


故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#1


故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#2
回复: 101个美国英语俏皮话/脑筋急转弯

Section 1: You Can't Have One Without the Other
   - Riddles that contain compound words
   - 组合词的脑筋急转弯
  1. What is a doughnut?
  Doughnut 是什么?
  答案:Someone who is crazy about money.
  注解:A doughnut is a fried cake shaped like a ring. In slang, dough also means "money," and nut can mean "a crazy or eccentric person." If you are a nut for something, it means that you are extremely enthusiastic about it.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#3
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2. What kind of pool can’t you swim in?
  答案:A car pool. 合用汽车
  注解:A pool is a small body of water. It can also refer to a common supply of something, such as money, that can be used by a number of people. For example, when people drive together the same car to save gas and money, it’s called a car pool.
  Pool原本是“池塘”的意思。当也可以当作“很多人公用的某种资源的集合/储备”。人们为省汽油、省钱而几个人使用一辆车时,就叫做Car Pool。
  附注:其它的 XYZ Pool 也可以当答案,但标准答案是 Car Pool。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#4
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3. How do you make an eggroll?
  答案:Push it. 推它。
  注解:An eggroll is a Chinese food made of dough wrapped around vegetables, egg, herbs, and spices. Of course, an egg is also a food itself. To roll is to move something by turning it round and round.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#5
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4. What suit lasts longer than you do?
  答案:A lawsuit. 官司
  注解:A suit is a set of matching clothes that are worn together; especially for business wear. A
  lawsuit is an action taken in a court to secure justice.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#6
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5. Why did the little boy throw the butter out the window?
  答案:To see the butterfly. 为了看butterfly(蝴蝶)
  注解:Butter is a food product made from cream. To fly means to move through the air. (A fly is an
  ugly insect that can do this.) A butterfly, though, is a beautiful insect with brightly colored

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#7
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6. What room can you bounce around in?
  答案:A ballroom. 舞厅
  注解:To bounce means "to move up and down after hitting the ground." To bounce around means to
  "move all around," usually in a very large space. Ball has two meanings. Normally it means "a round
  object that bounces" - for example, a soccer ball. A ball can also be a big formal party, usually
  with dancing, and a ballroom is a large room for dancing.
  "Bounce"是“弹跳”。"Bounce around"是“四处跳跃”,通常是指在很大的空间里。“Ball”有两个意思:平常是“球”

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#8
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 7. What helps you keep your teeth together?
  答案:Toothpaste. 牙膏
  注解:Toothpaste is the substance you use when you brush your teeth. Paste also refers to glue, which makes things stick together?

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#9
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8. How do you make a lemon drop?
    怎么制作 lemon drop?
  答案:Hold it and then let it go. 拿住,然后放开它/让它掉下去
  注解:A lemon drop is a hard, lemon-flavored candy that has been popular in America for many, many years. Of course, a lemon is a sour fruit, and to drop means "to let something fall."
  Lemon Drop是一种在美国风行了很久的柠檬味的硬糖果。同时,lemon是“柠檬”,一种酸水果;drop是“让某物掉落”的意思。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#10
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9. Why did the boy throw a bucket of water out of the window?
  答案:He wanted to see the waterfall. 他想看瀑布。
  注解:Waterfall is a compound word that refers to water falling straight down over rocks, usually from a high place. For example, Niagara Falls is a famous waterfall. The meaning of this compound word is easy to understand from the separate words that make it up: water and fall.
  Waterfall是“瀑布”,从高处飞流直下冲击到岩石的水流。比如,美加边境的尼加拉瓜瀑布就是很出名的一个。这个组合词的意思很容易从它的两个构成词 - Water和Fall - 来理解。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#11
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10. What is a drill team?
    Drill team是什么?
  答案:A group of dentists who work together.
  注解:A drill team is a group of soldiers who practice over and over until they can march together and move their guns from side to side all at the same time, with exactly the same motions. Drill teams often perform in parades. In this context, drill means "to practice over and over." A drill is also the tool a dentist uses to make holes in teeth.
  Drill team是一组通常长期反复训练的礼仪兵,行军、摆枪都动作协调;通常在阅兵时出现。这里的drill是指“反复训练”。但drill也是牙医用的一种工具,用来给牙齿钻孔。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#12
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11. Why did the truck driver drive off the edge of the cliff?
  答案:He wanted to test his air brakes. 他要测试他的气闸。
  注解:Air brakes are the brakes on large vehicles. They use air pressure for their power.
  Air brakes是大型机车上使用的、用压缩空气来启动的刹车装置。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#13
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Section 2: What Could It Be?
   - Riddles that contain words with more than one meaning
   - 多义词的脑筋急转弯
  12. What has a fork and a mouth, but cannot eat?
  答案:A river. 河流
  注解:A fork is the pointed pool you use to carry food from your plate to your mouth. But a fork is also the place where a river or a road splits and goes in two different directions. The mouth of a river is where the river enters the ocean.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#14
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13. What has two hands and a face, but no arms or legs?
  答案:A clock. 时钟
  注解:The hands and face are parts of the human body, of course. But the hands of a clock or of a watch are the two pieces of metal or plastic that point to the numbers. The face is the flat part that the numbers are on.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#15
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14. What can be measured, but has no length, width, or thickness?
  答案:Your temperature. 你的体温
  注解:To measure something is to find out how much of that thing there is, or how big the thing is. When a person is sick, the skin may become very hot. Then we say that the person has a temperature. Temperature is measured with a thermometer.
  Measure是“测量”的意思。一个人生病时,皮肤可能会变得很热,我们就说这个人“have a temperature”,发烧了。体温是用温度计测量的。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#16
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 15. What doesn't ask questions, but needs to be answered?
  答案:The telephone. 电话
  注解:When the telephone rings, you answer it by picking up the receiver and saying "Hello?"

