
面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#1


面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试 (献给卡城今年即将毕业或者努力在找工作的人)

我希望正在学习的,寻找暑期summer job和co-op机会的,即将毕业毕业正在寻找工作的,和已经毕业正在求职的每个同胞都能够新年里面心想事成。:wdb9:








但是说到底,简历和cover letter不是绝对性的问题。当你通过不断的修改和完善,你的简历 response/apply ratio 会不断地提高的。当然每个专业方向,毕业年份,之前的背景都会导致不同的ratio。牛人可能会十个发出的简历能收到五个面试机会。我不清楚别人,我也不是牛人,我自己的专业response/apply





从我这个专业第一天开始,我就在开始投简历。我觉得不一定就一定要马上找到工作,但是通过这个过程,你可以发现你自己简历和cover letter很多不足的地方。我基本上每三个月再回过头看之前的简历和cover letter,基本上已经面目全非,和之前的已经完全不一样了。这个工作一定要提前做,不是等到最后一个学期才去开始做。因为你放到最后一个学期做,那时候已经是刺刀见红的时刻。意味着你在拿你真正可能的工作机会在做演练,那才是真正的可惜。


Also, I will try to post some updated job opportunities related with structural/civil drafting and electrical designing if I have time.

Please always check the last page to find the updated job information.


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#2
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试



首先要表现出谦虚、诚恳来。老外也喜欢being humble之人。一定要承认自己有缺点,但是你所提及的缺点不能太“致命”,而且你要马上转到积极面上、或者说你的优点来说。

首先,展示你的能力,告诉他们你是完全可以balance between work and family.因为如果一个牺牲了家庭,来工作的人,他们会认为,专业能力不够。
其次,你是深爱你的家庭的,一定会留时间给家庭。正因为如此,你在工作的时候,总是1.效率很高;2.计划在先;3.有很好的time management的能力;4.prioritize所有的工作任务,按照轻重紧急安排好。5.预测风险与困难。



4. If you win a big lottery, what are you going to do?

IT工作没问这个的。这是考察你的价值观,人生观的。或者是问你对一生的规划的,事业在你人生规划中占什么样的地位。说点儿哲理性的,或者用一点幽默在这里。你的职业背景是关于财会的,我觉得也有可能考察你怎么理财,你的投资能力,你的眼光,怎么处理钱。你对待财富的态度。这个问题考察的是你的理性分析能力。" f) H3 P, i4 I" P- T

5.Do you prefer work with others or alone?

这道题目我也被问到了,很显然公司很重视团队作业,担心你是否能够fit in。哪家公司都不想要太“孤寒”的人。
答案是both。我既可以独立完成一个任务,也很乐意跟团队一起工作。很有可能被追问:什么时候独立一个人,什么时候团队。结合你过去的工作经验来谈。我曾经与团队做一个什么项目的时候,我需要独立思考,哪一个部分要求独立思考,我独立完成的,我是如何如何完成的,取得了如何的效果,得到了大家的好评;团队一起,我们可以交流不同的看法。团队的力量是超过独自作战的,因为10个人的resourceful contributions 可以创造奇迹,结合你过去的工作经验,我们如何如何团队合作的,取得了如何如何的效果,得到了谁谁的表扬。

6. How do you deal with difficult people?

这道interpersonal skills问题经常被问到。与其他问题,诸如“如果你的同事在背后批评攻击你,你怎么办?” “你有没有曾经跟同事或者老板闹过冲突”这类问题的实质都是一样的,公司担心你的人际交往能力很差的话,也是做不久的啦。
其次,我理解每个人的personality都不同。如果这个人很difficult,也许只是他的性格很严谨,这是好事啊,对一个团队来说,他可能是一个很负责的员工。我会欣赏他积极的那面。他的difficult也根本不会bother me. 因为我注重的是完成工作。
第三,我也从不emotional at workplace。

7.How do you handle conflicts?


首先,我不急于解释,我耐心让他说完。trying to be a good listener。 然后我说,我理解你的感受,也同意你的说法,我们今天的确是人手不够,有2个员工同时请了病假。之后,我向他保证,今天下午4点之前,一定帮你解决问题,到时候我会打电话给你。后来我们提前帮他解决了问题,客户也很满意。

基本上behavioral questions的回答套路就是“例证法”,都尽力是用一句话回答,类似一个主题句,然后结合过去的工作经验,举例说明,我做了什么项目,如何如何完成了任务,取得了如何如何的结果,赢得了什么样的赞誉。当然不能吹牛啦,必须实事求是。


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#3
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试


那是一个小型的环境监测公司,我当时也没有特别重视,甚至都没有dress up。到了公司,接待我的人带我到会议室,然后问我是否带了简历,我竟然说我当初电子邮件发给你们了。现在想想真的很傻很天真。
老板和一个部分经理加我共计三人进行面试。面试过程45分钟左右吧,基本上是介绍你自己的情况,为什么还没有毕业就来找工作,以及一些behavior questions。我当时明显准备不足,但是可能当时表现得比较真诚,所以引出了八个月后同一公司的summer job 面试机会。
最后,老板问我是否准备withdraw 我的program,我说不是,我希望找一个part-time的工作。他说非常抱歉因为他们准备补充一个full-time position,但是他很感谢我赶过来参加这次面试,这次面试就这么结束了。


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#4
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试

Another one,



第一,RESUME和COVER LETTER无比重要,它们应该越详细越好



第二,工作经验和经历( 1.“我有国内工作经验,在加拿大也就可以得到同等的待遇了”)


3 VOLUNTEER的工作经历没有用

完全错误,当我们面对一大批刚毕业的新人,了解他们的必要途径除了SUMMER JOB外,就是VOLUNTEER的工作经历了,这是HR提交背景调查报告的重要来源,切不可忽视,虽然我知道很多国人瞧不起这种经历,大概是觉得不赚钱又浪费时间吧。






















爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#5
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#6
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试




爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#7
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试

Q: 其实我到现在也不知道,所有问题问完了之后,应该提问什么样的问题?这是根据实际情况来随机应变的还是LZ有什么特别的通用问题?

A: 这个要看个人发挥,最好是提问和你专业有关的有些深度的问题或面试中面试官忽视的和公司有关的问题,例如:据我所知,贵公司真正进行XXX领域的开发工作,请问XXX工作是否和贵部门本次招聘有关(以上仅仅是个例子)给我印象很深的是一个广州来的留学生,他就问了个不太难回答但和所求职位很有针对性的问题,后来部门经理私下跟我说这个小伙子不错,现在已经转正了。
怎么说呢,主要是展示你对公司、职位、部门、专业和面试过程的了解和把握程度,当然回答“NO QUESTION”也不是太大问题,但就是少了个加印象分的机会

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#8
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#9
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试




爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#10
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试

1. 你们一个职位一般面试几个应聘者。
2. 面试完了怎么进行筛选。
3. 怎样进行背景调查。



3 补充一点:提供REFERENCE前一定要得到提供者的许可,曾遇到过电话过去询问,对方茫然不知的情况。还有REFERECCE的内容一定要客观,做过的就是做过没做过的就是没做过,你也许只是想填补简历上的空白,也许也以为我们不可能一个一个都调查,但如果我们对你感兴趣,就会这样做的,老实人在加拿大什么时候都不吃亏

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#11
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试



( 如果你说那个公司已经垮了,树倒猢狲散你找不到人了还勉强说得过去

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#12
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试

有同学看到我前面回复提到的CO-OP和SUMMER JOB的事情,问我他们的区别和未来用人单位喜欢那种,我觉得有必要在这里简单谈谈。

CO-OP一般属于课程的一部分,算学分,SUMMER JOB则多数时候不算,但COOP往往给薪水很少或不给,而SUMMER JOB 则较高甚至达到试用期新人标准,但COOP的机会较多,提供方多和学校有合作关系可通过学校申请,但注意它们往往需要较长时间,有时可能长达一年之久,相当于你会晚毕业或暂时休学;而SUMMER JOB职位少且多数时候需自己申请,但时间较短。

对于用人单位来说,这两种经验都相差不多,有时毕业后就基本在提供方工作了,如果另外找的话,我们更喜欢COOP的经验,因为它时间更长,当然知名大公司的SUMMER JOB虽短也足以匹敌COOP了。



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#13
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities

Civil Engineering Technologist – CAD


Electrical CET/CAD Operator

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#14
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities


Junior architectural designer
  • Experience with AutoCAD 2012
  • Experience with Revit
  • Ability to set priorities and meet firm deadlines in a fast-paced and dynamic office
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Full-time, immediate start

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#15
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities

Civil Municipal Engineer Technologist



  • Excellent English written and verbal communication skills;
  • Maintain electronic drawing file organization for projects and provide support for CAD file retrieval;
  • Proficient in AutoCAD;
  • Familiarity with Civil 3D;
  • Exposure to WaterCAD and SewerCAD would be an asset, but not required;
  • The ability to work both independently and within a team environment.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#16
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities


Junior Architectural Technologist
Professional Essentials:
  • Architectural technology diploma is required.
  • 1-2 years experience; commercial and industrial sectors.
  • LEED AP is an asset
  • REVIT is required
  • Proficient with Adobe Creative Suite, 3D max, MS Office, and MS Project
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills

大炜 : 2014-02-15#17
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#18
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities


Mechanical - Design Technologist


- Have Mechanical Engineering Technologist Diploma;
- Possess 1 – 5 years of related industry experience;
- Have full working knowledge of Autodesk software including AutoCAD;
- Demonstrate proficiency with REVIT would be considered an asset;
- Display full working knowledge of Microsoft Office, specifically Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel;
- Be a team contributor;
- Be flexible, adaptable, and positive attitude;
- Display excellent communication skills (interpersonal and written);
- Display outstanding organizational and time management skills.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#19
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities


Electrical - Engineering Technologist or Engineering Design and Drafting Technologist

Candidate(s) must:

- Recent college graduate of the Electrical Engineering Technology or Engineering Design and Drafting Technology program, or achieved an Engineering Technologist or equivalent.
- Experience and abilities will be considered.
- Demonstrate the ability to work in a complex environment often driven by project deadlines.
- Have AutoCAD training from NAIT or related field experience and have exposure to electrical layouts and systems. Knowledge of AutoCAD is mandatory, Revit is beneficial.
- Be familiar with Building Electrical Systems such as, but not limited to, Power Distribution, Communication, Fire Alarm Systems and associated Life Safety Systems.
- Have the aptitude to liaise with other disciplines on the design team.
- Possess a valid driver’s license and the ability to travel by either car or air on a regular basis.

mayibanjia : 2014-02-15#20
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试

有同学看到我前面回复提到的CO-OP和SUMMER JOB的事情,问我他们的区别和未来用人单位喜欢那种,我觉得有必要在这里简单谈谈。

CO-OP一般属于课程的一部分,算学分,SUMMER JOB则多数时候不算,但COOP往往给薪水很少或不给,而SUMMER JOB 则较高甚至达到试用期新人标准,但COOP的机会较多,提供方多和学校有合作关系可通过学校申请,但注意它们往往需要较长时间,有时可能长达一年之久,相当于你会晚毕业或暂时休学;而SUMMER JOB职位少且多数时候需自己申请,但时间较短。

对于用人单位来说,这两种经验都相差不多,有时毕业后就基本在提供方工作了,如果另外找的话,我们更喜欢COOP的经验,因为它时间更长,当然知名大公司的SUMMER JOB虽短也足以匹敌COOP了。



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#21
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试

我们专业一个西人去年summer job找的一个油公司收入就非常不错。

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#22
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities


Building Science Technologist, Level 3 or 4

Typically a graduate of a 1-2 year technical certificate or diploma program in Civil, Architectural or Construction Technology
4 – 6 years of experience
C.E.T. designation
May be working towards R.E.T. designation

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#23
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities

36555 Civil Designers/Drafters - New Grad
最近Fluor Canada 放出了一些初级岗位,机会不多抓紧啊

Fluor Canada Ltd.Full TimeCalgary, Alberta2/11/20142/28/2014

36556 Control Systems Designers/Drafters – New Grad
Fluor Canada Ltd.Full TimeCalgary, Alberta2/11/20142/28/2014

36557 Electrical Designers/Drafters – New Grad
Fluor Canada Ltd.Full TimeCalgary, Alberta2/11/20142/28/2014

36558 Piping Designer/Drafter – New Graduate
Fluor Canada Ltd.Full Time2/11/20142/28/2014

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#24
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities

*Job ID:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]36564 [/FONT][/FONT]
*Job Title:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]CADD Technologist [/FONT][/FONT]
Job Reference Num :
Organization Name:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Scheffer Andrew Ltd. [/FONT][/FONT]
No of Openings:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]1 [/FONT][/FONT]
Work Schedule:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Monday-Friday [/FONT][/FONT]
Hours per Week:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]40 [/FONT][/FONT]
Employment Start Date:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]ASAP [/FONT][/FONT]
Employment End Date:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]permanent [/FONT][/FONT]
*Job Description:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]This CADD Technologist reports to and works under the direct supervision of the CADD manager. Duties of this position will include and are not limited to: • Preparing plans, sections, details and schematic drawings • Coordinating project drawings with project managers, CADD Staff and others • Ensuring that the projects’ needs are met in a timely and effective manner • Understanding, using and adhering to Scheffer Andrew’s CADD Standards • Maintaining the Firm’s standard electronic drawing file organization for projects [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]The ideal candidate will have: • An Engineering Design and Drafting Technology diploma or equivalent from a recognized college • A minimum of 3-5 years experience is preferred, with preference given to candidates with Municipal experience • Working knowledge of AutoCAD 2008 or higher and Civil 3D • Familiarity with various Municipal and Provincial design and drafting standards-particularly those of Alberta Transportation and The City of Calgary. • Ability to prioritize multiple tasks and demonstrate a flexible approach to work assignments • Ability to work in team setting with strong interpersonal and communication skills [/FONT][/FONT]
Application Instructions:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]You may submit a copy of your resume to v.klyashitsky@schefferandrew.com [/FONT][/FONT]
Online Application Address:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]www.schefferandrew.com [/FONT][/FONT]

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#25
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities

*Job ID:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]36396 [/FONT][/FONT]
*Job Title:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]CAD / Revit MEP Technician [/FONT][/FONT]
Job Reference Num :
Organization Name:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Robertson & Associates Engineering Ltd. [/FONT][/FONT]
No of Openings:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]1 [/FONT][/FONT]
Work Schedule:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Monday - Friday [/FONT][/FONT]
Hours per Week:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]38 [/FONT][/FONT]
Employment Start Date:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Flexible [/FONT][/FONT]
Employment End Date:
*Job Description:
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]Robertson & Associates Engineering Ltd. is a young and dynamic single-discipline Electrical Engineering consulting firm located in SE Calgary. We have an immediate opportunity for a CAD / Revit MEP Technician and we’re hoping you’re the right person to join our team! Job responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Provide CAD/Revit MEP drafting support for a busy Electrical Engineering firm. • Follow established CAD/Revit MEP Standards. • Work collaboratively with other staff on projects. • Integration of linked applications including databases into CAD/Revit MEP. • Plotting and completing electronic file submissions. • Coordinate project drafting requirements with our Clients’ production staff. • Clean up and archive completed CAD/ Revit files for project closeout. [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Verdana][FONT=Verdana,Verdana]• Experience using Revit Architecture or Revit MEP (2012 or later). • Formal training in Revit software. [/FONT][/FONT]

坚持就是胜利 : 2014-02-15#26
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

在fort mcmurray co-op年薪7-9万,公司提供免费员工宿舍,非camp. 一般是两个人share 一个town house,家具全包。 给你参考下。

坚持就是胜利 : 2014-02-15#27
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试

我们专业一个西人去年summer job找的一个油公司收入就非常不错。


hngala : 2014-02-15#28
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#29
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

在fort mcmurray co-op年薪7-9万,公司提供免费员工宿舍,非camp. 一般是两个人share 一个town house,家具全包。 给你参考下。

我们去年有同学申请你们公司summer job 都没人拿到

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#30
回复: 面试经验贴共享-如何准备面试



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-15#31
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

昨晚在sait时碰到一个五十岁的学生,聊起来一问波兰人,来加拿大二十多年一直在做机械方面的programer,搞数控机床的。去年被lay off了,他问他工程公司的朋友,他的朋友建议他来学画图。但因为他缺a piece of paper ,就是个certificate. fast track 八个月那个,他报名了。
他说已经超过400人了。进行selecting 步骤,第一步就是看有没有engineer title。竞争很激烈。

lgy : 2014-02-16#32
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

顶楼主,咱俩同年同月登陆卡尔加里。我就是去年在 SAIT读了8个月的快班课程,于毕业的时候一天没耽误的找到了实习单位,但之前为了找工作付出的辛苦只有自己知道。我在上课开始的那天起甚至在上专业课前就在做一切找工作的准备,并且那段时间我做到了尽自己最大能力服务班里,每次考试几乎都拿最高成绩,同时下课时还零散打点工,做家务,剩下所有时间都用来找工作,从来没看过电视节目。连买菜都安排在周五晚上,就为了能省出周六日的时间去学校学习。
本来实习时单位头说只是帮我完成实习的,但比较幸运的是经过一个月的实习他们改变了主义决定录用我,我于是非常幸运的找到了在oil & gas部门里的画管子的工作,而且给我的薪水我很满意,目前是我知道的同学里找到工作拿的最高的。

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#33
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


Architectural Technologist / Residential Drafter

Junior and Intermediate Drafters

This employer has created a well-known established brad, built on a foundation of quality and customer service. This residential production builder has built a foundation on single family homes, but also has a multifamily portfolio as well. Quality and customer satisfaction have allowed them to continue the development and expansion of their Edmonton and Calgary operations. This home builder is optimistic about an increase in productivity in 2013 and is therefore looking for quality professionals to add to their team in Calgary.

Reporting to the Drafting Manager the Junior/Intermediate Drafter, will be an extremely crucial part of this home builders team by being with the plans the entire way through to the final construction drawings. This is a position for a candidate with hopefully more than two years of residential experience in Alberta, however the firm would not turn down interest in a senior drafter searching for a new position either.

Strong computer skills, specifically in AutoCAD, and a strong analytical understanding of home building will be crucial for the successful candidate, along with experience within residential drafting and being able to remain organized throughout the project process. Canadian experience as a residential architectural technologist is a must, with preferences for local candidates who are familiar with building codes and city bylaws.

