high-rise buildings 高层建筑, accommodation/housing 住宿.

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#45
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 38 - Food for the Barbecue

  I moved into the new apartment last month and decided to invite a few friends over for a house-warming party. I didn't want to spend the day cooking, so I decided to have a barbeque. The food would be easy to prepare and I could cook it when my friends got here. But first, I had to go get a few things at the supermarket.

  I got to the store and got a cart. I started out in the meat department. It wouldn't be a barbeque without hamburgers so I bought some ground beef. I also picked up some chicken breasts and hot dogs. I skipped the seafood counter since I didn't want to bother with fish.

  Then, I was off to the produce department. I got some corn on the cob and a lot of vegetables for grilling for my friends who are vegetarians. Then, I was off to the bakery section. I needed buns for the hamburgers and hot dogs, and I also bought some cookies for dessert.

  Then, I was almost done. I went down each aisle looking for the condiments-- the ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise. And, just before wrapping things up, I went to the liquor department and got some beer, wine, and soda. Nearly everyone I invited asked if they could bring something for the party and but I told them no. I would have plenty of food and drink.

  That was it. I stood in line at the check-out stand, staring at the magazine rack full of tabloids, until the cashier rang me up. The shopping went off without a hitch. Now, all I have to do is clean my messy apartment. That's the hard part.

ESLPodcast 38 - Food for the Barbecue

  house-warming party 乔迁新居party
  cart 购物小推车
  meat department 肉食部
  ground beef 牛肉馅, chicken breasts 鸡胸
  produce department 生鲜蔬果部
  corn on the cob玉米棒
  bakery section面包西点部
  liquor department酒水部

故乡的云 : 2013-03-30#46
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

ESLPodcast 39 - Reality T.V.

  It's hard to watch TV these days without seeing reality shows. Some nights, it's hard to find a scripted drama to watch. There are so many different kinds of reality shows, too. The most popular one in the U.S. has been the "American Idol" show. This is a singing competition where amateurs try to impress the judges and the audience calls in to vote off a contestant each week. The last person left standing gets a recording contract. I think many countries now have a reality show like this. This show starts its fourth season this year and I think it'll be more popular then ever.

  Another popular reality show is "Big Brother." In this show, a group of people live together in the same house for about 15 weeks. They're not allowed to leave and they can't have visitors. The people chosen to live in the house are usually very different. This way, there is sure to be a lot of conflict. Some people form alliances and other people try to go it alone. The contestants compete in games and each week, the other contestants vote off one person from the show. Why would anyone want to be on "Big Brother?" The answer is easy: money. The last person remaining gets a huge prize- in the U.S. show, a half a million dollars. Even I'd live in a house full of strangers for that kind of cash .

ESLPodcast 37 - Buying a Pet

  My niece is turning 8 next week and I decided to buy her a new pet. She had been asking her parents for a pet for a long time. But, they were worried about taking care of a pet. I told them I would go to the pet store to see if I could find a pet that wouldn't be too much of a bother.

  I walked into a big pet store and looked around. I saw cages with dogs and cats. There were also bird cages with birds of every color. I even saw some snakes!

  I saw a sales clerk and asked him for help. I told him that I was looking for a pet that was easy to take care of. He suggested a cat or a kitten. But, I told him that my niece was allergic to cats. Then, he suggested a puppy. I walked over to the rows of dog kennels and asked the clerk how often they needed to be walked. He said that usually, they needed to be taken out three to five times a day. That was much too much work, I told him.

  He then showed me some birds, including a parrot. Then, I asked him how often the cages had to be cleaned, and when he told me, I nixed that idea.

  Finally, he took me to the back of the store. I have the perfect pet for you, he said. I looked around and saw acquariums full of fish. There were about 20 different kinds. The clerk said that they were very easy to take care of. With the right equipment, you don't have to clean the tank regulary and all you have to do is feed the fish. That was it! The perfect solution.