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#17
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16. What has a neck, but no head?
  答案:A bottle. 瓶子
  注解:A person's neck is the part between the head and the body. The neck of a bottle is the long, slender part at the top. A bottle also has a lip - but no head.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#18
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17. What comes down, but never goes up?
  答案:Rain. 雨
  注解:When rain falls, we say it is coming down. Of course, rain can't go up - until it evaporates and goes back to the sky.
  当雨降落时,我们说它coming down。当然,雨不可能往上去的,直到蒸发气化后才回到天空。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#19
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18. What is black when it is clean an dwhite when it is dirty?
  答案:A blackboard. 黑板
  注解:A blackboard is the thing on a classroom wall that the teacher writes on when explaining something to the class. Not all blackboards are black, though. Many are green, but they're still called "blackboards." You write on a blackboard with a piece of white chalk.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#20
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19. What has ears, but can't hear?
  答案:Corn. 玉米
  注解:Ears are what you hear with. Corn, one of America's most popular vegetables, also has ears. These are long cylinders that grow on the corn plant. An ear of corn is covered with rows of yellow grains called kernels.
  附注:日常用语里,直接叫corns,没听到谁叫它corn ears。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#21
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20. What has teeth, but can't chew?
  答案:A comb. 梳子
  注解:Teeth are the hard white parts of your mouth that are used for chewing food. The teeth of a comb are the individual points that are all in a row. Gears and zippers also have teeth.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#22
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21. What goes up and own but doesn't move?
  答案:A staircase. 楼梯
  注解:Usually, when we say that something or someone goes up or goes down, we mean that it moves from one place to another by going higher or lower. However, some things that don't move - like stairs, ladders, or roads - but that are used to move in this way are also said to go up or go down.
  通常,我们说走上走下是指往上或往下地从一个地方移动到另一个地方。但是,有些东西,包括楼梯,梯子,路,以类似方式进行运输,但也叫 go up 或 go down。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#23
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Section 3: Double Your Pleasure
   - More riddles that contain words with double meanings
   - 双意词的脑筋急转弯
  22. Why did the boy put his radio in the refrigerator?
  答案:He wanted to hear cool music. 他想听很棒的音乐。
  注解:Cool has two meanings. It can be "somewhat cold." In everyday speech, cool can
  also mean "wonderful, exciting, great."