A stunning opportunity awaits the successful candidate in Calgary including benefits, and a very competitive wage. If you believe that this could be the perfect fit for you, please send your resume immediately, or if you know the perfect person for this position then feel free to forward this correspondence. All applications will be kept in the strictest of confidence.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#34
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

顶楼主,咱俩同年同月登陆卡尔加里。我就是去年在 SAIT读了8个月的快班课程,于毕业的时候一天没耽误的找到了实习单位,所有时间都用来找工作,从来没看过电视节目。连买菜都安排在周五晚上,就为了能省出周六日的时间去学校学习。
本来实习时单位头说只是帮我完成实习的,但比较幸运的是经过一个月的实习他们改变了主义决定录用我,我于是非常幸运的找到了在oil & gas部门里的画管子的工作,我个人还是觉得即便2011年我登陆那时行情相对好,但我个人没有准备好一样不能抓住机会。现在行情的确非常不好,班里很多同学找不到工作,但是我自己努力去把自己各方面提升好,一样也找到了工作。虽然自己很幸运,但我更相信机会一定是给有准备的人的。


speaker : 2014-02-16#35
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


freelancer : 2014-02-16#36
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

顶楼主,咱俩同年同月登陆卡尔加里。我就是去年在 SAIT读了8个月的快班课程,于毕业的时候一天没耽误的找到了实习单位,但之前为了找工作付出的辛苦只有自己知道。我在上课开始的那天起甚至在上专业课前就在做一切找工作的准备,并且那段时间我做到了尽自己最大能力服务班里,每次考试几乎都拿最高成绩,同时下课时还零散打点工,做家务,剩下所有时间都用来找工作,从来没看过电视节目。连买菜都安排在周五晚上,就为了能省出周六日的时间去学校学习。
本来实习时单位头说只是帮我完成实习的,但比较幸运的是经过一个月的实习他们改变了主义决定录用我,我于是非常幸运的找到了在oil & gas部门里的画管子的工作,而且给我的薪水我很满意,目前是我知道的同学里找到工作拿的最高的。

neverused : 2014-02-16#37
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


腊梅护家 : 2014-02-16#38
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jessieliu : 2014-02-16#39
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蔷薇weiwei : 2014-02-16#40
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twmtan : 2014-02-16#41
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零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-16#42
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

昨晚在sait时碰到一个五十岁的学生,聊起来一问波兰人,来加拿大二十多年一直在做机械方面的programer,搞数控机床的。去年被lay off了,他问他工程公司的朋友,他的朋友建议他来学画图。但因为他缺a piece of paper ,就是个certificate. fast track 八个月那个,他报名了。
他说已经超过400人了。进行selecting 步骤,第一步就是看有没有engineer title。竞争很激烈。


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#43
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



我也part-time 工作,同时full-time学习。我的老婆也和我同期一起在SAIT读书,我们还有两个宝宝。


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#44
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爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#45
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#46
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



If you smile upon the world,it will smile upon you.

But if you look doultful on it ,you'll get a similar look in return.

Helping others will benefit yourself as well.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#47
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

确实如此,而且400多个报名的人中,具有engineer title的接近一百人。(当然也包含在原居住国拿过的title)

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#48
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Canada - Opus StewartWeir | CAD Technologist[/FONT][FONT=宋体]


  • [FONT=宋体]Must be a graduate of a Geomatics or CAD program from a recognized institution, diploma or degree program.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=宋体]Must be competent in the use of the latest versions of AutoCAD and Coordinate Geometry software.[/FONT]
  • [FONT=宋体]Proficient in MS Windows environment. Intermediate to advanced skills in MS Excel. Knowledge in other AutoDesk Products is an asset[/FONT]
  • [FONT=宋体]Must be self-motivated and have excellent time management skills.[/FONT]

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#49
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Canada - Opus StewartWeir | CAD/ Design Technologist – Engineering



  • Must be a graduate of an Engineering or CAD program from a recognized institution, diploma or degree program
  • C.Tech., CET, or P.Tech.
  • Member in good standing with ASET or qualified to receive membership in Alberta
  • Must be competent in the use of the latest versions of AutoCAD, Civil3D, and SSA modeling
  • Must be able to import data and create surface models
  • Must be self-motivated and have excellent time management skills
  • Must maintain a strong technological base and be able to maintain a high level of production

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#50
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


CAD Drafting Technician

Midwest Surveys Inc. - Edmonton

Desired Skills and Experience

A diploma in CAD Drafting or Engineering Design and Drafting Technology with at minimum two years of experience in the oil and gas surveying industry is preferred. Previous survey drafting experience would be an asset. You must have working knowledge of AutoCAD Map and/or Civil, the survey industry and township system. The successful candidate must be able to produce accurate and detailed plans and demonstrate exceptional organizational and attention to detail skills.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#51
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


Junior Draftsman

DATE POSTED: January 17, 2014 LOCATION: St. Albert

This position is responsible for creating and developing structural steel/ process piping models based on the contract documents using Solid Works/ AutoCAD. The draftsman creates submittal, fabrication and submittal drawings as required and assists in the coordination of projects and/or checks drawings prepared by others alongside the senior detailer and detailing manager.

Qualifications required:

  • Industrial or commercial drafting diploma, or currently attending a registered program.
  • Experience in reviewing/analyzing/interpreting professional trades’ drawings such as architectural, structural and mechanical.
  • Proficient with Solid Works, AutoCAD or other detailing software

零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-16#52
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

确实如此,而且400多个报名的人中,具有engineer title的接近一百人。(当然也包含在原居住国拿过的title)


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#53
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



candyslowly : 2014-02-16#54
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Mansaca : 2014-02-16#55
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#56
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-16#57
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#58
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Junior or Intermediate Electrical Engineering Technologist - Edmonton Studio


Professional Essentials

  • A related technologist diploma is required.
  • A registered member of ASET would be preferred but is not required.
  • 2-7 years drafting and design work power system design, fire safety, lighting, security systems, voice and data communication systems, and building and electrical codes for large buildings is an asset Experience using AutoCAD, REVIT MEP software
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Collaborative and team oriented.
  • Ability to work under pressure and manage deadlines.
How to Apply
Please submit your resume in confidence to edmontoncareers@designdialog.ca and use "Intermediate Electrical Engineering Technologist - Edmonton" in the subject line. We are delighted that you are considering furthering your career with DIALOG. Your submission will be reviewed carefully however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#59
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Electrical Designer


Electrical Design / Drafter Qualifications

  • Degree or Diploma in Electrical design / drafting.
  • Strong background in one or more of the following industries: Oil/Gas, Manufacturing, Mining, Forestry, Waste Water, Water, Food and Beverage
  • Experience in electrical design drafting with AutoCAD beneficial.
  • Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal skills.
  • Must be self-motivated, results oriented and be flexible to work well under tight schedules in a fast paced multidisciplinary team environment.
  • Valid driver’s license, passport and ability to travel.
Please submit your cover letter and resume with “Electrical Designer" as the subject line to careers@truenorthautomation.com

零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-17#60
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#61
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


他说这个fast track的certificate 中国学生的比例现在非常多

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#62
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


CAD Drafter

Hays - Edmonton, Canada Area

Desired Skills and Experience


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#63
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Jr. CAD Technician at Precision Geomatics Inc. (Calgary)


The successful candidates will ideally have:

  • Degree or Diploma in drafting or Geomatics
  • Extensive knowledge in AutoCad and with various government websites pertaining to drafting plans in Alberta
  • Exceptional problem solving skills
  • Excellent written and verbal English skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Experience in preparing plans with a focus in oil and gas surveying would be considered an asset

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#64
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


但是说到底,简历和cover letter不是绝对性的问题。当你通过不断的修改和完善,你的简历 response/apply
ratio 会不断地提高的。当然每个专业方向,毕业年份,之前的背景都会导致不同的ratio。牛人可能会十个发出的简历能收到五个面试机会。我不清楚别人,我也不是牛人,我自己的专业response/apply ratio差不多0.05~0.1。





这 个专业第一天开始,我就在开始投简历。我觉得不一定就一定要马上找到工作,但是通过这个过程,你可以发现你自己简历和cover letter很多不足的地方。我基本上每三个月再回过头看之前的简历和cover letter,基本上已经面目全非,和之前的已经完全不一样了。这个工作一定要提前做,不是等到最后一个学期才去开始做。因为你放到最后一个学期做,那时候已经是刺刀见红的时刻。意味着你在拿你真正可能的工作机会在做演练,那才是真正的可惜。

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#65
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

我的第一次面试就在我开始上学的第二个月。那是一个小型的环境监测公司,我当时也没有特别重视,甚至都没有dress up。到了公司,接待我的人带我到会议室,然后问我是否带了简历,我竟然说我当初电子邮件发给你们了。现在想想真的很傻很天真。
老板和一个部分经理加我共计三人进行面试。面试过程45分钟左右吧,基本上是介绍你自己的情况,为什么还没有毕业就来找工作,以及一些behavior questions。我当时明显准备不足,但是可能当时表现得比较真诚,所以引出了八个月后同一公司的summer job 面试机会。
最后,老板问我是否准备withdraw 我的program,我说不是,我希望找一个part-time的工作。他说非常抱歉因为他们准备补充一个full-time position,但是他很感谢我赶过来参加这次面试,这次面试就这么结束了。

changtong : 2014-02-17#66
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-17#67
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities




爱Z无边 : 2014-02-18#68
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


Job Title: Technologist, Drafting

The successful candidates must possess the following qualifications:

  • Successful completion of a post-secondary diploma in Drafting Technology from a recognized technical institute.
  • Eligible for registration as a Technologist with A.S.E.T.
  • Minimum of 0-3 years of directly related experience.
  • Knowledge of design and drafting standards for distribution electrical systems.
  • Working knowledge and direct experience with GE Small World Electric Office and Microstation.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-18#69
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Job Title: Junior to Intermediate Construction Estimator (Calgary and Edmonton)
Job Reference Num :
Organization Name: altisHR
No of Openings: 2
Work Schedule: Monday-Friday
Hours per Week: 40
Wage/Salary: TBD
Employment Start Date: 02/13/14

Qualifications and Experience:

-Strong Interpersonal skills. English fluency (written and verbal) is a must
-Valid driver's license
-Permanent Residency/Canadian Citizenship is mandatory
-Degree or diploma in construction management or related discipline;
-Minimum of 1-3 years of relevant work experience dealing with Albertan clientele; Knowledge of/experience within Canadian construction industry
-Timberline and on-screen take-off experience would be considered an asset;
-Basic understanding of construction
-Knowledge of CIQS standard method of measurement (elemental/trade, Provincial lien act and Standard contract conditions - CCDC
-Experience utilizing Argus Developer will be considered an asset

Online Application Address: www.altishr.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-18#70
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

*Job Title: Mechanical Engineering Technologist/Draftsperson
Job Reference Num :
Organization Name: Reinbold Engineering Group
No of Openings: 2
Work Schedule: Full Time
Hours per Week: 37.5
Wage/Salary: Starting $22.00 per hour
Employment Start Date: As soon as possible
Employment End Date:
Supervisor: Jason Edey/Doug Reinbold
*Job Description: Our company specializes in the mechanical design of HVAC and plumbing systems in commercial, institutional and multi-residential type projects. We are looking for SAIT Mechanical Technologist or Drafting graduates to do Computer Aided Drafting of the various projects we are working on and basic design of mechanical systems.
Qualifications: Mechanical Technologist Diploma or
Engineering Design & Drafting Technology or
Computer Aided Drafting Diploma/Certificate
Application Instructions: Please send resume to:-



Fax: 403 509-1037

新David0531 : 2014-02-19#71
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

2,熟悉题型。如tell me about yourself. give me an example...

*Interview Introduction*

1. How are you?
I am feeling fine today. Thank you for asking. How about you?
<Hint:>Be wary of this seemingly simple question . Even if you have a pounding headache or are terribly nervous, sound upbeat and confident.

2. Did you have any trouble finding us today?
Thanks to the excellent directions your secretary provided me, I had no trouble at all finding your office.
<Hint: >Even if you have got lost five times, do not complain. You should always ask for specific directions before the interview.

3. May I get you something to drink?
I am fine right now, but thank you for asking.
<Hint: >Unless you are parched, refrain from drinking anything (especially alcoholic beverages) during the interview. There is a chance you could spill your drink on yourself or the interviewer.

4. Describe yourself to me.
The three adjectives that come to mind are dedicated, tenacious and organized. I'm dedicated to the company I work for -- the only reason I ever left a job in the past was due to the company closing its doors. I would not work for a company whose goals I do not fully support. I've read your mission statement, and I believe in your goals. Secondly, I'm tenacious. When there's something to be done, I get it done. I work well as a team member and as a team leader. I excel at motivating a group toward its goals and I virtually always finish projects ahead of schedule and under budget. And thirdly, I am organized. Some of my colleagues have joked about me and my organizer book never being seen apart. To a degree, this is true. I am a list-maker. If something needs to be done, I break it down into manageable chunks, and schedule deadlines for each phase of completion. Wouldn't you say that these three qualities would be advantageous in your company?
<Hint: >A great question! Use action verbs and powerful adjectives. Plan an answer to this in advance -- otherwise, you might be stumped if you're put on the spot during the interview.

5. In five words or less, describe yourself.
Organized, creative, diligent, friendly and resourceful.
<Hint:>Come up with an answer to this one before you get into the interview. If you try to answer it on the spot, you may be stumped. Develop a list of adjectives that describe you in a way that would be attractive to potential employers. Stick to the amount of words the interviewer allots you. Do not elaborate unless you are asked.

*Interest in the Organization*
1. Where or how did you hear about this opening?
A friend of mine mentioned this position to me. My friend knew that I have experience in a similar position. After a long discussion, we decided that it would be a good idea for me to contact you about this opportunity.
<Hint:> Be specific. Some companies track how well different methods of advertising for positions work for them. If a current employee of the company (or someone the interviewer knows) recommended you, by all means, name names!

2. Do you have any friends or relatives working here?
Yes, I have several friends that work for your company. One of them has recommended that I speak with you about this position. I do not have any relatives working here.
<Hint:> Some companies have regulations about relatives working for or with each other. Be honest. If the employer finds out later that your cousin is your supervisor, it may mean immediate dismissal.

3. How could you contribute to our company's goals?
I found it interesting that your company so prominently displays its mission statement in the lobby. I think that says something very positive about a company. And I was especially pleased that you so clearly delineated your community relations goals. I would spend a great deal of time working with the leaders throughout the city and do whatever it takes to help improve this community, including volunteering to work with several organizations in a managerial capacity. Not only would this help to improve the community, it would also help to keep your company name visible.
<Hint:>To answer this effectively, you must know what the company's goals are. Before your interview, you should ask about the company's mission statement, which will clue you into their goals.

4. What made you apply for this position?
A friend of mine who works here told me about this position. I have several years of experience doing similar work for another company, and I am sure that my experience would greatly benefit your company.
<Hint:>Talk about what makes you qualified for the position. Also, if a company employee recommended that you apply, name names.

5. Why are you considering our company?
Your company has some distinct challenges coming up in the next year. The company I worked for before faced similar challenges, and we were very successful in addressing them. I am very excited about the opportunity to apply what I have learned to help your company.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know what makes this company stand out in your mind.

*Knowledge of the Organization*

1. All positions have pluses and minuses. What do you imagine would be the pluses in this position? The minuses?
I would imagine the pluses would far outweigh the minuses, or why else would I be here today? Based on the job description and my assessment of your corporate culture, I would imagine that one plus would be the informal, family-like atmosphere. The employees seem to genuinely like each other and care about the success of each other and the company. Another plus would be the contact with the public. I enjoy meeting new people and helping them make decisions, which is one of the reasons I chose this career. As far as minuses go, I can foresee only one possible minus. Because everyone appears so close here, it might be difficult for a new person to adapt and fit in. However, I do not foresee this happening to me once I join your team.
<Hint:>Talk much more about the pluses than the minuses. It will make you sound like a more positive person.

2. What can you bring to this company?
I bring a background that includes a related degree and several years experience in a similar position with another company. The contacts I have already made in my previous position will help me be productive immediately.
<Hint:>Talk about your skills and education, and tailor them specifically for this company.

3. What are your expectations of this job?
This particular position has a lot of room for innovation and creativity. I usually go well beyond the basic job requirements and try to add considerable value to the organization I work for. I am very excited about this opportunity and am looking forward to start working for you as soon as possible.
<Hint:>The interviewer is wondering if you have any idea what the job entails. Let the interviewer know that you know more about the job than you saw in the want ad or job description.

4. What are your expectations of this job?
From the research I've conducted, I learned that your company has a wide and diverse product line. Your service people are known as the best in the business, according to the book 'Looking for Excellence.' The combination of your quality products and services makes your company enticing to me.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know that you know more than the average person on the street about the company.

5. What do you think are this company's biggest problems, and how would you go about solving them?
With the drastic downsizing that your company has gone through during the past two years, many of your employees are wondering if their jobs will be the next to go. Effective communication between management and employees would be of great help in this situation.
<Hint:>You'll need to have done some solid research on the company to answer this . Answer it in a way that makes you sound confident, but not cocky.

6. What material have you read about our company?
I have read your annual reports and company newsletters. I have also read several magazine articles about your company. I learned that your company is one of the leaders in our field, and I would very much like to become part of your team.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know what kind of research you have done on the company.

7. What do you know about the history of our organization?
I was excited to learn that your company will be 50 years old next year. This means that plans for the Golden Anniversary celebration should begin soon. I would very much like to be a part of the planning committee. I look forward to meeting some of the company's former leaders, especially your former president.
<Hint:> You should know more than just what you read in the local papers. Find out when it was founded and who its former leaders were.

*Career Field Knowledge*

1. How do you feel about government controls in your field?
I believe that most governmental controls are there for a reason, so I do my best to work within government guidelines. For example, when my former company was designing its new building, we made sure that we complied with the Americans With Disabilities Act.
<Hint:> There's rarely a field that does not have any governmental controls, so discuss how well you work within the guidelines.

2. What do you think is the greatest challenge facing your field today?
The greatest challenge, as I see it, is dealing with the rapid advances in technology. My former company was very much on the cutting edge of technology, yet we were able to pick and choose the technologies that were truly useful and cost effective. I look forward to applying what I have learned and helping your company use technology effectively.
<Hint:>Keep up with the latest journal articles -- these articles will keep you abreast on the challenges and how companies are overcoming them.

3. What do you think will be the next major breakthrough in your field?
It's interesting that you asked that question, because I was just reading a book that addressed the same topic. I agree with James Miller, author of 'The Corporate Coach,' when he says that customer service is the key. Many companies do not care about the details -- and the details are what keep your customers coming back. Your current customers will become repeat customers if you pay attention to their needs. I noticed in his book that he mentioned your company as one that is at the leading edge in exceptional customer service. That's one of the reasons I would like to work with your company.
<Hint:>The interviewer is wondering if you are keeping up with, or know anything at all about, your field.


1. Tell me about your work history.
I've been working almost my entire life. As a teen, I was an entrepreneur, starting a baby-sitting service in my neighborhood. Since then, I've been presented with a variety of challenges. All of the positions I've held required similar skills -- familiarity with the public, creativity, managing others and hard work.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants a brief rundown of not only the jobs you've had, but also the skills you've gained through these jobs.

2. Tell me about this gap in your employment.
This is not really a gap, but a break I took to further my education. I wanted to devote 100% of my efforts to my studies so I took a leave of absence for two years.
<Hint:> Be honest. The level of detail you go into will depend on how comfortable you feel talking with the interviewer. If you have many gaps, and filled those times with volunteer work, mention that on your resume. You may head off the before it's even asked.

3. Tell me more about the career objective I see here on your resume.
Ever since I was a child, I knew I wanted to go into sales. I was always coming up with one way or another to make money. When I was in high school, I had a job in a record store. There, I learned that there is more to sales than getting money from a customer. I learned that you have to develop a relationship with your clients, both current and potential. I've always been good at sales and at maintaining relationships, which is why I would like to work for your company.
<Hint:>Describe for the interviewer how you chose your objective. If you've written several resumes with different objectives on each, be sure you know which one you've sent to this interviewer.

*Career Search*
1. Are you looking at other employers? Do you have any other offers?
I have just begun my career search, and I have several interviews scheduled for the next two weeks. This is my first interview, so I do not yet have any job offers.
<Hint:>Of course you are looking at other employers! But do not imply that you have other job offers if you do not. Interviewers have a way of checking up on facts.

