
[评论]涨声响起:加拿大永久邮票 31日起涨价到1元


saodir : 2014-03-20#1
新闻:《涨声响起:加拿大永久邮票 31日起涨价到1元》的相关评论
永久性邮票 31日起涨至1元 【多伦多讯】 31日起永久性邮票价格上涨。(取材自加拿大邮政官网) 加拿大邮政(Canada Post)19日宣布从31日起,邮票价格将有所调整。其中永久性邮票(Permanent Stamps)单张

msc04 : 2014-03-20#2
回复: [评论]涨声响起:加拿大永久邮票 31日起涨价到1元



On March 31, the price of Permanent (or “P”) stamps bought in booklets, coils and panes will be $0.85 per stamp, up from $0.63 today. “P” stamps are valid on standard letters 0-30 g mailed within Canada. A $0.22 stamp will be available as make-up postage for 0-30 g letters for those customers who wish to use previously purchased $0.63 stamps. Permanent stamps, identified with the letter P in place of a value, will continue to be accepted even if they were purchased at a lower price prior to the adjustment.