  The next time I visited my niece, she told me she loved her fish. She had named them all. She even named one after me. It was called "Jeffish." Get it? Now, she's happy and so are her parents. Just before I left, my niece asked me: When can we go to Disneyland ?

  Ah, the work of an uncle is never done.

There are two typos in previous post. The correct spellings should be “aquariums” and “regularly”. Sorry about that.

  too much of a bother麻烦
  pet store宠物店
  be allergic to对…过敏
  dog kennel狗舍
  aquarium 水族箱
  perfect solution完美的解决方案

reality shows 真人秀
  singing competition 演唱比赛
  audience 观众
  contestant 参赛者
  to vote off 投票选出局

heye126 : 2013-03-30#47
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木尘子 : 2013-03-30#48
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Tamapa : 2013-03-30#49
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bmiracle : 2013-03-30#50
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

"Language acquisition occurs only when real messages are comprehended and communicated in a low-anxiety environment, slowly"

quite right

塞北的雪 : 2013-03-30#51
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来生要做一棵树 : 2013-03-30#52
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君子好棋 : 2013-03-30#53
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woodpeker : 2013-03-30#54
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fyhfiona : 2013-03-30#55
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爱加小兵 : 2013-03-30#56
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河蟹 : 2013-03-30#57
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hxcldf : 2013-03-30#58
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niuniu200803 : 2013-03-30#59
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TYDL498 : 2013-03-30#60
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sj0418sj : 2013-03-30#61
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08茜茜公主 : 2013-03-30#63
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xmmd2006 : 2013-03-30#64
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azalea8411 : 2013-03-30#65
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鱼我所欲也 : 2013-03-30#66
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二两油 : 2013-03-30#67
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eddy_zhang : 2013-03-30#68
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hao_xd : 2013-03-30#69
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zhongyig : 2013-03-31#70
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amwaypeter : 2013-03-31#71
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Pearlwgh : 2013-03-31#72
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


梅菊枫 : 2013-03-31#73
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


Jane66 : 2013-03-31#74
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


unicat : 2013-03-31#75
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


tongtongyu : 2013-03-31#76
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


Smilecheese : 2013-03-31#77
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


雪山 : 2013-03-31#78
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


marry8909 : 2013-03-31#79
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


tonis : 2013-03-31#80
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


Cool Kids幸福快乐每一天 : 2013-03-31#81
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


antenna : 2013-03-31#82
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


cold88 : 2013-04-01#83
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


huangxy : 2013-04-01#84
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


cava : 2013-04-01#85
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


wwxiaohui : 2013-04-03#86
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


j5s : 2013-04-03#87
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


家在蒙城 : 2013-04-03#88
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


li4400 : 2013-04-11#89
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

thank you!

rosesmile : 2013-04-12#90
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


弱水三千 : 2013-04-17#91
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


故乡的云 : 2013-04-18#92
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


  10.阅读材料的难易程度一定要合适。满篇生词,阅读时大部时间在查词典,一小时只看两三页,读起来就索然无味了。也失去了大量阅读的本意。所以材料中生词难点不能过多,不能达到语言学家所说的“frustration level“(使学生感到沮丧的程度)。一种合适的材料,读起来应该津津有味,爱不释手。为此,一小时七八页恐怕是起码的速度。

一二 : 2013-04-19#93
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


libochi : 2013-04-19#94
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

学习了 收藏!

Dana Li : 2013-04-21#95
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

  10.阅读材料的难易程度一定要合适。满篇生词,阅读时大部时间在查词典,一小时只看两三页,读起来就索然无味了。也失去了大量阅读的本意。所以材料中生词难点不能过多,不能达到语言学家所说的“frustration level“(使学生感到沮丧的程度)。一种合适的材料,读起来应该津津有味,爱不释手。为此,一小时七八页恐怕是起码的速度。


jenesaispas : 2013-04-21#96
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)


arthur_fox : 2013-05-07#97
回复: 终极英语学习法 Ultimate English Learning Method(zt)

mark. thanks for sharing