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#24
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23. What has four weels and flies?
  答案:A garbage truck. 垃圾车
  注解:Flies is the third person singular of the verb to fly, which means "to move
  through the air." But flies is also the plural of the noun fly, which is a common
  household that you find flying around garbage or dead, rotting things.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#25
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24. Where was Solomon’s temple?
  答案:At the side of Solomon’s head. 在所罗门的脑袋旁边
  注解:A temple is a place of worship in some religions. Solomon was a king of ancient
  Israel who built a famous temple in Jerusalem. The temple is also the side part of the
  head, just in front of and above each ear.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#26
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25. If you don’t feel well, what do you probably have?
  答案:A pair of gloves on your hands. 你的手上有一双手套
  注解:Feel can refer to one’s health or one’s emotional state. For example, you can
  feel well, feel sick, or feel sad. Feel can also refer to your sense of touch. We feel
  things with our fingers or hands.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#27
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26. What kind of coat is made without buttons and is wet when you first put on?
  答案:A coat of paint. 一层油漆
  注解: A coat is a piece of clothing that covers your other clothers. A coat can also
  be a thin covering of some substance such as paint or dust all over a surface.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#28
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27. What kind of cake tastes awful?
  答案:A cake of soap. 一块肥皂
  注解:A cake is a baked sweet made from flour, eggs, and other ingredients. A bar of soap can also be referred to as a cake of soap.
  Cake是用面粉、蛋和其它东西做的糕。但一块肥皂也叫a cake of soap。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#29
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28. How do you keep a rhinoceros from charging?
  答案:Take away his credit cards. 拿走它的信用卡
  注解:To charge means "to rush at someone or something to attack it." To charge something also means to pay for an item by using a credit card.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#30
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 29. What’s the best way to make pants last?
  答案:Make the jacket first. 先穿衣服
  注解:To last means "to stay in good and usable condition." Last also describes something that comes after everything else. The final person or thing in a series is last.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#31
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30. How many feet are there in a yard?
  答案:It depends on how many poeple are standing in it. 这要看有几个人站在那
  注解: A foot is a measure of distance used in the U.S. It equals about 30.48 cm. Three feet equal one yard, another measure of distance, of course, and a yard is also the grassy area around a house.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#32
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31. What can you serve, but never eat?
  答案:A tennis ball. 网球
  注解:To serve means "to put food in front of someone." Serve is also a term used in the game of tennis. It means "to start the game by hitting the ball to one’s opponent."

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#33
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32. Where can you find the largest diamond in the world?
  答案:On a baseball field. 棒球场地
  注解:A diamond is a beautiful, clear stone used in jewelry, but it is also the name of the playing field in the game of baseball. A baseball diamond is shaped something like the stone.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#34
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Section 4: Why Ask?
   - Riddles in which the entire question can have more than one meaning.
   - 问题可以多种解释的题目
  33. Which hand should you stir soup with?
  答案:Neither. You should use a spoon! 哪只手都不是,你应该用汤勺
  注解:Bet you thought this was a question of table manners!

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#35
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34. If six children and two dogs were under just one umbrella, how come none of them got wet?
  答案:It wasn’t raining. 并没有下雨
  注解:How come is a very informal way of asking "why?"
  How come 是 why(为什么)的非正式用法,口语中常用。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#36
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35. What’s the best way to win a race?
  答案:Run faster than anyone else. 比所有人跑得都快
  注解:When many Americans read this riddle, they might first think of a famous saying, "Slow and steady wins the race," which is often true. However, the answer to the riddle is always true.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#37
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36. What has no beginning and no end?
  答案:A circle. 一个圆
  注解:This is usually an ancient riddle. It’s not very funny, but it sure has stayed around for a long time!

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#38
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37. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  答案:To get to the other side. 到对面去
  注解:This is probably the most famous American riddle of all time. It’s particularly popular with five-year-olds who’ve just discovered riddles.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#39
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38. Why do lions eat raw meat?
  答案:Because thye can’t cook. 因为它们不会煮
  注解:Raw means "not cooked." Many Americans do not like meat or fish that is not cooked all the way through, and many are vegetarians because they don’t like the idea of eating meat.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#40
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39. How can you jump off a fifty-foot ladder without getting hurt?
  答案:Jump off the bottom rung. 从最下面的那一梯级跳
  注解:A fifty-foot ladder would be more than 15 meters high, but the first rung, or step, is only about one foot off the ground.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#41
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40. Which football player wears the biggest helmet?
  答案:The one with the biggest head. 头最大那个
  注解:American football is a very aggressive sport. Players must wear helmets to protect their heads, and shoulder pads to prevent injury when they hit other players with their bodies. All the different playing positions, though, wear the same uniform.

irene999 : 2013-12-15#42
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故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#43
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41. Why does a firefighter wear red suspenders?
  答案:To keep his pants up. 为了不让他们的裤子掉下来
  注解:Suspenders are pieces of elastic that men wear over their shoulders and attach to their pants to hold them up. Red is the color usually assoicated with firefighters.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#44
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42. When is it a bad luck to have a black cat follow you?
  答案:When you are a mouse. 当你是一只老鼠的时候
  注解:According to superstition, it is abad luck for a black cat to walk across your path. This is particular true if the cat is big enough to eat you.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#45
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43. Why do we dress baby boys in blue and baby girls in pink?
  答案:Because they can’t dress themselves. 因为他们自己不会穿。
  注解:The traditional color for baby boys’ clothing and blankets is pale blue, and for baby girls it is pink. If you don’t know what the sex of the baby will be, you can give gifts of yellow clothing, which is considered appropriate for either boys or girls.