2. How did you get your most recent job?
I am a member of the alumni association from my alma mater. At one of our monthly meetings, another alumnus mentioned that he was looking for a person with my skills. After I briefly explained my background to him, we scheduled a formal interview. Two weeks later I started working there.
<Hint:>Discuss the methods you used. Be sure to mention the thorough research you undertook, if it applies.

3. In your current job, is there room for advancement? If not, is that why you are looking elsewhere?
Yes, there are opportunities for advancement, but only for those who can spend 50% of their time traveling. My family and community commitments are too important to me to spend that much time away. That is one of the reasons why a position with your company is so appealing to me.
<Hint:>Elaborate. The interviewer wants to know why you are leaving your current job.

4. What is the reason you are out of work now?
The company I was working for had some financial difficulties. They were forced to lay off some of the employees, and they started with those who had been there the least amount of time. I was one of the ones they let go, since I had been there only a few months.
<Hint:>Offer a reasonable and honest explanation. If you were fired from your previous position, do not badmouth the company.

5. If you do not get this job, what are your plans?
Before I left my former employer, I carefully laid out a plan for my career search. I have several prospects, including a second interview with another company later this week.
<Hint:>Let the interviewer know that you are actively pursuing a career, and that this is just one of your prospects. Try not to sound desperate.

6. Does your current employer know you are looking for a job?
Yes, we have discussed the possibility of my leaving the company. He is not happy to see me go, but he realizes that there are no real opportunities for advancement for me in his business. He will gladly discuss my qualifications and job performance with you.
<Hint:>Elaborate. The interviewer is probably asking to find out if they can call your current employer for a reference.

7. Why are you looking for work?
I am currently employed; however, I am looking for a position in which I can use my creativity to help the company achieve its goals.
<Hint:>'Because I need a job' is not an adequate answer. Think about why you need a job.

8. Why did you leave your last job?
When I first began working with my current employer, the office was just a ten-mile commute from my home. The company expanded rapidly, and had to move into a larger facility. Unfortunately, the new location is more than fifty miles away, making my commute more than an hour and fifteen minutes each way.
<Hint:>Try to fit your answer into one of these categories: location, challenge, prestige or advancement. Even if you had severe personality conflicts with your previous employer or co-workers, do not mention them now. It will make you look like you're the one who's hard to work with.

*Experience – General*
1. Evaluate for me your most recent company.
My current company is a leader in its field, both in technology and in sales. It has competent management and qualified employees. What it lacks, however, is the personal touch that I see here at your company. One friend of mine who works here told me about your company and how it helps the community. I also know that your employees enjoy being involved with each other socially.
<Hint:> Be honest, but do not badmouth any employer you've worked for. If you do, the interviewer may wonder if you'll do the same about his company.

2. Which position has given you the most satisfaction?
The position I've been most satisfied with is that of Charity Liaison for my company. Most years, we gave a holiday party for needy families. Seeing the children's faces light up when they saw the simple decorations and gifts we worked on made the long hours worthwhile.
<Hint:> Describe the position, rather than just naming it. Offer a reason why the position was so satisfying.

3. Tell me about the first job you ever had.
The first job I had was as an interviewer for a marketing research company -- you know, one of those people in malls with clipboards. I've never been a shy person, but this job taught me how to present myself with confidence to total strangers. I had to be polite, and accept rejection gracefully when it occurred. I also had to be thorough and accurate in filling out the questionnaires. This involvement with marketing research helped me make the decision to minor in Marketing in college.
<Hint:>Some interviewers want to know about childhood jobs, while others are more concerned with your first 'real' job after high school or college, so ask for clarification, or briefly mention early jobs before you talk about the first 'real' one.

4. Tell me about a problem you once had on the job. How did you go about resolving the problem?
When a company I used to work for changed locations, I found myself with a one-hour commute instead of the twenty minutes I was used to. I suggested to my boss that I arrive at work two hours early, and leave two hours early, each day. By doing this, I avoided the traffic, my disposition improved dramatically, and I became a much more productive employee.
<Hint:> Be specific. The interviewer is wondering what process you go through to make a decision.

5. Describe for me one or two of the most important accomplishments in your career to date.
When I began my career in sales, I was with a company that had only two salespeople. This meant a lot of quick stops visiting each of our customers and not much time getting to know our customers on an individual basis. After a year on the job, I suggested that with two additional sales persons, the company would be able to excel at individualized customer service. Six months after we put the plan into effect, sales increased by 30% and customer satisfaction nearly tripled.
<Hint:>To answer this question, you'll either have to think fast or prepare an answer in advance. Think about your entire career and be able to fully discuss three of your successes. Select the one that applies most to this company when answering during the interview.

6. Give me an example of a time you were innovative on the job.
In my previous job, I convinced my manager that we should begin using the computer that we had bought a year earlier. Up until then, it had been collecting dust because no one there knew how to use it. I developed a database for tracking all the information we needed about our customers, using software that was already loaded onto the computer. As a result, our paperwork time was cut in half, and our written communications looked much more professional.
<Hint:>Show your creativity, but don't sound like a 'loose cannon.'

7. What have you done in your previous positions to help reduce costs?
One of the programs I initiated was to save the rejected pages from the copier, pad them, and use them as scrap paper. The local printer agreed to pad these for free as their part of helping the environment. So we not only saved money on purchasing scratch pads, we also helped to save a few trees in the process.
<Hint:>Even if you had no authority to make purchasing decisions, you still could have helped the company save money.

8. What opinions did you give to your most recent employer to help make the company successful?
When my boss was looking for a better way to meet customers' needs, he would come to me, because I was the one in contact with customers on a daily basis. The most successful idea I had was to contact the customers after the sale was made, to see if they liked the products or if there was anything more I could do for them. Up until then, many of the customers only heard from sales people when a sale was made. The customers liked the personal attention. We increased our repeat business by 58% in the first year.
<Hint:>Try to sound as though you have good ideas, but you do not presume to know the company better than the owner. You want to sound confident, not cocky.

9. Describe a project you initiated and how it turned out.
I am a member of a local charity organization. We wanted to raise money to fund our activities, and I suggested that we create a cookbook as a fundraising project. Four other people from our group volunteered to help collect and proofread the recipes. I oversaw the entire production of the cookbook. We sold 90% of the cookbooks before the end of the first month, and the remainder of them at a craft fair in the summer. There was no initial cash outlay, and we raised a considerable amount of money.
<Hint:>Here's your opportunity to shine. Talk about your creativity and innovation, in addition to your attention to details.

*Experience -- This Position*
1. What experience would you like to gain here?
I gained some supervisory experience in my previous position. Though I feel comfortable and confident supervising a staff, I would like to hone these skills. Working for your company, I will draw on my past experiences while adapting to your way of doing business.
<Hint:>Stress what you have to offer the company more than what the company can offer to you.

2. How well are you prepared for this position?
Although I don't have experience doing this kind of work, my education has given me a considerable background in this area. With a combination of my educational background and on-the-job experience here, I know that I will be a productive member of the team.
<Hint:>Show the interviewer that you know what the position entails and how your background complements the position.

3. What previous work experiences do you think prepare you for this position?
I've learned something from each of the positions I've had in the past, in addition to what I've learned at school. As an assistant manager with my previous employer, I learned how to successfully motivate a diverse group of people. Some of our employees were there full-time, while others worked part-time. I learned to adapt my management style to the employees. After I was promoted to manager, I refined my skills in delegating responsibilities and in scheduling projects. My skills in managing, delegating and scheduling make me an excellent candidate for this position.
<Hint:>Try to draw something out of each of the positions you've listed on your resume to show that you're made for this position.

*Management Style Preference*
1. How does an ideal manager make you successful?
An ideal manager would be one who shares information willingly and freely with his associates, who motivates those around them to achieve their potential, and who works toward the company's goals at all times. Although I prefer working with ideal managers, I realize that they do not always exist. In this case, I can still get the job done, and try to motivate my co-workers to do the same.
<Hint:>Stress the importance of a good manager, but talk about an individual's initiative as well.

2. Are you able to do the work your boss does? Why? How do you do it better?
Yes, ever since I joined the company, I have been accepting increasing levels of responsibility. A good manager knows that part of their job is to train the employees to fill in for them. Because my manager has shared knowledge with her direct reports, each one of us can take up part of her responsibility when she is away, and together we keep the company running. I would not presume to say that I do any part of her job 'better,' but I am more comfortable and knowledgeable about computer software and hardware than anyone else in the department. When there is a problem or , everyone comes to me for advice.
<Hint:> If your boss is not training you to do some of the things she does, it may indicate that you are not 'management material.'

3. - <Describe for me the management style of your current employer. >
We have a very hands-on management style, and my direct boss manages mostly by walking around. He always gives immediate feedback to his employees. He has also empowered us to make decisions on the company's behalf in his absence.
<Hint:>Stay current on the latest management trends. Reading business periodicals will help.

4. - <How do you handle disagreements with your superiors? >
I am a calm and rational person. If I were to come to an impasse with my supervisor, I would recommend that we have a discussion in private about the situation. If no mutual agreement could be reached, I would accept my supervisor's viewpoint, unless I felt compelled to stand my ground on moral or ethical grounds.
<Hint:>Don't say that you never have any. Pick a situation, even a hypothetical one, and describe how you'd work through it.

5. - <Do you delegate authority well? >
Once I get to know the people I am working with, I feel comfortable delegating my authority, based on the capabilities and reliability of the individuals involved. I like to start out with small projects for my employees, until I get a feel for the team.
<Hint:>The research you have done on the company should have provided you with an idea of how closely management gets involved with projects. If micromanagement is the key, discuss how you like to closely supervise your employees. If employee empowerment is the buzzword of this company, talk about how you can delegate well when you trust the people you work with.

6. - <Describe for me your favorite supervisor. >
I've had the opportunity to work with many excellent supervisors, but my favorite would have to be the first one I had right out of college. He knew that I was still 'green,' but he allowed me to make my own decisions. I would frequently come to him for advice. He would always ask me what I thought I should do in the situation. He knew that I had a good head on my shoulders, but most of all, he trusted me and empowered me to make my own decisions.
<Hint:>If you know that the interviewer knows and likes your favorite supervisor, it won't hurt to name names. Otherwise, use adjectives without naming a specific person.

7. - <How much direction or feedback do you require? >
I work well on my own, and I enjoy having a supervisor I can go to with when I am unsure. Sometimes, a simple that is answered early in a project can help speed the process immensely.
<Hint:>Try to find out before the interview how closely management supervises employees, and base your answer on that.

8. - <What do you look for when you hire people? >
It depends on the positions I would be looking to fill. For example, if I were hiring a computer programmer, I would want someone with great technical expertise. If I were hiring a secretary, I would want someone with superb office administration skills, computer skills, and a pleasant personality. But in general, it's most important to hire people who will both fit in with the current corporate culture and add to the bottom line.
<Hint:> You would need to adapt your answer to the type of people you would be hiring.

9. - <Have you ever had to fire an employee? >
Yes, I did have to fire a subordinate in my last position. Our company had a very strict policy about when and where breaks were to be held. This employee repeatedly disregarded the regulations. I called him into my office and tried to find out if there was any reason why he could not follow the rules. He just shrugged and looked away. One week and three warnings later, I fired him.
<Hint:>Elaborate. Describe the situation that led to the firing and what your thought processes were. This will typically only be asked of people with previous supervisory experience.

10. - <How do you get people to do what you ask? >
The key is right there in the you asked. I ASK people when I would like them to do something -- I do not tell. Most people appreciate my style of management, and when they appreciate it, they are much more likely to do what I ask.
<Hint:> Stress communication skills. Avoid sounding like a dictator.

11. - <How would you describe an ideal supervisor? >
I have worked for several outstanding supervisors, so let me provide you with a composite of their best characteristics. An ideal supervisor would get to know each of his or her employees on an individual and personal basis. It is only through getting to know the employees that the supervisor can utilize them to the best of their abilities. The ideal supervisor would also empower the employees, allowing those who can be trusted to make decisions on the company's behalf. And finally, an ideal supervisor would use the team concept and stress working together toward goals.
<Hint:> The way that you describe this 'ideal' person may indicate what type of supervisor you will be, or what type you prefer working for.

12. - <Do you have a proactive or reactive approach to problem management? >
I usually have a proactive approach, though I am good at reacting when truly unexpected situations arise. For example, two years ago I worked for a local manufacturing company. Because of a bizarre series of events, there was a fire near one of the machines. All of the employees in the area knew what to do if a fire occurred because we held biweekly safety meetings to help head off such a contingency. We escaped with no injuries and only minor damage.
<Hint:> Someone with a proactive approach anticipates and looks for possible problems and heads them off before they cause difficulties. On the other hand, someone with a reactive approach spends most of his or her day 'stomping fires.' If you were a company president, which approach would you want your managers to have?

13. - <Are you comfortable with making decisions? >
Yes, I feel very comfortable, because I know that I do not make decisions on whims -- I take the time to analyze the situation and the possible ramifications of any decision I make. Sometimes I am lucky enough to have a great deal of time to make these decisions; other times, I must make decisions on the spot. In either case, I feel confident in my abilities in decision-making.
<Hint:>Of course you are, especially if you're interviewing for a management-level position.

14. - <Give me an example of how you solve conflicts within the workplace. >
When I was working at my previous company, I noticed quite a bit of friction between two of my co-workers. After listening to them bicker for several days, I helped them figure out the cause of their misunderstandings. The workplace became a much more productive and friendly place without their bickering.
<Hint:>If you've never been a supervisor, offer an example of how you helped settle a dispute between co-workers.

15. - <As a supervisor, how would you handle an employee who is chronically late or absent? >
My reaction to the employee would depend in part on company policy for such a circumstance. But if I were the one to make decisions concerning tardiness or absenteeism, I would first and foremost call the employee into my office BEFORE the problem became chronic. If the employee offered no reasonable excuse for the problem, and did not correct the situation after our discussion, I would recommend terminating the person's employment. Companies must have responsible, dependable employees to remain functional and successful.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know what kind of relationship you build with your subordinates -- do you jump to conclusions, or do you ask to find answers?

1. - <What would your subordinates have to say about your management style? >
Based on roundtable discussions I hold every month, I have a good idea how they would answer this. They would say that I am a fair-minded manager. I empower my team members to make decisions, and I support those decisions. They would also say that I am available. Some managers SAY they have an open-door policy, but I truly do have one. When a team member has a problem or concern, about either something professional or personal, they would say that they feel comfortable coming to talk with me about it.
<Hint:> This offers you the opportunity to brag about yourself, but not sound like you're doing so, because you are talking through the 'mouths' of your subordinates. If it's possible, try to make your management style appear as though it would fit in well with the company you're interviewing with.

2. - <Are you a good team member? >
Yes, I am a good team member. There is an old adage that two heads are better than one, and sometimes five heads are better than two. Last year, I was a member of a community group that was trying to raise money for new playground equipment in the park. The team that I joined was responsible for selecting the equipment. Rather than having all adults on the team, we included some of the children who would be enjoying the equipment. The children really helped us make the decisions about what to buy. Now that the playground is completed, it is one of the cleanest and friendliest in the area.
<Hint:>Companies need good team leaders AND members. Many companies today are using the team concept rather than the committee concept. Offer an example of a successful team project in which you participated.

3. - <What types of people do you work best with? >
In my previous position, I had experience working with all types of people. I can work with just about anyone, but I prefer motivated, hard-working, honest people.
<Hint:>Watch out -- the interviewer may be looking to see if you are prejudiced in any way. Stress character traits rather than gender or ethnic background.

4. - <Are you a leader or a follower? >
I am a good team member. Sometimes this means leading the team, other times it means supporting a team towards its goals. Depending on my experience in a certain area, I will vary the roles I take. What counts is that the project gets done successfully -- not that I am the one to take the glory for being the leader. If there is a more competent person to be the leader, I am satisfied simply by working as a team member and helping the team reach its goals.
<Hint:>Companies need leaders AND followers. Offer an example of your success in each role.

5. - <Are you more comfortable working in a team environment or on your own? >
Some projects are more suitable for teams, others for individuals. I work well both ways, depending on the project.
<Hint:>Employers need people who can work well BOTH ways.

6. - <What kinds of co-workers do you like best? >
I work well with most types of people, but if I could choose a group of people to work with, I'd choose people who are committed to the company's goals, who have integrity, and are pleasant to be around.
<Hint:> This may be a trick to discover any potential prejudices on your part. Talk about character traits rather than racial, religious, or ethnic backgrounds.

7. - <Are there any types of people who seem to 'rub you the wrong way'? >
I pride myself upon being able to get along with most people. However, I would much prefer being around people who do not lie, blame others for their shortcomings, or steal.
<Hint:>The interviewer may ask you this in hopes of you revealing prejudices. Talk about character traits instead.

*Education -- College/School*
1. - <At our company, we highly value college internships. Tell me what you learned by completing your internship. >
Even though an internship was not required for graduation, I felt that it would be beneficial for me to apply the knowledge that I had gained through my years in college. I learned the job quickly and stayed with the company after graduation.
<Hint:>Internships are a great way to begin networking before you graduate. In addition, they allow you to apply your 'book' knowledge to real-life situations. With an internship, you will have practical experience in addition to your degree.

2. - <Describe for me the most enjoyable experience you had in college. >
I thoroughly enjoyed my years in college. Probably the most memorable educational experience I had was when I took an economics class as an elective. Most of my friends thought I was crazy, but I wanted to learn more about how our economy worked. I had a fabulous professor in this course. He had no formal attendance policy, but I never even considered missing one of his classes. He explained complex theories so thoroughly and in such concrete terms that everything just 'clicked.' I earned my first 100% on an examination in his class. I enjoyed his teaching methods so much that I took the next class in the series, also as an elective.
<Hint:>Try to make this one education -- not social -- related.

3. - <Why did you choose your alma mater? >
In high school, I would go the guidance counselor's office quite frequently and look at the college catalogs. I spent two weeks between my junior and senior years visiting campuses and talking to the students and faculty. I even sat in on classes. The college I chose won out over the other colleges because of the faculty's involvement with the students and their enthusiasm for their subjects. I also liked the small teacher-to-student ratio.
<Hint:> The interviewer wants to know about your decision-making process -- so 'It was close to home' might not be the most effective answer for you.

4. - <What courses did you like the most, and the least, in college? >
I tried to make the most of any course I took in college, and to figure out how it would apply to my future. The courses I enjoyed most were in Business and Economics. As for those I enjoyed least, those were the required science courses that were taught in 400-student lecture halls. The content was useful, but I prefer being able to have contact with the professor and to participate in class.
<Hint:>Try to choose courses that are job-related for the ones you liked and ones that are not job-related for the ones you did not like. Avoid saying that you did not like math, even if it may be true. The interviewer may think that you have no aptitude for numbers.

5. - <How much of your education did you finance yourself? And how? >
While I was in college, I worked part-time at a local store. This job, combined with my student loans that I am almost through paying off, helped me pay for more than 80% of my college expenses.
<Hint:>Paying for part of all of your education, either through work or loans that you are repaying, shows responsibility. Even if you worked 'only for spending money,' you helped to finance your college education. Figure up a percentage.

6. - <How did you choose your major? >
Ever since I was a kid, I was interested in business and technology. When I started college, I selected a major that is consistent with these interests.
<Hint:>The interviewer may want to be reassured that you do not make snap decisions.

