


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#1
在日常生活中,出人意料的事情常八九。年紀大了﹐身体毛病接踵而來。增加医学常识﹐对己对人都有帮助。在紧急 情況下﹐這些常识说不定帮你救了您或你的家人、親戚、朋友、同事的一命。

因为内容太多一次贴不完,所以我会逐步将具体的详细内容按数字顺序贴在楼里,请按你感兴趣的内容查找即可!希望姐妹们健康长寿! 另外此贴特意配上英文翻译,其中涉及大量的医学专业词汇,也会对在加拿大看大夫时有所帮助!

. 自己CPR的方法
(The beat goes on)
3. 心臟病發?中風前兆
(Heart attack, stroke warning signs)
4. 中風辨認常識
(Stroke identification)
5. 聖心減肥良方 (S.H.M. Diet program) 6. 十大營養食品
(Top 10 Nutritious Food)
7. 治口臭食療方
(Bad Breath Remedy)
9. 清心養血之良食
(Healthy Food for Heart & Blo! od )
10. 珩記祖傳祕方鹹檸檬

12. 果菜療能一覽表
(What's Good For You)
13. 療能食物對照表
(Cross-reference List)
14. 肉桂之天然食療 (Cinnamon's Health Benefits) 15. 小紅苺防尿道膀胱炎
(Cranberry's Health Benefits)
16. 欥風筒的妙用
(The Amazing Hair Dryer)
17. 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇
(Honey plus Cinnamon)

(Ice Lemonade)
19. 人過中年不悲哀
(Live after Middle Age)
20. 醫生之食療介紹
(Food values from doctors)
21. 心肌梗塞急救法
(Heart attack emergency treatment)
22. 枸杞消!
(Chinese wolfberries for relaxation)
23. 紅棗保肝補氣
(Jujubes-Chinese red dates)
24. 遠離糖尿病不難
(Diabetes Mellitus)
25. 健康身心之最佳時間
(Right Ti ming )
26. 世衛評選的最佳食品
( The Healthy Food)
27. 十大垃圾食物
(The Junk Food)
28. 蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖
(Garlic, ginger, honey on rice)
29. 沒有阿茲海默的世界
(Alzheimer Prevention)
30. 練太極可抗疫
(Tai Chi stops shingles)
31. 飯後熱飲
(Drink warm after meals)
32. 食物防春季過敏
(Ready for the allergy season)
33. 香蕉的神奇 (a) 熟香蕉抗癌
(The Amazing Bananas)
34. 癌症新知 (Cancer updat! e - by a MD hospital)
35. 十大助排毒之食品
(Toxin Excretion Assistants)
36. 腸道照顧好﹐百病不來找
(Intestines Health)
37. 腸道簡易運動
(The Exercise for Intestines)
38. 延年益壽十則
(The Recipes for Living Longer)
39. 排汗和排尿的差別
(Sweat, no sweat)
40. 補健清湯 (排毒,通血)
(Soup to lower cholesterol)
a) American Heart Association
b) Harvard School of Public Health
c) ? 偭矇T醇療方二例
42. 林燕妮治老花妙方
(The Eyesight Enhancing Juice)
43. 治失眠良方
(How To Sleep Fast)
44. 五大防癌水果
(Fruits Prevent/Fight Cancers)45. 慎食非季節性水果
(Beware of off season fruits)
46. 清洗蔬果勿用鹽
(Washing Fruits With Salt)
47. 少林十巧手 [手部運動]
(Hand Exercise for Health)
48. 食療 歌
(Healthy Food Poem)

(Grosvenor Momordica Fruit)
50. 游離基是什麼﹖
(Free Radicals)
51. 金雞獨立養生法
(Stand on one leg)
52. 氣功按摩十八法
(Body Massaging Qigong)
52. 多吃疏果能防癌嗎﹖
(Fruits/veggies Effect! Cancers?)
53. 中風急救.黃金一小時
(東華三院 MaBelle 合辦節目)
54. 簡易膝蓋保健
(The simple knee maintenance)
55. 十四個徵兆預示長壽
(The signs that predict longevity)
56. 心血管淤塞救命良方
(Blood Vessels Plumbing)

58. 抗新流感漢方蔬果汁
(Herbalist's Juices for Influenza)
59. 馬鈴薯鮮汁療法
(The Amazing Potato Juice)
60. 打嗝放屁去濁氣
(Hiccup/Farting Is Healthy)
61. 每天大笑不會老
(Laugh to slow down aging)
62. 生活常識小秘密
(Trivial for your daily life)
63. 靈芝治「未病」
(Lingzhi's [Ganoderma] effects)
64. 素食不正確更糟
(Vegetarian's Mistakes)
65. 增強記憶力食物
(The Memory Boosters)
66. 栗子是[腎之果]
(Chestnuts good for elders)
67. 糖尿病飲食和食療
(Diabetes helpful diets)

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#2
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


If everyone who gets this sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life. Let's say it's 6: 15 p. m. and you're driving home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly, you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home; unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. What can you do? You've been trained in CPR but the guy that taught the course neglected to tell you how to perform it on yourself. Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seemed to be in order.

Without help, the person whose heart stops beating properly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough. The cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. And a cough must be repeated about every 2 seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital.

Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save their lives!

From Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240s newsletter AND THE BEAT GOES ON . . . (reprint from The Mended Hearts, Inc. publication, Heart Response)


假設現在時刻是下午五點五十分,忙忙碌碌的你上了一整天的班,正在開車回家的路上(當然是一個人囉!)。突然,你感到胸口有一股劇痛,並且開始漫延到手臂和下巴。可是,離最近的醫院大概還有五公里遠。更糟糕的是,你自己都不知道能不能撐得了那麼遠。怎麼辦?以前曾經受過心肺複甦術CPR訓練,但是教課老師並沒教你怎麼自己給自己做急救的方法。獨處時, 心臟病發作急救術--(許多人心臟病發作時,四周沒有旁人,因此,學會能自己給自己做簡單的心肺複甦術是非常重要的。)



EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#3
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

Heart Attack Warning Signs
Some heart attacks are sudden and intense -- the "movie heart attack," where no one doubts what's happening. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren't sure what's wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening:

Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
Shortness of breath. This feeling often comes along with chest discomfort. But it can occur before the chest discomfort.
Other signs: These may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness

irene999 : 2014-02-01#4
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#5
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word, I agreed. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. Seriously . . . please read:
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the afternoon. Ingrid's husband called later?saying that his wife had been taken to the hospital and passed away. She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some stroke victims?don't die, they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. Read on...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within three hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke . . . totally. He said the trick was?having a stroke recognized, diagnosed and then getting the patient medically cared for within three hours, which is tough. 


Thank God for the sense to remember the "3" steps. Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#6
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


TIME magazine top 10 nutrition recommendations:
Tomatoes: contain lycopene (an antioxidant), vitamin C, to prevent prostate cancer.
Spinach: contains iron, vitamin B, prevention of vascular disease, blindness disease.
Nuts (peanuts, almonds, etc.): prevention of heart disease if eaten moderately, excess is harmful.
Cauliflower: simple cooking, prevention of breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer.
Oats: Rich fiber, weight loss, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol.
Salmon: contains the rich OMEGA-3S to prevent brain aging, suffering from Alzheimer disease.
Blueberry: is antioxidant-rich to prevent aging, heart disease and cancer.
Garlic: cleans blood, lowers cholesterol, prevents heart disease.
Green Tea: reduces the risk of gastric cancer, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, heart disease.
Red wine: helps anti-oxidation, moderates drinking helps prevent heart disease.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#7
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

治口臭食療方 (口臭湯) 董氏醫學研究中心 (中醫董進)

筆者十數年前偶得一民間治口臭食療方,經常推薦給來診病者, 屢試不爽, 無往不利, 大獲好評。 驗方如下, 各位不妨一試:

青蘿蔔一個、豆腐二磚、煎白鯽魚一至二條,(如無白鯽,黑鯽魚亦可),生薑三片,加水煲約二小時,取湯調味飲用。 此湯清潤、鮮甜、可口,凡屬肺熱,胃腸炎、消化不良(偏熱症者)、鼻炎、肝炎等所致口臭者,皆適宜用,但屬寒症或病久體質潺弱者,則慎用或酌加少量白胡椒及陳皮,以中和湯中之寒性。

The Bad Breath Remedial Soup [English Translation]

1 piece of green turnip, 2 pieces of tofu (bean curds), 1 tilapia (or Japanese seaperch), pan fry it before preparing soup, 3 slices of ginger. Put the above ingredients to a cook ware, add water, slowly cook for about 2 hours. Add desirable amount of salt at your preferance.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#8
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

可以幫助 強心﹑降壓﹑降脂﹑降謄固醇﹑利尿﹑. . .

魚﹕ 帶魚﹐銀魚﹐鯉魚﹐三文魚 ... (含鈣﹑鋅﹑碘﹑鐵﹑錳) 海魚儘量少去鱗﹐洗凈魚肚中的鰾即可煮食
洋蔥﹕ (補鈣﹐降壓)
蝦皮﹕ (高鈣) - 即乾毛蝦
大蒜﹕ (“生長地上的抭生素”)
蔥﹕ (高鈣﹑鉀)
番茄﹕ (涼血平肝﹐清熱解毒)
茄子﹕ (“心血管之友”)
枸杞﹕ (“野蔬珍品”)
芹菜﹕ (杜甫﹕“鮮鯽銀絲膾﹐香芹碧潤羹”。 宜吃根﹑莖﹑葉。)
茼蒿 (降壓﹐補腦。唐孫思邈收載於“千金方”為清心養血之良藥)

此外﹐ 還有﹕ 菠菜﹐莧菜﹐韭菜﹐白菜﹐油菜﹐ 冬瓜﹐苦瓜﹐絲瓜﹐南瓜﹐黃瓜﹐青椒﹐ 腐竹﹐豌豆﹐綠豆﹐豆腐﹐黃豆芽﹐綠豆芽﹐ 西瓜﹐香蕉﹐蘋果﹐柿子﹐柑橘﹐梨﹐ 山渣﹐香菇﹐磨菇﹐木耳﹐銀耳﹐ 海帶﹐海藻﹐紫菜﹐海蔘﹐淡菜﹐ 茨菇﹐馬鈴薯﹐地瓜﹐玉米﹐胡蘿蔔﹐ 花生﹐西瓜子﹐葵瓜子﹐核桃﹐紅棗﹐芝麻﹐ 蜂蜜﹐牛奶﹐醋


Heart healthy and excellent nourishing food
can help in regulate heart beat, high blood pressure, cholesterol and diuretic

Fish: - Cutlass fish, silver fish, carp, salmon. . . (contain calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, iodine) * Fish need scaled, washed thoroughly in the belly area)
Onion: - (contains calcium, lowers blood pressure)
Shrimp: - (high calcium) - the dried skinny shrimps
Garlic: - ("antibiotics grown on the ground")
Onion: - (calcium, potassium)
Tomato: - (benefits blood cells, liver)
Eggplant: - ("Friends of heart, artery and vessels")
Wolfberry: - ("wild plant treasures")
Celery: - (roots ?stems and leaves are edible.)
Garland chrysanthemum: - (nourish the heart, good for the brain and can lower high blood pressure)

In addition, there are: Spinach, amaranth, chives, cabbage, gourd, bitter gourd, sponge gourd, pumpkin, cucumber, green peppers, dried bean stick, peas, green beans, tofu, bean sprouts, soy sprouts, watermelon, banana, apple, persimmon, orange, pear mushrooms, edible fungus, white fungus, kelp, algae, seaweed, sea cucumbers, mussels, arrowhead, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, carrots peanuts, watermelon seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, dates, sesame seeds, honey, milk, vinegar

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#9
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

Drinks mixed with salted lemons are good for you if you have a sore throat, you lost your voice or when you frequently feel thirsty.

Lemon Preparation:
10 pieces of lemons: 1 pound of salt;
1) Wash and dry the lemons;
2) pan fry salt until it is lightly brown, cool salt on the side;
3) clean and dry a glassware (wide opening jar with lid) that is large enough to house the lemons and salt;
4) put lemons in the glassware, add salt on top;
5) seal the glassware opening with plastic wraps, then cove it with lid. Shake well, and let them sit for 3 or more weeks. The longer, the better. (During the first 2 weeks, shake jar every 2 days.)
Do not use oily utensils to clean lemons or to hold salt. Do not use lids made of metal. Do not dispose juice from the container.

1) Salted lemon drink: 1 half lemon, 3 teaspoons juice, 6 bowls of water, cook 30 minutes in a non-metal cookware (or stainless steel); add amount of sugar at your preference
2) Soft drink: add 1 quarter of salted lemon to a bottle of 7 Up, drink cold:
3) Salted lemon honey drink: add 1 quarter of salted lemon and 1 teaspoon juice, 3 teaspoons of honey; mix them in a glass of boiled water; drink warm or cold.


