


yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#1
很久没有给大家汇报最近的情况了,希望大家别生气,呵呵。27号下飞机我就和朋友去了事先租好的房间,房间不大,但是有独立的bathroom,而且包水电,上网,很干净,share kitchen ,TV in the living room that I can watch anytime.月租350,一月一交。房主是广东来的年轻夫妻,很nice,that's just what I want.
这里要多谢我的朋友,为我找到这样好的房子。房主好真是very good luck for me,save many problem for me.
然后又睡了,到上午11点,然后去街上买东西,some household , pillow and quilt .As for the pillow and quilt, I should say if you have them in China,you can bring them here ,better well compacted,save room for you.这里的被子很贵,如果要同样质量的,50到80。我在北京物美看到有单人被,还送4件套,才99,当时没买,真是后悔死了。不过我的行李好多,当时袜子都放不进了,别说被子了,即使是压缩的。

虎皮老猫 : 2006-12-31#2
hi, buddy. You can go to the Metro's Sears. I bought a duvet on Dec 24. It is in promotion, only 19.98.

However, I do not know whether any such good bargain is still left. Perhaps, you can make a call to them.

虎皮老猫 : 2006-12-31#3
BTW, $350!!???

where are you living? Burnaby? Richmond?

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#4
买完被子,再去dollar shop买日用品,都是1dollar左右,check out 的时候,我把coin 数给收银的miss,她直夸我聪明,认对硬币了。呵呵, I'm so happy and told her I just landed yesterday and will look for job today, she opened her eyes so big
so happy day!
没想到Success is closed due to holiday,and will open 2nd,Jan.只好回来,晚上又到朋友家吃饭。

虎皮老猫 : 2006-12-31#5
You should be a female. Am I right?

虎皮老猫 : 2006-12-31#6
It is my first landing. I landed on Dec 18, 2006 from Beijing to Vancouver.

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#7
many thanks for all ,I had bought the duvet, it's cold at night .and you better have one sooner.
接着说,29号发现我的电脑白天上不了网,问房东,他说another roommate直接用网线就好了,奇怪,只好等另个女孩回来,再问。后来又捣鼓半天,没用,直到女房东回来,给我一个光盘,看了才知道自己的notebook was bought in China. so the IP address is different from the one in Vancover. 改过来后,终于可以上网了。

西部羊仔 : 2006-12-31#8

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#9
yeah.I'm a girl
and you? male tiger?呵呵。
30号我的roomate 请我一起去吃早茶,然后和她的workmate have dinner together at downtown.that's very good idea!
My roomate is very nice and intereseting too. I will talk about her later when I have time.
言归正传,我们早早就准备好她的广东老乡drive to pick us up.没想到眼见他们drive straightly across us,so funny.原来记错地方,错把roomate以前的住址当现在。难道他们没有看到two well dressed beauty stand besides???

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#10
以前我以为早茶就是喝茶,没想到就像吃饭,都是点心,真逗,而且人奇多。老外也来凑热闹。我们去的时候已经12点,人还是一拨一拨的, 还好我是先吃了苹果,不太饿,我的roomate就不行了,直想到对面喝coffee垫垫,还好等了10个,终于到我们了。然后吃饭,听着比外语还难懂的广东话,吃着可口的点心,看着各种人,真happy!
喝完早茶,人也暖和了,接着就是shopping了,呵呵!先坐skystrain到Metrotown,没两分钟,roomate's workmate coming,好准时呀。真是佩服天下还有这样好的男士,不光请客,还陪逛街,而且这样准时,真是佩服.
可是接下来,我们的绅士提出一个不错的建议,带我们去new westminster
,到游船上吃饭。我们还真乖,采纳了,然后又折回去 take the sky train to new westminster.下了站,才知道他的游船是指Casino,去就去吧,他还指错方向,I 服了him again.幸亏我看到路牌,没有让腿受累。

大山 : 2006-12-31#11

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#12
到了Casino 的入口,有个黑人坐着守门。人就是这样,不让进越想进,所以我们都想进,可是看到25岁下要查证件,大家就嘀咕,什莫证件呀?后来 the blackman check my id,and said : you look so young!呵呵,真不知是不是对我的compliments.
Casino二楼都是些老虎机,都是老年人在玩,奇怪?后来发现大多都是老年人在玩这些东东,我也看不懂,只觉得像以前的游戏厅,又闹又空气不好。赶快逃上3楼。三楼是餐厅,不过我们的gentlman obviously won't invite us there for dinner.所以又往一楼跑,这里有发牌的赌局,可是发现发牌员都是爸妈级美女帅哥,而且风度不如从前,完全不像美国大片里演的,酷到极点。

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#13
从Casino 出来,我们也累得不行了,这时我们的绅士又有idea,说这里不远有一个stripper club,很正规的,可以去看,鉴于他刚才的天才主意,我们打算放弃,让他快点请客,然后我们走人就好。于是又折回Metrotown,终于坐到饭桌前。......
wait, the following will come soon

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#14
BTW, $350!!???

where are you living? Burnaby? Richmond?

live near Victoria street and 41 street

carl_sun : 2006-12-31#15
many thanks for all ,I had bought the duvet, it's cold at night .and you better have one sooner.
接着说,29号发现我的电脑白天上不了网,问房东,他说another roommate直接用网线就好了,奇怪,只好等另个女孩回来,再问。后来又捣鼓半天,没用,直到女房东回来,给我一个光盘,看了才知道自己的notebook was bought in China. so the IP address is different from the one in Vancover. 改过来后,终于可以上网了。
I think you are misunderstanding with IP address concept.

carl_sun : 2006-12-31#16
live near Victoria street and 41 street

Vancouver eastside.

near to me.

yuqinwen : 2006-12-31#17
really,would you mind to tell me

I think you are misunderstanding with IP address concept.

would you mind to tell me what's the real problem for my computer?

zhinan : 2006-12-31#18

虎皮老猫 : 2007-01-01#19
It does not sound like IP problem.

Are you using wireless or cable to internet? If the latter, it is perhaps very easy. What you have to do is to set the network as automatically configuration. Wipe out all of the fix ip address settings.

Yes, I am a man. I envy that you find a room with such cheap rental.

yuqinwen : 2007-01-01#20
yeah,you are right

It does not sound like IP problem.

Are you using wireless or cable to internet? If the latter, it is perhaps very easy. What you have to do is to set the network as automatically configuration. Wipe out all of the fix ip address settings.

Yes, I am a man. I envy that you find a room with such cheap rental.

yeah,you are right,that's just what I do.
as for the room,that's my friends' help.You can make friends here and sometimes,they will help you too. Not too rush,everything will go well!
Good luck for all of you!:)