*Education – General*
1. - <How well did you do in school? >
If you're wondering if I got a good education, the answer is yes, even though my grade point average may not reflect it. During my junior and senior years, I earned a high GPA. But during my freshman and sophomore years, I did not know how to study well for college courses, and I would put things off until the last minute, which was usually too late. As a result, my grade point average for those two years suffered. After I took a class in time management and study techniques, my grades improved drastically.
<Hint:> Be honest. Toot your own horn if you excelled. However, if you did not do well, you should offer an explanation for your grades.

2. - <Tell me about the extracurricular activities you were involved in. >
I worked about hours a week while I was in college, so I did not have the opportunity to participate in as many extracurricular activities as I would have liked. However, I was a member of the student club for three years, and treasurer my last year. I organized a membership drive during my sophomore year that brought in new, active members.
<Hint:> If you attended a large school and did not take advantage of the professional and social organizations there, the interviewer may wonder why. A good reason for not being involved in many extracurricular activities is that you carried an unusually heavy course load or were working nearly full-time to help finance your education.

3. - <What have you done to further your education since your graduation? >
Because this field is changing constantly, I've done quite a bit to keep up with the latest changes in technology. I'm up-to-date on the most recent programs and tools, and have attended several seminars to learn about new developments. In addition, I keep up with the trends in our field by reading journal articles.
<Hint:>The interviewer may want to know if your skills are up-to-date, especially if you graduated several years ago. Talk about on-the-job training and journal articles you've kept up with, as well as seminars, classes, and so on.

4. - <Can you explain your high grades and low grades? >
When I was taking a class I was truly interested in, I usually earned an A in it. However, I tended to slack off in the other classes. Now I realize that to have a well-rounded education, I should have spent the same amount of effort in all of my classes. It's amazing how maturity helps.
<Hint:>Even if your grades were low, do not make excuses. Simply explain the situation and tell how you would do things differently now.

5. - <Did you work while going to school? >
Yes, I did work part-time through most of my college career. As I mentioned on my resume, I financed 75% of my college education through loans and part-time work. I also found that when I was working and going to school at the same time, I managed my time much more efficiently.
<Hint:> Most interviewers like to see that you helped put yourself through school. If you did not, offer a reason.

6. - <Did you ever drop a course in school? >
Yes, I did drop one course during my senior year. It turned out that a roommate of mine from my junior year was teaching the class. To eliminate any possibility of the appearance of favoritism, I dropped the course that semester and picked it back up the next semester.
<Hint:> Some students give up on courses after they discover that real academic work will be involved. If you dropped a course, offer a reason for it.

7. - <If you could do it all over again, what courses would you take? >
Looking back over the courses I took, I believe they prepared me well for my career. However, if I were to take any classes right now, I would definitely take more computer classes. I understand how to use most of the popular business software programs, but I could use a refresher on how the computer itself works.
<Hint:>The interviewer is wondering how much foresight you had when selecting the courses you would take in college. Stress how the courses you did choose helped, and mention one or two courses that you would like to take.

8. - <What was your class ranking in high school and college? >
In high school, I was number 11 out of 170. In college, I was inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi for being in the top 5% of my graduating class.
<Hint:>Amazingly enough, some interviewers will ask you this even if you're ten years out of school. If you do not know the answer, you should be able to find out from the registrar's office at the school you graduated from.

9. - <What didn't you like about school and why? >
If I had to find one thing I did not like about school, it would have to be the students who were there in body, but not in mind. I was, and still am, interested in learning new ideas, and I would get frustrated when we would have to go over the same material several times because some of the students simply were not paying attention. One of my teachers in high school noticed this and asked me to become a tutor.
<Hint:> If you liked school, say so. If pressed to give an answer, try not to complain or blame others.

10. - <How did your teachers and professors influence you to pursue this profession? >
As a child, I was always praised for my writing skills. My high-school teacher suggested that I pursue this interest further, and I am very glad I did. I was very successful in college because I had a sincere interest in the subject matter.
<Hint:> The interviewer may want to know how much influence your educators had upon you.

11. - <How could you have done better in school? >
When I was in school, I usually earned good grades, but I was a bit of a procrastinator. I would wait until the night before a test to study or until the week before a paper was due to start on it. Looking back, I know if I had the same time management skills then as I do now, I would have earned A's instead of B's with just a little more organization.
<Hint:>Even if you had an A average, it could have been better. Think about what you would do if you had the chance to do it over again.

12. - <Was the school you chose right for you? >
Yes, it was. This particular school excels in faculty involvement with student projects. I found the close relationship with faculty and staff rewarding and enjoyable.
<Hint:> If it was, great -- tell why. If it wasn't, do not wallow in self-pity -- explain how you would do things differently now.

*Skills and Training*
1. - <Can you give me an example of your problem-solving skills? >
I was working for a local store as a sales clerk. Almost every time I tried to use our credit-card verification system, I'd get a message that said 'please wait.' Then it dawned on me that we only had one telephone line in the store. I talked with the supervisor the next day, and he added another phone line.
<Hint:>Elaborate. Think of an example that would relate directly to the job for which you are interviewing.

2. - <What special skills do you have? >
I am trained in using all of the popular business software programs and have superior organizational skills. I have extensive experience working in a similar environment, and I'm sure I will become productive immediately.
<Hint:>Your answer to this will depend on what skills are necessary for the position. The research you have conducted will help you answer the .

3. - <How has your education or training helped you to perform jobs better? >
When I was in college, we took many classes they told us would cover almost any type of situation we would encounter. The one contingency I was not prepared for was dealing with un-motivated people. Fortunately, I was able to improve their motivation by making them part of an exciting team effort.
<Hint:> If your education or training has helped you, this should be an easy to answer. If not, perhaps you should consider going back to school, or explain that on-the-job training worked well for you.

4. - <Are you familiar with any foreign languages? >
I speak, read and write French fluently. I also have a working knowledge of Spanish.
<Hint:> With the marketplace as global as it is these days, knowledge of a foreign language is helpful. However, do not exaggerate your knowledge level.

5. - <What are you doing to prepare yourself for advancement? >
I have recently completed a series of seminars in communication and management skills. Some of the topics I learned more about during these seminars are supervisory skills, interactive listening, creativity and innovation. I also keep current on trends in my field by subscribing to industry newsletters
<Hint:>Employers typically do not like employees who are content to remain stagnant in their current positions. Discuss the seminars you've attended, the books you've read, the classes you've completed, and so on.

6. - <How do you feel about working with computers? >
I feel very comfortable using computers. In addition to being familiar with most of the popular business software programs, I am also good at troubleshooting software and hardware problems.
<Hint:>Almost every business has some type of computer in it these days. Be sure that you know what type of computers the business you're interviewing with has and what types of software they use.

*Goals and Career Objectives*
1. If you could have any job here, which one would it be and why?
When I learned about this new position from your vice-president of marketing, I said, 'This job description was written specifically for me.' I am very excited about the possibility of joining your organization.
<Hint:> With any luck, you will be interviewing for the job you'd most like. Avoid telling the interviewer that you want their job.

2. What is your dream job?
In the best of all worlds, I would like to work with a group of highly motivated, creative people on challenging projects. The people you work with can make any job fascinating.
<Hint:>Try to avoid specifics here, unless you are interviewing for your dream job right now. Talk about the type of people you'd like to work with.

3. - <Why did you select this area of work? >
I was always fascinated by this field of work, and naturally I chose it as my major at school. I am very excited about this position because it falls right in line with my interests and education.
<Hint:>The interviewer is looking for insight into your decision-making process. Avoid saying, 'I am a people person,' at all costs!

4. - <Imagine that you're selecting your career path all over again. What would you do differently? >
I'd do it all the same way again. I've learned something from each position I've had.
<Hint:>Show the interviewer that you carefully planned your career, and that you had no mistakes along the way.

5. - <If you had a choice, where would you work? >
I would want to work for a company that was successful, that would value my worth as an employee and that would allow me to grow professionally. Your company would allow all three, so I want to work here.
<Hint:> You do have a choice, and you chose to interview with this company.

6. - <Who was the greatest influence on your career development? >
I would say that my mother was the greatest influence. She did not graduate from high school, and she wanted something better out of life for me. She did not push me in any particular direction, but she encouraged me to explore many fields before I made a decision. Once I made my decision, she helped me to decide that furthering my education through seminars and classes would be helpful in enhancing my career.
<Hint:> If you think it will be helpful, offer a name. If not, simply describe the person and the effect the person had on your career development.

7. - <What do you expect of your future employer? >
I would like an employer who respects me as an individual and who fosters an environment of creativity. I enjoy being able to talk to my employers as people, not just as bosses. In return, I would provide the best in anything I am faced with for my employer.
<Hint:>Have reasonable expectations, but don't talk about salary!

8. - <Would you like to be president of a company someday? >
Yes, I would like to lead a successful company someday, but not right away.
<Hint:>Sound ambitious (if you are), but do not appear as though you are out to take the job of the current company president.

*Job Performance*
9. - <Give me an example of how you manage multiple projects. >
When I have several projects going on at once, I make internal deadlines for each project and keep track of my progress relative to these deadlines. I note all the due dates and additional information about each project, such as to whom I've delegated parts of the projects. I can tell at a glance when internal deadlines are coming up. This system has been quite useful for me for the past several years.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know about your successes in time management.

10. - <Have you ever been fired? If so, what led up to the firing? >
I've never been fired, but I have been laid off. The company I was working for was in its fifth consecutive quarter of losses, and I was the one in my department with the least seniority.
<Hint:>Be honest. Interviewers can and will check your background thoroughly.

11. - <Can you give me an example of a project you failed at and how you handled it? >
When I was a freshman in college, I was a typical freshman -- concerned more with my social life than my grades. I was a part of a group project in a science course. I let my fraternity commitments take precedence over my group. I let them down. When I saw how hard the rest of the group had to work to make up for my part, I decided then and there that I would never let that happen again. Even though I earned a 'C' in the class, I retook the class because I knew I could do better. This time around, I led the group and we earned an 'A.' But more importantly, I earned the respect of my peers.
<Hint:>Try to find something from a long time ago.

12. - <What areas of improvement were pointed out to you during your most recent performance appraisal? >
Though my supervisor rated me as superior in all areas, he did note that I needed to work more on delegating my authority rather than taking on an entire project myself. I found that once I worked on getting to know each of my co-workers on a more personal level, I felt much more comfortable sharing the workload. As a result, our department was more cohesive than many of the others during the last departmental review.
<Hint:> Everyone has something to improve upon. Find something minor, and then tell what you did or are doing to correct it.

13. - <All of us have some pluses and minuses in our performance; what are some of yours? >
That's a tough ... One of my strong points is that I am assertive. When I want to say or do something, I analyze the situation, then I act accordingly. Another strong point is that I love to learn. I enjoy reading, even reading computer manuals. Now for my weakness...I guess it would be that I sometimes get too involved in projects. I like things to be done well, and I've been involved in many situations in which if it was going to be done right, I would have to be the one to do it. However, I have recently discovered the art of delegation.
<Hint:>When you mention the minus, try to turn it into a plus -- or at least talk about a minus you had in the past and how it is corrected now.

14. - <Describe for me the appraisal system used by your last company. >
The company I worked for conducted annual performance reviews. Sometimes they would also conduct a mid-year review to recognize outstanding performance.
<Hint:>All companies evaluate their employees, some with more formal procedures than others.

15. - <Tell me how you were evaluated during your last two evaluations. >
On my first evaluation, I earned excellent marks in all areas except for delegation. I wanted to be deeply involved in every project in the department. Once I got to know my employees and co-workers on a more personal level, I felt more comfortable in trusting them with responsibilities. I'm proud to say that on my most recent evaluation, I excelled in all areas. My supervisor noted that she was impressed with my delegating abilities now.
<Hint:>All companies evaluate their employees, some with more formal procedures than others. If your evaluations were less than stellar, tell the interviewer what you did to improve once you learned of your shortcomings.

16. - <In your last position, what were your three biggest disappointments? >
About the only disappointment I had was that I could not spend more time working on my projects there. I succeeded at everything I started, but I was finishing my education at night, so I was not able to put in the overtime like I was used to. Because I could not do everything myself, I learned how to delegate my authority more effectively.
<Hint:>The interviewer may be looking to see if you accept your own shortcomings, or if you lay blame on others. If you do not have three disappointments, mention one, and wait to see if the interviewer will ask you for more.

17. Describe the kinds of tasks you do best and enjoy the most.
I truly enjoy working with computers and learning new software programs. That's one of the reasons I was so interested in this position.
<Hint:>Try to find out what type of tasks are required for the job for which you're interviewing. It's not a good idea to mention that you do not like 'picky little details' when you're looking for a job that requires you to balance a cash drawer at the end of each day.

18. In your last position, what were your three biggest accomplishments?
My first big accomplishment was convincing my manager that computerizing our records would be a great timesaver. My second accomplishment was getting through my first year with a 50% decrease in staff turnover. My third accomplishment was finishing my degree while working full-time. I maintained a high grade-point average in college and never missed a day of work.
<Hint:>This offers you the opportunity to really shine. Develop an answer to it before you go into any interview.

1. - <In the best of all worlds, describe for me your ideal work environment. >
Based on the discussions I've had with several of the employees here, this is about as close to ideal as anyone will find. You offer your employees the opportunity to grow professionally and personally. You also encourage your employees to become involved with community activities.
<Hint:>Try to be sure that the answer you offer closely correlates with the environment at the company you're interviewing with. If it does not, the interviewer may wonder if you'll be satisfied or happy with the position.

2. - <What percentage of your time would you be able to travel? >
As I understand it, your employees typically travel three days a week, with an occasional weekend on the road. I would be comfortable with that schedule.
<Hint:> Be realistic. If you have many family commitments, 100% would probably not be reasonable. Try to find out how much travel time is usual BEFORE going into the interview.

3. - <If asked for proof of citizenship, can you furnish it on your first day of employment? >
Yes, I'd be happy to provide you with proof of citizenship.
<Hint:>This is a perfectly legal for the potential employer to ask. If your answer is no, assure the interviewer that you are legally entitled to work in this country.

4. - <How do you feel about working overtime? >
I am not a clock-watcher. I believe in getting the job done and done correctly. If that means working more than 40 hours in a week, that is fine with me.
<Hint:>If you cannot or do not want to work overtime, and the position you are interviewing for requires overtime, perhaps the position is not for you. However, you should realize that most management positions, which many people think are 9 to 5, really involve more hours than 40 in a week.

5. - <What has been the longest period of time you have been absent from any job and why? >
I took an unpaid leave of absence of two months from my job two years ago to help my mother move closer to my home after my father passed away. Since then, I have rarely missed a day of work.
<Hint:>This may be used to discriminate against you -- to determine if you have children or parents that would take time away from your job. Answer honestly, but briefly. Of course, the 'best' answer is that you have a perfect attendance record. If this is not true for you, do not answer this way.

6. - <Do you have a valid driver's license? >
Yes, I have a valid driver's license and an excellent driving record.
<Hint:>Elaborate. If the job requires that you drive your own or a company vehicle, your answer should be 'yes.' If it does not, assure the interviewer that you'd have no problems getting to and from work.

7. - <We require a medical exam before starting. Are you willing to take one? >
Yes, I would be willing to take the exam.
<Hint:>Elaborate. If your answer is 'no,' you should have a great reason for refusing. This refusal may disqualify you from further consideration.

1. What makes you angry?
I am usually a calm and even-tempered person, and it takes a lot to actually make me angry. If I had to think of a situation that would make me angry, it would be having an employee who was undermining the work of others and the department as a whole. Employees that try to cheat, steal and lie their way to the top usually get derailed along the way.
<Hint:>The interviewer is not looking for a list of your pet peeves. Talk about situations that are job-related.

2. What was the least exciting time in your career? What did you dislike about it?
I try to make the best out of all the positions that I hold. I realize that it is not the employer's goal in life to be sure that I am entertained at all times. After all, that's why it's called 'work,' not 'play.' But I guess the least exciting time was in a position in which I was not allowed to use any creativity or initiative. The company strongly resisted any changes, even when the changes would have drastically improved customer service. When I discovered this resistance to change, I decided that I would be better off with a company that would welcome change.
<Hint:>Try to get out of answering this if you can -- say that you have usually enjoyed all of your jobs. If pressed, talk about what you found that was not interesting and what you did to remedy the situation. Be sure that if you mention something that was not exciting to you, it will not be the focus of the position you're applying for.

3. Do you enjoy detailed work?
I do enjoy details, but I don't overlook the 'big picture.' I have always been successful in balancing both views.
<Hint:>Based on the way this is phrased, the interviewer obviously expects a 'yes' for an answer. Back up your answer with an example of a successful detailed project you worked on.

4. What would you say are your weaknesses?
When I was in college, I had a problem with procrastination. I took a time-management class and learned how to break projects down into manageable chunks and set internal deadlines. More importantly, I learned to motivate myself to stick to the deadlines I set. My grades improved from B's to A's, and more importantly, I learned an important skill that I've carried over into my business life as well.
<Hint:>Talk about a minor weakness (not something like drug addiction or thievery) -- preferably one that you had in the past, but you've corrected.

5. What motivates you?
A challenge. I like doing what other people have given up on. Even in the most simple of everyday tasks, I strive to do things faster, better, and in more creative ways.
<Hint:> Be sure that your answer will fit in with the corporate culture.

6. - <How well organized are you? >
On a scale of one to ten, I would say that I'm at least a nine. I rarely leave my home without my organizer book with me. In it, I keep track of just about my entire life: projects I am working on, birthdays, addresses, and even a gift shopping list that I add to as I come up with ideas. Being so organized is an amazing time-saver, both in my personal and professional life.
<Hint:>Offer specific examples of how well you organize rather than simply saying, 'very well.'

7. - <Describe the kinds of tasks you like the least. >
When I am on the job, I am not there just to have fun. I realize that some tasks are more interesting than others, and I try to put the same amount of enthusiasm into each task I am committed to.
<Hint:>Assure the interviewer that you enjoy (or at least do not dislike) a majority of the tasks required for the completion of the job you are interviewing for.

8. - <When you are faced with an ethical or moral dilemma, what do you do? >
When I'm on the job, I first find out if there's a company policy that will help me make my decision. If there is, I tend to rely on what the company says the best choice would be. If there is not, and I have a few moments to think, I usually write out lists of pros and cons of the different decisions I could make. Looking over these lists, I can usually see which decision would be the best one to make in the situation.
<Hint:>Talk about your decision-making process, and avoid any religious commentary. Make your example work-related.

9. - <If I were to call your references, what would they say about you? Are they expecting a call? >
Yes, I've been keeping in touch with my references throughout my job search. My teachers would likely tell you about my academic successes and how well I helped to lead class discussions. My previous manager and peers would probably tell you about my ability to successfully handle several projects at one time. I have known each of my references for at least five years.
<Hint:>If you do not prepare your references to expect a call from the interviewer, you may be in for trouble. Choose references who will say only good things about you, and ones that will have the time to help you out in your career search.

10. - <What would make you happy in a job? >
If I were in a position in which I could contribute to the company's bottom line, grow professionally and work with co-workers with similar goals, I would be very happy.
<Hint:>Answer honestly, but do not stress salary.

11. - <What's the greatest honor you've ever had? >
The greatest honor I've ever had occurred several years ago. My manager asked me to participate in a panel discussion with him and two other industry experts. It was quite an honor to be regarded as one of his peers rather than a subordinate.
<Hint:>Try to come up with an answer to this one before the interview. Make the honor one from your professional, not personal, life.