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#10
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(What's Good For You)

Protects your heart
Prevents constipation
Blocks diarrhea
Improves lung capacity
Cushions joints
Combats cancer
Controls blood pressure
Saves your eyesight
Shields against Alzheimer's
Slows aging process
Aids digestion
Lowers cholesterol
Protects your heart
Stabilizes blood sugar
Guards against liver disease
Battles diabetes
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
Controls blood pressure
Smoothes skin
Protects your heart
Quiets a cough
Strengthens bones
Controls blood pressure
Blocks diarrhea
Prevents constipation
Helps hemorrhoids
Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
Stabilizes blood sugar
Controls blood pressure
Combats cancer
Strengthens bones
Protects your heart
Aids weight loss
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Stabilizes blood sugar
Boosts memory
Prevents constipation
Strengthens bones
Saves eyesight
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Controls blood pressure
Combats cancer
Prevents constipation
Promotes weight loss
Protects your heart
Helps hemorrhoids
Saves eyesight
Controls blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
Supports immune system
Saves eyesight
Protects your heart
Prevents constipation
Combats cancer
Promotes weight loss
Protects against Prostate Cancer
Combats Breast Cancer
Strengthens bones
Banishes bruises
Guards against heart disease
Protects your heart
Combats Cancer
Ends insomnia
Slows aging process
Shields against Alzheimer's
Promotes weight loss
Protects your heart
Lowers cholesterol
Combats Cancer
Controls blood pressure
Chili Peppers
Aids digestion
Soothes sore throat
Clears sinuses
Combats Cancer
Boosts immune system
Promotes weight loss
Helps stops strokes
Lowers cholesterol
Combats Cancer
Controls blood pressure
Protects your heart
Boosts memory
Protects your heart
Combats Cancer
Supports immune system
Aids digestion
Battles diabetes
Protects your heart
Improves mental health
Boosts immune system
Lowers cholesterol
Controls blood pressure
Combats cancer
kills bacteria
Fights fungus
Protects against heart attacks
Promotes Weight loss
Helps stops strokes
Combats Prostate Cancer
Lowers cholesterol
Saves eyesight
Conquers kidney stones
Combats cancer
Enhances blood flow
Protects your heart
Green Tea
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Helps stops strokes
Promotes Weight loss
Kills bacteria
Heals wounds
Aids digestion
Guards against ulcers
Increases energy
Fights allergies
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Controls blood pressure
Smoothes skin
Stops scurvy
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Controls blood pressure
Smoothes skin
Stops scurvy
Combats cancer
Boosts memory
Regulates thyroid
Aids digestion
Shields against Alzheimer's
Controls blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Kills bacteria
Combats cancer
Strengthens bones
Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
Battles diabetes
Prevents constipation
Smoothes skin
Olive Oil
Protects your heart
Promotes Weight loss
Combats cancer
Battles diabetes
Smoothes skin
Reduce risk of heart attack
Combats cancer
Kills bacteria
Lowers cholesterol
Fights fungus
Supports immune systems
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Straightens respiration

Prevents constipation
Combats cancer
Helps stops strokes
aids digestion
Helps hemorrhoids
Protects against heart disease
Promotes Weight loss
Combats Prostate Cancer
Lowers cholesterol
Aggravates diverticulitis

Strengthens bones
Relieves colds
Aids digestion
Dissolves warts
Blocks diarrhea
Slows aging process
Prevents constipation
Boosts memory
Lowers cholesterol
Protects against heart disease
Protects your heart
Battles diabetes
Conquers kidney stones
Combats cancer
Helps stops strokes
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Boosts memory
Calms stress

Sweet Potatoes
Saves your eyesight
Lifts mood
Combats cancer
Strengthens bones

Protects prostate
Combats cancer
Lowers cholesterol
Protects your heart

Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
Boosts memory
Lifts mood
Protects against heart disease
Promotes Weight loss
Combats cancer
Conquers kidney stones
Smoothes skin

Protects prostate
Promotes Weight loss
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
Controls blood pressure
Wheat Germ
Combats Colon Cancer
Prevents constipation
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
Improves digestion
Wheat Bran
Combats Colon Cancer
Prevents constipation
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
Improves digestion
Guards against ulcers
Strengthens bones
Lowers cholesterol
Supports immune systems
Aids digestion

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#11
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(Cross-reference List)

What's Good For You (Cross Reference)
Anomaly Function Kind of food
Aging 老化 Slows aging process Apricots, cherries, prunes,
Allergies 敏感 Fights allergies Honey,
Alzheimer's 老人痴呆 Shields against Alzheimer's Apricots, cherries, mango,
Bacteria, Fungus 病菌,真菌 Kills bacteria, Fights fungus Garlic, green tea, mushrooms, onion,
Blood flow 血液循環 Enhances blood flow Grapes,
Blood pressure 血壓 Controls blood pressure Apricots, Avocados, Bananas, beets, broccoli, chestnuts, figs, garlic, lemon, limes, mushrooms, watermelon,
Blood Sugar 血糖 Stabilizes blood sugar Artichokes, Beans, blueberries,
Bones, joints 骨胳 Strengthens bones, cushions joints Apples, Bananas, beets, broccoli, cantaloupe, Cauliflower, mushrooms, pineapple, sweet potato, yogurt,
Breast Cancer 乳癌 Combats Breast Cancer Cantaloupe, Cauliflower,
Cancer 癌症 Combats cancer Apricots, Beans, beets, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, Cantaloupe, carrots, cherries, chestnuts, chili peppers, figs, fish, garlic, grapes, green tea, lemon, limes, mango, mushrooms, oats, olive oil, onion, oranges, peaches, rice, strawberries, sweet potato, tomatoes, walnuts, water,
Cholesterol 膽固醇 Lowers cholesterol Artichokes,Avocados, Beans, cantaloupe, chestnuts, figs, garlic, grapefruit, mushrooms, oats, onion, peanuts, prunes, tomatoes, walnuts, watermelon, wheat germ, wheat bran, yogurt,
Colds 傷風 Relieves colds Pineapples,
Colon Cancer 腸癌 Combats Colon Cancer Wheat germ, wheat bran,
Constipation 便秘 Prevents constipation Apples, Beans, blueberries, cabbage, carrots, oats, peaches, prunes, wheat germ, wheat bran,
Cough 咳嗽 Quiets a cough Bananas,
Diabetes 糖尿病 Battles diabetes Avocados, flax, oats, olive oil, rice,
Diarrhea 痢疾 Blocks diarrhea Apples, Bananas, pineapple,
Digestion 消化功能 Aids digestion Artichokes, chli peppers, flax, honey, mango, peaches, pineapple, wheat germ, wheat bran, yogurt,
Diverticulitis 憩室炎 Aggravates diverticulitis Peanuts,
Energy 精力 Increases energy Honey,
Eyesight 視力 Saves eyesight Apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, grapes, sweet potato,
Heart 心臟 Guards against heart disease Apples, Artichokes, Bananas, beets, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, Cauliflower, cherries, chestnuts, fish, flax, grapefruit, grapes, green tea, lemon, limes, olive oil, onion, oranges, peanuts, prunes, rice, Strawberries, tomatoes, walnuts,
Hemorrhoids 痔瘡 Helps hemorrhoids Beans, cabbage, peaches,
Immune 抗病 Boosts immune system Cantaloupe, chili peppers, fish, flax, oranges, yogurt,
Insomnia 失眠 Ends insomnia Cherries,
Kidney Stone 腎結石 Conquers kidney stones Grapes, rice, water,
Liver 肝 Guard against liver disease Artichokes (朝鮮薊),
Lungs 肺 Improves lung capacity Apples,
Memory 記憶力 Boosts memory Blueberries, fish, mango, prunes, strawberries, walnuts,
Mental 精神病 Improves mental health Flax,
Mood 情緒 Lifts mood Sweet potato, walnuts,
Postate 前列腺 Works against prostate cancer Cauliflower, grapefruit, peanuts, tomatoes, watermelon,
Respiration 呼吸 Straightens respiration Oranges,
Scurvy 壞血病 Stops scurvy Lemons, limes,
Sinuses 鼻痰 Clears sinuses Chili peppers,
Skin 皮膚 Smoothes skin Avocados, lemon, limes, oats, olive oil, water,
Sore Throats 喉痛 Soothes sore throat Chili peppers,
Stress 壓力 Calms stress Strawberries,
Strokes 中風 Helps stops strokes Avocados, figs, grapefruit, green tea, peaches, rice, watermelon, wheat germ, wheat bran,
Thyroid 甲狀腺 Regulates thyroid Mango,
Ulcers 胃病 Guards against ulcers Honey, yogurt,
Warts 肉瘤 Dissolves warts Pineapples,
Weight Loss 減肥 Promotes weight loss Beets, cabbage, carrots, chestnuts, figs, grapefruit, green tea, olive oil, peanuts, water, watermelon,
Wounds/Bruises 傷口/瘀傷 Heals wounds,Banishes bruises Cauliflower, honey,

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#12
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


肉桂: 筒狀塊片,質硬,呈棕色,以香氣濃厚,身乾精油含量高,黏性少為佳。質量好藥力 足的肉桂稱“紫油桂”; 刮去外面粗皮及裏面薄皮的稱“桂心”,性不太燥,適用 於助心陽、交心腎:幼桂樹皮,稱“官桂”,力弱性燥,適用於溫中燥濕。一般通 稱肉桂。【性味功用】肉桂味辛、甘,性熱。有溫補腎陽、溫中逐寒、宣導血脈的 作用。其性渾厚凝降,守而不走,偏暖下焦,能助腎中陽氣(舊稱“命門之火”), 並能納氣歸腎、引火歸元。 【禁忌】  陰虛火旺、熱病傷津及假寒真熱者及孕婦禁用。

根據西方醫學研究肉桂含有多種治病功能。其中包括預防血管閉塞﹐殺菌﹐控制血糖﹐ 幫助記憶﹐防止腸癌﹐保持體溫﹐醫治肚瀉﹑便秘﹑傷風和感冒等等療效。 而 美國新研究稱肉桂替代胰島素的作用能緩和第二型糖尿病。 服用肉桂為期40天。研究數據顯示,受試者的血糖、三酸甘油酯、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)還 有膽固醇均明顯下降。



材料: 大黃瓜 1/2 條、油1小匙、肉桂粉 2 小匙、豬絞肉1/2碗、鹽1小匙、 太白粉 1/2 小匙、糖1/2小匙、水 2 杯
作法: (1) 豬絞肉洗淨,加入糖、油、桂皮粉、酌量鹽拌勻後靜置25分鐘。 (2) 大黃瓜去皮洗淨,切約2.5公分厚的圓環塊狀,並將當中的籽去除。 (3) 在每個圓環塊狀大黃瓜的四週抹上少許的鹽,並在其中間的 大圓孔裡塗一點太白粉。 (4) 將圓環塊狀的大黃瓜排列在深盤中,約5個左右。 接著,再逐一塞進適量醃好的豬絞肉。 (5) 在電鍋裡放入2杯水,然後擺進準備好的材料,大概蒸20分鐘 便可上桌。


材料: 麵粉約1碗、奶油1/2碗、水1/2 杯、糖 2~3 小匙、蛋1個、肉桂粉 2 小匙、葡萄乾30顆、櫻桃6粒、油少許
作法: (1) 將麵粉、奶油、水、糖、蛋、肉桂粉混和攪拌成黏稠狀態。 (2) 將櫻桃切碎粒與葡萄乾一同混和於作法(1)的材料中。 (3) 準備 2~3 個小鐵杯模型,用油稍微在內部刷一下,然後將 調好的麵糊倒入模型中。 (4)用165度中溫烤35分鐘左右即可。烤好的小蛋糕,放入冰箱冷藏 1小時便能享用。


材料: 麵粉1/2 碗、奶粉1/4碗、水少許、杏仁粉 3 小匙、果糖3小匙、 肉桂粉 1又 1/2 小匙、 香草精 1/2 小匙、蛋 1 個
作法: 作法: (1) 混和所有的材料,使之攪拌呈糰狀。接著,由圓糰中抽取出 數個小圓糰,並將小圓糰搓圓一點成球狀。 (2) 拿出烤盤,把球狀的小圓糰逐一排好,繼而用手指頭在每個圓球 糰上壓個小洞。 (3) 以 170 度的中溫烤 12 分鐘就行了。烤好的小餅干在食用時, 沾巧克力醬或果醬皆可。

另見 蜂蜜加肉桂粉的神奇療效

Cinnamon & Its Health Benefits

Cinnamon has a long history both as a spice and as a medicine. Cinnamon's unique healing abilities come from three basic types of components in the essential oils found in its bark. These oils contain active components called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamyl alcohol, plus a wide range of other volatile substances.

Anti-Clotting Actions
Cinnamaldehyde has been well-researched for its effects on blood platelets. Platelets are constituents of blood that are meant to clump together under emergency circumstances (like physical injury) as a way to stop bleeding, but under normal circumstances, they can make blood flow inadequate if they clump together too much. The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon helps prevent unwanted clumping of blood platelets. Cinnamon's ability to lower the release of arachidonic acid from cell membranes also puts it in the category of an "anti-inflammatory" food that can be helpful in lessening inflammation.

Anti-Microbial Activity
Cinnamon's essential oils also qualify it as an "anti-microbial" food, and cinnamon has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi. In lab tests, growth of yeasts that were resistant to the commonly used anti-fungal medication fluconazole was often (though not always) stopped by cinnamon extracts.

Blood Sugar Control
Cinnamon may significantly help people with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to respond to insulin, thus normalizing their blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that compounds in cinnamon not only stimulate insulin receptors, but also inhibit an enzyme that inactivates them, thus significantly increasing cells' ability to use glucose. Studies to confirm cinnamon's beneficial actions in humans are currently underway with the most recent report coming from researchers from the US Agricultural Research Service, who have shown that less than half a teaspoon per day of cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels in persons with type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon's Scent Boosts Brain Function
Research led by Dr. P. Zoladz (April, 2004), found that chewing cinnamon flavored gum or just smelling cinnamon enhanced participants' cognitive processing. Specifically, cinnamon improved participants' scores on tasks related to attentional processes, virtual recognition memory, working memory, and visual-motor speed while working on a computer-based program. Encouraged by the results, researchers will be evaluating cinnamon's potential for enhancing cognition in the elderly, individuals with test-anxiety, and possibly even patients with diseases that lead to cognitive decline.