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44. What kind of bushes do rabbits in California sit under when it rains?
  答案:Wet ones. 湿的灌木丛下
  注解:You don’t need to know anything about botany to answer this riddle.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#47
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45. What time is it when the clock strikes thirteen?
  答案:Time to get a new clock. 是该买新时钟的时间了
  注解:Americans almost never use the 24-hour clock, except in the millitary. We usually specifiy "morning" by using A.M. or in the morning after the time, and "evening" by using P.M. or in the evening or at night. An American may not know what you mean if you say something is happening at "13 o’clock."

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#48
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Section 6: How’s Your Math?
   - Riddles that involve numbers
   - 牵涉数字的题目
  57. A cowboy had twelve cows. All but nine died. How many cows did he have left?
  答案:Nine. 九
  注解:The quantity following the phrase all but or all except will always tell you how many of something are left. Usually, though, all but suggests that what remains is only a small part of the original number or amount.
  All but 或 all except 之后的数字是剩下来的数字。但是,通常来说,all but 暗示留下来的只是其中的一小部分。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#49
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 58. Two men were playing checkers. They played five games. Each man won the same number of games. How is this possible?
  答案:They played different people. 他们跟不同的对手下

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#50
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59. How many books can you put into an empty school bag?
  答案:None. If you put a book in it, the bag is no longer empty. 零。主要你放一本书进去,它都不是空书包了。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#51
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60. A donkey was tied to a rope six feet long. A bale of hay was eighteen feet away, and the donkey wanted to eat the hay. How could he do it?
  答案:Easily, if the other end of the rope wasn’t tied to anythign. 简单。如果绳子的另一端没有拴住东西

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#52
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 61. It takes twelve one-cent stamps to make a dozen. How many sex-cent stamps does it take to make a dozen?
  答案:Twelve. It takes only twelve of anything to make a dozen. 12张。一打都是12个。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#53
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 62. If you have five potatoes and you have to divide them equally among three people, what should you do?
  答案:Mash them first. 捣碎它们(做土豆泥)

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#54
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63. If there were six crows sitting on a bench and a hunter shot one of them, how many would be left?
  答案:None. The noise of the gun would frighten the others away. 没有了,都被枪声吓跑了。

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#55
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64. A girl was nine on her last birthday, and she will be eleven on her next. How is this possible?
  答案:Today is her tenth birthday. 今天是她10岁生日

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#56
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65. If you count twenty horses on your right going into twon, and twenty horses on your left coming home, how many horses have you counted in all?
  答案:Twenty. You counted the same horses coming and going. 20匹。来回数的是同样的马

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#57
回复: 美国英语俏皮话/脑筋急转弯大全

66. If it takes three minutes to boil an egg, how long will it take to boil three egss?
  答案:Three minutes, if they’re in the same pot. 三分钟,如果它们都在同一个锅里
  注解:There’s an old proverb, "Don’t put all your eggs in one basket" (which means, "Don’t risk everything you have on one solution"). Apparently this doesn’t apply to pots.

故乡的云 : 2013-12-15#58
回复: 美国英语俏皮话/脑筋急转弯大全

67. How do you make seven even?
  答案:Take off the s. 拿掉 s
  注解:Seven is an odd number; that is, it can’t be divided by two. The opposite of an odd number is an even number.

Wilson60 : 2013-12-15#59
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confiture : 2013-12-15#60
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siduojinhua : 2013-12-15#61
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八根儿 : 2013-12-15#62
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crtd001 : 2013-12-15#63
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pine song : 2013-12-15#64
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samuel63 : 2013-12-15#65
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盈婆婆 : 2013-12-15#66
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密码小写 : 2013-12-16#67
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JEANY : 2013-12-19#68
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W2003 : 2013-12-21#69
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All but nine died, it is interesting, I learnt a lot, thank you.