12. - <Have you been happy in your past positions? What would have made you happier? >
Yes, I have been happy in the positions I have held in the past. I always look for the positive in any situation. The happiest times I have experienced in any position have been those times that I helped the company achieve its goals quickly and efficiently, and those times that I encouraged fellow employees to achieve their potential.
<Hint:>Sound positive and upbeat. No employer wants a sullen employee.

13. - <How well do you handle criticism? >
I view criticism as another type of feedback -- a feedback that I will use to enhance my productivity and performance. When it is presented in a constructive and clear manner, I wholeheartedly welcome criticism. If it is unclear, however, I will ask to get at the heart of that person's concern.
<Hint:>Employers need employees who can handle criticism. Look at criticism as a way of improving yourself and your performance.

14. - <How well do you work under pressure? >
Though I work well in all situations, I work especially well when I'm under pressure. I like having deadlines. For example, when I was in college, I earned my best grades during the times that I was working a part-time job and taking a full-load of classes. I would set internal deadlines for myself in any project I was undertaking. The projects were much easier to manage when I would break them into segments -- each segment with its own deadline. I continued this process of making internal deadlines when I left college and began my career, and I still do so today.
<Hint:>Offer an example of a pressure-filled situation that you handled well.

15. - <What do you admire most about your best friend? >
What I admire most about my best friend is her loyalty. We have been friends since childhood. We moved to different towns in high school, and we have kept in touch ever since. Many people would not be able to maintain a long-distance friendship like ours, but when something is worth it, you work for it.
<Hint:> Whom we choose for our best friends says a lot about us. Some people even say your best friend is a true reflection of yourself.

16. - <Can you describe your working style? >
I enjoy working on projects from concept to completion. Once I get started on a project, I dive right in and get going. Sometimes I end up working very long hours without ever realizing it because I get so involved in my work. I know how to take a stress-break so that I do not get burned out, but I am always anxious to get back to work.
<Hint:>Stress your diligence, attention to detail, and anything else that will show the interviewer what a valuable employee you will be for the company. Knowing exactly what this specific position entails will help.

17. - <What would you say are your strengths? >
Several strengths are important in this field, and I have these strengths. I communicate well in a variety of situations, and I even enjoy speaking in public. I also write well and am proficient in the latest computer technologies.
<Hint:>Think about the position you're applying for -- what strengths does one need to succeed in this position? Talk about your job-related strengths, rather than ones from your personal life.

18. - <Do you have a personal budget? Do you enjoy budgeting? >
It may sound odd, but yes, I do enjoy budgeting. I get a sense of satisfaction from setting goals and fulfilling those goals. I have a personal budget that I stick to. In addition, I was responsible for authorizing all purchases of office supplies in my last position. Because of my diligent cost-cutting manner, my company saved 15% on office supplies.
<Hint:>If budgeting is a part of the job for which you are interviewing, you should have some experience with budgeting, either in your personal or professional life.

19. - <In your opinion, is conflict inevitable? >
Not only is conflict inevitable, it is also healthy. A company full of 'yes men' does not come up with new ideas; it simply perpetuates the old ways of doing things. When conflict is handled well, it helps, rather than harms, a company. To handle conflict well, one must be open-minded and willing to listen to differing opinions without being judgmental.
<Hint:>Elaborate. The interviewer wants to know how well you deal with conflict.

20. - <How do you perform under tight deadlines? Can you give me an example? >
I enjoy the pressure of deadlines. However, I do not put off projects until the last minute. When I was in college and had a term paper due, I would create milestones for writing the paper that I would keep up with. By breaking a project into logical steps, it is much easier to keep on track and not get behind.
<Hint:> Some jobs have tighter deadlines than others. If you cannot handle the pressure of such deadlines, you might want to consider working elsewhere.

*Outside Interests*
1. - <What do you do to maintain good health? >
Maintaining good health is very important to me. I exercise several times a week, usually participating in team sports, and I watch what I eat.
<Hint:>Indicate that you have a strong interest in maintaining your health. Try to discover what the current employees at the company do to maintain their health.

2. - <What are your favorite sports? >
I try to stay in shape and to do so, I participate in several sports. I see that your company sponsored a Little League team last season. I've been a coach for a team on the other side of town for the last few years. In addition, I enjoy playing racquetball and softball.
<Hint:>Look around the office of the interviewer for Hints about what type of answer the interviewer is looking for. Also, there's a rumor, which quite possibly could be true, that people who say during an interview that they play team sports (such as soccer, volleyball and softball) are offered higher starting salaries than those who mention truly individual ones (such as marathon running).

3. - <What was the last movie you saw and why did you choose it? >
Just last week, I saw 'Aladdin' for the first time. I've always been a big fan of anything by Disney, and I wanted to see if the computerized animation in this movie compared well to that in 'Beauty and the Beast.'
<Hint:>The interviewer may be making small talk. The interviewer may also be probing for information on how you make decisions in your personal life. Use your best judgment in how to answer this , particularly if the last movie you saw was 'Slasher Zombies from Mars.'

4. - <How do you spend your leisure time? >
I enjoy playing racquetball, reading and spending time with my family.
<Hint:>Look around the interviewer's office to see if you might have any leisure-time activities in common. (You might see trophies, team pictures, books, and so on) Do not mention so many leisure-time activities that the interviewer wonders when you have time to go to work.

5. - <Do you drink? >
Yes, I do drink socially on occasion.
<Hint:>Assume that the interviewer means drinking alcoholic beverages. This is a touchy . If you do not drink, say so, but be brief and not self-righteous. If you do not drink any longer and you are a recovering alcoholic, simply say that you do not drink. If you do drink, admit it, but don't go on and on about the blow-out party you went to last night.

6. - <Do you belong to any professional associations? Which ones? >
Yes, I am a member of the International Listening Association. I will present a paper at the next association's conference.
<Hint:> If your field has professional associations, you should look into joining them -- even if you are not employed now. These groups offer great networking opportunities. You should at least be familiar with the names of the associations.

7. - <Do you smoke? >
No, I do not.
<Hint:> Be honest. Some companies only hire non-smokers because the health insurance is less expensive for non-smokers than for smokers. Don't be boastful about being a non-smoker -- the interviewer may smoke, and you do not want to risk offending her.

8. - <What book are you currently reading and why did you choose it? >
There are two books I'm reading right now. One is 'The Corporate Coach' by James B. Miller. It is a wonderful book about the importance of customer service to the well being of an organization. For escape, however, I'm reading an excellent book by Stephen King called 'Nightmares and Dreamscapes.' King is from near my hometown, and I have a complete collection of his books.
<Hint:>Keep up with the popular fiction and nonfiction books -- your library usually will have all of the top-sellers. If you do not read books, talk about what you do instead. (For example, you could say that you spend your time working on an antique car.)

1. - <Do you own your own car? >
If you're wondering if I would have any problems arriving to work early or leaving late, I would not. I have reliable transportation.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. The interviewer can ask you if you would have any problems getting to work on time, but not if you own a car.

2. - <What is your native language? >
I am fluent in English and Spanish.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. The interviewer may use your answer to discriminate against you if you do not answer with the 'right' language. You may want to answer the fear behind the without directly answering the specific.

3. - <Where were you born? >
I appreciate your interest, but would prefer that we focus the discussion on my job qualifications.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. The interviewer may use this answer to discriminate against you if you were born outside of this country, or even from a different part of this country.

4. - <What does your spouse do for a living? >
My spouse and I have been able to balance our mutual work commitments. My spouse is very supportive of my career.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. It's none of the interviewer's business if you have a spouse. However, the interviewer can ask if any of your family members work in this company or for the direct competition.

5. - <Your last name sounds familiar. Does your family attend the local church or synagogue? >
No, I do not attend that one.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. Though the interviewer may be asking a like this merely out of curiosity, he or she may also be trying to surreptitiously discover your religion.

6. - <What type of military discharge did you receive? >
I left the military with an honorable discharge. I was awarded with a meritorious service medal upon my departure.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. The interviewer can ask you if you were in the military, but cannot ask you about the type of discharge. Of course, if you had an Honorable Discharge, you may want to volunteer the information.

7. - <Do you own your own home or rent? >
I live not far from here and will be able to arrive to work on time.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. The interviewer could use your answer to discriminate against you on the basis of socioeconomic status.

8. - <You look too old to be starting a career now. >
I believe that my extensive experience will be of great benefit to your company. I can work effectively with people of all ages.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. In addition to being unlawful, hearing this would be quite a blow to your ego.

9. - <Do you attend church regularly? >
I am involved with the local community but try to keep this involvement separate from my work.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. There is no legal reason for an interviewer to ask this .

10. - <Have you ever been arrested? >
No, I have not.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. Anyone can get arrested. What's important is whether or not you've ever been convicted -- and only if you've been convicted of a felony. Other than that, the interviewer does not have a legal need to know.

11. - <How many children do you have? >
I have a stable family life, and I do an excellent job in separating my professional and personal life.
<Hint:> UNLAWFUL. This is usually used to discriminate against women, though some men are now being asked the same. Answer the fear behind the .

*Possibly Unlawful*
1. - <Do you belong to any clubs or organizations? >
I am a member of the International Listening Association and the Society for Training and Development.
<Hint:> The interviewer may be prying to find out about your religious or ethnic background, so stick to professional organizations when answering this .

2. - <How would you feel about working for a female boss? >
I have worked for male and female supervisors, and I have no particular preference one way or the other. Gender is not important.
<Hint:> This may be asked to discover prejudice on your part.

3. - <How supportive is your family of your career? >
My family fully supports my career decisions.
<Hint:>This is in the 'fuzzy' area of lawfulness. You do not have to be specific about which family members are supportive. The employer may be trying to get you to tell whether you are married or have children. Offer a brief answer.

*Off the Wall*
- <What do you think about the country's economy? >
Our country has gone through some significant changes during the past decade. On a more local note, I saw in this morning's paper that your company's stock is up 1/4 point, and with the recent changes you implemented, the future looks very promising.
<Hint:> This is two-fold. First, the interviewer may want to know your partisan orientation. Second, they may want to know how well you keep up with current economic events.

- <What article in today's paper did you find most intriguing? >
I typically read the afternoon edition of the newspaper. In yesterday's paper, I was fascinated by the heroism of a 14-year-old boy who rescued the two children he was baby-sitting when their house caught on fire. It's amazing what people can do when faced with adversity.
<Hint:> Be sure to keep up with current events. If you are interviewing out of town, read the company's local paper before your interview.

- <Who are the U.S. Senators from your state? >
John Doe is the senior senator, and Octavia Pollard is the junior senator.
<Hint:>Shame on you if you do not know this! It must mean that you do not care about the future of your state, the interviewer may think.

- <What do you think the economic situation will be a year from now? >
From all indications, it looks like the economy is taking a turn for the better. The Index of Leading Economic Indicators seems more positive now than it did three months ago, and I certainly hope the trend continues.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know how well you are keeping up with economic news. In order to make an informed estimate, you need to be aware of what is currently happening on the economic front.

- <Of all the people you've been associated with, whom did you dislike most and why? >
I am one who can get along with most people in most situations. However, I had an employee once who stole from our company and lied about it, blaming the thefts on an innocent co-worker.
<Hint:>Be careful with this . Talk about character traits, but do not name a specific person. What if the interviewer knows and likes the person you are discussing?

- <What do you generally have for lunch? >
I try to vary my lunches. I prefer to eat a light dinner, so I usually eat a heavier lunch. For example, yesterday, I had a salad and a club sandwich. Sometimes, I'll eat leftovers from dinner the night before -- I can't stand to see good food go to waste.
<Hint:> Tell the interviewer the truth, but focus on the more healthy aspects of your diet. Most employers do not like or expect employees to skip or work through lunch every day. Taking some time out is good for you.

- <Can you type? >
I feel confident typing on a computer, though I have not had the need to use a typewriter for the past several years. I am familiar with most business software programs.
<Hint:> This used to be asked of females who were interviewing for management positions. If they could type, quite frequently they were offered secretarial positions instead of management positions! Now, however, most people are expected to know how to type on a computer.

- <In your opinion, what is the best museum in town? >
In my volunteer work, I've accompanied many groups of children to the Children's Museum. I get excited watching them learn, and I usually learn something new myself.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know how much you take advantage of the cultural aspects of your city. If you've never been to a museum, talk about other cultural activities in the area. If you are not from the city in which you are interviewing, talk about a museum in your hometown.

- <What did you do last Saturday and Sunday? >
I spent the most recent weekend with my family. We attended a baseball game, went rafting, and toured a local manufacturing plant. It was almost a relief to get back here so that I could relax!
<Hint:>Be careful with this . The interviewer may be asking it to get you to reveal information they cannot legally asked for. For example, you should not talk about going to a specific religious service. On the other hand, the interviewer may be curious about your activity level or involvement with community events.

- <What television programs interest you most? >
I do not get much time to watch television. I do watch the local and national news every morning. For entertainment, I like classic comedy shows and cartoons from several years ago. I also like nature specials, and black and white movies.
<Hint:>Do not say, 'I only watch educational TV,' unless it is true. Mention a variety of programs, but avoid 'trash TV' shows.

- <When you were growing up, what was your home life like? >
My parents are strong believers that education is the key to a person's success. Excelling in school was important to my whole family. Quite often, we did things together as a family. Somehow, when we went on camping trips, it seemed like it always rained. We brought cards and board games to amuse ourselves until we could go outside again.
<Hint:>Stress the positives and do not dwell on the negatives.

*Stressful Questions*
- <You seem overqualified for this position. Don't you think you'd become bored quickly and want to quit? >
At first glance, it may appear that I am overqualified for this position. I have several years experience in a similar field and extensive education. However, I think it is important to learn a job from the ground up. I will prove myself in this position, because I know that your company has great opportunities for dedicated employees.
<Hint:>Underscore that you work hard in every job you have and that you are committed to the company's goals.

- <Sell me the pen you're holding right now. >
As you can see, this is a fabulous pen that every successful executive should have. It is lightweight, so it will be easy to use. The ink flows smoothly, making for a much more impressive signature on your business letters and contracts. And most of all, it is the pen used by the president of your company. Wouldn't you like to have his authority and power someday? Now, how many of these pens would you like to buy today?
<Hint:>Almost every job requires some kind of selling, whether it be products or ideas. When you try to sell the pen, remember this old advertising adage: 'Sell the sizzle, not the steak.' Describe the benefits rather than features.

- <What would make you leave us? >
I would stay with your company for as long as I was challenged professionally and was offered the opportunity to grow professionally within the company.
<Hint:>Try to fit your answer into one of these categories: location, challenge, prestige or advancement.

- <Do you think you are uniquely qualified for this position? If so, why? If not, why did you apply for the position? >
I'm sure that most of your applicants have a college degree and some experience, but in addition to these, I have traveled throughout the world extensively. I can converse in three languages, and I have a knack for getting to know people quickly and easily. These qualities would be advantageous for an employee in your company, wouldn't they?
<Hint:>Of course you are uniquely qualified. Tell what makes you stand apart from the pack.

- <Imagine I told you you've done a lousy job so far in this interview. What would you say back to me? >
I'm always looking for ways to improve. What would you recommend I do to improve in this situation?
<Hint:>Try not to get upset if the interviewer asks you a such as this. What you should do is remain calm and ask for constructive criticism.

- <All of us have some skeletons in our closets. We at this company do a thorough background check on all of our potential new hires. What would you rather tell us now than have us find out on our own? >
When you do a background check on me, I do not believe you will find any surprises. Is there anything specific you would like to ask me about?
<Hint:> With any luck, you won't have any 'skeletons.' But if you do, consider how badly you want the position, and use your best judgment when answering this .

- <Tell me the worst thing you've heard about this company. >
I would not be here if I had discovered anything unsatisfactory when I was preparing for this interview. In fact, I could not find any derogatory information at all about this company, and that's a very good sign. Every employee I spoke with did nothing but praise the business practices here.
<Hint:>If you've heard anything truly awful about the company, you probably would not be in the interview in the first place. Discuss the research you did on the company, and how pleased you were with what you found.

- <If someone were to your credibility, how would you react? >
I would first ask the person why they believe this way. Perhaps I had said something in the past that they misinterpreted, or perhaps they simply do not yet know me well. After they explained why they do not find me credible, I would describe my qualifications in whatever area was necessary. If this still did not work, and my company was in danger of losing a client or customer, I would turn the customer over to a co-worker or manager. It is not as important for ME to maintain the customer as it is for US to maintain them.
<Hint:>Explain to the interviewer that you can maintain grace under pressure.

- <When will you consider yourself a success? >
I consider myself a success now. I work hard and put 100% of my efforts into projects I believe in. I may not be rich now, but money is not the only measure of a person's success.
<Hint:>Avoid talking about money. You may want to ask the interviewer for clarification on which aspect of your life you should discuss.

- <Evaluate my performance as an interviewer. >
I'll have to admit that this is one of the tougher interviews I've been in so far. However, it appears as though you truly care about selecting the right person for the job, otherwise you would not be so thorough with your .
<Hint:>This is one of the more stressful that you'll encounter. The interviewer will probably be able to tell if you are not being honest. There is also a chance that they are trying to discover if you can give constructive criticism well.

- <How long would you stay with our company? >
I would stay with the company for many productive years, as long as I was contributing to the company's goals and was offered the potential for career growth.
<Hint:>Perhaps the interviewer has hired many people in the last year, all of whom have quit. Assuage their fears, and let them know that you're in it for the long haul.

- <Do you have any outstanding debts? >
I like to stick to a budget, and part of my budgeting does include repaying my student loans. I also have a car loan that I just have four more payments on. I try to live within my means at all times.
<Hint:>This is really none of the interviewer's business, but this could offer you the opportunity to discuss your fiscal responsibility.

- <Your resume makes you look like a job-hopper. What could you say to convince me you'd stay with us for any length of time? >
I financed 50% of my college education through part-time work. When I was in college, my course schedule changed every quarter. In order to maintain my 'B' average, I sometimes had to find a new employer who would be able to provide me with a work schedule that would not conflict with my courses and allow me to offer my best to the company as well.
<Hint:>There are many valid reasons for changing jobs frequently, but one that the employer never wants to hear is that you could not get along with your boss or the other employees. Stress that your days of job-hopping are in the past, and you are willing to make a long-term commitment to the right company.

- <How would you feel working for someone younger than you who makes more money? >
I would not have any problems with this -- I have a great respect for the chain of command.
<Hint:>This is a used to 'stir you up.'

- <Are you sure you can handle going to school and working at the same time? Won't one or the other have to suffer? >
Throughout my college years, I have always worked and attended classes at the same time. I can budget my time better when I have many things going on. I have always achieved superior ratings on my performance evaluations while maintaining a high grade point average in school.
<Hint:>The interviewer wants to know how well you can manage your time and responsibilities.

- <If, after two weeks on the job, I were to tell you 'you've been making a lot of mistakes lately and need to improve,' how would you handle this criticism? >
I always strive to do my best at anything I do. I would first ask you in which areas you think I need improvement. Then I would ask how you would recommend that I best make these changes. I truly appreciate constructive criticism.
<Hint:>Remain calm, and indicate that you appreciate constructive criticism.

- <Why should we hire you? >
Based on the job description you've provided for me and the research I've done on your company, I would say that I am an excellent candidate for this position. You want someone with education and experience, including experience in managing people. I have a college degree and several years of experience. I adapt quickly to new situations, and I would welcome the opportunity to become a part of your team.
<Hint:>Some interviewers ask this in every interview. Hope that this interviewer does, also. This allows you to state very clearly how well you are matched for the position.