Calcium and Fiber Improve Colon Health and Protect Against Heart Disease
Cinnamon is an excellent source of the trace mineral manganese, dietary fiber, iron and calcium. The combination of calcium and fiber in cinnamon is important and can be helpful for the prevention of several different conditions. Both calcium and fiber can bind to bile salts and help remove them from the body. By removing bile, fiber helps to prevent the damage that certain bile salts can cause to colon cells, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer. In addition, when bile is removed by fiber, the body must break down cholesterol in order to make new bile. This process can help to lower high cholesterol levels, which can be helpful in preventing atherosclerosis and heart disease. For sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome, the fiber in cinnamon may also provide relief from constipation or diarrhea.

A Traditional Warming Remedy
In addition to the active components in its essential oils and its nutrient composition, cinnamon has also been valued in energy-based medical systems, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, for its warming qualities. In these traditions, cinnamon has been used to provide relief when faced with the onset of a cold or flu, especially when mixed in a tea with some fresh ginger.

A Few Quick Serving Ideas:
Enjoy one of the favorite kids' classics - cinnamon toast - with a healthy twist. Drizzle flax seed oil onto whole wheat toast and then sprinkle with cinnamon and honey.
Simmer cinnamon sticks with soymilk and honey for a deliciously warming beverage.
Adding ground cinnamon to black beans to be used in burritos or nachos will give them a uniquely delicious taste.
Healthy sauté lamb with eggplant, raisins and cinnamon sticks to create a Middle Eastern inspired meal. Add ground cinnamon when preparing curries.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#13
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(The Amazing Hair Dryer)

Not long ago a friend took her ten-year-old boy to my house looking for my wife, saying that her child had hiccups all day long. The child was very uncomfortable and unable to eat at all. After she checked, my wife said there was a muscle spasm in his diaphragm. Without hesitation, she took out a blow dryer, turned on the power and started blowing at the boy's stomach. About 10 minutes later, the boy burped and felt relieved. We were surprised that this thing can do the trick. But my wife just smiled.

A few days later, I had a stiff neck when I woke up in the morning. I could hardly turn my head. I recalled my stiff neck problem was treated a few times by acupuncture and cupping when I was younger. I asked my wife for the similar treatment. She said there weren't any needles at home nor any suitable small jars for cupping. She just took out a hair dryer. I couldn't help laughing. Again? This thing can cure stiff neck too? Amazing!

She blew on my shoulders and my neck for about 15 minutes. My neck was really loosened up. I could turn my head now. Later in the evening, she repeated that on me once more. The pain in my neck was significantly reduced. I crowned her the "queen of blow drying".

She explained that this was inspired by the method people used in the old days. In hospitals, with all the modern equipments we have, doctors do not need blow dryers. Back in the old days, in rural villages especially, doctors were poorly equipped with medical supplies. So they came up with other means to treat patients with common pains.

Suddenly I realized this is the thermal effect on pains with the heat generated by a blow dryer. Modern physiotherapy equipment such as electric, laser, thermal, ultrasound and others can easily generate heat for effective treatment. They are, of course, more powerful then a blow dryer. However, when they are not available, using a blow dryer to generate heat will also work, temporarily at least, on common pains such as back pain, muscle spasm, stiff neck, leg cramps, etc. It is easily accessible and easy to operate as long as there is electricity. The blow dryer is really amazing. Try it. Hope it works for you too.


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#14
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


蜂蜜和肉桂的混合物能治愈大多數疾病。 Ayurvedic 和 Yunani 醫學,一直都使用 蜂蜜作為這幾個世紀以來,重要的醫學研究。 今日的科學家也接受蜂蜜可以治愈大 多數疾病。 蜂蜜可用在各種疾病且沒有任何副作用。 今日的科學也指出,蜂蜜雖 甜,但適當的劑量並不危害患有糖尿病的病患。一本加拿大著名的雜誌 "Weekly World News" 於 1995/1/17 曾發表,蜂蜜和肉桂可以治愈下列等疾病。

關節炎 微溫的水加入一匙蜂蜜及一小匙肉桂粉,在身體發癢的地方塗上並按摩。 大部份疼 痛可在15分鐘內退去。 關節炎病患每天可飲一杯加入兩匙蜂蜜和一小匙肉桂粉的熱 水。如果定期喝,慢性關節炎可被治癒。 哥本哈根大學近期做的研究發現,醫生利 用蜂蜜加肉桂粉的混合物來治癒病人,但需在早餐前食用。一星期後,約200名病患 試用此療法,73名病患疼痛在一個月內明顯減少。大部份的病患在試用此療法前, 走路都不太方便,試用後,病患可走路且疼痛也減少了。

掉髮 那些受掉髮或者有禿頭之苦者,可在洗澡前用熱橄欖油,加一大匙蜂蜜及一匙肉桂 粉在頭髮上停留約15分鐘後再洗頭。即使只停留五分鐘也很有效。

膀胱感染 喝一杯加有二大匙肉桂粉及一大匙蜂蜜的熱水,可殺死膀胱裡的細菌。

牙痛 在牙痛的地方,塗上一大匙肉桂粉及五大匙蜂蜜做成的糊狀物, 一天三次,直到 牙齒不痛為止。

膽固醇 二大匙蜂蜜和三大匙肉桂粉加入16盎司的茶,給有膽固醇的病患喝,二個小時內可 減少血液裡10%膽固醇。 一天三次可減少膽固醇含量。 從一本醫學雜誌裡得到的訊 息:Medical Journal 表示,每日飯後食用純的蜂蜜可減少膽固醇。 .

感冒 感冒的人可連續三天食用,一大匙微熱蜂蜜加 1/4 匙肉桂粉。這個過程可治癒慢性 咳嗽、感冒及清理靜脈竇。

不孕 Yunani 和 Ayurvedic 多年來一直使用蜂蜜加強男性的精液。如果陽萎的男性定 期在睡前食用二大匙蜂蜜,他們的問題就可解決。 幾世紀以來,中國、日本及遠東 地區,沒有懷孕及需加強子宮的婦女,都有食用肉桂粉。不能懷孕的婦女,可把半 匙蜂蜜加入少量肉桂粉塗在牙床上,慢慢混著唾液吞入。在美國 Maryland 的一對 夫婦,已經 14 年沒有孩子且已不抱任何希望。 當這對夫婦得知這訊息,兩人開始 食用蜂蜜加肉桂粉,幾個月後,妻子懷孕且是雙胞胎。

腸胃不適 蜂蜜加肉桂粉,可治癒胃痛及胃潰瘍。 胃氣/腸氣:根據印度及日本所做的研究發 現,食用蜂蜜加肉桂粉可以減少胃氣及胃痛 。

消化不良 飯前食用二大匙蜂蜜加肉桂粉,可減少胃酸且 幫助食物的消化。

心臟病 早餐定期吃塗有蜂蜜和肉桂粉的麵包。 它可減少動脈的膽固醇且可避免心臟病發作。 對於過去曾有心臟病發作的病患,只要每天食用,就可避免再一次的心臟病發作。 定期遵守上述的步驟,可減輕呼吸困難的症狀且可加強心跳。 在美國及加拿大,很多的療養院都有成功的例子發現,當病患的動靜脈阻塞時,蜂 蜜和 肉桂粉可改善血液流動。

免疫系統 每日食用蜂蜜和肉桂粉,可加強免疫系統及防護細菌及病毒的侵害。科學家發現蜂 蜜有大量的維生素和鐵。 連續食用蜂蜜,可加強白血球對抗細菌及病毒。

流行性感冒 西班牙科學家已證實,蜂蜜具有可殺死流行性感冒及預防感冒的天然要素。

老化 定期喝茶並加上蜂蜜和肉桂粉,可預防老化。 將 4 大匙蜂蜜加一大匙肉桂粉及三 杯水煮沸。 每天喝3-4次,一次1/4杯,可保持皮膚光滑且預防老化。也可延長壽命, 讓你更年輕﹗

青春痘 將三大匙蜂蜜加一大匙肉桂粉調成糊狀,睡前塗在青春痘處,隔天早上用溫水洗去, 連續兩周,可消除青春痘。

皮膚感染 蜂蜜加肉桂粉可治癒溼疹、輪癬及其他皮膚感染。 只要將蜂蜜加入肉桂粉,塗在感染處即可。

身體過重 每天早上空腹,在早餐前三十分鐘及睡前喝一杯用蜂蜜加肉桂粉煮的水。定期喝可 以減重。 定期喝,即使吃高卡路里的食物,也不會讓身體堆積脂肪。

癌症 根據日本和澳洲近期的研究發現,胃癌和骨癌可利用此法治癒。癌症病患應食用三 大匙蜂蜜加一大匙肉桂粉,一天三次,連續一個月,並持續進行腫瘤療程。

疲勞 近期的研究顯示,蜂蜜的含糖量對人體的幫助大於傷害。有食用蜂蜜和肉桂粉的老 年人比較靈活。針對這題材已完成廣泛研究的 Dr. Milton 表示,當活力減少時, 可每天刷牙後及午後三點左右喝一杯水加半匙蜂蜜及少量肉桂粉,一星期活力就會 增加。

口臭 南美洲的人,每天都會將熱水加一大匙蜂蜜及肉桂粉來漱口,這樣可以讓口氣整天 保持清新。

聽力喪失 每天食用蜂蜜加肉桂粉可恢復聽力。


The magical effect of honey with cinnamon

A mixture of honey and cinnamon can cure most diseases. For centuries Ayurvedic and Yunani medicine has used honey as an important medical research. Today, scientists also accept honey can cure a variety of diseases. Honey can be used in curing diseases without any side effects. Today's science also points out that although honey is sweet, it does not harm patients with diabetes when appropriate dosage is taken. A well-known Canadian magazine "Weekly World News " published on 1995/1/17, that honey and cinnamon can cure the following diseases

Arthritis: - Mix 2 spoonful of lukewarm water with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. By applying the solution to the aching part of the body and massaging, most pain can recede within 15 minutes. Add 2 spoonful of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of hot water to make a drink. If an arthritis patient drinks this daily on a regular basis, chronic arthritis can be cured. In a recent research done at Copenhagen University, Demark doctors tried to give a mixture of honey and cinnamon to their patients to take before breakfast. Of the 200 patients who participated, 73 patients significantly reduced the pain within a month. Most of the patients who have difficulty in walking, found after the trial have pain decreased and some even improved in walking.

Hair loss: - hair loss or baldness can apply hot olive oil with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon on the skull for 5 to 15 minutes before shampooing.

Bladder infection: - drinking hot water with 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and 1 tablespoon of honey can kill the bacteria inside the bladder.

Toothache: - Mix 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and 5 spoons of honey to come with paste. Spread the paste on the aching area 3 times a day until pain goes away.

Cold: - If you catch cold, you can take a tablespoon of honey and 1/4 spoon of cinnamon powder heated warm, 3 times a day. This can cure chronic cough, cold and clear sinus.

Infertility: - Yunani and Ayurvedic have been using honey for years to strengthen the semen of men. If impotent men regularly take two tablespoons of honey before going to bed, their problem can be resolved. For centuries, people in China, Japan and the Far East, have used cinnamon to strengthen the uterus of women who cannot get pregnant. Add a small amount of cinnamon to 1/2 tablespoon of honey, then coated the mixture on the gum and slowly swallow it. It is said that this treatment can help infertility. In Maryland of the United States a couple could not have children after they had married for14 years. When the couple heard the method, they began to try and gradually increased consumption of honey and cinnamon. A few months later, the wife got pregnant and eventually gave birth to twins.

Stomach discomfort: - According to researches done in India and Japan, consumption of honey and cinnamon powder can reduce stomachache and intestinal gas pain.

Indigestion: - taking 2 tablespoons of honey mixed with cinnamon powder before meals can help digest food and reduce gastric acid.

Heart disease: - When eating breakfast, coat your bread with honey and cinnamon. If you do this on a regular basis, it will help to reduce cholesterol in the arteries and may prevent a heart attack. This will also reduce the symptoms of breathing difficulties and enhance the heart function. In the United States and Canada, examples of success are found in many nursing homes when honey and cinnamon are given to treat patients with venous obstruction.

Immune system: - daily consumption of honey and cinnamon can strengthen the immune system and protect against bacteria and viruses. Scientists found that honey has a lot of vitamins and iron. Continuous consumption of honey can enhance leukocyte in fighting against bacteria and viruses.

Influenza: - Spanish scientists have confirmed that honey and cinnamon can help in prevention of influenza and common cold.

Aging: - regular consumption of honey and cinnamon tea can slow down the aging process. Add 4 tablespoons of honey, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder to 3 cups of boiling water. Drink 1 cup each time, 3-4 times a day will keep you skin smooth and make you look younger!

Pimples: - ground 1 tablespoon of cinnamon with 3 spoons of honey into a paste. Spread paste on pimples before going to bed. Wash off paste with warm water the next morning. Pimples will disappear in 2 weeks.

Skin infection: - cinnamon and honey can cure eczema, psoriasis and other skin infections. Just add cinnamon to honey and put on the infected areas.