- <Describe for me the worst boss you've ever had. >
Though I've had the opportunity to work for several wonderful managers, I worked for one whose managerial skills left something to be desired. He was a technical genius but had no experience in leading people. He would give no feedback until the project was done. By that time, it was too late to make any changes. He became frustrated himself after six months of being a manager, and returned to his technical job.
<Hint:>Resist the urge to name names. What if the interviewer knows and likes the boss you describe?

*Interview Conclusion*
- <If I were to extend you an offer now, would you accept it? >
I am certainly interested in this position. However, I would like to think about your offer overnight and get back with you in the morning, if that would be acceptable to you. I do not feel comfortable making snap decisions about such important matters.
<Hint:>Even if you are certain that this job is the one for you, ask for some time to make an informed decision. If salary has not been brought up, right now might be the time to do it.

- <How soon can you start? >
If, after we finish discussing the opportunities available here, we decide that I am right for the position, I would be able to begin work immediately.
<Hint:> This may be a 'buy' sign. The interviewer is interested in the possibility of hiring you. Try not to sound overanxious or desperate.

- <Could you leave me with a list of your references? >
Yes, I'd be happy to.
<Hint:> You should always bring a list of references on the same type of paper as your resume and cover letter to the interview with you. Though you do not need to identify them as such, you should have personal, professional and educational references for the interviewer to choose from.

- <Are there any you would like to ask me? >
Yes, I do have a few for you. The first is, 'Could you describe for me the first project I would be working on?'
<Hint:>A well-prepared interviewee ALWAYS has . Avoid bringing up salary or benefits unless the interviewer starts discussing them first.

*Salary Maximizer*
- < How does our salary range compare with your most recent job? >
Based on what we've discussed so far, I would say that it's in the range of my current salary, as long as the benefits your company offers are similar to the ones I have now. Could you explain the benefits package to me in a bit more detail?
<Hint: >This probably will not be asked until the interviewer suggests a going salary rate for the position. Be honest -- but do not forget that benefits count when totaling your 'salary package.'
- <What are you making in your current position? >
My base pay is $,, though with commissions and my benefits package, my total annual income is closer to $40,.
<Hint: >Remember that your income consists of not only your salary, but also your benefits package. Figure out how much your insurance, company car, vacation, and so on, are worth, and add them to your salary.
- <What kind of salary would you need to join us?>
Though salary would not be the only factor I would use in making my decision, if pressed, I would say that I would expect something in the low 30s for someone with my education and experience in the field.
<Hint: >Research the career field, the specific company and the company's geographical location. You can find general statistics on salary in the Statistical Abstract of the United States. Rather than stating a specific dollar amount, figure out a range that would be reasonable.

- <What salary should we pay you and why? >
I'd expect a salary that is commensurate with my education and experience. I know you'll be fair -- I would not expect to be paid significantly more or less than the people I'd be working with.
<Hint: >The interviewer probably has a salary range in mind already. Try to find out what the going salary is in the field, and even in the company, if you can. Avoid stating a number, unless you are pressed to do so.

- <What would you consider to be a good annual salary increase? >
It would depend on my performance and the performance of the company as a whole. But in general, I would like to at least keep up with the increase in the cost of living.
<Hint:>It's usually safe to say you'd like an increase that keeps up with the cost of living. You should also mention that your performance should be a major factor in the decision.

- <If you were to rank the importance of salary on a scale of 1-10, what ranking would you give it? >
Salary is important, but other factors, such as job satisfaction and corporate culture are important as well. I'd rank salary at a 6.
<Hint:>Aim for something toward the middle of the range. If your answer is 10, the interviewer may think that you're money hungry. If your answer is 1, the interviewer may think that you are insincere.

- <Would you consider working without pay? Under what circumstances? >
Yes, I would consider working without pay or taking a short-term pay-cut if that would help the company recover from a financial difficulty, and for as long as I could afford it. The experience I will gain here is much more important for me than the cash compensation. I also know that your company will eventually reward its most loyal employees.
<Hint:>Most interviewers will not ask you this , unless you are interviewing for an internship. In this case, remember that more employers offer unpaid internships than paid ones. Try to discover, before the interview, if the internship is paid or unpaid.

- <If, after you're hired, we asked you to relocate, would you do it? >
Yes, I would be willing to move to any of your company locations.
<Hint:>Elaborate. If your answer is no, let the interviewer know now. Do not waste your time or the interviewer's if the position requires that you move and you are not willing or able to do so.

- <What would you consider to be a fair compensation for your efforts? >
Let me see if I fully understand what my responsibilities will be... I will lead a team of associates, and will also be in charge of the department's budget. What salary range did you have in mind?
<Hint:>First, try to turn the around and ask the interviewer what the company is offering. Unless pressed, do not offer a specific figure in response to this . If you feel you must be the first one to discuss figures, suggest a salary range based on your research on the company, the industry and the geographic location.

- <How much would it take to get you here? >
Because I have several years of experience in this field already and I adapt quickly to new situations, I know that I will be up to speed in my new position shortly after accepting this position. I would feel comfortable with a salary in the high 40's.
<Hint:>The best option is to find out what the interviewer is offering and negotiate from there. If this is not an option, then state a salary range based on your research on the company, the industry and the geographic location. Know what your rock bottom figure is, but don't tell it to the interviewer.

- <What is the least you'd feel comfortable taking? >
I understand that you want a high return on your investment when you hire me. With my background, experience and enthusiasm, I would expect that you would offer me a fair compensation.
<Hint:>Though you should carefully calculate what your salary needs are, never let the interviewer know your rock bottom figure!

- <How much are you worth? >
I will be an excellent investment for your company. Having thoroughly read your mission statement, I understand it, and I will add value to your company in all aspects of your vision. Would you like me to explain how?
<Hint:>Stress what your value to the company will be, offering a dollar amount only if pressed.

- <Tell me about your salary history. >
In my previous position, I have consistently exceeded my department's standards and requirements. However, the company I worked for only provides modest raises, and the effort that an individual puts into his job rarely matters. Everyone is given the same raise each year. Even so, my current salary is nearly % higher than the first year I worked there.
<Hint:>The interviewer is wondering if you have stagnated in your previous positions, or if you have consistently been offered raises and promotions. Try to avoid giving dollar amounts, unless pressed.

- <How much did you make in your last job? >
I have been working with my current employer for the last three years. They hired me right out of college, with no management experience. My management skills have grown immensely since I joined the company. The company currently offers me a very competitive compensation package.
<Hint:>Sometimes the interviewer will press for a specific answer to a like this one. Remember to calculate the value of your entire compensation package, not just the amount of your salary. Often, benefit items can add 30% or more to your yearly income.

- <What do you expect to earn here? >
I am pleased that you are interested in having me as a member of your team. You are now very familiar with my background and experience, and you understand the types of contributions I have made to my previous employers. I know you will be fair with your compensation package. What did you have in mind?
<Hint:>Dangerous ! Whenever possible, do not be the first one to give salary figures. You could price yourself out of a job, or (even worse) you could undervalue your worth. Try to discover the salary range the interviewer has in mind before you commit to any figures.

- <Would you consider anything lower? >
I am quite interested in this position with your company, and I would consider accepting a lower offer. However, I know that I will do an excellent job for you, and I know that you will compensate me fairly for my efforts. Would you consider a salary review after I have time to prove myself to you, say, after my first three months on the job?
<Hint:>If the job is something that you really want, then perhaps you could consider a lower starting salary. Stress that you know you will do an excellent job, and find out when your first salary review will be. Also, know what the lowest salary you could accept would be, but DON'T tell this figure to the interviewer.

- <I don't think we can afford you. >
I understand that your company is going through some difficult budgetary times right now. I also understand that you need employees who will help your company improve its bottom line. I am willing and able to put in 110% effort into my new position, and I will prove to be an excellent return on your investment.
<Hint:>The interviewer is probably looking for you to justify your stated or implied salary needs. Empathize with his or her concerns, and be able to back up what you say.

- <This position does not pay more than that. >
I understand that you have a salary range set for this position. Could you share this range with me, so that we can come to an agreement that is fair to both of us?
<Hint:>Many companies have salary ranges for each position, and do not pay anyone any more than the top end of the range. The reason they enforce these ranges is to preserve office harmony imagine what would happen if two people performing essentially the same job discovered that one was paid a significantly higher wage than the other!

- <You'll earn more after you prove yourself. >
I understand why you would want me to prove my value to your company. After I have been on the job for three months, and have demonstrated my worth to you, would you consider a salary review?
<Hint:>If you can live on the salary that has been offered, agree. Then ask when your first salary review will take place.

- <I'm sorry. The salary is not negotiable. >
I understand that you are under some constraints as to the salary amount. Could we discuss other non-cash items that could be added to the compensation?
<Hint:>Most companies can negotiate salary, even if the interviewer says that the salary is set in stone. But if you discover that the interviewer truly will not negotiate the salary, try to begin a discussion of benefits that might make the offer more palatable to you.

- <What are your salary goals for five years from now? >
Since I am confident that I will excel in this position, I would hope to be compensated fairly and progress both in title and responsibility. If my expectations are correct, I would expect to earn between 60 and 70 thousand dollars a year.
<Hint:>It is helpful if you know the salary progression of others in your field or, even better, in the company. You could state a percentage increase or a salary range.

- <What would you say if I offered you this salary? >
That figure is very close to what I was thinking. The amount I had in mind was slightly higher. What kind of latitude in the salary do you have?
<Hint:>Before answering, determine if this is a formal offer, or if the interviewer is simply trying to figure out what you're asking. Once you are sure that this is a real offer, determine if this is an amount you can live with. Most employers expect you to try to negotiate a little. If the amount is far below what you were expecting, ask tactfully what other items would make up the compensation package.

坚持就是胜利 : 2014-02-19#72
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

总结得不错啊。重点基本都抓到了。 我大概今年下半年打算换工作,到时候再来看看这帖子。

lgy : 2014-02-19#73
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#74
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

2,熟悉题型。如tell me about yourself. give me an example...



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#75
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

总结得不错啊。重点基本都抓到了。 我大概今年下半年打算换工作,到时候再来看看这帖子。


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#76
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



lgy : 2014-02-19#77
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

我的第一次面试就在我开始上学的第二个月。那是一个小型的环境监测公司,我当时也没有特别重视,甚至都没有dress up。到了公司,接待我的人带我到会议室,然后问我是否带了简历,我竟然说我当初电子邮件发给你们了。现在想想真的很傻很天真。
老板和一个部分经理加我共计三人进行面试。面试过程45分钟左右吧,基本上是介绍你自己的情况,为什么还没有毕业就来找工作,以及一些behavior questions。我当时明显准备不足,但是可能当时表现得比较真诚,所以引出了八个月后同一公司的summer job 面试机会。
最后,老板问我是否准备withdraw 我的program,我说不是,我希望找一个part-time的工作。他说非常抱歉因为他们准备补充一个full-time position,但是他很感谢我赶过来参加这次面试,这次面试就这么结束了。

坚持就是胜利 : 2014-02-19#78
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


Edmonton 吧,卡尔加里我就不凑热闹了。

benkok : 2014-02-19#79
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Edmonton 吧,卡尔加里我就不凑热闹了。


大炜 : 2014-02-19#80
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

请教楼主,现在主流的公司drafting是三维建模的多还是直接画二维的多,用inventor还是SW? 哪些基础专业课程比较有用,如Pipeline Design?谢谢。

零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-19#81
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

请教楼主,现在主流的公司drafting是三维建模的多还是直接画二维的多,用inventor还是SW? 哪些基础专业课程比较有用,如Pipeline Design?谢谢。


新David0531 : 2014-02-19#82
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

我希望正在学习的,寻找暑期summer job和co-op机会的,即将毕业毕业正在寻找工作的,和已经毕业正在求职的每个同胞都能够新年里面心想事成。:wdb9:



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#83
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#84
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Edmonton 吧,卡尔加里我就不凑热闹了。


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#85
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

请教楼主,现在主流的公司drafting是三维建模的多还是直接画二维的多,用inventor还是SW? 哪些基础专业课程比较有用,如Pipeline Design?谢谢。

你很了解现在画图比较热的工作领域啊,呵呵。pipeline design 或者drafting 我听过在consulting公司的朋友讲,需求量最近挺多的。
Pipeline design我不太了解.
我只能给你一些Pipeline drafting领域的建议, civil方面的基础课多看看。

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#86
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#87
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#88
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Job Title: Intermediate CAD Technologist
Job Reference Num :
Organization Name: klr licensed interior design inc
No of Openings: 1
Work Schedule:
Hours per Week:
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
*Job Description: Small interior design firm is looking for an intermediate CAD technician to join our versatile team.

The ideal candidate will posses a minimum of 3-5 years experience in commercial office interiors. An asset would be intermediate understanding of Revit.

Please forward your resume to holli@klrid.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-19#89
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Job Title: Junior Transport Engineer
Job Reference Num :
Organization Name: Quadra Logistics Group Ltd.
No of Openings: 1
Work Schedule: M-F, 7-5
Hours per Week: 50
Wage/Salary: TBD
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
*Job Description: We are a dynamic Transportation & Logistics that has been in business for over 30 years with a focus on major projects. We are experiencing tremendous growth and are seeking a ambitious individual to come on board as a junior transportation engineer.

The role would comprise the following:
- Analysis of engineered drawings, plot plans
- Creation CAD Transportation Drawings
- Work within Project Management Software
- Support of the daily transportation operations
- Implementing Daily & Long Term IT Goals

This could be a long term position for the right candidate. There is opportunity to earn a very good living while being a contributing and valued team member.
Application Instructions: Please submit resume's to:


零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-19#90
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


你很了解现在画图比较热的工作领域啊,呵呵。pipeline design 或者drafting 我听过在consulting公司的朋友讲,需求量最近挺多的。
Pipeline design我不太了解.
我只能给你一些Pipeline drafting领域的建议, civil方面的基础课多看看。


malviter : 2014-02-20#91
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


腊梅护家 : 2014-02-20#92
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


mayibanjia : 2014-02-20#93
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-20#94
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



sunnylan : 2014-02-20#95
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#96
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Junior Structural Technologist
Edmonton, AB, CANADA
Start Date: Immediately
Key Responsibilities
Commensurate with experience: provide project drafting; be accountable for production, quality, schedule and efficiency
Develop finished drawings from general conceptual information and design notes
Generate technical information with minimal guidance and supervision
Work within the project team environment from conceptual and preliminary stages of the project design through to completion
Be accountable to the Intermediate or Senior Structural Technologists for drawing quality
Coordinate RJC's drawings with those of other disciplines on projects
1 - 2 years of AutoCAD and Revit building information modelling software experience required
Candidate Profile
Diploma in civil/structural drafting or technology from accredited technical college
Curriculum must have included courses in structural design
Courses in concrete and steel drafting and design are an asset
Ability to conceptualize structural and architectural details in three dimensions
Fast learner with attention to detail and a desire to grow professionally and personally
Team player with ability to work with project teams
Hard worker, inquisitive, ready to assume responsibility quickly, and have fun at the same time
Demonstrated and effective communication skills
Commitment to client service and technical excellence

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#97
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Junior Technologist - Building Science & Restoration
Location: Edmonton, AB
Start Date: Immediately
Key Responsibilities

  • Generate technical information with minimal guidance and supervision
  • Develop finished drawings from general conceptual information and design notes
  • Coordinate RJC's drawings with those of other disciplines on projects
  • Be accountable to Project Engineers for drawing production and quality
  • Help the design be more easily communicated through your drawings
  • Work as part of a team, under the direction of a Senior/ Intermediate Technologist, to produce drawings on a variety of projects

  • AutoCAD and Revit building information modelling software experience preferred
Candidate Profile

  • Diploma in civil/structural drafting or technology from accredited technical college
    • Curriculum must have included courses in structural design
    • Courses in concrete and steel drafting and design are an asset
  • Fast learner with attention to detail and a desire to grow professionally and personally
  • Team player with ability to work with project teams
  • Hard worker, inquisitive, ready to assume responsibility quickly, and have fun at the same time
  • Demonstrated and effective communication skills
  • Ability to conceptualize structural and architectural details in three dimensions
  • Commitment to client service and technical excellence

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#98
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#99
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爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#100
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#101
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-21#102
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



大炜 : 2014-02-21#103
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#104
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Job Title: Junior piping designer / project support
Job Reference Num :
Organization Name: Endeavour Projects Ltd
No of Openings: 1
Work Schedule: Flexible
Hours per Week:
Wage/Salary: Negotiable
Employment Start Date: Immediately
Job Description: Created and revise piping and instrumentation, plot and location and isometric drawings. Create as built packages and construction drawing packages. Some project support and regulatory work.
Qualifications: Auto-cad, pro-cad a bonus. Good organization skills. Ability to work on various tasks simultaneously.

Endeavour Projects Ltd.
#300, 400 – 5th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 0L6

Email: info@endeavourprojects.com
Phone: (403) 206-3984
Fax: (403) 264-9218

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#105
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Job Number: 7321296
Title: Survey draftsperson (auto CAD Operator) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time
Salary: $18.00 to $25.00 Hourly for 37.5 hours per week
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Calgary South West, Alberta (2 vacancies )
Skill Requirements:

Education: Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting (Architectural) Trade Certification, Drafting Trade Certification

Experience: 3 years to less than 5 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Survey drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Other Information:Wage to be negotiated at interview. Dependent on experience.

Employer: Can-Am Geomatics Corp.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By Mail: 340 12 Ave S.W., suite 900
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 1L5

By E-mail: careers@canam.com
Online: http://www.canam.com/

Web Site: http://www.canam.com/

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#106
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: CAD (computer-aided design) technologist (CAD/GIS Technologist) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $22.00 to $30.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Other Benefits, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, RRSP Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Sherwood Park, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Certification by a provincial or territorial association

Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Civil drafting, Geophysical drafting, Survey drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Detailing drafting

Specific Skills: Complete documentation packages and drawing sets

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, Networking software, Intranet, Servers, CAD software (computer assisted software), Mapping and data visualization software (GIS)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Sitting

Security and Safety: Basic security clearance

Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle

Essential Skills: Reading text, Numeracy, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Computer use

Employer: OPUS Stewart Weir
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

Online: http://www.opussw.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#107
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Steel detailer - drafting (Rebar Detailer-ACAD Drafting) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Shift, Day
Salary: $50,000.00 to $70,000.00 Yearly for 40 hours per week, Commission, Medical Benefits, Disability Benefits, Pension Plan Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Calgary, Alberta (2 vacancies )
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of university

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not applicable

Experience: 3 years to less than 5 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Manual drafting, Free-hand drafting, Shop drawings, Detailing drafting

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Write specifications, Prepare contracts and tenders, Estimate costs and materials, Complete documentation packages and drawing sets

Additional Skills: Prepare construction specifications, costs and material estimates, Prepare contracts and tenders, Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, MAC, OS/2, Intranet, Internet, Applications - desktop, File management software, Word processing software, Spreadsheet software, Presentation software, Office Suites, Mail server software, Electronic mailing software, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Sitting

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Other Information:1-2 years experience in the steel processing industry or 2 -3 years experience as machine tool operator needed this position. Rebar field combined with some rebar office skills.

How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By Mail: 55 Dufferin PlaceCalgary, AlbertaT2C 4W3

By Fax: (403) 388-4785
Online: http://www.varsteel.ca

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-21#108
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Draftsperson - computer-assisted design (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $20.00 to $30.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Edmonton , Alberta (2 vacancies )
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting (Architectural) Trade Certification

Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Architectural drafting, Civil drafting, Electronic drafting, Mechanical drafting, Survey drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Develop and prepare design sketches, Write technical reports

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle

Essential Skills: Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Computer use

Other Information:Auto Cad/ civil 3D is a must. Knowledge of legal surveying. Knowledge of structural engineering. Exp with GPS downloads & uploads.salary depends on experience. Issue coordinates to party field crews.