Overweight: - 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before bed time drink a cup of boiled water with honey and cinnamon. Regular drinking of this can help you lose weight, even if you have high-calorie food because honey and cinnamon do not allow accumulation of body fat.

Cancer: - according to recent studies in Japan and Australia, honey and cinnamon can be used to cure gastric cancer and bone cancer. Cancer patients eat three spoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon together, three times a day, as an ongoing cancer treatment.

Fatigue: - Recent studies have shown that the sugar content in honey is of more help than harm on the human body. Consumption of honey and cinnamon makes the elderly more energetic. In an extensive research on this subject, Dr. Milton said that whenever you feel your energy level is down, you can drinking a glass of water with honey and a small amount of cinnamon in the morning after brushing your teeth and in the afternoon around 3:00 p.m. After 2 weeks, your energy level will be back.

Bad breath: - South Americans use hot water with 1 tablespoon of honey and cinnamon to rinse their mouth everyday. It keeps you breath fresh all day long.

Hearing loss: - daily consumption of honey cinnamon can restore hearing.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#15
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


Wash the lemons, make juice, then freeze into ice cubes. Seale them with a zipper bag and store them in the refrigerator for daily use. Making lemonade with the lemon juice ice-cubes is easy. Lemon is good for your heart and bones as well as blood circulation. Lacking vitamin C for a long period is detrimental to your health. Experts suggest lemon drinks can be a remedy.
According to a professor of the Japanese Ministry of Ibaraki Christian University, the death rate of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is far higher than cancer. Many office workers who often have high calorie and high fat food, high pressure, and inadequate movement are at high risk of chronic cardiovascular diseases. According to his research, prevention of such diseases in the first step is to start with improved diet. He suggested that lemon being antioxidant with inhibition of free radicals is a good choice. Besides, people who have osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency can also drink lemon juice for improvement.

Lemon can enhance blood circulation and attract calcium. Moreover, the price of lemon is not that expensive. So, instead of buying expensive health medicine, it is wise to take advantage on lemon for health maintenance.

[Benefits of lemon juice]

Lemon is highly alkaline: the treatment was considered good medicine for most diseases, such as cough, phlegm, spleen deficiency. It's rich in vitamin C, and good for blood circulation. It can prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, reduce fatigue, increase immunity, slow aging and maintain skin elasticity, as well as overcome diabetes, hypertension, anemia, colds, osteoporosis and so on.

Boost memory: According to the latest study intake of vitamin C and vitamin E helps to strengthen memory and improve response. Degradation of blood circulation can have adverse impact on the brain, preventing the brain from function properly. Experts suggest that the efficacy of lemon with water-soluble antioxidant and vitamin C can help in maintaining the memory without any side effects. Lemon is a readily available health product in our daily life.

Improvement of Osteoporosis: lemon citrate can enhance the body's absorption of calcium. Hence, increases the bone mineral density and prevents osteoporosis.


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#16
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(Live after Middle Age)

A buddhist master once said in New York United Daily News: With the ups and downs in one's life, a smooth journey is quite rare. Health, social environment, etc., are always unpredictable. Only if you are prepared in a variety of conditions, you can overcome obstacles to move forward. I often advise people that don't get too excited on ups and don't be so despair on downs. This way your life will be much easier.

After mid age, with the natural degradation of body functions, one will begin to experience back pain, dizziness, tinnitus, gastroenteritis, constipation, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis and other chronic diseases. While the health condition is not be under your controlled, it is possible to avoid or minimize the chronic diseases if you pay attention to your diet and preserve with exercise.

If business, property, wealth or social status are you goals, you will be attracted with endless pain throughout your life. In fact wealthy, but not healthy, is in meaningless. In case of serious illness, not only you are painful, your family and friends also suffer. Therefore, only good health will enable you enjoy life.


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#17
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#18
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!



二两油 : 2014-02-01#19
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irene999 : 2014-02-01#20
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libochi : 2014-02-01#21
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Tom.Yu : 2014-02-01#22
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xiav5 : 2014-02-01#23
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lobster : 2014-02-01#24
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moyan : 2014-02-01#25
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

:wdb37::wdb37::wdb37::wdb37: 顶!

特困生 : 2014-02-01#26
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


江湖风铃 : 2014-02-01#27
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


youyouzouzou : 2014-02-01#28
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fyhfiona : 2014-02-01#29
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


生命=努力+谦让 : 2014-02-01#30
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

Mark. Thank u for sharing

Mansaca : 2014-02-01#31
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#32
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


以前膚色真的泛黃 ,現在“黃裡透紅------淡咖啡色,羨慕吧! 而且血液循環變好,指頭末梢和嘴唇都不容易乾裂 ,體力也變好, 只要持續每天當茶喝兩個月,保證有成果! 美女秘方:枸杞+黃耆+紅棗+數朵菊花+洋蔘. 補了嗎? 那------枸杞+紅棗 - 很棒了!(李心潔都這樣喝喔!) 量隨你抓,煮過會比用泡的效果好! 枸杞最適合用來消除疲勞, 枸杞能預防動脈硬化及防止老化,還具有溫暖身體的作用。 驚人的療效令人讚歎!

枸杞是一種具有強韌生命力及精力的植物,非常適合用來消除疲勞。 它能夠促進血液循環、防止動脈硬化、.還可預防肝臟內脂肪的囤積, 再加上枸杞內所含有的各種維他命、必需胺基酸及亞麻油酸全面性地的運作, 更可以 促進體內的新陳代謝,也能夠防止老化。

枸杞葉可用來泡「枸杞茶」, 飲用紅色果實「枸杞子」可用於做菜或泡茶, 枸杞根又稱為「地骨皮」,一般當作藥材使用,因此, 實在稱得上是物盡其用。而且長期食用枸杞或飲用枸杞茶,也不會有副作用。

它的藥效十分廣泛,具有 解熱、治療糖尿病、止咳化痰等療效, 而將枸杞根煎煮後飲用,能夠 降血壓, 至於枸杞茶則具有 治療體質虛寒、性冷感、健胃、肝腎疾病、肺結核、便祕、失眠、 低血壓、貧血、各種眼疾、掉髮、口腔炎、護膚 等各種效果。 但是,由於枸杞溫熱身體的效果相當強,患有高血壓、性情太過急躁的人, 或平日大量攝取肉類導致面泛紅光的老饕們最好不要食用。 相反地,若是體質虛弱、常感冒、抵抗力差的人最好每天食用。


枸杞味甘,性平,無毒。《神農本草經》謂「久服堅筋骨,輕身不老」。唐代甄權 《藥性本草》謂:「補精氣諸不足,易顏色,變白,明目安神,令人長壽。」這說 明枸杞既使人美容,又令人長壽。枸杞為茄科落葉灌木寧夏枸杞 Lycium barbarum L. 的全株。枸杞果又名枸杞子,紅潤甘美,味同葡萄,可作果食。以中國寧夏、甘 肅產的為優。 根據研究,枸杞果實和根葉含甜菜鹼、多種不飽和脂肪酸、維他命 B1 、B2、C、菸 酸、胡蘿蔔素以及微量元素鈣、磷、鐵等。其中枸杞甜菜鹼有抗脂肪肝和保護肝臟 的作用。 枸杞有降血壓、降血糖的功效。而肥胖人、中老年人多見脂肪肝、高血壓和糖尿病, 枸杞能治療這些病,無疑有利於輕身、健美、長壽。 枸杞果還能使機體T淋巴細胞增加,增強免疫功能,所以有延緩衰老、耐老的作用。 有指春採枸杞葉,名「天精草」;夏採枸杞花,名「長生草」;秋採子,名「枸杞 子」;冬採根,名「地骨皮」。《保壽堂方》有服食枸杞返老還童之例,老人堅持 長期服食枸杞,除了活到百多歲仍能行走如飛之外,還會髮白返黑,陽事強健,齒 落更生。

English Translation
[The following is an excerpt translated from the above for reference only. Use of terms may not be accurate according to the original.]
Wolfberry is a kind of robust vitality and energy of the plant. It is most suitable for treatment of fatigue. It can promote blood circulation; prevent atherosclerosis and liver fat accumulation. Wolfberry contains a variety of vitamins, essential amino acids and linoleum acid to promote the body metabolism, and to slow down aging.

Its efficacy covers a wide range, and is often used to cure fever, diabetes, cough and phlegm. Drinking tea made from the wolfberry roots, helps in treatment of physical deficiency, frigid, stomach, liver and kidney diseases, tuberculosis, constipation, insomnia, low blood pressure, anemia, various eye disease, hair loss, stomatitis, skin care and other effects. However, the body warming effect of wolfberry is quite strong warm. Therefore it is not suitable for people with hypertension, high blood pressure or those who have impatient temperament.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#33
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


經常熬夜的朋友要多多服用哦!小小一顆紅棗,功效卻很強。 紅棗不僅營養非常豐富,而且還能保護肝臟。 在平時的養生中,善用紅棗,對身體的助益很大。 中國的草藥書籍「本經」中記載到, 紅棗味甘性溫、歸脾胃經,有補中益氣、養血安神、緩和藥性的功能; 而現代的藥理學則發現,紅棗含有蛋白質、脂肪、醣類、有機酸、 維生素A、維生素C、微量鈣多種氨基酸等豐富的營養成份。 現代的藥理學同時還發現,紅棗能提高體內單核--- 吞噬細胞系統的吞噬功能, 有保護肝臟,增強體力 的作用。 這個發現和中醫用紅棗組方「養肝湯」來養肝排毒的方法不謀而合。

醫星球醫星顧問莊淑旂博士大力推薦剖腹產的婦女產前應喝養肝湯, 她認為剖腹產的婦女,喝養肝湯不僅可以排解麻藥的毒性,保護肝臟, 減輕手術後的疼痛,而養肝湯的作法:紅棗七顆洗淨, 每顆以小刀劃出直紋幫助養分溢出,然後用滾水兩百八十西西加蓋, 浸泡八個小時以上,接著再加蓋隔水蒸一個小時即成。 紅棗有如此奇妙之功效,同時又物美價廉,民眾應該多加利用。


中醫的方子裡,常常見到它的蹤影,因為紅棗有緩和藥性的功能; 紅棗能補氣養血,是很好的營養品。 中國的草藥書籍「本經」中記載到,紅棗味甘性溫、脾胃經, 有補中益氣,養血安神,緩和藥性的功能。 現代藥理研究現,紅棗能使血中含氧量增強、滋養全身細胞, 是一種藥效緩和的強壯劑。在中藥學裡,紅棗的應用可分為以下幾種:

1. 健脾益胃:脾胃虛弱、腹瀉、倦怠無力的人,每日吃紅棗七顆, 或與黨參、白朮共用,能 補中益氣、健脾胃,達到增加食慾、止瀉的功效; 紅棗和生薑、半夏同用,可治療飲食不慎所引起的胃炎如胃脹、嘔吐等症狀。

2. 補氣養血:紅棗為補養佳品,食療藥膳中常加入紅棗補養身體、滋潤氣血。 台大免疫學孫安迪博士大力提倡平時多吃紅棗、黃耆、枸杞, 能提昇身體的元氣,增強免疫力。

3. 養血安神:女性躁鬱症、哭泣不安、心神不寧等, 用紅棗和甘草、小麥同用〈甘麥大棗湯〉, 可起到 養血安神、舒肝解鬱的功效。

4. 緩和藥性:紅棗常被用於藥性劇烈的藥方中, 以減少烈性藥的副作用,並保護正氣。

如:「十棗湯」中,用大棗緩解甘遂、大戟、蕪花等瀉藥的毒性, 保護脾胃不受傷害。 紅棗是補氣養血的聖品,同時又物美價廉, 民眾無需去買坊間昂貴的補品,善用紅棗即可達到養生保健的功效。

Jujubes- (Chinese red dates)
[The following is an excerpt translated from the above for reference only. Use of terms may not be accurate according to the original.]

Besides extremely nutritious, Jujube (red dates) also has great health benefits. It is commonly known as the liver's body guard. Chinese herbal medicine books recorded that Jujube as "sweet and warm", and is most effective in nourishing the spleen and stomach meridians. Modern pharmacology found Jujube contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, amino acids and other nutrients. Modern pharmacology also found that dates can protect the liver and play an important role in physical strength of human-being.

In the herbal pharmacy, the applications of Jujube (red dates) can be classified into the following categories:

1. to enhance the spleen and stomach:
2. to enhance the Chi and blood flow.
3. to nourish the blood cells
4. to neutralize the potent drugs

Jujubes, while inexpensive, can be used by ordinary people to achieve effective health care.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#34
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(Right Ti ming )


唸書的 最佳時間 >早上 醒來頭腦一定會昏昏的,但去洗把臉後,就會清醒多了,這時也是頭腦最清醒的時候,而在此時唸書或是記東西都會比較容易!

運動的 最佳時間 >在早晨的時候出去散散步是不錯的,因為 早晨 的空氣是最新鮮的,在散步時多呼吸些清新的空氣,不僅可以提神,對身體又很有幫助,但切記不要做劇烈運動喔!

吃水果的 最佳時間 >飯前一小時 吃水果最有益,因為水果是生食,吃生食再吃熟食,體內就不會有白細胞增高的反應,有利於保護人體 免疫系統,增強防病抗癌的能力。(鳳梨,橘子,香蕉,宜飯後)

鍛煉的最佳時間 >傍晚 時鍛鍊身體是最好的,因為人的各種活動都受〝生物鐘〞的影響,無論是身體的適應或體力的發揮都在下午近傍晚時分最佳,早上則反之,運動時的血壓和心率都較傍晚時高,對人體有害。

洗澡的最佳時間 >晚上臨睡前 ,洗一次溫水澡能讓全身的肌肉和關節放鬆,有助於安然入睡。

減肥的最佳時間 >飯後 45分鐘 。在二十分鐘內散步行程1600米,最有利於減肥。如過二小時後再散步二十分鐘,則減肥效果更佳。

睡眠的最佳時間 >午睡最好從午後一小時 開始,這時身體感覺較遲鈍,很容易入睡。晚上則以十時至十一時上床最佳,因為人的深睡時間一般在夜晚二時至淩晨三時,而人在睡後一個半小時進入深睡狀態。

刷牙的最佳時間 >應在每次進食後三分鐘 內,因為飯後三分口腔內的細菌開始分解 食物殘渣中的酸性物質,腐蝕溶解牙釉質。

護膚的 最佳時間 >人體皮膚的新陳代謝夜間十二時至凌晨六時最為旺盛,因此睡前 護膚有促進和保護皮膚新陳代謝及保護皮膚健美的作用。

飲茶的 最佳時間 >飯後立即喝茶不科學,因為飯後立即喝茶,茶葉中的鞣酸可與食物中的鐵結合成不溶的鐵鹽,降低鐵的吸收,時間長了容易誘發貧血,等 飯後一小時 ,食物中的鐵質已基本吸收完畢,這時喝茶就不會影響鐵的吸收了。

記住了沒~~ 我親愛的朋友!

The best time to study> when you wake up after you wash your face, you mind is most clear. Study at this time, it is easy to memorize what you studied.

The best time to exercise> in the morning, it is good for walking because the air is fresh. But do not do strenuous exercise!

The best time to eat fruits> Eating fruit one hour before meals is most beneficial because fruits are raw. It is more appropriate to eat raw then cooked food so that the body need not to elevate white blood cells to protect the body's immune system. This in turn enhances the anti-cancer mechanism. (Exceptions: Pineapples, oranges, bananas, should be taken after a meal)

The best time to exercise> Evening is the best time to exercise because human activities are subject to the "biological clock". On the contrary morning is not suitable for exercise and can be harmful. Exercise in the morning, blood pressure and heart beat are moving higher than the evening.

The best time to take a bath> Before bedtime, a warm water bath allows the body to relax the muscles and joints. It also helps sleep peacefully.

The best time to lose weight> 45 minutes after meals. A twenty minute walking (or 1600 meters), is most conducive to weight loss. If the walk is repeated two hours later, it would be even better.

The best time to sleep> the best napping time is one hour passed noon. This time is the easiest in falling asleep. 10:00 pm to 11:00 p.m. is the best time to go to bed, because deep-sleep normally from one half of an hour to one hour after you fell asleep.

The best time to brush your teeth> Within three minutes after each meal. After eating one-third of bacteria in the mouth begin to decompose acid residue in food which can cause corrosion of enamel.

The best time for skin care> Skin metabolism is most vigorous between midnight and 6 a.m. So before going to bed, skin care can promote the skin metabolism and lead to proper functioning.

The best time to drink tea> Drink tea immediately after a meal is not scientific. This is because tea tannin has iron-binding properties making it iron salts insoluble, and preventing iron absorption. Day after day, it is likely to cause anemia. It is more preferable to drink tea one hour after when iron in food has been absorbed.

Hope everyone can choose the right time to keep a healthy body. Wish you safe and happy always!

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#35
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

( The Healthy Food)

WHO named the most healthy and junk food
News source: The Times
After about 3 years of study, the World Health Organization published the following list of the best food.

Best vegetables: sweet potato - rich in vitamins, cancer prevention, selected as the top of all vegetables. Others include asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, beets, carrots, shepherd's purse, broccoli, golden straw mushroom, xuelihong (雪里紅), and bok choy (Chinese cabbage).

Best fruits: papaya, strawberry, orange, mandarin orange, kiwi, mango, apricot, persimmon and watermelon.

Best meat: the chemical structure of ducks meat and geese meat are close to that of olive oil, good for the heart. Chicken is called "the best source of protein"

Best cooking oils: corn oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil, etc. is better, vegetable oil next

Best soup: chicken soup, especially the soup made from hens can fight flu and bronchitis. The soup is most suitable for winter and spring.

Guardians of the brain: spinach, chives, pumpkin, onion, cauliflower, peppers, peas, tomatoes, carrots, green cabbage, garlic, celery and other vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, almonds, soybeans and other nuts, brown rice, liver and so on.


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#36
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

蒜頭蒸飯 - 閱後傳知他人,添福添壽

一位朋友每天吃蒜頭蒸飯,晚餐用一把蒜頭切碎煮飯,半年之後高血壓消失了 ,痛風症消失了,坐骨神經痛亦消失了。 對於目前流行的非典型肺炎,他認為吃蒜頭是增強免疫力的方法,因為蒜頭是 「窮人靈芝」,能通血管及清除毒素, 以前美軍亦用作隨身解毒劑。
蒜頭炒飯:蒜頭越多越香,拍碎,油鍋炒香蒜頭放入鹽 ,煮好的飯放如加葫椒鹽拌炒 起鍋。另一位朋友提醒要多食維他命 C以增強抵抗力,並切忌吃煎炸熱氣食物, 免引致喉嚨發炎,病毒就由此攻入。


蒜頭之外﹐原來薑也是一樣有用。蒜頭及老薑是「廉價靈芝」 真沒想到蒜頭及薑的好處多多! 薑對身體很有益處,愛美又想要健康的人,不妨試試看吧!
1. 約十公克的薑磨成糊狀。 2. 把薑糊放入玻璃杯裡。 3. 注入滾燙的熱開水。
4. 加入一匙蜂蜜,拌勻後飲用。 5. 男女老少都適合飲用。
老薑切片或拍碎煮黑糖,功效一樣! 連續喝兩個月 (每天早晨入浴前各喝一次) 據書本記載的見證:
(1) 身體變溫暖,手腳冰冷的『怕冷症』體質明顯改善。 (2) 體重可減輕約十公斤。 (3) 皮膚變得細嫩。
(4) 去掉多餘贅肉,腰圍變細。

Steamed Rice with Garlic
[The following is an excerpt translated from the above for reference only. Use of terms may not be accurate according to the original.]
A friend after eating rice steamed with chopped garlic for six months, his high blood pressure, gout and sciatica symptoms disappeared. It is widely belied that eating garlic is a way of enhancing the immune system. Garlic is considered the "lingzhi" (ganoderma lucidum), for the poor. It has the effect to pass blood vessels and remove toxins from within. The U.S. military has previously used garlic as a portable antidote.
Apart from steaming, garlic can be used in cooking fried rice with salt and pepper for better taste.
Besides garlic, ginger is also beneficial to health and beauty. So give it a try!

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#37
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

Avoiding Alzheimer's Disease

每天走路40分鐘 老年不失智

阿茲海默症(ALZHEIMER)的最大危險因子是年齡,隨著年齡增加而增加。60歲以上老 人約1%有阿茲海默症,之後每增5歲,罹病率就增加一倍,到了80歲,就有將近2成 的人有阿茲海默症。如果能將發病年齡延後5年,則罹病者人數將減半,這就是「打 造一個沒有阿茲海默的世界」的真諦。

如何打造呢?可由幾方面著手:大腦多動動 頭好壯壯

多年來許多流行病學、腦部灌流及動物實驗的研究均顯示,高教育或多動腦者較不 易罹患阿茲海默症。其實教育或多動腦不能改變大腦結構,但可增強腦力,就是增 加大腦的知能存款,禁得起大腦退化時的提領。因此,多動腦可以讓失智的症狀延 後發生,甚至即使大腦已有阿茲海默症的病變,也不會出現失智的症狀。 動腦方法以閱讀雜誌、書報最有效。打牌、打麻將、拼字遊戲、填數獨、造訪親友、 看電視、聽收音機等休閒活動也都是不錯的選擇。養成終身學習的習慣是退休人士 動腦的最好方法,不管是讓自己的專長繼續成長、上網學習,培養新興趣,參加社 區大學或各種團體等,都是動腦的好方法。

運動健健美 走路最好

運動是真正的青春之源。動物實驗顯示有氧運動可增加大腦微血管、神經細胞間的 突觸、新生的神經細胞與神經生長因子,並降低腦中類澱粉含量。運動還可以降血 壓、膽固醇,減少心血管疾病,也可減少罹患大腸癌、骨質疏鬆、糖尿病、肥胖、 憂鬱症的機會,增強老年人注意力、執行及規劃能力。

最近不少流行病學研究顯示,多運動(尤其是走路)可減少知能的減退或失智症。 例如美國的護士健康研究(The Nurses' Health Study),追蹤18766位70到81歲的 護士8到15年,發現每星期至少走1.5小時者比每星期走路少於38分鐘者的知能減退 明顯為少。另一個夏威夷-亞洲研究(Honolulu-Asia Study)針對2257名71到93歲 的男性居民追蹤7年,發現每天走路少於0.4公里者得到阿茲海默症的機會比每天走 3.2公里者多了77%。

地中海飲食 長壽之道

科學家早就注意到老鼠食量如果減少30%,壽命也相對延長30%,且對空間記憶與學 習能力也較強。 過去流行病學的調查發現,飲食中含較多的魚或不飽和脂肪酸的低脂肪攝取民眾, 得到阿茲海默症的機會較低。2006年美國哥倫比亞大學的研究,針對平均年齡77歲 的2258位社區居民追蹤4年,發現常吃地中海式飲食(多蔬果、豆類、穀類、橄欖油、 適量魚、酒、少量肉、家禽)者比不吃地中海式飲食者得阿茲海默症的機會少了40%, 可見清淡飲食的重要性。 以上方法是傳統養生之道,只是如今用科學方法加以驗證罷了。

所以不論老少,從今天開始就多動腦,養成終身學習的習慣,與朋友保持聯繫,多 參與休閒活動,每天走路至少40分鐘,只要是10分鐘內的路程就走路、不坐車,飲 食清淡、多蔬果,如此不僅身體健康,精神愉快,而且得到阿茲海默症的機會也大 為減少,離「沒有阿茲海默的世界」就不遠了。

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#38
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


不要不相信﹑很多人習慣吃飽飯後就來一瓶冷飲,尤其是一些罐裝茶飲料;號稱可 以「去油解膩」。喝下去是很爽沒有錯,但你有沒有想過接下來你的肚子裡會發生 什麼事?

快動動大腦想想吧!你肚子裡的牛排(或是鹹酥雞、滷味都是油膩膩的食物,腸胃要 消化本來就比較吃力了。現在再倒入一瓶冰水有沒有看過冰箱裡面的豬油牛油啊? 你能想像把上面那層白白的凝固油吞進肚子裡嗎? 噁﹐當你的腸胃裡有一塊塊蠟燭 般的凝固油,還去什麼油、解什麼膩咧﹖如果只是噁心的話就算了,重點是—會得 腸癌!

這些凝固油碰到胃酸會再度溶解成半液狀,然後會比固態食物早一步流進腸道裡。 於是那稠稠黏黏、油不油水不水的物質就會率先被腸道吸收。但是!腸道並沒有辦 法完全吸收排除這些詭異的物質;腸璧絨毛會沾滿油脂。就好像冬天要洗牛肉湯的 鍋子一樣,怎麼洗都還是覺得油膩膩。而且久而久之這種噁 心的東西就會附著在腸道壁上—你總不能往腸子裡倒沙拉脫吧?

經過經年累月的堆積和質變,這些東西輕則導致息肉,更有可能的是病變成腸癌! 所以趕快改掉這種要命的壞習慣﹐飯後不要馬上灌冷飲,最好是喝點熱湯或溫開水 就好啦!然後平常沒事多喝優酪乳。優酪乳可以讓腸道裡多點好菌、趕走壞菌,幫 你的腸子來個大掃除,讓腸道更乾淨~

再告訴你一件更噁心的事—得了腸癌,要在肚子上裝人工肛門才能大便耶!你不想 要有這種遭遇吧? 快讓你所關心的人知道,別讓他們裝人工肛門啊!

Drink Warm Water After Meals
The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating. For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#39
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!



蜂蜜 專家提出, 每天喝一勺蜂蜜就可以遠離傷風 氣喘瘙癢 咳嗽等季節性過敏症狀。 蜂蜜能夠預防過敏的原因有兩個:一 是其中含有微量的蜂毒。蜂毒是蜜蜂體內的 一種有毒液體,但在臨床上被用於支氣管哮喘等過敏性疾病的治療。二 是蜂蜜裹 面含有一定的花粉粒,經常喝會對花粉過敏產生一定的抵抗能力。

紅棗 日本學者研究發現,紅棗中含有大量抗敏物質環磷酸腺,可阻止過敏反應的發生。 凡有過敏症狀的患者,可以經常服用紅棗。服用方法為︰
(1) 紅 棗10 枚, 水煎服,每日3 次。
(2) 生食紅棗,每次10克,每日3次。
(3) 紅棗10枚,大麥 100 克, 加水煎服,日服2-3次。

金針菇 經常食用金針菇有利於排除重金屬離子和代謝產生的毒素和廢物,能有效地增強機 體活力。新加坡的研究人員發現,金針菇菌柄中含有一種蛋白,可以抑制哮喘﹑鼻 炎﹑濕疹等過敏性病症,沒有患病的人也可以通過吃金針菇來加強免疫系統。

胡蘿蔔 日本專家發現胡蘿卜中的 β-胡蘿蔔素能有效預防花粉過敏症,過敏性皮炎等過 敏反應。據有關報道,日本專家通過實驗鼠研究發現,β-胡蘿蔔素能調節細胞內 的平衡,使實驗鼠難出現過敏反應。

Get Ready for the Allergy Season
(Translated from Sing Tao Weekly 04/15/2007 No. 678)

During the allergy season in spring, certain food can play an important role in prevention of allergy.