Employer: Grove Engineering & Surveying Inc.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: gpsinc@shaw.ca

Web Site: http://www.groveeng.ca

malviter : 2014-02-22#109
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-22#110
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



jonhnney : 2014-02-23#111
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-24#112
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-02-24#113
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


CalgaryJobShop.ca Career Fair
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

11:00 am - 4:00pm

The Telus Convention Centre
120 9 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0P3

Local businesses will be onsite looking to meet job seekers with a variety of backgrounds. If you are looking for a job or interested in seeing what other options are out there, this is the place for you.

Register online by completing the form below and uploading your resume. You will receive an email confirmation prior to the Career Fair which you can print out to bypass onsite registration. Bring extra copies of your resume to give to employers onsite!

One day. One place. Huge opportunity.

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-24#114
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


joesir : 2014-02-24#115
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


neverused : 2014-02-24#116
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



neverused : 2014-02-24#117
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



lavender99 : 2014-02-25#118
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

楼主和他老婆都非常优秀。 即使他们两口子不去SAIT 读书,他们也能找到专业工作。

candyslowly : 2014-02-25#119
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

楼主和他老婆都非常优秀。 即使他们两口子不去SAIT 读书,他们也能找到专业工作。


speaker : 2014-02-25#120
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


我也part-time 工作,同时full-time学习。我的老婆也和我同期一起在SAIT读书,我们还有两个宝宝。



All I can say is you do choose a right school!

Just found the course table in SAIT website, only 15 credits per term!:wdb4:

Everyone should come to Calgary! Everyone!

陌路人 : 2014-02-25#121
回复: 面试经验贴共享-Updated drafting job opportunities


零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-25#122
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


All I can say is you do choose a right school!

Just found the course table in SAIT website, only 15 credits per term!:wdb4:

Everyone should come to Calgary! Everyone!


lavender99 : 2014-02-26#123
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


lavender99 : 2014-02-26#124
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


卡城的一个住家保姆,英语不好,也找到 civil drafter工作,变成工签,正在申请技术移民呢!加拿大正规学校的毕业生却找不到工作,连面试的机会都非常非常少。所以说,有些人的运气真的不一样的。

speaker : 2014-02-26#125
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



根本原因是市场的力量足够强大!卡城有能力消化这些毕业生。学校也有权自行确定教学内容和课业量。学术上唯一的认证机构CCTT看样子也是money talk。

lavender99 : 2014-02-26#126
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-26#127
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


根本原因是市场的力量足够强大!卡城有能力消化这些毕业生。学校也有权自行确定教学内容和课业量。学术上唯一的认证机构CCTT看样子也是money talk。
如果卡城真有能力消化全部毕业生,卡城版块就不会三天两头有人发帖 “工作难找!”,事实上现在市场挺饱和,楼主自己也是跑到爱城去的。

零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-26#128
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


看看那个想读石油工程的女孩发的贴子和跟的贴!楼主自己也说了piping design好几百人抢36个位置!有位童鞋说的很对:sait的毕业生就业率高,因为它本身招收的就是有相关学历背景、有工作经验的!那个在网上随便学几个课程,去年就找到工作的小保姆故事,你就别忽悠误导别人了!

lavender99 : 2014-02-26#129
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

看看那个想读石油工程的女孩发的贴子和跟的贴!楼主自己也说了piping design好几百人抢36个位置!有位童鞋说的很对:sait的毕业生就业率高,因为它本身招收的就是有相关学历背景、有工作经验的!那个在网上随便学几个课程,去年就找到工作的小保姆故事,你就别忽悠误导别人了!

那个保姆是非常特殊的现象,她的中国老板手把手教她civil drafting 画图本事,估计她的老板是她的亲属。她的老板不雇佣加拿大公民和移民,却雇佣一个住家保姆来做画图员,这个有可能被加拿大政府罚款的风险都不怕,应该是保姆的直系亲属吧。但是这个保姆不说真话,就说她很幸运。

mayibanjia : 2014-02-27#130
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

那个保姆是非常特殊的现象,她的中国老板手把手教她civil drafting 画图本事,估计她的老板是她的亲属。她的老板不雇佣加拿大公民和移民,却雇佣一个住家保姆来做画图员,这个有可能被加拿大政府罚款的风险都不怕,应该是保姆的直系亲属吧。但是这个保姆不说真话,就说她很幸运。


爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#131
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Survey draftsperson (Legal Draftsperson, Calculator, Plan Checker) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Overtime, Day
Salary: $18.00 to $25.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Bonus, Other Benefits, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Calgary, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Some university, Completion of university

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not applicable

Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Cartographic drafting, Civil drafting, Landscape drafting, Survey drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Presentation drawings

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Write technical reports, Estimate costs and materials, Complete documentation packages and drawing sets, Examine drawings for conformity and errors

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, Internet, Word processing software, CAD software (computer assisted software), Image editing software

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Handling heavy loads, Attention to detail, Ability to distinguish between colours, Sound discrimination, Sitting, Combination of sitting, standing, walking

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Employer: Element Land Surveys Inc.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: james@elementsurveys.com

Web Site: http://www.elementsurveys.com
Advertised until: 2014/03/28

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#132
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Mechanical design draftsperson (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day, Evening
Salary: $20.00 to $35.00 Hourly for 41 hours per week, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, RRSP Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Wetaskiwin, Alberta (3 vacancies )
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not required

Experience: Experience an asset

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Mechanical drafting

Type of Product: Machinery, Tools

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Shop drawings, Presentation drawings

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Develop and prepare design sketches, Complete documentation packages and drawing sets, Examine drawings for conformity and errors

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, Extranet, Internet, Word processing software, Presentation software, Electronic mailing software, Electronic scheduling software, CAD software (computer assisted software), Data analysis software

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Sitting

Security and Safety: Bondable, Criminal record check

Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle, Public transportation is not available

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Employer: Manluk Industries
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By Mail: 4815-42 Ave
Wetaskiwin, Alberta
T9A 2P6

By E-mail: hr@manluk.com

Web Site: http://www.manluk.com
Advertised until: 2014/03/27

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#133
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Drafting technician (for manufacturing drafting and design office) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $19.00 to $23.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Group Insurance Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Medicine Hat, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting Trade Certification

Experience: 3 years to less than 5 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Mechanical drafting, Technical illustration

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Shop drawings, Presentation drawings

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Complete documentation packages and drawing sets

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail

Employer: S.F Scott Mfg
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

In Person between 9:00 and 17:00:
766 14st SW
Medicine Hat, Alberta
T1A 4V7

By Fax: (403) 529-0851

Advertised until: 2014/03/21

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#134
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Kitchen designer (and Floor Salesperson) (NOC: 5242)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Weekend, Day
Salary: $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 Yearly for 40 hours per week, Commission, Group Insurance Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Bonnyville / Cold Lake, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not applicable

Experience: Experience an asset

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Interior design (general), Kitchen

Work Setting: Company/corporation

Specific Skills: Estimate cost of projects and prepare detailed specifications, Arrange and make sales, Know products, materials and installation techniques, Know standards and codes currently in force, Know computer-aided drafting (CAD), Create interior spaces that reflect clients' needs and tastes

Security and Safety: Bondable

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilites: Attention to detail, Hand-eye co-ordination, Ability to distinguish between colours, Combination of sitting, standing, walking

Work Site Environment: Non-smoking, Air conditioned

Transportation/Travel Information: Valid driver's licence

Work Location Information: Urban area, On-site customer service

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Other Information:20-20 Design software utilized

Employer: RONA Cold Lake
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By Mail: 3401 - 50th Street
Cold Lake, Alberta
T9M 1K6

In Person between 9:00 and 17:00:
3401 - 50th Street
Cold Lake, Alberta
T9M 1K6

By Fax: (780) 594-2600
By E-mail: tracy_ronacoldlake@live.com

Advertised until: 2014/03/24

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#135
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Steel detailer - drafting (X-Steel Detailer) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time
Salary: $18.00 to $25.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Medical Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Medicine Hat, Alberta (3 vacancies )
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting Trade Certification

Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Shop drawings, Detailing drafting

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Estimate costs and materials, Complete documentation packages and drawing sets, Examine drawings for conformity and errors

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail

Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Decision making, Job task planning and organizing, Finding information, Computer use

How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: Apply@fortressfab.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#136
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Design and drafting technologist (Junior Designer) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $15.00 to $18.00 Hourly for 44 hours per week, Medical Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Stony Plain , AB, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting Trade Certification

Experience: 1 to less than 7 months

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, DOS, Word processing software, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Combination of sitting, standing, walking

Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Employer: Zytech Building Systems Inc
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By Mail: 262029 Balzac Blvd
Balzac, Alberta
T4B 2T3

In Person between 9:00 and 17:00:
262029 Balzac Blvd
Balzac, Alberta
T4B 2T3

By Phone: between 9:00 and 17:00: (403) 912-3232
By Fax: (403) 226-8776
By E-mail: careers@zytechtruss.com
Online: http://www.zytechtruss.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#137
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Civil draftsperson (Civil Draftsperson (Rebar Detailer)) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $32,000.00 to $39,000.00 Yearly for 40 hours per week, Bonus, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Area surrounding the city of Calgary, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Some university

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not required

Experience: Experience an asset

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Civil drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Manual drafting, Shop drawings, Detailing drafting

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, Internet, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Combination of sitting, standing, walking

Essential Skills: Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Finding information, Computer use

Other Information:Able to read, understand and interpret engineer's, structural & architectural drawings and produce rebar shop drawings. Sound knowledge of Canadian construction procedures.

Employer: C&T Reinforcing Steel Co(Alberta)Ltd.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: roy@ctsteel.com

Web Site: http://www.ctsteel.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-02-27#138
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Today I post seven new positions. All of them are junoir postions.
Try it!!!

lavender99 : 2014-02-27#139
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


malviter : 2014-02-28#140
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

如果卡城真有能力消化全部毕业生,卡城版块就不会三天两头有人发帖 “工作难找!”,事实上现在市场挺饱和,楼主自己也是跑到爱城去的。


malviter : 2014-02-28#141
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-28#142
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零下的浪漫 : 2014-02-28#143
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



Cool Kids幸福快乐每一天 : 2014-02-28#144
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爱Z无边 : 2014-02-28#145
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枫叶梦梦 : 2014-03-01#146
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爱Z无边 : 2014-03-02#147
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爱Z无边 : 2014-03-02#148
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Mapping/GIS Technician
Precision Geomatics - Calgary, AB


The successful candidate will ideally have:

  • Diploma in GIS, Drafting or Digital Mapping and 2-3 years of experience in any of these fields
  • Proficient in AutoCAD and knowledge of ArcGIS and FME would be considered an asset
  • Skilled in able to demonstrate a solid understanding of layers, line types, and Data Types
  • Knowledge of Surveying, as well as the oil and gas industry, would be considered and asset
The successful candidate must be a self-starter with excellent communication skills, and the ability to take direction well.

How to apply: At Precision Geomatics we pride ourselves on providing employees with a comfortable work environment, one that allows our staff to have input, be innovative and be able to continue to grow within their field. Precision offers competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefit package.


Please submit cover letters and resumes to: careers@precisiongeo.ca or visit us at www.precisiongeo.ca

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-02#149
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Civil/Structural Engineering Technologist (Industrial Dept)



EDUCATION: Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training
Credentials (certificates, licenses, memberships, courses, etc.):
Certification by a provincial or territorial association (CET Preferred)
EXPERIENCE: 3 years or more in a Structural Environment
LANGUAGES: Speak English, Read English, Write English
AREA OF SPECIALIZATION: Structural, Industrial
TYPE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE: Industrial, Buildings and Structures
SPECIFIC SKILLS: Prepare working drawings
ADDITIONAL SKILLS: Know and use computer hardware and software
WORK CONDITIONS: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Ability to distinguish between colours, Sitting, Combination of sitting, standing, walking
ESSENTIAL SKILLS: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning
OTHER: REVIT Experience an absolute MUST in Structural capacity. CET preferred. Salary dependent on experience.

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-02#150
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Electrical Draftsperson
Warrior Manufacturing Services Ltd. - Calgary, AB


Basic Qualifications
  • Drafting, electrical, or related technologist diploma
  • Knowledge of CAD software (preferably SolidWorks and AutoCAD)
  • Knowledge of drafting standards (IEEE, NFPA)
Valuable Assets
  • Experience with 3D modelling
  • Knowledge of oilfield drilling
  • Experience with manufacturing

jonhnney : 2014-03-05#151
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hr 会电话面试制作图块?

malviter : 2014-03-05#152
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

hr 会电话面试制作图块?

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-06#153
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Title: Architectural technician (Drafter for Residential Home Builder) (NOC: 2251)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $55,000.00 to $60,000.00 Yearly for 40 hours per week, Bonus, Other Benefits, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Edmonton, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Type of Architectural Experience: Residential construction

Specific Skills: Operate computer-assisted design systems, Assist in the development of architectural designs, Analyze technical documents and reports, Prepare graphics and presentation drawings

Work Location Information: Urban area

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Other Information:Diploma in Architectural Technology,Proficient in Auto CADD,Ability to work under significant time restraints, Strong attention to detail, Ability to create accurate and timely drawings, Team player

Employer: Daytona Homes
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: employment@daytonagroup.ca

Web Site: http://www.daytonahomes.ca

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-06#154
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: CAD (computer-assisted drafting) technician (CAD Technician) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Overtime, Weekend, Day, Evening
Salary: $23.75 to $30.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Bonus, Other Benefits, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, RRSP Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Fort St. John, BC, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Some university, Completion of university

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not required

Experience: Experience an asset

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Civil drafting, Landscape drafting, Survey drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Specific Skills: Examine drawings for conformity and errors

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, Internet, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Handling heavy loads, Attention to detail, Sitting

Transportation/Travel Information: Willing to travel, Travel expenses paid by employer

Essential Skills: Numeracy, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Employer: Focus Corporation
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

Online: http://www.focus.ca/

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-06#155
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Survey draftsperson (auto CAD Operator) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Overtime, Day
Salary: $18.00 to $25.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Disability Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, RRSP Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Area surrounding the City of Edmonton, Alberta (2 vacancies )
Skill Requirements:

Education: Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting (Architectural) Trade Certification, Drafting Trade Certification

Experience: 3 years to less than 5 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Survey drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Other Information:Wage to be negotiated at interview. Dependent on experience.

Employer: Can-Am Geomatics Corp.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By Mail: 2055 Premier Way, suite 133Sherwood Park, AlbertaT8H 0G2

By Phone: between 9:00 and 16:00: (780) 467-6611
By Fax: (780) 467-7155
By E-mail: careers@canam.com
Online: http://www.canam.com/

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-06#156
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: CAD (computer-assisted drafting) (Technical Support) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $18.00 to $27.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: nisku, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Some university

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Not required

Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Mechanical drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Shop drawings, Detailing drafting

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Develop and prepare design sketches, Estimate costs and materials, Examine drawings for conformity and errors

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, Word processing software, Spreadsheet software, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment, Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Sitting

Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle, Public transportation is not available

Essential Skills: Reading text, Numeracy, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Computer use

Other Information:knowledge with drilling rig structures, structural steel & developing shop drawings with AutoCad/Inventor would be an asset. Duties include drafting, estimating, purchasing and project coordination.

Employer: 6S Industries Inc.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: 6sind@telus.net

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-06#157
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

*Job Title:Jr. Draftsman Job Reference Num
Organization Name: Precision Aluminum No of Openings:1 Work Schedule:Monday-Friday (8-4) Hours per Week:40 Wage/Salary:Based on Experience Employment Start Date:As soon as possible Employment End Date:NA Supervisor: *Job Description:Precision Aluminum is a manufacturer of aluminum railings, fencing, gates, spiral stairs and various other products. We are looking for someone to join our design department in a drafting role.
The successful candidate will be responsible for creating 2D construction ready plans. You will design, draw , read and interpret deck layouts for fabrication.
Qualifications:-Able to prepare shop drawings using industry specific software (AutoCAD or Solidworks)
-Utilize and exhibit strong attention to detail
-Ability to work as a team and independently
-Ability to multitask and utilize excellent organization skills
Application Instructions:Send resume and cover letter to info@permadeck.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-08#158
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

City Edmonton
Province/State Alberta
Job ID 36348
Title Mechanical Drafting Technician
Job Type Permanent
What is in it for you? Want to join a company that thrives on innovation?
Our client, an innovated leader in the multi-stage fracturing systems is currently seeking a Mechanical Drafting Technician to join their Team.
The Ideal Candidate The ideal candidate possess
. Knowledge of tool assemblies and function
. Proficient in the use of Navision or similar ERP systems
. Proficient in the use of SolidWorks and EPDM
Job Description The successful Candidate, reporting to the Technical Services Manager, will be responsible for the maintenance and creation of detailed Engineering drawings.
Responsibilities Primary responsibilities will include but not limited to:

. Create drawings and models based on communications with Engineers and Designers
. Complete the required NED/NAV entries and processes where required
. Revise and maintain drawings and models as necessary to ensure they continue to meet company standards
. Maintain PDM system for data management to ensure documentation is accurate and accounted for
. Perform other duties as required
Requirements . Diploma or certificate in Drafting or Engineering Technology or equivalent
. Minimum of 2 years relevant experience in designing of oil and gas equipment
. Knowledge of tool assemblies and function
. Proficient in the use SolidWorks and EPDM
. Proficient in the use of Navision or similar ERP systems
. Ability to work well in a team environment as well as individually
. Ability to think outside the box to come up with practical solutions
. Excellent Communication skills both written and oral.
. Proficiency is MS Office Applications.
Compensation 51k - 60k
Compensation and Benefits Details The employer offers:
. Excellent compensation plan based on experience
. A motivating, team-focused environment
. Comprehensive Benefit Plan
Refer a Friend Introduce your friends to Drake and we will pay you up to $500* if we place your friend in a permanent position. You can also earn $50* if we place your friend in a temporary assignment.

* Please see your local branch for details. (Offer not available in the province of BC)
Date Added 3/5/2014
# of Positions 1
Job Category Engineering-Mechanical
Industry Engineering

marvelous139 : 2014-03-11#159
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


LEOLIU : 2014-03-12#160
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爱Z无边 : 2014-03-12#161
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Sorry I am in school right now. Internships and co-ops provide experiential, hands-on learning for students and employers. These work terms are mutually beneficial for both parties allowing students to gain applicable work experience contextualized by their field of study and allowing employers to complete timely projects and act as a mentor.

It depends on your programs and university, so you'd better to query the related counselors in the school. I am not sure if there are some CO-OPs in Quebec. sorry about that.

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-12#162
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Draftsperson - computer-assisted design (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, Day
Salary: $20.00 to $30.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Edmonton , Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting (Architectural) Trade Certification

Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Architectural drafting, Civil drafting, Electronic drafting, Mechanical drafting, Survey drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Develop and prepare design sketches, Write technical reports

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle

Essential Skills: Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Computer use

Other Information:Auto Cad/ civil 3D is a must. Knowledge of legal surveying. Knowledge of structural engineering. Exp with GPS downloads & uploads.salary depends on experience. Issue coordinates to party field crews.

Employer: Grove Engineering & Surveying Inc.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: gpsinc@shaw.ca

Web Site: http://www.groveeng.ca

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-12#163
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Engineering design and drafting technologist (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Temporary, Full Time, Day
Salary: $25.00 to $28.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Edmonton South, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting Trade Certification

Experience: 2 years to less than 3 years

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Area of Specialization: Mechanical drafting

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Work under pressure, Tight deadlines, Attention to detail, Combination of sitting, standing, walking

Transportation/Travel Information: Public transportation is available

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Decision making, Critical thinking, Job task planning and organizing, Significant use of memory, Finding information, Computer use, Continuous learning

Other Information:Temporary 3 month position with the possibility of extension.

Employer: Sulzer Chemtech Canada Inc.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By E-mail: allyson.bravo@sulzer.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-12#164
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Title: Structural draftsperson (New Oilfield Facility Draftsmen) (NOC: 2253)
Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time
Salary: $25.00 to $30.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Life Insurance Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits
Anticipated Start Date: As soon as possible
Location: Wainwright, Alberta (1 vacancy)
Skill Requirements:

Education: Completion of high school, Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training, Completion of university

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.): Drafting (Architectural) Trade Certification, Drafting Trade Certification

Experience: No experience

Languages: Speak English, Read English, Write English

Type of Drafting: Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Shop drawings

Specific Skills: Prepare engineering designs and drawings, Develop and prepare design sketches, Write technical reports, Write specifications, Estimate costs and materials, Complete documentation packages and drawing sets, Examine drawings for conformity and errors

Additional Skills: Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge: Windows, CAD software (computer assisted software)

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Attention to detail, Sitting, Combination of sitting, standing, walking

Essential Skills: Reading text, Document use, Numeracy, Writing, Oral communication, Working with others, Problem solving, Finding information, Computer use

Employer: Davco Welding Ltd.
How to Apply:

Please apply for this job only in the manner specified by the employer. Failure to do so may result in your application not being properly considered for the position.

By Mail: Box 2904
Wainwright, Alberta
T9W 1S8

In Person between 9:00 and 17:00:
Box 2904
Wainwright, Alberta
T9W 1S8

By Phone: between 9:00 and 17:00: (780) 842-5559
By Fax: (780) 842-6619
By E-mail: info@davco.cc

Web Site: http://www.davco.cc

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-12#165
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http://alis.alberta.ca/pdf/canadacareerweek/Tradesfest Poster 11x17 March.pdf

Looking for a job in construction or the trades?​
Attend Tradesfest 2014!​
Reserve your spot for the Speaker Series. Register at:
Hiring Fair - No registration required.
For the list of employers participating and positions available, like us on
Facebook at facebook.com/calgaryjobsfeed.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
9:30 a.m. - Noon
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Marlborough Community

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-12#166
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lavender99 : 2014-03-14#167
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celine-joan : 2014-03-14#168
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爱Z无边 : 2014-03-18#169
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Junior Piping Draftsperson
ONSTREAM Engineering Ltd.
Position Information
Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.
If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.
Job Reference Num:
Linked Schedule:
No of Openings:
Work Schedule:
Monday to Friday
Hours per Week:
To Be Negotiated
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Job Description:
Procad / Autocad Training is Essential
Downtown Calgary Location
Competitive Salary / Benefits Package
Engineering Design & Drafting Technology Diploma Preferred
Required Immediately
Procad / Autocad Training
Application Instructions:
Email Resume to lindy@onstream-eng.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-18#170
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Electrical Draftsperson
Warrior Manufacturing Services Ltd.
Position Information
Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.

If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.
Job Reference Num:
Linked Schedule:
No of Openings:
Work Schedule:
Monday - Friday
Hours per Week:
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Job Description:
Primary Role
The selected candidate will draft electrical assembly components as well as electrical schematics for the manufacturing of oilfield equipment, under the supervision of a project leader.
• Create 3D models and drawings of electrical components and assemblies
• Draft electrical schematics
• Generate assemblies with bills of material and link them with the ERP system
• Prepare marketing drawings
• Support and collaborate with other departments within the organization
Basic Qualifications
• Drafting, electrical, or related technologist diploma
• Knowledge of CAD software (preferably SolidWorks and AutoCAD)
• Knowledge of drafting standards (IEEE, NFPA)
Valuable Assets
• Experience with 3D modelling
• Knowledge of oilfield drilling
• Experience with manufacturing
Application Instructions:
Please forward your resume to

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-18#171
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Junior Designer
Onquest Canada ULC
Position Information
Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.
If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.
Job Reference Num:
Linked Schedule:
No of Openings:
Work Schedule:
Full Time Monday to Friday
Hours per Week:
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Project Engineer
Job Description:
Junior Designer (E.I.T) - Support senior designers and engineers in the preparation of drawings packages for proposals, shipping, fabrication, and installation.
Engineering Design and Drafting Certificate or Diploma.
Experience with AutoCAD and Solidworks a definite asset. Experience with 3D design concepts and practices. Problem solving skills an asset.
Understanding API 530, 560, UOP with regard to heater specifications is an asset.
Application Instructions:
Please email your resume to humanresources@onquest.com

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-18#172
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CADD Operator/Drafter
Level Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Position Information
Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.
If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.
Job Reference Num:
Linked Schedule:
No of Openings:
Work Schedule:
Full Time
Hours per Week:
To Be Negotiated
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Job Description:
Produce mechanical construction drawings from designer mark ups.
Must be proficient in spoken and written English
Must be proficient in Auto Cad
Able to read and understand construction drawings
Application Instructions:
email resume to admin@leveleng.ca.
Applications sent in any other fashion will be disqualified.

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-18#173
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

No of Openings:
Work Schedule:
Temporary / Internship
Hours per Week:
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Job Description:

Ecoquip is a pump jack manufacturer and is currently looking for a drafting person to work on expanded view parts catalog and build sheets. Initially it would be a short term contract position. An apprenticeship certificate or similar is required as is experience with Solid Works Premium 3D CAD software. The candidate must be reliable and have good time management skills. Please submit resumes to info@ecoquip.ca or fax to 403.255.9150.
An apprenticeship certificate or similar
Application Instructions:
Experience with Solid Works Premium 3D CAD software

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-21#174
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Computer-aided drafting (CAD) technician

Slave Lake (AB)

Job Details


Hourly: min. $27 max. $29 for 40.0 hours per week

Job Number:


Anticipated Start Date:


Terms of Employment:

Permanent Full-Time

Number of positions:


Job Type:

Placement Agency

Employer Details


914246 Alberta Ltd O/A Schroder Oilfield Service

Job requirements




Some high school; Completion of high school; Some college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training; Completion of college/CEGEP/vocational or technical training; Some university; Completion of university; Not applicable; Not required

Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.)

Not applicable; Not required


2 years to less than 3 years

Type of Drafting

Computer-aided drafting (CAD)

Specific Skills

Prepare engineering designs and drawings; Examine drawings for conformity and errors

Additional Skills

Know and use computer hardware and software

Computer an Technology Knowledge

Windows; CAD software (computer assisted software); 2D/3D Animation

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities

Fast-paced environment; Work under pressure; Tight deadlines; Attention to detail

Transportation/Travel Information

Public transportation is not available

Essential Skills

Reading text; Document use; Numeracy; Writing; Communication; Working with others; Problem solving; Decision making; Critical thinking; Job task planning and organizing; Significant use of memory; Finding information; Computer use; Continuous learning

How to Apply

By fax:


爱Z无边 : 2014-03-21#175
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Junior Draftsperson
MakLoc Buildings Inc.

Position Information

Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.

If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.

Job Reference Num:
This is the secondary job ID number that our office or the employer is using.

Linked Schedule:

No of Openings:

Work Schedule:

Hours per Week:


Employment Start Date:

Employment End Date:


Job Description:
Responsibilities include: preparation of drawings for customer approval, preparation of fabrication drawings for shop purposes as well as the preparation of material lists, cut lists and panel layouts for building systems.

• Preferred graduate of the Engineering Design & Drafting program from a Technical Institute
• Proficient in AutoCAD software & knowledge of AutoCAD Inventor would be an asset
• Experience with Rigid Frame Detailing
o As well as structural steel skids, metal building systems & stairways & handrails
• Solid academic achievement, strong interpersonal skills & commitment
• Works with/understands the Handbook of Steel Construction

Application Instructions:
Please submit your resume by fax to 780-955-7721 Attn: Human Resources indication the position applied for or by email hr@makloc.com.

Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. MakLoc cannot confirm if applications have been received, therefore, does not accept or return recruitment phone calls.


爱Z无边 : 2014-03-21#176
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities

Fire Alarm Systems Designer Associate


Position Information

Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.

If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.

Job Reference Num:
This is the secondary job ID number that our office or the employer is using.

Linked Schedule:

No of Openings:

Work Schedule:

Hours per Week:


Employment Start Date:

Employment End Date:


Job Description:
It’s an exciting time at Honeywell in Sherwood Park! Start your career with a company who recognizes and rewards top grads!

Honeywell International is a $39 billion diversified Fortune 100 leader with more than 130,000 employees in 100 countries around the world. We invent and manufacture technologies that address some of the world’s toughest challenges linked to global macro trends like energy efficiency, clean energy generation, safety and security, globalization and customer productivity. We are building a world that’s safer and more secure, more comfortable and energy efficient, more innovative and productive. For more information, please visit Honeywell.com or follow us @HoneywellNow.

Honeywell Building Solutions (HBS) is part of Automation and Control Solutions (ACS), a $15.9-billion strategic business group of Honeywell. HBS installs, integrates and maintains systems that keep government, education, commercial and industrial facilities safe, secure, comfortable, productive and efficient. HBS is also a global leader in energy services, working with organizations and power providers to conserve energy, optimize building operations and leverage renewable energy sources. Our expertise is found in a wide range of services from maintaining building automation technology to building advanced microgrids that provide onsite generation and energy security to delivering comprehensive programs to help utilities and the electrical grid operate smarter. To learn more about Honeywell Building Solutions, please visit https://buildingsolutions.honeywell.com.

•Assists designers/engineers using AutoCAD to provide drawing drafts
•Under the guidance of a mentor, prepare fire alarm system engineering packages, shop drawings based on relevant fire alarm codes and standards including NFPA 72, UL/ULC pertaining to Fire Alarm Systems (FAS), MNS, etc.
•Manage personal backlog of projects.
•Build positive and effective working relationships with both internal customers (Sales, Project Managers, Technicians) and external customers.
•Conducts activities in a safe and healthy manner and work in accordance with established Health Safety &Environment requirements to ensure the protection of associates, the public and the environment.
•Performs other duties as assigned.

As an Equal Opportunity Employer, Honeywell is committed to a diverse workforce.

Application Instructions:
To apply for this position, please go to www.careersathoneywell.com , change the country to Canada, and then enter requisition #242255

Online Application Address:

DD2008 : 2014-03-22#177
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


DD2008 : 2014-03-22#178
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities


DD2008 : 2014-03-22#179
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-03-22#180
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities





DD2008 : 2014-03-22#181
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities





lavender99 : 2014-03-22#182
回复: 面试经验贴共享 & Updated drafting job opportunities



爱Z无边 : 2014-03-27#183
Mechanical Engineering / Drafting and Design Tech Onstream Pipeline Inspection

Position Information
Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.

If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.
Job Reference Num:
This is the secondary job ID number that our office or the employer is using.
Linked Schedule:
No of Openings:
Work Schedule:
Hours per Week:
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Permanent Full Time
Lead Mechanical Designer
Job Description:
Onstream Pipeline Inspection Ltd. is a provider of inline inspection services to pipeline operators in Western Canada. Onstream is now accepting applications for the position of Mechanical Engineering Drafting and Design Technician.

•Maintenance of 3D solid models of parts, assemblies, and 2D drawings

•Maintenance of Bills of Materials

•Preparation of drawing packages required for ordering of parts and materials from vendors

•Engineering liaison with shop and operations staff

•Basic Mechanical Design and drafting of Inline Pipeline Inspection Tools and Support Equipment
•0-2 Years in an Mechanical Engineering environment

•Preference will be given to individuals who are familiar with Inline Pipeline Inspection

•3D Solid Modeling software

•Preference will be given to individuals with experience in Autodesk Inventor

•Ability to read, write and speak fluent English

•Strong social skills for communicating with co-workers and vendors

•Ability to work closely with and take direction from senior designers and willingness to learn

•Ability to notice and deal with small details of high tolerance mechanical designs

•Basic knowledge of mechanical engineering fundamentals

•Strong Computer Skills

•Ability to complete tasks fully in a timely and quality manner

•Willingness to hands-on interaction with shop, operations, and testing

•Flexibility to adjust work hours when required to complete projects

•Good Mechanical Aptitude

•Ability to prioritize tasks

•Professional personal presentation
Application Instructions:
Please email resume and cover letter in word or pdf format to:


No Phone calls please.


We are located in Foothills Industrial area. There is no public transit to our location. Personal transportation is required to access Onstream Pipeline Inspection.
Online Application Address:

爱Z无边 : 2014-03-27#184
CAD Technologist Pasquini & Associates Consulting Ltd.

Position Information
Below you will find detailed information for this job. Click the link for Organization Name to view more information about the employer.

If Submit Resume is available above, click it to submit your resume directly to this employer. If it is not, please read the Application Instructions below for details on how to send your resume to the employer.
Job Reference Num:
This is the secondary job ID number that our office or the employer is using.
Linked Schedule:
No of Openings:
Work Schedule:
Hours per Week:
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Job Description:
Pasquini & Associates is looking for a qualified CAD Technologist to join our land development team within the Calgary Region. Using Civil 3D, you will be responsible for preparing drawings for residential, commercial and industrial projects.

Joining Pasquini & Associates offers you the opportunity to grow with our company. Working with top clients in the land development industry and learning from highly respected and experienced staff provides excellent career development potential.

We are locally owned and managed with key staff having over 25 years of experience in Calgary and Southern Alberta. Employees enjoy working in a dynamic and exciting environment by partnering with developers, consultants, contractors, municipalities, and other players in land development process.

Pasquini & Associates offers employees:

Support and mentorship
A flexible work schedule
Challenging projects
Competitive salary and benefits package.
- Recent graduate or up to 5 years of experience in the CAD Technologist field.
- Experience in Civil 3D software is essential.
- Must have Diploma in Civil Engineering Technology or Engineering Design and Drafting Technology.
- Hard working, highly motivated individual.
Application Instructions:
Please email your resume to adownie@pasquini.ca

mnrbbs : 2014-04-02#185

弯弓射大雕 : 2014-04-02#186

爱Z无边 : 2014-04-04#187
CAD / Revit MEP Technician

Work Schedule:
Monday - Friday
Hours per Week:

Job Description:
Robertson & Associates Engineering Ltd. is a young and dynamic single-discipline Electrical Engineering consulting firm located in SE Calgary. We have an immediate opportunity for a CAD / Revit MEP Technician and we’re hoping you’re the right person to join our team!

Job responsibilities include but are not limited to:
• Provide CAD/Revit MEP drafting support for a busy Electrical Engineering firm.
• Follow established CAD/Revit MEP Standards.
• Work collaboratively with other staff on projects.
• Integration of linked applications including databases into CAD/Revit MEP.
• Plotting and completing electronic file submissions.
• Coordinate project drafting requirements with our Clients’ production staff.
• Clean up and archive completed CAD/ Revit files for project closeout.
• Experience using Revit Architecture or Revit MEP (2012 or later).
• Formal training in Revit software.
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Strong, self-motivated work ethic with ability to be effective and timely with tasks.
• Organized and methodical with a resourceful capacity for resolving challenges.
• Professional attitude, responsible.
• Experience with 3D Studio Max and other 3D related software would be considered an asset.
Application Instructions:
Our firm offers excellent wages and benefits, bonuses, enjoyable working conditions and opportunity for advancement.

In the past year we have hired three (3) SAIT grads!

Please forward your cover letter & resume to info@raeng.ca.

For more information on Robertson & Associates Engineering Ltd. please visit our website www.raeng.ca.

爱Z无边 : 2014-04-04#188
Electrical Draftsperson III
The Mosaic Company

Job Description:
Who is Mosaic?
The Mosaic Company (www.mosaicco.com), NYSE: MOS, headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a $10 billion company that stands alone as one of the world's leading producers of concentrated phosphate and potash crop nutrients. Our world-class mining and processing operations produce the highest quality fertilizer and animal feed ingredients. As a global leader in nourishing crops and delivering distinctive value to the world's agriculture, Mosaic offers an opportunity to share in an exciting future.
What are our Values?
We consider our employees to be our most valued ingredient. Mosaic employees are richly diverse in their skills, experience and backgrounds. From engineering, operations, finance, HR, marketing and research, our team came to Mosaic not just for a job but a career that makes a positive impact on the world by nourishing the crops our growing population needs.
Are you our next Team Member?
We are currently seeking an Electrical Draftsperson III at our Esterhazy, SK location. The successful candidate will safely and efficiently carry out the duties of Electrical Draftsperson III in the areas assigned.
What will you be working on?
•Prepare schematics and general arrangement drawings for complete systems, primarily of an electrical and instrumentation nature.
•Prepare detail drawings, wiring diagrams, and B.O.M.s for fabrication and construction.
•Prepare modifications to existing electrical and instrumentation equipment and systems.
Obtain field measurements and checks and prepare as-built electrical and instrumentation drawings.
•Retrieve, trace, redraw, distribute, and file general engineering documents.
•Diligently adhere to all relevant legal environmental requirements.
•Diligently ensure that all relevant OH&S requirements and in-house safety regulations are complied with.
What is required for this role?
•Completed two years' engineering technology training with courses in electrical drafting, computer technology, and/or computer-aided electrical design and drafting or equivalent experience.
•Knowledge of materials, electrical/electronic circuitry, electric power and instrumentation components and equipment.
•Employment is subject to successfully completing Mosaic's pre-employment checks including criminal, drug and alcohol testing.
•Must be authorized to work in Canada.

Mosaic is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values the strength diversity brings to the workplace, and strives to achieve a representative workforce in Canada.
For more information or to apply online, please visit www.mosaicco.com/careers prior to April 20th.
We Help The World Grow the Food it Needs - Apply today and join our team!
Application Instructions:
Online Application Address:

爱Z无边 : 2014-04-04#189
Design Professional
Sarina Homes

Job Description:
Are you are a design professional looking for a unique opportunity in a small team environment? We have a dynamic group that values each other, and is looking for another team member to share our vision of building community. You must be sharp, energetic, humble, and open to growing beyond your present experience and capacity.

This position is focused on continuing to innovate & improve our:
- interior design & product selection
- exterior building design & material composition
- interior & exterior spaceplanning for flow & function

It will also include a broader range of tasks dependent upon individual skills:
- drafting of residential & small multifamily projects
- 3D rendering of marketing & sales materials
- estimating & budgeting
- supplier relationships & material procurement
Basic autocad, 3D rendering, and Excel skills are a must, advanced skills would be an asset.

Visit sarina.ca to learn more about us.
Application Instructions:
Interested? Send Naz your resume at Naz@Sarina.ca

爱Z无边 : 2014-04-04#190
Crimtech Services Ltd.
Employment Start Date:
Employment End Date:
Darren Bajema
Job Description:
Complete technical drawings in instrument, piping, structural, mechanical and other disciplines.
2 Year Engineering Design and Drafting Technology Diploma
Application Instructions:
email to cslhr@crimtech.com
Online Application Address:

老混混 : 2014-04-04#191

maciellivinginCalgary : 2014-06-06#192


cloud123 : 2014-10-28#193