Honey Experts say, taking a spoonful of honey every day can keep you away from the common cold, asthma, coughing, and seasonal allergies. Honey can prevent allergies for two reasons: First, it contains a small amount of venom. Bee venom is toxic, but has been used in clinical asthma and other allergic diseases. Second, honey contains certain pollens and having honey in your body can build resistance against allergy.

Jujube Japanese researchers found that jujube contains a large number of anti-allergic materials which can prevent allergic reactions from occurring. Patients who have allergies can always take dates in one of the methods:
(1) 10 red dates, make tea by boiling them in water, drink 3 times a day.
(2) eat raw dates, each time 10 grams, 3 times a day.
(3) 10 red dates, 100 grams of barley, boil them in water, eat them, 2-3 times daily.
Continue with dosage in any of the above methods until allergy symptoms goes away. It is better off to break the dates apart before boiling them in water. Do not add sugar.

Flammulina Flammulina, a kind of edible straw mushroom, often helps in getting rid of metal ions, toxins and waste. This can effectively enhance body functions to fight allergies. Singapore researchers found, mushroom straws contain protein that can inhibit asthma, nose itching, eczema and other allergic inflammatory disease. People with illness can take this kind of mushroom to enhance the immune system.

Carrots Japanese experts found that β-carotene in carrots can prevent hay fever, allergic dermatitis and other allergic reaction. According to the reports, from tests conducted on mice, experts found that β-carotene can keep intracellular activity balance, hence hard for mice to have allergy.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#40
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


抑鬱症: 最近一項調查發現,患抑鬱症的人,在吃過香蕉後,感覺好好多。因為香蕉含胺基 酸,會轉化成血清促進素,令人鬆馳、提升情緒。

貧血: 香蕉鐵質含量高,能刺激血液內的血色素。

血壓高: 香蕉含極高量的鉀,但鹽份低,最理想是降血壓。最近,美國食品及藥物管理局宣 佈,允許香蕉業宣傳香蕉能降低血壓高和中風機會。

腦力: 在英國 Twickenha 就有 200 名學生,為了要提升腦力,幫助考試,在學期開始, 於早餐、小休和午飯,都吃適量香蕉。研究顯示,含豐富鉀質的香蕉,能提高學生 的專注力,對他們讀書有所幫助。

便泌: 香蕉的纖維質很高,可幫助回覆腸胃正常活動,消除便泌,無需服用輕瀉劑。

宿醉: 香蕉奶色加蜜糖可以即時解酒。香蕉鬆馳胃部,蜜糖提升血糖水平,奶抒緩精神和 製做炭水化合物。

心絞痛: 香蕉對身體有一種天然的制酸性,有鎮痛作用。 早上無精打彩。早餐後午飯前,吃少量香蕉可保持血糖水平。

蚊釘蟲咬﹕ 用香蕉皮內部輕擦患處,可退腫消炎。

緊張: 香蕉的維生素 B含量高,可幫助抒緩神經系統。

超重: 澳地利心理學學校研究發現,工作壓力大,使員工會不斷進食巧力克和薯片去抒緩 情緒。研究員對 5000名醫院的病人做研究,發體型肥胖的,通常都是司職壓力非常 大的工作。研究總結認為,要避免引起對抒緩情緒食物的欲念,就應該約每兩小時 吃一點高炭水化合物的食物,以降低身體內的血糖水平。

胃潰瘍: 香蕉是調理腸胃失調的食方,因為香蕉有著柔軟的纖維而且柔滑。對於長期患者來 說,香蕉是唯一可以進食的未煮熟食物,而不會有不良反應。香蕉還可以中和胃酸 和減少疼痛。

體溫控制: 在不同國家、地區和文化中,都有把香蕉作為一種「降溫」的果物,可以用作降低 身、心的熱度。在泰國,孕婦為了使嬰兒出生時有較為涼快的環境,臨盤時就會吃 香蕉。

戒菸: 香蕉可以幫助戒菸。香蕉含維生素 B6 和 B12 ,也含鉀和鎂,可以複元戒菸者因為 沒有了尼古丁刺激的影響。

壓力: 香蕉所含的鉀,可以調節心跳使之正常化,從而將氧氣順利送到大腦,與及調節身 體的水份。當受到壓力緊張時,我們的新陳代謝就會加快,因而使鉀的水平一降。 鉀含量高的香蕉,正好作補充。

中風: 據著名醫學雜誌 "The New England Journal of Medicine" 的研究指出,長期吃香 蕉,中風死亡的機會率大大降低 40% 。 香蕉的確可以治療許多疾病。如果跟蘋果比較,香蕉多四倍蛋白質、多兩倍碳水化 合物、多三倍磷質、多五倍維生素 A 和鐵質、多兩倍其他維生素和礦物質。香蕉也 含豐富的鉀,是最有益的食物。所以,應該把那句老句子改為:「一日一香蕉,醫 生遠離我。」

PS 猴子經常都情緒高漲和開心,應該是吃得多香蕉的原因。還有,想皮鞋潔亮如新? 嘗試用香蕉皮的裡面,直接擦到皮鞋,然後用乾布擦淨,效果立見。真神奇的生果!

香蕉緩解眼睛干澀避免其過早衰老 在電腦前工作的人常常會覺得眼睛干澀或紅腫、疼痛,如果每天吃一根香蕉,就能 起到一定的緩解作用。這是台灣番薯藤健康網站的一篇文章日前告訴讀者的。 文章中指出,香蕉保護眼睛的功能首先和其中含量豐富的鉀有關。人體攝入鹽份過 多,會導致細胞中存留大量的水分,引起眼睛紅腫。香蕉中的鉀可以幫助人體排出 這些多余的鹽分,讓身體達到鉀鈉平衡,緩解眼睛的不適症狀。 此外,香蕉中含有大量的 胡蘿卜素。當人體缺乏這種物質時,眼睛就會變得疼痛、 干澀、眼珠無光、失水少神,多吃香蕉不僅可減輕這些症狀,還可在一定程度上緩 解眼睛疲勞,避免其過早衰老 !

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#41
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


熟透的香蕉 . 產生攻擊異常細胞的 TNF 1
原來熟透的香蕉 . 產生攻擊異常細胞的物質 TNF 您可能會發現不久的將來 ........ 香蕉會缺貨 !! 香蕉愈成熟即表皮上黑斑愈多, 它的免疫活性也就愈高。日本人愛吃香蕉不是沒原 因的,大、小朋友們都喜歡吃香蕉 ~ 真方便,每日五蔬果,疾病遠離我喔 ........
根據日本科學家的研究發現,香蕉中具有抗癌作用的物質 TNF 。 而且,香蕉愈成熟其抗癌效果愈高。日本東京大學教授山崎正利利用動物試驗,比 較了香蕉、葡萄、蘋果、西瓜、菠蘿、梨子、柿子等多種水果的免疫活性,結果證 實其中以香蕉的效果最好,能夠增加白血球,改善免疫系統的功能,還會產生攻擊 異常細胞的物質 TNF 。 山崎教授的試驗也發現, 香蕉愈成熟即表皮上黑斑愈多,它的免疫活性也就愈高。 所以從現在開始要吃熟一點的香蕉唷! 香蕉不會使白血球盲目增長只有在數量少的 時候才會大幅度增加。因此,專家們研究認為,香蕉具有的免疫激活作用比較溫和 , 在人體狀態健康時並不會使免疫力異常升高 . 但對病人、老人和抵抗力差的體 弱者則很有效果。 因此,在日常生活中,我們不妨每天吃1~2根香蕉,透過提升身體的抗病能力來 預防感染,特別是預防感冒和流感等病毒的侵襲。山崎 教授指出,在黃色表皮上出 現黑色斑點的香蕉,其增加白血球的能力......... 要比表皮發青綠的香蕉強8倍


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-01#42
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(Toxin Excretion Assistants)

現代社會毒素無所不在,因此 “排毒” 是十分重要的自我保健法,但健康排毒卻 不是每個人都有的觀念。了解體內毒素的來源及其對身體的傷害,才能用適當的方 法,飲食或藥物來排毒,若使用不當,不僅無法排毒,更可能導致另一種毒害。使 用各種排毒法之前,應詢問醫師的意見,以免誘使其他併發症產生。在眾多食物中 Vita 雜誌特別邀請中醫師,生機專家與營養師等,挑選最適合東方人的十大排毒 食物。許多人都會這麼想; “ 不生病就是健康 “﹐ 然而﹐ 就是這樣錯誤的健康 念, 往往讓人在不知不覺中讓健康的身體被啃蝕掉。而造成不健康的最大主因, 就是不正確的飲食觀念及生活習慣。其實,現代人身處在強大競爭壓力的生活中為 了尋求平衡,讓口腹之慾不斷擴大,在長期接觸各式高脂肪﹐高膽固醇﹑高鈉﹑ 低 纖維﹑低碳水化合物, 化學添加物之後, 使人們的免疫系統功能開始失調或衰退,進 而罹患各種慢性病或導致疾病人侵。而發達的醫學科技, 只讓我們不斷地陷於藥劑 使用, 卻忽略了根本的錯誤飲食習慣, 不良生活習慣問題。而健康排毒食物, 就是 吃進去對身體有用的養分, 排除對身體有負擔, 有傷害的物質, 讓身體保持健康的 飲食方法。試想現代多種食物都混有農藥等, 身體每時每刻接觸的毒素舉不勝舉, 它們積累在體內, 堵塞內臟, 篩檢程式和動脈, 導致可能的嚴重疾病, 而且對肥胖 症起到火上加油的作用, 一旦毒素從體內排除了, 脂肪也就自然會排出體外。大體 上許多食物都有排毒效果, 烹飪方式也會影響排毒。身體排毒的方法有許多, 但用 高纖低油低脂低糖低鹽的方式, 以最普及化的地瓜, 糙米, 生鮮蔬果做排毒素食材 , 不但安全, 經濟易實行, 接受度高, 且改變體質效果顯著。以下是十種隨手可得 的排毒好食物。

1. 海藻

含豐富的海藻多醣體,鹼性度最高, 能中和胃酸,並有促進體內排毒,預防脂肪堆積,幫 助代謝功能。海帶富含藻膠酸﹑甘露醇﹑ 蛋白質﹑脂肪﹑糖類﹑ 粗纖維﹑ 胡蘿蔔 素﹑ 維生素B1﹑維生素B2﹑維生素C﹑尼克酸﹑碘﹑鈣﹑磷﹑鐵等多種成分。尤其是含豐 富的碘,對人體十分有益﹑可治療甲狀腺腫大和碘缺乏而引起的病症。它所含的蛋白 質中, 包括 8 種氨基酸。海帶的碘化物被人體吸收後﹐ 能加速病變和炎症滲出物 的排 除。並有降血壓﹐防止動脈硬化的作用。

2. 洋蔥

洋蔥能促進腸胃蠕動, 加強消化能力, 且含有豐富的硫和蛋白質結合的情形最好, 對肝臟特別有益, 因此有助於排毒。洋蔥性溫又可以發汗散寒, 排水腫, 含硫化合 物, 能夠排出體內農藥等不良物質。推薦吃法: 加在各式三明治中﹔也可以切粒加 在湯品中。也可以煮一鍋 以洋蔥為主的蔬菜湯, 加入綠花椰菜, 胡蘿蔔, 芹菜等多 種高纖蔬果, 能分解體內 累積的毒素, 有助排便。

3. 綠豆

是中醫常用來接觸多種食物或藥物毒素的一味中藥﹐常食綠豆能幫助排除體內毒素﹐ 促 進肌體的正常代謝。綠豆湯是排毒養顏的佳品﹐在綠豆湯中調入蜂蜜飲用﹐排毒養 顏效 果更好。不少人會經常食用綠豆芽, 只因它經濟實惠。但很少人知道綠豆芽還具有 較高的藥用價值。推薦吃法﹕ 煮成薏仁綠豆湯﹐ 退火又好喝﹔綠豆煮爛與豆漿或 牛奶打成汁飲用。

4. 地瓜

拜健康風潮之賜, 地瓜的行情也愈炒高, 一年比一年貴,今年更出現了黃﹑ 紅﹑紫 三色地瓜以及口感更細更香的栗子地瓜。地瓜所含的纖維質鬆軟易消化, 可促進腸 胃蠕動, 有助排便。地瓜含有幫助消化的纖維質, 也是一種鹼性食品,含高纖維素 ,除 可以滑腸通便外, 還可中和人體內所累積過多的酸, 如吃太多的肉類蛋,或疲勞 引起 的酸。此外地瓜中的膠原及粘液多醣類物質, 可以預防動脈血管硬化與保持血 管彈 性, 加強多餘膽固醇的排泄作用, 是一種好吃又有用的蔬菜。推薦吃法:最棒 的吃法是烤地瓜, 而且連皮一起烤, 一起吃掉, 味道爽口甜美。一般來說, 吃地瓜 當然也必須配合自然律例作息, 能夠在上午6 點半以前排便, 就能讓小腸吸收地瓜 90% 以上的 功效。尤其是癌症或是重症患者想要靠地瓜袪病, 一定要砥礪自己在上 午6 點半以 前吃完地瓜, 7 點以前排便。一般人若是無法在上午6 點半以前吃完, 也應該要在 中午12 點以前吃完。因為下午以後身體的新陳代謝變差, 地瓜的醣容 易累積, 因此 中午12 點以後就不應該再吃地瓜了。

5. 花椰菜

屬十字花科,具抗氧化功效己有醫學證明可以抵抗癌症此外也有清熱利尿預防水腫並 提昇免疫系統。花椰菜有綠色和白色兩種, 含有豐富的 β 胡蘿蔔素, 維生素B1及C 。還含有豐富的鈣﹑硫﹑鉀和少量的硒(Se)這種物質具有抗癌的功效 ,並且可以預防心臟疾病和關節炎等症狀), 另外, 花椰菜中也含有一種物質稱為lndol-3 carbonal, 可以增女性雌激素的分泌, 防止乳癌, 所以多吃椰菜有益身體健康。推 薦吃法: 可與海鮮食材搭配食用。直接用水燙過實用, 簡單灑上鹽巴, 味道鮮美也 最營養。

6. 南瓜

清代名醫陳修園說: 南瓜為補血之妙品。(本草網目) 稱南瓜有補中(脾胃)益氣之效。 (醫藥篆要)也指南瓜有益氣救肺之效。其實南瓜之所以受到這麼高的評價, 是因為 它是一種極富有營養的健康食品。秋天氣候乾燥, 增加含有豐富維生素A﹑E 的食品 , 可增強機體免疫力, 對改普秋燥症狀大有裨益。而南瓜剛好就含有豐富的維生素 E。 最後南瓜所含的豐富果膠,可“吸附”細菌和有毒物質, 包重金屬, 鉛等, 起到排毒 作用。同時, 果膠可保護胃部受剌激, 減少潰瘍。建議吃法:可用南瓜煮粥或湯, 滋 養腸胃。

7. 菇類

菇類含有豐富的粘多醣體,蛋白質和水分, 纖維質,礦物質等,具有抗癌,排毒,健康的 功效,不但營養價值高,而且具有高纖, 低熱量的特性,所以是減肥時期的減肥聖品, 多吃菇類可以讓你有飽足感, 也不會發胖。而菇除了在健康上的許多好處是大家都 耳熟能詳的之外, 因為菇類含有核甘酸, 滋味鮮美又香甜, 在烹煮上更是相當方便 ,容易。建議吃法:在濃濃的雞湯中煮蘑菇吃, 味道鮮美, 也可以煮成菇類煲飯, 好 吃又有飽足感。

8. 芽菜

芽菜其實就是各種作物的幼苗,它含有極高的營養,它的蛋白質含量超過各種肉類,1 公克的芽菜蛋白約等於4 公克的肉類蛋白。芽菜不僅含有粗蛋白和銨基酸,也含有維 他命及鈣,鉀,鐵等礦物質,尤其維他命C 的含量更多加上含少量的脂肪﹑澱粉﹑糖分﹑ 對於預防便秘﹑貧血﹑減肥等,有非常良好的效果, 是非常理想的自然健康食品。有 豐富的活性酵素, 排毒效果佳,並幫助排便,且具蓬鬆又沒有蔬菜的苦澀味, 容易有 飽足感。推薦吃法: 苜蓿芽搭配各種芽菜, 淋上無糖優格, 與有機梅子醬或是蜂蜜 等, 拌成沙拉, 在飯前空腹吃, 具有減肥與排毒效果。

9. 香菜

香菜營養豐富,香菜內含維生素C, 胡蘿蔔素﹑維生素B1﹑B2 等,同時還含有豐富的 礦物質, 如鈣,鐵,磷,鎂等, 香菜內還含有揮發油, 蘋果酸鉀等。香菜中含的維生素 C 的量比普通蔬菜高得多, 一般人食用7-10克香菜葉就能滿足人體對維生素C 的需 求量; 香菜中所含的胡蘿蔔素要比西紅柿﹑ 菜豆﹑黃瓜等高出10 倍多。建議吃法 ; 三餐中都加大量的香菜, 早餐可把香菜和蘋果,葡萄乾,堅果類等打成汁喝;中午再 把香菜加入蘸料中配著主食吃;晚餐可以香菜炒蛋﹑南瓜, 或直接拌飯吃。

10. 蘋果

蘋果含有豐富的維他命B1﹑B﹑C 及胡蘿蔔素﹑ 維他命B5; 此外還含有糖類﹑脂肪﹑ 蛋白質﹑果膠﹑鈣﹑鉀﹑鐵﹑鋅﹑纖維素﹑蘋果酸﹑鞣酸等。而蘋果皮有的車菊素 有止嚦嘔功效。可惜現在許多蘋果外皮有石蠟和農藥殘留, 不宜吃食。另外, 蘋果 富含鋅元素, 鋅就是構成與記憶有密切關係的核酸和蛋白質不可或缺的元素。一旦 缺鋅, 大腦皮層邊沿海馬區即發育不, 影響記憶力。是以多吃蘋果有提高智能的功 效。建議吃法;宿便有害健康, 多吃蘋果可以幫助排除宿便。最後介紹一款綜合的宿 便排毒餐, 不但減瘦, 連痛風, 高血脂和花粉過敏等毛病也不見了, 週末腸道大掃 除, 優酪乳﹑ 地瓜﹑ 蘋果是最方便的排宿便食物。排毒餐的吃也很簡單, 完全不 需要節食, 可以正常飲食, 只是把週五與週六晚上的晚餐, 用優酪乳配地瓜或蘋果 的排毒餐取化, 即可達到週日上午痛快排除宿便的目標。

如意园 : 2014-02-01#43
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


快乐痛苦 : 2014-02-02#44
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!



Belge晓梦 : 2014-02-02#45
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

强烈感谢! Mark 待阅。

羽衣蓝格 : 2014-02-02#46
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


Amy_Y : 2014-02-02#47
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-02#48
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

腸道照顧好﹐ 百病不來找!

多攝取乳酸菌好處多多。 近幾年來,隨著生活水準的提昇,醫學上卻發現以下事實:
1. 國人腸道健康普遍惡化,腸癌死亡率高居第三位,發生年齡逐年下降。
2. 在我國有16.6%死亡率、14.4 %醫院就診率,及15.4 %健保給付皆與腸道疾病 有 關。〈 2003年統計〉
3. 癌症、心臟病、高血壓、動脈硬化、糖尿病、老年痴呆等成人慢性疾病,皆與腸 道健康密切相關。
4. 老化由腸道開始,年輕族群腸道老化的弊害,將在中年以後顯現。
5. 先進國家對腸道健康問題的重視~英國自1999 年即推動『腸道週』活動; 美加則自2000 年發起『國家腸癌認知月』活動。

腸道健康是可以靠自己的積極--- 主動而提昇。 積極宣導腸道健康意識,相信所投入的努力,可以有效的幫助許多人,預防腸癌及 多種成人疾病。



每天至少要喝 1.6~1.8公 升的水,大概是八杯水。不要到口渴了才喝水,你的大腦 感到口渴時,其實血液濃度已經太高,血流不順了,運送氧氣及營養素效率降低了, 已經會影響全身細胞機能了,最好是定時喝水。



1. 天天攝取: 因為再好的乳酸菌也無法在腸道中久駐;所以,要天天補充,每天至少補充幾十億 的優質乳酸菌。

2. 餐後攝取: 因為用餐後,胃部的酸度較低,乳酸菌比較能夠活著通過胃部,到達腸道。

3. 慎選產品: 要選菌種標示清楚,有衛生署健康食品認證,有研究團隊的產品。

4. 注意保存條件: 乳酸菌不耐熱,不耐氧氣。 醱酵乳必須保存在低溫,開瓶後,盡快喝完,不要開 了一大瓶,放在桌上,由早喝到晚;保健產品也要注意保存溫度,不要長期放在高 溫環境 (如車子內)。

三、多攝取纖維質 每天至少要攝取30公克以上的食物纖維!



EvaSullivan : 2014-02-02#49
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(The Recipes for Living Longer)


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-02#50
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

The Eyesight Enhancement Juice



EvaSullivan : 2014-02-02#51
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


民間流傳治失眠的方法頗多。如果你曾經試過失眠﹐那你一定用過或聽過一種以上 幫助入睡的方法。以下是一些醫治失眠有效的方法﹐任君選擇嘗試﹐找出對你本身 最有效的靈方﹕

5。睡前先躺在硬地上﹐用硬枕頭 (或厚書)。放鬆身心﹑閉眼做深呼吸五分鐘。然 後躺在床上仰臥繼續做深呼吸。當進入鬆靜安寧狀態時﹐轉向平時最舒服自然的 睡姿﹐就立刻入睡了。
按摩足脛骨內緣(距離內踝骨上六橫指)的安眠穴。 (見右圖)
11。 按摩手中穴道 中衝﹑內關和手三里。請參閱 手穴位按摩 篇。
12。 按摩以下穴道每穴36下(每9下稍停為一次﹐共做四次﹔手腳左右皆按)﹕
(頭)﹕ 百會﹐ (手)﹕ 神門﹑內關﹐和 (腳)﹕ 太衝﹑三陰交﹑足三里。

Methods That Can Help You Sleep Fast
In common practice, there are many ways to deal with sleeplessness. You must have heard or tried some methods when you have trouble falling asleep at night. Here are some effective methods which have helped many people. You need to try them in order to find out their effectiveness. Hopefully there is one that works for you.


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-02#52
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


强烈感谢! Mark 待阅。








Mark. Thank u for sharing


fangfang725 : 2014-02-02#53
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-03#54
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

Fruits That Prevent/Fight Cancers


Delicious Fruits Can Prevent Cancer

Cancer prevention starts with a healthy diet. The following fruits, while common in our daily life, are healthy and can help in prevention of the disease.

1. Grapes: Grapes contain resveratrol which prevents normal cell from becoming cancerous and inhibits the spreading of malignant cells. Chinese medicine believes that grapes are good for many body functions. Sour grapes are suitable for cancer patients after surgery or undergoing radiotherapy.
2. Strawberry: Ellagic acid in strawberry can protect the body against carcinogens harm and certain effects in anti-cancer. Strawberry is effective in easing out nasopharyngeal, lung, and laryngeal cancer patients with radiation reaction.
3. Banana: It is found that banana extract can control intrinsic carcinogens such as aflatoxin B1. Animal studies found that magnesium deficiency could significantly weaken the body's ability to fight cancer cells. Banana contains magnesium and potassium to help prevention of cancer. Banana benefits colorectal cancer patients in alleviating symptoms resulted from radiotherapy.
4. Fig: Fig contains ingredients that can fight tumors, control cancer cells and inhibit protein synthesis. Six cancer hospitals, through the observation of more than 1,300 patients, found that figs can be used as the daily diet for cancer patients including ascites carcinoma, sarcoma, liver, lung, and other tumors with good therapeutic results.
5. Kiwi: Each 100 grams of the kiwifruit contains 150 mg. of vitamin C, topping all kinds of fruits. Through the protection barriers of the interstitial cells, kiwi can eliminate carcinogenic substances. It is believe this effect can help to lengthen the survival period of cancer patients. The mildly sour kiwifruit is especially suitable for certain cancer patients after radiotherapy (i.e., breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, bladder cancer, etc.)


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-03#55
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


一位多年從事水果生意的水果商告訴記者,很多非季水果都是用一些化學物質催熟、 保鮮的,在這個過程中,一些反季水果非而成了'問題水果。 四種常見的問題水果,消費者注意不要誤食:

草莓: 中間有空心、 形狀不規則又碩大的草莓,一般是激素過量所致。草莓用 了催熟劑或其他激素類藥后生長期變短,顏色也新鮮了,但果味卻變淡了。

香蕉: 為了讓香蕉表皮變得嫩黃好看,有的不法商販用二氧化硫來催熟,但果 肉吃上去仍是硬硬的,一點也不甜。二氧化硫對人體是有害的。

西瓜: 超標准地使用催熟劑、膨大劑及劇毒農藥,從而使西瓜帶毒。這種西瓜 皮上的條紋不均勻,切開瓜瓤特別鮮艷,可瓜子卻是白色的,吃完嘴裡有異味。

葡萄: 一些不法商販和果農使用催熟劑———乙烯利。使用者把乙烯利用水按比例 稀釋, 將沒有成熟的青葡萄放入稀釋液中浸濕,過 一兩 天青葡萄就變成紫葡萄。


Beware of anti-seasonal (off-season) fruits
A long time fruit businessman told reporters that many off-season fruits are preserved and ripen through the use of chemicals. The off-season fruits are, therfore, often "problematic". Consumers must be careful with the following four popular fruits if they are not in season.
Strawberry: When a strawberry is hollow, exceptionally large or in irregular shape, usually it is caused by excessive chemicals. While the fruit looks colorful and fresh, it does not taste what strawberry should.

Banana: When bananas turn yellow they look good for selling. Some unscrupulous sellers use sulfur dioxide to change the color from green to yellow so that they can sell the fruit better, though in fact they are far from ready for consumers. Sulfur dioxide is harmful to human.

Watermelon: When excess chemicals are used to speed up the growth and with the presence of highly toxic pesticides, off-season watermelons are strongly infected. You can easily tell by the uneven stripes on the outside of the melon. The inside looks particularly bright and fresh, seeds are white, but the watermelon tastes a little funny.

Grapes: Some unscrupulous farmers and sellers use a ripening agent called Ethephon (which is converted into ethylene, a potent regulator of plant growth and maturity). Immature green grapes soaked in a diluted solution with ethylene can become purple within a day or two.

Per warning by the the fruit businessman, consumers should always buy fruits in season and avoid off-season fruits whenever possible.

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-03#56
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

食 療 歌


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-03#57
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

常腳抽筋的女性們 可以看看唷!!




EvaSullivan : 2014-02-12#58
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


Hand Exercise for Health


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-12#59
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-12#60
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

食 療 歌


祝你健康快樂 (李家仁)

世界在變邁進新的階段﹐打開社會理想篇﹐ 按按電腦就會一通天下﹐分秒亦有新發現。
世界現已踏上超速公路﹐急速發展創新天﹔ 有了電訊但卻不通心事﹐心有問號感詫異。
尖端科技﹐隔斷友情﹐四處冷冷仿似冰﹔ 一點心願﹑送上至誠﹐祝你健康快樂。
與你詠唱健康的曲目﹐關心愛心兩手牽﹔ 盼你共我健康不生病﹐一起練功展笑臉。
[山水青綠﹑處處有情﹐四季冷暖兼笑聲﹔ 彼此所望﹑永遠友情﹐[祝你健康快樂。]]

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-12#61
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(Free Radicals)

游離基亦直譯為自由基,也有人稱為活性氧 。 游離基, 簡單 來 說,是一些帶有多了一個負電子值含有氧原子的分子,例如:O2,H2O2,O H。這些分子,因為本身多了一個負電子,為求令本身穩定下來,便會很傾向與其 他東西產生化學反應作用。

因為上述這個特點,游離基在人體保健中,其實擔當了極為重要的角色。生命體遇 上了對其有害的細菌和病毒,便會產生出一些游離基,而當這些細菌和病毒接觸到 這些游離基時,便會因為與游離基產生了強烈的化學反應,而結果給破壞、消滅和 殺死。換言之,在正常情況下,游離基是生命體最好的軍隊,有些使用雙氧水或碘 來殺菌消毒,其原理正是用上了游離基的這種特性。

但游離基令人氣惱之處、卻是其忠奸不分,寧枉毋縱,遇上什麼都照樣破壞的特性; 它既會破壞消滅外來細菌和病毒,亦會攻擊破壞殺害生命體本身正常的 細胞。而生 命體奇妙有趣之處,乃是當他發覺有游離基要破壞人細胞時,生命體各個細胞核中 的開 S O D(Super Oxide Dismsutase)酵素,就會產生作用,去除游離基,避免 了游離基對細胞進行的氧化破壞活動。

所以 S O D 乃是一種極重要的抗氧化劑。這現象是美國著名生化學家馬可多,在一 九六九年初次證實發表而聞名於世。 在理想情況下,我們如果可以具有適量的游離基,便可消滅入侵體內的有害細菌與 病毐;而另一方面,人體又具備有足夠的 S O D,可以中和多餘過剩 的游離基,則 我們便可享有良好健康。但問題就是出在,這種理想的均衡局面備受破壞。


當人體遇上了細菌和病毒時,如果置之不理,細胞(主要是好中球和巨噬細胞)就 會出動,去將這些細菌和病毒消滅。其過程是吞噬細胞,靠著氧氣分子之助,在細 胞處製造出游離基。這些游離基在接觸上細菌病毒時,就會將之分離溶化。細菌病 毒被分解溶化後,吞噬細胞就可以輕易將之吞噬消化。

但游離基如果多了起來,就會直接破壞我們的細胞,而最致命的,是游離基實在可 以很輕易的闖進細胞中,直接接觸到我們細胞中最重要的物質 --- 去氧核糖核酸 ( DNA )。DNA 載著我們一切的遺傳資料,但當游離基與之遇上時,便會將我們的 DNA 破壞。這樣,我們的細胞如果再進行分裂的時候,便會分裂出較差、或完全變 異的細胞。當身體內較差的細胞愈多,也就意味了我們的衰老加快,而如果細胞出 現極大變異時,也就成為了癌症的肇端。

另一種游離基破壞身體健康的方法,是當血液中的游離基增加時,便會與脂肪產生 作用,化合形成過氧化脂質。這種過氧化脂質的附著力特別強,所以會很輕易就附 著在血管壁之上,慢慢持續浸透到血管壁之中,長久下來,便會令血管失彈性,變 得脆弱。這時,如果一下子有太多血液要流過,就會令血管爆裂,令患者身體出現 麻痺中風了。

自由基(free radicals)是一種極活潑、不穩定、生命週期短的化合物,因為不穩定, 所以會和體內的細胞組織產生化學反應,這個化學反應可統稱為氧化,會使組織細 胞失去正常功能,甚至破壞DNA,造成損害或突變,引起癌症。

你可以把自由基想像成體內的黑道份子,個性頑劣,喜歡欺負善良百姓。但是他們 也並非毫無用處,如果有細菌病毒入侵我們的身體,自由基一樣會有防禦功能,消 滅外來病菌,只是他好壞不分,假使體內自由基的量超過平衡,就會對正常的細胞 造成威脅。

細胞由原子組成,每個原子都有一個中心 (核心),外面圍繞著電子。通常電子是 成對的。當原子或分子含有一個或更多的不成對的電子時即成為自由基。生物性氧 化也就是製造能量的過程,它包含了將電子從一個氧分子移動到下一個的動作。有 時電子也有逃脫的時候,這個帶不對稱電子的氧分子就叫自由基。


這個令人頭痛的不良份子到底是從哪裡來的?自由基的產生有兩個來源,一是體內 正常的生理運作所產生,另一個則是受到外界不當的影響:


1.新陳代謝﹕人體正常的新陳代謝,本身就是一個氧化的過程,自由基是代謝作用 的副產品。 另外,為了維持人體正常運作,必須製造許多有用的化學物質,這時也 會有自 由基產生。
2.防禦外來病菌﹕當有外來病毒細菌進入人體,白血球就會利用自由基去吞噬外來 的入侵者,因 此當身體有發炎症狀的時候,體內便會有大量的自由基。



2.輻射、紫外線、電磁波﹑ 日光曝曬,或癌症患者接受的放射線治療,都會產生自由基
3.環境污染- 包括空氣污染、飲用水污染、工業廢水污染、土壤污染
4.化學藥物- 濫用如食品添加劑、農藥、蔬果污染、毒品、藥物濫用
5.精神狀況- 壓力過大、急躁、焦慮、鬱悶、緊張等情緒問題,也會產生自由基

現代都市人,生活壓力大,居住環境不佳,充滿各種污染,體內自由基氾濫,如果 不善加控制,每天可能會遭受數十億個自由基無情的攻擊。



1. 氧化脂質:如細胞膜上脂質被氧化,會使細胞膜流通性改變,養分無法進入細胞 內造成細胞壞死。假使細胞膜被破壞的速度大於細胞再生的速度,組織器官的功能 就會受到影響而產生老化。
2. 攻擊蛋白:令蛋白失去功能,或形成大分子,甚而斷裂,引起病變。發生在皮下 之膠原組織,會令皮膚失去彈性、筋骨僵硬等。
3. 自由基對DNA的破壞:主要是造成DNA股的切斷或鹼基的修改。一旦DNA遭到切斷, 人體在修補的過程中,可能會因為無法正常修復而產生突變。自由基攻擊鹼基後會 衍生一些副產品,這些副產品會使遺傳發生錯誤而有致癌的可能。



自由基是在體內進行物質代謝的過程中自然發生的產物,而環境污染、精神壓力, 電磁波也是產生自由基的主因。


自由基可稱之為「恐佈份子」,它接二連三的破壞體內細胞老化,或者直接影響基 因突變,而產生癌症或老侵襲肝臟、肌肉等器官,而造成血管硬化、心臟疾病、痛 風、糖尿病、關節炎、白內障、免疫系統失調等疾病,根據統計,約有100 種以上 的疾病是與自由基有關聯的。



增強抗氧化功能﹕多攝取微量元素銅、鐵、鋅、錳、硒﹔以增加抗自由基酵素的活 性﹕可多食用抗氧化食物,深色蔬菜,維他命A、C、E,胡蘿蔔素等。

使用左旋能量使體內抗自由基酵素如SOD、GSH等活化,而使自由基清除,其效果快 速方便,經BJL自由基檢測儀器證明有效率高達90%。

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-12#62
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!

(Stand on one leg)

中國專家推薦 每天做一分鐘 "金雞獨立" ,對高血壓、高血糖、頸腰椎病有幫助, 還可以預防老年痴呆症 。 雙眼微閉,做 "金雞獨立",是養生專家中里巴人推薦的養生法。 它是一個動作簡 單又有效的健康法。 個動作的關鍵是 - 「眼睛要微微閉著」。 閉著眼睛做金雞獨 立,如果站不了十秒鐘,表示平衡感退化到了六、七十歲的地步。 多練習可以恢復 平衡感。

保健養生暢銷書《求醫不如求己》,去年面世後,就一直蟬聯中國各大書店健康類 圖書排行榜榜首,並在半年內再版十二次,發行量達百萬本以上。本書之所以大受 歡迎,主要是它教導了許多實用簡單的保健小方法。本書的作家,也是中國著名養 生專家中里巴人,日前來新期間,就透露了最簡單又有效的養生法。

中里巴人立刻推薦了 "金雞獨立"。他說,身體出現疾病,中醫理解為五臟六腑之間 相互協調的關係出了問題,身體不平衡了。而 "金雞獨立" 就可調節彼此的關係。 中里巴人說,許多人起初五秒都做不了,但後來可以站上兩分鐘。

隨著站立時間的延長,頭重腳輕的感覺沒有了,睡眠質量大大提高,頭腦清楚,記 憶力也明顯增強了。"如果你能每日閉著眼做金雞獨立一 分鐘,那麼老年痴呆今生 便與你無緣了。"

他指出,我們的 腳上有 6條重要的經絡通過。單腳站立,虛弱的經絡會感到酸痛, 同時也得到了鍛煉。經絡對應的臟腑和它循行的部位,也就相應得到了調節。這種 方法可以使意念集中,將人體的氣血引向足底,對於高血壓、糖尿病、頸腰椎病等 病痛有立竿見影的效果,還可以改善小腦萎縮,預防痛風等。

常練金雞獨立可迅速增強人體免疫力。對於 足寒症,這是治本的方法,也可以迅速 增強人體的免疫力。 他說,一般人都適合,尤其是從年輕、身體健康的時候就開始 堅持每天做,將來患上中老年疾病的幾率,也會比較低。 不過,七十 歲過外而雙 腳已站立不穩的老人,就不適合免強多做。

中里巴人 真名鄭幅中,家學淵源甚深,其父是八卦掌第四代傳人。自幼,中里巴 人即師承父親的道家導引養生之功,更從祖父的親書祕笈中汲取中醫之精髓,盡得 醫道同源之意趣。新世紀來臨之際,中里巴人蒙87歲的太極名家李寶良先生之厚愛, 被收為關門弟子,老師將其終身所悟大法傾囊相授。中里巴人是《人體使用手冊》 作者吳清忠先生的中醫啟蒙老師,兩人相聚之時常常共誦心經,品茗論賦,其超然 物外之閒逸,堪效古人。

EvaSullivan : 2014-02-12#63
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!



十月牡丹花 : 2014-02-12#64
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


SunnySmile : 2014-02-14#65
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


EvaSullivan : 2014-02-23#66
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!



EvaSullivan : 2014-02-23#67
回复: 感謝有心人的整理 能夠分享是一種种福氣!


新奇的新鮮果汁 -- 無價至寶。日本禪宗高僧富澤知芳大














每個各重約 一百五十克 至 二百克。





彭先生四十五歲,二十年來口異臭,給社交帶來極大煩惱,中西醫治療無效,去年經親友熱心推介服用新鮮果汁,當時半信半疑試一試,每天清早空腹飲五百 C.C.,二個月後口臭完全清除,人變得自信了,新鮮果汁的神奇功效令他佩服,喜不自禁地再三感謝向他推介的親友,解除了他二十年來的苦惱。






















EvaSullivan : 2014-02-23#68
回复: 感謝有心人的整理,於培養自己的健康意識,有健康才有幸福


橄欖油百百款 "看穿"奸商伎倆(華視新聞)



深綠的是橄欖油,鮮綠的是調和油。但是也有人會說,現在用顏色看不準啦,大統都用銅葉綠素作弊了。沒關 係,還可以看它的氣泡,純橄欖油比較濃,氣泡比較小。最 後還有一招,品油師教我們把純的橄欖油倒在盤子上,放在冰箱冷凍,經過20分鐘,看看上面出現一層結晶,調和油不會。有14%飽 和脂肪酸,這樣才叫真的橄欖油。

而且品油師還說,市面上的純橄欖油有分三等,特級冷壓橄欖油EXTR AVIRGIN是 最高等級的,純橄欖油PURE是次等,接著才是精緻橄欖油EXTRA LIGHT,不管是哪一 等,只要和調和油比,都是顏色較深、較濃、氣泡較小。

專家也說,橄欖油主要的出產國是義大利、西班牙、希臘,如果怕分裝貨有假,看包裝條碼上的前面三碼國碼就騙不了人,如果是471就是台灣分裝,800就是義大利,840~849是西班牙,520是希臘, 記住這些方法,買油前看仔細,就不用怕被騙